Literary Memorial House Museum of Dostoevsky. Literary and Memorial Museum F

Literary and Memorial Museum of F. M. Dostoevsky

The life of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was closely connected with St. Petersburg. Beginning in 1837, he became a St. Petersburg resident and changed about 20 addresses over the course of many years. The streets and houses of St. Petersburg are depicted in the writer’s works.

However, among Dostoevsky’s many St. Petersburg addresses, a special place is occupied by the house on the corner of Kuznechny Lane. and st. Dostoevsky, not far from the ancient Church of the Icon of Vladimir Mother of God. Here the writer settled with his family in October 1878 and lived until the day of his death - January 28, 1881. His last novel“The Brothers Karamazov”, “Pushkin’s Speech”. Many of his contemporaries visited Dostoevsky in this house.

A simple, quite ordinary St. Petersburg house, not distinguished by architectural merits, became one of the most attractive attractions of St. Petersburg, thanks to the fact that Dostoevsky lived and died here.

Even in the pre-revolutionary Russian press, notes appeared that spoke of the need to mark this house with a memorial plaque and open a museum here dedicated to the life and work of the great writer. However, this initiative was not implemented, and in the post-revolutionary years it became almost impossible. In 1917, the writer's widow Anna Grigorievna Dostoevskaya left St. Petersburg and settled on her estate on the Black Sea coast. In 1918, she died completely alone, far from her children and grandchildren. All the items that were once in the house where Dostoevsky lived were handed over by her upon leaving St. Petersburg to one of the warehouses for storage and subsequently disappeared, and the materials of the precious archive, with some exceptions, ended up in the state archives.

Then came the years that were unfavorable for the memory of Dostoevsky. Tragic art world writer, his social and religious beliefs were incompatible with the official Soviet ideology. During these years, it was difficult to imagine that it was possible to create a museum in the house where he lived. However, even then famous writers and scientists reminded in the press of the importance of Dostoevsky in the history of Russian culture, and spoke of the need to create a museum in the city where many years of his life passed.

In 1971, the 150th anniversary of the birth of the great writer was celebrated all over the world. By this date, it was decided to open the Literary and Memorial Museum of F. M. Dostoevsky in Leningrad, in a house on Kuznechny Lane. The apartment was restored using archival plans of the house and the memoirs of the writer’s contemporaries. Based on a photograph taken after the writer's death, his office was reconstructed. A large literary exhibition dedicated to the life and work of Dostoevsky was opened next to the memorial apartment.

A great contribution to the creation of the Museum was made by the grandson of the writer Andrei Fedorovich Dostoevsky (1908 -1968), who collected a valuable collection dedicated to the memory of his famous grandfather, which later became the basis of the museum. Family heirlooms were donated to the Museum by Dostoevsky's great-niece Maria Vladimirovna Savostyanova - the most valuable materials from this collection are also on display.

Among the founders of the Museum, it is necessary to name its first director - Boris Varfolomeevich Fedorenko and prof. Nina Perlina (currently teaching at Indiana University, USA).

The opening of the Dostoevsky Museum was a great event in the life of Leningrad. Since then, this house has been constantly visited by fans of the writer’s work from all over the world. Over the years of the Museum's existence, its collection has increased many times. Currently he has a large collection of graphics, applied arts, a significant fund of photographs; the library has about 24,000 volumes, there is a collection theater posters, programs based on dramatizations of the writer’s works, a small manuscript fund has been collected. This collection is constantly being replenished, largely thanks to gifts from visitors, friends of the Museum, and scientists - researchers of the writer’s work.

The museum has a cinema hall where you can watch films and performances based on his works, and attend literary evenings. Every year, in November, when the writer’s birthday is celebrated, the Museum hosts international scientific conferences on the topic “Dostoevsky and World culture" IN exhibition halls exhibitions are constantly held contemporary artists. Today the Museum has become an integral part cultural life St. Petersburg.

