Proverbs. Soulful reading


A man fell into a deep abyss. He lies wounded and dies... Friends come running. They tried, holding each other, to go down to his aid, but almost fell into it themselves. Mercy has arrived. He lowered the ladder into the abyss, but - oh!.. - it doesn’t reach all the way! The good deeds once done by man arrived and threw down a long rope. But the rope is also short... They also tried in vain to save the man: his great fame, big money, power... Finally, repentance came. It extended its hand, the man grabbed it and... climbed out of the abyss! - How did you do it? - everyone was surprised. But there was no time to respond to repentance. It was rushing to other people whom only it could save...

Old and young monah (Novice and monk)

One day the old and young monk were returning to their monastery. Their path was crossed by a river, which, due to the rains, overflowed very heavily. On the shore stood a young woman who also needed to move to the opposite shore, but she could not do it without outside help. The vow strictly forbade monks to touch women, and the young monk pointedly turned away from her.

The old monk approached the woman, took her in his arms and carried her across the river. The monks remained silent the rest of the way, but at the monastery itself the young monk could not stand it: “How could you touch a woman!? You made a vow!” To which the old man calmly replied: “It’s strange, I carried it and left it on the river bank, and you are still carrying it.”

...about condemnation

One married couple moved to a new apartment. In the morning, the wife looked out the window and, seeing a neighbor hanging out the washed laundry, said to her husband: “Look how dirty her laundry is, she probably doesn’t know how to wash.” And so every time the neighbor hung out the laundry, the wife was surprised at how dirty it was. dirty. One day, waking up and looking out the window, she exclaimed: “The laundry is clean today! ...Finally, the neighbor learned to do the laundry.” “No,” said the husband, “I just got up early today and washed your glass.”


Two lumberjacks

Two lumberjacks took part in a forest cutting competition. Each was assigned a certain area of ​​the forest, and the winner was the one who could cut down the most trees between 8 am and 4 pm. At eight o'clock in the morning the whistle sounded and two lumberjacks took up their positions. They cut down tree after tree until the First heard the Second stop. Realizing that this was his chance, the First redoubled his efforts... At nine o'clock the First heard that the Second had started working again. And again they worked almost synchronously, when suddenly at ten minutes to ten the First heard that the Second had stopped again. And again the First set to work, wanting to take advantage of the enemy’s weakness.

This went on all day. Every hour the Second stopped for ten minutes, and the First continued working. When the signal sounded to end the competition, the First was absolutely sure that the prize was in his pocket. Imagine how surprised he was when he learned that he had lost. - How did it happen? - he asked his friend. - After all, every hour I heard you stop working for ten minutes. How did you manage to chop more wood than me? This is impossible. “In fact, everything is very simple,” the Second answered directly. “Every hour I stopped for ten minutes and sharpened my axe.

Cure for Sin

One day, the disciples came to the elder and asked him: “Why do bad inclinations easily take hold of a person, but good inclinations take hold of a person with difficulty and remain fragile in him?”

What happens if a healthy seed is left in the sun and a diseased one is buried in the ground? - asked the old man.

A good seed that is left without soil will die, but a bad seed will germinate and produce a sick sprout and bad fruit,” answered the disciples.

This is what people do: instead of secretly doing good deeds and cultivating good beginnings deep in their souls, they put them on display and thereby ruin them. And people hide their shortcomings and sins deep in their souls so that others do not see them. There they grow and destroy a person in his very heart. Be wise.

What is Heaven and what is Hell

One Monk really wanted to know what Heaven is and what Hell is. He thought about this topic day and night. And then one night, when he fell asleep during his painful thoughts, he dreamed that he was in Hell.

He looked around and saw people sitting in front of pots of food. But some were exhausted and hungry. He took a closer look - everyone was holding a spoon with a long handle. They can scoop from the cauldron, but they won’t get into your mouth...

Suddenly a local employee (apparently a devil) runs up to him and shouts:

Hurry up, or you'll miss the train to Paradise.

Man has arrived in Paradise. And what does he see?! The same picture as in Hell. Pots of food, people with spoons with long handles. But everyone is cheerful and well-fed. The man took a closer look - and here people feed each other with the same spoons.


There is such a parable. After God created the world, man immediately stepped beyond what was permitted. This circumstance greatly troubled God.

He called the seven archangels to a council and said: “Perhaps I made a mistake in creating man, now I will have no peace. People will transgress what is permitted, and then complain endlessly about their miserable lives. Where can I hide from them?”...

The archangels thought for a long time. One of them advised God to hide on the top of Everest. But God said: “You don’t know yet, but very soon people will get there.” Another archangel suggested: “Hide at the bottom of the ocean.” God just sighed. Another advised taking refuge on the Moon. There were many more different proposals, but God rejected them all.

Finally, one of the archangels said: “Hide in the heart of a person, no one will bother you there, and only a person with an open heart can find you.” This proposal pleased God. He did just that.


