Draw a child's face with a pencil step by step. Drawing a baby: portrait and full-length

Every young mother admires her child and considers him the most beautiful in the world. Often parents want to paint a portrait of their own baby. After all, photography is, of course, good, but a drawing made independently is valued much higher. Many people think so. But here the question arises: “How to draw a child?” Because even those who have already learned to portray an adult sometimes have difficulties working with children. The whole problem is the difference in proportions.

Child's face

If you do not adhere to the appropriate proportions, then the image of the child will look more like a mini-copy of an adult. But we need a technically correct portrait. It's time to clarify, in pencil. To depict correctly child portrait, pay attention to its two parts: the face and the skull, as well as their proportional relationship.

The most common mistakes

To avoid some mistakes during the drawing process, it is advisable to take into account some points. Many novice artists mistakenly believe that a baby's face should be quite large compared to the size of the skull. If we conditionally divide the head of an adult, then his face occupies a third of the head. If you do the same with the baby’s skull, his face will take up no more than a quarter of the space. In addition, the baby's head has a more round shape. It should be noted that children’s necks look too short compared to their heads.

Step by step drawing

We determine the immediate course of action. How to draw a child with a pencil step by step?

First you need to sketch large square. As a result, it is he who will determine the child. Divide the square into four equal parts. The bottom left shape will serve as the baby's face. Not all people will be able to immediately portray perfect shape circle. Therefore, it is worth practicing this action first.

Now let's draw big circle for the entire common square. Thus, we begin to depict a portrait of the baby in profile. Now we begin to draw the child’s face in a small circle. Believe me, it’s better to first practice drawing a profile portrait of a child. It's much easier to do. And over time, you can move on to full-face portraits. In the lower left square we depict an ear. Then we draw the baby’s eyes, mouth and nose. Outlining When everyone is ready, using an eraser we erase the square and all the auxiliary elements. Add hair. They should be barely noticeable to make the drawing more believable.

You can move on to tinting and darkening. Patiently work on the details. But it is not recommended to shade the child’s face with too dark tones. The drawing will appear rough. Shades should be soft and not create sharp contrasts. Hatching will give the drawing the impression of three-dimensionality.

Work on baby eyes. It is the pupil that should have the darkest tone in the entire picture. Don't forget to leave an unobscured area for glare. The eyes will become more realistic. You also need to do some shading on the ear.

Let's move on to drawing the hair. If all the tips have been taken into account, then the portrait should correspond to the initial recommendations: the baby’s face occupies a quarter of the head. So we have come to the answer to the question of how to draw a child with a pencil step by step. The task is not easy, but many of us can do it.

Full length painting

Now let's move on to studying the procedure for how to draw a child step by step in full height. We bring to your attention two diagrams of children of different ages.

We start by outlining an oval. He will act as the head. Draw a diagram of the skeleton, as shown in the picture. We begin to sketch out the body parts. We bend the legs and outline the arms. Then, based on the completed outlines, we begin a detailed drawing of all parts of the body.

It is recommended to do the drawing of the face last, as it requires most attention. We depict in detail the features of the child's face. In no case do we forget about proportions. When the child’s drawing is ready, you can add interior details and toys with which he plays to make the picture more realistic. Use your imagination. In this case, you will not get an abstract child, but a very real baby.

You may need to practice to achieve satisfactory results. Now we have given a comprehensive answer to the question of how to draw a child.

Group plot

When you finally manage to draw a baby, it would be nice to depict a group of children as well. For example, children playing in the sandbox or running in the park. Why not use the knowledge you have acquired on how to draw a child? You can create a whole series of your works and place them in an album. An original solution would be to depict a child at different stages of his development.

In the end, you will get the story of your baby's several years in pictures. And most importantly, you will be the author of this masterpiece.

Kids really like to draw, but by middle preschool age their works of art barely resemble anything realistic. How to organize drawing classes for children 4-5 years old so as to instill in the little ones a love of fine arts and teach how to draw simple drawings? We'll tell you where to start, what the benefits of such lessons are, and what art supplies you can use.

The benefits of drawing

Creative activities are an important element in the development of a child. For children preschool age visual-figurative thinking is characteristic, therefore drawing lessons have great importance at this age stage.

Drawing helps in the development of:

  • imagination;
  • abstract logical thinking;
  • fine motor skills;
  • logic;
  • creative thinking;
  • attentiveness.

Drawing is also a reason to spend more time with your baby, which has a significant impact on his psycho-emotional development.

