Betting on small odds: a drain strategy. What are the best odds to bet on? Lower odds are better to bet

Betting on small odds is a live strategy that is not popular enough, but it is able to provide confident earnings in bookmakers. To achieve success, you need not to rush things and follow certain rules. Let's look at ways to make successful predictions with small odds.

Choosing competitions for a low odds strategy

This strategy for small odds requires careful selection sports matches based on odds and statistics. It is recommended to choose fights with odds of approximately 1.1 - 1.4, except for those matches in which you are sure of the result.

Examples of fights with small odds. In the match Georgia - Wales, the forecast for 12 has a coefficient of 1.37, and 2X - 1.23.

In the duel between the teams of Italy and Macedonia, P1 has a coefficient of 1.09, and 12 has a coefficient of 1.056.

It is worth being careful when the favorite plays away games. Some clubs at home play well and can even beat the leaders.

An important role in this strategy is given to the statistics of the results of past competitions and matches. When defined suitable events on the betting line and odds, it is necessary to carefully study the results of face-to-face meetings and statistics. It is important to consider how a certain club plays in a particular season at home and away. Face-to-face meetings will give detailed picture possible result if you use bets on low odds.

Determining the most likely outcome

When the analysis on the system of small coefficients is carried out, it is necessary to determine the most probable outcome to ensure the success of the forecast. Here you can study sports forecasts or use special services.

There are situations when it is quite difficult to predict the likely outcome. For example, when one team is at the top of the table, and the other is at the bottom, but last season the favorite lost on the road. A clear example is Leicester, who became the champion of England, and the following season they performed very unsuccessfully. Therefore, it is better to skip such events.

Types of bets with low odds

The strategy needs big stakes small coefficients. There are the following forecast options:

  • Live bets. The low odds betting system for live requires special care. You need to predict in cases where you are sure that a certain club will win. The score should be noticeably outweighed to one side. To play according to the system with small odds table tennis does not fit. Hockey is also bad, as clubs often bounce back in the last seconds.
  • Capital Management. It is important to pay attention to the results here. It is worth raising the level of the game when the better manages to double the bankroll. If a player has lost 50% of the bank amount, then, in accordance with the strategy, it is necessary to choose odds up to 1.3, and bet half of the remaining bankroll. The time to level up will depend on the activity of the better.


If you manage to achieve a stable increase of 10-11%, you can start withdrawing money from the bookmaker. The main thing is not to be nervous and act in accordance with the rules. You need to be patient and restrained in order to earn. The success of this system depends on the skill and endurance of the better.

There is a simple strategy, and I decided to test it in practice.
Now while I think some moments, to be exact risk management.
In general, the essence of the strategy is to bet on clear favorites with odds of 1.035-1.9, but the average odds must be 1.05 or more. Everyone says it won't work, so it's interesting to try.

It will not work if you just bet the pot without any analysis - my task is to come up with an algorithm for calculating the size of the bet, in other words - risk management.

So far, it is planned to make the first bet at 40% depot, then 35, 30, 25, 20, and reduce it to 10% in increments of 2%, then, if there is a loss, start over at 40%, because. statistically it is very unlikely that there will be two losses one after the other.

User Thoughts

I'll think one more day and start testing. I will post the results in this thread.

I don't believe in this idea. Losses will happen randomly, and there is a chance that out of 10 there may be 2 or 3 losses, and this will significantly reduce the base (by 30%). Then, there is a possibility that it will be possible to fly when the bet is at 40, 35, or 30 percent of the depot, and this is a relatively large minus. Another point, there are very few bets with odds less than 1.1, you will have to constantly look for them and there will be 1-2 bets per day. As a result, you will spend a lot of time, but you will not earn anything.

Indeed, before the game, such a strategy will not work theoretically, but in Live mode in my opinion it will be the best!

I think it makes sense. I remember I used to play live tennis, betting mainly on the current game, when the score is 30/15, 40/15. Sometimes there were high odds under 1.4-1.5, but it didn't always work. The only thing is that I didn’t have any risk management there, so I won a lot of money, but I was lucky. And so, if this strategy is carefully thought out, then I think it is possible to reach a stable income.

Tr@der, yes, that's exactly what I'm thinking. After all, when the score is ... well, even 40:15, there is a high probability that the first player will win the game, and if the score is 40:0, then even more so. Plus, you can add a higher odds bet when 40:0 becomes 40:15… Now I will test exactly this approach. And at preliminary rates it turns out unstable, there are no guarantees even if the odds are 1.01.

