The Voyage of Christopher Columbus. Story for children

Imagine that one day your child, having read books about Robinson Crusoe, Gulliver and Phineas Fogg, comes to you with a question: why are the main characters of adventure books for children adults?

Do not rush to answer that the hardships and dangers of long journeys are beyond the capabilities of children. Instead, encourage your child to read about amazing adventures their peers.

In our list you will find best books about travel in which children play the main role. This is mainly literature for school age, but some stories can also be read to preschoolers.

1. Selma Lagerlöf “Nils’s Wonderful Journey with the Wild Geese”

This fabulous book was actually intended as a textbook on the geography of Sweden. But even schoolchildren will agree: if all textbooks were like this, no one would yawn in class.

In the meantime, you can go on the road with Nils and experience exciting adventures. Nils' path is full of secrets and dangers, but he always has friends next to him who will help in difficult times.

2. Elena Rakitina “The Great Journey Home”

Mishka and Egorka are restless and curious people. Today they are going to the forest for a party of gnomes, tomorrow African natives are waiting for them, and the day after tomorrow they plan to take a tram ride along hometown. I really want to join their company and see how diverse the world is.

3. Alfred Shklyarsky “Tomek in the land of the kangaroo”

How many times did Tomek Vilbovsky, an ordinary teenager, dream of traveling! His dreams came true: he went on a real expedition to Australia and learned from his own experience what a storm at sea is and how dangerous a meeting with a predator is. Shklyarsky wrote 9 books about Tomek’s travels, and his adventure books have been read by more than one generation of children.

4. Ernest Seton-Thompson "Little Savages"

Boys study so reluctantly... Not at all - they comprehend some sciences with pleasure. Young heroes The books decided to spend the summer in the forest, like real Indians: to live in a wigwam they built with their own hands, learn to shoot without missing a mark and read animal tracks.

The adults supported their idea, and the old hunter shared useful secrets of the Indians.

5. Alexander Volkov “The Wizard of the Emerald City”

The girl Ellie considered herself a homebody, but one day a hurricane carried her to a distant country - she had to travel involuntarily to return home. But how many new things she learned along the way and how many friends she made!

Then Ellie went on fairytale journeys more than once, and when she grew up, she passed on her love of travel to her daughter Annie. This is described in other books by Volkov.

6. Jules Verne “The Children of Captain Grant”

37th parallel south latitude- this is a thin line on the map and the endless expanses of the oceans in reality. Somewhere on this parallel Captain Grant found refuge after a shipwreck.

His children, Robert and Mary, go in search of their father. Like all travel books written by Jules Verne, this story grabs you from the first pages.

7. Ian Larry “The Extraordinary Adventures of Karik and Valya”

Dragonfly as vehicle - the best choice for those who want to get to know the tiny inhabitants of our planet better.

Children of normal height cannot fly on dragonflies, but Karik and Valya were helped by a professor who invented a shrinking elixir. The journey through the thick grass begins!

8. Vitaly Korzhikov “Solnyshkin’s Merry Voyage”

Sailor Alyosha Solnyshkin has already grown out of his children's pants, but has not lost his childish curiosity. It will help him in difficult voyages, and everyday life on the ship will not seem boring and monotonous.

Read the continuation of the story in the books “Solnyshkin sails to Antarctica” and “Ice adventures We swam, we know.”

9. Masha Vaisman “Isn’t it fun?”

A trip to the sea with the whole family is very cool. There are mountains that look like dragons, silent jellyfish, puddles with healing mud, tourists in tents and gold fish, to which you can whisper your wishes. Look around through the eyes of the boy Fili - isn't it fun?

10. Kir Bulychev “The Adventures of Alice”

Parents often take their children to work. But if dad is a cosmobiologist, then he has to work on distant planets, which means that his daughter has the opportunity to travel around our galaxy and even beyond.

Alice takes advantage of this opportunity, making friends among aliens and taming strange animals from other planets. Bulychev wrote a series of books about Alisa Selezneva, in which the girl travels both in space and time.

11. Robert Louis Stevenson "Treasure Island"

Think there's no place for children in a pirate adventure novel? But Stevenson entrusted the role of narrator and main character to teenager Jim Hawkins.

Jim accidentally got involved in the search for Captain Flint's treasure, but showed himself to be an observant, resourceful and courageous member of the expedition. Complete your reading by watching a magnificent cartoon by David Cherkassky.

