Outdoor entertainment for a fun company. How to organize competitions and games for a group of friends - ideas

Have you planned to spend the weekend outdoors, but don’t know how to make your vacation fun? For a fun company, you can prepare various non-standard competitions. This is always received with joy - no matter whether you are relaxing with your family or with your employees, no one will refuse an interesting pastime. The main thing is to choose the right competitions. The selection of outdoor competitions for adults should be different - the program should include both calm competitions and active ones. That is, it is better to choose combined entertainment.

For example, a relay race. It can be made thematic with a different story. The first option is “Pour, drink, eat” - two teams of 3 people each participate. The necessary equipment is a table, a glass, a full bottle and a snack. The first participant must run to the table and pour a liquid or drink into a glass or glass (it does not have to be something alcoholic). The second one is to pour it into a glass and drink it. And the third is to run up and have a snack - it can be fruits or vegetables - in principle, everything that is usually available at a picnic.

Competition "Lastotrassa"- the distance must be covered in appropriate clothing - that is, in fins. You need to walk through it, looking through binoculars, which are turned in the opposite direction. This activity will not leave anyone indifferent - the spectators will be guaranteed to smile.

Game "Eye Gauge". Each team draws a circle (the diameter of which is approximately 50 cm). Participants take turns putting on a blindfold and standing in the center of the circle. The condition that must be fulfilled is to take 8 steps out of the circle and return to the place. All team members count their steps out loud. The next participant in turn begins the task only if the previous team member has completely completed the task. If he missed or stopped his step at the border, then the participant will have to go through this task again. The team with a better eye and the one that completes the task faster wins.

Competition "Transfers"- This is a kind of relay race. The conditions are as follows: one participant transfers an item using non-standard methods. The main thing is not only to transfer the item to the last team member, but also to follow an important rule - if the transferred item falls to the ground, then the team loses. For example: pass the ball holding it under the chin; stick - holding between the legs; a book held in the armpits; on the index finger - a button.

Competition "Wet serve". The rules of the game are like volleyball. Two teams are divided into an equal number of participants. It is very convenient if there is a volleyball or tennis net. You need to fill the balloons with water in advance - there should be an odd number of them. Water balloons are gradually introduced into the game. Team members stand on both sides of the stretched net and begin to throw balls to the side of the “enemy” team. The main task of each team is to ensure that the “wet” serve does not occur on their territory. The game continues until the last ball, and the result is determined by counting wet spots on the sand. The game is ideal for summer holidays in hot weather.

"Drinking" Suitable for large groups. Teams are selected by 4-5 people. The team captain is given a berry, a vegetable (for example, melon or watermelon) and a tool. The task is whoever eats the product faster will win. But! Only the captain has the right to cut and distribute pieces of watermelon or melon, and he himself can only eat the last piece.

"Face painting". For this competition you will need the simplest gouache. Guests, dressed in swimsuits, are divided into pairs, and the “body art” session begins. Afterwards there is a fashion show with a demonstration of the masterpiece. The best creative work wins. Don't forget to have a photo shoot. Well, at the end of the competition - a fun swim.

All players stand in a circle, one from the other at arm's length. A circle is drawn in front of their socks. The driver and his defender are selected. They both go to the middle of the circle. The players' task is to hit the driver with the ball, but his defender prevents this.
At the signal, the players begin tossing the ball to each other. Seizing the moment, someone tries to hit the driver. The driver, escaping from the ball, runs, jumps, dodges the ball, and the defender, protecting the driver, tries to catch the ball, throws it away with his arms, legs, and whole body. If he still fails to defend and the ball hits the driver, then they both change places with the one who hit the driver and whom he chooses as his defender. The game starts again.
A hit by the ball to any part of the body other than the head is counted, even if the ball bounced off an object, the floor (ground), or a defender. But players must remember: when throwing the ball at the driver, it is prohibited to go beyond the circle; such a throw does not count.

Game "12 notes"

A variation of the children's game "Gift Hunt", but requires some preparation and time. Ideal for an outdoor picnic with a large group. Those present form several teams. Their task is to find “treasures” as quickly as possible - a box of beer or a delicious cake. The organizers must prepare 12 notes, in each one it is written where the next one is located. But the main difference is that some of the notes are hidden, and some are located in special “exchange points”. The team will receive a note in this way...

