Britney Spears has changed. Failed plastic: Britney Spears is disfigured

Pop princess Britney Spears has pleased the army of numerous fans with a new hit. The video for the song Make Me - her joint creation with rapper G-Eazy - crossed the threshold of six million views in just two days. On the screen, Britney appears in a new image - a young fatal beauty.


In the comments, fans note that the pop princess has noticeably built up, and her face looks toned and fresh. And at the same time they wonder:is it the result of hard work on your own appearance and body, the excellent work of a makeup artist, or did plastic surgeons have a hand in Britney's transformation?

The well-known Russian plastic surgeon Svetlana Pshonkina expressed her opinion on this matter. In an interview Days.Ru she explained:

"I compared the photos of Britney - previously presented on the Internet and her current one. Most likely, she underwent a second rhinoplasty in order to reduce the tip of her nose. There are signs that there was a lift middle zone faces. There are no nasolabial folds that could be seen before. Apparently, Britney has already done plastic eyelids, the lower ones - that's for sure. Most likely, there is a brow and temple lift."

Note that p The subject of the singer's discontent has always been both her own face and body.While still a minor, young Britney underwent mammoplasty. Her chest seemed to her not elastic enough, which was the reason for repeated surgical intervention.The next operation for the pop diva was abdominoplasty (abdominal correction). The singer did this procedure after the birth of children. She moved and endoprosthetics of the legs, as a result of which they became more massive.

Britney Spears became a star and trendsetter in pop music back in adolescence, gaining worldwide fame with the hits Baby One More Time and Oops!… I Did It Again.

Thousands of young girls wanted to be like an American. The singer skillfully combined the image of a girl next door and a bold beauty, not fully aware of her sexuality.

Childhood and youth

The future star was born on December 2, 1981 in the city of McComb (Mississippi). Lynn Irene Bridges, Britney's mother, taught the kids lower grades and was an aerobics coach, and father James Parnell Spears served as an architectural engineer and worked as a cook.

Parents fully supported their daughter's hobbies and tried to develop her talents. Mother went in for sports with Britney, in particular, great attention paid rhythmic gymnastics, in which the young performer was very successful: she was often invited to regional competitions.

Also, the girl began to sing from an early age, and she was sent to the choir, which helped develop her vocal abilities. The family soon realizes that they made the right choice.

Spears has always dreamed of becoming a singer. Once, while watching her favorite cartoons on TV, she found out about recruiting for the popular children's TV show "The Mickey Mouse Club", persuaded her parents to take her to the casting, which she successfully passed. But the producers of the program were embarrassed by the very young age of the participant - 8 years. The organizers of the project took the risk of taking the girl to the show and sent her to one of the schools in New York. From that moment, the preparation of the young star for the ascent to the Olympus of musical glory began.

At the school for future stars, the main emphasis was on acting skills and stage movement. Britney was taught to behave correctly on stage and in public, several times she even played in theatrical performances. At age 13, Spears entered the first professional song contest, Star Search, which gave young performers a chance to break into show business. But then failure awaited her, as she could not go beyond the 2nd round and was forced to accept defeat.

When the girl turned 14, the producers of The Mickey Mouse Club felt that she was old enough and independent enough to become a full-fledged participant in the show. Here Spears met many talented young people whose names later sounded loud in the world of music. Britney first met with, which in the future for a long time will consider her a rival.

A year later, the program was closed, and Spears returned to hometown, went to a regular school, but did not intend to part with her dream. The girl recorded several songs in her performance on a cassette, which her mother gave to lawyer Larry Rudolph, who had close ties with representatives of show business.

The producers of Jive Records, who had previously worked with the alumni of the Mickey Mouse Club, decided to give her a chance and took up Britney's career.


In 1998, Spears signed her first and most successful contract with Jive Records, whose management sent the girl to a recording studio in Stockholm. There, the young star was taken up by producer Mac Martin, who promoted the famous boy bands and N "Sync. He offered the girl the song "Hit Me Baby One More Time", and from the first seconds Britney realized that the composition simply had to become a hit. An active creative biography of the performer began .

The record "…Baby One More Time" was released in January 1999 and became an instant hit. Critics spoke differently about the album, but Britney's work was a resounding success among ordinary listeners. Her youth, attractiveness and seeming innocence only added to special charm compositions that played on the radio for days on end. The American became the idol of millions around the world who dreamed of attending her concerts.