12. Fyodor Konyukhov “How I became a traveler”

Fedor Konyukhov - famous traveler, who completed 5 voyages around the world and crossed the Atlantic Ocean in a rowing boat. And the first independent travel He undertook at the age of 15, conquering the Sea of ​​Azov alone. How the boy prepared for the sea voyage and what he encountered along the way, you will read in this book.

13. Aaron Becker "Journey"

There are so many discoveries, excitement, joys in this book - but not a single word. Travel with your children through the painted worlds of Aaron Becker, learning to recognize beauty and notice little things that the eye usually doesn't linger on.

It is quite possible that these books will awaken a passion for travel in a child, and he will create his own route for new family trips. And if you show that you are well versed in children's attractions (this will help you), the child will be grateful to you for your advice.

What child doesn't want to go on a fantastic journey? To the ends of the world, towards incredible adventures or in another fairy world? Travel can be very different. In time (books about Alisa Seleznyova) or between worlds (Coraline by Neil Gaiman). Unusual and very educational journey committed by Karik and Valya, reduced to the size of insects. A similar fate befell Nils from Selma Lagerlöf’s fairy tale, but it was not the scientific experiment that was to blame, but his own behavior. And travel with wild geese taught him to be brave and honest.

It is especially pleasant to read about the exciting adventures of peers. Magic transformations- that's one thing, but rafting down the Mississippi with Huckleberry Finn or going on a pirate ship in search of treasure; survive all the difficulties and hardships of being at sea, like Dick Sand, a fifteen-year-old captain... The heroes of these books are not fairy tale characters, and ordinary children are like the young reader himself.

Yes, adventure books, which twenty-five years ago children usually devoured in volumes, now for some reason are not always suitable for modern children. Some fit, some don't. I'm looking too.

Adventure, fantasy, detective and science and at the same time interestingly written. There are also series about robotics, especially the series “Detective Elijah Bailey and the Robot Daniel Olivo.” Fiction for children. Books. Child from 7 to 10.


The coolest domestic science fiction writer

If it’s science fiction for children, then I highly recommend Asimov’s series about Lucky Starr (sometimes translated as Lucky Starr). It's very difficult to find in print, but it's what you need. Adventure, fantasy, detective and science and at the same time interestingly written.

There are also series about robotics, especially the series “Detective Elijah Bailey and the Robot Daniel Olivo.”

And I myself really love all the books in the “Foundation” series (sometimes translated “Academy”).

Sea adventures for children of all ages: what to read to a child. Books for schoolchildren: adventures and travel. Reading for a girl (12 years old). Maybe you can also throw in some adventures (not necessarily with girls in leading role)?


Help me remember the title of the book - just when I was 10-11 years old I found a thick, falling apart book about real sailors - the history of Cook, Magellan, Columbus - in artistic execution and historical accuracy
I just read this book avidly, then reread it several more times... but I never liked fairy tales, I liked something “real” more.
And now I can’t remember the name(((

The "Club" also mentions "The Sea Sorceress" by Sabbatini. And when I was 12 years old, I liked the book “The Boatswain Knows Everything” (the author, I think, is Viktor Konetsky) - a collection of funny stories about the adventures of sailors during the war and after.

Section: Books (Gulliver book for what age). at what age to read (if the child reads independently). 1. Gulliver 2. The Adventures of Captain Vrungel 3. Academy of Pan Blobs 4. Yellow Fog, Seven Underground Kings, etc.... 5. Russians folk tales(Not...

Raising a child from 7 to 10 years old: school, relationships with classmates, parents and teachers, health, extracurricular activities, hobbies. I’ll try to reformulate the question: what books are interesting to your 8-9 year old boys?


Here is a book about the adventures of a boy in Australia. Read book reviews.
Alfred Shklyarsky: Tomek in the land of the kangaroo - next book on this book. there will be extra this week. 10% discount

There is a sequel - Tomek on the dark continent - for this book in the Labyrinth until the end of this week. 10% discount. I bought this book and now I read it with pleasure, even though it is for children.

Here is a series of books about the adventures of a Neanderthal boy

Here is a series of books about schoolchildren

Here is the series Merry Company

One day Sofia was playing with her friends in the yard and saw an unfamiliar girl standing on the sidelines. Approaching her, Sofia smiled and asked tenderly:

What is your name?

Varvara! I came to Dobroye to stay with my grandmother. I don’t know anyone here yet... Maybe you’ll want to be friends with me?