Game "People's Ball"

A Bulgarian game, but it is also played in other countries of the Balkan Peninsula and Central Europe.
Two teams of 10 to 15 people play on a volleyball court without a net. Each is located on its own half of the court, and one player is sent to the opponent’s half. The ball is put into play by throwing. If a player from one team catches it, he throws it to the other team's half, trying to hit the opposing player. The player who was hit by the ball is eliminated from the game. If he catches the ball on the fly, then the return throw tries to hit the opponent. This changes the order of throws, and the number of dropouts increases. The team that eliminates all opponents wins. The role of the player standing behind is to pick up and pass to his team the ball that has rolled out of bounds. This player can mislead the opponent. He can throw a ball thrown to him across the court to his partners for a more successful throw. However, he himself cannot beat the enemy.

Game "Balandvarak"

Tajik folk game
The game is popular among teenagers. They usually play on the hillside. Participants line up in pairs in a column. At the command of the leader, each pair takes turns jumping up the hill, tightly connecting both legs. Those who manage to cover a greater distance by jumping in this position win.
The jumpers stand at a certain distance from each other. The winners in pairs can compete with each other. The game develops physically, hardens, develops patience and endurance.

Game “Knock down the potatoes (Knock down the bulb)”

In Belarus, games-exercises for strength, dexterity, intelligence,
Ability to act in the most unusual conditions. Here is one of these game tests for teenagers and young men aged 14-18 years and older.
A round log is placed on two stumps (indoors they can be replaced by stools and chairs), located at a distance of 1.5-2 m. The player sits in the middle of the log, cross-legged, facing towards one of the stumps (stools). It is not allowed to rest your knees on the log and move on it...

Game "Hide and Seek"

This game is played in all Arab countries.
They play on a site overgrown with bushes and trees. In the middle of it, if possible, near a thick tree, turning to face it, the player of the driving team counts loudly to one hundred.
The players of the other team hide. The search begins, and if the driver finds the hidden one, he must run to the tree and touch it. The discovered player also runs to the tree, trying to touch it before the driver. If he does not have time to do this, he is eliminated from the game. If the driver is not dexterous enough, another team member takes his place. So the number of players on both teams gradually decreases. The team that manages to drive out all opponents wins.
The driver can be knocked out not only by the one who was discovered, but also by anyone hiding who manages to run to the tree faster. Only one player from the driving team participates in the game, the rest are outside the playing area and wait until their turn comes to join the game.

Game "Push and Pull"

This is what they called the running competition. But the running is unusual, in pairs. The players stand with their backs to each other and holding hands. They start from one landmark to another, located at a distance of 10 m, then return back. An indispensable condition of the game is not to tear your backs away from each other. One player runs and pulls a partner behind him, who tries to move in sync with the first. Many people fail to run within the conditions. The winner is the pair that covers the distance there and back faster than others. The running time is recorded.
The game trains dexterity, synchronization of movements, sense of rhythm and patience.

Game "Sahreoba"

A favorite and widespread game in Georgia. It develops agility and physical endurance. and also disciplines.
The game requires 10 sticks up to 1 m long of any diameter. The sticks are laid out on a flat area in parallel, at a distance of 50 cm. A flat stone is placed along a row of sticks on both sides at a distance of 50 cm from the sticks. The player must do several exercises.
1. From the first stone you need to jump on one leg to the second stone, going around the wooden sticks lying on the right...

Competitions are the best pastime when a cheerful company has gathered. To avoid any hiccups, you should prepare in advance. When choosing, consider the location, availability of props and the preferences of the participants.

Outdoor games

VIDEO: Outdoor competitions for adults

Find the pin

The presenter selects 5 people and puts blindfolds on everyone. Afterwards, he randomly attaches pins to the players’ clothes. The music turns on.

Participants begin to look for pins on each other. At the same time, you can’t give any hints. The one who finds the most of them wins.

All pins must have clasps. Only adults can compete.

Big cleaning

For this game you will need the same number of balloons of two colors. You need to draw a large circle on the ground and divide it in half. All those present are divided into two teams.

At each site, a ball is scattered in a random order. Their color corresponds to a specific team. The winners are those participants who throw all their balls into their opponents' territory.


This competition is perfect for starting a picnic. Two teams are armed with matches, cauldrons, the same number of knives and potatoes.

After the signal, each team begins to light a fire, peel potatoes and install a boiler. The winners will be those whose potatoes cook the fastest. The competition can be changed, for example, to the fastest cooking of kebabs.