Britney Spears - "…Baby One More Time"

Until now, most critics are of the opinion that this disc is the most successful in the career of a pop singer, but other albums will become no less popular.

After touring the cities of America in support of her debut album, Britney began recording her 2nd album, Oops!… I Did It Again, which went on sale in May 2000. Reviews from critics have become more unequivocal and positive. The song of the same name again conquered the world charts.

Britney Spears - "Oops!…I Did It Again"

The album, according to Spears herself, turned out to be adult and mature, and this was reflected in the lyrics, which turned out to be more daring and incendiary. Over a million copies were sold in the first week, which for many years became an absolute record for the US music market.

The popularity of the singer grew exponentially. One after another, there were offers from brands and corporations who wanted to see a bright girl as the face of their advertising campaign. In 2001, Britney signed a contract with Pepsi and starred in a commercial for a multinational corporation, which only contributed to the growth of her fame.

After 17 years, Pepsi will release a limited edition drink in a personalized can with the image of Spears. In the same year, the artist released her 3rd album called "Britney", and then, due to difficult events in her personal life, she took a vacation, intending to resume performances after 6 months.

Britney returned to music only 2 years later with the album In the Zone, which brought her her first Grammy award for the hit "Toxic". The disc was a commercial success, but critics even then began to say that the pop singer was losing ground. The next disc "Blackout" was a complete failure.

Britney Spears - "Toxic"

Return to the singer former glory helped the album Femme Fatale, which had not yet gone on sale, as it ended up on the Internet. The disc turned out to be very successful and returned the confidence of fans and critics, who called the disc one of the most bright works pop stars. The main hit of the performer's fans identified the song "Criminal".

In the summer of 2016, a video with the participation of Hollywood actresses became popular on the Web, who, at the request of WMagazine magazine, recited the famous tracks of the singer. and presented their vision of the singer's hits.

Jodie Foster & Priyanka Chopra - "Toxic"

Hollywood actresses got the single Toxic. Jody read the excerpt of the composition without any emotion. In turn, Priyanka added a few of her passages to the already familiar verse. Users have rated this interesting idea famous magazine.

Soon the singer released the song Slumber Party, which became very popular on the YouTube video hosting, having collected over 16.5 million views. The track was recorded in a duet with rising star under the pseudonym Tinashe.

Britney Spears - "Slumber Party"

The song Slumber Party is featured on Spears' ninth studio album, Glory, which was released in August 2016. Britney began work on the record two years earlier, resuming her collaboration with the record label RCA Records. Such a long period, according to the artist, allowed her to truly enjoy one of her most beloved albums.


The acting career of Britney Spears cannot be called successful compared to musical creativity, and roles in the movie were even a failure. As a film actress, the celebrity did not demonstrate special success, receiving awards for the worst performance of their characters.

It would seem that one of the best films in which Britney Spears appeared would be the film Crossroads, where she played the role of Lucy Wagner. Experts predicted her success, but it happened differently. In 2002, the American became the winner of the Golden Raspberry anti-award in the Worst Actress nomination.

The picture tells the story of the childhood of three friends - Lucy, Kit and Mimi. After 8 years of separation, they met again, going on a trip around the country together. Not knowing the exact goal, without money, but with grandiose plans, the company goes to Ben, Mimi's courageous and mysterious friend. Girls during their original tour discover a lot of new things, realizing how important it is not to change their dreams.

"Fahrenheit 9/11" is another film where Britney participated. This project was also called the real failure of the Spears actress.

However, the tape caused a fairly wide public outcry in the United States. American documentary filmmaker Michael Moore presented his vision of the situation that has developed in the country after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington. Rental companies initially refused to release the film, saying that audiences would be shocked. sad story, and the results of an investigation by journalists about the actions of the administration, the 43rd President of the United States, will become an unbearable blow to American society and government institutions.

Nevertheless, the picture was presented to the audience, and Britney Spears' interview, in which she declared her confidence in the president, was repeatedly criticized by representatives of the Democratic Party and opponents of the American head of state.