Sofia was glad that she now had a new friend and hurried to invite Varenka to visit.

Mom was making soup when the girls ran into the kitchen and asked permission to play with the porcelain set for dolls that dad had recently bought for Sofia. Mom, of course, allowed it. And also, she took out two big apples and treated the children. True, she told me to wash my hands first. Sofia led her guest to the bathroom, but she grimaced:

I'm lazy! Let's tell your mom that we washed our hands, but we won't!

What are you doing? You can't do that! “I would never deceive my parents,” Sofia was indignant.

Varvara reluctantly put her palms under the stream of water, but at the same time remarked displeasedly:

And who told you that you can’t lie? By the way, lying is very interesting!

The girls took the treat and went to play in the yard. No matter how Sofia tried to explain to her friend that lying is a vile thing, Varvara only giggled, not wanting to agree. And suddenly, she suggested:

Do you want me to show you my country?

Sofia, of course, really wanted this, but how could they leave the village without their parents’ permission? And Sofia didn’t even doubt that her mom and dad wouldn’t let her go anywhere - she was still very little... But Varvara seemed to read her friend’s thoughts and quickly jabbered:

The main thing is that you yourself must want to go on a trip, and so that your parents don’t find out anything, you need to do one tiny thing... You need to deceive them!

Seeing frightened eyes Sofia, the girl continued:

Don't be so afraid! This is just one time. Nobody will know anything! You just need to lie, and then close your eyes... and that's it! You will immediately find yourself in my country Vrunland. It’s very beautiful there, and the people are so kind that they give candy to all the children they meet on the street! And why did you say “you can’t lie”? Here, explain to me why?

Sofia didn’t know what to answer... She, in fact, never thought about why lying is bad. It’s just how her parents taught her, and she believed them. The girl still couldn’t find an answer to Varvara, and on the way home she was still thinking about her friend’s words. For some reason, it began to seem to her that lying really wasn’t so scary. And how she wanted to go on a trip! Lent was coming to an end, and she was so sad without her favorite cartoons and entertainment... Of course, her parents didn’t force her to give it up! Mom just suggested: “If you want, we’ll all fast together.” Sofia, of course, really wanted to. It would seem, is it really difficult - to give up chocolate, and instead of the zoo, sit in silence, pray for grandma, who has a very strong problem? Lately did your legs hurt? It turned out to be very difficult! And I wanted chocolate like never before, and I didn’t have the strength to pray: you just start, and your eyes are already closing... But Sofia tried as best she could. She's part of the family! And now, when Varenka offered to stay in her country, Sofia wanted it so badly that she could no longer help herself.

Before going to bed, when her mother leaned over her bed to kiss her beloved daughter, she decided:

Yesterday my teacher at school told me that I was the smartest in the class!

Mom raised her eyebrows in surprise, but didn’t answer. She just straightened the blanket and wished her sweet dreams.

Sofia lay in the dark and tried to cope with shame. It turns out that lying is very simple, but somehow unpleasant. After all, the teacher, in fact, did not tell her anything like that...

She closed her eyes and in the blink of an eye found herself in an unfamiliar place. The gray city surrounded her on all sides. The unkempt houses seemed completely lonely and uninhabited. There were mountains of garbage on the sidewalks. Sofia raised her head and saw that the sky was overcast. The sun was not visible at all. And then she saw Varenka walking towards her.

Eh, Sofyushka, and you ended up here... I was so hoping that you wouldn’t deceive anyone after all!

But weren’t you the one who told me that lying isn’t scary and even interesting?! And also, you said that Vrunland beautiful country, but I see only darkness and mountains of garbage...

You see, I lied to you. I also deceived my sister once, and I even thought it was funny. Then I lied constantly and couldn’t stop. You quickly get used to lies... Some time passed and I ended up in Vrunland. I live with my family during the day, but I lie all the time, so I end up here every night. The people here are very sad, and they probably also want to never return to this country, but they can no longer stop and stop lying. The sun never shines in Vrunland, and therefore there is constant darkness here.

Varvara lowered her eyes, sniffed and muttered quietly:

Forgive me, I deceived you too and invited you to Vrunland because I was jealous of your honesty.

Sofia sighed:

I forgive you, but we need to quickly think about how to get out of here! I don't like it here at all!

You can't escape from here. We will get to Dobroye only in the morning, and we will have to wander in the darkness all night. You know, there’s not even anything living here: no flowers, no birds, no animals! Disgusting country!

