A dream foretelling pregnancy. Prophetic dreams for women

Despite centuries of experience in studying the nature of sleep, the interpretation of dreams remains very vague. After all, the same images, seen by different sleeping people in different scenes, can have not only different, but sometimes completely opposite meanings. At the same time, long-term observations and analysis of images arising in dreams made it possible to identify some patterns.

Dreams that signify pregnancy are a special group of nighttime images that combine an infinite number of variations of what is seen, but have a special difference from other dreams: a woman almost always wakes up after such a dream with a clear feeling that she will soon become pregnant.

What can you dream about pregnancy?

For one person, a dream about a gypsy promises trouble and deception, while for another it promises sudden monetary gain. Therefore, if you dreamed of a fish, this does not mean at all that there will be a new addition to the family. But this probability is very high, because this is perhaps the most often fulfilled sign. However, the details of the dream are of great importance.

You almost certainly dream of a fish as a sign of pregnancy if you catch it with your own hands, especially if with your bare hands. With the imminent news of conception, dreams end in which a woman acquires fish in any way: buys it at the market or in a store, or receives it as a gift. Moreover, in this case, the gender of the person from whom you receive the fish often indicates the gender of the unborn child.

Eating fish in a dream can also have exactly this meaning, especially if you eat it with your spouse, and it is fresh and tasty.

Seeing fish in an aquarium, pond, pool, river - most likely foreshadows an imminent addition to the family. Dolphins appearing in dreams have the same meaning. Other variations - frog, leech (from messages on forums).

A bad dream is to lose your catch, drop the fish from your hands, see it rotten, stale, dead. All these images are symbolic and can mean termination or fading of pregnancy.

What do you dream about pregnancy, besides fish?

It should be understood that the dream of a fish in each individual case may have a different interpretation, which has nothing to do with the conception and birth of children. Thus, in various dream books the following interpretations of this image are given: profit (in business, money, love, relationships), intrigue, postponement of affairs or a long process of something (frozen), obstacles from ill-wishers (smoked), fun time in a circle friends (dried), love affairs (fish head), etc., etc.

But other symbols that appear in night visions can also portend pregnancy. Of course, each of them also has many meanings and interpretations. But centuries-old experience shows that these images very often visit the dreams of girls who soon after learn the good news about pregnancy:

  • Water. This image competes with the fish and perhaps even wins. After all, fish are most often dreamed of in water. From time immemorial, water symbolizes the birth of a new life, and therefore women who swim or bathe in clean water in dreams are almost always either already pregnant or will become so soon. A continuous body of water, an ocean, sea, lake, river, stream, swimming pool, bathtub, or even just a handful of water with which you wash your face in a dream very likely indicates the birth of a new life within you. The main thing is that the water must be clean, fresh, and transparent. Variations of the plots are very diverse: watching the surf, walking along the sea coast, wading or swimming across the river, plunging into the waves or simply getting your feet wet.
  • Stork. There is no need to say much about this image. In everyday life, in folk art, in beliefs, and in night visions, this bird is associated with the appearance of children in a family.
  • Children. It’s so banal - without intrigues and puzzles, without hints and codes, children first come into the lives of their parents first in a dream: either they are given birth, or given as a gift, or thrown in, but the woman in the dream gets a baby. Moreover, she can see not only a newborn or a baby, but also an already grown child, knowing in a dream that this is her child. They can play together, take a walk, spend their leisure time reading or drawing, ride a carousel, etc. Try to remember this image: the child’s gender, facial features, hair color or other differences. It may seem incredible, but such dreams often come true. Moreover, sometimes mothers feel like they are experiencing déjà vu: as if they had already experienced a certain moment in their lives associated with their own child. Scientists do not rule out that it was his mother who saw him in a dream before or during pregnancy. Meanwhile, if a woman who is already pregnant sees her own childbirth in a dream (and this happens very, very often), then such visions cannot be perceived as a projection for the future: this is nothing more than excitement about the future, even if you are not at all, as you think, don't worry. But all kinds of children's accessories - soft toys, dolls, cars, cribs, strollers, swings, etc., “flickering” in a dream, can also transparently hint at your situation.
  • News about pregnancy. In real life, we usually find out about our interesting situation first through tests, then in the gynecologist's office or ultrasound. But in a dream, anyone can bring good news, and even no one knows who. A woman simply hears an address to herself that she is pregnant, or that she will soon have a daughter, and sometimes even instructions are given about the name of the unborn child or the exact date of birth is announced. You may not remember anything else, just a phrase heard from a person known or unknown to you. But this is often enough to wake up with a completely new feeling and premonition.
  • Eggs. They are embryos, bird embryos. We, of course, do not think about this when we see them in a dream, but in life the fact is confirmed quite often: buying, carrying, receiving from someone, seeing or simply having an egg or several with you means that you will soon find out about the presence of yourself a belly-eater. Accordingly, breaking an egg in a dream may not be a good sign.
  • Mushrooms. Mushroom spores symbolize male fertility, and the mushrooms themselves are a reward for patience and waiting. Therefore, it is believed that a woman who has long dreamed of a child and is diligently trying to conceive one dreams of a mushroom during pregnancy.
  • Fruits, including fruit trees. These can be any fruits, berries and even vegetables that the dreaming woman plucks from a tree, collects from bushes or from the ground, buys at the market, serves on the table, carries in a basket or bag, holds in her hands, takes as a treat or eats, steals or grows. But most often, for some reason, apples, apricots, pomegranates, tomatoes, and nuts are symbols of female fertility in dreams.
  • Animals, insects. As a rule, these are small birds and animals - chickens, kittens, puppies, mice, hares. Very often - spiders weaving webs or falling on the head. They can be not only real, but also toys. Large animals are also possible. Bears, chickens and ducks - almost any living creature. In such dreams, you often have to give birth to an animal or hunt it. In general, a wide variety of stories.
  • Round objects. They symbolize the mother's womb. It could be a watermelon, cabbage, or a ball. Often a woman sees an “embryo” (in the form of a bean, a bead) placed in a “womb” (jar, pot).
  • Unity with my husband. You may dream or just feel yourself spending time with your loved one. You simply understand that you are nearby, together, and you very clearly feel that you feel good and pleasant. Complete calm, harmony, mutual understanding and feeling of each other - almost a heavenly idyll. Yes, the surrounding landscapes also accompany this feeling. It could be a walk in the park or the seashore, or a pleasant trip to colorful places. And often a couple in love is accompanied by some other living creature (bird, animal).

