Village get-togethers. Scenario for elementary school children

Municipal educational institution "TsO Taydakovsky" of the Yasnogorsk district of the Tula region.

Extracurricular activity

"Country Gatherings"

Scenario of a folklore festival.

Compiled by: Kvachko Z. S.

primary school teacher.


Village get-togethers. Scenario of a folklore festival.


To form a conscious patriotic feeling, based on an understanding of spiritual values ​​and traditions of folk culture;

Instill a desire to know and study Russian folklore;

To cultivate in children love and respect for folk art and folk traditions;

To cultivate an understanding of the cultural history of Russian customs and traditions, to awaken in the hearts of younger schoolchildren a feeling of love for the fatherland.

Russian folk music sounds

Leading: Russia, Russia, dear lands, Russian people have lived here for a long time. They glorify the open spaces of their native Razdolnye Russian songs.

In the old days, on long winter evenings, people gathered in a large hut, spinning, knitting, embroidering, weaving baskets, and at the same time they always sang ditties, told fables and fairy tales. It was more fun to work this way and the evening went by faster. Young people at these evenings, which were called get-togethers, learned wisdom.

Gatherings, plantings, gatherings, gatherings...

V. Dal described the gatherings as follows: “...a gathering of peasant youth on autumn and winter nights under the guise of needlework, yarn, and more for stories, fun and songs.”

1. On the ruins, in the little light, or on some logs, gatherings of the elderly and the young gathered.

2. Did they sit by the splinter or under the bright sky? They talked, sang songs and danced in a circle.

3.How did you play? On the burners! Ah, the burners are good! In a word, these gatherings were a holiday for the soul.

4. Our leisure time is sometimes shallow, And, what can I say, It’s boring to live without gatherings, They should be revived!

5. We got a role to conceive, do not confuse it with loads. We brought you bread and salt for Russian gatherings.

6. Tradition is alive, alive! From the older generation. Rituals and words are important. From the past from ours.

7. And therefore, please accept the one who came to the gathering, on this festive plate

From our hands both bread and salt!

8. If you are “at ease” and didn’t come to us for an hour, We suggest that the gathering be held here, now.

9. Rest is not trifles - Time for games and news, Let's start gatherings! We are opening gatherings! For friends and guests.

Two girls welcome guests.

Welcome, dear guests, welcome!

Have fun and joy!

We have been waiting for you for a long time, we don’t start the holiday without you.

We have a warm place and a friendly word for everyone.

We have prepared some fun things for you for every taste: for some - a fairy tale, for others - the truth, for others - a song.

Are you comfortable, dear guests? Can everyone see, can everyone hear, is there enough space for everyone?

Well, let’s sit down next to each other and talk well.

Fables in the faces They sit in the towers, They crack nuts and they say ridicule. Want to know which ones? And here they are...

Two students are having a dialogue:

What are your girls doing?

They sew and sing.

What about mothers?

They spank and cry.

Girl and boy:

Son, go to the river for some water.

My stomach hurts.

Son, go eat some porridge.

Well, if your mother is calling, you have to go.

Two boys:

What are you bringing?


What kind of hay is this?

And if you see, why ask?

Girl and boy:

Foma, why aren’t you coming out of the forest?

Caught the bear.

So bring him here!

He's not coming.

Well then go yourself.

Yes, he won't let me in.

Girl and boy:

Fedul, why are you pouting your lips?

The caftan burned through.

Can you sew it up?

Yes, there is no needle.

How big is the hole?

One gate remains.

Two boys:

Tyukha, do you want to eat?

No, I had a snack.

What did you snack on?

Yes, I ate a crust of bread.

And you would dip it in a pot of sour cream.

Yes, it didn’t fit into the pot.

Neighbors run in:

Neighbors: Have you heard? Have you heard about the fire? Oh, what happened! -

Hostess:- Oh, neighbor, don’t rush, take a rest, and really tell us everything.

1sedge: The water in Ivan's yard caught fire. The whole village put out the fire, but the fire was not extinguished.

2nd neighbor: Grandfather Thomas came, his beard graying. He drove the people into the barn and put out the fire alone.

1 neighbor: How Thomas put out the fire, he did not say about it. You can only hear it from the side, he muffled it with his beard.

There's a knock on the door. The boys enter.

Boy: Make way, honest people, don’t dust the path, Good fellows are coming for a little walk.

Boy: What did I see now!

Boys: What?

Boy: A village was driving past a peasant, and suddenly the gate barked from under a dog.

All: Wow!

Boy: A stick ran out with a boy in his hands, and behind him a sheepskin coat with a woman on his shoulders.

All: Can't be!


The roofs got scared, They sat on the crows, The horse urged the man with a whip.

All: Oh oh oh!

Boy: The horse ate porridge, and the man ate oats. The horse got into the sleigh and the man drove.

All: Fables, unbelievable things1

Host: Yes, these are such fables, nursery rhymes, jokes - these little funny, amusing stories that made people laugh, entertained, and amused. Everything can happen in them, even things that never happen.

And who doesn’t know Russian proverbs and sayings? And who created them? Of course, the Russian people. They were born a long time ago, when an ax was considered wealth. They were passed on from fathers to children. Short and simple thoughts are so complex that they are remembered by themselves.

Listen and try to continue them.

Today it's a walk, tomorrow it's a walk - you'll be left...without a shirt.

A quitter and a slacker - they have a holiday... and on Monday.

A good son brings joy to his father, but a bad son brings sadness.

The bird is happy about spring, and the child is happy about the mother.

A person gets sick from laziness, but from work...he gets healthier.

The lazy Egorka will always have…excuses.

If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove.

Host: Now let’s sit down more comfortably and sing a Russian folk song. Previously, in a village hut while doing needlework, girls sang drawn-out songs that helped them maintain the required rhythm for work. And the work with the song progressed more fun with the song.


All the people are honest, But they are a difficult people, They are capable of many things And now, dear guests, We will sing for you.

Song performed:

Host: And now it’s time to move on to games. Let's remember the folk games that your great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers played... But before playing, they stood in a circle and chose a leader. But who will become the driver, a counting rhyme will help us find out.

White hare, where did he run? - Into the oak forest. - What were you doing there? - He tore the bast - Where did he put it? - Under the deck. - Who stole it? - Rodion. - Get out.

Russian folk games “Ring” and “Golden Gate” are held

Host: As it was said, girls and young guys gathered at the gatherings not only to work, but also to listen to funny jokes and fairy tales. So listen to one fairy tale.

Dramatization of the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Fox.”

V. – Lizaveta, hello!

L. - How are you, toothy?

V. – Things are going well, the head is still intact.

L. – Where have you been?

V. - At the market.

L. -What did you buy?

V. - Pork.

L. – How much did they take?

V.. - A tuft of wool was torn off the right side, the tail was chewed off in a fight.

L. – Who bit it off?

V. – Dogs. Well, where have you been wandering?

L. – I caught a fish in an ice hole, just lowered the tail. You see how much I caught.

V. – I want fish too.

L. – So catch it, I’ll teach you. Go, my friend, to the river. Sit in a secluded corner, lower your tail into the hole, and repeat all the time: “Catch, fish, both big and small.”

B, - Well, thank you, Lisaveta. Help me with advice. Where is the ice hole? Show me.

L. – (Shows) Don’t forget. Say the words.

Host: Oh, look, while we were having fun here, a miracle grew

chamomile! This is not a simple flower, this is a daisy -

patter. You need to pick a petal and read

tongue twister 3 times.

Let someone speak quickly, I ask the rest to be silent.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

Prokop stole the dill.

Senya carries hay in the canopy.

Senya will sleep on the hay.

Get up, Arkhip, the rooster is hoarse!

The wasp does not have whiskers, not whiskers, but antennae.

The bristles of a pig, the scales of a pike.

Leading: Well done! It's great, you're doing great.

Brownie appears.

Brownie. Oh! Children? This can't be true. I'm probably dreaming. Guys, is this a dream or not?

Children: No, not a dream.

Brownie: But I still can’t believe it. Such happiness! Come on, pinch me. Oh, I really can't sleep. And since we met, the first thing we need to do is do this... which... Damn sclerosis! Three hundred years ago I became attached, even when Baba Yaga was a little Hedgehog, and I still won’t let go.

