Yan Osin: “I can’t sing pop music. Interview with Honored Artist of Russia Yan Osin “A practical guide to church reading”

The President and Patriarch know him. He is not afraid of touring the Far North and Far East. Ready to dive into an ice hole even at minus 20. But always and everywhere he is proud of his native Pskov and its history.

The editorial guest is an excellent conversationalist, a person with an amazing ability for self-irony - Honored Artist of Russia Yan Osin. What our hero is like on stage has been discussed in the press more than once, so Kurier decided to look behind the scenes of his pop life.

It turned out that the artist not only has a golden voice, but also golden hands... Having graduated from the Pskov Polytechnic, and then from the Moscow Gnesinka, when asked by the Courier whether he could drive a nail at home, Yan Valerievich laughed...

My own foreman

- Nail! Yes, I recently completed a turnkey kitchen renovation. Wiring, lighting, finishing, puttying, furniture assembly... It’s not for nothing that there is a saying: if you want it done well, do it yourself.

As it turns out, the talented musician has a ton of instruments at home. In addition to the piano (on which, by the way, his son and daughter are already practicing etudes), Yan Osin boasts a whole arsenal of construction tools: from a screwdriver to a hammer drill.

– If you need to screw something, nail it, you can’t go to your neighbor.

To the Kremlin

Car enthusiast Yan Osin does not boast of his well-deserved status in front of traffic cops. True, there was one case when a Kremlin concert helped him... retain his rights. Although it was this concert (or rather, a traffic jam on the way to the Kremlin) that forced him to commit a malicious violation.

– Near the Borovitsky Gate of the Kremlin, I got into a terrible traffic jam and was late for a concert in the Kremlin, at which the president was supposed to be present. The phone was cracking with calls: “Where are you?!” Cars with special signals flew past. There was nowhere to go - he waved.

On the red, through the double solid line... The traffic cop even smiled from such impudence!

– I tell him about an important concert, about the fact that I’m late. And he: “You are all artists here!” I began to tell them that I was the lead singer of the ensemble and sang songs. And not just any, but about the Motherland, Russia. I’m telling you, and they call me again from the Kremlin. I explain to them that the police have now detained me. Surprisingly, the traffic cop believed me (I’m not Leshchenko or Kobzon). He just took my CD with songs, promised to listen and let me go.

About governors

Yan Osin is well versed in the political life of both the country and his native region. He knows many high-ranking officials and maintains relations with some ex-governors of the Pskov region. He knows what is famous about the period of “reign” of each of them.

The current one, Turchak, Ian Valerievich is grateful for “restoring the tent of the Intercession Tower” (what previous managers only promised in words), “for the roads, for the prompt start of work on the burnt towers,” for the general progressive outlook and interaction with the church authorities. Thanks to Tumanov for the road to the Krypetsky Monastery.

I know the president

Fate brought our fellow countryman together with Dmitry Medvedev even before his official election to the post of president.

This happened on the day when Dmitry Anatolyevich was officially registered as a presidential candidate. His first trip was to St. Petersburg, on the Day of lifting the blockade. I took part in a concert at the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall. Medvedev came backstage with Valentina Matvienko. She introduced me. Like, this is singer Yan Osin, he often takes part in our concerts, he came to us from Moscow. Dmitry Anatolyevich shook my hand and thanked me. The director of the concert, my good friend, jokingly applauded me from behind Dmitry Anatolyevich...

About show-offs

Yan Osin is often applauded. The geography of the tour is stunning. A couple of weeks ago, our fellow countryman returned from the Urals (touring closed cities of the Ministry of Atomic Energy). I also had to fly for the Northern Fleet (on nuclear submarines), the Honored Artist on the largest strategic cruiser, the Dmitry Donskoy submarine, and was even given a submariner’s diploma. I had to personally drive the Topol rocket, shoot from different types of weapons, surprising the accuracy of experienced shooters.

– I was offered to retrain as a sniper. It was painfully dashing, I knocked out all the targets...

When asked by the Courier about the “rider” (requirements for living conditions on tour), Yan Osin laughed, saying that this is useless show-off.

– Sometimes you come to places where the conditions are really harsh. It would be hard to demand suites with terry towels there. People are accustomed to a normal attitude. It doesn’t matter whether you are a national or an honored one. If you got to the North, it means you were warned and must endure these conditions. So I went to the Kuril Islands. First, we flew for 10 hours to Sakhalin, then we traveled by ship for 24 hours to Iturup. We spent 10 days there, the climate was harsh, the weather could bring such surprises!.. But I simply could not help but swim in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk (water +9).