It is noteworthy that dreams symbolizing a woman’s pregnancy are not always seen by her personally. Often this honor falls to the future father. But also prophetic dreams are visited by a woman’s close people: sister, mother, friend. And there is never any confusion: the actions taking place in a dream clearly indicate who the egg or fish seen is intended for.

What dreams do you have about pregnancy?

It is necessary to evaluate any dream mainly emotionally. If it didn’t touch you at all, then there’s no point in remembering the details of such a dream. But if you woke up with an exciting feeling, it definitely means something. And here we should analyze the content of what we saw.

Of all the most common variations, it is necessary to note one more category of dreams foreshadowing pregnancy, in which a woman makes a decision or is faced with a choice about a purchase: for example, she buys a dress in a store. Remember what color new thing you chose - blue or red?..

All the images described are very symbolic. Along with them, other symbols may appear. But here's what's interesting. It was noticed that dreams foreshadowing pregnancy, despite the huge variety of pictures and plots, have one very striking common feature - emotional coloring. Such dreams are always accompanied by positive emotions, pleasant feelings, feelings of joy, happiness, and bliss. These may be very abstract pictures (for example, a clear night sky, densely dotted with bright stars), but contemplating them is a great pleasure.

In addition, a woman almost always wakes up with a clear understanding that it was a “dream in hand.” Even if there were no reasons to suspect pregnancy before, after such a dream there is almost no doubt about what happened.

But here we cannot help but talk about the situation when a woman desperately and unsuccessfully trying to get pregnant begins to perceive what she wants as reality: she notices signs of a non-existent pregnancy, and, among other things, incorrectly interprets dreams that (very likely) she imposes on herself.

If you are not obsessed with the thought of conceiving a child, but suddenly woke up with a very clear feeling that this has happened or will happen soon, then such a dream can most likely be considered prophetic. But, of course, it is impossible to say about this for sure.

Not all of us believe in dreams. And in each individual case, you need to be able to correctly decipher what you see. But women's intuition can be difficult to deceive...

Especially for - Larisa Nezabudkina

Many women ask the question about what they dream about pregnancy? Even in ancient times, people closely associated dreams with the afterlife of spirits. Even the best ancient sages tried to interpret unique messages. There is a belief that all dreams are closely related to a person’s future. At the moment, the science of oneirology, which is devoted to the study of dreams, is popular. Young girls should listen carefully to their subconscious, as they can learn to read dreams with the help of a special dream book. Thus, it is realistic to find out about pregnancy long before the ultrasound.