Sofia thought for a minute, and then asked:

Who told you that it is impossible to get out of Vrunland?

This is written in the law of the country. Look at all the houses!

The girl took a closer look at the end of the nearest building and saw the inscription: “The law of Vrunland prohibits everyone on the territory of the country from leaving it on their own. Also, all people are prohibited from telling the truth. Lawbreakers will remain in the country forever!”

Sofia turned to her friend:

Varenka! So, if everyone in Vrunland lies, then the law is also a complete lie! And to return home we just need to tell the truth!

Varvara was scared:

I'm afraid! What if, if we don’t lie, we’ll actually stay here forever?!

Do not worry everything will be alright! But in order not to lie, you need to be brave! The truth is not always easy to tell...

Then an old woman appeared around the bend. Stopping near her friends, she squinted slyly and said:

I've never seen you here before! And I’ve been living here, by the way, for ten years! Probably, little ones, you are obedient and kind children, and, of course, you don’t deceive anyone. It is so?

Varvara opened her mouth to lie, but looked at Sofia and timidly answered:

Grandma, we are actually liars.

But we will definitely improve!

And suddenly a warm breeze picked up the girls and began to carry them high - high into the sky! Out of fear, they closed their eyes, and after a few seconds they found themselves in their cribs.

Morning has come in Dobroye. Varvara opened her eyes and joyfully whispered: “I will never deceive people again!” At the same time, Sofia confessed to her mother, who came to wake her up:

Mommy, I lied to you yesterday. The teacher didn't tell me that I was the smartest in the class. Now I understand: you can’t lie also because when you deceive others, you should expect the same from them.

Mom looked sternly at her daughter and said:

That's right: you need to treat people the way you want them to treat you. And lies are a very terrible evil. It's good that you confessed everything!

The girl hugged her mother, and her soul suddenly became light and calm. And, outside the window, a ringing bell was heard, announcing the good news - Christ is Risen! Sofia decided that she would remember this Easter for the rest of her life. Otherwise it can not be!

Also on our website you can

Oh, and we also have educational stories for the whole family in the section

Moms and dads are welcome

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We have also prepared for you:

Once upon a time, a very, very long time ago, somewhere very, very far away, two babies were born - Theodora and Minodora. And everyone who came to them for the christening of the diva...

Once upon a time there lived a seamstress. Paraskeva's name was Nikitichnaya. She knew how to sew such dresses - you can’t take your eyes off them! And he will collect ruffles from unruly fabric, and airy lace...

That was a long time ago. In 1451, a son named Christopher was born in Genoa to the weaver Columbus. In his youth, he studied well, knew a lot, and strived for a lot.

Christopher Columbus with early years acquired knowledge of geography and made several sea voyages.

One day the idea came to his mind to travel to India; but he needed a small fleet. Columbus addressed this question to the governments of England and Portugal. But he was refused.

After much ordeal, he made a request to the Spanish King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, and they gave their consent. Three ships and one hundred and twenty crew - and Columbus’s small fleet set off to seek his fortune. This happened in 1492, on August 3.

Ten days later the fleet found itself near the Canary Islands. Although Columbus's crew consisted of brave people, all movements on the open sea for the first time and, moreover, in a direction unknown to them, were dangerous. This whole event seemed almost like a crazy step.

After some calm, a fair wind blew, and now, passing the heights of the island of Ferrat, the fleet found itself in the night ocean. For four days the travelers saw nothing but water and sky, but on the fifth day birds appeared: a white and crested heron and a wagtail. The sailors were glad that the land was close, although they did not know how far from the land these birds could fly.

But this was a false hope.

The weather was very favorable for the journey, but there was no land in the distance, and the crew was already ready to disobey Columbus.

The superstitious travelers decided that they were being led nowhere by a hostile force that constantly deceived them with false phenomena, and they began to talk loudly. Finally, several more days passed, and sea grasses appeared in such abundance that they were afraid that they might end up on an underwater rock.

Columbus consoled those who grumbled by promising the one who would be the first to see the land a generous reward.

But again several days passed, and the sea grass disappeared. There was an uproar on the ships and the entire crew began to demand that Klumb turn back. Columbus might have decided to abandon his enterprise; but fortunately, the next day after the request, they began to notice signs of the earth and its proximity, for example, they found either a floating light branch or a stick and began observing again.