Apparently, swimming in icy water is a common thing for Yan Osin. In Canada, he also could not resist and took a running dive into the Atlantic Ocean (the water was two degrees warmer than the Pacific). Canadians are shocked. And in the Russian north, the artist swam in 20-degree frost on the feast of the Epiphany.

About children, about family

The Honored Artist of Russia raises his children (Yan Valerievich has two of them: his daughter Nastya is 12, and his son Volodya is 14 years old) according to the classical canons. Both study at a Moscow school with in-depth study of the French language and receive a music education. At the same time, almost all of my father’s songs are known (Yan Osin has several hundred of them). By the way, sometimes they remember new songs faster than their father.

–What kind of child wants to study music? There are only a few of them. The same Denis Matsuev says that as a child it would be better to play football with the boys instead of playing sketches. This is a normal desire. If I had known that life would turn out this way, perhaps I would have studied at music school differently. After all, I was sure that I wouldn’t need it. But music gives a person a good base; ideally, everyone needs it.

In general, Yan Osin flatly refused to let Kurier into family life. Like, he decided for himself: ask about work, family is out of the question. But we still managed to find out that Yana’s wife is from Pskov. Alla used to be a dentist, but recently moved into the tourism industry. Now, thanks to my mother, the family rests wisely - planning in advance where and when they will go. Yana’s sister also lives in Moscow with her family (she is raising a child while her footballer husband scores goals). The parents of both spouses are in Pskov (it is with them that the younger Osins spend their summer holidays).

About Pskov

Yan Osin has been living in the capital for ten years now. He has many favorite places here. But at the same time, he does not forget about his homeland.

– Pskov is one of the best cities I have ever been to. I lived here for 28 years, I know all the history. I climbed every ledge in the wall in childhood, and then - with a camera - in my youth. When you come to Pskov, you stand at one church and you see three more. I was driving past the Church of Vasily on Gorka and saw how the priest recreated the shape of the slopes on the temple and even covered the roof with copper. And he was indescribably delighted.

Being a full-fledged Muscovite with a capital residence permit, Yan Osin manages to find pieces of Pskov in the Mother See.

– I come to my favorite bookstore on Arbat, they sell antique publications. I look - there is “Pskov Land” (author Boris Skobeltsin). I bought this book (who needs it in Moscow?) in perfect condition! And it was published in the Soviet era; I wasn’t even alive then.

About books and more

As it turned out, our interlocutor reads a lot (it’s not for nothing that he graduated from the school of rational reading as a child). He prefers classics, his favorite author is Leskov. Can read it over and over again.

– Technology has reached the point where books can be downloaded to your phone. Very comfortably. It’s not always possible to take a book with you, but it’s at hand.

From the last thing I read - O. Tinkov “I’m like everyone else”; I recently finished “Letters of Happiness” by D. Bykov. I liked it very much.

The rhythm of the capital dictates its own laws. It is not often possible to communicate with Moscow Pskovites, and even then mostly by telephone. Yan sometimes calls back with TV presenter Oksana Fedorova (she, by the way, graduated from the same school No. 8 in Pskov as Yan), journalist Slava Volkov, and meets with Sigutkin, Shpak, Tumanov, Mikhailov at events. Among the photographs on Yan Osin’s website are dozens, hundreds of photographs of great actors, singers, and politicians. – I have good friendly relations with many, and a creative union with some.

There are also photos from extreme tours, where he had to conquer the steep slopes of the Urals on an ATV.

It’s hard to imagine, but despite his busy schedule, Honored Artist of Russia Yan Osin still does not refuse (for the twentieth year) singing in a church choir. And every time she comes to Pskov, she always sings in her native Alexander Nevsky Church. And this, you see, says a lot...

, composer, photographer.

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Yan Valerievich Osin(July 13, 1973, Pskov) - Russian classical and pop singer (bass-baritone), composer. Honored Artist of Russia (2007).


Like most classical singers, Jan Osin began with church singing in the Pskov Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, and then in the Church of St. blgv. Prince Alexander Nevsky. IN 1992 he becomes a soloist of the Pskov City Chamber Choir (conductor G. Smirnov), with whom he performed before 1999 city, soloist of the Pskov Regional Philharmonic ( 1996 - 1998 ) and the Pskov Regional Symphony Orchestra ( 1998 - 2001 ). During the solemn celebration of the 200th anniversary of A. S. Pushkin, he performed with the soloists of the State Bolshoi Theater - Z. Sotkilava, M. Kasrashvili, N. Erasova. .