Dreams: truth or too “violent” subconscious

There are a huge number of people who are skeptical about the art of dream interpretation. They do not trust that with the help of the subconscious it is possible to answer any desired question. The intrauterine development of a baby is a unique process; a woman can learn about changes in her body even without special tests.

Can a dream predict pregnancy?

Some body signals will indicate that the girl will soon have a baby. Dreams are one of the signs of pregnancy. The subconscious mind reacts very sensitively to any unstable state of the body. The brain will project bright pictures, with the help of which it is realistic to know that a woman is in a position.

What do you dream about pregnancy? The dream book will help answer the question. Most often, pregnant girls will see dreams in which you can notice:

  • fish;
  • water;
  • little children;
  • family idyll;
  • egg;
  • mushrooms;
  • fruits.


In most dream books you will find information that live fish is considered the most common harbinger of pregnancy. You also dream about this animal before making a big profit or when making a new acquaintance. It is very important to interpret the picture correctly.

Fish is the most common “signal” of pregnancy

The woman must see if there was clean water in the pond. In certain cases, the dreamer will even communicate with the fish and smile at it. Catching fish in a river with your hands is a sign of possible conception. Look carefully at the number of fry in the pond. Such visions are typical for expectant mothers who are expecting several children at once.

In some situations, it is even possible to determine the gender of the unborn child! When buying fish in a dream, look at the seller. If there is a woman behind the counter, then expect a girl, and if there is a man, you will get a boy.

Sometimes during pregnancy you dream of not only live fish, but also fried fish. In cases where you have had the opportunity to try it, it should be tasty and fresh. Dreams cannot always guarantee a positive pregnancy outcome. Did the girl catch the fish but couldn't keep it? Such a signal means miscarriage or abortion. This is a good reason to pay attention to your health, and also go for a consultation with a doctor.

In more rare situations, such dreams will occur not only to the expectant mother, but also to her parents or close friend. With the help of images it is possible to understand exactly who the message is intended for. A woman’s chosen one may also dream of a fish. Guys often have dreams in which they are fishing on the shore. A generous catch will indicate the imminent arrival of a child in the family.


Water is considered a sign of life in many cultures. She also represents the flow of existence, nature and motherhood. There are many signs that are associated with water. For example, if you dream of a dirty pond, then be careful with your health. Seething liquid is also considered an unpleasant messenger, which means instability and change. Only clear water symbolizes family happiness or pregnancy.

Water in a dream is another symbol of pregnancy

A pregnant girl in a dream may wash herself in cold water or try to ford a river. Such dreams are occasionally typical for the future father. A clear lake, sea or even a swimming pool can indicate an interesting situation for the spouse.


Many girls who dreamed of a small child run to buy a pregnancy test. It is the image of the baby that indicates that the woman is now in an interesting position. You may even dream of fairly large teenage boys. The main thing is that during sleep you consider them family.

Children may dream of pregnancy

In dreams, some people learn about the gender of the child, see elements from the appearance of their son or daughter, and also hear the baby’s voice! In just a couple of years, my mother will suddenly experience the effect of déjà vu. Most dream books say that you must walk by the hand or play with a small child. If during sleep the sleeping person runs and tickles the baby, then a new addition may soon appear in your family. Many people at such moments feel a surge of joy and happiness. There is no need to worry when positive emotions suddenly change to fear. This condition is typical during the period of hormonal changes in the body.

Children are often dreamed of by husbands and wives who are unable to conceive a child for a long time. A woman can count on a positive outcome when she is given a newborn in a dream. Also, your husband will bring the baby home or you will find a toddler at the door.

Less common dreams that indicate pregnancy

Many dream books also describe other dreams that will indicate the arrival of a new addition to the family. You need to pay attention to your condition if during sleep you saw an image of a family idyll. Often this picture is typical for women who prefer to lead a club life. The girl will feel the comfort of home and also enjoy a walk through a quiet forest or garden. The young lady will even feel the presence of a new person nearby!

An egg is another known harbinger of pregnancy. You should not look at the number of eggs, the main thing is that they are whole. A broken shell can warn of problems with the child's intrauterine development. There is a threat of miscarriage. Also, women in this position often dream of kittens, although in many dream books this pet is considered only a harbinger of minor troubles in the house. You must correctly interpret what you see, since in some cases the experiences are caused by preparation for a possible birth.