A boy was walking along the road. He looks - the penny is lying there. “Well,” he thought, “even a penny is money!” He took it and put it in his wallet. And he began to think further: “What would I do if I found a thousand rubles? I would buy gifts for my father and mother!” As soon as I thought like that, I felt like my wallet got heavier. I looked into it - and there was a thousand rubles. - "Strange affair! - The boy was amazed. - There was a penny, and now there are a thousand rubles in my wallet! ...

What would I do if I found ten thousand rubles? I would buy a cow and give milk to my father and mother!” And he quickly looked into his wallet, and there were ten thousand rubles! - "Miracles! - The boy was happy. - What would I do if I found one hundred thousand rubles? I would buy a house, take a wife and settle my father and mother in the new house!” And again he looked into the wallet - exactly: there are a hundred thousand rubles! The boy closed his wallet, and then he began to think: “Maybe we shouldn’t take our father and mother to the new house? What if my wife doesn't like them? Let them live in the old house. And keeping a cow is troublesome; I’d rather buy a goat. And I won’t buy many gifts, I need to buy some clothes myself!” And the boy feels that the wallet is very light! He quickly opened it, and lo and behold: there was only one penny lying there, alone...

Simeon of Athos "Ascent to Heaven"

Extraordinary button

There lived one man, and he lived not very well, confusedly. I decided to come to my senses, do good deeds, save my soul. I did them and did them, but didn’t notice any significant changes in myself for the better. One day he was walking down the street and saw that one old woman’s coat button broke and fell to the ground. He saw it and thought: “What’s wrong! She still has enough buttons. Don't lift it! What nonsense!” But still, groaning, he picked up the button, caught up with the old lady, gave her the button and forgot about it...

Then he died, and he sees scales: on the left - his evil lies, pulling him down, and on the right - there is nothing, empty! And evil overwhelms. “Eh,” the man says to himself, “no luck here either!” He looks, the Angels are putting down a button... And the cup with good deeds has outweighed. “Is it really this one button that has pulled out all my evil deeds? - the man was surprised. “How many good deeds I have done, but they are not visible!” And he heard the Angel say to him: “Because you were proud of your good deeds, they disappeared! But it was precisely this button that you forgot about that was enough to save you from death!”

Good deeds do not live in good deeds, but in a good heart

A parable about good and evil thoughts. Who is easier to drive away?

The woman complains:

Father, evil thoughts are creeping into your head. But I don’t know how to deal with them. The priest smiles:

If two people come to you - one good and the other evil, who is easier to drive away?

“Good day,” the woman responds.

It’s also easy to frighten away a good thought. And you can’t get rid of the evil ones. We have to ask: “Lord, help!” And then they leave...

The Parable of the Little Frogs and the High Tower

One day the little frogs decided to have a competition to see who could climb to the top of the tower first.

Many spectators gathered. Everyone wanted to see how the frogs would jump and laugh at the participants. Of course, none of the spectators believed that even one frog could climb up. The competition began, and shouts were heard from all sides:

They won't succeed! It's too difficult...

No chance! The tower is too high!

The baby frogs fell down one after another, but some still climbed. The crowd shouted louder:

Too difficult!!! No one can do it!

Soon all the frogs got tired and fell. Except for one, who rose higher and higher... He was the only one who managed to climb to the top of the tower.

Everyone began to ask the winner how he managed to find so much strength within himself. It turned out that the winner was deaf.

Maybe sometimes it’s better for us to remain deaf to other people’s doubts and even praise?

Wooden feeder

Once upon a time there lived a very old man. His eyes were blinded, his hearing was dull, his knees trembled. He could hardly hold a spoon in his hands and while eating he often spilled soup on the tablecloth, and sometimes some of the food fell out of his mouth. The son and his wife looked at the old man with disgust and during meals began to sit him in a corner behind the stove, and served him food in an old saucer...

From there he looked sadly at the table, and his eyes became wet. One day his hands were shaking so much that he could not hold a saucer of food. It fell to the floor and broke. The young mistress began to scold the old man, but he did not say a word, but only sighed heavily. Then they bought him a wooden bowl. Now he had to eat from it.

One day, when the parents were sitting at the table, their four-year-old son entered the room with a piece of wood in his hands.

What do you want to do? - asked the father.

“A wooden feeder,” the baby answered. Mom and Dad will eat from it when I grow up.

Parable about the old cat

One day an old cat met a young kitten. The kitten ran in a circle and tried to catch its tail.

The old cat stood and watched, and the young kitten kept spinning, falling, getting up and again chasing its tail.

Why are you chasing your tail? - asked the old cat.

They told me - the kitten answered - that my tail is my happiness, so I’m trying to catch it.

The old cat smiled, as only old cats can do this, and said:

When I was young, I was also told that my happiness was in my tail. I spent many days chasing my tail and trying to grab it...

I didn’t eat or drink, I just chased my tail. I fell exhausted, got up and again tried to catch my tail. At some point I got desperate and left.

I just went wherever my eyes led me. And you know what I suddenly noticed?

What? - asked the kitten in surprise?

I noticed that wherever I go, my tail goes with me everywhere...

Clay pots

A monk once came to his mentor and said:

Father, how many times have I come to you, repenting of my sins, how many times have you instructed me with advice, but I cannot improve. What good is it for me to come to you if after our conversations I again fall into my sins?

