Sandra brown - the invisible connection. Sandra brown the invisible connection Invisible connection sandra brown read

Sandra Brown

Invisible connection

© 1984 by Sandra Brown

By arrangement with Maria Carvainis Agency. inc and Prava i Perevodi, Ltd. Translated from the English Words of Silk

© 1984 by Erin St.Claire. First published in the United States under the pseudonym Erin St.Claire by Silhouette Books, New York. Reissued in 2004 under the name Sandra Brown by Warner Books/Grand Central Publishing, New York.

© Pertseva T., translation into Russian, 2013

© Edition in Russian, design. Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2015

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To my four sisters: Melanie, Jo, Laurie and Jenny - each of you is beautiful in your own way.

With a jolt that threatened to break all the passengers' bones, the elevator hung between floors. And at that same second the light went out. Nothing foreshadowed what had happened: there was no ear-piercing grinding of the cable against the gears, no ominous blinking of the lights. Nothing.

Just a minute ago the cabin was silently moving down, but now both passengers were swallowed up in pitch-black silence.

- Wow! - remarked the man, judging by his accent, a native New Yorker, already accustomed to the rude jokes that the city so often played on its residents. - Another accident.

Laney MacLeod remained silent, although the man obviously expected an answer. She literally felt him turn and look at her. Paralyzed by fear, Laney lost the power of speech and the ability to move.

She tried to convince herself. She insisted that it was all due to claustrophobia, which made any such situation seem unbearable, that in the end everyone would survive, that such reckless horror was childish, bordering on the absurd.

But no amount of persuasion helped.

- Hey, how are you? In order?

"No! Not okay! – she wanted to scream, but her vocal cords seemed to freeze. Her well-groomed nails dug into her instantly sweaty palms.

She suddenly realized that she was standing with her fists clenched and her eyes closed, and she forced herself to raise her eyelids. But this did not change anything: there was still no light in the suffocating tiny space of the elevator of an elite residential building.

His own hoarse breathing echoed in his ears.

- Don't worry. It's not for long.

Laney was infuriated by his calmness. Why doesn't he panic?

And how does he know that this won't last long? She would like to know more precisely. Demand that he ensure that the lights are turned on as soon as possible. Fixing these kinds of accidents can take hours or last for days, right?

– You know, I would feel calmer if you at least said something. So you're okay, right?

She did not see, but felt a hand groping in the darkness. Just a second before a hand landed on her shoulder, Laney jumped.

“It’s okay,” he assured, withdrawing his hand. -Are you claustrophobic?

She nodded feverishly, believing against all logic that he would see. But the stranger must have sensed something, because his voice took on a soothing tone:

- There is no need to worry. If there is no power in the next few minutes, firefighters will begin searching for people trapped in the elevator.

A light breath reached her. The rustling of fabric was heard.

– I take off my jacket and invite you to do the same.

A minute ago, when the man had just entered the elevator, she only glanced at him briefly, having managed to draw up an approximate portrait: White hair, high a slim body, dressed with careful casualness, the suit is emphatically simple, so as not to seem insanely expensive and pretentious. She averted her eyes and silently began to watch the numbers flash on the board that counted the floors.

Laney felt him staring at her for a few moments after he entered, although he also didn't say a word.

Both fell victims to the awkwardness that usually arises between strangers who find themselves in the same elevator car. In the end, he followed her example and also stared at the scoreboard. Now she heard his jacket fall onto the soft carpet.

- Maybe I can help you? – he asked with forced cheerfulness when she did not move. Taking a step towards the heavy, uneven breathing, he raised his hands. A dull thud was heard - Laney, instinctively recoiling, hit her back against the panel of the wall. He touched her petrified body and hesitantly felt her shoulders.

He squeezed the stubborn shoulders reassuringly and stepped even closer.

- What are you doing? – Lainie squeezed out, although just a second ago she was sure that her tongue would not obey her.

The Invisible Connection Sandra Brown

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Title: Invisible Link
Author: Sandra Brown
Year: 1984
Genre: Foreign romance novels, Contemporary romance novels, Erotic literature

About the book “The Invisible Connection” by Sandra Brown

American writer Sandra Brown was born in 1948 in Texas, where she studied at school and later received higher education. The woman starred in films, worked as a model and even did business. After randomly attending a writers' conference, inspired Sandra Brown decided to try herself as a writer. Her first works were short stories written in the romance genre.