I tested the small odds on football by placing parlays. On clear favorites 50 and 50 against them F + 2.5 or more.
The odds were from 1.1 to 1.45.
Here is the result:
Results after 100 parlays
at a bet of 10

Express +35-65//-123

flat 459 //+346=8-106//-248
Permeability (346:451)x100=76.72%+8 returns

With small odds up to 1.45, the game is flat in the minus 5.40% of the bank.
Playing accumulators with a total odds from 2.0 to 3, ... and wetting less money than in a flat, the minus was 12.30%, despite the fact that every 3 express comes in.
That's all MYTHS and REALITIES.
Maybe the whole reason is that I am such a forecaster, but what can be the analysis for odds 1.2-1.3. They must play and, as you can see, a share of luck should always be present.

Interesting statistics!
Indeed, the bookmakers are directed against us due to the spread and there will be a minus in any way, unless we are, of course, psychics.
I texted catch-up for odds 2.01-2.2, but there is far from a 50/50 probability, and there were unprofitable series of 6-7 bets, which is not good.
The same is true with low odds, only more time will be wasted.

For me, Lil got to 7 looses in a row, he couldn’t play on TB in any way.
IN real life to increase the rate so I would not pull.

To be honest, I thought that if the odds are low, then the game will definitely go in my favor, but I was deeply mistaken ((

The lower the odds, the more events you collect and some sure thing doesn’t come in and no matter how you play flat or express
you go into the red in the long-term game.

Everyone thought so when they decided to make money in BC. Only many do not understand that we are playing the game not with the team we bet on, but with the bookmaker. Bookmakers deliberately lower the odds so that people bet money on the event, since the odds are low, and win more chances, not jelly to lose, but in fact everything is exactly the opposite.

We don’t play with bookmakers, she lives off the percentage, that is, she sets her odds based on how much money is bet on a particular event. If, for example, the victory of the first team was a coefficient of 2, put 50 thousand bucks there and it will immediately sink.

Yuran123, According to your scheme, you must always bet on outsiders and you will be in the black. In general, I don’t know if there are successful marques who only bet on low odds. At one time I made accumulators from two bets - one forecast for an equal match (odds 1.7 - 2.3), the second forecast for a clear favorite with a low odds (1.1 - 1.3), in principle, it worked well. The parlay coefficient turned out to be 2.5 - 3.0. It was enough for one express to work out of three and then it came out approximately by zero. If 2 out of 3 passed, then a good plus turned out. Of course, there were cases when all 3 express did not work, but very rarely.
Sidik, Well, how do you care, you did your coefficient, it will remain the same. It changes only for those who will bet after the change.

No, I don't have any plans! Yes, and there is no TS that could beat the BC for quite a long time, sooner or later everything will collapse. I believe that the bet should be made on your knowledge, and not on the vehicle. Cappers, on the other hand, do not work according to the TS, they rely on their knowledge. The only way to consistently win against bookmakers is with surebets. But here we need a special program that will find these surebets, since in manual mode it is not realistic to do this, and of course, a large deposit, since usually 3-5% of the profit comes out of the “fork”.

If everything is falling apart for you, it does not mean that it is the same for everyone. At low odds, it is difficult to be in the black. In general, it is quite realistic to make stable money in bookmaking, but of course, few people can do this, as in any risky form of earnings.

Marik, it's not only me who failed to make money on low CF, but everyone. It has long been proven that at low odds, you can't beat bookmakers. If it were the other way around, then all bookmakers would have already gone bankrupt. So think before you write such posts that they say it only collapses for me. Show me a man who was able to consistently earn big money by betting on low squares.

I am most amused by people who, for example, take odds 1.01-1.05 on large sums and they fly by. How ridiculous it is. And they begin to complain that everything has been drained)). I don’t see any reason to take such coefficients at all. I personally take a minimum of 1.4

It's hard to be positive.

Sergey Turkin

Pros just make money on those teams where the odds are not lower than 2x, for example, battles of leaders or predicting the victory of outsiders. Also express bets on several events at once.

Explicit fovarite odds 1.9? The clear favorites have kef. no more than 1.1! And then they lose!

There is an opinion that the strategy of betting on low odds is losing. Of course, this opinion appeared not without reason. However, in this article we will tell you that the tactics of betting on low odds may well bring a decent profit. The success of this strategy is highly dependent on the knowledge, endurance and skills of the bettor.

This article will describe a special approach, and you will only need to decide whether to put it into practice or not.

Your bets on low odds should be made at bookmakers that have a well-developed Live section. It is also worth choosing reliable bookmakers who will definitely pay out your winnings. You will have to make a lot of bets to earn. And where can you make a lot of bets and get the result in the shortest possible time? That's right, in the Live section. You can also bet on betting exchanges.

What odds should you bet on?

