How to regain weight after hormonal pills. How to lose weight during hormonal imbalance in women: features, practical recommendations and reviews

For whatever reason you take hormonal drugs: contraception or to treat any diseases, this causes in the body. And stress, as we know, leads to weight gain.

The 20th century presented us with many surprises, both political and scientific. One of the discoveries was the term “hormone”, used in the works of English physiologists E. Starling and W. Bayliss. Although it was started by T. Addison, an English doctor back in 1855 who first began studying the endocrine glands.

Some terminology

Hormonal drugs are medications containing hormones or their synthetic analogues.

Hormones (from the Greek word hormáo - I set in motion, encourage) - hormones, biologically active substances produced by the endocrine glands

Hormones (from the Latin word in - inside and (se)cretus - secreted, secreted inside), secretions of the endocrine glands secreted into the blood and lymph.

How to lose weight by taking hormones

And now, after so many years, hormones and hormonal drugs are on the lips and in the thoughts of the fair half of humanity. Whether hormones were discovered for good or bad is up to doctors and scientists to decide. On the one hand, they save lives, and on the other, they destroy the figure. If you have to choose between life and a slim figure, preference is naturally given to a happy life.
Yes and not so " the beast is terrible, as they paint it" If, while taking hormones, you notice that your weight has begun to increase steadily, do not panic, otherwise you will definitely gain two kilograms. Panic and stress, apart from excess weight and death of nerve cells, will not bring anything good.
How to lose weight while taking hormones? Look at yourself in a full-length mirror, remember yourself as you were before and think carefully about how you want to see yourself and say: “Yes, it’s time to lose weight!”

Is there a diet when taking hormonal hormones? Yes! But for the majority it is their own and is compiled in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations!

Saying and starting to lose weight are two very different things. The main thing is that you don’t have to think for a long time: “What Monday should you start leading a healthy lifestyle, and what diet should you choose?” Just don’t feel sorry for yourself! "It's time to lose weight!" - no sooner said than done.

Like the basic rules for losing weight, no one has canceled them. But still, consult with an endocrinologist or nutritionist, not forgetting to warn about the hormonal drugs you are taking.

Observe restrictions

During and after taking hormonal medications the diet should be individual for everyone . All organisms are different, different ages, different physical activity and different diseases. A nutritionist will help you cope with all this.
But, despite different diseases and different organisms, exclude from your diet:

  1. Fast food and all semi-finished products
  2. Fried, smoked products
  3. Products with a high glycemic index: sugar, white flour products, beer.
  4. Limit your consumption of semolina, potatoes, and white rice.
  5. Limit foods rich in fat: hard and processed cheeses, full-fat dairy products, fatty meats, sausages and sausages.

What can you eat

  1. Vegetables and vegetable soups
  2. Fruits and berries
  3. Lean meat: skinless chicken, beef, veal
  4. Seafood and low-fat fish
  5. Steamed omelette and boiled eggs
  6. Cereals
  7. Bran bread, rye bread, whole grain flour.
  8. Dairy
  9. In minimal doses, butter and vegetable oil

Follow the basic rules for losing weight

Unfortunately, most hormonal drugs increase the feeling of hunger, and there is no escape from this. But don't relax! Remember what you told yourself?

It's time to lose weight! We must keep our word! Who has it easy now?
There are a lot of diets for those who want to lose weight. But you can cope with unwanted appetite without them. The main thing is to follow a diet, eat small portions, at the same time, preferably three main meals and 2-3 snacks. Snacks can include fruits, vegetables, low-fat cottage cheese, bread, low-fat yogurt. The intervals before meals should be equal.
By eating this way, you reduce your daily calorie intake. If the body is constantly full, why does it need extra calories? And he has no need to save in reserve.
After taking hormones, you can supplement your eating style with fasting days. The most popular: kefir, fruit, cucumber.

Physical exercise

While taking hormonal medications and after, forceful exercise is not advisable. But..., daily walks in the fresh air, dancing, Pilates, exercises on the treadmill and even a class, you are quite capable of.

Drink, drink...

Do not limit yourself to liquids under any circumstances. Your norm is 30 ml per 1 kg of weight.
So feel free to take hormones (if necessary for your health) and lose weight!
It's time to lose weight!

Look also

Hormonal drugs have long been part of the lives of many women. They are used in the treatment of complex diseases and as contraceptives. Often taking hormones is the only way to restore health, but like all powerful drugs, hormonal pills have their side effects.