Sandra Brown writes absolutely diverse books, in them you can find detective, love, historical, adventure directions, and there are elements of a thriller. It is very interesting to read the author’s works, they are very fascinating in their content, and the main characters are very bright and charismatic.

The book "The Invisible Connection", also known as "Silk Words", was written in the contemporary genre love story. The work has a restriction that does not recommend reading it to anyone under sixteen years of age. The writer dedicates the novel to her four sisters.

The work begins with the moment when the elevator suddenly gets stuck between floors and the lights go out. main character novel Lainey MacLeod was so frightened that she seemed speechless. The man who was next to her in the elevator tried in every possible way to calm her down. After some time, the light appears and the elevator moves. They see each other. The woman suddenly throws herself on the stranger’s chest and sobs. When everything was resolved, she could no longer control her nerves. Laney had a fear of closed spaces - claustrophobia. He carried her in his arms to his apartment and poured a glass of brandy.

Dick Sargent looked at the beauty, he really liked her. The woman tried to explain her condition, said that she could not breathe and asked not to leave her alone. She hugged him as a sign of gratitude, but Dick could no longer control his desires. They were both swallowed up by an ocean of feelings and passions. However, Dick noticed her blank look and realized that the woman was drunk; she had drunk a whole glass of brandy. The man tried to cool his ardor and laid Laney on the bed. He knew nothing about her, perhaps she was even married, although he did not see a ring on her finger.

When Laney woke up, she was horrified to see a man sleeping next to her; she didn’t remember anything and threatened to call the police. All that came to mind was a visit to friends Sally and Jeff, luxurious dishes and a fragrant cocktail. Dick suggested figuring out this puzzle over a cup of coffee in a calm environment. While the man was cooking aromatic drink, Laney got dressed and quietly rushed out of the apartment.

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© 1984 by Sandra Brown

By arrangement with Maria Carvainis Agency. inc and Prava i Perevodi, Ltd. Translated from the English Words of Silk

© 1984 by Erin St.Claire. First published in the United States under the pseudonym Erin St.Claire by Silhouette Books, New York. Reissued in 2004 under the name Sandra Brown by Warner Books/Grand Central Publishing, New York.

© Pertseva T., translation into Russian, 2013

© Edition in Russian, design. Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2015

To my four sisters: Melanie, Jo, Laurie and Jenny - each of you is beautiful in your own way.

With a jolt that threatened to break all the passengers' bones, the elevator hung between floors. And at that same second the light went out. Nothing foreshadowed what had happened: there was no ear-piercing grinding of the cable against the gears, no ominous blinking of the lights. Nothing.

Just a minute ago the cabin was silently moving down, but now both passengers were swallowed up in pitch-black silence.

- Wow! - remarked the man, judging by his accent, a native New Yorker, already accustomed to the rude jokes that the city so often played on its residents. - Another accident.

Laney MacLeod remained silent, although the man obviously expected an answer. She literally felt him turn and look at her. Paralyzed by fear, Laney lost the power of speech and the ability to move.

She tried to convince herself. She insisted that it was all due to claustrophobia, which made any such situation seem unbearable, that in the end everyone would survive, that such reckless horror was childish, bordering on the absurd.

But no amount of persuasion helped.

- Hey, how are you? In order?

"No! Not okay! – she wanted to scream, but her vocal cords seemed to freeze. Her well-groomed nails dug into her instantly sweaty palms.

She suddenly realized that she was standing with her fists clenched and her eyes closed, and she forced herself to raise her eyelids. But this did not change anything: there was still no light in the suffocating tiny space of the elevator of an elite residential building.

His own hoarse breathing echoed in his ears.

- Don't worry. It's not for long.

Laney was infuriated by his calmness. Why doesn't he panic?

And how does he know that this won't last long? She would like to know more precisely. Demand that he ensure that the lights are turned on as soon as possible. Fixing these kinds of accidents can take hours or last for days, right?

– You know, I would feel calmer if you at least said something. So you're okay, right?

She did not see, but felt a hand groping in the darkness. Just a second before a hand landed on her shoulder, Laney jumped.