There are two children: son Vladimir (born September 25, 1996) and daughter Anastasia (born December 28, 1998).


  • 1990 - 1996 Graduated. Specialty: systems engineer.
  • 2003 - 2008 Russian Academy of Music named after Gnessins. Diploma with honors. Specialty: opera singer, vocal teacher.

Creative path

Laureate of the 1st All-Russian Vocal Competition named after. Anastasia Vyaltseva in Bryansk ( 1999 G.). The chairman of the jury, A. A. Vedernikov, awarded Yan Osin the Grand Prix and the Special Audience Award. Diploma winner of the International Festival “Slavic Bazaar” ( 2000 G.). In the First World Delphic Games, which took place from December 2 to December 8, 2000 year in Moscow, Ian took second place among 35 participants from different countries in the “Academic Singing” nomination and received a silver medal.

IN 2002 - 2009 years, soloist of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation.

A regular participant in concerts at the Moscow State Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky, on Red Square on Russia Day ( 2005, 2006, 2009, 2012 gg.), , in Gostiny Dvor, in the Hall of Church Councils of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, in the State Kremlin Palace, in the Moscow International House of Music, the State Duma, the Central Exhibition Hall "Manege", the Moscow House of Romance, in the New Opera Theater, Cinema and concert hall "Cosmos", State Central Concert Hall "Russia" in Luzhniki; in St. Petersburg - on the Cathedral Square of the Peter and Paul Fortress and in the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall, the Palace of Culture named after. Lensovet and others. Jan Osin conquered the stages of Germany, England, Scotland, Spain, Italy, France, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Belgium, Holland, Canada, Israel, Serbia and others. Participated in tours in the Far North and Far East.

Photographic works

Jan Osin is interested in photography, including using technology. When organizing solo concerts, Yan Osin often holds original photo exhibitions using -technology. Yan Osin does not process photos, as is common today.

Photo exhibitions

Project “Connection of Generations”

Yan Osin heads the “Connection of Generations” project, which has existed since 2007 and received the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus'. “...the goal of the “Connection of Generations” project is to connect the memory of veterans and a childish, pure perception of the Motherland; to tell the new generation about love for Russia through songs - ageless, equally touching the hearts of both young and old" magazine "FOMA" (December, 2008). As part of the project, concerts from the series “Connection of Generations” are regularly held.

"A practical guide to church reading"

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Manual cover

Jan Osin released a “Practical Guide to Church Reading.” The manual consists of two parts: an audio disc with recordings of the most commonly used fragments of liturgical readings and a booklet with texts typed in Church Slavonic font. “The chosen form helps not only to listen to the correct reading, but also to follow the text, not just learn to read correctly yourself, but also compare your reading and writing on the disk. Here is how to read prayers, how to read troparia, the Psalter. The correct emphasis is given, the correct clear pronunciation of each word - all this is very important,” notes the chairman of the Publishing Council, Metropolitan Kliment of Kaluga and Borovsk. . The manual is based on the reading traditions in the oldest Russian churches and monasteries. The manual received the stamp of the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church: “Recommended for publication by the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church” IS 12-124-2444. To date, there are no analogues to this manual.

Awards and honorary titles

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An excerpt characterizing Osin, Yan Valerievich