One of these serious disadvantages is rapid and difficult to control weight gain. Getting rid of health problems with the help of hormones, a woman loses her slim figure.

Gaining kilograms occurs individually: for some during a course of hormones, for others after it. In any case, there is no need to panic, because after taking hormones it can be solved.

First of all, you need to consult a doctor who prescribed hormonal-based medications. Usually the doctor prescribes medications for weight loss and prescribes them. However, there are several points that should be excluded from everyday life when starting to fight weight after hormones.

What causes excess weight

When taking hormonal drugs, many factors lead to weight gain. One of them is increased appetite, which is caused by hormones. A woman begins to eat everything randomly and uncontrollably, and then blames hormones. To avoid falling into this trap, you should pay attention to the amount you eat and. These indicators should remain the same both before and during treatment.

Instead of giving up regular foods and drastically limiting the amount of food you eat, it is better to carefully plan your diet. Knowing that you won’t be able to live without a snack, stock up on an apple or a pear rather than buying fast food at a kiosk at a bus stop.

Hormonal drugs also slow down metabolic processes in the body, so during and after taking hormones, limit those foods that promote. This type of food includes everything fatty, fried, smoked, as well as confectionery delights and sweet soda.

It’s not just hormones that lead to weight gain, but also the changes they cause.. Constant fatigue, insomnia or excessive psychological stress also create opportunities for weight gain. Walking, sleeping for 8 hours, not burdensome - and fatigue and lethargy will go away, and the body will get used to the changes in itself.

To help yourself quickly cope with the consequences of taking hormonal drugs, choose a type of physical activity that you enjoy and do it regularly. This could be fast walking, cycling, swimming, dancing, especially oriental dancing, because you can start doing them even if you are overweight. But power loads are not recommended at this moment - they can disrupt the balance of hormones even more. Your favorite type of sports activity will tone your body, strengthen your muscles and add some variety to your boring life.

Many women, when they start taking hormonal birth control, are resigned to the idea that they will gain weight. They sigh when they notice that their clothes are becoming tight, but do nothing, thinking that everything is useless. It really shouldn't have that side effect. If your weight goes up, it means the drug is simply not suitable for you. You need to tell your doctor about this so that he can suggest another option.

Algorithm of actions after hormone withdrawal

  1. Complete the course of hormonal treatment and only then begin to eliminate the consequences. It will still not be possible to act in parallel.
  2. Visit an endocrinologist and discuss a plan for adjusting your hormonal levels with your doctor. Remember that it will take a long time – from six months to a year and a half, so losing weight “today and now” will not work.
  3. Forget about any extreme and ill-conceived diets - they only introduce additional imbalances and disrupt metabolism.
  4. Cleanse the body of toxins and waste - this will improve the absorption of useful things and speed up the removal of waste and harmful ones.
  5. Eliminate all kinds of teas, tablets and miracle weight loss pills from the process of getting back in shape. But you can pay attention to phytohormones, as they can have a positive effect on restoring health.
  6. Drink one and a half to two liters of clean water per day. Supplement the water with green tea, herbal infusions, for example, coffee can be replaced with parsley infusion.
  7. Make a major adjustment to your diet and follow the correct menu consistently and constantly.
  8. Choose the perfect one for yourself.

Approximate diet

  • We exclude sweet, salty, fried, smoked, fatty foods, as well as mayonnaise, marinades, hot sauces, processed foods and fast food.
  • We limit as much as possible potatoes, semolina, white rice and white bread, high-fat milk, processed and fatty cheeses, and instant cereals. It is better to avoid these products altogether while losing weight.
  • Taking special mineral complexes and vitamins will relieve cravings for unhealthy foods, because we are drawn to concentrated and salty tastes when there is a lack of any useful nutrients in the body. That's why we buy them and drink them regularly.
  • We eat 5 times a day every 3 hours. For snacks we use low-calorie foods: vegetables, fruits, natural yogurt, diet bread, fresh salads, low-fat cottage cheese. Any of these products eliminates the feeling of hunger.
  • We increase foods containing proteins. This will enable your body to lose fat rather than muscle mass.
  • There is no need to starve, you just need to create a deficit of 200-300 kcal in your body.

Losing weight after taking hormonal pills is quite possible, but the process of regaining shape in this case will not be quick.