Children: We should say hello!

Brownie: Hello, children! Have you forgotten me?

Children: No, we didn’t forget!

Brownie: What fun you have here! Why are so many of you gathered here today?

Host: We have gatherings here. Holiday!

Brownie: I love holidays more than anything in the world. Do you know why? Because I love songs. Here I have one favorite. Ugh, you forgot... Oh, what did I forget? That in this house I am the master, and you are my guests. So I have to entertain you! Do you want me to tell you some riddles? Now, now... (Looks for something on the stove and doesn’t find it. Cries.) Baba Yaga probably stole it. I had the riddles right here in the cast iron.

Host: Now we’ll call this Baba Yaga, let her give us our riddles. Yes, guys?

Children: Baba Yaga!

Baba Yaga: Fu, fu, fu! Smells like the Russian spirit! Fathers! Little brownie! We haven't seen each other for almost two hundred years

Brownie: I have dear guests - good fellows and beautiful maidens.

The children are strong and skillful, smart and affectionate. And they are so courteous! Look how friendly they are when they greet each other.

Baba Yaga: (curtsies). Great people, honest and cheerful. We don’t have last names, first names or patronymics, but we simply call ourselves Baba Yaga.

Children: Hello, Baba Yaga!

Baba Yaga: Chavoita, did you want to shout at me?

Brownie: Sadness oppresses me, we are in trouble, there is injustice.

Baba Yaga: Yes, you really, really. Explain everything in order. As follows.

Little Brownie: And I’ll tell you everything in detail where the trouble came to us, it was you who took the cast iron with fairy tales and riddles from me.

Baba Yaga: FAQ no, that one is not there! You are lying about me in vain.

Brownie: I have a witness.

Baba Yaga: Wait, brownie. Witness, you say? And who?

Brownie: I have a cat, he doesn’t sleep at night, he’s seen everything.

Baba Yaga: Ha! And where has it been seen that a cat is listed as a witness? This is a false witness.

Brownie: Confess, Baba Yaga, otherwise the guys are ready to help me. We will tie you up and roast you in the oven. Ali forgot how Vanya put you in the oven?

Baba Yaga: I see, you guys are not weak, so you want to compete with me? Just know that no one has ever defeated me. I even outwitted Snake Gorynych.

Brownie: Don’t be intimidating, don’t be intimidating. The kids really want to compete with you.

Baba Yaga: Don’t be intimidating, don’t be intimidating. The guys really want to compete with you.

Baba Yaga: Are they good artists? Well, look, if I don’t like it, sit your heads on a pole!

Brownie: Don't scare me. Better open your eyes wider, put your ears on top of your head.

Chatushkas are performed

1. Eh, stomp your foot, stomp your right one, I’m going to dance, even though I’m small,

2. I’ll go dancing along the straw, spread out to the people on the side!

3. I stood barefoot and looked around. I looked back - my boots were lying there.

4. I didn’t want to dance. I stood there and felt shy. And the harmonica started playing. I couldn’t resist. .

5. A hedgehog is sitting on a birch tree, wearing a white shirt, a boot on his head, and a cap on his leg.

6. There is a cart on the mountain, Tears are dripping from the arc. There is a cow standing under the mountain, putting on her boots.

7. Balalaika-beep knows her stuff, She plays well in Vanya’s hands.

8. If Masha had not been staring into the keyhole, her forehead would not have had a large-block cone.

9. If there was no water, There would be no mug, If there were no girls, Who would sing ditties?

Baba Yaga: Eh, you? Who hasn't heard ditties?

Brownie: You shouldn’t be rejoicing ahead of time. We can do everything. We can perform ditties, we can dance in a circle, right, guys?

A dance is being performed.

Brownie: Oh, thank you, guys, my faithful friends! So Baba Yaga, we passed all your tests. Give me the pot with riddles!

Baba Yaga: Well, why are you, Domovushechka, boiling over? Oh, how nice you all are, it even grabbed my soul. I also want to be friends with you. Will you hang out with me?

Brownie: We are not friends with evil people. If you get better, then we'll see. Really, guys?

Baba Yaga: Yes, I will improve. Ugh, I’m really good now, corrected. Here's a cast iron pot with riddles, take it!

Brownie: Let's leave Baba Yaga at the gatherings.

Children: Let it stay!

Little Brownie: Now let’s solve riddles.

Children take riddles from the cast iron, read them and solve them.

Host: Every holiday ends someday. Our holiday is coming to an end.

It’s as if the sky is whitewashed The milky way is lit up The gatherings have ceased to be noisy In our festive little space, Where we had to rest.

Gatherings, parties Stars in the festive heights. These are Russian pictures of Our life in Rus'.

Days of communication are milestones of happiness, Everyone is happy about get-togethers. Time for business, but people are happy to have fun, after all.

We shared the news, We tried to entertain you, We say goodbye to the guests, Saying: “See you again!”

WITH the price is brightly decorated. In the background there is a stove and bright figures of Dymkovo toys: nesting dolls, ducks, the sun. In the middle of the stage is a table covered with a bright tablecloth, on the table there is a samovar and painted dishes.

P The hosts appear: the host and hostess are both in Russian folk costumes.

Mistress: Welcome, dear guests, welcome!

Master: Have fun and joy!

Mistress: We have been waiting for you for a long time, we won’t start the holiday without you!

Master: We have a place and a word for everyone!

Mistress: We have in store for you some fun things for every taste, for some - a fairy tale, for others - the truth, for others - a song.

N and the guests enter the stage. Girls in red calico skirts and colorful blouses, with colored shawls on their shoulders. Boys in untucked shirts trimmed with bright braid. The guests bow to their hosts and take their seats.

Master: Are you comfortable, dear guests? Can everyone see it? Can everyone hear? Was there enough room for everyone?

One of the guests: As is well known, there was enough space for the guests. Isn't it a bit cramped for the owners?

Master: In tight spaces - no offense.

The hosts sit down.

Mistress: fables in their faces, sitting in the chambers-lighthouses, cracking nuts and making ridicule.

Guests perform humorous dialogues.

Fedul, why are you pouting your lips? - The caftan burned. - You can sew it up. - Yes, there is no needle. - Is the hole big? - There is only one gate left. - Foma, why aren’t you coming out of the forest? - Yes, I caught a bear! - So bring it here! - Yes, he’s not coming! - So go yourself! - Yes, he won’t let me in! - Son, go to the river for some water! - My belly hurts! - Son, go eat some porridge! - Well, since mother says, we must go!

All the guests sing the song" We were in a round dance".

The guests continue their dialogues.

What are your girls doing? - They sew and sing - And the mothers? - They spank and cry. - Foma, is it warm in your hut? - Warm. You can warm up on the stove in a fur coat! Two girls read ditties before performing a dance.- Oh, stomp your foot, stomp your right one, I’ll go dance, even though I’m small. - I’ll go dance on the straw, let the people go to the side! Four girls come out to dance and sing ditties: 1st Wider the circle, wider the circle, Give a wider circle. I’m not going to dance alone, there are four of us coming. 2nd I didn’t want to dance. I stood there and felt shy, and the harmonica started playing. I couldn’t resist. 3rd And in our yard the frogs were croaking, And I was barefoot from the stove, I thought - girlfriends. 4th I walked through the village and saw Vanyushka sitting under a bush and crying: The chicken offended me. 1st 2nd I danced with three legs, Balalaika - the whistle Lost her boots, She knows her business I looked back: she is in Vanya’s hands My boots lie. Plays well. 3rd 4th A hedgehog sits on a birch tree - If there was no water, White shirt, There would be no mug. There is a boot on the head, if there were no girls. There is a cap on his leg. Who would sing ditties? Boys run out into the middle, they dance in a squat, one sings. 1st There is a cart on the mountain, Tears are dripping from the arc. There is a cow standing under the mountain, putting on her boots. The boys finish dancing. Two guests are busy: one is knitting, the other is embroidering. Condemning the dancers, they turn to each other. 1st Loafer and slacker - they have a holiday on Monday too. 2nd Now it's a walk, tomorrow it's a walk - you're shirtless. One of the guests turns to the grumps - Shark, why are you sewing? - 2nd And I, father, will still flog you. - Mistress: Dear guests, would you like to eat some candy and listen to a fairy tale? Treats everyone with sweets.