Siamese twins

Players are divided into twos. Each couple has two arms and two legs tied together. Now they can't be used.

The essence of the game is for the “Siamese twins” to perform some tasks. For example, peel potatoes. The couple who completed the most tasks wins.


In this game, participants are also divided into pairs. Each team is given five balloons. Couples need to burst them in the following positions:

  • back to back;
  • sideways to each other;
  • between the hands;
  • belly to belly;
  • sitting down at the same time.

The competition looks very funny. After all, it’s ridiculous for the participants to move and squeal when the balloon bursts. So the game will appeal to both players and fans.

We ate and drank

For the competition you will need: sausage, a bottle of drink, a plate, a knife, a fork and a glass. Next, you need to select two teams of three people. Everyone moves away from the table at an equal distance.

First, participants are offered something to eat. The first player on the team runs to cut off a piece of sausage. The second one pricks it on a fork. The third one must eat.

Now the teams must drink. Now all participants take turns opening the bottle, pouring it into a glass and drinking. The team that completes the tasks faster wins.

Hungry Beast

To play you will need two volunteers and some food. For example, chopped sausage.

Participants take turns putting food in their mouths and pronouncing the phrase “hungry beast” to their opponent. At the same time, you should not swallow. The player who laughs first is considered the loser.

In search of treasure

For such a competition, preparation is necessary. The presenter needs to hide the treasure in advance - a box of beer.

Catch the ball

Participants are divided into four teams. By drawing lots, two of them become leaders, and the rest become followers. The leading teams are opposite each other, and the slaves are located between them.

Participants from the leading teams take turns throwing the ball. The task of the wingmen is to intercept him. If they succeed, then the teams switch places.

Get me drunk

For such a competition you will need 6 players, 4 glasses and a couple of plastic bottles. You need to make one hole in each of their lids using a nail. The players are divided into two teams.

Captains, without opening the bottle or using their hands, must pour water into two glasses. The rest of the participants quickly drink it. The team that completes the test faster than its opponents wins.


For this game you will need a lot of bags. The presenter leaves the gift at a certain distance from the start. Participants stand with their feet in the bag and begin to jump on command. The one who gets to the gift first will be able to keep it.

Find the bottles

This game will not only help lift your spirits, but also cool your drinks. Perfect for those who are bored while preparing barbecue. The presenter hides a bag of bottles in the river.

Players begin to walk around the pond and look for drinks. The presenter can suggest “hot” or “cold”. The winner is allowed to be the first to choose a kebab stick.

Get dressed and undressed

Participants are divided into two teams and stand on one line. After a certain distance from them, a hat, a T-shirt and pants (preferably large sizes) are left.

After the signal, each player must run to the things, put them on, take them off and pass the baton to the next one. The team whose members complete the test the fastest wins.


For this competition you will need spoons, raw eggs and task sheets. The presenter draws a “corridor” on the ground.

One by one, participants take a spoon in their teeth, place an egg on it and walk through the “corridor.” The rest are trying to distract him, shouting “drop it”, “you won’t make it.” The player who drops the egg must complete the task.

Chocolate temptation

This game is suitable for the warm season. Participants must wear swimsuits and swimming trunks. The presenter ties blindfolds for the men. He breaks the chocolate and places it on the girls.

The guys have to find the sweets with their lips and eat them. When everyone has completed the task, the boys and girls change places.

Only adults who are not in a romantic relationship should participate in such a game. Otherwise, conflicts may arise.

Save the ball

For such a competition you will need a lot of balloons, which should be inflated and tied to one leg of each player. A large circle is drawn on the ground. After everything is ready, the presenter turns on the music.

While the song is playing, the participants, without leaving the circle, begin to pop each other’s balloons. When the music turns off, those who were unable to keep their ball intact are removed from the circle. The action continues until there is only one winner left.


This game will continue throughout the time the company spends outdoors. Near the feast, he chooses one tree. A scale is attached to it, with 40 degrees written at the bottom and zero at the top.

Throughout the entire feast, each participant undergoes a breathalyzer. To do this, he stands with his back to the tree, bends down and sticks his hand with a pencil between his legs to leave a mark on the piece of paper. Passing the test will be more difficult and funnier each time.

Games at the table

VIDEO: The best table games


TOP 5 fun GAMES for a company at the table

No entry allowed

This kind of fun is great for starting a feast. Before each guest sits down, he must complete some task. It doesn’t have to be complicated, like giving the presenter a compliment.