But Columbus, without taking his eyes off the West, began to notice in the evening, around ten o’clock, two bright lights in the distance, and not believing the sign himself, he called one of his companions. The latter saw this himself, then Columbus did not take his eyes off these lights until two o’clock in the morning, until a cannon shot announced the actual appearance of this land that Columbus was looking for in his dreams; it was October 12, 1492.

In front of him lay a beautiful island, covered with the most pleasant greenery and luxurious trees, so that in the eyes of the Spaniards it was like a continuous garden. As they approached, they clearly saw people running there.

Columbus dropped anchor, ordered the boats to be lowered, and dressed in a purple dress with a Spanish banner in his hand, surrounded by warriors, went ashore.

In joy that he had discovered a new world, justified his hopes and was saved from ridicule and persecution, he kissed the ground upon reaching the shore, and, hoisting a banner, named this island San Salvador, which means “Savior.”

Columbus, drawing his sword, demanded from his crew an oath as Viceroy and Admiral.

Everyone sincerely expressed their gratitude and love to Columbus; everyone rushed to congratulate him on the opening; and the perpetrators asked him for forgiveness.

As for the inhabitants of the island, they mistook the ships with sails for a monster with wings or for huge seabirds.

When the Spaniards approached the inhabitants of the island on boats in shiny clothes and white skins, after the first fright, they became emboldened, and slowly approaching the Spaniards, expressed their reverence, falling to their knees... As one can judge, they mistook the newcomers for some kind of higher beings. The people the Spaniards met were copper-red in color, their bodies were almost naked, and they were tattooed (speckled with paints). The hair on his head was smooth, but there was no beard, and his facial features were not disgusting.

Columbus believed that this island belonged to India, and therefore called these savages Indians. The inhabitants of this island (Columbus called this island San Salvador) were armed with spears, the tips of which consisted of stones and the teeth of various animals. They had no idea about iron at all, so they looked strangely at the shiny swords of the Spaniards.

It is clear that, valuing what they did not have, the simple-minded savages enthusiastically accepted glass beads or colored stones from the Spaniards, giving in return parrots, bales of cotton paper or tasty fruits.

But what most struck the Spaniards was the gold jewelry that some had threaded through their noses and the savages exchanged these items for beads and bells, apparently marveling at the simplicity of the Indians, since they explained to Columbus that they had whole mountains of this metal to the West and because in the eyes local residents gold was too cheap.

Christopher Columbus, having examined the island, went further, stocking up on fresh water. On the way he met many more islands, but he was not content with this, and seeing one on November 28 big Island, landed on it - it was the island of Cuba. Here he dropped anchor at the mouth of a large river.

Residents fled here too. This island seemed to Columbus earthly paradise. And indeed, the Spaniards here met a beautiful hummingbird (bee) that flew in the air in a swarm. We also saw many other birds, such as flamingos (bright red); Everywhere the greenery and freshness of the flowers amazed them. The beautiful palm trees were bent with a multitude of fruits. Fish with golden scales flooded the rivers. The Antilles Sea itself surprised with the wealth of pearls. When Columbus visited two or three huts, he found them very poor - all the wealth consisted of nets made from palm fibers, hooks made from bones and two or three dogs, remarkable for the fact that they never bark.

Then Columbus discovered several more islands, and he named one of them Hispaniola or little Spain, where he built a fortress and founded the first Spanish colony.

Thus, wanting to get to eastern India, Columbus discovered New World, later called America.

And the first person to write a description of the New World was Amerigo Vespucci. From this name the New World got its name - America.

From the age of six or seven, almost all children are a bit of travelers. They travel with the heroes of the books and discover the vast world of our planet. Each of them can now become a bit of a geographer, zoologist or historian. Getting acquainted with book travels, they will learn what a thirst for knowledge and honor, nobility and overcoming difficulties are.

We all want to give this Magic world to our children. Where to begin? We have put together a small selection for you.

This selection of books is aimed at children of primary and secondary school age.

Vladislav Krapivin. "Brig "Artemis"

The story “Brig Artemis” modern classic children's literature by Vladislav Krapivin was published in 2008.

The main character of the story, Grisha Bulatov, lives with his adoptive parents in the small Siberian town of Touraine. Thanks to a combination of extraordinary circumstances, he gets the opportunity to set sail on a real military brig, Artemis. In it time is running The Crimean War, and a Russian ship is forced to go to sea under a foreign flag. Many adventures await the sailors ahead. Captain Gartsunov hopes to raise a real sailor from the boy, but the enthusiastic and sensitive Grisha sees a lot of injustice in the sea and refuses to become part of such a world. As always with Krapivin, the world of adults is contrasted with the world of children. The plot is simply and skillfully woven into thoughts about historical events from the era French Revolution before Civil War in Russia.