– What is viilis? – Stella became interested.
- This is us. Just like you are people, we are Viilis. And our planet is called Viilis. – Veya answered.
And then I suddenly realized that for some reason we didn’t even think of asking about this earlier!.. But this is the first thing we should have asked!
– Have you changed, or have you always been like this? – I asked again.
“They changed, but only inside, if that’s what you meant,” Veya answered.
A huge, crazy bright, multi-colored bird flew over our heads... A crown of shiny orange “feathers” sparkled on its head, and its wings were long and fluffy, as if it was wearing a multi-colored cloud. The bird sat on a stone and stared very seriously in our direction...
- Why is she looking at us so carefully? – Stella asked, shivering, and it seemed to me that she had another question in her head – “has this “bird” already had lunch today?”...
The bird cautiously jumped closer. Stella squeaked and jumped back. The bird took another step... It was three times larger than Stella, but it did not seem aggressive, but rather curious.
- Did she like me, or what? – Stella pouted. - Why doesn’t she come to you? What does she want from me?..
It was funny to watch how the little girl could barely restrain herself from shooting away from here. Apparently the beautiful bird did not evoke much sympathy in her...
Suddenly the bird spread its wings and a blinding light came from them. Slowly, slowly, a fog began to swirl above the wings, similar to the one that fluttered over Veya when we saw her for the first time. The fog swirled and thickened more and more, becoming like a thick curtain, and from this curtain huge, almost human eyes looked at us...
“Oh, is she turning into someone?!..” Stella squealed. - Look, look!..
It really was something to look at, since the “bird” suddenly began to “deform”, turning either into an animal, with human eyes, or into a man, with an animal body...
-What is this? – my friend bulged her brown eyes in surprise. -What is happening to her?..
And the “bird” had already slipped out of its wings, and a very unusual creature stood in front of us. It looked like a half-bird, half-man, with a large beak and a triangular human face, a very flexible, cheetah-like body and predatory, wild movements... She was very beautiful and, at the same time, very scary.
- This is Miard. – Wei introduced the creature. – If you want, he will show you the “living creatures”, as you say.
The creature, named Miard, began to have fairy wings again. And he waved them invitingly in our direction.
- Why exactly him? Are you very busy, “star” Wei?
Stella had a very unhappy face, because she was clearly afraid of this strange “beautiful monster,” but she apparently did not have the courage to admit it. I think she would rather go with him than admit that she was simply scared... Veya, having clearly read Stella’s thoughts, immediately reassured:
– He is very affectionate and kind, you will like him. You wanted to watch something live, and he knows this better than anyone.
Miard approached cautiously, as if sensing that Stella was afraid of him... But this time for some reason I wasn’t scared at all, rather the opposite - he interested me wildly.
He came close to Stella, who at that moment was almost squealing inside with horror, and carefully touched her cheek with his soft, fluffy wing... A purple fog swirled over Stella’s red head.
“Oh, look, mine is the same as Veiya’s!..” the surprised little girl exclaimed enthusiastically. - How did it happen?.. Oh-oh, how beautiful!.. - this already referred to the new area that appeared before our eyes with absolutely incredible animals.
We stood on the hilly bank of a wide, mirror-like river, the water in which was strangely “frozen” and, it seemed, one could calmly walk on it - it did not move at all. A sparkling fog swirled above the river surface, like a delicate transparent smoke.
As I finally guessed, this “fog, which we saw everywhere here, somehow enhanced any actions of the creatures living here: it opened up the brightness of their vision for them, served as a reliable means of teleportation, in general, it helped in everything they could at that moment these creatures were not engaged. And I think it was used for something else, much, much more, which we could not yet understand...
The river meandered like a beautiful wide “snake” and, smoothly going into the distance, disappeared somewhere between the lush green hills. And along both its banks amazing animals walked, lay and flew... It was so beautiful that we literally froze, amazed by this stunning sight...
The animals were very similar to unprecedented royal dragons, very bright and proud, as if they knew how beautiful they were... Their long, curved necks sparkled with orange gold, and on their heads there were red spiked crowns with teeth. The royal beasts moved slowly and majestically, with every movement shining with their scaly, pearlescent blue bodies, which literally burst into flames when exposed to the golden-blue rays of the sun.
- Beauty-and-and-more!!! – Stella barely exhaled in delight. – Are they very dangerous?
“Dangerous people don’t live here; we haven’t had them for a long time.” I don’t remember how long ago... - came the answer, and only then did we notice that Vaiya was not with us, but Miard was addressing us...
Stella looked around in fear, apparently not feeling too comfortable with our new acquaintance...
– So you have no danger at all? – I was surprised.
“Only external,” came the answer. - If they attack.
– Does this also happen?
“The last time it was before me,” Miard answered seriously.
His voice sounded soft and deep in our brains, like velvet, and it was very unusual to think that such a strange half-human creature was communicating with us in our own “language”... But we are probably already too accustomed to all sorts of wonderful miracles, because within a minute they were freely communicating with him, completely forgetting that he was not a person.