Drunk couple

For the competition you will need several bottles of drinks and glasses. Those wishing to participate are divided into two. One of the couple takes the bottle, and the second takes the glass.

According to the sign, everyone tries to fill the glasses as carefully as possible. However, it is prohibited to take the bottle with your hands. Victory goes to the couple that copes faster and more conscientiously.


Several teams with a small number of participants are chosen at the table. Everyone raises their right hand, clenched into a fist. After the command of the leading “telepath”, the players unclench an arbitrary number of fingers.

The point of the game is for one of the teams to show the same number. Talking is prohibited. But participants can try to negotiate in a different way, for example, by coughing or knocking.


One of the participants turns his back to everyone. The presenter points to anyone present and asks the question “what should this phantom do?” The tasks should be very funny, for example:

  • raise your hands to the sky and ask the aliens to take you back home;
  • congratulate people passing by on some holiday;
  • drink a glass of highly salted water;
  • print out a photo of the caterpillar and ask everyone you meet if they have seen your runaway pet;
  • sing a whole song at a bus stop.

The most interesting thing is that the person who gives the tasks can randomly choose it for himself. Although the game is already old, it guarantees a festive mood.

We shared an orange

For the next fun you will need oranges, knives and any number of commands. Each group must choose a captain. He is the one who starts the game and ends it.

At the leader’s signal, the group must take turns peeling the orange, dividing it into slices and eating it. The captain needs to start the process and eat the last slice. The fastest team wins.


The presenter plays a song everyone knows. When he raises his hand, everyone sings; when he lowers it, everyone is silent. Participants who make a mistake leave the game.

Victory goes to the most attentive. To make the game more intense, the presenter can move his hand very quickly. He can confuse everyone by continuing to sing when he shouldn't.

The fastest

For such fun you will need alcoholic drinks and glasses. The latter should be fewer than the participants. The presenter pours alcohol and gives a signal, turning on the music.

When everyone sitting hears the song, they dance around the table. As soon as the music stops, the participants take away the glasses. Those who are left with nothing are out of the game.

After the first round, the game continues again. For variety, the strength of the drinks can be gradually increased. The competition ends only when there is one winner left.

During the game, remove unnecessary items from the table. Otherwise, the dishes standing on the edge may be broken.

What will you do if?

The host asks various questions to the players. For example, what would you do if:

  • you were stolen by aliens;
  • you spent your entire salary in three days;
  • you will not be able to use the Internet for a month;
  • you will be locked in the office.

The more ridiculous the questions, the funnier it will be. The winner can be determined by general voting.


To play this game you will need two participants, printed stories from the Internet, juice, paper and a pen. The first player puts a small amount of juice into his mouth, but does not swallow it. He is given a sheet of paper with a story and asked to dictate it.

The second participant tries to write down what he heard. After the competition, everyone listens to the resulting story. Usually this game turns out to be very funny.


One of the guests sitting at the table stands behind them. The rest take the candy and quickly pass it to each other. The driver's task is to catch the one in whose hands the sweet is.


This game should be played when everyone has had enough to drink. The host gets up from the table and warns that in one minute he will identify the drunkest of the guests.

After this, the presenter explains that it is necessary to give the object he named a more affectionate shade. For example, sausage - sausage, tangerine - tangerine. All guests think that sobriety is determined by the speed of the response.

At such a moment, the presenter says the word “water”. Usually at such a moment the answer is “vodka.” The guest who made a mistake is awarded a diploma “having reached the required condition” amid general laughter.


For the competition you will need spoons and two large bowls filled with water. All those present are divided into two teams.

At the signal, each person drinks a spoonful of water and passes the container to the next person. You should not splash water while playing. The first group to scoop out the contents in the bowl wins.

Useful item

The leader gives the person sitting next to any object. The guest must say how he can use this thing and pass it on to the next one. The one who cannot figure out what benefits this item brings loses.

You don't even have to leave the table to have a great time

It was so hot over the weekend that I didn’t want to go outside at all. And dragging yourself to the beach is simply torture when the thermometer is +35. Therefore, I stocked up on magazines and newspapers at the kiosk and, drinking cold cola, relaxed my brain with non-straining reading material, including women’s reading.

Bears - boom!