Representatives of the fair sex dream of the sea, on which several dolphins can be seen. These mammals are a good sign that will bring only happiness and fun to your home. The stork is another common symbol of pregnancy. In many fairy tales, a bird brings a baby in its beak to its parents. If a woman dreams of a big nest, then she is ready to become a mother. Storks appear for men when they have an instinct for paternity.

Some dreams are interpreted differently. Please note if you see the following;

  • Mushrooms

    A person may dream of picking edible mushrooms in the forest. This fact indicates an imminent conception. Also in the dream book you will find information that you will soon be awarded for all your efforts and efforts. The reward is even a child if the couple has been unable to conceive for a long time.

  • Period

    If a woman sees abundant red discharge in her dreams, then this is a sign of pregnancy. Also, menstruation will be canceled if there is a delay of several days. Especially when she is afraid of getting pregnant. A similar picture is associated with the girl’s daily experiences.

  • Apples

    This fruit is dreamed of not only during pregnancy. Apples are often associated with family wealth or they signify joyful excitement. Some young mothers claim that it was the ripe red fruits that were the first harbinger of a new addition to the family. Harvesting in the garden and buying apples at the market means the girl’s desire to have offspring. You may also dream of cherries, watermelon or lemon.

  • Pomegranate

    During the times of Ancient Greece, the fruit was a symbol of fertility and feminine strength, but even in our time, pomegranate is a symbol of pregnancy. Pay attention to its taste, it should not be unnatural.

In dream books you will find many examples of dreams that mean the appearance of a child in your family. Whether you believe such information or not depends only on you. A person can understand on a subconscious level what awaits him in the future. Although dreams do not have exact scientific confirmation, you should listen to them. If you saw one of the pregnancy signs at night, then this is an excellent reason to buy a special test in the store! Dreams can be a unique message for you.

Everyone has heard about dreams that foreshadow certain events in life. Many of us have even seen them and can confidently say that harbinger dreams really exist. Let's find out what dreams a girl or her relatives might see that portend pregnancy.


If you asked any girl, even if she didn’t consider herself superstitious, what dream image foreshadows pregnancy, she would answer without hesitation: “Fish!” This sign has become a textbook and is familiar to all women on the planet.

However, not every dream in which a fish appears can be interpreted as a sign of impending motherhood.

In addition to pregnancy, a dream about fish can portend quick profit, acquaintance, or new love. In addition, appearing in a dream, an aquatic inhabitant warns of intrigues in which you may find yourself involved, or exposes your enemies.

A clear harbinger of pregnancy is considered to be a dream in which a girl is fishing or watching it. If you manage to catch several fish at once, you should expect twins to appear. A dream in which a woman caught a fish and released it back symbolizes a frozen pregnancy, miscarriage or abortion.

Expectant mothers often dream about fish

A clear sign of pregnancy is holding a fish you caught in your hands. The most common dream that predicts an imminent pregnancy is fishing with your bare hands. However, they promise quick motherhood and scenes in which you caught a fish with a fishing rod or net.

By the way, in a dream you can not only catch fish, but also talk to it, buy it in a store and even eat it. Here, the sign of pregnancy works individually: it all depends on the details of the dream. For example, fried fish foreshadows a girl’s conception of a child if in a dream she eats it herself or sees her chosen one eating fish. At the same time, the fish should be very appetizing and fresh!

If you dreamed that you were buying live fish in a store, remember what gender the seller was: this is a hint about the gender of the unborn child. Also, who will be born to you is also foreshadowed by the type of fish purchased: if you bought crucian carp, carp or tench, a boy will be born, and if a catfish or pike, a girl will definitely be born.

The water in which you fish is also important for the interpretation of sleep. A future or ongoing pregnancy is symbolized by clear and clean water. By the way, there may be no fish at all in such a dream. Crystal water, calm ponds and the romantic atmosphere surrounding them, seen in a dream, also act as a symbol of future motherhood.

Transparent water symbolizes the cradle of life

If in a dream you ford a calm river and see the bottom and all its inhabitants, or sit by a clear lake and wash yourself with water from it - these are images indicating the origin of life. Clear water can fill a pool, an aquarium, or even a bathtub in which you bathe, all of which represent the cradle of life and motherhood.

“Pregnant” dreams often come not only to girls, but also to their chosen ones, as well as to close female relatives or friends. It is quite difficult to interpret such a dream correctly, and often those who saw the omen remember it after they learn about the pregnancy.

