The guy from the vintage group. Pletnev about the scandalous departure from the "vintage" and the sharing of money

February 5, 2017, 00:06

In the fall of 2016, a casting was announced for the new composition of the Vintage group. During the casting, four girls were selected: Zhenya Polikarpova, Anastasia Kreskina, Anastasia Kazaku And Anna Kornilyeva. Let's talk in more detail about each of them.

At the age of 6, parents brought Zhenya to music school where she studied piano. Zhenya has been passionate about music since childhood - rehearsals in front of a mirror with a comb in her hands for concerts Britney Spears- was a favorite entertainment while other children ran around in the yard, playing Cossack robbers. In 2003, Zhenya entered a pop school, where she began to study vocals. In 2006, Zhenya participated in the casting for the Star Factory 6 project by Viktor Drobysh, but the casting was unsuccessful. one more interesting adventure in the world of music was Zhenya's participation in international competition young performers popular music « New wave 2009". Over time, constant tours, competitions and concerts began to take up most of the time of the little artist, but this did not stop Zhenya from graduating from a comprehensive school with silver medal. After leaving school, Zhenya moved to St. Petersburg and entered the St. State University Culture and Arts at the faculty of pop-jazz vocals. In 2010, Zhenya announced herself as part of the 2Night group. The debut was the song "Forgive me", which became calling card groups. The single “Thinking about you”, written together with DJ Romeo in 2011, became one of the soundtracks of Valeria Gai Germanika’s serial film “ Short Course happy life". In 2015, Zhenya moved to Moscow and began a solo career. In winter, Zhenya Polikarpova's first video for the song "Promise" is released. In March 2016, the premiere of the single "Blueberry Nights" took place, the author is the artist and composer Sergey Filippov. In April 2016, Zhenya Polikarpova takes part in the Grigory Leps project " Highest standard on the Russian Music Box TV channel.

As part of the group "2Night"

Pro this girl little information on the internet. Originally from Ryazan. Before the Vintage group, she tried to break onto the stage, participating in many auditions. I also wanted to try myself in the acting profession. Writes songs, plays the piano. Height - 160 centimeters, there are several tattoos. Likes sport.

Anastasia Kazaku (22 years old, born February 20, 1994, married, has a young son, maiden name– Kolchanova)

At the age of 6 she got into the Kinder Surprise show group. There Nastya was taught to dance, sing and not be afraid of the stage. Then there was Permian College of Music and the first attempt to conquer Moscow. Nastya went to the capital to enter theater school Tabakov. There, in between auditions, she met her future husband. The guys failed to become students of this university. Two and a half years later, they got married and Anastasia moved to her husband in his native St. Petersburg. In St. Petersburg, a Perm woman began to sing in a karaoke club. Soon Nastya decided to take part in the show "Voice": “I went to the casting, went through two rounds ... and they didn’t take me”. Then a baby appeared, and soon Nastya decided to try to pass a casting in the Vintage group.

Anastasia with her husband Radu and son Timothy

At work in a karaoke club

Singer-songwriter, self-taught, was born in the city of Vladivostok. The first song was "The Road to Happiness", in total Anna recorded 19 songs own composition and filmed 5 video clips. Recorded cover versions of tracks famous performers, this brought her some popularity on the Internet. She performed in clubs, restaurants, as an opening act before concerts of other artists.

Anna with her boyfriend

Here are four completely different girls teamed up to create new history group "Vintage". Under the tutelage and guidance of Anna Pletneva and Alexei Romanof, the girls released the single "Who Wants to Become a Queen" and shot a video clip for it.

Dear gossips, how do you girls? To be honest, they used to cause conflicting feelings in me, but when preparing this post, I revised my attitude towards them. Young, musical, beautiful, creative, not afraid of experiments... Just what our show business and stage need! I wish you good luck girls!

Anna Yurievna Pletneva - Russian singer, from 1997 to 2005 soloist Russian pop group"Lyceum". Today she is the soloist of the Vintage group.