It’s more interesting if no one (or the majority) in the company knows about the rules of the game. The presenter asks the participants to stand in a line, he himself becomes the first and declares: “You are bears. The bears go for a walk (everyone is waddling in place), the bears are tired - they sat down to rest (the “bears” squat down), rested - they went again. They walked, walked - tired, sat down. You can repeat this, providing the story with details in the style of “the sun was shining, the birds were singing,” etc. When everyone relaxes and sits down again, the leader says: “Bears - boom!” - and lightly pushes the next one with his shoulder player. The bears fall one after another like dominoes. Everyone laughs in surprise: indeed, the bears - boom!

Who's going north?
Here it’s the same as in “Bears” - the fewer participants know the rules of the game, the better. Ideally, only the presenter knows them. He suggests going on an expedition to the north. To do this you need to get together. Everyone should offer the things necessary for the trip. Everyone sits in a circle, the move is passed from participant to participant with some object (spoon, fork, pencil - whatever). The leader (he knows the rules and always goes north) begins. He says: “I’m going north and taking with me... a warm scarf,” and passes the move to his neighbor. When passing a move (that is, some object), he says the word “please” and adds “And I’m going north.” The next player, who does not know the rules (usually there are no those who guess right away), says “I’m going north and taking with me... warm gloves” and silently passes the move. The presenter states: “And he is NOT going north.” Actually, the point of the game is that when passing the turn, the players must say the magic word “please”, and everyone, as a rule, focuses on the list of things and cannot understand the logic why the leader takes some on the expedition and not others. After some time, those who managed to guess what was going on try to push the others to the right idea, and begin to take with them to the north all sorts of extremely “useful” things for this journey
- swimsuits or tanning products, while saying the word “please” louder. You can also give a hint by saying that only polite and well-mannered people go north. The game ends when everyone has guessed how to go north.

Maternity hospital
All participants are divided into pairs: M and F. Outside the pair - only the leader. All men in the game are mothers of newborns, all women are fathers. The game simulates a situation where mothers in a room behind a closed window try to tell fathers standing on the street details about the baby. Accordingly, they cannot hear each other - they can only use gestures. The pair members sit opposite each other. The presenter hands out pieces of paper to the “mothers” on which details are written, for example, they need to show with facial expressions and gestures that “this is a boy, and his ears are just like your grandfather’s” (it is advisable that each pair have tasks of equal complexity in the display). The presenter gives the “fathers” pens and blank pieces of paper. On command, the couples begin the game: the male “mother” tries to convey to his partner what the presenter wrote to him. The woman “father” writes down on her piece of paper what she saw and understood. Time is limited - for example, a minute. The winner is the couple in which what the woman “father” saw is closer to the presenter’s task.

The presenter approaches each player and says: “I am a snake, snake, snake... I crawl, crawl, crawl... Do you want to be my tail?” He answers: “I want!” - and stands behind him, clasping the “snake’s head” around the waist. So they approach everyone else and ask them to join in unison. When the snake gets long and no one else wants to be the tail, the snake says: “I am a hungry snake, I will bite my own tail!” - and tries to catch his tail. Players need to hold on tightly to each other and keep the tail away from the head. Those who broke away leave the game, and the snake continues to catch its tail.
You can make the game more difficult: when new players join the tail, they must crawl on all fours between the legs of the snake, starting from its head. This game has a rule - you can't refuse. If the company is large, you can gather two snakes, each trying to catch the tail of the other. The winning snake “eats” the losing one - it crawls between the winners’ legs.

Swap places!
The company sits on chairs (there is one less of them than the participants) in a circle, the leader is in the center, he announces: “Change places, everyone who has...” - he can name anything, from “who has blue eyes” to “who has had more than ten lovers” or “who loves blondes (blondes)”, “who doesn’t wear thongs”... The longer the game, the more frank the questions. The named players (blue-eyed or blonde lovers) must stand up and quickly move to one of the vacant seats. If the selection criterion also applies to the presenter, he also takes part in the search for a seat, then the one who did not have enough chair becomes the new presenter. If only one person stands up, then he will continue to lead the game, and the old leader sits in his place. To prevent people from staying too long, you can periodically command: “Change places, everyone who is in a good mood right now!”