One of the guests:

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman, they had a chicken - a pockmarked chicken. The hen laid an egg, not an ordinary one - a golden one. The staging of O. Vysotskaya's fairy tale "The Golden Egg" begins. Baba: Hey, old man, wake up quickly! Grandfather: Are there wolves at the door? Why are you making noise, old woman? Baba: Look what I found: Our pestle hen laid an egg under a bush. Grandfather: Well, she demolished it, what’s the matter! What are you, woman, stunned? Baba: Yes, the egg is not simple, but, look, it’s golden. Grandfather: Gold, really? You and I got rich. Baba: Look, it’s burning like heat. Grandfather: There wouldn’t have been a fire! Baba: Oh, it’s burning, it’s blinding! Grandfather: Miracles! Baba: Miracles! Grandfather: Lock it in the chest. There is a knock on the door. Baba: There's no one at home! Look, the neighbors, as luck would have it, Inadvertently brought them. Grandfather: Go lock the bolt, but you need to let the dogs down. Baba: (returning) On Wednesday I will go to the city, there is a market there on Wednesday. There are a lot of rich people out there! I’ll sell them the egg. How they will give me a pile of money. They’ll throw me rubles, and I’ll get Siberian sables for my coat. I’ll buy some new clothes, forty different skirts. A shawl with blue flowers, I'll fill my chest to the brim. Grandfather: Why are you telling tales! Look, a young lady has found a way to dress up in all sorts of trash. No, if we are rich, I will build three-story chambers and gazebos in the corners instead of a hut. Baba: Calm down, don’t scream, there’s a rolling pin falling on the floor, the cast iron is rattling in the oven. Oh, I don’t like the white light! Grandfather: Am I the owner or not?! Baba: Oh, the egg rolled, rolled and broke. And there were no shells left, everything had disappeared somewhere! Grandfather: Well, why are we bothering? There is only one problem with miracles. We will live as we lived before and work. As always. Baba: You can fix a fur coat, and you can fix a house. Grandfather: Only that, apparently, is reliable that is given to us by labor. Open the door, old woman, why should we hide now! Hey neighbor! Baba: Hey, neighbor! Forgetting friends is not a good idea. Come in for an hour, I have good kvass, jams, and pickles. Grandfather and grandmother: (together). Come in without hesitation! Guests bow to their hosts.


Scrap model with pile. mirror, embroidered towel, wooden promise, Russian stove (drawing), drawings by students for the exhibition, table, hoop, spinning wheel, musical instruments, poster with the proverb “A hut is not red in its corners, but red in its pies,” candies and pancakes for treats, Russian folk costumes.

Presenter (against the background of music).

Where are you from, Russian, music?

Either in an open field, or in a mossy forest?

Are you happy?

In pain? Or in a bird whistle?

Tell me, where does your sadness and daring come from?

Whose heart did you beat in from the very beginning?

How did you come? How did you sound?

The ducks flew by and dropped their pipes.

The geese flew by and dropped the harp.

Sometimes they were found in the spring, they were not surprised.

Well, what about the song? We were born with a song in Rus'!

Children perform a song.

In the old days there was such a custom among the Russian people; how they finished the field work (harvested the crops and put the grain in the bins), whiled away the autumn days and evenings together, had gatherings. As the Russian proverb says: “Out of boredom, take matters into your own hands.” So we spent time doing our favorite handicrafts. It was fun. Either the song will be drawn out or a joke will be exchanged. So their work was going well. And today we gathered for a gathering.

The winter evening is dark and long,

I count forty Christmas trees.

Then I’ll sit on the bench,

Then I'll look out the window.

I'll call the guys over

for gatherings.

There will be songs, there will be dancing

And a game of burners.

Hey, girlfriends, girlfriends,

Merry-laughing girls!

Hey guys, well done

Mischievous daredevils."

Bring me to dance

Pass the winter evening!

The host and hostess enter, set the table for the guests. At this time, beautiful girls and kind fellows are moving along the street.


Play it, balalaika, play it, ringer! (Knocks on the door.)

Is Marya at home, is Daria at home, is darling Katyushechka at home?

We are that point.


Beautiful girls, good fellows!

Get ready, dress up,

Go for a walk.

We gathered to have fun

Yes, have fun!

Make a joke!



Laughter and fun!

Children imitate moving down the street to the tune “The Moon is Shining.”

They dust themselves off on the porch and knock on the door.

Tara-pa, tara-ra,

the girls are coming from the yard!

Sing songs and dance,

to amuse everyone around.

About - village gatherings. script for a folklore festival for staging in primary school (grades 1-4)

For production in primary schools (grades 1-4)


3 neighbors

Guests: girls and boys

Russian folk music sounds


Russia, Russia, dear lands,

Russian people have lived here for a long time.

They glorify their native expanses,

Razdolnye Russian songs are sung.

On stage there is scenery of a Russian village. The housewife is doing her homework, her daughter is doing needlework, father and son are weaving bast shoes.

Mistress: To run a house, don’t shake your head, Everything needs to be stored. Shark, Shark, what are you sewing out of nowhere?

Daughter: Yes, mother, I will still flog you.

Mistress: If you hurry, you will make people laugh.

Daughter: I know, mother, I know. Seven times measure cut once!

Master: Living at home - you have to worry about everything. (Weaves bast shoes, teaches son Fedyusha).

Son: Darling, darling, let’s play rhymes with you.

Master: What is this - rhymes?

Son: And this needs to be said in such a way that it makes sense. Tell me, what was your father's name?

Master: My dad's name was Kuzma.

Son: Here I will take your Kuzma by the beard!

Master: Why are you going to grab my dad by the beard?

Son: Dude, this is a joke. They say that to rhyme.

Master: I’ll tell you the rhyme myself! What is your name?

Son: Fedya!

Master: If you are Fedya, then you caught a bear in the forest. Climb the bear and get off my bench!

Mistress: He will swear at you and quarrel.

Neighbors run in.

Neighbors: Have you heard? Have you heard about the fire? Oh, what happened!

Mistress Oh, neighbors, don’t rush, take a rest, and really tell us everything.

1 neighbor: The water in Ivan's yard caught fire. The whole village put out the fire, but the fire was not extinguished.

2nd neighbor: Grandfather Thomas came, his beard graying. He drove the people into the barn and put out the fire alone.

3rd neighbor: How Thomas put out the fire, he did not say about it. You can only hear it from the side, he muffled it with his beard!

Master: Oh, you can’t keep up with your tongue barefoot.

Mistress: You can’t listen to all the speeches! Stay, neighbors, we will have guests today.

1 neighbor: Today it's a walk, tomorrow it's a walk, you'll be left without a shirt.

Hostess: Stay and need to rest.

There's a knock on the door.

Master: Who else is having a hard time?

Neighbour: Is it possible, master?

Master: A guest is not a bone; you cannot throw him out the door. Come in. What's new in the world?

Neighbour: I was at the fair, look what I bought. (shows to the owners)

Knock on the door

Daughter: Oh, my girlfriends have arrived.

The girls come in, bow and in chorus:

Girls: We came to sing songs, dance, and show off. Peace to your home!

They preen themselves and sit down on a bench.

1 girl: Mistress, what are you going to give us to do today?

Mistress: I'll let the red young ladies embroider a white flax.

Hands out the embroidery hoop, a song sounds.

There's a knock on the door. Guys come in

Boy: Make way, honest people, don’t dust the path, Good fellows are coming for a little walk.

They joke and sit down.

Master: Are you comfortable, dear guests? Can everyone see it? Can everyone hear? Is there enough space for everyone?

Guest: As is well known, there was enough space for the guests, but isn’t it a bit cramped for the hosts?

Master: In tight spaces - no offense!

Mistress: Fables in the faces sit in the towers-lighthouses, crack nuts and make ridicule...


A village was driving

Past the man

Suddenly from under the dog

The gates are barking

All Wow!


A club ran out

With a boy in my arms,

And behind him is a sheepskin coat

With a woman on his shoulders

All Can't be!


The village shouted:

Sundresses with women

They're rushing to the fire!

All Is it true?

Boy Is it true.


The rooftops got scared

We sat on the raven,

The horse was urging

A man with a whip.

All Oh oh oh!


The horse was eating porridge

And the man is oats.