Childbirth and babies

If a girl dreamed that she was giving birth, this could also be a sign of an existing or impending pregnancy. Moreover, the subconscious often presents expectant mothers with strange stories in which they give birth to a teddy bear or a cute kitten.

Also, a clue about an imminent pregnancy can be a baby that you hold in your arms in your dream. If you know that the baby from the dream is yours, and the whole dream is filled with joy and warmth, this is a clear sign of an imminent addition to the family. In all other cases, children seen in a dream represent other events.

Sometimes in dreams you can “peep” the gender and facial features of the unborn child

Most often, pregnant women, regardless of whether they already know about their interesting situation or not, have vivid, beautiful dreams that leave a feeling of joy and bliss.

Those women who want a child, and have been trying unsuccessfully to conceive one for a long time, may have dreams that the baby was given to them, or brought to their house and left forever. Such dreams, like dreams in which you find an abandoned child and take it to you, also promise imminent motherhood.

Family idyll

If in a dream a girl sees herself and her life partner with an already born child, the dream is interpreted as a favorable sign of a future addition to the family. However, the main significance in a dreamed family scene is not the presence of a baby in it (instead there could be anyone else - a puppy, a fish, a bunny, a pink elephant), but the general atmosphere of comfort and harmony. Nothing should confuse or disturb the dreamer.

Family idyll is often a dream in hand

Where such a dream takes place is absolutely unimportant - you can be in your own home, climbing mountains or walking in the park, the main thing is that everyone in the dream is happy.

The onset of pregnancy can also be foreshadowed by idyllic pastoral pictures in dreams: sea or mountain landscapes, beautiful trees and flowers.

Other characters

Very often, children's toys, clothes, drawings seen in a dream become a hint of the dreamer's future or current interesting situation. Among the prosaic things that foreshadow pregnancy, you may dream of a lady test with two lines or even menstruation, which suddenly began or was eagerly awaited.

Common birth symbols seen in dreams also predict pregnancy. A cabbage seen in a dream represents for a girl an already established pregnancy, just like a stork and an egg. It is a bad sign if an egg breaks in a dream - the pregnancy may end in miscarriage or abortion.

Eggs, storks, cabbage - common images in “pregnant” dreams

Pearls are another good sign of future motherhood. It doesn’t matter in what context you see it, the main thing is that it is present in the dream. The dreamed lotus flower carries the same symbolism.

Seeing large round objects in a dream - balls or watermelons, for example - is a sign of an upcoming pregnancy. They symbolize a big belly.

By the way, picking berries, fruits, vegetables, nuts and any fruits in a dream, as well as eating, buying and even stealing them also means pregnancy. Mushrooms in a dream are another symbol of imminent motherhood, primarily for those women who could not get pregnant for a long time. Mushroom spores represent the male seed, and their overall image is interpreted as a reward for long patience.

As a symbol of pregnancy, small animals, birds and insects can be dreamed of, especially if they do not show aggression towards the dreamer and the general atmosphere of the dream is peaceful. A mammal such as a dolphin personifies happiness and fun in the family, and therefore often portends pregnancy.

If a woman dreams of a snake that wraps itself around her body, or she sees a spider in her dream that falls on top of her? – the born child will have a brilliant mind.

Rats, mice, chickens, ducks, pigeons, spiders seen in a dream? those weaving webs are also harbingers of additions to the family. As well as scenes of observing other small animals or scenes of playing with them.

Playing mice can dream of pregnancy

As has already become clear, pregnancy for a girl can foreshadow many different dreams, including those not mentioned by us, because dreams are a hint from the subconscious of a mature personality, with her own thinking and her own view of things. The main thing in interpreting dreams about pregnancy is the woman’s feelings after waking up. If the dreamer wakes up with a feeling of euphoria and bliss, it is quite possible that “pregnant” hormones have already reached her subconscious and are diligently preparing the ground for the news of the baby’s arrival.

Dreams allow you to learn about changes in life, including an imminent replenishment. There are several signs interpreted as a sign of pregnancy. It is generally accepted that dreams foreshadow pregnancy at an early stage, pushing a woman to take active action. Thus, a dream in which a fish appears is popularly called one of the surest signs of a speedy addition to the family. But there are many other options that point to this joyful event. Some of them will be discussed further.

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    Water and everything connected with it

    Since ancient times, water has meant life, and in dreams it always means change. Often this speaks of a specific event - the birth of a child. Conceiving a child means the birth of a new life, and water in dreams confirms this. If the dreamer swims in water, and especially swims in a lake, pregnancy is not far off . But various water bodies can appear at a later stage, when a woman is about to give birth. Sometimes a future father can dream of a pond.