Anna was born on August 21, 1977 in Moscow, in a family of musicians. From childhood, Anya was a restless and energetic child. It happened that at a tender age she brought a lot of trouble to her family, performing unpredictable acts. Once the girl even ended up in the police when she tried to exchange her October badge for chewing gum.
There was a case when Pletneva, while still a girl, worked as a backup dancer for one of the groups. On the stage, she saw Alla Pugacheva and after the performance boldly approached the Primadonna, confessing her love to her. To which the touched star replied to Anna that if she worked as hard as Pugacheva, then she, too, would succeed in everything in life.

As a child, the girl was not particularly interested in music. But in adolescence fell in love with the singer Vladimir Presnyakov: in himself and in his work. Since then, she "fell ill" with music, went to almost all the concerts of her idol and even dreamed of singing a duet with him. Anya's brother, knowing about her love, got her an autograph from Vladimir. And happy Anya kept this cherished piece of paper under her pillow, taking it out every evening for five years and admiring it. Not surprisingly, that leaf has long since turned to dust. Pletneva still believes that it was her love for Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. that made her a singer.

By the way, Anna's dream to sing a duet with Presnyakov, nevertheless, came true. Already being popular singer, Anna and Vladimir had a chance to fly on tour together. And when Volodya found out about Pletneva's childhood dream, he immediately invited her to sing a few songs together.

The career of the singer Anna Pletneva began in 1997 in famous group"Lyceum", in which the girl replaced the dismissed Lena Perova. However, for this, Pletneva had to endure a difficult qualifying competition, in which the girl beat 80 applicants for this place.

The girl gave 8 years of her life to this team. She even, being in a “very interesting position”, went on stage at the 9th month, hiding her stomach behind a guitar and under a spacious shirt dress. Then she felt contractions right during the concert, and the next day she gave birth to Varya, her first daughter. By the way, Pletneva did not connect her life with the father of her first child, considering him not ready for this. Being the initiator of the gap, she herself suffered very much at the same time.

In 2005, Anna Pletneva left the Lyceum group in order to start her own solo career. End of her contract with the band in a strange way coincides with events in Ukraine when she refused to perform with a group in support of the Orange Revolution.

Despite the break with the group, Anna is very grateful to the Lyceum. She considers it an excellent school that prepared her for a successful solo career, and after which it is already possible to issue a professional diploma.

Working in the Lyceum trio, for 8 years Anna Pletneva managed not only to give birth to a daughter, but also to receive two diplomas of higher education: a teacher of pop-jazz vocals and a diploma of a sculptor. Also, shortly before leaving the group, Anna managed to fall in love again, get married and become pregnant with her second child. Her second husband, Kirill Syrov, is a businessman and co-owner of the Domestic Medicines company.

In 2006, Pletneva and Alexei Romanof, an ex-member of the A-Mega group, with the financial support of Syrov, create their own Music band titled "Vintage".

In 2008, Vintage, together with actress Elena Korikova, presents scandalous video"Bad Girl", which made the group famous and recognizable. For some time, she and Korikova even went on tour together and gave concerts.

The next hit of the group, “Eva, I loved you”, dedicated to Eva Polna, the former soloist of the group “Guests from the Future”, also made a lot of noise. The composition and the clip filmed for it, sang lesbian love. For Pletneva, then the image of a “bad girl” was finally entrenched.

In 2009, in the fall, the Vintage group released another album called SEX. It is not at all difficult to guess its content. Also in the fall of 2009, Anna Pletneva becomes a mother for the third time, having given birth to a son in a Swiss clinic.

In 2010, Pletneva released a video in which she appeared as Mickey Mouse, the sad symbol of the show business industry. This composition was dedicated to Michael Jackson, the pop king of the world stage. With the English version of the song, Pletnev plans to conquer the Western audience.

Anna Pletneva is a talented and very fearless person. She loves extreme sports, fast driving and shocking. She loves extraordinary antics. And underwear on stage and in clips becomes her usual form of clothing. The very unangelic actions and habits of this girl are combined with talent, voice, sense of style and musical taste. To love music, to use her talent correctly, Anna also teaches her students, whom she teaches at State Academy them. Maimonides, at the Department of Jazz Music.