Ministry of Railways
This requires one “dunno” victim. The rules are explained to him: he asks questions to the players in a circle, the players answer him “yes” or “no”. The task of the “dunno” is to guess who is hiding under the abbreviation MPS. Everyone stands in a circle, “Dunno” (he is in the center) begins to ask questions. The trick is that when answering the question “Is this a man?”, one player can say “yes”, and the next one can say “no” (because MPS is “My right neighbor”, and each player standing in the circle says about your neighbor on the right). Usually the “know-nothing” guesses who the MPS is when he starts asking the same question in a circle. But this happens, as a rule, on the fifteenth lap. There is also a variation on the same theme: a sticker is glued to the “victim’s” forehead, on which any character is written - be it Alexander Pushkin, Pinocchio, or even the victim herself. You can mock them even more and call the victim a pumpkin or swine flu. The victim’s goal is to receive “yes/no” answers to his questions and guess as quickly as possible what is written on her forehead.

Hanging pear
Prank game. You need to choose an artistic couple - preferably a girl and a young man, but not necessarily. The two presenters separate them and explain the task. One is told that he will have to go into the room, take a chair and pretend to screw in a light bulb. A partner or partner will interfere with him in every possible way. The goal of the player “with the light bulb” is to use gestures to explain to his friend that he is doing the right thing and soon there will be light in the room. You can't talk. They explain to the second that the first player is portraying a man who has decided to hang himself, and the task is to wordlessly dissuade him from taking an insane step. While they are being instructed, the others are also explained what the essence of the matter is, and when the participants in the game enter the room, the audience is already having fun.

Everyone in the company is given a “snowflake” - a small ball of cotton wool. Participants loosen their “snowflakes”, at the same time launch them into the air and begin to blow from below so that the fleeces remain in the air as long as possible. The winner is the one whose snowflake falls to the floor last.

Noah's Ark
The presenter writes in advance the names of the animals on pieces of paper (each creature has a pair: two hares, two giraffes, two elephants...), folds the pieces of paper and puts them in a hat. Each participant draws out “their purpose,” and the presenter announces that now they need to find their pair, but they cannot make sounds or speak. You need to use facial expressions and gestures to portray your animal and look for “one like you.” The first couple to reunite wins. You can think of characteristic animals like a hare (show your ears - and you’re done), but it’s more interesting to come up with something less recognizable, such as a hippopotamus or a lynx.

Broken fax

Two teams play. Everyone runs after each other, everyone gets a piece of paper and a pencil. Last in both rows, the presenter shows a simple drawing; the participants must draw the same on their sheet, lying on the back of the player standing in front, who, in turn, reproduces the drawing according to his feelings. The team whose final drawing is more similar to the original wins.

The more pairs, the more interesting. It is necessary that each couple has a guy (even better if it is a guy and a girl). The cavalryman puts on a cap or Panama hat and sits on the stove (on the back) of the “horse”. The goal is to rip off as many hats as possible from the “enemies” without losing yours.
You will need a couple dozen balls of two colors and a lot of space. Each participant ties an inflated balloon to his leg (so that the ball lies on the ground, or better yet, drags a little). The task is to destroy all the opponents' balls with kicks and protect your own. The player whose ball is tapped is eliminated. The one with the last whole ball left wins.

This prank game is reminiscent of the popular “crocodile” (or “association” - when players are divided into two teams, a “victim” is selected from the group of opponents, a word or phrase, the name of a movie or book is given to her, and she needs to convey this information to her with facial expressions and gestures. to let them guess). But here everything is simpler.
The presenter, calling one player aside, asks him to show the kangaroo. The catch is that absolutely everyone knows what this word is. Their task is to make whatever ridiculous guesses they want, just don’t say “kangaroo.” Usually the game goes on for a long time: the unfortunate kangaroo points at his belly and jumps in front of the spectators dying with laughter, who suggest in bewilderment: “a pregnant hare... a limping dinosaur...” The main thing is to take pity on the unfortunate kangaroo in time, who is waving his arms in despair from the incompetence of his friends and shouts: “I’m showing it again for the idiots!” - and stop.

You need to draw two lines on the ground at a distance of two to three meters. The players' task is to get from the start to the finish line as slowly as possible, but in no case stopping or changing the direction of movement. The slowest snail wins.

Words words
A game for a quiet, rainy evening in the country. There are several variations.
First: No more than three minutes are given for everything. In this short time, participants must write a short story in which all words (including prepositions) must begin with the same letter.

Second: The word chosen is not very long, but not very short either. It must necessarily be a singular noun. The same three, or maybe five minutes are given. During this time, only from the letters present in the word (if there is only one “N” in the word, then the word cannot be used with a double “N”), you need to make as many words as possible (also nouns and also in the singular). The one with the most words wins.