In 2001, a black streak came in the life of the singer. First, her beloved grandmother died, and soon Britney's parents decided to divorce. Both events seriously hit the morale of the pop star, and for a while the girl left the stage to cope with the problems that had piled on her. In particular, the artist had to close the restaurant she founded in 2002 due to money problems.

Even more difficult for Spears was 2007, when her beloved aunt died of cancer. The singer fell into such a depression that she even shaved her head.

Such actions of the performer were criticized and ridiculed by colleagues. During the Grammy Awards, she made a bad joke about Britney. Commenting new color of her hair, the competitor, unlike Spears, who has not received the coveted “gramophone”, has remembered the bald compatriot so far. Perry ironically noted that she would "leave such an extreme option for a public nervous breakdown to surprise people."

Britney fans reacted negatively to Katy Perry's entry. Many users on social networks accused the singer of anger, as well as moral meanness, saying that joking about the mental health of others was always considered a sign of ignorance, and advising her to apologize to a colleague.

Britney's reaction was not long in coming. But unlike Perry's venomous attack, the artist did not stoop to insults, but reacted to the situation in a philosophical way - she quoted in "Instagram" Bible:

"Her mouth speaks what her heart is filled with."

The post was accompanied by a photo depicting a sunset and hands folded into a heart.

No less scandalous was the interview with William Spears, the singer's uncle. The man spoke to the media about the difficult childhood of the pop star. According to William, Britney first tried alcohol at the age of 13, and at 14 she started smoking weed.

The imprint of the past also affected the work of the accompanying team, because in 2011 an American forbade dancers to drink alcohol and use drugs. Under the contract, Spears cannot be photographed or videotaped, and a fine of $500,000 is provided for violation of the rules.

In 2012 " living legend"For $ 15 million, she agreed to sit on the jury of the X-factor talent show and almost disrupted the casting. "Turning on a star", Britney left the audition after 10 performances by the participants, simply deciding to take a break. The producers immediately assumed that the shooting of the competition with the participation of Spears would turn out unpredictably, but they were wrong. The singer left the show just because she looked boring as a member of the jury, and the creators counted on her eccentricity, which would only add ratings to the project.

Britney Spears on The X Factor

Later, footage from the American competition with Britney's participation, combined with the performance of the Kazakhstani singer at the State Kremlin Palace, circulated on the Web. So fans young performer wanted to emphasize the depth of talent and the power of its impact on the public, even as sophisticated as Spears.

Personal life

britney s early age became a public figure, and her relationships were closely monitored. She dated the singer, whom she broke up with shortly after completing her second world tour. The relationship lasted about 4 years. American tabloids immediately tried to find out about the reason for the breakup, suggesting treason. However, Britney herself stated in an interview that star couple there just wasn't enough time for each other.

Timberlake often mentioned the name Britney in his own songs. For example, in the composition of rapper Jay-Z called "BBC", recorded with the participation of Justin. In addition, the singer will repeatedly recall his former lover in other tracks, speaking unflatteringly about her. Spears' fans were outraged about this, saying that the man thus shows weakness.

Britney married Jason Alexander in 2004. The marriage did not last even two days. The singer herself said that she was just interested in feeling married woman, and the atmosphere of Las Vegas was very conducive to such crazy acts.

That same year, Spears married rapper Kevin Federline. The family had two sons. After the appearance of the second heir, the artist filed for divorce, which brought a lot of trouble. ex-husband managed to sue Britney for custody of the children on the basis of suspicions of drug use.

The trial lasted several years, and all this time the boys lived with their father, and the performer did not even have the right to see them. In 2008, the court transferred custody of Sean Preston and Jayden James to the singer's father. After 3 years, Britney and Kevin received the right of joint custody, the mother can meet with the children 3 times a week.

Britney Spears and Kevin Federline

Now the celebrity pays $ 20 thousand monthly for the maintenance of his sons. According to a number of media reports, under the supervision of Kevin, four more children are growing from a relationship with two other women.

Perhaps that is why he demanded to triple the amount of alimony, arguing that the DJ's earnings are not enough. And the sons of Britney should live in conditions corresponding to the star status. James Spears, who controls his daughter's finances and receives $130,000 a year for it, offered a $10,000 surcharge. In August 2018, the court ordered the singer to pay another $110,000.