Ava replied:

My son, take two clay pots - one with honey and the other empty.

The student did just that.

“And now,” said the teacher, “pour the honey several times from one pot to another.”

The student obeyed again...

Now, son, look at the empty pot and smell it.

The student looked, smelled and said:

Father, the empty pot smells of honey, and there, at the bottom, there is a little thick honey left.

“That’s how it is,” said the teacher, “and my instructions settle in your soul.” If for the sake of Christ you learn at least part of the virtues in life, then the Lord, by His mercy, will make up for their lack and save your soul for life in paradise. For even an earthly housewife does not pour pepper into a pot that smells of honey. So God will not reject you if you retain at least the beginnings of righteousness in your soul.

Recipe for sin

A certain old man entered the hospital and asked the doctor:

Do you have a cure for sin?

Yes, - the doctor answered, - here is the recipe:

Near the roots of obedience;

Gather flowers of spiritual purity;

Narvi leaves of patience;

Gather the fruits of unhypocrisy;...

Do not get drunk with the wine of adultery;

Dry all this by fasting abstinence;

Put good deeds into the pot;

Add tears of repentance;

Salt with the salt of brotherly love;

Add the bounty of alms;

Put the powder of humility into all this;

And kneeling;

Take three spoons on the day of the fear of God;

Dress yourself in the robe of righteousness;

Don't get into idle talk

Otherwise you’ll catch a cold and get sick with sin again.

About obedience and humility

Once a woman came to the Optina hieroschemamonk Anatoly and asked him for a blessing to live alone so that she could fast, pray and sleep on bare boards without interference. The elder told her:

You know, the evil one does not eat, does not drink and does not sleep, but everything lives in the abyss, because he has no humility. Submit to the will of God in everything - that’s your feat; humble yourself before everyone, reproach yourself for everything, bear illness and sorrow with gratitude - this is beyond any feats!...

The Monk Anatoly advised his other spiritual daughter, who asked him for a blessing to purchase the Gospel and Psalter:

Buy buy, but, most importantly, obey without laziness, humble yourself and endure everything. This will be higher than fasting and prayer.

Creator of the Universe

One day an atheist came to a sage and began to tell him that he did not believe in God. He simply could not believe in a certain “Creator” who created the Universe.

A couple of days later, the sage paid a return visit to the atheist and brought with him a magnificent painting. The atheist was amazed. He had never seen a more perfect canvas!

What a beautiful painting. Tell me, who wrote this? Who is author?

Like who? Nobody. There was a blank canvas, and above it a shelf with paints. They accidentally overturned, spilled - and here is the result...

Why joke like that? - the atheist laughed. - After all, this is impossible: excellent work, precise lines, strokes and combinations of shades. Behind all this splendor one can feel the depth of the plan. You can’t do this without an author!

Then the sage smiled and said:

You are unable to believe that this small painting came about by chance, without any prior design by the creator. And do you want me to believe that our beautiful world - with forests and mountains, oceans and valleys, with the change of seasons, magical sunsets and quiet moonlit nights - arose by the will of blind chance, without the Creator’s plan?

I carried you in my arms...

One day a man had a dream. He dreamed that he was walking along a sandy shore, and next to him was the Lord. Pictures from his life flashed in the sky, and after each of them he noticed two chains of footprints in the sand: one from his feet, the other from the feet of the Lord.

When the last picture of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. And he saw that often along his life’s path there was only one chain of traces. He also noticed that these were the most difficult and unhappy times in his life...

He became very sad and began to ask the Lord:

Wasn’t it You who told me: if I follow Your path, You will not leave me. But I noticed that during the most difficult times of my life, only one chain of footprints stretched across the sand. Why did You abandon me when I needed You most?

The Lord answered:

My sweet, sweet child. I love you and will never leave you. When there were sorrows and trials in your life, only one chain of footprints stretched along the road. Because in those days I carried you in my arms.

Prayers out of habit

In the house of some rich people they stopped praying before meals. One day a preacher came to visit them. The table was set very elegantly, the best fruit juices were taken out and a very tasty dish was served. The family sat down at the table. Everyone looked at the preacher and thought that now he would pray before eating. But the preacher said:

The father of the family must pray at the table, because he is the first prayer book in the family. ..

There was an unpleasant silence, because no one in this family prayed. The father cleared his throat and said: “You know, dear preacher, we don’t pray because in prayer before meals the same thing is always repeated. Prayers out of habit are empty chatter. These repetitions are every day, every year, so we don’t pray anymore. "

The preacher looked at everyone in surprise, but then the seven-year-old girl said:

Dad, don’t I really need to come to you in the morning and say “good morning” anymore?

Community service. Parable of Elder Paisius the Holy Mountain

Once a man came to Elder Paisius of Athos in the monastic cell and began to inquire: “Why are the monks sitting here?” Why don't they go out into the world for public service?

Shouldn't lighthouses be on rocks? - the old man answered. - Or will you order them to also move to the city and join the work of street lights? Lighthouses have their own service, and lanterns have theirs.