Third: almost man-made "Erudite". A word is invented, and prefixes and suffixes are added to it to form new words. You can assign both horizontally and vertically. Strictly one letter per player.

Princess on the Pea
The participants of the game stand facing the audience, with a chair behind each. The leader places a spoon, a spool of thread or a small cube on it and covers it with a thin pillow. Players take turns sitting on a chair and trying to guess what the object is under them. Time - 2 minutes, no more. Another variation: walnuts (well, almost peas?) are placed on the chair. In this case, the player tries to determine how many there are - this option is closest to the fairy tale.

Evgenia Mitina, Cosmopolitan magazine (July/August 2009)

Thank you all for your attention, love

What is the best way to organize outdoor recreation?

Everyone has their own idea of ​​what real outdoor recreation should be like. That’s why it’s so difficult to please everyone. When choosing entertainment for leisure, people often go down four paths.

The first way is a “card picnic”. The simplest and most effortless choice. All you need for such an organization is to take a deck of cards with you. And while the kebab is grilling, you can safely play fool, poker or another popular game. But such a tournament is also possible in a cozy room: you don’t have to go out into nature for this. And indoors, you don’t need to constantly press down the cards with something so that the sneaky wind doesn’t carry them away.

The second way is a “sports weekend”" This option is not as simple as the previous one and requires preliminary preparation. You will need to take care of sports equipment and a suitable place for active recreation in advance. Football, volleyball, badminton, relay races - this is a small list of what a large group can play. Such a vacation is certainly suitable for a company that loves sports and is in good physical shape.

The third way is “popular holiday”. Today, entertainment such as paintball and. It's interesting, exciting and convenient. It’s convenient because you don’t have to think through anything yourself. A couple of calls and companies that specialize in this will organize everything themselves. The only drawback of such a vacation, perhaps, is that you will have to spend a lot of money on it.

Path four – “competitive freedom”. The most accessible option for interesting and inexpensive leisure. There is no need for special conditions or complex equipment; both sports people and non-sports people can participate. All you need to organize is a healthy imagination and a set of interesting competitions. And here are some of the most interesting versions website

1. Hot and cold

A wonderful competition, familiar to everyone since childhood. But, it is clear that there are no children in the adult company, and therefore we are talking about its modified version. It is best to do it at the moment when the kebab is skewered and placed on the grill, and there is still a lot of time before it is ready. Then the host, who has prudently hidden all the alcohol nearby, suggests finding it according to the “hot and cold” principle. That is, when the players approach the treasured hiding place, they will receive verbal prompts “warm”, “even warmer”, “very warm”. But if the search takes them in a completely different direction, then the phrases “cold”, “colder”, “very cold”, “freezing” will be heard. When the participants directly reach the destination, they will hear the words “hot”, “hot”, “now you’ll get burned”, “burned”. The prize, of course, will be the drinks found, which can be consumed immediately.

2. Question and answer

A wonderful competition-game that will require very little preparation, but will provide a lot of positivity and good mood. This entertainment will be appropriate at a time when the participants loosen up a little. The essence of the game is quite fast: the presenter reads questions to the participants from one type of card, and the participants answer by reading the answer from other cards. The trick is that the questions and answers are deliberately chosen to be quite frank or maybe even vulgar.

Sample questions:

  1. Do you like phone sex?
  2. Have you been caught stealing?
  3. Do you like bald men (women)?
  4. Do you wash often?
  5. Do you love yourself?
  6. Can I kiss you?
  7. How often do you have sex?
  8. Do you have the strength to give up drinking?
  9. Are you a sadomasochist?
  10. Do you often walk naked (naked) around the house?

Sample answers:

  1. Unless no one sees.
  2. I'm holding on with all my strength.
  3. This is my weakness.
  4. Only in a bikini and stockings.
  5. Since childhood.
  6. Only with a bad hangover.
  7. This is the only thing that gives me strength.
  8. I learned (learned) from you.
  9. And I'm proud of it.
  10. I'm a maniac at this.

It is clear that the level of frankness of questions should be chosen depending on how well everyone in the company knows each other.

3. Twister on the grass

Twister is a wonderful game that is familiar to everyone. But hardly anyone thought that it could be played not only at home, but also on soft young grass. How is this possible? Yes, very simple. To do this, you don’t even need to bring a ready-made playing field; it can be made right on the spot. To make it you will need grass and spray paint of the desired colors. It is applied to the grass through a round stencil and allowed to dry. And now everything is ready for a fun and playful game.