- And what - you never have any troubles?! – the little girl shook her head in disbelief. – But then you’re not at all interested in living here!..
She spoke of a real, unquenchable Earthly “thirst for adventure.” And I understood her perfectly. But I think it would be very difficult to explain this to Miard...
- Why isn’t it interesting? – our “guide” was surprised, and suddenly, interrupting himself, pointed upward. – Look – Saviya!!!
We looked at the top and were dumbfounded.... Fairy-tale creatures were smoothly floating in the light pink sky!.. They were completely transparent and, like everything else on this planet, incredibly colorful. It seemed as if marvelous, sparkling flowers were flying across the sky, only they were incredibly large... And each of them had a different, fantastically beautiful, unearthly face.
“Oh-oh.... Look... Oh, what a miracle...” for some reason Stella said in a whisper, completely stunned.
I don't think I've ever seen her so shocked. But there really was something to be surprised about... In no way, even the wildest fantasy, could it be possible to imagine such creatures! , spraying sparkling golden dust behind him... Miard made a strange “whistle”, and the fairy-tale creatures suddenly began to smoothly descend, forming above us a solid, huge “umbrella” flashing with all the colors of their crazy rainbow... It was so beautiful what was breathtaking!..
The first to “land” to us was pearl-blue, pink-winged Savia, who, having folded her sparkling wings-petals into a “bouquet”, began to look at us with great curiosity, but without any fear... It was impossible to calmly look at her whimsical beauty, which She attracted me like a magnet and I wanted to admire her endlessly...
– Don’t look too long – Savia is fascinating. You won't want to leave here. Their beauty is dangerous if you don’t want to lose yourself,” Miard said quietly.
- Why did you say that there is nothing dangerous here? So this isn't true? – Stella was immediately indignant.
“But this is not a danger that needs to be feared or fought against.” “I thought that’s what you meant when you asked,” Miard was upset.
- Come on! We, apparently, will have different concepts about many things. This is normal, right? – “nobly” the little girl reassured him. -Can I talk to them?
- Speak if you can hear. – Miard turned to the miracle Savia who had come down to us, and showed something.
The wondrous creature smiled and came closer to us, while the rest of his (or her?..) friends still floated easily right above us, sparkling and shimmering in the bright rays of the sun.
“I am Lilis...lis...is...” an amazing voice echoed. He was very soft, and at the same time very sonorous (if such opposite concepts can be combined into one).
- Hello, beautiful Lillis. – Stella joyfully greeted the creature. - I'm Stella. And here she is – Svetlana. We are people. And you, we know, Saviya. Where did you come from? And what is Saviya? – questions again rained down, but I didn’t even try to stop her, since it was completely useless... Stella simply “wanted to know everything!” And she always remained like that.
Lillis came very close to her and began to examine Stella with her bizarre, huge eyes. They were bright crimson, with gold specks inside, and sparkled like precious stones. The face of this wonderful creature looked amazingly tender and fragile, and was shaped like the petal of our earthly lily. She “spoke” without opening her mouth, at the same time smiling at us with her small, round lips... But, probably, the most amazing thing they had was their hair... It was very long, almost reaching the edge of the transparent wing, absolutely weightless and , not having a constant color, all the time flashed with the most different and most unexpected brilliant rainbows... The transparent bodies of Savius ​​were sexless (like the body of a small earthly child), and from the back they turned into “petals-wings”, which really made them look like huge bright flowers...
“We flew from the mountains...” a strange echo sounded again.
- Or maybe you can tell us faster? – impatient Stella asked Miarda. - Who are they?
– They were brought from another world once upon a time. Their world was dying and we wanted to save them. At first they thought they could live with everyone, but they couldn’t. They live very high in the mountains, no one can get there. But if you look into their eyes for a long time, they will take you with them... And you will live with them.
Stella shivered and moved slightly away from Lilis who was standing next to her... - What do they do when they take it away?
- Nothing. They just live with those who are taken away. It was probably different in their world, but now they just do it out of habit. But for us they are very valuable - they “clean” the planet. Nobody ever got sick after they came.
- So you saved them not because you were sorry, but because you needed them?!.. Is it really good to use them? – I was afraid that Miard would be offended (as they say, don’t go into someone else’s house with boots...) and pushed Stella hard in the side, but she didn’t pay any attention to me, and now turned to Savia. – Do you like living here? Are you sad for your planet?
“No, no... It’s beautiful here, gray and willow...” whispered the same soft voice. - And good-osho...
Lillis suddenly raised one of her sparkling "petals" and gently stroked Stella's cheek.
“Baby... Nice one... Stella-la...” and fog sparkled over Stella’s head for the second time, but this time it was multi-colored...
Lilis smoothly flapped her transparent petal wings and began to slowly rise until she joined her own. The Savii became agitated, and suddenly, flashing very brightly, they disappeared...
-Where did they go? – the little girl was surprised.
- They are gone. Here, look... - and Miard pointed to the already very far away, towards the mountains, smoothly floating in the pink sky, marvelous creatures illuminated by the sun. - They went home...