A monk is not a light bulb that hangs over a city sidewalk and shines light on pedestrians so that they do not stumble. A monk is a lighthouse in high rocks, designed to shine in the seas and oceans so that ships go the right way and reach their main destination, God.

« HEALTHY READING", "monthly publication of spiritual content", - a magazine published in Moscow; founded according to the thoughts of the priest of the Moscow Kazan at the Kaluga Gate Church Alexei Osipovich Klyucharev, later Ambrose, Archbishop of Kharkov (about him, see a special article), who, together with the other two Moscow priests he invited - the Nikolaev Church in Tolmachi, Vasily Petrovich Nechaev and the Church of St. Nikolai Zayaitsky Vas. Iv. Lebedev - and began publishing this magazine in 1860. The founding of the magazine was caused by the urgent need of the time. Metropolitan of Moscow Filaret, petitioning the Holy Synod for permission to publish “Soulful Reading,” wrote: “Both the government and private people, the intensively spread literacy and love of reading require healthy food, and especially when secular literature everywhere offers reading, mostly vain and unfavorable for the true edification of the people." With the death of Fr. Lebedev in 1863 and the resignation of Fr. Klyucharev in 1866, Fr. remained the sole editor-publisher of the magazine. Nechaev. He carried on this difficult matter until 1889, when, having accepted monasticism, with the name Vissarion (see a special article about him), he was consecrated bishop. Then, in October, he handed over his journal to his son-in-law and successor in the parish, professor of the Moscow Theological Academy, Archpriest Dimitri Feodorovich Kasitsyn. The new editor ran the magazine for 12 years and died in 1901, December 3, at 62 years old. His death was remarkable: in his dying delirium, he said all the prayers of the liturgy in order, remembered all the deceased who were commemorated in his parish church, and ended with the exclamation: “may the mercies of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ be with you all.” " He was the son of a deacon of the Moscow diocese, a master of the Moscow Academy, began serving as a teacher at Bethany Seminary, in 1867 he moved to the academy, where he occupied departments - at first in the history of the Western Church, from 1869 - in modern church history, from 1884. - history and analysis of Western confessions. He was appointed a priest in August 1889, and in 1892 received an archpriest. He was buried at the Danilovsky cemetery (“Soulful Reading” 1902 No. 2). After Fr. Kasitsyn, the wife of the late O. V. Kasitsyn remained the publisher, and Alexei Iv, a professor at the Moscow Academy, was appointed editor. Vvedensky.

From the very first days, the magazine attracted a reliable circle of employees from the Moscow clergy, professors of the theological academy and secular figures of theological direction. Many spiritual and literary luminaries took part in the magazine (such as Archpriest A.V. Gorsky, P.A. Smirnov, Eminence Filaret Gumilevsky, Theophan the Recluse and the current Chief Prosecutor of the Holy Synod K.P. Pobedonostsev) led by Metropolitan Philaret.

The magazine set itself the task of “serving the spiritual and moral instruction of Christians and satisfying the needs of generally edifying and generally understandable spiritual reading,” and it remained faithful to this task all the time. By his own admission, Fr. Nechaev on the day of the 25th anniversary of the magazine, “Soulful Reading” was filled with articles so close to everyone’s understanding that, according to readers’ reviews, each book can be read from the first page to the last, without missing a single article. The editors avoided abstract and puzzling articles in every possible way, although they did not shy away from strictly scientific research, as long as they were distinguished by a popular presentation. There was always little news about current events, the so-called chronicles, in “Soulful Reading”; all outstanding phenomena in the life of the church and society were reflected in the magazine in judgments, and not in messages. In 1863, the magazine made an attempt to be a magazine in the narrow sense, that is, it started a chronicle, a review of contemporary events, but it did not maintain this character for long and finally turned into a spiritual almanac; the phenomena of modern life began to find a response in him only in the form of articles that had the nature of edification, positive instruction, not excluding such phenomena as Pashkovism, schism, etc. In the editorship of Fr. Kasitsyn occasionally had a nervous, polemical streak, but soon dissolved in the general content and spirit of the magazine. Among the subjects to which a number of articles are devoted, it is worth mentioning articles on the Holy Land - scientific research and travel; interpretation based on the editor's own proverbs; interpretation of the Apostolic Epistles of Bishops Theophan and Michael; teachings on the leadership of the Prologue by Archpriest Guryev; readings from biblical history; explanation of worship, translation of canons; about the ancient Palestinian and Syrian laurels, cenovia and monasteries; history of the Christian Eastern Church, prof. Al. P. Lebedeva; history of the Russian church in the patriarchal period, prof. A. P. Dobroklonsky; letters from Bishop Theophan the Recluse on moral issues; translations of psalms, the ancient Patericon, the words of Simeon the New Theologian. A whole mass of articles, notes, messages and materials are dedicated to Metropolitan Philaret of Moscow, and in recent years, “Soulful Reading” has been given in a special appendix the complete collection of the bishop’s resolutions. In recent years, the magazine has featured portraits and photographs of paintings, and has also established a special live section, “Responses to Contemporaneity.”

* Stepan Grigorievich Runkevich,
Doctor of Church History, Chief Secretary
of the Holy Synod, member of the Educational Committee of the Holy Synod.