The Dostoevsky Museum consists of the following parts:

  • Memorial apartment of F. M. Dostoevsky
  • Literary exhibition dedicated to the life and work of F. M. Dostoevsky
  • Two exhibition halls for exhibitions contemporary art
  • Theater Hall

Memorial apartment

At the beginning of October 1878, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky and his family settled in house No. 5 on Kuznechny Lane (apt. 10) and lived here until the day of his death - January 28, 1881. Soviet years the house on Kuznechny underwent a major restructuring, and ordinary communal apartments appeared in it.

In 1956, a memorial plaque was installed on this house. In 1968 the house was put on major renovation, after which Dostoevsky’s apartment was restored according to archival plans and the memoirs of contemporaries.

On November 11, 1971, Dostoevsky’s birthday, Grand opening Literary and Memorial Museum of the Writer.


Dostoevsky’s wife, Anna Grigorievna, wrote: “Our apartment consisted of six rooms, a huge storage room for books, a hallway and a kitchen, and was located on the second floor. Seven windows overlooked Kuznechny Lane.” Fyodor Mikhailovich's guests usually walked from the hallway to the left along the corridor into the living room. The door led directly into the washroom, and from the washroom into the nursery.

When the Dostoevsky family moved to a house on Kuznechny, the writer’s daughter Lyuba was 9 years old, and his son Fedya was 7. Dostoevsky was married twice. He had no children in his first marriage. In their second marriage, the Dostoevskys had four children. The first daughter, Sonechka, was born in 1868 in Geneva and died three months later. In 1869 Lyuba appeared in Dresden, in 1871 Fedor was born in St. Petersburg, in 1875 in Staraya Russa, where the Dostoevsky family spent the summer, Alyosha was born. In the spring of 1878, three-year-old Alyosha died of an epileptic seizure. “Fyodor Mikhailovich was terribly shocked by this death. He somehow especially loved Lesha, with an almost painful love, as if he had a presentiment that he would soon lose him.” Personal tragic experience was reflected in the novel “The Brothers Karamazov,” which Dostoevsky wrote in 1878-1880.

“Returning to St. Petersburg in the fall<из Старой Руссы>, we did not dare to stay in the apartment, where everything was full of memories of our deceased boy, and settled in Kuznechny Lane...” Anna Grigorievna Dostoevskaya wrote in her memoirs.

Dostoevsky was very caring, loving father, he believed that without children there is no meaning in life. Dostoevsky's special focus was the upbringing and education of children. He often read aloud to children the works of Russian and European writers whom he himself knew and loved from early youth: Pushkin, Zhukovsky, Karamzin, Gogol, Dickens, Hoffmann, Schiller, Hugo, introduced them to the Bible from a book he remembered from childhood - “The Hundred four stories from the Old and New Testaments."

Lyubov Fedorovna Dostoevskaya (1869-1926) became a writer, author of short stories and novels. The main interest for readers is her book about her father, “Dostoevsky in the Portrayal of His Daughter,” which contains a lot of unique information about the lifestyle, habits, and character traits of F. M. Dostoevsky. Since 1913, Lyubov Fedorovna lived abroad. She died in northern Italy.

Fyodor Fedorovich Dostoevsky (1871-1921) loved sports since childhood and was fond of horses. After graduating from the law and natural faculties of the University of Dorpat, he became a major specialist in horse breeding. IN last years Throughout his life, the writer's son, fulfilling the will of his mother, continued to collect and store Dostoevsky's archive. He died and was buried in Moscow, on Novodevichy Cemetery(the grave has not survived). Fedor Fedorovich was married twice, he had sons Fedor (1905-1921) and Andrei.

Andrei Fedorovich Dostoevsky, the writer’s grandson, (1908-1968) made a great contribution to the creation of the Museum. He donated to the museum a valuable collection dedicated to the memory of his grandfather, which became the basis of the Museum’s exhibition. Andrei Fedorovich's children - Tatyana and Dmitry - live in St. Petersburg.