How to develop the most significant areas for a child in 20-30 minutes a day

  • Three ready-made scripts comprehensive developmental classes in pdf format;
  • Video recommendations on how to conduct complex games and how to create them yourself;
  • A plan for creating such activities at home

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What supplies you need for class depends on what you plan to draw with. And you can do this in different ways:

  • fingers;
  • palms;
  • tassels;
  • pencils;
  • felt-tip pens;
  • cotton swabs;
  • cotton wool

You can use coloring books or just landscape sheets.

To make drawing for children as effective as possible, use a variety of objects and forms of lessons. For example, you can show your child several creative techniques using colored pencils, and the next day reinforce these techniques by drawing with crayons on the asphalt, etc. Children 4-5 years old may not like the monotony of drawing with felt-tip pens or pencils, so it is important to periodically change the methods training.

5 learning ideas

To teach a child to draw, you need to know a few interesting techniques, which will instantly get your baby ready for activities. Consider them and start with the most suitable one.

  • Blots.

This is a simple method, but kids love it very much. You will need album sheet, paints and brushes. Fold the sheet in half, draw a butterfly wing on one side, then press the halves tightly together so that the wing is imprinted on the empty part. In this way you can draw not only a butterfly, but also a leaf, a flower, two friends, etc.

  • Geometric figures.

Use ones familiar to your baby geometric figures. For example, to draw a girl step by step, use a circle, line and triangle. First, we draw the head (show the baby how to draw a circle), from the circle you draw a dress in the form of a triangle, the legs and arms are drawn, respectively, with lines.

  • Stencils.

Prepare in advance various stencils, which the child will first trace and then color. Gradually he will remember the image and shape, and he will no longer need a stencil to draw a certain object. If the baby has a stencil of a square, triangle and rectangle, then he will be able to draw a house. Then he will begin to imagine what else he could draw from these figures.

  • Prints.

At 5 years old, children love to color in something and then make prints. You can start with your palms, then take prints from convex surfaces. Curly seals are now being sold, from which a child can create images. From the flower prints you get a flower field, and above it you can draw a sun from a geometric figure - a circle.

  • Applications.

Combine drawing with others creative techniques. You can draw a background (blue sky, mountains, rocks, etc.), and cut out other objects (stars, clouds, trees) from paper, color them and glue them to the background. You can also use colored sand or beads.


Drawing with children is part of your communication with them. During classes, you constantly talk to your child, ask leading questions, and when he thinks about them, he comes to certain conclusions. This is how his ideas about the world are formed. When drawing the sea, the child may have never seen it, but he already knows what color it is and that there are waves on the sea. By depicting a tree, the baby remembers what it is made of and that the time of year can be determined by the foliage. Be sure to include drawing lessons in your child’s activities, because it contributes to the full formation of his personality.

Who said that real art is paints and canvases? We are ready to tell you about the direction to artistic creativity, which was and is well mastered by such masters as Vrubel or Brian Duey. They executed the drawings to perfection with a simple pencil. And these works excite, delight and bring pleasure. Is it possible to adopt their technique and learn to draw using a similar method? Of course you can! But how and what is needed for this?

  1. First, let's talk about why you should pay attention to this area.
  2. Next important question, which we will focus on, are the secrets of drawing.
  3. And let’s complete this excursion into the world where black and white images reign with a small but pleasant gift.

Monochrome pencil drawings

Speaking about the greatness and genius of everything simple, one cannot help but recall regular pencil. Which of us is not familiar with it and has not held it in our hands? We have all been fluent in it since childhood. Of course, for beginners, for very tiny children, it seems so easy to pick up a pencil and start “creating” scribbles.

But the child grows, and he sees that the range of uses for a pencil is huge, and it can be used in different ways. Someone builds cities, bridges and houses for them on paper. Another one lays out a route for them on the map. trip around the world. And the third one writes poetry or draws a portrait of his beloved.

So easily and simply the pencil entered our lives and became our assistant and friend. And pictures drawn in pencil are already a whole trend, stylish and having their own unique charm.

Their distinctive feature is that they are absolutely universal. And therefore their possibilities are endless. Drawn in pencil, they are:

  • Suitable for any age. Both small children find it interesting to look at them, and adults like to use them in their posts on social networks.
  • There are no limiting criteria for their use. It will be interesting for girls and boys to display similar beautiful pictures, as a status or give them to your friend.
  • You can copy them or you can easily learn how to perform them yourself (copy them).
  • Different nature of images. These can be cute pictures with cute fluffies, they can be funny and funny, or they can be similar to photographs.

And most importantly, pencil drawing looks incredibly attractive and convincing. It can decorate not only your profile on a page on social networks, but also your morning and the whole day with pleasant memories.

Options for drawing simple images

The main secret why pencil drawings are cool, original and attract attention is that they look as if they were alive. Everything is drawn so realistically and accurately that it seems that people are about to start talking, or laugh, or cry, and the objects can be taken and used.