Suitable for reading to children over 10 years old.

Nikolai Chukovsky. "Frigate Drivers"

A collection of stories about great travelers “Frigate Drivers” was published by Nikolai Chukovsky (son of Korney Chukovsky) on the eve of the Great Patriotic War, in 1941.

It includes stories different years about captains James Cook, La Perouse, Ivan Krusenstern and Dumont D'Urville. These names are forever inscribed in the golden fund of the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries and have long since become monumental sculptures in the consciousness of civilization. However, Nikolai Chukovsky managed to create living, not marble, images of these people. The writer had the rare gift of simply talking about complex things and at the same time retaining the most important factual information without compromising the entertainment of reading. He turned out to be a confidential, warm, adventurous and at the same time historical book, created especially for boys who dream of the open seas, so that the wind whistles in the shrouds and hums in the stretched sails.

Thor Heyerdahl. "Journey to Kon-Tiki"

The first edition of this book in 1947 was sold out within 15 days, and then translated into seventy languages ​​of the world (it was first published in Russian in 1957, since then it has been reprinted many times).

The name of the Norwegian Thor Heyerdahl (1914–2002) today sounds like a legend. He is the legend. The man who proved the incredible theory about the migration of ancient Polynesians to South America on rafts. Moreover, he proved it by personally traveling across the Pacific Ocean on the Kon-Tiki, an antediluvian raft made of basalt wood, in the company of desperate heads like him. In the open sea, from horizon to horizon there is only water, sun and sky. It would seem that it should turn out to be a boring book about how they sailed, sailed, and finally arrived. But every day extraordinary adventures happen to travelers on the raft. In addition, a person, left alone with nature, completely rethinks his life. “Great questions that seemed difficult to us on the shore, here on the raft seemed ridiculous and far-fetched.” Thor Heyerdahl is an observant, witty storyteller with a captivating view of the world of a cheerful and happy person.

Fedor Konyukhov. "How I became a traveler"

This book was published in 2012 by the publishing house “Nastya and Nikita” and was addressed to children of primary school age.

There is nothing superfluous in it, nothing fictitious, but there is an extremely accurate answer to the question posed in the title. Our Fedor Konyukhov is known all over the world. He is one of the most famous modern travelers, having reached all five poles of the Earth (North, South, Pole of relative inaccessibility, Pole of altitude on Chomolungma and yachtsmen's pole at Cape Horn). In a well-illustrated book, he tells the little reader how to early childhood became incurably ill with wanderlust, how he decided to become a traveler, how he walked towards his goal, about training, studying, competitions, pirates, whales and much more. Most importantly, Fyodor Konyukhov managed to convey to the guys the most important idea: “Any, even the most incredible dream requires perseverance and work from a person.”

Suitable for reading by children aged 6 years and older.

Vitaly Korzhikov. "Solnyshkin's Merry Voyage"

Vitaly Korzhikov (1931–2007) was well acquainted with marine life. His book began with individual sea stories that he wrote down for the amusement of his young sons. Ready book At first they didn’t want to publish it because it made Soviet sailors look stupid. Still would! The captain, nicknamed “We swam, we know,” is a liar and a dropout. The sailors transport the boy on the train hidden in a bag. The radio operator and the boatswain find themselves in funny situations every now and then. For the first time, an excerpt from “Solnyshkin’s Sailing” was published in the newspaper “Pionerskaya Pravda” in 1965, and it immediately aroused delight among readers. Only then was the book published.

Lesha Solnyshkin, a boy of fourteen, without a passport and penniless, leaves his native village to become a sailor. He wanders about the sea, and when a person is so purposeful, his dreams will certainly come true, even if not entirely accurately. In terms of presentation style, the story can be compared with “The Adventures of Captain Vrungel” by Andrei Nekrasov. It operates ordinary people, but there are also fantastic elements. For example, a smart whale helps a sailor get to the ship, trained bears scrub the deck. This is the kind of book that is devoured in one or two evenings.

Suitable for children from 7 years old.