Anna Grigorievna's room is an office business woman. Her whole life was devoted to her husband. She was Dostoevsky's permanent secretary and stenographer, was involved in the publication of his works, the book trade, managed all financial affairs in the house, and raised children. Dostoevsky highly appreciated the work of Anna Grigorievna: he dedicated his last, most important novel, The Brothers Karamazov, to her. After Dostoevsky’s death, Anna Grigorievna spent the rest of her life (37 years) collecting materials about her husband’s life and publishing his works. Based on these materials in 1901 in Moscow Historical Museum"Dostoevsky's Cabinet" was opened. In 1928, this collection became the basis of the Dostoevsky Museum that opened in Moscow.


The whole family gathered together in the dining room in the evening. From his youth, Dostoevsky was accustomed to working at night. Silence - the main condition of his work - came in the house only at night. He started work at 11-12 o'clock at night and worked until 5-6 o'clock in the morning. Then he rested, woke up at one o’clock in the afternoon, came to the dining room and made himself tea. During the day he was busy with publishing, and at 6 o'clock in the evening the family gathered for dinner. “Dinner ended at 7, and he liked to sit alone until 8 or half past 9, and then get dressed and go for a walk...”


At the end of the 70s, Dostoevsky became famous writer not only in Russia, but also abroad. In 1878, the Imperial Academy of Sciences elected Dostoevsky as a corresponding member in the department of Russian language and literature. Numerous visitors came to Dostoevsky with various questions and requests, and he tried to receive everyone. In the late 70s, he was often invited to literary and charity evenings, where he performed a lot, reading excerpts from his works. Contemporaries noted that he had a special gift, and was completely transformed when he read.


The office was reconstructed based on a photograph taken by V. Taube after the death of the writer. It contains memorial items: on the table there is a pen with a feather, a medicine box and a wallet, above the table there is a casket for papers and letters, in the corner there is an icon in a silver frame “The Mother of God, the Joy of All Who Sorrow.” The bookcases contain books that were part of Dostoevsky's library, which the Museum collects according to lists compiled by Anna Grigorievna.

Random guests rarely entered Dostoevsky’s office; here he received only close people. Relatives recalled that he did not like it when something was disturbed in his office - manuscripts, books were shifted, a chair was moved from the place where he left it. This was his creative workshop, and no one should have destroyed its special atmosphere. In this office, Dostoevsky worked on the novel “The Brothers Karamazov”, prepared his famous Pushkin's speech, wrote articles for latest issue“The Diary of a Writer,” which was published posthumously.

Here, in this office, Dostoevsky died. Watch owned by younger brother writer, Andrei Mikhailovich, on a table by the window, stopped at the day and hour of the writer’s death: January 28, 1881.

Literary exhibition

The Dostoevsky Museum was opened in 1971. Its main part - the writer's memorial apartment - has always been and will remain unchanged. But the rest of the museum’s spaces are constantly changing: new exhibitions are held in the museum’s exhibition halls every month, different performances are played in the museum’s theater every evening, and on February 9, 2009, in the halls opposite Dostoevsky’s apartment, a new, third since the museum’s founding, literary exhibition dedicated to his life was opened. and creativity.

The new exhibition uses museum technologies that organically combine the style of Dostoevsky’s era with the design and information capabilities of today. An attempt was made to present the life and work of the writer in direct interrelation, which was decided by the creation of three levels of exhibition: the first is represented by exhibits related to factual material - photographs, portraits of Dostoevsky and his entourage, places associated with his life, documents of the era, letters, manuscripts, etc. The second level is exhibits related to the creative process.

Third level - monitors included in art space exposure, s additional information. A touch kiosk is installed in one of the halls, where visitors can obtain the necessary information. In another room there is an opportunity to demonstrate video programs of the museum, film adaptations of Dostoevsky’s works, documentaries(the screen will lower as needed).