Such entertainment will help disperse alcohol and prevent you from getting too drunk. But the most important thing is that all participants will receive a sea of ​​positive emotions and piquant photos.

4. Tricky food

There is no need to prepare anything in advance. You will have all the necessary equipment with you. Disposable cups and plastic bottles will be used, as well as various snacks that you will take with you on a picnic (chips, crackers, nuts, popcorn).

The competition can be conducted in two ways. In the first case, competitors must pour salted nuts or toast into a plastic bottle using only one hand. For obvious reasons, you cannot spill the snack, and asking for help from those present is also prohibited. The one who completes the task earlier and better than the rest is declared the winner.

The second version of the competition is almost impossible, but very funny. Here chips or salted popcorn are poured into plastic cups. This unusual weight is placed on the toes of the participating shoes. The goal of the competition is to walk a distance of 3 m with cups, at the end of which there will be a glass of beer, which you need to drink and snack on the delicious food you brought. However, holding cups with your hands or attaching them to shoes or feet in any special way is prohibited.

The winner of the competition is the one who completes all stages first and without losses. If no one completes the task, then the consolation prize will again be beer and a snack. Fun and excitement are guaranteed here.

5. Delivery service

At the beginning of the competition, the presenter says that today there is a competition for the best and fastest delivery service. To do this, everyone present is invited to unite into two or more teams (depending on the total number). Teams line up parallel to each other. At the same time, team members must look at each other’s backs.

Next, the presenter says that today each team needs to deliver only one bottle of beer, passing it from the last participant to the first. But at the same time, you cannot touch the bottle with your hands, but you can only pass it by holding it between your knees.

The winner will be the team that completes the task faster than its rivals without dropping the load. The winners will receive all bottles of beer that took part in the competition. It is better to take 1 liter or 1.5 liter plastic containers for entertainment.

6. Playful hands

The competition will go well in a well-warmed-up company. Only men are invited to take part in it, who must stand in pairs with their backs to each other. After this, each of them is given specially prepared equipment (sticks with red-painted tops and pieces of sandpaper).

After everyone has taken the required positions and received game attributes, the presenter gives a signal warning about the start of the competition. And at this moment the participants must quickly remove the red paint with the provided skins.

The winner is the one whose hands turn out to be more “naughty”, that is, the one who manages it first. Laughter with tears in our eyes will be guaranteed for everyone.

7. Twelve notes

Becoming a treasure hunter is interesting not only as a child, but also as an adult. The “12 Notes” competition is a kind of quest that will allow you to plunge into an indescribable atmosphere of adventure and excitement.

The point of the game is to find the hidden treasure. And if in childhood sweets acted as treasures, then for adults a box of beer, a dish with crayfish or fruit is more suitable. But in order to find what was hidden, you need to go through a certain path, directions to which are found in 12 notes. 6 notes will simply indicate the location of the next note, and the remaining 6 will indicate different tasks.

You can come up with tasks yourself, or you can use ready-made options.

Task 1. “Nude” - you need to dance a striptease.

Task 2. “Are you weak?” - drink 1 liter of beer in 1 minute.

Task 3. “Armenian Radio” - tell 6 funny jokes.

Task 4. “Gourmet” - with your eyes closed, guess 6 proposed foods or drinks.

Task 5. “Balloon Hero” - burst 6 balloons without using your hands.

Task 6. “Who is the wisest in the world” - guess 6 riddles with a trick.

8. Silent system

A cheerful company will definitely like the game “Mute System”. It would be a good idea to film the progress of the game on a video camera, so that later the participants could watch the recording and laugh.

The essence of the game is that all participants line up in one row, and the leader, passing behind them, slaps them on the back a different number of times. How many claps there were - this is the participant’s serial number. At the command of the leader, when everyone has already been assigned numbers, the participants must line up in one order in order, but at the same time talking or gesturing with their hands is strictly prohibited.

The catch is that the presenter can clap the same number of times to several participants at once, which means that the formation will be not just one, but several at once. Only the participants mooing and winking at each other do not immediately understand this, and therefore all their manipulations are very funny to watch.

9. Universal quest for outdoor recreation

If you don’t have enough time to prepare, but you want to entertain your friends and family with something more than just a competition or a game, a quest will be an excellent solution.

12 ready-made various tasks will help you spend an hour and a half with fun and excitement. See more details here.

More games and competitions in nature for adults.