You will need patience and time, but the effort will be fine.

Hormonal drugs are a brilliant invention of modern medicine. However, many still inextricably link this concept with excess weight and the problem of how difficult it is to lose weight after taking hormonal pills, which is not entirely true. The fact is that hormones are completely different, and only some of them can affect the increase in fat deposits.

First of all, we will talk about sex hormones: which are directly responsible for the roundness of the female silhouette.

It is these biologically active substances that are part of oral contraceptives, which are used for many reasons. For example, to avoid unplanned pregnancy, with menstrual irregularities, with diseases of the ovaries and uterus and many other pathological processes that only hormones can eliminate.

It is impossible to completely eliminate the possibility of gaining a couple of extra pounds while taking or after stopping the medication. Because most often, weight gain is caused by fluid retention in the body, a significant improvement in appetite, or an incorrectly selected medication. All these factors, against the backdrop of poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle, make themselves felt in the form of a terrifying number on the scale. How to lose weight after taking hormonal drugs is another topic, which we will talk about in this article.

Losing weight after hormonal pills

  1. The first step is to limit, or even completely abandon, fatty, salty, smoked foods.
  2. Eat more fruits and vegetables.
  3. Forget about cakes and sweets, at least for a while.

As for exercise, in order to lose weight after taking hormonal drugs, it is not at all necessary to exhaust yourself for hours in the gym, but at least a half-hour walk in the fresh air or light exercises at home is quite enough.

For more detailed prescriptions, you can contact your doctor who prescribed hormonal medications. In turn, the specialist can:

  • help adjust your diet;
  • suggest the best option for physical exercise;
  • or, as is often practiced, prescribe special drugs for weight loss.

What hormonal drugs help you lose weight?

Many women, trying to get rid of extra centimeters, sometimes take the most radical measures, such as hormones. However, resorting to hormonal pills in order to lose weight as quickly as possible should be done after a complete examination. Only tests can show exactly what disorders are occurring in the body, on the basis of which the doctor will select hormonal drugs that promote weight loss.

How to lose weight while taking hormonal pills?

If a woman begins to notice intense weight gain while taking hormonal medications, she should immediately consult a specialist. Because this phenomenon may be associated with a disorder caused by improper selection of the drug or individual intolerance of the body.

You can lose weight according to the standard scheme, while taking hormonal pills, but this, as a rule, applies to those cases where the increase in body fat is insignificant.

How to lose weight after hormonal injections?

In some situations, for example, during an IVF protocol or other women's diseases, doctors resort to hormonal injections. Most often, this therapy is not long-term, however, it can fully affect the waist. To lose weight after hormonal injections, you also need to monitor your diet and lifestyle, and if the measures taken are ineffective, consult a doctor.

To avoid complications, according to gynecologist Albina Usenko, it is very important to choose the right remedy. However, as practice shows, it is impossible to avoid the appearance of excess weight after taking hormonal drugs. A nutritionist-endocrinologist spoke about how to lose weight after hormones and what nuances exist in this matter.

Natalya Samoilenko, nutritionist-endocrinologist, chief physician of the clinic "Capital", member of the Association of Dietitians of Ukraine, founder of the movement "Strunka Ukraine"

Why does taking hormones cause weight gain?

Many hormonal drugs increase the feeling of hunger because they directly affect metabolism and hormonal levels in the body. Of particular note is the activation of the production of the hunger hormone ghrelin, which has metabolic and endocrine functions. To cope with unwanted hunger, it is very important to eat small and often - 5-6 times a day. This method in nutrition is called grazing, and it really helps control hunger.

What diet while taking hormones and after completing the course will help you lose weight?

First of all, any diet must be individual. That is, selected by a nutritionist according to age, gender, lifestyle, level of physical activity, weight, and existing diseases. Those who have taken hormonal medications need to pay special attention to the balance of vitamins and microelements, because hormones contribute to increased consumption and removal of nutrients from the body. Your doctor may advise you to supplement the lack of vitamin C, calcium, zinc, iron, chromium, folic acid, selenium and vitamin E.

What foods should you limit to lose weight after taking hormones?

It is necessary to completely avoid foods that have a high glycemic index, since such patients have a reduced ability to utilize simple sugars, i.e., all products made from sugar and white flour, as well as beer, are prohibited. You need to be careful with potatoes, semolina and white refined rice. It is also necessary to limit foods rich in saturated fats, such as fatty meats, sausages, fatty dairy products, processed and hard cheeses, and cream.