One of the important principles of the artistic and constructive solution of the new exposition is its mobility: sections of the exposition can be replenished with new exhibits, additional material both in multimedia “windows” and in static hanging. In the halls of the new exhibition it will be possible to hold seminars, conferences, organize screenings, and perform performances.

“And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not embrace it” - it is no coincidence that this Gospel quote is included in the epigraph of the exhibition: a black “double” space with endless reflections, flickering light, walls with “window-objects” and the only open window overlooking Vladimirskaya The church, according to the authors of the exhibition, corresponds to Dostoevsky’s “space” and the atmosphere of his St. Petersburg works.

Theater Hall

Dostoevsky loved the theater, often attended performances, concerts, went to premieres, and was friends with actors. In his journalism there are reviews, the heroes of his novels often act out scenes and represent the theater. All his life he wanted to write a drama, but never wrote a single play. Everyone knows the formula “Dostoyevsky’s theater”. The museum and the FMD Theater realized it literally. Traditional "black office", equipped with the assistance of the Government of the Kingdom of Norway modern equipment, has become a wonderful space for stage versions of works by Dostoevsky, Gogol, Ibsen, modern authors. Various St. Petersburg theaters present their performances here, and theaters bring performances from other cities and countries.

Address: 191002, St. Petersburg, Kuznechny lane, 5/2

All literature lovers should definitely visit multiple literary museums St. Petersburg. One of these that deserves close attention is the Dostoevsky Museum. St. Petersburg - one of six Russian museums writer.

Dostoevsky's life is inextricably linked with St. Petersburg: in 1837 he settled in Northern capital, accepting her with all my soul and heart, and managing to change up to 20 addresses over the years of my life. City houses and streets often appear in Dostoevsky's works. A special place among St. Petersburg lovers of the writer is occupied by a house not far from the Church of the Icon of the Vladimir Mother of God in Kuznechny Lane. Architecturally no different from its “brothers”, for native St. Petersburg residents and guests of the city it is noteworthy for the fact that the writer lived here for many years: at the beginning and at the end of his creative career.

It all started with my wife...

Dostoevsky's wife mentioned that their apartment consisted of six rooms, a huge storage room for books, a hallway and a kitchen. Anna Grigorievna was for the writer not only a loving and all-understanding wife, but also a faithful ally - his personal secretary. Fyodor Mikhailovich himself, as a sign of his high appreciation for such activities, dedicated his wife to her main novel of his life – “The Brothers Karamazov”.

After the death of her husband, Anna Grigorievna hatched the idea of ​​perpetuating the memory of Fyodor Mikhailovich. Leaving from hometown, she put all the things from the house where their family had lived in recent years for storage in a warehouse. Unfortunately, all this wealth was lost, and only some materials later ended up in state archives.

In the 1960s of the last century, the ideological inspirer of the museum was the architect-artist Georgy Vladimirovich Piontek. It was he who initiated the transformation of the building on Kuznechny Lane into a memorial house-museum. Not following the prejudices of Soviet ideology regarding Dostoevsky’s work, Piontek turned to the then Minister of Culture Furtseva. The letter became decisive in the epic with the beginning of the organization of the museum.

As part of this good undertaking, it was planned not only to show the life and work of the great writer, but also to create a certain Cultural Center, where contemporary cultural figures and admirers of Fyodor Mikhailovich’s work could gather. And also so that within these walls it would be convenient to watch films and performances based on the works of Dostoevsky. Everything turned out quite well, and the plans came to fruition.

Meet Dostoevsky and his St. Petersburg

Fyodor Mikhailovich moved into the house on Kuznechny with his family in the fall of 1878, and lived for three years until his death.

The literary and memorial museum in memory of the writer was opened exactly on the 150th anniversary of his birth, in 1971. The institution includes a memorial part - the apartment itself, and a hall - the so-called literary exhibition.

