Malakhov let the nose say. Who will stay with Nose? (Love triangle of Alexander Nosik)

A few months ago, rumors appeared in the press that actor Alexander Nosik left his wife Olga for ex-“manufacturer” Nastya Krainova. For some time, the artist and singer insisted that they were connected only by friendship. However, they were unable to keep the affair a secret. Nosik’s fans did not believe that he could leave his beautiful wife and began to speculate about what happened in the celebrity’s family. Today in the “Let Them Talk” program Andrei Malakhov invited Alexander, his new passion Anastasia, as well as the actor’s wife Olga to the studio to figure out how everything really happened.

After rumors about a new romance appeared, the star of the series “Mukhtar” denied information about the breakup with his wife on his microblog. In the studio, Nosik admitted that his relationship with the lead singer of the group “Tutsi” began after breaking up with his wife.

“I try not to endure anything until the very last moment, I hide my personal life,” the man justified himself.

However, Andrei Malakhov recalled that after the wedding of Alexander and Olga, the whole country knew the details of their wedding night. The actor said that this was solely the initiative of his chosen one. According to him, the thirst for publicity was in some way the impetus for their separation.

"Or am I not that strong man“to hold on and be an authority for Olga, or we are really equal beings, and Olga has her own point of view, which does not always or often enough coincide with mine,” Alexander admitted.

Nosik said that he is still officially married. The man said that he did not have time to complete the paperwork. However, experts in the studio noted that they could be divorced in absentia, since the couple has no children. Alexander admitted that he left the apartment to Olga.

Andrei Malakhov asked whether the lack of heirs could have been a reason for the breakup. Nosik said that children should be an extension of happiness.

Olga appeared in the studio. To the surprise of all the spectators in the studio, Alexander hugged his wife. The woman explained that couples need to be able to separate gracefully.

“Sasha has the right to her personal life. It took us a long time to reach the point of divergence; it probably lasted several years. We realized at some point we had to go some distance. It wasn’t that Sasha left and I was left in misery. Yes, I was angry with Sasha, we were constantly on the road, on the phone. Then we realized that we should not be angry, but understand what was happening,” explained the actor’s wife.

// Photo: Still from the “Let Them Talk” program

Olga admitted that at some point they felt that their passionate love had grown into the sympathy of their relatives. As Alexander stated, they decided to divorce six months ago.

Andrey Malakhov invited singer Anastasia Krainova to the studio. She hugged first with Olga and then with Alexander. This greatly surprised all the guests, since women often perceive each other exclusively as rivals and best case scenario They try to stay as neutral as possible.

// Photo: Still from the “Let Them Talk” program

The ex-“manufacturer” admitted that she broke up with her boyfriend a year ago and was worried for a long time. When she had the idea to shoot a video, she invited Alexander to play one of the roles. After this, feelings flared up between them.

Nosik admitted that he had not yet introduced Anastasia to his relatives, but the actor was in for a surprise - the singer’s mother came to the program. Lyudmila Krainova remembered that she learned about her daughter’s affair on social networks. Only after this the artist spoke about her new relationship. Mom is not embarrassed that Nastya’s chosen one is not divorced.

// Photo: Still from the “Let Them Talk” program

Experts could not believe that everyone was happy in the current situation. They were surprised that Olga was not offended by the six years of marriage that ended. The woman herself admitted that she is free and has an excellent opportunity to choose men. After these words, Nosik’s wife shed tears and said that her love for Alexander had reached such a level that she felt good when her husband was happy, albeit with someone else.

// Photo: Still from the “Let Them Talk” program

The popular film actor who played the main characters in the series “Special Forces” and “The Return of Mukhtar” Alexander Nosik has always been famous for his good side not only for his roles in films, but also in life. It has always been said about the 45-year-old artist that he is an exemplary family man. Alexander was married to his wife Olga for 6 years. However, today it becomes clear unexpected details— Nosik is dating singer Anastasia Krainova. Watch the episode Let them talk - Love triangle Alexandra Nosika 08/10/2017

Like a bolt from the blue, the news thundered in the media that Alexander Nosik’s marriage to his wife Olga had broken up. Moreover, the actor increasingly began to be noticed in the company of Anastasia Krainova, a participant in “Star Factory-3” and ex-soloist of the female group “Tutsi”. The entire public saw photographs of the couple, and soon the news that Alexander Nosik paid his beloved girlfriend for the filming of a video for 1 million rubles! Today on “Let Them Talk” all the participants in the love triangle will meet. Who will he stay with? famous actor? Repeat of the broadcast from May 25.