“It’s okay,” he assured, withdrawing his hand. -Are you claustrophobic?

She nodded feverishly, believing against all logic that he would see. But the stranger must have sensed something, because his voice took on a soothing tone:

- There is no need to worry. If there is no power in the next few minutes, firefighters will begin searching for people trapped in the elevator.

A light breath reached her. The rustling of fabric was heard.

– I take off my jacket and invite you to do the same.

A minute ago, when the man just entered the elevator, she only glanced at him, having managed to draw up an approximate portrait: gray hair, a tall, slender figure, dressed with careful carelessness, the suit was emphatically simple, so as not to seem insanely expensive and pretentious. She averted her eyes and silently began to watch the numbers flash on the board that counted the floors.

Laney felt him staring at her for a few moments after he entered, although he also didn't say a word.

Both fell victims to the awkwardness that usually arises between strangers who find themselves in the same elevator car. In the end, he followed her example and also stared at the scoreboard. Now she heard his jacket fall onto the soft carpet.

- Maybe I can help you? – he asked with forced cheerfulness when she did not move. Taking a step towards the heavy, uneven breathing, he raised his hands. A dull thud was heard - Laney, instinctively recoiling, hit her back against the panel of the wall. He touched her petrified body and hesitantly felt her shoulders.

He squeezed the stubborn shoulders reassuringly and stepped even closer.

- What are you doing? – Lainie squeezed out, although just a second ago she was sure that her tongue would not obey her.

– I’m helping you take off your coat. The hotter you get, the harder it is to breathe, and you will most likely soon begin to choke. By the way, my name is Dick.

Her jacket from the suit she had bought at Saks just yesterday had been taken off and mercilessly thrown to the floor.

– What’s your name? What is this, a scarf?

She raised her leaden hands and fumbled, bumping into his fingers every now and then.

- Yes. I untied it.

Having untangled the knot with difficulty, she gave him the scarf.

- Laney. Unusual name. Maybe you should unfasten a couple of buttons? It's unlikely that this blouse is breathable. Silk?

- Very beautiful. Blue, as far as I remember.

“You're not from New York,” he said casually, working on the cuffs of her blouse. Deftly unfastening the mother-of-pearl buttons, he rolled up the sleeves of his blouse to his elbows.

- Yes. I came to stay for a week and have to leave in the morning.

– Do your friends live in this building?

- Yes. A university friend who I roomed with in college with my husband.

- It's clear. Well, you feel better now, right?

He straightened her unbuttoned collar. He lightly touched his waist with both hands.

- Would you like to sit down?

Damn it! Dick Sargent cursed himself for his pressure. You can’t scare an already scared to death woman even more! She still stood with her back stuck to the wall, as if preparing to face a firing squad. And she breathed so hard, as if every breath could be her last.

- Okay, Lainey, it's okay. You don't like me...

The light flickered uncertainly, then flared up to full strength. The elevator motor began to rumble dissatisfiedly and started working again. Another push from the elevator, soft this time, and the cabin began to move.

Two strangers standing almost nose to nose, looking into each other's eyes. Squinted eyes. She was as pale as a sheet. His eyes expressed participation.

Smiling shyly, he put his arm around her shoulders again. By the looks of it, it's about to shatter into a million pieces.

- Here! See! I told you! Everything worked out!

But instead of responding with a restrained smile and with cold politeness thanking the man for his indulgence in her stupid behavior, and at the same time putting her clothes in order, she suddenly threw herself on his chest and sobbed desperately. The front of his starched shirt crumpled in her strong, wet fists. Piteous sobs were heard. He felt the convulsions shaking her body.

God knows, she held back until the last. But when the danger passed, my nerves capitulated to the horror of pitch darkness in a confined space.

The elevator stopped smoothly on the first floor. The door swung open almost silently. Through the glass windows of the lobby, Dick could see pedestrians scurrying in both directions. On the avenue, cars were stuck in a traffic jam: the traffic lights were still not working. Chaos reigned on the pavements.

“Mr. Sargent,” began the liveried doorman, hurrying toward the elevator.

“It’s all right, Joe,” Dick said shortly, thinking: “It wasn’t enough for this woman to be thrown into the street in her condition.” He chose not to explain anything to the doorman. - I'll go upstairs again.