The horse got into the sleigh,

And the man got lucky.

All Fables, incredible things!

One girl for a boy

Girl: Fedul, why are you pouting your lips?

Boy: Yes, the caftan burned.

Girl: You can fix it!

Boy: Yes, there is no needle.

Girl: How big is the hole?

Boy: Yes, there is only one gate left.

Another girl to another boy

Girl: Where are you, brother Ivan?

Boy: In the upper room.

Girl: What are you doing?

Boy: I help Peter.

Girl: What is Peter doing?

Boy: Yes, it's on the stove.

Boy to girl

Boy: Get up, Dunyushka, he's already studying!

Girl: Let him do it, he has a lot to do until the evening.

Boy: Get up, Dunyushka, get up, the cockerel is crowing!

Girl: Let him sing! The cockerel is small, he owes a night!

Boy: Get up, Dunyushka, the sun is already rising!

Girl: Let it rise, it has a long way to run!

Boy: Get up, Dunyushka, the porridge is ready!

Girl: And I’m already sitting at the table!

Mistress: Well, dear guests, did you have a laugh, are you hungry for tea?

Master: Everything that is in the oven is all swords on the table!

Mistress: I walk, walk, walk, carrying a samovar in my hands, singing a joke. Here's tea, tea, tea... Meet the guest and hostess! Answer with a joke! (pouring tea, guests answer)

1 guest: Drinking tea makes life pleasant.

2nd guest: Drink some tea and forget about melancholy!

3rd guest: If you don’t drink tea, what power is there? I drank tea and was completely weakened!

4th guest: There's no harm in tea.

Mistress: How Marfusha cooked and baked 43 pies and 92 pancakes for Peter. These are the pancakes! (treats guests with pancakes)

The song “Pancakes” is performed

Neighbors: Well, now, beautiful maidens and kind young ones, amuse the owners.

Chatushkas are performed

Eh, stomp, foot, stomp, right one,

I’ll go dance, even though I’m small,

I'll go dancing on the straw,

Get out of the way people!

I stood barefoot

I looked around.

I looked back -

My boots are lying there.

From girlfriends who laugh

So much noise and ringing

Like a hundred rattles,

Even a million!

A hedgehog sits on a birch tree -

White shirt,

On the head there is a boot,

On his leg is a cap.

There is a cart on the mountain,

Tears are dripping from the arc.

There is a cow under the mountain,

Puts on boots


He knows his business

She is in Vanya's hands

Plays well.

If I hadn't been staring

In the keyhole,

I wouldn't have it on my forehead

The cone is large-block.

If there was no water,

There wouldn't even be a mug

If there were no girls,

Who would sing ditties?

It's good to mow the grass,

which is green

It's good to love a girl

which is funny.

Master: (comes out and takes him by the ear) It’s too early for you to join our circle, mother’s milk has not dried on your lips.

Neighbors: The fellows sing well, and the girls are not far behind them. Shall we dance today?

Dances are performed.


We're a little tired.

Let's sit next to each other on the bench.

We will sit together with you.

Let's give everyone riddles.

Let's see who's smarter!


Is the gentleman walking around the yard?

Finds fault with everything.

red head,

Double beard. (Rooster).

Shaggy, mustachioed,

He sits down and sings a song. (Cat)

Small, white,

Jump-jump along the path,

One snowball at a time. (Hare)

A poultry woman in a red fur coat came from the forest to count the chickens. (Fox)

You stroke it and it caresses you. You tease and it bites. (Dog)

Mistress: Dear guests, would you like to eat some candy and listen to a fairy tale?

Dramatization of a Russian folk tale

Neighbor: Well, it's time to know the honor. It's time for the master and hostess to rest.

The guests stand up and thank the hosts

1 guest: Thank you, master and hostess.

2nd guest: Thank you for the bread and the salt.

2nd guest: Your pies are good, your hearts are friendly.

Scenario. village gatherings dedicated to Father's Day and Father's Day. 2009

Village gatherings dedicated to Mother's Day and Father's Day. year 2009.

“At the samovar with the whole family”

1 Presenter: Come in, dear guests, please! We have been waiting for you for a long time, we are waiting for you, we don’t start the evening without you. We have a place and a word for everyone!2 Presenter: We got a role to begin with. Don’t confuse this with stress, We brought you bread and salt for Russian gatherings.1 Presenter: Tradition is alive, alive - From the older generation. Rituals and words from the past are important for ours.2 Presenter: Let’s sit side by side, talk well. Let's sit closer together, it will be more fun.1 Presenter: On the rubble, in the light Or on some logs Elderly and young people gathered.2 Presenter: Whether they sat under a torch, Or under the bright sky - They talked, sang songs and danced in a circle.

Round dance “On the mountain there is a viburnum”

1 Presenter: How did they play? To the burners? Ah, the burners were good! In a word, these gatherings were a holiday of the soul! 2 Presenter: The life of people is marked by a century, The old world has changed. Nowadays we are all alone in apartments.1 Presenter: Our leisure time is sometimes shallow, And what can I say: It’s boring to live without get-togethers, They should be repeated.

2 Presenter: Peace be with you, long-awaited guests, Who came at a good hour - We have prepared a warm welcome for you.1 Presenter: As a sign of recognition and distinction We are pleased at this hour, According to the ancient custom, to greet you with bread and salt.2 Presenter: We loaf We present it to you, bowing and asking you to taste. So today you and your moms and dads gathered for village gatherings "At the samovar with the whole family".

1 Presenter: Why? Because on the last Sunday of November the whole country celebrated, and you and I, Mother’s Day, and in early December we celebrate Father’s Day. We congratulate our mothers and fathers on these holidays.

1 Presenter: A mother’s love for her children is the brightest feeling in the world. How many proverbs have been written about this. Oh, let’s remember, do you know the proverbs about mother, tell me the other half. 2 Presenter: People say: “If there is bread, there will be song”

Russian folk song "Pancakes"

1 Presenter: In Rus', people have loved to have tea for a long time. If a family moved to a new house, then the cat was brought in first, then they carried a kneading bowl in which they kneaded bread, and then a samovar, because not a single family could do without these things. Who was sitting at the samovar? Of course, mom!

2 Presenter: Today we gathered to have fun and have fun, joke, play and laugh.

Team presentation.

Jury presentation.

1 Presenter: A mother’s selfless love for her child from the very beginning is called “From childhood for life.” Each team needs to sing a children's lullaby. The competition is assessed on a 5-point system.

2 Presenter: In every Russian upper room there was a chest or small chest. It contained elegant clothes, it was called a weekend one, embroidered towels, canvases and much more. We also have a chest, but it contains a surprise. It contains things from fairy tales. Guess which ones? For each correct one - 1 point.1) An item of ladies' clothing, which in a fairy tale speaks in a human voice (mirror).2) An item with which the evil stepmother tried to destroy the beautiful princess (apple). There is also a surprise for you in the chest - a folk remedy for raising children. What is this? (strap).

Game "Strap" to music

1 Presenter: Competition “Oh, magic, magic.” You need to write what magical objects helped the heroes of fairy tales. The number of items you remember and write, the number of points you will receive. Time 1 minute. - tablecloth - self-assembly - harp - samogudy - boots - walkers - hat - invisible - carpet - airplane - magic ball - magic mirror. Now let's see what you wrote. Here's a magic ball for you.

2 Presenter: What happened? Why did the ball stop? How can we overcome the obstacle?

1 Presenter: There will be no obstacles. You will boldly pass if you find answers to all the questions.

2 Presenter: 4th competition “Find out the fairy tale and the hero” 1) In what fairy tale does a woman of extremely uncertain years, who has lost hope of becoming a mother, plot to kidnap someone else’s child, using aircraft, sung by the singer and composer Evgeny Martynov. At the same time, the fairy tale pays attention to the issues of timely harvesting, the benefits of products made from rye flour and how, as a result of mismanagement on farms, milk flows away in rivers. (Swan geese).