Particular attention should be paid not so much to the event on which the bet is planned, but to the odds. Here is the following rule:

  1. 01 - 1.02 are working coefficients.
  2. 03 - bet with caution.
  3. 04 - 1.05 - think over each bet well.

Keep in mind that odds of 1.05 are not a 95/100 chance. Don't forget about the bookmaker's margin. As a result, the coefficient 1.05 corresponds to the real 1.1.

What to bet on and how to manage the bank?

For example, goes Soccer game. By the way, we will bet on football matches using this strategy. So, the first half ended with the score 1:0. What can you bet on here? Do you think the teams will be able to break the total over 5.5. In the vast majority of cases, this is not possible. The coefficient for such an outcome is 1.02. Your bet is "Total Under 5.5".

It is very convenient to bet on totals, as you can soberly evaluate the game if you look at the results of the first half.

The bank should be divided into 10 equal parts. Here, for example, you have $500. That is, the amount of one bet is $50. An event with odds of 1.02 will bring you $1. What happens? You find 10 matches and bet on these odds. As a result, in 1 hour you will earn $10. In a day, you can easily earn the amount of one bet.

Do you need to understand football?

Of course, it is desirable that you are well versed in football. Understanding what teams are capable of will help you save a lot of money and nerves.

It is advisable to be aware of why you are making this particular bet. You must be sure that it will pass. After all, we are not talking about odds of 2.00, where everything is possible. Well, here, for example, the first half of Bayern with someone ended with a score of 2:1 in favor of the Munich club. The coefficient on the total over 6 is 1.05. Is it worth it to bet? Very risky. For Bayern, finishing a match 5-2 is a common thing.

In order to place a bet, you must at least evaluate the statistics of the teams' past games. It is also desirable to collect statistics in advance for all the championships you are interested in. If a team had such a situation that it ended the 1st half in a goalless draw, and 5 goals were scored in the 2nd, then it is better not to mess with such guys.

Disadvantages of low odds betting strategy

  1. If you lose, then recoup very long and tedious.
  2. The desire to recoup, as a rule, leads to additional losses.
  3. It is not always possible to place a bet of the amount you need.
  4. Using this strategy takes a lot of time.
  5. It is very difficult to analyze all the events, since they all take place at the same time.
  6. The strategy is not suitable for bookmakers with an undeveloped Live section.

Benefits of a low odds betting strategy

  1. The risks of losing your funds are minimal.
  2. The choice of events for betting is simply huge.
  3. You do not need to thoroughly study every team you plan to bet on.
  4. This strategy implies a rapid turnover of funds.

If you lose, then it is not fatal. The main thing is not to flog the fever. Better for today generally tie with rates. So you definitely will not break firewood. Remember that tomorrow you will definitely play everything.

Hi all! Surely many of you are familiar with the financial strategy of sports betting called dynamic? (more about her). If so, then you probably know how scientifically (mathematical) the authors approach strategies... In today's article, we will talk about another very interesting strategy from the authors of Dynamic.

It will be about sports betting financial strategy called "Multiexpresses"!

Immediately make a reservation that on the official website this strategy costs a very impressive amount (10,000 rubles!). For you, we We will reveal the essence of the strategy absolutely free!

So, let's begin...

(All of the following is published according to the words of the author of the strategy and is not a statement by the administration of the site site)


This strategy is a combination of several game ways(schemes) and brings in practice at least 40% of the working bank per month when working out from 40 rates per month. The ability to play several parallel series increases the possibilities of the strategy in terms of profitability.

  • Operating ratios: 1.6 - 3.0

The strategy is based on combining several events into groups of accumulators, the outcomes of which cover all the most probable outcomes of events and, in case of winning, bring more income than the usual setting of accumulators.

Any values ​​can be used as working coefficients, however, the meaning of the strategy, tied to real rates(and not just theory) is to work with events, the probability of winning for which bookmakers estimate at 30-70%. This range roughly corresponds to the level of coefficients from 1.6 to 3.0.

Like all other strategies that are in paid access, the Multiexpress strategy was tested for a long time in the period from September 2015 to January 2016. During the testing, 270 cycles of bets were made (we count one multiexpress of 2-4 events per cycle, more about the number of events below ). The rate of return was 52% of the amount of the working bank per month. As a secondary financial strategy, the Martingale system, laid down on three levels, was used. More than two levels during testing was not required.

How the strategy works

For a simpler understanding, let's take the simplest example with two events. Each of which has two possible outcomes. Here is an example of such two events: tennis, pre-match odds:

Events for multi-express...

For greater clarity, we took coefficients that are outside the recommended range. This will avoid possible confusion with rounding values. In practice, you can take such odds, but it is preferable to take those that are indicated in the description of the strategy, namely, 1.6 - 3.0.