Yan Osin - Honored Artist of Russia. Possessing a luxurious bass-baritone, he performs songs in completely different genres with equal virtuosity.

He sang a duet with Lev Leshchenko, Nikolai Baskov and Mireille Mathieu. He performed with the Lundstrem and Garanyan orchestras, the Cinematography Orchestra conducted by Skripka, the Rossiya Orchestra named after. Lyudmila Zykina, the National Concert Orchestra of Belarus conducted by Finberg, the orchestra of the Latvian National Opera and many others. Ian was also accompanied by the legendary pianist People's Artist of Russia David Lerner - accompanist of Lemeshev, Maksakova, Robson and a large number of world opera stars. A delightful ensemble formed with the popular pianist and composer, People's Artist of Russia Levon Oganezov.

Yan Osin heads the “Connection of Generations” project, which has existed since 2007 with the blessing of Patriarch Alexy II. The project harmoniously combines Russian sacred music and classical romance, folk and military-patriotic songs. The permanent participants of the project are People's Artist of Russia Levon Oganezov and Honored Artist of Russia Boris Galkin. Within the framework of the project, author's photo exhibitions by Yan Osin are held.

25 years of experience in singing and reading in churches of the Russian Orthodox Church allowed Yan Osin to release a “Practical Guide to Church Reading.” The manual is based on the reading traditions in the oldest Russian churches and monasteries.

We talked about this and much more with Yan Osin.

Yan Valerievich, church activities occupy a huge place in your creative life: singing in church, publishing books. Please tell us about this.

Y.O.: In 1989 I received Holy Baptism with the name John. Over the course of a year, my godfather, Father Alexy (Svyatov), ​​little by little accustomed me to church life. He blessed me to help Father Oleg (Teor), who was then in charge of the church library. In the early 90s, I began publishing books, because at that time there was almost no church literature.

And that’s how my publishing career began. One day I met Father Boris Nikolaev, who served in the town of Malye Tolbitsy, Pskov region. He was probably the last expert in Znamenny singing, which he heard from the mothers of the St. John the Baptist Convent in Pskov. At one time, he wrote the book “Explanatory Grammar and Syntax of Znamenny Singing,” where he systematized the knowledge that he absorbed and which he studied all his life. We wanted to publish this book, but realized that there was no way to do this. It was 1992, we did not own the technology. I understood that preparing a book for publication was only possible using a computer. Then I began to go to different people and beg for the necessary equipment for the temple. Surprisingly, responsive people were quickly found. We got a computer, I installed it at home, began to master the programs with which the book is laid out, drew hooks and notes. And in the end the book was published. After that, I published another book by Father Boris.

You yourself are from Pskov, and surely the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery occupies some place in your life?

Y.O.: The Pskov-Pechersky Monastery occupied and still occupies a very important place in my life. This is the monastery that did not stop its spiritual life even in the most difficult years of the Soviet period. It so happened that after the Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty, this part of the Pskov region went to Estonia, and in 1941 returned back to the Soviet Union. In the 1960s, they wanted to close the monastery, but, thanks to the governor, Father Alypius, the monastery was preserved. This is a monastery with long traditions, rules, and principles. And for me they became fundamental. For example, in church reading, which I have been doing for more than 20 years, I try to use the style that I heard there - a calm, measured pace of reading. In my opinion, this is very correct, canonical, without any innovations. If we begin to introduce some innovations, making it easier to perceive, we can destroy the traditions that have developed over many centuries.

How did your church activities influence your creativity?

Y.O.: Absolutely had an impact. I sing in different genres, but I will never sing, for example, songs that somehow discredit and ridicule the church.

For me, sacred music includes the music of Yuri Poteenko, a very wonderful secular composer who wrote music for many films. I had to collaborate with him in the following way. Honored Artist of Russia Boris Sergeevich Galkin once read me Dmitry Kedrin’s poem “Architects”. He had been toying with the idea of ​​putting it to music for a long time. I told Boris Sergeevich that I didn’t know anyone who could write such music except Yuri Poteenko, who, in turn, agreed to help in this matter. The choral poem was performed by the Moscow Conservatory choir under the direction of Stanislav Semenovich Kalinin. I sang solo numbers in this choral poem. This is also spiritual music, although written in modern language.

What kind of spiritual music is closer to you?

Y.O.: Personally, Arkhangelsky, Chesnokov, Rachmaninov are closer to me.