2) The heroine of a fairy tale, dressed in an expensive fur coat that did not have a state mark, came to visit, but never wanted to leave - she really liked the architecture of the building. And to which authorities did the owner turn until the actions of the uninvited guest were qualified as an illegal seizure of the home. (Fox and hare)

3) In which of the fairy tales does a person, very gray in all respects, carry out an insidious plan to eat lunch from three people? (Mashenka and the Bear)

4) In which fairy tale, a person with a very bad reputation, under the guise of a sweet and charming person, made an attempt on the lives of seven minor souls, but was exposed and severely punished. (The wolf and the seven Young goats)

5) Which fairy tale is about a certain athlete who, without sufficient physical training, went to a steeplechase competition? Cunning and extraordinary endurance allowed him to approach the very finish line. But the ending is tragic: having shown criminal arrogance and grossly violated safety rules, he dies. (Kolobok)

2 Presenter: Not a single gathering was complete without jokes, jokes, tales, fables, nursery rhymes and games. The next 5th competition is called “Jokes and Jokes”. The competition is assessed on a 5-point system.

The ball has rolled, and we will follow it. Who is repeating after us? Who is playing with us? While the children are playing, the jury sums up the results of the competitions.

Childhood games

The jury's word.

1 Presenter: Next competition 6 “How do you know proverbs.” We are checking your attention. - Grandma, let me go for a walk... - What about the lessons? - I want to go for a walk! - Don’t you know: “It’s time for business, time for fun”? - I want to go for a walk – ooh – ooh! - Oh, grandson, you’ve bothered me! I'll have to take you by the ear and into the sun. - Grandma, check, my answer doesn't add up. - This is where you make a mistake. If you hurry, you'll make people laugh. - Got it, grandma, got it! Off to redo it! Hooray! I'm done! Can I go for a walk now? - Of course, granddaughter. Finished the job - go for a walk safely. What proverbs were heard? How many? Write them down.

1 Presenter: 7th competition “Rooster Fight”. This competition is only for boys and dads.

2 Presenter: Popular wisdom says: “Bread is the head of everything,” “Bread is the breadwinner.” Bread in Rus' was treated differently. He was respected and revered. What dish of Russian cuisine is considered the most common?

1 Presenter: Of course it’s porridge! In Rus', a newborn was greeted with porridge. The bride and groom cooked porridge - this was an obligatory part of the ceremony, which is where the expression came from: “You can’t cook porridge with him.” They used to say: “You can’t feed a Russian without porridge.” What Russian folk dishes do you know?

Each team talks about the 2 most common dishes

2 Presenter: We also prepared 4 Russian folk dishes for each team. Define and write what it is. Let's check. (Oatmeal jelly, pea jelly, need, pea pancakes)

1 Presenter: And now we invite everyone to a Russian swashbuckling dance.


The jury's word.

2 Presenter: We played wonderfully and learned a lot. Now let’s sit together and talk in peace.

1 Presenter: We think that our beautiful fathers and fathers also remembered their childhood, carefree evenings, and the world of grandmother’s fairy tales.

Tea party.

Municipal state educational institution
"Markovskaya secondary school"
Glushkovsky district, Kursk region

Prepared and carried out
school principal
local history museum
Yakimova G.K.
201213 academic year

"Country Gatherings"
(Gatherings are held after the museum tour)
 Acquaintance with ancient customs and traditions of the Russian people;
 Formation of interest and respect for traditions in Rus':
 Activating students’ interest in the origins and history of their people:
 Education of moral qualities of the individual
 introduce students to Russian rituals that existed in ancient times;
 cultivate love for your big and small Motherland,
 instill interest in the history of the Russian people.
Progress of the event
1 presenter: And now we invite you to a village hut for a gathering. To the old ones
times there was a custom in Rus': when people finished their work, they arranged
gatherings to see people and show off. Who sits at embroidery, who sits at
knitting, some sharpening wooden spoons, some sewing, and young people singing and dancing. Everyone was
The main feature of the gatherings was laughter and fun. It was thought that the more fun
gatherings, the more fertile and productive the year will be. Therefore, unbridled fun
became the most important thing at village gatherings.
2 presenter:
Very often behind events
And behind the bustle of days
We don’t remember our antiquity,
We forget about her.
Although more common
We're flying to the moon,
Let's remember Russian customs
Let's remember our old days.
1 presenter:

We gathered to have some fun
Make a joke! Play,
Laughter and fun!
Hostess: Please, dear guests, please. Don't pass by, go into the hut.
Owner: Have fun and joy!
Hostess: We have been waiting for you for a long time, we are waiting for you, we don’t start the holiday without you!
Guest: I was driving past, turned around before the smoke.
Hostess: Please go to the hut. A red guest gets a red seat.
Owner: We have a place and a word for everyone.
Hostess: We have prepared some fun things for you. For every taste: for some a fairy tale, for others the truth,
who wants a song?
Host: Are you comfortable, dear guests! Can everyone see it? Can everyone hear? Is everyone
was there enough space?
Guest: Guests know that there is enough space, but isn’t it a bit cramped for the hosts?
Owner: In cramped conditions - but no offense.
Hostess: Fables in their faces, they sit in the towers of the bright rooms, cracking nuts, yes
make fun of
Song "Zavalinka". Participants come out and sit on the bench
Owner: Like our neighbor
The conversation was fun:
I brought sundresses for my wife,
I brought a dog for Mishka’s granddaughter:
Pointed nose, crocheted tail,
And he also brought some fun,
For fun - for the glory of everyone!
Where are they funny guys?
Foma and Erema come out.
And here we are both: Thomas and Erema.
They bowed low and the caps fell off.
We put on the cap and start again.
We both came to you: Thomas and Erema.
Foma: Look at people.
Erema: Show yourself.
Foma: Let me tell you some tall tales.
Erema: Move over.

Foma: No, move over.
Erema: Harmful Thomas, copper voice,
He's the size of a jug, his head is the size of an arshin.
You love to joke with Thomas,
So love yourself too,
Yerema was lifted, his stomachs were torn.
They turn away from each other.
Thomas: Get started
Erema: No, you start
Like our Danila
The brute played out.
Foma: Sheep to the Donets,
Erema: Cockroaches - drums,
Foma: Ducks - to the pipes,
Erema: Crickets - in bows,
Thomas: Mosquitoes - into the cauldrons,
Erema: The goat is dancing - waving its leg
The cranes went to dance
Debts to show your legs,
Bang, bang, bang, bang
It took my breath away, brothers.
Uh, uh, uh, uh.
Erema: Dance, Foma, for two.
Now let's sit next to each other
Let's talk okay.
I went to hell, to tear up the mountain.
I saw the lake floating on ducks.
I threw three sticks:
One is spruce, the other is birch.
The third is rowan.
Threw a spruce tree - did not approve,
Threw the birch tree - threw it,
The lake fluttered and flew,
But the ducks remained.
Eh! What's this! And this happened to me!
A bullet flies and buzzes.

I'm to the side - she's behind me,
I'm in another - she's behind me,
I fell into the bushes - she grabbed me on the forehead,
I have a hand, and this is a beetle.
Presenter 1: Oh, you jokers! Come and visit us, we always welcome guests.
Hostess:: Well, girls and fellows, who is our most savvy?
(Make riddles).
1. Two mothers have five sons each. One name for everyone (Fingers).
2. I’m sitting astride, I don’t know who,
I'll meet an acquaintance,
I’ll jump off and greet you (Hat).
3. The little black dog lies curled up,
Doesn't bark, doesn't bite, and doesn't let him into the house (Castle).
4. The black horse gallops into the fire (Poker).
5. Little black little one,
She jumped up in her dress.
She woke up the king. (Flea).
6. Two bellies,
Four ears (Pillow).
7. They don’t eat me alone,
And without me they eat little (Salt).
8. Not fire, but burns (Nettle).
9. Mother is fat
The daughter is red
Son is a falcon
Gone to heaven. (Oven, fire, smoke).
10. Three brothers
Let's go swimming,
Two are swimming
The third one is lying on the shore.
We swam, went out,
On the third they hung. (Buckets, rocker)

Hey, girls are laughing,
Sing ditties.
Sing quickly
To please your guests!
1. I start the chorus
First, initial
I want to cheer
The audience is sad.
I know a lot of ditties
Both good and bad
It's good for him to listen
Who doesn't know any.
Don't look at me -
You'll break your eyes.
I'm not from your village -
You do not know me.
I danced on three legs
Lost boots.
I looked back -
My boots are lying there.
On my sundress
Clubfooted roosters.
I myself am not a clubfoot -
Clubfooted grooms!
We are funny guys
We won't get lost anywhere.
If necessary, we will dance,
If necessary, we will sing.
My friend, oh, good,
Yes, the sprout is very small,
Walked me home
I sneezed - he fell!
There are two flowers at the edge,
Blue and scarlet