Let them talk - The love triangle of Alexander Nosik

At the beginning of this issue, Let Them Talk shows two photographs: in one picture, actor Alexander Nosik with his wife Olga, and in the second, he is with the lead singer of the group “Tutsi” Nastya Krainova. According to rumors, the actor left his wife for her. Is it so?

Alexander Nosik with Nastya Krainova

Last year, Nosik posted a message on his Instagram blog, where he assured the public that his “official and only wife"is Olga Nosik. And suddenly, unexpectedly for everyone, it turns out that Alexander is in a relationship with singer Anastasia Krainova.

So far, none of the participants in this love triangle have given any comments, but today in new studio programs Let all three of them speak: Alexander, Olga and Anastasia.

Who will stay with Nosik: Olga Nosik or Nastya Krainova?

The main character of the broadcast, Alexander Nosik, came to the program to put an end to the rumors and dot the i’s:

- In fact, my relationship with Nastya is really true. First I broke up with Olga...that’s how it happened. And then I started a relationship with Nastya. We have known each other for many years. As for my post on Instagram, refuting the rumors about me and Nastya, everything is simple: I always try to keep my personal life secret until the last moment and therefore hide some details about myself.

Alexander Nosik and his wife Olga

- Why did I break up with Olga? In my opinion, the reason for the breakdown of our relationship is that I am probably not strong enough for her, and our points of view often differed. We haven't officially divorced yet. I don’t have time all the time, I’m on the road and this probably also became the reason for the separation. We have different interests, different rhythms of life. But I respect Olga as a person. I leave her the apartment and our dog.

The legal wife of Alexander Nosik also came to the program Let them say:

“Unfortunately, at school they teach us logarithms, which we will never need, but they don’t teach us how to be happy and not suffer after possible breakups.” Why can’t we disagree without dirt and dust in respect? Sasha has the right to her personal life. Yes, I used to be angry with him: we were constantly traveling and rarely saw each other. But gradually we developed family relations, we began to respect each other.

Alexander Nosik:

- The fact that we are divorcing Olga is our decision. The fact that I am with Nastya now is also our decision! Nobody knows what will happen next, but I don’t want dirt, rumors and speculation.

“Razluchnitsa” Anastasia Krainova in the studio “Let them talk”:

— We met Sasha 10 years ago. We just talked and were friends. A year ago, I broke up with my boyfriend, whom I had been dating for a long time. I had serious experiences, and then we crossed paths with Sasha and somehow found mutual language. I'm not some kind of lover, I'm Alexandra's girlfriend! And if I had known that everything was fine with Olga, I would not have interfered with their family.

Andrei Malakhov:

“I now have the feeling that I turned on a daytime series on some channel and I have to watch it all.” Just one question: who wrote this nonsense?!

Watch online for free the episode Let Them Talk - Alexander Nosik’s Love Triangle, broadcast on August 10, 2017 (08/10/2017).

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What do children love most? Of course, cartoons. It is in this section that we have collected a variety of foreign and domestic cartoons. Among the huge selection, there is sure to be one that your child will especially love. If you have a lot to do or just want to relax, and the child asks for constant attention, and if there is none, then he begins to “mess up”, then cartoons will come to the rescue. By turning on a cartoon for a child, you can distract him for at least half an hour, or even two or three.

An art form such as animation has been around for quite a long time. During this time, the quality has improved, which is good news. Children of any generation absolutely love cartoons; everyone, as a child, loved cartoons. Many adults at one time had to wait on TV and had to watch what was shown. Some people were lucky at one time if their parents bought cassettes or discs. And the new generation can already watch what they want without spending money from their parents’ wallet, because almost every home already has a computer and the Internet, with the help of which a huge card index of cartoons can be opened for every taste and color.

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In a studio " Let them talk“Guests and viewers discuss various scandalous situations, everyday problems, secrets of pop stars and show business, as well as national problems.
The heroes of the program are real people, as a rule, without acting education.