Smoked and fried foods, sausages and semi-finished products will cause great harm to an organism weakened by hormonal drugs. It is worth emphasizing that the body during the period of taking hormonal drugs is especially sensitive to low-quality products and food chemicals - dyes, preservatives, flavors, so you should refrain from sausages, processed foods and bright carbonated drinks.

How should you adjust your drinking diet?

The amount of fluid for weight loss cannot be limited, because this will lead to the opposite process - fluid retention, because the body, feeling a lack of moisture, will begin to save and stock up. Lack of fluid will also trigger the development of other diseases. On average you need to drink 1.5-2 liters per day. You can calculate your fluid intake based on the rule: 30 ml per 1 kg of weight.

What physical activities will help you get rid of extra pounds?

Those who have taken or are taking hormonal medications should avoid heavy weight training. To get back in shape and get rid of extra pounds, the best choice is daily walks in the fresh air at a fast pace. Pilates, dancing, swimming, walking, exercises on a treadmill or orbitrack are also suitable. Also, those who are regaining shape after hormones will benefit from yoga classes, which help improve the overall hormonal balance in the body.

Treatment of diseases with hormonal drugs is quite effective, but a large number of pitfalls and side effects somewhat overshadow recovery. There are quite a lot of stories about girls gaining weight after taking hormones.

Therefore, it is important for the fair sex to know how to lose weight after taking such medications and nutritional habits during this period.

What pathologies are treated using hormones?

Treatment using hormones is used not only in gynecology. These medications are prescribed for many conditions:

  • diseases of the thyroid gland, including hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, thyrotoxicosis, autoimmune thyroiditis;
  • diseases of the parathyroid glands, for example, and;
  • acne;
  • inflammatory skin diseases;
  • disruption of ovarian function;
  • infertility;
  • malignant and benign tumors, whose formation is associated with hormonal levels;
  • diabetes.

And this is just a short list of possible reasons. The endocrine system is a very delicate mechanism, interference with which inevitably leads to malfunctions, leading to all sorts of disorders.

Before prescribing medications, all patients are necessarily examined to determine the level of their own hormones in the body. Based on the tests, the doctor selects the medications that will work for each individual patient.

Why does excess weight appear?

There are quite a few factors that can influence weight gain. It is no secret that while taking hormones, appetite increases. Constant hunger leads to eating more foods, including fast carbohydrates. To avoid gaining weight during treatment, it is enough to control your diet and the amount of food you eat. No indicators, especially weight, should change.

In addition to difficulties with nutrition during hormone treatment, a decrease in metabolic rate has an effect. This effect is especially pronounced when the thyroid gland is malfunctioning. Therefore, the content of foods that lead to an increase in the number of fat cells in the body should be kept to a minimum. Such foods include:

  • fat;
  • roast;
  • smoked;
  • bread and other baked goods;
  • confectionery;
  • carbonated drinks.

Taking hormonal contraceptives affects fat metabolism. Estrogens contribute to an increase in fat deposits. Progesterone has a similar effect. Its additional effect is the ability to retain fluid in the body. All this leads to weight gain during treatment.

General factors may also have an influence. Fatigue, insomnia and emotional stress play a role in slowing metabolism and weight gain. In this case, it is worth trying to change your daily routine and diet. Sleep should last at least 8 hours a day, and physical activity can consist of walking and exercise in the morning.

What can you eat during treatment?

The main thing is not to exceed the usual “standards”. You can eat and drink everything. It is enough to monitor consumption volumes. Of course, giving up fast food and other carbohydrates is mandatory. The intake of foods containing fats should be in accordance with the daily balance of dietary fat.

The basis of nutrition is proteins, as they help fight swelling that occurs with long-term use of drugs containing estrogen. But if an increase in appetite is still present, then you cannot go on a sudden diet. Otherwise, the body, which is under stress during treatment, will suffer even more. All this will lead to a new failure, as well as weight gain and the course of taking hormonal drugs will have to start again.

Allowed carbohydrates include the following:

  • whole wheat bread;
  • whole grain pasta;
  • brown and red rice;
  • buckwheat grain;
  • Hercules;
  • bulgur

It is quite difficult to say how you can lose weight and lose weight while constantly taking hormones. Each case is individual, and weight gain will occur differently.