I'm a fighting boy
Although small in stature.
For ditties, my dear friend,
I'll give you three rubles.
It's clear from your eyes,
That you liked us.
Hostess: And this thing happened, my dears, in the old days.
When grandfather Arkhip decided to climb to the moon.
Then fairy tales flew through the air,
They grabbed each other by the wings.
And I rode after them on a golden horse,
Yes, I collected these fairy tales in a bag.
I adopted one and brought it to you
Fairy tale "Turnip"
I planted a turnip in a soft, warm bed,
I watered it to my fill with tasty water.
The sun loved our turnip deeply,
The turnip made friends with a clear star.
The turnip grew up - it became higher than the garden bed,
The turnip grew until it reached my waist.
The turnip garden is too small!
The turnip reaches the sky! (Pulls)
I'll drag you! I'll drag you!
I'll treat the whole village!
Rooster: Chickens, chickens, crowing!
Look, they're pulling turnips!
Chickens! Chickens! Kokoko!
I wonder who will win?!
People: Pull, pull...
He can’t pull it out!
Younger grandma!
Grandma will help!
Grandma: Wait a minute, cockerel!
Keep quiet, my friend!
We'll see who wins.
I'm a grandmother - wow!
Instead of morning exercises
I'm weeding the beds
And I can for my granddaughter
Sew fashionable trousers.

Let me put on a scarf,
Let me blow out the kerosene stove. (Pulling)
I turnip in one moment...
Toto will be happy old man!
(same words)
People: Pulls, pulls...
Can't pull it out.
Younger granddaughter!
Granddaughter will help!
Granddaughter: Wait, Grandma!
Wait, Grandpa!
Wait for me too
In the garden, turnip!
I'll roll up my pants
I'll wear the shoes,
I’ll lubricate my hands with cream -
Okay, I'll help!
How sweet is it?
Steamed turnip! (Pulling)
That's how it should be, Grandma!
Practice, Grandpa!
(same words)
People: Pulls, pulls...
Can't pull it out.
Younger bug!
The bug will help!
Bug: What's that noise and what's that fight?
I'm tired as a dog!
I barked at my neighbor
And the neighbor's hen.
There is so much to do in the yard:
I've been wagging my tail all day!
And now right under your nose
The turnip grew without demand!
Who allowed to turnip
Did it grow from the ground to the sky? (Pulling)
What kind of riot is this?
Get out of the garden, turnip!
(same words)
People: Pulls, pulls...

Can't pull it out.
Younger cat!
The cat will help!
Cat: I'm Kat or Katze,
To the later - Cat.
All languages
I purr a little.
Cause I'm doing science
And don't meow against me! Meow!
I don't catch mice
I'm afraid I'll get tired.
I love studying milk and sour cream.
Your own nails with manicure
I love showing the chickens! Meow!
People like me are extremely rare
What do I care about my grandfather's turnip? (Pulls)
I'll tell you a secret -
I love fish! Not turnips! Meow!
(same words)
People: Pulls, pulls...
Can't pull it out.
Younger mouse!
The mouse will help!
Mouse: I'm Mouse! I'm Mouse! I'm very strong!
Stronger than a bear! Stronger than an elephant!
Do you want me to pull out the turnip alone?
And I don't need your help at all.
Come on, Grandpa, grab the turnip!
Nuka, Grandma, hold on to Grandpa!
Granddaughter, don’t be lazy either! Hold on tight to Grandma!
Bug - for Granddaughter, Cat - for Bug...
C'mon, don't bite! I'll give you a beating!
Do you want turnips? Pull together!!
Hey, let's go!
Grandma: Hey, let's go!
Granddaughter: Hey, let's gasp!
Bug: Hey, let's bark!
Cat: Let's meow!
Mouse: Hey, let's squeak!
Rooster: Chickens! Chickens! Crow!
The mouse pulled out a turnip!
Hey Mouse! Kokoko!
There is no one stronger!

People: They knocked the turnip on its side,
Ten beds were destroyed
She took over the entire yard,
Knocked down the fence!
You can’t stand or sit in the yard,
You can't eat it alone!
Mouse: I pulled the turnip!
Without difficulty, in an instant!
The turnip would be mine!
I invite everyone to a treat!
Glory to the Mouse! Well strong!
Grandma: You are really stronger than an elephant!
Granddaughter: Defeated our turnip...
Bug: Apparently, she ate a lot of porridge...
Mouse: I’ll fight the Cat too!
Cat: I'm afraid of this Mouse!
People: Congratulations on the harvest!
Mouse: And there will still be some left!
We invite everyone to the turnip!
Everyone will get it!
Hostess: Well, guys, whoever listened to the fairy tale ate the honey. And who didn't listen, yes
yawned, he licked the empty dish!
Host: We had fun, we had fun, it’s time to know the honor.
Host: And after the end of the holiday, the whole crowd walked through the village. Guys
escorted the girls home. And the next week they gathered in another hut for
Materials from sites,
Magazines “Leisure at School”, “Pedagogical Council”
Resources used

Decoration: The hall is decorated like a Russian upper room. Towels are hung on the walls. There is a table covered with a tablecloth. On the table there is a Russian painted samovar and a vase with dried goods.

For players:
Chairs, 2 tables.
Silhouettes of nesting dolls - 2 pcs.
Skeins of thread - 2 pcs.
Baskets for balls - 2 pcs.
Letters (artist's surname)
Letter trays (tree name)
Khokhloma bowls - 2 pcs.

Russian folk tunes are played.
Guests enter the hall.

Barkers: (Two boys dressed in Russian folk costume).
From all doors, from all gates,
come out quickly, hurry up people!

The gates open
Come out if you want.
And whoever doesn’t feel like it, come out too!

Presenter: Good afternoon, invited and welcome guests!
Hello winches,
Hello youngsters!

Well done guys, funny daredevils.

We invited guests from all volosts.

I am glad to see you in my sitting room!
I am glad to have guests as good news.
We gathered to have fun and have fun!
Make a joke, play, laugh!
So, laughter and fun!

Presenter: To make our gatherings more interesting and lively, let’s give them a spirit of competition, i.e. Let's split into two teams. Come up with a name for your team.
So, two teams are competing: (approximate names)
“Big mugs” and “Small mugs”.
"Zavalinka" and "Okolitsa".
Well, now let's choose the wisest judges. They will judge our plans.
All our ideas will be assessed on a three-point scale. The point earned is equal to one candy. Whoever has the most of them in their bowl by the end of the gatherings will be the winner.

Let's choose the ringleader, i.e. commander in his team.
Teams greet each other. You can use poetry, a song, a joke or a joke. As they say, who cares what!
(Teams greet each other)

Please follow with attention - here is your first task!
We start our sit-down competitions with a small intellectual warm-up. Question for the team______________
Who among us doesn’t love pancakes - fluffy, rosy, round. Who can tell why pancakes are round?
Answer: They were baked at Maslenitsa in the likeness of the sun.

Why were flowers embroidered on pillows in the old days?
Answer: To have good dreams.

Why were roosters embroidered on towels?
Answer: This is a symbol of morning. To get up in the morning with the roosters crowing.
Our craftsmen were known far beyond the borders of Russia. Tula craftsmen even shoed a flea. Who remembers in which work this was written?
Answer: “Lefty” Leskova.

Many of us have Palekh boxes at home. Why are they called that?
Answer: It was made by craftsmen from Palekh.
Famous glassware makers. There is a city in Russia where glass blowing has long been practiced. What's the name of this town?
Answer: Gus-Khrustalny.