For some time, Spears met with personal agent Jason Travik. The couple got engaged in 2011, but broke up two years later. According to rumors, the singer wanted to have another child, but Jason was not inspired by this idea.

From 2013 to 2014, the pop star had an affair with lawyer David Lucado. One day she accidentally saw him kissing a man. Britney spoke about breaking up with her boyfriend through social media and at the same time she announced a relationship with producer Charlie Ebersol. The press failed to learn about the reasons for the next gap.

In the fall of 2016, information appeared in the American media about the singer's new love interest. The journalists learned that Britney Spears is dating fashion model and bodybuilder Sam Asgari, who participated in the filming of her video for the song Slumber Party.

Britney Spears did not comment on this relationship, but sources from her entourage claimed that the woman was delighted with her lover. The man also chose to ignore numerous questions from users on social networks. According to rumors, a marriage proposal was made, but the singer's father opposes the marriage. And Sam is willing to wait until James Parnell relents.

In February 2017, the 35-year-old pop star appeared with her 23-year-old lover at The Beverly Hilton, where the famous music producer Clive Davis brought celebrity guests to the party. Soon followers on Instagram were evaluating the couple's pictures from the event. The Sir Stello show at Los Angeles Fashion Week also attracted the attention of photojournalists. Celebrities sat in the front row and supported the model Faya Asgari, Sam's sister, who first appeared on the catwalk.

The singer herself has been criticized more than once for being unattractive. appearance. The fans did not like that the celebrity frankly did not want to deal with the figure, she noticeably recovered.

Britney listened to criticism, overcame addictions, went on a diet and went in for sports, turning to star trainer Tony Martinez for help. This person is obliged to return the former forms and.

The celebrity got prettier to such an extent that she starred in candid photo shoot, boldly took a selfie in a swimsuit. Although there are followers who accuse Spears of abusing Photoshop, she is allegedly too slim. The media remembered that at the dawn of her career, with a height of 163 cm, the weight of the artist hardly exceeded 54 kg. Probably, Britney is trying to return to these parameters, but goes too far with retouching.

In 2014, the singer launched The Intimate lingerie line. Britney Spears under the brand name of the Danish brand Change. Britney's interests had expanded into fashion and beauty 10 years earlier, when she began working with cosmetics corporation Elizabeth Arden. Then the signature perfume of Spears became the product of the collaboration, the collection includes about 24 fragrances.

Britney Spears now

Now, in the guise of a pop idol, there is nothing left of the beauty of Barbie, said stormy youth, as the tabloids caustically pointed out. At The Hollywood Beauty Awards, Britney received an award for Fantasy In Bloom perfume. However, the press was more interested in Spears' appearance: there were suggestions that the singer turned to help. plastic surgeons.

In 2018, the celebrity signed a contract with the Park Theater in Las Vegas, where she performed with The Queen of Vegas. Each concert, according to the Daily Mail, added $507,000 to the artist's bank account.

The performer has prepared a new show called Britney: Domination, but the public will not be able to fully enjoy the performances of the pop star. In early 2019, Spears announced that she was stopping her concert activity because her father became seriously ill. Britney does not yet know when she will return to the stage.

The business empire of the singer is flourishing. The woman has become the face of the Kenzo brand, and together with the Epic Rights brand, she is launching the production of clothing, accessories, and gadgets.


  • 1999 - Baby One More Time
  • 2000 - Oops! ... I Did It Again
  • 2001 - Britney
  • 2003 - In the Zone
  • 2007 - Blackout
  • 2008 - Circus
  • 2011 - Femme Fatale
  • 2013 - Britney Jean
  • 2016 - Glory


  • 1999 - Sabrina the Teenage Witch
  • 2000 - "Will of chance"
  • 2002 - "Crossroads"
  • 2008 - How I Met Your Mother
  • 2010 - "Choir"

I, like many of my peers and peers, grew up on the songs of Britney Spears. 🙂

At the age of 10-12 I had my first musical idol. I don’t know what I liked about her more - appearance, songs or dances, maybe all together. Plus her unique image of a perky schoolgirl, beautiful, fashionable, athletic and cheerful, and by the way, it seems to me, quite modest at that time. 🙂 A Britney T-shirt, school dances to “Oops I did it again”, and many, many video cassettes with recordings of her clips are funny and very pleasant memories from my childhood.