What to do?

Of course, losing weight after taking hormonal pills is not easy. But this does not mean that without proper work on yourself, the weight will not move anywhere.

First of all, you need to calm yourself down. Excessive worries will not help in burning fat. There is no point in constantly getting on the scale and checking every gram, or trying on your favorite, but now too small, dress. On the contrary, it can become an additional incentive. A sober assessment of the problem that has arisen will allow you to identify the right solutions and begin to act in the right direction.

Already when prescribing hormonal pills, you can ask your doctor about the specifics of your diet and permitted foods. He will tell you what the subtleties are and what is best to exclude from your diet so as not to gain weight.

How to lose weight after hormonal drugs? This is the main question that concerns all patients. The following tips will help you lose weight after treatment with hormonal drugs:

  • If a girl begins to gain weight after stopping treatment, then perhaps it’s all about the changed functioning of the body, which needs to be corrected. In this case, you need to visit your attending endocrinologist. He will prescribe the necessary tests, conduct a full examination and tell you the reason for the changes that have arisen. If necessary, additional hormonal correction will be prescribed. And also taking any means that promote weight loss should be taken only with the permission of a specialist and under his supervision.
  • Discuss a suitable diet with your doctor. Almost all the newfangled diets that most girls use to lose weight are not suitable and only worsen the treatment.
  • Cleansing the body of waste and toxins that have accumulated over the years. They are deposited in the liver, kidneys, joints and on the intestinal walls. Normal digestion and the functioning of all organs in this case is impossible. A specialized specialist, for example, a nutritionist, can select the correct cleansing method.
  • Lymph cleansing. Regular activated carbon works well.
  • Adequate water intake. Liquid has always been the key to slimness and health. Weight changes after treatment are no exception. If a woman drinks 1.5–2 liters of plain water a day, the result will not be long in coming. In the near future, your weight will begin to change without exhausting diets and other strict manipulations.

  • Elimination of harmful products. To prevent a girl from gaining weight, it is necessary to limit the consumption of sweet, fatty, fried, smoked, marinades and semi-finished products.
  • Reducing the amount of white rice, potatoes, white bread and other similar foods in the diet. It is also not recommended to eat semolina and any cereals that are considered instant foods.
  • As for dairy products, it is better to avoid fatty sour cream, cream and yoghurts with a fat content of more than 2%. During treatment, fatty cheeses and processed cheeses are not allowed.
  • It is worth getting acquainted with such a concept as the glycemic index. He will tell you which carbohydrate foods should be consumed less frequently and which more often during treatment. For example, oatmeal contains a large amount of gluten, so it is recommended to eat porridge from this cereal no more than 1-2 times a week. Such tables are available on the Internet.
  • Sufficient consumption of clean water.
  • Eating during treatment should be frequent. The break should be no more than 3–4 hours. In between main meals, you can have snacks that consist of fruits, fresh vegetables, bread and low-fat yoghurt.
  • Replenishing vitamin deficiencies with balanced vitamin-mineral complexes.

Example of a daily menu

Diet option for the day:

  • For breakfast, porridge with milk containing nuts or seeds is good. It is complemented with tea.
  • A sweet fruit is recommended for second breakfast.
  • For lunch, you can eat soup in low-fat broth with a piece of meat. During the day, fiber must be added to the main meal. A vegetable salad is good.
  • For an evening snack, you can drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice or berry mousse.
  • For dinner, you can eat low-fat fish with buckwheat, supplemented with vegetable salad.
  • Before going to bed, it is advisable to drink a glass of kefir.

Physical exercise

Is it possible to lose weight on diet alone? Yes, it is possible, but it is impossible to say what the achieved result will be. Supplementing the prescribed diet with proper physical activity will not only speed up the weight loss process, but will also make the weight loss process more effective.

List of permitted activities for hormonal disorders that help reduce weight:

  • yoga;
  • swimming;
  • Pilates;
  • gymnastics;
  • running, including on a treadmill;
  • aerobics;
  • walking.

Anyone undergoing treatment should know how to lose weight while taking hormones. It is important to know that refusing to take medications on your own will only worsen the situation. Correction of the body's functioning is possible only with close cooperation between the patient and his attending physician. The specialist is able to change the diet and select the optimal treatment and nutrition regimen. All that is required from the patient is strict adherence to the prescribed instructions, and then weight loss will not take long to wait.