Rustic boats, spoons, and bowls delight the eye with their bright colors and delicate patterns. What city is this dish from?
Answer: This is a Khokhloma painting from the town of Semenov, Nizhny Novgorod region.
Host: Now let’s count the candy points. (The jury calls the score)
Presenter: Next we will talk about one wonderful toy that has become famous throughout the world. Guess which one?
Scarlet silk handkerchief,
Bright sundress with flowers.
The hand rests on the wooden sides.
And there are secrets inside:
Maybe three, maybe six.
Got a little flushed...
This is Russian... (Matryoshka)
In the 19th century there lived a Russian artist. While traveling around Japan, he saw many funny toys. And when he returned to Russia, he went to the folk craftsmen: “Is it possible to carve such a funny doll?” They carved it, painted it and called it by the Russian name Matryoshka. And from then on in Rus' they began to make these amazing toys, but in each locality in its own way. People in the Nizhny Novgorod region became especially interested in the toy.

So, who is the artist? You must guess his last name. Now we are going to play"Field of Dreams".

The artist's name is covered with patterned squares on the board. You take turns calling the letter, guess it - the letter opens - you get candy. And if you give your last name right away, you earn 3 candies. (M A L Y T ​​I N).

Presenter: We have riddles for you:
Not bitter, not sour, not sweet.
Who will guess everything now?
He won't know any worries all year.
Riddles were present at all parties, celebrations, and gatherings in our city. People loved adding and guessing them. Try and guess some of them. If you guess the riddle correctly, you get candy.
Riddle one! Please do not listen to those who are nervous.
And prickly and porous, and soft,
And brittle and dearest to everyone! (Bread).

The second riddle is the funniest.
“Sheep in a Cow” (Sock in a Boot).

Okay, the third riddle. (At least) answer it!
3. There is a bath in the belly,
There is a sieve in the nose, a button on the head.
Just one hand, and that one on the back! (Kettle)
4. They carry it into the oven - liquid,
They bring it out of the oven - firmly! (Porridge).
Small, round, but you can’t lift it by the tail. (Clew).
Five closets - one door. (Glove)
A new vessel, but it’s all full of holes. (Sieve)
Everything is right in plain sight. (Box)
Small, hunchbacked, he dug up the entire field. (Plow)
The young girl is not big, but she dresses the whole world. (Needle)


Presenter: And we again turn to the Russian nesting doll. 5 people per team take part in the competition.
Get a matryoshka silhouette cut out of cardboard. Your task is to dress up the nesting doll. The 1st person holds the matryoshka doll, sticking his face into the neckline, the 2nd person attaches a scarf, the 3rd-4th person attaches the sleeves, the 5th person attaches an apron.
Attention! Get ready! Let's start!
(Music sounds. The competition begins)
The jury announces the winner.
Presenter: The next competition is called "MAKE A WORD".

Bogorodsk craftsmen were famous in Rus' for their craft. The toys were good - little animals made of wood. If they knew how to cut, they knew how to select wood.
The name of this tree is on everyone's lips. (Linden)
(The team receives a tray with the word “front garden” written on it.
The word “Front Garden” is printed on the trays.
From this word you need to select the necessary letters and add another word - the name of the tree.
Whoever chooses the right letters first and puts the word together earns 3 candies.
(Folk tunes are played. The teams begin to work.)


Presenter: The vases are replenished with sweets. And there are still many competitions ahead.
Russian proverbs, like Russian products, are famous throughout the world.
The proverb is the soul and mind of the people.
She has love for the Motherland.
It contains the wise experience of many generations.
There is praise for work and contempt for laziness.
A proverb is a saying by the way.
A good proverb hits the spot, not the eye.

Next task: I name two words from the proverb. And you name the whole proverb. They called it correctly - they got the candy.

1. Labor is a pond (You can’t pull a fish out of a pond without labor.)
2. The word is a sparrow. (The word is not a sparrow - it will fly out and you won’t catch it.)
3. Crane - tit (Better a tit in the hands than a crane in the sky.)
4. Wolf - forest. (If you are afraid of wolves, do not go into the forest.)
5. Beauty is smart. (The house is run not by a beauty, but by a clever woman.)
6. If we don’t store, we cry. (We don’t keep what we have; when we lose it, we cry.)
7. Again - from a young age. (Take care of your dress again, and take care of your honor from a young age.)
8. Rotok - scarf. (You can’t put a scarf over someone else’s mouth.)

Many foreign proverbs are very similar to ours in meaning.
I will tell you a foreign proverb, and you will respond to me with a Russian one.
Vietnamese: “Before you speak, turn your tongue seven times.”
"Seven times measure cut once"
Afghan: “Bitten by a snake, afraid of a colorful ribbon”
“Whoever gets burned with milk blows water.”
Finnish: “There’s a lot of noise, but not enough wool,” said the devil, cutting the cat’s hair.”
"Much ado about nothing"
African: “The son of a leopard is also a leopard.”
- "The apple never falls far from the tree".
Presenter: And our next competition is called (FASHION - RETRO).
The great day is coming soon - Easter. It wouldn't hurt to buy something new. We won't go to the fair. We will sew the dress ourselves. But first you need to choose a style.
TASK: Draw a model of a dress in RETRO style (or a skirt with a blouse).
(Teams receive felt-tip pens, Whatman paper. The whole team draws a model of the dress, one at a time. Whoever is more original gets candy.
Presenter: In the old days, gatherings were held not only for entertainment. Women and girls gathered in separate huts and spun, knitted, and sewed. Are there any craftswomen among you? Come out one from each team!
(Girls receive a skein of thread.)
Your task: Within a certain time, you must wind the threads into a ball. Whoever has the largest ball and is more careful - that team receives candy.

Presenter: And the work went well along with the song. Song is the soul of the people. A person cannot live without it either in the field or at home, much less during festivities and holidays. Winter is over, spring has come. How quickly the seasons change. The years fly by, but the songs remain.
Now we will remember songs that mention spring and winter.
Teams choose their time of year. (Draw lots).
So, before you are two teams of singers. One remembers songs about Winter, and the other about Spring. Sing a verse or a few lines from the song one by one.
So, let's start with winter.
A snowstorm is blowing along the street. - (men)
I don’t know when spring will come.. - (women)
At the edge of the forest, winter lived in a hut.
Wait for spring, wait for spring, wait for spring, be sure to wait.
Oh, frost, frost...
Lilies of the valley, lilies of the valley - hello bright May...
The snow is spinning, flying, flying...
Streams run, rooks scream, and the snow melts and the heart melts,
If only there were no winter in cities and villages...
A snow-white cherry blossomed under the window...
The rivers froze and the earth froze, but I’m not afraid of the frost.
Apple trees in blossom are the creation of spring, Apple trees in blossom are the whirling of love.
A Christmas tree was born in the forest, it grew in the forest...
We are punished by being late because words of love were spoken first...
We will go, we will race on reindeer early in the morning and desperately rush straight into the snowy dawn.
Flowers bloomed in the garden in spring, Even better girls in spring.
Presenter: Dear guests, dear colleagues! We are all pre-service workers, but sometimes we can also be doctors. We diagnose ourselves, our children, and our loved ones’ husbands.

And now we invite you to play the game “Make a diagnosis” using lines from songs. All together we sing a verse of a famous song, and then we diagnose the disease of the hero of the song.
The team that answers first earns candy.


Participants guess what diagnosis can be given to the hero of the song.
Judge people, judge God
How I loved it.
Barefoot in the cold
I went to see my sweetheart. (ORZ)

I got drunk and drunk
I won't make it home (Alcoholism)
Everything froze again until dawn,
The door won't creak. the fire will not break out.
You can only hear it on the street somewhere
A lonely accordion wanders. (Insomnia)
A guy walks at sunset
near my house.
Blinks his eyes at me
And he won't say anything. (nervous tic)
They tore the sweet berries together.
I taste bitter berries alone. (poisoning)
The bird cherry blossomed.
Dressed up as a bride.
It's so lonely at heart.
I can’t find a place for myself... (Allergy)
I see wonderful freedom,
I see cornfields and fields.
This is Russian expanse
This is my homeland. (Farsightedness)
Comrade, I can’t stand watch.
The fireman said to the fireman.
The lights in my spots are not lit at all.
I can’t contain the steam in the cauldrons. (Prostration)
I've traveled all over the universe,
I couldn't find a cute one anywhere. (vagrancy. Or gone crazy)
There is a light burning in the low light.
A young spinner sits by the window. (Vision problems will occur.)
Why are you looking sideways, my dear?
Bowing his head low.
It's hard to say and not say.
Everything that is in my heart. (Stuttering)
Saturday is a rainy day
You can't work in the fields.
Do not harrow, do not plow,

Let's go for a walk in the green garden. (Chronic laziness) (Simulation)
And again I was young.
And again I didn’t sleep the whole night.
I couldn't sleep the whole night.
I dreamed about the handsome gentleman all night. (Eternal youth)
Presenter: Well done! Applaud each other!
We sang wonderfully, friends! There are no winners or losers in this competition.
Presenter: Do you want to win over your girlfriend?
Sing a funny ditty!
My dears, I’m just sure that among you there are lovers of funny and perky Russian ditties.
Now you will receive cards with ditties. Read the text. If you know yours, sing them.
It’s on such a positive note that we’ll end our gatherings.
Presenter: NOW LET'S COUNT OUR SWEETS. - i.e. points
And judging by the numbers, the team ______________________________ wins
Applause to the winning team. Well, I say goodbye to you. Thank you for visiting my hut and entertaining the hostess with pleasures.
Presenter: And goodbye to all of you
I wish with all my heart:
May your leisure time be fun.
May illness not come to you.
(We wish the guys good girlfriends)
And live - don’t bother!
May you all live happily until you are a hundred years old!

