Learn to draw a peony with pencil and watercolor. Peony in watercolor What tools are needed for painting

Peonies are beautiful flowers with a fluffy head that will decorate any vase. Of course, the best way to learn how to draw is to draw them from life.

This lesson covers techniques for drawing flowers using pencil and watercolor.

How to draw a peony for beginning artists?

Let's move on to the details and, as a simple example, draw a peony with a pencil step by step.

To begin with, let's draw just one flower. But for a complete bouquet, you can draw several flowers around.

In the first step, sketch the circle and stem. Try not to press too hard on the pencil, as you will need to redraw or erase some items. Now we are working on the “cap” of the flower. Draw the outer petals in waves.

Draw the petals of the bud in detail. Try to depict them not too chaotically.

Replace all rounded lines with curves, like broken lines. Take an eraser and erase them, and draw new lines on top. Also change the outer petals of the flower. Follow their shape, making it more realistic. Erase the circle you originally drew. You won't need it anymore. You should end up with something that looks like a peony.

Now draw the leaves, left and right branches. You shouldn't have any difficulties with this.

Well, your drawing is ready. Now you know how to draw a peony. If necessary, it can be painted.

Peonies in pencil step by step

Step 1

Draw a circle, this will be the outline of the future flower, and below draw the stem. Your sketch should look like a dandelion.

Step 2

Inside the first circle, draw a smaller circle, like a mini-copy of a candy on a stick.

Step 3

Using an eraser, erase the circles so that they are slightly visible, and carefully apply semicircles that will become future petals. Then add the leaves to the stem.

Step 4

Peony is a fluffy flower with big amount petals. Add convex petal shapes inside. There is no need for special precision, because each flower is unique, so feel free to add your own elements.

Step 5

Erase all auxiliary lines. In the middle of the petals, draw lines for volume. Your flower should be symmetrical and have the correct shape.

What tools are needed for drawing?

Get ready to create an artistic masterpiece. To draw you will need the following tools:

  • white album sheet (you can also use watercolor paper)
  • any hard surface: folder, book, table or drawing board
  • eraser and pencil
  • brush (preferably use a round brush).

With this set of tools you can start painting flowers in watercolor.

Peonies in watercolor step by step

After you have learned how to draw a peony with a pencil, now let's move on to painting with watercolors. Instead of one beautiful flower Let's draw a bouquet.

Make a preliminary sketch of the bouquet.

The sketch should not be too detailed, as the paint may bleed into the pencil outlines. Start drawing each flower individually. When drawing the petals, start from large lines to smaller outlines.

Notice the light and shadow, some leaves are darker than others. Proceed to drawing the core of the flower. The color in the center is always darker than the outer part because less light reaches there. In flowering peonies, on the contrary, the center becomes lighter. Draw this place in white in your drawing. Using the same method we work on other flowers.

Color the leaves with different shades of green to convey light and shade and volume to the flowers. Due to the incident light, the right side of the top bud should be lighter than the left. Don't forget that larger petals cast more shadows.

It is possible that you are unlikely to do this the first time complex drawing. But the more you practice, the more magnificent the picture you will get in the process of your work. It is quite possible that the peony you painted may become the first painting of a future talented artist.

As long as there are beautiful flowers in the world, you need to be able to draw them. This is the law, you can’t argue with it. Admit it, drawing them is not that difficult, and the drawing looks great. In this lesson we will learn how to draw peonies. To begin with, I’ll tell you a few secrets. You won't find a peony on the street just like that. It is prized for its lush foliage and luscious flower full of petals. But that is not its purpose. Peonies – medicinal plants, and were used only in this direction until 1800. Later they began to be attributed to ornamental plants. It is believed that small flower can cure more than 20 different diseases, so up to 19 tbsp. they could be found in the garden of almost every hospital or monastery. In addition, it is also useful in cooking. Peony seeds decorate the taste palette of the meat. Om-Nom-nom. Some interesting facts from the life of an ordinary flower:

  • Peony is not just a flower. This is a whole genus of flowers. Peonyaceae is the only genus of the Peonyaceae family. They have neither friends nor relatives, they are alone in a terrible world.
  • This plant was named in honor of famous doctor Pean, who at one time treated, believe it or not, the gods. The profession is complex and requires full dedication, because there is a high risk of being fried by Zeus's lightning, or by a fireball. And they repaid him with a flower with his name.
  • The Chinese love peonies most of all. And not because there are many of them as narrow-eyed. In China, peony is called the King of Flowers or the Flower Fairy, and official name peony in Chinese sho yo translates as: The most beautiful.

We have already learned to draw so many flowers. Here you will find water lilies and all sorts of chrysanthemums. If you have completed these lessons, then peony will be easier for you. Try it.