Text source: Orthodox theological encyclopedia. Volume 5, column. 139. Petrograd edition. Supplement to the spiritual magazine "Wanderer" for 1904. Modern spelling.

  • Through the cares and labors of my mother, I was included in the number of pupils of the Zvansky Derzhavinsky School for 9 and a half years, on August 15, 1876, where I continued my studies for three and a half years, until January 18, 1880, in good health. That same year, on the 18th of January, I hurt my right leg above the foot and was immediately admitted to the school hospital... On January 13, 1881, I was sent for treatment to St. Petersburg, to the hospital at the Holy Trinity Community of Sisters of Mercy, where my the disease is inflammation of the periosteum in the joints, and here I stayed until June 10 of this year. On June 11, I was again returned to the Derzhavinsky school, having not received any relief and unable to walk without a crutch and a guide, and at the same time I felt pain on the entire right side of my body. Seeing my bitter, difficult situation, at the inspiration of my mother, I realized that there was only one thing left to do - to seek help from the Heavenly Physician, and I turned with fervent prayer to the saint of God, the holy great martyr and healer Panteleimon (whose icon, with part of his saints relics, is in our church), and read the akathist to him several times a day.
  • Messenger, Soulful reading, 2012
    The Word of God is infinitely great. And human peering into it, even without going beyond the understanding of the Holy Orthodox Church, constantly acquires new shades of comprehension and previously unrevealed meanings of eternal and permanent meaning. The Savior’s parable about the unclean spirit that came out of a man is well known and widely used. When the unclean spirit leaves a person, it walks through waterless places, seeking rest. And he doesn’t find it; Then he says: I will return to my house from where I came. And, having arrived, he finds it unoccupied, swept and tidied up; then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more evil than himself, and having entered, they live there; and for that person the last thing is worse than the first (Matthew 12:43 - 45) ... What would a person need to do if he managed to overcome a sinful habit? To begin with, put your mind on guard over your heart, so that it considers at least the grossest sinful thoughts and, like a guard, even not a very good one, tries not to miss the most undoubtedly hostile ones. And when this is not the case?.. Let's see what can happen...
  • Messenger, Soulful reading, 2012
    A year before I was given the commandment to serve the Mother of God at the Diveyevo monastery, the great elder Seraphim healed me of serious and incredible, great rheumatic and other diseases, with relaxation of the whole body and the removal of legs, crumpled and swollen knees and bedsores on the back and sides , with which I suffered incurably for more than three years. 1831, September 9, Father Seraphim healed me from all my illnesses with one word.
  • Messenger, Soulful reading, 2012
    Getting to the story of blessed Pimen, we note that here we will become acquainted with his great sufferings and learn about the example of uncomplainingly enduring illnesses and learn how to endure valiantly, with thanksgiving, bodily illnesses and how the power of God is perfected in weakness.
  • Dmitry Alexandrovich, tell me why one person is prone to neuroses and another is not?

    Of course, I won’t answer this question with mathematical precision. I can say one thing with confidence. Neurotic disorders are characteristic of a soul upset by sins. It is they who disorganize the will, remove emotions and imagination from the control of consciousness. Simply put, a person’s mind, his will and feelings become like the swan, crayfish and pike from the famous fable: everyone pulls in his own direction, there is no harmony, while everything should be in subordination. The will is subordinate to the mind, and the feelings are subordinate to the will.
  • Life is given to us by the Lord

    Abortion is the killing of a child in the womb. Tragically, millions of unborn children around the world are killed in the womb. I can't wrap my head around this fact. Children are killed by their mothers themselves! At their request or with their consent. And the numbers of abortions, unfortunately, not only are not decreasing, but are even increasing. Today there are girls 13-14 years old who have already committed this terrible sin. On October 13, 2016, Western media reported a sensational discovery by European scientists: the human heart “beats” earlier than the 16th day after conception, writes the Russian Mothers website. Previously, there was an opinion in science that a child’s heart begins to beat at least a week later. At three months, doctors stop calling the baby a fetus. This is an already formed fruit that just needs to grow and ripen. I will not forget how one old priest tried to persuade a young woman not to have an abortion. Tears flowed down the priest’s cheeks. He told her about the sin of infanticide, and much, much more. When the elder ran out of “arguments,” he exclaimed: “Maybe there is a saint in your womb, or maybe this is your breadwinner in old age. Come to your senses! Life was given to us by the Lord!”...

Photo reports

Photo stories about important events, interesting meetings, pilgrimage journeys.

Mitred Archpriest Vladimir Zyazev, rector of the Church of the Nativity of Christ in Yekaterinburg, answers questions from viewers. Broadcast from Yekaterinburg. Broadcast April 16, 2014

- Hello, dear TV viewers. The program “Conversations with Father” is broadcast on the Soyuz TV channel.

Today in the studio is the rector of the Church of the Nativity of Christ at Uralmash in Yekaterinburg, Mitred Archpriest Vladimir Zyazev.

Father Vladimir, hello, bless our TV viewers.

Hello. God bless us all.