Thanks to archival plans, as well as the memories of contemporaries, the organizers were able to restore Dostoevsky’s apartment, and using photographs to reconstruct his office.

The exhibition contains many interesting exhibits, some of which are simply unique. For example, on the map “Dostoevsky’s Petersburg”, made by the artist Boris Kostygov, the addresses of the places of residence of the writer and his heroes are marked. You can even see the houses in the images on the sides of the map.

The first hall of the exhibition is dedicated to the biography of Fyodor Mikhailovich: it presents materials from 1821 to 1864. From biographical information visitors can smoothly approach the study of the writer’s work and his main novels. The second room presents materials relating to the period of life from 1865 to 1881.

The basis of the Museum was the priceless collection collected by the writer’s grandson, Andrei Fedorovich. His great-niece Maria Vladimirovna Savostyanova also did not forget about her famous ancestor: she donated some family heirlooms for the development of the Museum.

Dostoevsky Museum: the richest fund that has no price

In the house on Kuznechny Lane, two floors are allocated for the Museum. The interiors of the apartment rooms display authentic items and books that were given to the Museum by Dostoevsky’s descendants.

The Museum’s collection increases from year to year: visitors and friends bring valuable gifts, and researchers of the writer’s work donate a lot.

The museum boasts full-fledged collections of graphics and photographs, and local science Library has up to 24 thousand volumes in its collections. Here is a collection of programs and theater posters based on Dostoevsky's dramatizations.

The most valuable collections of the Dostoevsky Museum include modern illustrations for the writer’s works: there are up to 2 thousand items, lifetime editions of Fyodor Mikhailovich - 117 copies, and the archive of Alexander Poretsky in the form of manuscripts - 272 items.

On the ground floor in the exhibition halls are held modern exhibitions artists, musical and literary evenings, and in the cinema hall screenings of films based on the writer’s works are organized for visitors.

Over the many years of its existence, the Museum has turned into a scientific and cultural center, employing up to 50 employees, 15 of whom are scientists. Within these walls, annual international readings “Dostoevsky and World Culture” are held. The building also has theater hall, where performances based on the works of the great writer take place. It is not surprising that with such colossal work being done, the Dostoevsky Museum is a member and partner of the Norwegian Society of Friends of the Fyodor Dostoevsky Museum.

The convenient location of the cozy Museum in the city center, interesting excursions attract up to 35 thousand visitors here every year. Here, in the old district, you will be able to feel in the best possible way how you walked along these same streets, lived in these same houses, loved, suffered, and sometimes committed high-profile crimes heroes of Dostoevsky's books.

Dostoevsky Museum (St. Petersburg, Russia) - exhibitions, opening hours, address, phone numbers, official website.

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There are 6 museums of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky in Russia. Perhaps the most interesting one is located in St. Petersburg on the corner of Kuznechny Lane and Yamskaya Street, which now bears his name. Here he spent less than three years, the last of his hectic life engineer, socialist, convict, soldier, officer, gambler and great writer. You can love or hate his work, but we have to admit that few people managed to penetrate so deeply into human soul and describe what you saw in words. Therefore, it is not surprising that there is interest in his life.

A little history

The Dostoevsky family occupied apartment No. 10 in October 1878. Within these walls, he completed his “Pentateuch” with the novel “The Brothers Karamazov” and died on January 28, 1881. Anna Grigorievna Dostoevskaya carefully preserved everything connected with her husband, including a rich archive. It was expected that a Dostoevsky Museum would be created, but these plans were never realized. In 1917, the widow put all her property into a warehouse for safekeeping, and she herself left for Crimea, where she died a year later. Things were stolen, the archive was distributed to different organizations. The museum was finally opened, but only in 1971. The basis of the exhibition was a collection of objects collected by the writer’s grandson A. F. Dostoevsky.