At the beginning of the biography, one could safely add to the description of Pletneva’s activities to the phrase “Russian singer”: songwriter, guitarist, vocal teacher, sculptor, karateka and mother of three children. All these qualities are embodied in a small and fragile woman, with a height of 159 cm and a weight of 46 kg.

27-year-old former soloist of "Vintage" Evgenia Polikarpova took part in the casting of the show "SONGS" of the TNT channel. The actress admitted that she was upset about the breakup of the group. “I expected a great future. But, apparently, it happens in life, ”said the singer. In a conversation with the host Pavel Volya, Evgenia said that she dreams of getting into the team with Maxim Fadeev.

The brunette performed the SEREBRO song "Don't Hurt More", composed by the founder of the MALFA label and Olga Seryabkina. The jury members came to the conclusion that Polikarpova is similar to the ex-soloist of the group Elena Temnikova.

“Zhenya, you just remind me very much of one of the soloists SEREBRO groups. Therefore, I personally would not like to repeat myself, ”said Maxim Fadeev.

However, Semyon Slepakov and Timati reacted differently to Evgenia's number. The comedian said that the girl is "deeply sympathetic to him as a person and a professional." In turn, Timati also decided to give Polikarpova a chance and skip her to the next stage of the selection. The artist's joy knew no bounds.

Evgenia's performance provoked discussions in fan groups dedicated to Temnikova. “Even the movements resemble Lena”, “Fadeev would take her to the group. And the appearance is, and the voice. And it can be passed off as the “return” of Temnikova”, “Is it the only one who thinks she’s hard mowing under Lena?”, “Copy,” they commented on social networks.

Some found that Fadeev was still offended by former soloist group, so he refused to vote for Polikarpova. “This only confirms that he cannot forgive Lena for leaving the group ... Fadeev does not want to repeat himself, because it was for this reason that after Shashina left, he took copies of her,” they said in one of the communities.

At the same time, other fans of Elena, on the contrary, found that Evgenia is far from their favorite artist. “And not even close. In general, for Fadeev it is unprofessional - to evaluate performers by appearance”, “She reminds Temnikova only with the make-up of the early SEREBRO and her behavior on stage ... This is very noticeable, it looks like an unsuccessful parody. You always need to look for yourself, and not copy someone, ”they discussed on the Web.

Evgenia Polikarpova got acquainted with the reaction of the public and hastened to respond to accusations of copying Temnikova.

“I want to say to those who consider my invented similarity with Lena T. a carbon copy - do not judge me by the image on the show, look at the photos and listen to the music that I release, and you will understand that what I am working on is not at all not like the work of Lena, whom I love very much as an artist. You need to understand that it was just an image. To be honest, I'm tired of these comparisons. Tired of constantly reading about it, ”the girl said.

According to the girl, she was previously suspected of trying to become a copy of Anna Pletneva. “Maybe we should decide? Or do you just like making memes?" - with these words, the artist turned to the followers.

Anna Pletneva is one of the most outrageous and sought-after singers in the domestic show business. Thanks to her bright appearance and talent, she managed to win the hearts of numerous fans. We will talk about the fate of this extraordinary girl in this article.

A chidhood dream

The biography of Anna Pletneva began in 1977 on August 21 in the city of Moscow. She grew up in a family of musicians and early years practiced singing. IN school years the girl was fond of creativity Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. and went to all the performances of her idol. One day, her brother gave her a real treasure - an autograph famous singer. For five years, the girl kept it under her pillow and took it out every night before going to bed. Once Pletneva nevertheless managed to fulfill her childhood dream: together with Presnyakov, she performed the famous composition "Zurbagan".

Group "Lyceum"

The biography of Anna Pletneva is striking in its richness. The girl has always sought to loudly declare herself. And in 1997 she succeeded - she joined the famous group"Lyceum". At this time, she left the team Lena Perova, and Anna successfully replaced her. Then the "Lyceum" was at the peak of its popularity, it had the most prestigious awards. Russian show business- "Ovation" and "Silver Microphone". As part of this group, Pletneva lasted eight years. The contract with the singer was terminated in 2004, when, during the revolution in Ukraine, the girl refused to speak in support of new government. Anna Pletneva, whose biography is of interest to many, considers her work at the Lyceum an excellent school that allowed her to become professional singer. In parallel with the work in this trio, the girl studied and received diplomas of a vocal teacher and a professional sculptor.