How to draw a peony with a pencil step by step

Step one. Draw a circle with a stick at the bottom. At first it will look like a lollipop, or a prototype. Step two. Inside the made figure we make a smaller copy of the same lollipop. You will get such a strange figure, like a crescent moon, or an eclipse of the sun. Step three. Using an eraser, we erase the circles so that they are barely noticeable, and carefully draw semicircles that will be petals. Let's add leaves on the trunk. Step four. Peony is a lush flower and has many petals. Add petals inside the round shape. There is no need for surgical precision, each flower is unique, so there is no need to make a copy, add your own elements. Fifth step. We take a piece of paper in our hands and erase all the first template figures of the drawing. We draw a line in the middle of the petals to add volume to them. Please note that the flower must be correct form and almost symmetrical. Here are examples of others drawing.

Peonies are lush and beautiful flowers that can decorate any vase. Of course the best way learning to draw them will involve purchasing them and working with nature. About how to draw a peony using pencil painting and watercolor technique, will be discussed in the provided article.

This lesson includes step-by-step drawing with watercolors and pencil for beginning artists.

Peony for beginners

Let's get down to detail and as much as possible simple example how to draw peonies with a pencil step by step for beginners.

Let's depict only one flower. But for a more complete bouquet, you can draw several flowers side by side.

In the first step, make a sketch - a circle and a stem. Make sure that the stem is not too thick. Now work on the “cap” of the flower. Draw the petals closest to you as waves.

You should not press hard on the pencil, as some elements will need to be redrawn or even erased.

Detail your bud with petals. Try not to depict them too haphazardly.

All rounded lines must be changed by drawing curved lines, as if they were torn. Take an eraser and erase them, and draw new lines on top. Finish the outer petals of the flower. Follow their shape, making it more realistic. Erase the circle you originally drew. You won't need it anymore. You should end up with something similar to a peony.

Now draw leaves, left and right along the branch. You shouldn't have any difficulties with this.

Your drawing is ready. Now you know how to draw a peony correctly and realistically. If necessary, it can be painted.

How to draw peonies with a pencil step by step

Step 1. Draw a circle with a stick at the bottom. At first it will be similar to the prototype of a dandelion or a lollipop.

Step 2. Inside the depicted figure, make a mini copy of the same candy. You should end up with a solar eclipse or a crescent moon.

Step 3. Using an eraser, erase the circles so that they are slightly visible, and carefully draw semicircles that will become future petals. Then add leaves on the trunk.

Step 4. Peony is a fluffy flower with many petals. Add petals inside the convex shape. There is no need for special precision, because each flower is unique, so feel free to add your own elements.

Step 5. Erase all initial drawing patterns. Draw a line in the middle of the petals for volume. Your flower should be symmetrical and have the correct shape.

What tools are needed for drawing?

Get ready to create artistic masterpiece. To draw you will need the following tools:

  • white album sheet(can also be used professional paper for watercolor);
  • any hard surface: folder, book, table or drawing board;
  • eraser and sharpened pencil;
  • brushes (it is advisable to use round brushes).

Once you have all of the above at hand, you can start painting flowers in watercolors. It's time to tell you how to draw a peony. Arm yourself with patience and proceed using the description provided.

How to paint peonies in watercolor step by step?

Instead of one beautiful flower draw a whole bouquet. After you have learned how to draw a peony with a pencil step by step, you can safely start using watercolors.

Make a preliminary sketch of the bouquet.

The sketch should not be overly detailed. The contours of the pencil will be visible through the paint. Start coloring each flower individually. Draw the petals, starting from large lines to smaller outlines.

Pay attention to chiaroscuro. Some leaves turn out darker than others. Proceed to drawing the middle of the flower. The center is always darker than the outer part due to less light reaching it. In blossoming peonies, on the contrary, more light enters the center. Represent this as white space in your drawing. Paint the other flowers in approximately the same way.

Color the leaves green with different shades for the volume of colors and the transmission of light and shade. Right side The top bud should turn out lighter than the left one due to the light falling on it. Don't forget that larger petals cast more shadow.

It is possible that you are unlikely to succeed in such a difficult drawing the first time. Don't despair, you will certainly learn how to draw beautifully. The more you practice, the more magnificent the drawing you will see as you work. And it is quite possible that this peony may turn out to be the first drawing of a future talented artist.

Many people have tried to draw a peony at least once, but not everyone was able to depict this color realistically. The most difficult stage in drawing this flower is to correctly draw the terry middle of the flower. It consists of many small oblong petals with an equal contour, which cannot be accurately depicted even in a sketch. And that’s why our photo lesson today will tell you how to paint a peony in watercolor in the simplest way.

To draw a peony you will need:

  • album for drawing with watercolors;
  • watercolor paints;
  • a simple pencil (hard) and a soft eraser;
  • synthetic brushes No. 7 (to create a base tone) and 3 (to detail the design);
  • pure water.

Drawing stages

Step 1. Draw a circle approximately in the center of the sheet - the base of the bud. We supplement its lower part with an arched stem.