You yourself sing in church. What do you think is the importance of the choir in worship?

Y.O.: Overwhelmingly large. Because the bulk of the church parishioners are women, impressionable people. If the choir sings well, they are moved, sometimes even becoming fans of some group. And I think that’s a good thing, it brings the church family together. When people come to their temple, they want to hear familiar music that is already familiar to them.

You have published a manual on church reading. Please tell us about this.

Y.O.: This manual is unique in its kind. The fact is that such a benefit has never existed before. In religious educational institutions, the Church Slavonic language is taught in terms of grammar, syntax, etc. I chose a workshop for myself. At the service, when you read, you don’t have to think about what time it is, what date it is. You just have to read it right. I myself learned by doing.

In the preface to my manual I write that this is one of the reading options, and not an example to follow.

In fact, the traditions of monodic reading are very simple: in monasteries they read more laconically, without melismas, on one note. In parish churches they add a little variety for the sake of beauty, because the audience is more secular and modern than in monasteries.

As for the tempo of the service, this is a very individual thing. In monasteries, for example, the service lasts a very long time. This is all very individual and depends on the abbot.

I myself am against fast reading. Because anything that goes fast becomes illegible. When a person stands and does not understand what is happening, does not understand the words, the meaning, he begins to think about his own things and turns off from the service.

I am for there to be logic. And the pace that the regent, reader or priest chooses must be logical. There is no need to delay it too much, but you also shouldn’t speed it up. Everything should be natural.

The Church is a living organism. It develops and absorbs some local traditions and local flavor. But there are things that should not change under any circumstances. This is, for example, the Church Slavonic language.

It is not for nothing that my lecture, which I periodically give at the invitation of the publishing council of the Russian Orthodox Church, is called “The Church Slavonic language as the basis of Orthodox worship.” Composers write music to text taken from the service. It is canonical and cannot be touched. Therefore, the pronunciation cannot be touched either. You cannot, for example, say “life” instead of the word “belly.” Because “belly” carries a certain meaning; it is too ambiguous a concept. By replacing words with simpler ones, we deaden the language, make it flatter, and it ceases to have many facets.

You are a very versatile person. You sing in church, give concerts, publish books.

Y.O.: Of course, I have concerts. It is clear that I do not give them every day, because my activity is very multifaceted. I not only sing songs, but also seriously engage in photography - I am a member of the Union of Artists of Russia. I would characterize this as part of my church work, because my work is largely dominated by photographs of church architecture. Now I am working on Pskov frescoes, which few people know. In the Pskov region, frescoes have been preserved since the Byzantine era of the 12th century. And, as it turned out, Pskov craftsmen painted the chapel-tomb of the Polish king in Krakow. This combination of Gothic vaults and typical Pskov frescoes is unique for me. I don’t think this has ever happened before in history. Now I really want to go to Poland, photograph it all in order to prepare for the exhibition.

Yan Valerievich, thank you for the interview!

Lyubov Cherenkova talked with Honored Artist Yan Osin

The singer has an album of folk songs
Why are there no songs for the soul on radio and TV screens?

Have you ever seen a song by modern authors evoke such strong emotions as tears in the audience? For me - only once. It was then that I first learned about the Honored Artist of Russia Yan Osin, who does not hesitate to sing about love for the Motherland.

Y.O.: - Previously, people were brought up in such a way that words about love for the Motherland did not evoke a smile or a desire to be sarcastic: they say, why should I love the Motherland - what has it given me? These are exactly the words I recently heard from a famous music critic. After that, my good friend, the poet, and I couldn’t even find anything to answer. This cynicism towards things that are sacred to us was unexpected, like a blow to the gut. Then we realized that this man and I were not on the same path. And we will no longer communicate with him.

“Capitality”: - I first became acquainted with your work thanks to the Internet, after watching the video for the song “Memory”. Later, at your concert, I witnessed how even men could not hold back their tears when you performed it. Together with the poet Albert Bektemirov, you dedicated “Memory” to all veterans, and the main character of the video is the nun Adriana.

Y.O.: - Nun Adriana (in the world - Natalya Malysheva) all her life was not only a Patriot, but also a Warrior. At the age of 17, she went to the front and served in front-line intelligence. And she reached Berlin. After the war, she worked at the S. Korolev Design Bureau, participating with her design talent in space exploration. In adulthood, she became a warrior of the Spirit - having come to the Church, she took monastic vows and became a nun of the Moscow metochion of the Pyukhtitsa Monastery. I am sincerely proud that the Lord allowed me to meet and communicate with such a person. She was always radiant, and until the end of her life she retained not only good spirits, but also, despite illness, good physical health. Last year, on the eve of Victory Day, she was able to personally attend a concert on Poklonnaya Hill, where there was a presentation of the song “Memory” dedicated to her.