Group "Vintage"

The creative biography of Anna Pletneva as a singer continued in the Coffee with Rain group. This team did not last long, in its composition the girl managed to record the song "Nine and a half weeks", which was composed for her by Alexei Romanov. On this collaboration of these two talented people didn't end. Soon on national stage a new musical group called "Vintage" appeared. In addition to Anna, it included the dancer Mia and the singer Alexei Romanov. The girl searched for her style of performance for a long time, collaborated with various musicians, consulted with professional arrangers and vocalists. In the end, she managed to create her own original image on stage and at the same time conquer a large Russian audience.

Peak of popularity

quickly became popular group"Vintage". Anna Pletneva, whose biography is discussed in this article, recorded several memorable songs: “Loneliness of Love”, “Mother America”, “Eve”. In 2007, it sounded on the radio new single"Criminal Love" And a year later, Anna, together with Elena Korikova, sang the song "Bad Girl" and shot a very frank video for it. The public liked the outrageous antics of the singer. In autumn 2009 went on sale new album group "Vintage" - "SEX". Moreover, the name of the disc fully corresponded to its content. In 2010, the girl took try again surprise her fans, appeared before them in the image of Mickey Mouse and recorded the song of the same name. She dedicated this composition to Michael Jackson and his unique work. The video for this song turned out to be very bright. The singer appeared in it either as a factory toy, or as a glamorous show character. She again managed to attract the attention of the public, however, many compared her outrageous tricks with the tricks of Lady Gaga and Madonna.

First marriage

Anna Pletneva does not leave the pages of glossy publications. Biography, photos of the singer regularly flash in the press. Information about her personal life also often becomes a subject of discussion. It is known that in 2003 she first married a non-public person and gave him a daughter, Varvara. After the birth of his daughter, the man was forced to leave the family at the insistence of the singer herself. She decided to divorce for the sake of the child, for whom former spouse was not ready to become an exemplary dad. Anna Pletneva experienced a difficult period at that moment. The girl's biography includes many disturbing events, but parting with her first husband was especially difficult for her. She was constantly depressed, often cried, she lost ten kilograms on nervous grounds, but even during pregnancy she did not want to leave the stage and continued to perform. Now the singer assures that Varvara was born almost during the next performance.

Second marriage

The singer's personal life crashed, but her group "Vintage" became incredibly popular. Anna Pletneva, whose biography is complex and instructive, found oblivion in her work and daily worries about her daughter. With her second husband - Syrov Kirill - the girl had known for a very long time. While still a soloist of the Lyceum, she met him in one of the Moscow clubs. The businessman then asked for her phone number, but quickly got lost in the crowd of her many fans. The second meeting of the future spouses took place three years later, when Cyril divorced his wife. Then the young people again quickly parted. Ten years later, their paths crossed again. Syrov approached the singer and asked if she remembered him or not. This time the man persisted, and Anna gave in. The relationship of lovers developed rapidly, and soon they began to live together. Pletneva was very worried about how Varvara would react to her new chosen one, but the singer's doubts were in vain. The girl quickly became friends with him, and after a while Anna gave birth to two more children - a daughter and a son.

Scandalous statements

The soloist of the Vintage group Anna Pletneva is known for her controversial statements. The biography of the singer is marked by several scandalous statements in the press. Either she accuses singer Polina Gagarina of plagiarism, or she shares details of her personal life with journalists, or she claims that she suffers from a split personality. All these outrageous statements are presented with a great deal of humor, so they amuse rather than shock. Indeed, for all the provocativeness of her image, Anna never becomes a heroine dirty scandals and gossip. IN ordinary life this is a wonderful wife and mother, constantly caring for the well-being of her loved ones.

Now you know the biography of Anna Pletneva. This talented artist will amaze the audience more than once with her new songs and videos. We wish her creative longevity and happiness in family life.