Why are they so cool and everything looks so natural? What brings them to life? Take a closer look, through the light strokes it is noticeable that the master thought through not only the accuracy of the lines conveying the image and silhouette, he paid special attention to one tiny nuance, thanks to which the images are not only beautiful, but also almost material. What is this? Light and shadow.

Masterfully working on chiaroscuro, the artist achieves apparent volume. Before us, as they were, are simple black and white pictures for sketching. But when a shadow appeared, for example, from a curl of hair falling on the face, or on the table from a vase, everything suddenly came to life.

Can you do the same? Do you want to learn? Do you want yours to look realistic? Then you have come to us correctly!

Step-by-step master classes

It’s easy to say: “draw,” but how can you really do it if you’ve never studied it and it seems like you have no talent? The team of our site gives all their friends an amazing opportunity to learn how to make pencil drawings step by step. Without teachers, you yourself are able to become an artist and delight yourself and your loved ones with your creativity. How? If you take our tips, you can use them to master sketching and repetition techniques. It's not complicated at all. And the result will please you.

Pencil drawing lesson for children 5-6 years old. Senior group

Master class on drawing "Unusual Island"

Ivanova Yulia Vasilievna, teacher, MBDOU "DSOV No. 83", city of Cherepovets, Vologda region.

Purpose: I bring to your attention a master class on drawing with a simple pencil for teachers and parents. You can use the material as a drawing lesson with children of senior preschool age (5-6 years old) or as a sample of different lines for independent creative activity children.
Target: Development of aesthetic feelings and artistic skills in children of senior preschool age.
Tasks: Teach children to draw using different lines. Help to remember their name (straight, broken, wavy, “curls”, “loops”, tubercles”). game form train children in drawing with a simple pencil. Develop imagination, eye, sense of rhythm and composition, fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements. Foster independence, accuracy and careful attitude to your drawings.
Materials: A sheet of paper, a simple pencil, an eraser.

Unusual Island

Simple Pencil loved to draw. He practiced a lot and learned how to draw different lines. Pencil just didn’t know what to do with it. He was very sad. He sat and watched as all his friends, who also lived on the artist’s table, were drawing. Wax Crayons draw flowers, Paints draw the sea and ships, Colored Pencils have almost finished drawing the zoo, and Felt Pens have drawn the whole city. Pencil was very upset and sad. After all, he was usually called to draw the outline of objects or animals, and real picture it turned out only when it was all painted by his friends. But then the artist came, picked up a pencil and... Drew the sea (wavy lines at the bottom of the sheet).

Then he drew an island (a large semicircle).

This island is unusual, it is divided into several parts (straight vertical lines are drawn that divide the island into approximately equal parts).

Each part of the island is decorated with different lines (straight horizontal, wavy, broken, “loops”, “bumps”).

As soon as the entire island was decorated, trees grew on it. First there was a birch tree.

Then the spruce grew.

A light sea breeze blew and the tree branches swayed.

And suddenly magical flowers appeared on the island (the middle of the flowers is drawn with a “curl”, and the petals are drawn with different lines).

Pencil really liked the unusual island. But flowers and trees will not grow without the sun, and the artist has already left. What to do? The pencil decided to come up with and draw the sun himself.

The sun was shining and everyone was happy! The pencil looked carefully at the picture, thought and drew a cloud. Let the cheerful summer rain water the magical flowers.

It turned out to be a real picture! The pencil was pleased with its work. Now he knew that the picture did not have to be colorful.
Children's drawings (senior group 5-6 years)

"The turtle is walking" Another option for drawing with a simple pencil using various lines.

Children love to draw and with great pleasure draw living creatures: insects, birds, animals. But most of all they like to draw people: mom, dad, brothers, sisters, relatives and just strangers. Children draw pictures of people who were stationary and in motion. But the most favorite hobby a child is to draw people like himself, that is, children. Children draw with special interest those they like or with whom they would like to be friends. But drawing a child, especially his face, is difficult, so little artist The help of an adult is very important. It is the adult who will be able to help his child draw the child’s face step by step. the main task an adult in the process of this drawing - to help select the necessary accessories in order to correctly depict the face of a little man. To do everything properly in the drawing, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. Ask your child what geometric shapes he knows, remember with him what a circle or oval looks like, showing their image. You can see the details of the face in the illustration by finding these shapes. Together with your child, you can examine the proportions of the face of your favorite character in the picture in a children's book. And encourage the child by telling him that he will succeed.

What you will need:

Paper white(you can use a sketchbook or sketchbook);
a simple pencil;