- The topic of our conversation today is “Soulful Reading.”

If you read a book, listen to a song or perform, and you want to become better, purer, closer to God, then this is beneficial for you. Most likely, the words “spiritually beneficial reading” for most of our television viewers are primarily associated with books such as the Gospel, the Old Testament, the Psalter, and patristic literature. Of course it is. But I believe that such classics as Pushkin, Zhukovsky, Lermontov, Derzhavin, such writers as Korolenko, Feuchtwanger are very profound writers who worked with dignity. And this is also a soulful read. You need to read, and you need to read a lot.

My mother was a writer, she taught me to read at the age of four, and I have been reading ever since. A point that has been missed in our time is family reading. I remember how we were doing something, and my mother was reading to us, and I clearly noticed tears in her eyes. How wonderful these evenings were. The ability to read is important here, but also the ability to listen. When you listen, you still have time to think. What a pity that this is now lost: the family is doing needlework, and someone is reading. They read the Gospel and patristic literature in the same way.

Second: I want everyone at home to have, if not a large library, but at least 20, 50, 100 favorite books. A person must have favorite books. In addition, when the book is yours personally, it is very good to make some notes and extracts, it really helps to focus on the thought that came to your heart. There is probably no higher occupation than following the thoughts and heartfelt aspirations of a great man: Dostoevsky, Tolstoy. There are also closer authors, for example A.S. Pushkin. To this day I re-read his tales. How they cleanse the heart and bring us closer to God. For example, Lermontov’s poem “I go out alone on the road” is a poem by a deeply conscious Christian. And Pushkin’s poem “The Prophet”? Such works can be re-read over and over again.

If we talk about such great books as the Gospel, the Old Testament, the Psalter, here we must once and for all set ourselves the task of reading a few lines, pages, or even one page, one line at a time, but consciously, thoughtfully, every day. Without this we will lose very, very much.

Modern man has already lost a lot of humanity, namely humanity. Look, we are reading “Eugene Onegin”, because this is a negative personality, but can you find such a negative personality now? And Pechorin in “Hero of Our Time”. We cannot abandon literature, much less patristic literature.

Modern youth, according to many, either reads very little or reads books that are not at all helpful to the soul.

So it is, if we don’t talk about the few that read. If we conduct a survey of who read what, it will be simply scary. Even if we count two or three out of a hundred who read, this does not at all mean that the majority are reading.

Question from a TV viewer from Novorossiysk: Tomorrow is Maundy Thursday, what is the reason for this name? Is the tradition of swimming on this day at dawn acceptable for an Orthodox Christian or is it a pagan tradition?

The name Maundy Thursday “clean” has nothing to do with bathing. It is called great because it is associated with those great events that we remember at this time.

The ritual will be what we ourselves consider to be a ritual. If you haven’t found time to wash yourself earlier, then, of course, you can wash yourself. But this is not because it is related to the recommendations of the Orthodox Church. If you need to wash, wash, but give it some special meaning.

- What to do if a young man does not read?

We are already doing this by talking about it. You need to accustom yourself to this, force yourself, because it is a good deed. But what to read, you need to consult with your confessor or an intelligent person you know.

Nowadays young people read mostly detective stories. The choice of literature for young people to read is now very difficult: mainly it is either a bright cover or the presence of such moments as murder. Whatever you pour into your soul will be in it.

Dostoevsky said: God fights with the devil, and the battlefield is the human heart. One old man was asked, who will win? To which he replied: the one you help more will win. If you read modern “literature”, then you feed this devil so that he defeats God. But if you read the Gospel, patristic literature, classics, you help God, and God will win in your heart.

It is imperative to seek advice on the choice of reading. Children should consult with adults, but if adults grew up reading detective stories, then there is no need to consult with such adults.

Our TV viewer asked what book you would recommend reading in order to understand the language of the Psalter, which is difficult for him to understand?

There is a story about how one young man came to a writer and asked what he should do to become a writer? To which the writer answered him: read Pushkin, Gogol, Dostoevsky. He came a second time and said: I read it, what should I do next? And then the writer replied: Read on until you become a writer.

So it is here. Read the Psalter itself. Previously, there was such a publication: the column on the left is in Slavic, on the right in Russian. Now, unfortunately, this is not the case. For myself, I decided this: to read first in Church Slavonic, and then in Russian.

Read the Gospel, the Psalter, but also read the Old Testament, because they all resonate, then there will be complete harmony. The main thing is to read deeply. Previously, in some monasteries there was such a tradition: the monk reads several lines from the Psalter and then reflects on them for a long time. Then he will read a few lines again. Maybe not everyone can do this, but you need to think about it. After all, this is such depth, what a wonderful book. Lomonosov was once asked which psalm should be read in such and such a situation? To which he responded something like this: “I know all the psalms of this wondrous book by heart.” But for this you need to work for a long time.

Question from a TV viewer from Yekaterinburg: How to treat illness correctly: is it possible to pray for recovery or just humble yourself and wait, because God humbles us through illness?

It is undoubtedly necessary to pray for deliverance from the disease, but it is also necessary to add the following words: Lord, Thy will be done for all. In addition, we must call on doctors and pray for them, so that the Lord will give them a clear mind and a steady hand during the operation.