What to see

Memorial apartment

Unfortunately, few original things that belonged to the writer have survived. After reconstruction, the interiors of the rooms were restored according to the memories of contemporaries. There is no ostentatious luxury, everything is quite ascetic, on the desktop there is a cast writing set with candles, and a hat under a glass cover. The clock standing nearby shows the time of his death. On the walls family photos in wooden frames, a lot of children's toys. Cozy atmosphere of a well-established life.

Literary exhibition

Dostoevsky wrote only at night, which is perhaps why the room dedicated to his work is decorated in dark colors. The first thing visitors see is the illuminated death mask the writer, and behind it the stands display manuscripts, letters, and illustrations for his books. There are many photographs of places associated with the life and heroes of the writer, friends and associates. The creators of the exhibition demonstrate its connection creative world and reality, using modern interactive technology.

The only bright spot is the window overlooking the Vladimir Church standing opposite, as a symbol of the return from darkness to light.


It so happened that the writer did not write a single play, although he had wanted this all his life. But in the museum there is a “FMD theater”, equipped as a “black office”, where young actors present stage versions of the works of Ibsen, Gogol and, of course, Dostoevsky himself. Plays by contemporary authors are also shown here.

Practical information

Address: St. Petersburg, Kuznechny per. 5/2, apt. 119. Website.

How to get there: by metro to the station. metro stations "Vladimirskaya", "Dostoevskaya".

Opening hours: Tuesday and Thursday-Sunday from 11:00 to 18:00, Wednesday from 13:00 to 20:00; day off - Monday.

Ticket price for adults - 150 RUB, schoolchildren (citizens of the Russian Federation) - 50 RUB, children under 7 years old, full-time university students, museum workers - free. Prices on the page are for October 2018.

: 59°55′38″ n. w. 30°21′03.37″ E. d. /  59.927222° s. w. 30.350936° E. d.(G) (O) (I) 59.927222 , 30.350936

Date of foundation
Location 191002, Russia, St. Petersburg, Kuznechny Lane, house 5/2.
State Literary and Memorial Museum of F. M. Dostoevsky on Wikimedia Commons

State Literary and Memorial Museum of F. M. Dostoevsky(Saint Petersburg, Kuznechny lane, 5/2) - one of six Russian museums of the great writer Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky.

The idea of ​​creating a museum was hatched by the writer’s widow Anna Grigorievna Dostoevskaya. In 1917, she left Petrograd and a year later died completely alone in Crimea, far from her children and grandchildren. All the items that were in the house where Dostoevsky lived were handed over by her upon leaving Petrograd to one of the warehouses for storage and subsequently disappeared, and the archive materials, with some exceptions, ended up in the state archives.

In the 1960s, an architect-artist came up with the initiative to open and design a museum on Kuznechny Lane, in the house where the writer spent the last years of his life Georgy Vladimirovich Piontek. In this house F. M. Dostoevsky settled with his family in October 1878 and lived until the day of his death - January 28 (February 9), 1881.

The museum was opened on the 150th anniversary of the writer’s birth in 1971. A great contribution to the creation of the museum was made by the writer’s grandson Andrei Fedorovich Dostoevsky (1908-1968), who collected a valuable collection dedicated to the memory of his famous grandfather, which later became the basis of the museum. Dostoevsky's great-niece Maria Vladimirovna Savostyanova also passed on the family heirlooms.

The museum occupies two floors. The writer's apartment and the main exhibition are located on the second floor. The writer's apartment is a corner one, like almost all of his 20 St. Petersburg apartments. Interiors rooms were recreated based on the memories of contemporaries and archival materials. Presented are authentic items from the writer's family and books donated to the museum by his descendants. The exhibition tells about the life and work of Dostoevsky.

The exhibition halls on the ground floor host exhibitions of contemporary artists, literary and musical evenings; The cinema hall shows films based on the works of Dostoevsky. Services offered audio guide.

see also


  • Literary and Memorial Museum of F. M. Dostoevsky in St. Petersburg