We also create several large lower petals of the peony.

Now we finish drawing two small buds that have not yet blossomed and a branch with leaves.

The sketch is ready. Before applying paint, erase the saturated outline with an eraser. You need to work especially carefully on the large bud with an eraser so that the translucent paint can easily cover it.

Step 2. Dilute pink quinacridone with a small amount of water in the palette cell. Using the resulting tone we draw the base color of the peony. Leave the lightest parts of the flower white. We outline the darkened parts of the petals by repeatedly applying the tone.

Step 3. For a base of greenery, a yellow-green shade is perfect. We also dilute it with a small amount of water and draw all the leaves and stems of the flower. We immediately outline the shadows.

Step 4. Using purple, pink and carmine we work out the shadows of the lower petals at the base of the terry middle. We place several shadow accents in the middle of the peony and on the petals of small buds.

Step 5. We paint leaves, stems and sepals on small buds with green mixed with a small amount of chromium oxide. To create dark areas on the greenery, add a little sepia into the shade used.

We fill the light parts of the leaves with translucent green, leaving thin, unpainted veins.

Step 6. Again we add contrast to the pattern and work on the darkened areas with denser shades. We blur all the clear boundaries of the shades with the tip of brush No. 3. On the dark parts of the leaves we add white veins.

Peonies are lush and beautiful flowers that can decorate any vase. Of course, the best way to learn how to draw them is to purchase them and work from life. How to draw a peony using pencil painting and watercolor techniques will be discussed in the provided article.

This lesson includes step-by-step drawing with watercolors and pencil for beginning artists.

Peony for beginners

Let's get down to a detailed and as simple as possible example of how to draw peonies with a pencil step by step for beginners.

Let's depict only one flower. But for a more complete bouquet, you can draw several flowers side by side.

In the first step, make a sketch - a circle and a stem. Make sure that the stem is not too thick. Now work on the “cap” of the flower. Draw the petals closest to you as waves.

You should not press hard on the pencil, as some elements will need to be redrawn or even erased.

Detail your bud with petals. Try not to depict them too haphazardly.

All rounded lines must be changed by drawing curved lines, as if they were torn. Take an eraser and erase them, and draw new lines on top. Finish the outer petals of the flower. Follow their shape, making it more realistic. Erase the circle you originally drew. You won't need it anymore. You should end up with something similar to a peony.

Now draw leaves, left and right along the branch. You shouldn't have any difficulties with this.

Your drawing is ready. Now you know how to draw a peony correctly and realistically. If necessary, it can be painted.

How to draw peonies with a pencil step by step

Step 1. Draw a circle with a stick at the bottom. At first it will be similar to the prototype of a dandelion or a lollipop.

Step 2. Inside the depicted figure, make a mini copy of the same candy. You should end up with a solar eclipse or a crescent moon.

Step 3. Using an eraser, erase the circles so that they are slightly visible, and carefully draw semicircles that will become future petals. Then add leaves on the trunk.

Step 4. Peony is a fluffy flower with many petals. Add petals inside the convex shape. There is no need for special precision, because each flower is unique, so feel free to add your own elements.

Step 5. Erase all initial drawing patterns. Draw a line in the middle of the petals for volume. Your flower should be symmetrical and have the correct shape.

What tools are needed for drawing?

Get ready to create an artistic masterpiece. To draw you will need the following tools:

  • white landscape paper (you can also use professional watercolor paper);
  • any hard surface: folder, book, table or drawing board;
  • eraser and sharpened pencil;
  • brushes (it is advisable to use round brushes).

Once you have all of the above at hand, you can start painting flowers in watercolors. It's time to tell you how to draw a peony. Arm yourself with patience and proceed using the description provided.

How to paint peonies in watercolor step by step?

Instead of one beautiful flower, draw a whole bouquet. After you have learned how to draw a peony with a pencil step by step, you can safely start using watercolors.

Make a preliminary sketch of the bouquet.

The sketch should not be overly detailed. The contours of the pencil will be visible through the paint. Start coloring each flower individually. Draw the petals, starting from large lines to smaller outlines.

Pay attention to chiaroscuro. Some leaves turn out darker than others. Proceed to drawing the middle of the flower. The center is always darker than the outer part due to less light reaching it. In blossoming peonies, on the contrary, more light enters the center. Represent this as white space in your drawing. Paint the other flowers in approximately the same way.

Color the leaves with different shades of green to add volume to the colors and convey light and shade. The right side of the top bud should turn out lighter than the left due to the light falling on it. Don't forget that larger petals cast more shadow.

It is possible that you are unlikely to succeed in such a difficult drawing the first time. Don't despair, you will certainly learn how to draw beautifully. The more you practice, the more magnificent the drawing you will see as you work. And it is quite possible that this peony may turn out to be the first drawing of a future talented artist.