Nun Adriana reposed on February 4 of this year. When the workers at the monastery graveyard were digging a grave, they found a Russian bayonet in the ground - as a symbol of the way of life that was given by God to this amazing Russian woman: from military youth to the holy angelic image... From the bayonet of 1941 - to the bayonet of 2012...

It pains me to see how the topic of attitudes towards veterans is erased from the consciousness of young people. They are remembered once a year - on Victory Day. So it turns out that the memory of the glorious deeds of our ancestors is being eroded in the consciousness of the people. Now many people say coolly: “Come on, just think, 200 years since the victory over Napoleon, the bones of those heroes have already decayed, but you still remember Denis Davydov.” And you go to the Novodevichy Convent, where his grave is located next to the Smolensk Cathedral. And all these years there were people who honored the memory of the hero. And if we go even further into the depths of centuries, we will remember how our ancestors liberated the country from the Tatar-Mongol yoke. Let us remember Sergius of Radonezh, who blessed Prince Dmitry Donskoy for the decisive battle. The memory of a glorious past, if it is alive, unites people.

Mireille Mathieu and Yana Osina have been friends for many years. Photo: official website osin.ru

“Capitality”: - Ian, you have a surprisingly wide repertoire - from folk and patriotic songs to romances and Western hits performed by Presley, Sinatra, Yves Montand, Dassin. Are there any pieces that you will never sing under any circumstances?

Y.O.: - When they tell me: “You sing almost everything,” I answer: “No. I don’t know how to sing pop and criminal songs, which we call chanson. In France, chanson is called pop music, which translated into Russian simply means “song”. In our country, chanson has acquired a rotten shade of criminal themes. And if we remember the great French chansonniers - Yves Montand, Charles Aznavour, Edith Piaf - they performed pop songs, but what kind of songs were they? The soul and mind responded to them. And now our pop music is pop music. Many people think that this word is short for the adjective “popular”. And I think this means “music for pop” - and certainly not for the soul.

Although there are always exceptions in popular music. The same Konstantin Meladze. And if we talk about the older generation, then for me an example is Lev Valeryanovich Leshchenko. For many years of work on stage, he has not changed his principles. He didn’t dress like a gopnik - in torn jeans. It is difficult to imagine it in a modern pop format. At the same time, his songs - “Nightingale Grove”, “Parental Home” and others - are sung and loved.

“CAPITALITY”: - You not only have a wide repertoire, but also a wide range of audiences - from the military to the Spanish queen and mayors of European capitals, for example Rome.

Y.O.: - I always speak to the military with great pleasure. Recently I sang for submariners. You know the saying: whoever has not swam in the sea has not truly prayed. Sailors may not go to church regularly, but at their core they are more religious people than those who often go to church, but only to light a candle.

In August there was another anniversary of the sinking of the Kursk submarine. I was at the Serafimovskoye cemetery in St. Petersburg, where part of the boat crew is buried. There's a big memorial there. Everything is beautiful and well maintained. You stand there and think: “When will they start taking decent care of living sailors?”

Anyone who has not been to Severodvinsk cannot imagine the conditions in which submariners live. They receive small salaries, the climate is harsh, and living conditions are difficult. With all this, people are ready to give their lives for their Motherland. This must be appreciated.

As for foreign tours, I noticed that in Europe they are not at all interested in our pop music, but in Russian folk songs and romances. Last year he performed in the central square of Rome, closing a concert dedicated to the Days of Russia in Italy. Sang the song “Unbroken Rus'”. He performed in Russian, but it was clear that the Italian audience felt the meaning of the work and empathized. By the way, this song based on the poetry of the poet Evgeny Muravyov was written by composer Alexey Garnizov, the author of many hits, for example, “Happy Birthday!” performed by Irina Allegrova. Everyone probably knows this song. But “Unbroken Rus'” was heard much less. This says a lot.

The situation must be changed, otherwise young people, brought up exclusively on “pop music,” will talk about their homeland as cynically as that music critic. We will raise a generation of consumers for whom a new phone model or another “candy wrapper” will be more important than the memory of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers who shed blood and went to certain death so that you and I could live today.