Talk show Let them talk - The love triangle of Alexander Nosik from May 25, 2017)

The star of the series “The Return of Mukhtar” and “Special Forces” Alexander Nosik has always been famous for his in a positive way both in cinema and in personal life. The 45-year-old actor was known as an exemplary family man - he and his wife Olga lived together for six years. The news came out like a bolt from the blue that the actor had left his wife for the singer, former “manufacturer”, lead singer of the group “Tutsi” Anastasia Krainova. First, compromising photographs appeared in the media, and then the news that Nosik paid his beloved for the video for 1 million rubles. All participants in the love triangle will gather in the studio to figure out which of them will stay with Alexander Nosik.
Watch all this in the show Let them talk - The love triangle of Alexander Nosik from May 25, 2017.

Talk show Let them talk - Alexander Nosik's love triangle (05/25/2017) watch online

Let them talk - Alexander Nosik's love triangle (05/25/2017) watch on any mobile device (tablet, smartphone or phone). Regardless of the installed OS, be it Android or iOS on iPad or iPhone. Open the series on your phone or tablet and immediately watch online good quality HD 720 and absolutely free.

The star of the series “The Return of Mukhtar” and “Special Forces” Alexander Nosik has always been famous for his positive image both in cinema and in his personal life. The 45-year-old actor was known as an exemplary family man - he lived with his wife Olga for six years. The news came out like a bolt from the blue that the actor had left his wife for the singer, former “manufacturer”, lead singer of the group “Tutsi” Anastasia Krainova. First, compromising photographs appeared in the media, and then the news that Nosik paid his beloved for the video for 1 million rubles. All participants in the love triangle will gather in the studio to figure out which of them will stay with Alexander Nosik.

At the beginning of this issue of “Let Them Talk,” two photographs are shown: in one picture, actor Alexander Nosik with his wife Olga, and in the second, he is with the lead singer of the group “Tutsi” Nastya Krainova. According to rumors, the actor left his wife for her. Is it really? Last year, Nosik published a message on his Instagram blog, where he assured the public that his “official and only wife” was Olga Nosik. And suddenly, unexpectedly for everyone, it turns out that Alexander is in a relationship with singer Anastasia Krainova. Until now, none of the participants in this love triangle have given any comments, but today all three will gather in the new studio of the “Let Them Talk” program: Alexander, Olga and Anastasia.

The main character of the broadcast, Alexander Nosik, came to the program to put an end to the rumors and dot the i’s: “In fact, my relationship with Nastya is really true. First I broke up with Olga...that’s how it happened. And then I started a relationship with Nastya. We have known each other for many years. As for my post on Instagram, refuting the rumors about me and Nastya, everything is simple: I always try to keep my personal life secret until the last moment and therefore hide some details about myself. Why did I break up with Olga? In my opinion, the reason for the breakdown of our relationship is that I am probably not strong enough for her, and our points of view often differed. We haven't officially divorced yet. I don’t have time all the time, I’m on the road and this probably also became the reason for the separation. We have different interests, different rhythms of life. But I respect Olga as a person. I leave her the apartment and our dog.”

The legal wife of Alexander Nosik also came to the program. Let them say: “Unfortunately, at school we are taught logarithms, which we will never need, but they are not taught to be happy and not to suffer after possible separations. Why can’t we disagree without dirt and dust in respect? Sasha has the right to her personal life. Yes, I used to be angry with him: we were constantly traveling and rarely saw each other. But gradually we developed a family relationship, we began to respect each other.” Alexander Nosik: “The fact that we are divorcing Olga is our decision. The fact that I am now with Nastya is also our decision! Nobody knows what will happen next, but I don’t want dirt, rumors and speculation.” “Razluchnitsa” Anastasia Krainova in the studio “Let them talk”: “We met Sasha 10 years ago. We just talked and were friends. A year ago, I broke up with my boyfriend, whom I had been dating for a long time. I had serious experiences, and then we crossed paths with Sasha and somehow found a common language. I'm not some kind of lover, I'm Alexandra's girlfriend! And if I knew that everything was fine with him and Olga, I would not have interfered with their family.”