    Traditionally, the first harbingers of conception are dreams associated with fish. By the way, Sigmund Freud himself agreed with this interpretation. Catching fish with bare hands in clean water is also a harbinger of imminent conception. This picture also shows the number of children that will be born. Very often, women who are about to give birth to twins have a vision. A dream in which a girl caught a fish in the water with her hands, but it slipped out of her hands and dives back into the pond, is interpreted by the dream book as a future miscarriage or forced abortion.

    Buying live fish in a dream is also a sign notifying the young lady of an upcoming interesting situation. It is worth remembering who the fish is bought from, men or women: the dream indicates the gender of the unborn child.

    Why do you dream about pregnancy - all possible interpretations

    Family and Children

    Women in this position quite often dream of her family and children. If expectant mothers dream of her walking arm in arm with a boy and a girl, then there is a high probability of having twins. A sign of a long-awaited pregnancy is a dream in which the father plays with the baby. The picture of a family idyll, when the father and mother stand together at the child’s crib, has a similar meaning.

    Occasionally, a young mother is visited in her dreams by visions of her already grown children. In such a dream, a woman sees the life of a child from the outside, but always knows for sure that this adult is her son or daughter. Childbirth, like pregnancy, evokes strong emotions in a young mother, so dreams about future children are always vivid.

    A little funny, but still indicating the birth of a new life, are dreams in which a woman sees a ball, a balloon or a watermelon, which symbolizes a large belly during pregnancy.

    Egg as a sign of motherhood

    Eggs are called one of the surest harbingers of the imminent birth of a baby. Usually, a pregnant woman simply dreams of eggs, sometimes of chicks hatching from them. If the eggs break, then most dream books agree that such a sign usually means bad news, even troubles.

    The egg itself is a sign of the origin of life, where the shell means the safety and security of the offspring. If such a structure is disrupted, then there is reason to believe that imminent events will harm the future addition to the family.

    Time or clock

    In dreams, clocks are harbingers of change, indicating both the birth of a new life and the end of an old one. This does not necessarily mean death or illness, but it is still worth coming to terms with quick changes, because in the near future a woman’s life will change dramatically.

    If in the dream there are hands that reach out to the girl, then this can be interpreted as outside intervention, assistance in the birth of a new person.

    Cabbage and other vegetables or fruits

    According to Long's dream book, if a girl dreamed of cabbage after she got married, then she is probably already expecting a baby. The core of cabbage is considered a symbol of life hidden from the outside world, which can be interpreted as pregnancy.

    In addition to cabbage, watermelon, apples, pomegranate and mushrooms are signs of pregnancy for a woman. The latter mean a reward for a woman who has been trying unsuccessfully to become pregnant for a long period of time. In the east, pomegranate is considered the fruit of life, and the large number of seeds it contains is a symbol of offspring. Apples have the same meaning, but in Western culture.

    A dream in which a woman harvests a rich harvest (cucumbers, tomatoes, grain) can also portend a new addition to the family.


    One of the most popular dreams foreshadowing conception or pregnancy is a cat with kittens. Seeing a cat nursing its offspring in a dream means an imminent addition to the family.

    Before pregnancy, many women see small animals in their dreams: kittens or puppies wandering along the street. In a dream, representatives of the fair sex take them home to warm and feed them. Psychologists attribute this fact to the fact that on a subconscious level, a woman’s instinct of care awakens, and soon she will also need to take care of her offspring.

    A dream about a pair of dolphins has a similar interpretation. The dream means a happy family life with your significant other.

    The stork, the second most popular hero of stories about the origin of children after cabbage, also received attention. If the dreamer dreamed of a stork or a family of storks building a nest, the woman is already pregnant.

    Butterflies in a dream promise an early pregnancy. Also dream of pregnancy: pearls, lotus flower, rocker, cornflowers.

    To summarize, we can list the main symbols interpreted as a sign of pregnancy:

    • fish;
    • water or body of water;
    • buying fruits and berries;
    • mushroom picking;
    • dolphins;
    • felines;
    • children;
    • family life;
    • clock or time.

    Regardless of what the woman dreamed about, you still shouldn’t rely solely on such signs. Dreams were and remain an extremely inaccurate sign, and dream books are a vague interpretation. Such a sign can only notify about an imminent joyful event, but you should not neglect traditional diagnostic methods.