Britney, of course, grew up and we, along with her, her songs, as usual, also became less childish, they had more sexuality and energy. I do not want to mention in this article the period when Britney got out of her rut - her unsuccessful marriages, depressions, etc., but to remember her most beautiful images, favorite videos and chic dances of her childhood idol - Britney Spears 🙂 So, let's get started!

Britney Spears then and now

Clip Britney Spears - Baby one more time

I remember what a sensation this video and song made. And how it has become fashionable to wear wide sweatpants with short tops that open the stomach. And the pigtails and makeup with brown lipstick are just wat! 🙂 By the way, now a similar color of lipstick is back in fashion, although it is generally played a little differently. 🙂

Clip Britney Spears - Crazy

In this clip, she seemed insanely beautiful to me! Makeup, hairstyle, hair color - everything emphasizes her youthful beauty. And of course, dancing! I think no one will argue with the fact that Britney's dances in the first half of her career were excellent - choreography, energy, the presence of sexuality, while not very vulgar, pleasant dance Sport. What can I say, at school we put numbers under her songs, copying as much as possible (as far as we could) the movements from the clips. 🙂

I was born to make you happy

This song is playing in my head right now. 🙂 It seems to me that in a girl's life it is relevant throughout life, but I will speak for myself - I listen very different music Believe me, I love this song! 🙂 After watching this clip now, I was instantly transported to my childhood .... Thanks Britney! 🙂

Oops I did it again

Cosmic clip and Britney's cosmic red suit. And I also remember that even then - as a child - I really liked her makeup in this video.

Britney Spears Stronger song

Another video with insanely beautiful make-up of Britney Spears. And dancing with a chair. 🙂 The cold colors of the video give it some mystery and drama, which is unusual for her previous videos. It seems to me that it was in him that the feminine Britney Spears appeared, turning from a teenager into a woman. But wait, it was in the song “I am not a girl, but not a women”! 🙂

I'm a slave for you

I quickly jumped from the young, modest clips of Britney Spears to more frank and sexy. I wanted to clarify that I also like many of her other clips, but here I will highlight my favorites. 🙂 It seems to me that it was Britney who set the trend for jeans with a very low fit at that time. Now fashion tends to "high waist" and in my opinion it's great. But despite this, it seems to me that the clip is very stylish, bright - rich colors, cool music and chic dances, what else do you need? I think this period was one of the most filled already very professional dances in clips.

Me against the music

Dance, dance, dance! This is one of my favorite dance performances from all her videos. In my opinion, it's just a gorgeous video, a very energetic and catchy song, even though I don't really like Madonna's work, this duet was a success! 🙂

My prerogative

Not at all a Britney Spears clip for children. As far as I remember, the release period of the video roughly coincides with the beginning of her failed marriage. There is no dancing in this video, but there is a very sexy, grown-up Britney. I like this song. And by the way, in my opinion, this is the first clip of Britney, where there are curls in her image, which is also why it seemed very unusual to me. :). And of course, her parking in the pool could not fail to impress. 🙂


Another clip I wanted to mention. If I remember correctly, this clip was filmed after all her experiences. And this is one of the most successful and beautiful clips of that time, in my subjective opinion. It seems to me that it was not very easy for her to look chic at that time, but she did it! And this is not surprising - for many years of her work, she has proved that she is a true professional!

In fact, Britney Spears still has new videos coming out, albeit not as popular as before. And it seems to me that she, quite firmly, again stood on her own. creative way- this makes me very happy, even though I am not her ardent fan, as in childhood! 🙂 But probably, like many others, Britney Spears will forever remain for me that perky girl with amazing dances and funny songs from my childhood!

Let's conclude by just looking at her coolest looks from early 2000 to currently. Let's go 🙂


A couple of weeks ago, Britney released new album and posed for the cover of the British Marie Claire, and a month before, she performed at the Billboard and MTV VMA ceremonies. triumphant return major pop star of the 90s? We are not sure

2016 MTV VMAs: Beyoncé celebrates victory in the company of a record number of astronauts, Alicia Keys walks the red carpet without makeup, Drake receives another award for a rather annoying Hotline Bling, Kim Kardashian, as always, is naked, and her husband presents another clip- blockbuster Fade. It would seem that everything is in its place, but we missed one more character. Britney Spears appears in a black Julien Macdonald dress - laconic, moderately closed, but with sexy slits in the right places.