Jules Verne. "The Children of Captain Grant"

In 1868, the novel “The Children of Captain Grant” was published. It was subsequently translated into 148 languages ​​and included in all mandatory children's reading programs.

A bottle with a mysterious message about the wreck of the ship Britannia and that Captain Grant with two sailors found refuge on the 37th parallel and asks for help falls into the hands of Lord Glenarvan. It is captivating that complete strangers willingly take part in the fate of the children of the missing captain and set off on a dangerous rescue expedition. Exciting sea and land adventures, intrigues and sinister secrets were created by the writer’s imagination right in his office, so you should not look for scrupulous accuracy in the details in the book. But on these pages lives the spirit of distant wanderings and the lofty, naive dream of the brotherhood of all people. Thanks to this book, more than one generation of boys grew up dreaming of travel.

Suitable for reading by children over 10 years old.

Samuel Scoville. "Scouts in the Woods"

This adventure story was created American writer, an enthusiastic ornithologist and an ardent lover of nature. It was published in 1919 in the scout magazine “Boy’s Life”.

The plot begins with a bet between timber merchant James Donegan and a group of Cornish Scouts. Rich Donegan promises to give the Scouts ten acres of forest if two boys from this organization can live in wildlife whole month without clothes and without weapons. Cold nights, dangerous encounters with wild animals and a fight with real bandits await the main characters Will and Joe. In addition to the exciting plot, the story contains a lot of practical information about survival in the wild, since Scoville himself was a traveler and experienced a lot himself during forest expeditions.

Suitable for reading by children over 10 years old.

Rudyard Kipling. "Brave Captains"

Kipling's story "Brave Captains" was published in parts in the illustrated magazine "McClure" from November 1896. President Roosevelt spoke enthusiastically about her, considering her an example of the correct upbringing of a young man.

Fifteen-year-old Harvey Chain is the grief of a rich father. A dandy, a braggart and a slacker, he spends most of his time with his mother, who is concerned not so much with her son’s behavior as with her own frayed nerves. Most likely, Harvey would have remained a worthless, empty creature, but by chance he fell from the deck of a luxury steamer and was rescued by a simple fisherman from the schooner “We are on target.” Its captain, Disko Troup, accepts the boy as a cabin boy until the end of the fishing season, because the fishing boat cannot return to shore in the middle of the season to get rid of an unexpected passenger. In a few months, under the influence of the salty wind and a strong, friendly shoulder, the hero will turn into a different person.

Suitable for reading by children over 10 years old.

Jack London. "Jerry the Islander"

One of latest stories Jack London's Jerry the Islander was published in 1917. Main acting hero in it is a red and golden dog from the Irish terrier breed.

It is no coincidence that the author described all the events on behalf of the unreasoningly faithful, loving Jerry. If a man were in the place of a dog, he would not be able to travel around the Solomon Islands like this. I could not so easily enter into different human communities, including white plantation owners, black workers, the crew of a sea vessel, wild tribe from the island of Malaita. For this book, Jack London was accused of racism because the dog Jerry has a deep prejudice against blacks and endlessly praises “his white gods.” But the fact of the matter is that Jerry is just a dog. He does not understand anything about human ethics, he has simple, dog-like concepts of good and evil. Conclusions about Jerry's journey will have to be made by a person - the reader. And they will not always be in favor of erectus.

Suitable for reading by children over 10 years old.

Evgeny Voiskunsky, Isai Lukodyanov. "Crew of the Mekong"

The Crew of the Mekong appeared in excerpts in several thick magazines before being published as a book in 1962. The novel was then translated into six foreign languages, and in 1975 the English Foundation magazine called him “one of the most interesting events in Soviet science fiction."

This is indeed a very interesting collaboration between “physicist” and “lyricist”. Voiskunsky was a candidate of psychological sciences, and Lukodyanov a famous mechanical engineer. The fantastic elements that are found in the adventure novel “The Crew of the Mekong” were not fictitious, since one of the book’s authors pondered the problem of “permeability” all his life. The background to the events in the book begins in the 18th century, when Peter's lieutenant, by the will of fate, received an Indian knife in his hands, the blade of which freely penetrates through any material. In our time, the adventures of this continue mysterious artifact, which Soviet scientists, Jesuits and lovers of an easy life are trying to take possession of. Scientific insights, an exciting journey through medieval India, delightful sketches of Soviet Baku, entertaining prose, living philosophy - and all this under the cover of “The Crew of the Mekong”.

Suitable for reading by children over 12 years old.