You should not accept illness as a punishment, but as admonition and God’s love. Then everything will be worthy. We pray for health with the whole Church.

Question from a TV viewer from the Novosibirsk region: I want to read a lot, and I read five books at once: the Psalter, the Gospel, the Old Testament, and other spiritual books, I want to read the classics, but I have three children and work. I want to embrace a lot. So sometimes you have to read a page from one book or another. How to read correctly?

I'm not a great expert in this matter, but, probably, a person should have basic books in his life. True, not everyone can read the Old Testament. You said “I want to embrace a lot,” but you will find a person in the world who could embrace everything. No one like Christ, the God-man.

Until recently, my personal library consisted of eight and a half thousand volumes, but when I realized that I couldn’t read everything, I gave away most of them. There are many worthy authors, but choose those who are closest to you and read and re-read them.

Question from a TV viewer from the Rostov region: Why constantly read the Gospel and Psalms if you already know them by heart?

- We know morning and evening prayers by heart, but for some reason we continue to read them every day. I’ll answer somewhat jokingly: “Water does not quench thirst: I once drank it.” A book, especially a sacred book, if it consciously enters the soul, cleanses it. Just as food is needed for the physical body, so spiritual food is needed for the soul, otherwise it will weaken, will not be able to fight, and the devil will win.

What does the soul feed on? The holy word: the word of the Gospel, the word of the apostles, the word of the Psalter. The soul is nourished by prayer. And we have to feed her. Now we see many young people who have weakened to the point that they cannot fight even small problems, going where the wind pushes them. So it is here. “Don’t let your soul be lazy! So as not to pound water in a mortar, the Soul must work. And day and night, and day and night /.../ Keep the cheat in a black body and do not take the reins off her!” and so on.

In addition, I have been reading the Gospel for many years, I try every day. Maybe I’ve read the entire Gospel three or four hundred times, and still get something new every time. The Psalter also reveals surprisingly much.

The Holy Fathers say that even if you know the prayers by heart, still take the book. When you read to yourself, for a second the thought is torn away, and you no longer remember where you were. It is necessary for the eyes to read, the mouth to read, and the spirit to read.

- Question from a TV viewer from Omsk: Which author of Commentary on the Gospel would you recommend reading?

In fact, there are so many Interpretations of the Gospel, it is difficult to advise just one thing. The Gospel must be read, and you must choose the Interpretation according to your heart and disposition of soul.

- There is something special about the attitude and expectations with which we approach reading. Is it important?

One of my acquaintances, now a priest, when I asked how he came to faith, said that his grandmother gave him the Gospel. He carried the book around in his suitcase for a long time, and then one day he took it out, lay down on a cot in the garden, lit a cigarette (he was still smoking then) - it’s scary for us to imagine such reading, right? - and read all four gospels from cover to cover. If someone had reprimanded him: “How dare you?”, he might have put it aside and not finished reading it. And so he read to the end. Soon I read it again, but already feeling that I needed to read it differently, and read it while sitting. Then I quit smoking. And now he reads the Gospel every day, already being a priest.

There is no need to attach any final meaning to this “mood.” It is important not how you do it, but with what spirit. If you do this with a sincere spirit and a pure soul, that even if you don’t know something yet and do it wrong, the Lord will teach you and enlighten you over time.

- Question from a TV viewer from the Moscow region: I am reading the Psalter of the Mother of God. What do you think about it?

- The main thing is how you feel about it. If you really read with the desire to glorify the Mother of God, to beg Her, then this is worthy. But we must remember that we have only one Psalter, this is the Psalter of David. The Psalter of the Mother of God is later; treat it as a prayer. Treat it the way your heart relates; you want to become better, purer, higher, to please the Mother of God - this is undoubtedly good.

Nowadays a lot of information has appeared in electronic form, and you can not hold a printed book in your hands, but sit in front of a computer monitor or hold a tablet in your hands. Does it matter to you exactly how to read?

Unfortunately, I am not proficient in electronics. But I can say this: once there were handwritten books, and then they began to be printed. Is there a difference between reading a handwritten or printed book? If electronic media convey good information, is that bad? As the apostle said: a believing wife sanctifies an unbelieving husband and vice versa. Likewise, sacred words sanctify electronics. Does it matter what kind of utensils you eat from: gold, silver or wood? I remember that due to my weakness I cannot go to church, and I was sad about this to tears. And what joy there was in my heart when I turned on the Soyuz TV channel, and they were broadcasting the bishop’s service.

Question from a TV viewer from Belgorod: Can the Church help in shaping one’s worldview and at the same time teach one to read? After all, this is already possible only through the Orthodox view.

Only we, parents, can form a love of reading in children. This is formed in childhood, and there is so much wonderful children’s literature: poems, fairy tales. We didn't teach children. The time of adolescence has come, and the young man already considers himself omniscient and omnipotent, and it is much more difficult to form skills there. There are children's poems and books that my mother read to me, which I still remember. I remember the lessons of our school literature teacher, who instilled a love of reading.