M. Fateeva

On one planet there lived an evil king. He offended children and adults, hated everyone, was a vile and evil tyrant.

One summer day, the king looked out the window and saw a wanderer near the walls of his palace, around whom a crowd had gathered. The wanderer was telling something, and people were laughing in response. The evil king did not like laughter and joy. He ordered the guards to seize this man and imprison him. Which is what was done.

The day ended and the king went to bed. Sitting comfortably on the luxurious bed, he closed his eyes. And dreams had already begun to unfold their pictures in front of him, when suddenly the king saw a wanderer.

“What are you doing in my bedroom,” the king shouted indignantly, “should you be sitting in prison?!”

“I shouldn’t,” said the wanderer, smiling slyly, “I’m not an ordinary person, but a magician.” And so now we will go on a journey.

- Guards!!! – the king screamed in horror, but it was too late. Everything began to spin before his eyes, and the bedroom disappeared.

He found himself in a big beautiful city, there were a lot of people around. But there was something strange in this picture. Taking a closer look, the king saw that all the people were connected to each other by thin luminous threads. Moreover, the same threads stretched from people to animals and plants.

- What is this? – the king asked in surprise. He easily passed through these threads, as if through rays of light, without disturbing their safety.

– This is the connection between everything that exists on the planet. All its inhabitants depend on each other, and animals and plants depend on them. They are parts of the same organism. These strings are the energy of goodness and love, which allows everyone to live well and happily. By destroying this connection with malice, hatred, deceit, and greed, people bring troubles and grief down on their own heads. By acting badly even to one person, you can cause the death and misfortune of many people, destroy animals and plants - destroy life...

“All this is nonsense,” exclaimed the evil king, “and what kind of planet is this?!”

“This is your planet,” answered the magician. I just gave you the opportunity to see what is invisible, but exists. By exuding evil, you destroy not only the world, but in the end you will destroy yourself.

- Nonsense! It can not be so! - the king shouted. At that time they were passing across the bridge, and the evil king pushed one of the passers-by into the river, because he was in a hurry and accidentally touched the king. The magician shook his head reproachfully, waved his hand and...

The king woke up in his bedroom, the mood was disgusting. He immediately sent the wanderer-magician to the dungeon to check. But the dungeon was empty. The magician has disappeared. The evil king, in a rage, called the executioner to execute the guards. But it turned out that the executioner was blind. Because early in the morning a fiery star flew past the planet, depriving everyone who looked at it of sight. And almost everyone watched, since the entire population of the planet went to work at sunrise, as the king demanded.

– Where were the stargazers?!! – the king yelled in rage. After some time, it turned out that the astrologers knew about the fiery star and sent a messenger to warn everyone. But someone pushed the messenger off the bridge and he drowned.

Most of the planet's inhabitants have lost their sight. Law enforcement officers were blinded, street cleaners were blinded, and chaos reigned on the city streets. Blind peasants could not work in the fields or care for animals. Domestic animals ran away from hunger into the forests and became wild. All the flowers in the flower beds withered because there was no one to water them. The gardens are deserted. There was no one to work, no one to produce goods, no one to serve the king. The planet was gripped by horror.

Hungry, frightened and unhappy, the king locked himself in his chambers. And suddenly he saw a magician. The evil king jumped up and was about to attack him, when he suddenly saw a luminous thread connecting them both.

- So this means all this is true? – the king said in horror, clutching his head.

“True,” answered the magician. Now you see for yourself how everything is interconnected, how we all (all of us) depend on each other. I gave you a chance to see it. And what did you do?!

“But what can we do now,” the king shouted, “how can we get everything back?!”

But the magician grinned and... disappeared into thin air.

The king woke up standing at the window. It was a summer day outside, people were walking past, everything was as usual. He saw a wanderer near the walls of his palace, around whom a crowd had gathered. The wanderer was telling something, and people were laughing in response.

- Guards! - the king shouted and froze for a second, - go up to this man, offer him shelter and food. And ask if he needs anything else.

And as soon as he said this, he saw that everyone around him was connected by luminous threads. And since these strings glow, then the energy of goodness and love flows through them. And that means everyone will live well, long and happily. In goodness and joy, in harmony and love.