The release in a new image, as modern as it is unusual for Britney's role, could have been ignored, but a couple of days before that she presented a new album Glory. This is the first full-length album in three years since Britney Jean - a short break, but not for a star like Britney who has gone into the shadows.

A couple of days after the VMAs, the cover of the October issue of British Marie Claire was leaked online -with the removal of "Britney is back", and even earlier there was news about the filming of a biopic about the singer. And all together it really gives the impression of a well-built and successful comeback.

Britney's biography raises one question - why such a commercially successful singer has not acquired the influence that pop stars now have. She didn't become an icon like Rihanna or the aforementioned Beyoncé. six out of nine studio albums Spears went platinum in the US, and Glory has already taken third place on the Billboard Chart 200, displacing Drake, Frank Ocean and the same Beyoncé. Yes, by today's standards, Britney is not an Instagram star: only 12.8 million subscribers. But she is struggling to regain her pop princess crown.

The story of Britney's fall is perhaps the most dramatic in the world of pop music in the last 20 years: there are no strangers, external factors or bad rock fate. From the singing angel in the Disney show The Mickey Mouse Club to the hot schoolgirl in the Baby One More Time video, this schoolgirl has become America's favorite freak. Britney's life, plastered with paparazzi, was no less fascinating than the reality show "Keeping up with the Kardashians". Bald shaving, repeated hospitalizations, fights with photographers, demonstration of genitals, fighting with the Los Angeles court for their own children, demonstrative failure to appear in court. Even the story of Michael Jackson is more compassionate than Britney's purposeful self-destruction.

The rise of Miss Spears came at the very end of the 90s: in 1999, she released debut album Baby One More Time, which blew up the American pop scene, and after it the world. It was the beginning of the 2000s: the financial catastrophes of the previous decade were already behind us, and the 2008 crisis was still too far away. It was the 2000s that became the most faceless of all eras in the history of fashion: bad taste, deliberate sexuality, ridiculous luxury and consumption, consumption, consumption. In the history of music, too: the era of guitar rock is gone, experiments with electronics have exhausted themselves in the 80s and 90s, the time for Britpop is over, and the time for indie has not yet come. Boy bands Backstreet Boys and N Sync continued the tradition of successful girl groups like the Spice Girls, and starlets Spears and Christina Aguilera fit the picture perfectly.

In the years of Britney's first releases, media scandals were more likely to benefit her. Parting with Justin Timberlake in 2001 was perceived in the press as an innocent youthful breakup - and it only fueled interest in both pop stars. Britney's short-term eclipses, like her marriage to old school friend Jason Alexander, which lasted exactly 55 hours, didn't do much to ruin her reputation either.

The situation began to gradually worsen when Britney's personal life seemed to become stable. Her marriage to Kevin Federline turned into ruins in three years: Britney was deprived of parental rights, and was also forced to pay monthly alimony - 20 thousand dollars. By 2007-2008, the situation reached its climax: scandalous outings in the company of Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan, public bald shaving and drug overdoses.

However, if we consider the underside of this story, Britney is not the blacksmith of her misfortune, but the victim. And the object of numerous manipulations - on the part of the mother, Lynn, that on the part of the manager. These manipulations ended with the fact that everyone lost control over Britney, and at the same time.

Spears' childhood can hardly be called happy or, conversely, tragic: Small town Kentwood, Mississippi, an unremarkable family - a drinking father, a hysterical mother. It is Britney's mother who owes her participation in the Mickey Mouse Club and other successes. Lynn tried to promote her daughter as best she could: choir, gymnastics, dancing, numerous talent competitions.

Over time, the role of mentor passes from the mother to the manager of the singer Larry Rudolph. He also promoted "N Sync, Backstreet Boys and New Kids on the Block. It was Rudolph who turned Britney into pop Lolita - the way she appeared in the Baby One More Time video. A sweet and naive girl without bad habits and star disease was ready to work for 20 hours a day, if it was about filming a video. Nothing to do with the Britney that the world learned about years later. Early Spears was genuinely embarrassed when she read in the press that she had enlarged her breasts - or she could simply burst into tears from excitement right at the concert.