Maybe we should start by reading the Psalter and Gospel with the whole family, even just a page at a time. And when the child grows up and hard times come, he can remember this reading and understand that only God can help him.

The TV viewer also said that classical works, such as the books of Dostoevsky, are much easier to understand through the prism of Orthodoxy than ordinary, secular teachers in secondary schools talk about, often highlighting the secondary.

The difference between your generation and my generation is that for us the teacher has always been extraordinary. Secondly, Dostoevsky is difficult to understand, so we need to start with something easier. Take Pushkin, Lermontov, Turgenev.

Take The Brothers Karamazov now. After all, these are four brothers who are present in one person. My mother once explained this to me, but now I think our teachers can hardly explain this to their students.

- Our program is coming to an end, let's sum up our conversation.

- We are now summing up everything, because Holy Week is underway. Let's fast a little more, add fasting and prayer. Let's make peace with our neighbors, pat a child on the head, comfort an old woman. Then we will crucify with the Lord at least a little. And if we are crucified, then we will rise again. This is a great and immutable hope. Today is Wednesday of Holy Week, there is still so much to do. Let's try to do this, and we will celebrate Easter more joyfully.

- The question from a TV viewer from St. Petersburg was how to convince a child not to read Harry Potter?

It is necessary not to convince, but to explain, showing both the good and the bad side. The forbidden fruit is always sweeter. We need to explain, and it will be much better. The wiser the teacher, the fewer prohibitions he imposes, because he explains a lot. Start reading together, and how much closer family members will be to each other: husband to wife, children to parents. Reading together will help at least a little stop this mad rush of the modern world. Let's stop: some will read, others will do handicrafts. What a bright page this will be in our lives - this is family reading.

Thank you very much for inviting me. God bless everyone. And may God grant us all a happy Easter.

Presenter: Timofey Obukhov.

Transcript: Yulia Podzolova.

And here is the edition "Children's Bible" is an abridged and simplified retelling of Bible stories for young readers. Verbatim passages from the Bible are in quotation marks.

Orthodox fairy tales for girls “Modern, ancient, girl names” on pi lard Hope Veselovskaya . In this book you will find three amusing, but at the same time, instructive stories from the lives of girls bearing old Russian names. The fairy-tale events in the book are assessed from Orthodox spiritual positions - from the positions of love and goodness, and girls from different times are united by faith in God's help, in miracles and the willingness to give their lives for friends.

One of the brightest representatives of Orthodox fiction is Ivan Sergeevich Shmelev (1873-1950) - publicist, writer, Orthodox thinker. His novel "Summer of the Lord" describes the Russian way of life through the church liturgical year, starting with Great Lent. Church holidays and services, family life, and customs are shown in the book through the eyes of the little boy Vanya. The book “The Summer of the Lord” is autobiographical. “In it I show the face of Holy Rus', which I wear in

your heart... - said Shmelev. “Russia, which looked into my childhood soul.”

Russian poets in their poems very often refer to biblical themes am. Yuri Kaplan and Ekaterina Kudryavtseva compiled a poetic anthology Iyu "Biblical motives in Russian lyrics of the twentieth century." The book presents very different authors, from the religious philosopher Vladimir Solovyov to the subverter of all foundations Vladimir Mayakovsky, What unites them all are the holy images of the Book of Books.

In Lugansk, the Orthodox literary association “Svete Tikhiy” published the almanac “ Easter eggs are bright » dedicated to the Passover of the Lord. The collection presents prose, poetry and journalism by Russian and Ukrainian authors. “...this book is a vivid example of how kind, creative people, united by faith, regardless of where they live, strive to live in friendship, peace, and want their children to live in a highly moral, spiritual society...” says the article from the compiler.

The Sretensky Monastery Publishing House published "Green series of hope." We present to your attention three books from this series:
1. Alexander Bogatyrev “The Bucket of Forget-Me-Nots” and other stories.”
2. Archpriest Alexy Lisnyak “Sasha’s philosophy” and other stories.”
3. Archpriest Andrei Tkachev “Wonderland” and other stories.”
These books tell about simple and famous people, about wonderful events, about difficult paths to God, about the infinity of God's world, about love for one's neighbor. This prose is both documentary and fiction. It talks about serious things, but it is not without humor. Wise, kind, smart books.

Has become an island of spirituality in the literary sea "Prince's Island" by Yuri Sergeev. It seems an adventure story of the Great Patriotic War, but the struggle in the book takes place not only on the battlefields, but also between the forces of good and evil. The result of the hero’s spiritual wanderings was rooting in the Orthodox faith, which excludes betrayal, deceit and self-interest.

To ensure that Orthodox fiction is read not only by believers, its authors write in different genres.

She wrote some of her books in the fantasy genre. Yulia Nikolaevna Voznesenskaya. Her book "Julianna, or Dangerous Games" - about twin sisters Yulia and Anna, who ended up in a school of magic for future witches. Faith in God and the intercession of the Guardian Angels help them overcome evil and withstand childish trials.

Soulful reading of Orthodox fiction will support you in difficult life situations, will not allow you to fall into despondency and will increase your faith in the triumph of goodness and love.