Sotova Natalya Alekseevna
Script for the mini-play “Village Gatherings”

Denis: Russia, Russia, dear lands,

Russian people have lived here for a long time.

They glorify their native expanses,

Razdolnye Russian songs are sung.

Damir: All our ancestors are in Rus',

To pass the time,

Collected gatherings,

Play and chat.

People take a look

And show yourself

Lead round dances,

Sing awkward songs,

Funny nursery rhymes and fables to tell,

Make clever riddles.

Denis: Would you like to wear these attend gatherings, and see everything with your own eyes? Well then close your eyes and count to 5.

Damir: We found ourselves in Russian wooden hut. And here is the owner and hostess. Every house is run by a master and a mistress.

(The housewife is busy at the stove, the daughter is embroidering)

Mistress: To run a house, don’t shake your head, everything needs to be stored. Shark, Shark, why aren’t you sewing from tulle?

Daughter (Nastya Samstrelova): Yes, I’m mother, I’ll still spank you.

Mistress: If you hurry, you’ll make people laugh.

Daughter: I know, mother, I know. Seven times measure cut once!

Master: Living at home - you have to worry about everything (Weaves bast shoes, teaches son Fedyushka)

Damir: The parents are hardworking - and the children in this house are not lazy.

Son: Dad, darling, let’s play rhymes with you.

Master: What are rhymes?

Son: And you have to say it this way so that it makes sense. So tell me, what was your father's name?

Master: My dad’s name was Kuzma.

Son: Here I will take your Kuzma by the beard!

Master: Why are you going to grab my dad by the beard?

Son: Dad, this is a joke. They say that to rhyme. What was your grandfather's name?

Master: Ivan

Son: Your grandfather Ivan

I put the cat in my pocket.

The cat cries and sobs -

Your grandfather is scolding.

Master: Why would my grandfather put a cat in his pocket? (angrily)

Why are you cleaning up such trifles?

Son: So this is for rhyme, darling.

Master: I’ll tell you the rhyme myself! What is your name?

Son: Fedya

Master: If you are Fedya, then you caught a bear in the forest.

Climb the bear and get off my bench!

Mistress: He will swear at you and quarrel, it’s better to guess the riddle.

Not sown, not plowed, not winnowed, not milked, moistened with water, pressed down with a stone, hidden for the winter. (Takes out pickles)

Daughter: And I know the riddle.

Philip came with a hundred lime trees on him. He is small and short, ran around the town, snuggled into a corner (broom)

There's a knock on the door. The neighbor runs out.

Neighbor: Did you hear? Have you heard about the fire? Oh, what happened!

Mistress: Oh, neighbor, don’t rush, rest, tell us everything.

Neighbor: The water in Ivan’s yard caught fire.

The whole village put out the fire, but the fire was not extinguished,

Grandfather Thomas came, graying his beard,

He drove the people into the barn and put out the fire alone.

How Thomas put out the fire, he did not say about it.

You can only hear it from the side, he muffled it with his beard!

Master: Oh, you can’t keep up with your tongue barefoot.

Mistress: You can’t listen to all the speeches! Stay, neighbor, we will have guests today.

Neighbor: Today it's a walk, tomorrow it's a walk, you'll be shirtless (sits on the bench).

There is a knock, noise outside the door

Mistress: Good guests are always on time!

Daughter (looks out the door): Ah, tara, tara-ra-ra! The girls are coming from the yard!

The girls come in, bow and in unison: Peace to your home!

Olesya Molkova: We came to sing songs. Yes, dance, and show yourself.

Katya Chukhmanova: Hostess, what are you going to let us do today?

Mistress: I’ll give the red young ladies a white flax to embroider.

Hands out the embroidery hoop, a song sounds “I walk with the vine”

Damir: The girls are sitting, embroidering, amusing themselves with songs, every craftswoman is working, not being lazy.

Denis: Make way, honest people, don’t dust the path, good fellows are coming - for a little walk.

They joke and sit down (Sasha, Stas, Bogdan, Vanya)

Bogdan: The frost is not great, but it doesn’t tell you to stand.

Sasha: It’s young and green – I’m told to take a walk.

Stas: Hey, white girls, where did you get white?

Girls: Yesterday we milked the cows and washed ourselves with milk.

Mistress: Well, the time has come - put things aside.

Business before pleasure!

Vania: Eh, let’s take spoons in our hands and play around a little.

Spoon game

Damir: We don’t write, we don’t read,

And we hum ditties.

Come visit us

We will also dance for you!

Ditties: (Stas, Kolya, Sasha)

1. Wider, spread out the street,

The boys and I are going

And funny ditties

Let's sing from the heart now.

2. Listen, girls,

We will sing awkward things.

A pig grazes on an oak tree,

A bear is steaming in a sauna

3. If there were no water,

There wouldn't be a mug

If there were no girls,

Who should we sing ditties to?

4. Play more fun

balalaika – three strings,

Sing along if you can

Don't be shy, dancers.

5. Oh, I danced with three legs,

I lost my boots

Looked back

My boots are lying there.

6. We sang ditties to you

More than half an evening.

We'll go, and you sit

You have nothing to do.

Denis: The hut is not red in its corners, but red in its pies.

Master: Everything that is in the oven is all swords on the table!

Mistress: I’m walking, walking, walking, carrying a samovar in my hands, singing a joke.

Here's tea, tea, tea... Meet the hostess as a guest! Answer with a joke!

Daughter: Drinking tea makes life pleasant!

Neighbor: If you drink some tea, you will forget about melancholy!

Father: If you don’t drink tea, what is your strength? I drank tea and was completely weakened!

Son: Tea doesn't make you sick.

Mistress: How Marfusha cooked and baked 92 pancakes and 53 pies for Peter. That's a lot of pies! Enough for all eaters!

Master: Amuse our hostess,

Eat pancakes and pies.

Neighbor: We are not proud people - there is no bread - give us some pies!

Mistress: Well, enough of your chatter, it’s time to start dancing.

(Olesya M., Katya, Angelina, Stas, Kolya, Denis)

Damir: Well, dear guests, it’s time to know the honor. It's time for the master and hostess to rest.

1 guest: Table "Thank you, m" puts on makeup,

Thank you, master and hostess.

2nd guest: Your pies are good, your hearts are friendly.

3rd guest: Thank you, this house, let's go to another.

Song “We were in the round dance”(everyone sings with + or a cappella)

Denis: That's the end of jokes, jokes,

Damir: And whoever was here and listened to us - well done!

Publications on the topic:

Entertainment scenario “Village get-togethers” The stage is brightly decorated. In the background there is a stove and bright colorful toy figures: all kinds of nesting dolls and ducks, as well as the sun.

Script for the play “Beetroot Trouble” Author's development “Beetroot Trouble” Preliminary work: Listening to a fairy tale. Discussion with children about images of fairy-tale characters.

Topic “Village gatherings” Purpose: Consolidation of knowledge acquired in classes in an entertaining game form. Activation and enrichment of educational.

Summary of entertainment in the senior group “Village gatherings. Folklore" Program pedagogical tasks: to introduce oral folk art - nursery rhymes, songs, fables, counting rhymes; let you feel.