The artists of the mid-2000s, who started at the same pole with Britney, have either gone into oblivion today or have risen to unprecedented heights. Justin Timberlake collects stadiums of fans, and Beyoncé and Rihanna went much further. These singers have become icons, the embodiment of the female ideal of the era - they are loved by rappers, rockers, and those who do not listen to their music at all. And it's not about collaborations with big brands, like Rihanna with Puma and Manolo Blahnik, not about expensive advertising campaigns, like Beyoncé with H&M, and not in the amazing success of tours and albums. These singers managed to go not only beyond musical, but also social categories: you can hardly find a similar show business star whose influence on world culture was so strong. Against their background, even the popularity of Kim Kardashian fades: she, unlike Rihanna and Beyoncé, does not produce real cultural values.

Why won't Britney's next comeback lead her to a Beyoncé-level triumph? Outwardly, all the components of success are evident. But Spears still seems like a producer's project - and rather unfortunately resurrected. The last major surge of her activity came in 2008 - along with the release of the album The Circus Starring Britney Spears and the tour in support of it, the most successful of all the singer's career. In the five years of Britney's complete blackout, the world around has changed dramatically, but the singer's universe seems to have remained the same. Don't underestimate Britney's VMAs or the Marie Claire cover. A couple of months before the reboot, she appeared at the Billboard ceremony in lingerie and mesh over the knee boots. And this is not a single failure of Spears' stylist, but important detail. Unlike the 2000s, the music scene of the 2010s does not belong to producers. It belongs to strong and whole individuals who have a keen sense of time and make decisions personally. Pop icons of the new formation themselves choose what to do with their careers, how to look on the red carpet and what to say in interviews. And if Britney and the team behind her have forgotten how to feel the time, then, alas, Spears has never been a strong and whole person.

Everyone who is now over 25 years old remembers that in the late 90s American singer Britney Spears was at the peak of her popularity, her videos were played on all music channels, and the girls tried to imitate her style of an innocent schoolgirl. Years passed, Britney Spears changed, and at some point in her life there was a turning point when the singer suddenly shaved her head, and seemed to fly off the coils. She behaved scandalously in public, took drugs and alcohol, which led to the fact that she was deprived of parental rights. Now Britney has already come to her senses and continues her career, and we invite you to take a look at how her image has changed over time.


A charming blonde with a snow-white smile, singing about problems understandable to any teenager - of course, millions immediately fell in love with her!


The era of revealing outfits and experiments with hair began. Bright blonde and "corrugated" strands are something new.


If the blond is not cared for, it will definitely turn yellow. What happened to Britney. Eyebrows, in solidarity with the color of the hair, also turned yellow.


Very stylish Britney: new haircut, highlighting and expressive eyebrows.


So, so, so ... Chubby cheeks and even more plump hands ... It seems that someone has stopped following the figure. And yes, the lipstick color is just awful, sorry Britney.


The legendary shave is still 4 years away, but Britney is already trying on wigs. By the way, a light wig with colored strands suits the singer very well.


Sloppy ponytail (even if not your own), slanting bangs, the right accent in makeup - Britney, you are beautiful!


This year, Britney married her dancer Kevin Federline. And now, instead of the usual blond sexy girl with a steel press, we suddenly saw this.


Britney, Britney... Excess weight should be hidden, not emphasized. In this dress, the singer looks like a "barrel". Hair and makeup - also "so-so". The feeling that Britney has stopped taking care of herself and goes out in anything even to social events.


And here is the very turning point: Britney freaked out and shaved her head.


Extended strands saved the situation: a year later, the singer looks decent again. It remains only to throw off five extra pounds.


nervous tension recent years did not pass without a trace: the image of the singer became careless, her skin and hairstyle seemed unkempt, and her weight was constantly “jumping”.


Everything changed in 2011: Britney got engaged to her former agent Jason Trawick, began to devote more time to her appearance and conduct healthy lifestyle life.


Britney lost weight, got prettier and is back in the ranks!


Apparently, Britney is tired of the classics: the singer returned to extended strands again. This time - all the colors of the rainbow.


It seems that our favorite pop princess has finally found harmony. Britney "pulled herself together" and began to take care of herself.