Another significant advantage of the strategy is the ability to work with pre-match odds. That adds convenience of working out due to a sufficient supply of time.

The bookmaker offers the following pairs of odds:

  • Event 1: 1.444 (Exodus 1A)/2.60 (Exodus 1B)
  • Event 2: 1.48 (Exodus 2A)/2.55 (Exodus 2B)

Before proceeding to the algorithm of work on the Multiexpress strategy, let's carry out a mathematical assessment of the possible outcomes of these two events, as well as the probability of positive outcomes of all accumulators that can be made from them.

Mathematical justification of the strategy

We will evaluate using the table, remembering that the data are not true probabilities, but the assessment of the bookmaker, which does not play a significant role for us, since the assessment is carried out by the same office and at a distance of deviation from true values the probabilities will decrease.

So, the probabilities for each of the outcomes are:

  • Outcome 1A, odds. 1.444 - 63.13% probability.
  • Outcome 1B, odds. 2.60 - probability 34.97%.
  • Exodus 2A, odds. 1.48 - probability 61.43%.
  • Outcome 2B, odds. 2.55 - 35.65% chance.

Rounding and writing in mathematical form, we get the probabilities of 0.63; 0.35; 0.61 and 0.36 respectively.

Now let's calculate the probabilities of all possible accumulator bets that can be made. Here are the possible pairs of events:

  • 1A-2A. Probability 0.63*0.61=0.38. Kef. Express = 2.14
  • 1A-2B. Probability 0.63*0.36=0.23. Kef. Express = 3.68
  • 1B-2A. Probability 0.35*0.61=0.21. Kef. Express = 3.85
  • 1B-2B. Probability 0.35*0.36=0.13. Kef. Express = 6.63

Everything is natural. Accumulator according to the BC with the maximum odds has the minimum probability of entry. And vice versa.

These calculations will be useful to us a little further, and now we will draw your attention to the extremely important point, which has already been mentioned above: listed odds and probabilities are not true , but only a consequence of the assessment of the bookmaker's office. And, as practice confirms, the bookmaker does not always accurately evaluate upcoming events.

We will not dwell separately, but remember the principles of the work of a bookmaker, whose income is not based on the losses of the players, but on making a profit included in the margin. We also mention the factors of the movement of lines on the sizes of the coefficients. And we will make a natural and quite logical conclusion: the probabilities calculated earlier are appraisal, not real ones. Simply put, it cannot be argued that Express 1A-2A will definitely win, as the most likely. And vice versa - that any of the other three accumulators will not win.

Let's return to the algorithm of work according to the Multiexpress strategy.

It is necessary to put down three out of four accumulators received. While excluding most possible. That is, you need to put down the express:

  • 1A-2B.
  • 1B-2A.
  • 1B-2B.

These parlays overlap all outcomes, except for the victory of both favorites.

Risky? By no means!

Very important disclaimer: it is important that the coefficients are in the range specified for the strategy. Since the deviation from the probability of 0.5 is closest when working with coefficients of 1.6 - 3.0.

Keeping three factors in mind:

  1. The assessment of the bookmaker's office very often does not coincide with the real probability of the outcome of the event.
  2. Events with an estimated probability close to 0.5 happen with a real probability of ~0.5.
  3. Odds for more probable events are usually underestimated by bookmakers, and less probable, respectively, are often overestimated, which plays into our hands in our gaming model.

… it can be concluded that in practice it is very likely that one of the bets on the favorite does not enter, which is a winning factor for a player working with the Multiexpress strategy.

In some way, this accumulator is , although this definition is not entirely correct in the context of the strategy. Since the fork implies slightly different characteristics.

Here, we start from the fact that bets on a favorite outcome are often not taken.

Bet sizes

The bet amounts are easy to calculate. To facilitate the calculation process, we will round the obtained values. So, three bets on odds: 3.68 - 3.85 - 6.63. The bet amounts must be inversely proportional to the odds and directly proportional to their sum. In our case, this is $100 - $100 - $50. The amount of the working bank is $250. In case of winning any of the accumulators, the profit will be:

  • 1A-2B. 3.68*$100 - $250 = $118
  • 1B-2A. 3.85*$100 - $250 = $135
  • 1B-2B. 6.63*$50 - $250 = $81

The bet amount for each accumulator bet can be calculated using the formula: BetX=X*(Kmax/Kx), Where X– base rate (it must be set, in the example it is $50), Kmax is the maximum of the bet odds, and Kh- coefficient of the accumulator bet of which we calculate.

Evaluation of the probability of winning and risk assessment

An amazing fact: betting on two favorites, the player has the risk of losing (in our example) 1-0.38=0.62. Recall that 0.38 is the calculated probability of winning an accumulator for the victory of two favorites. That is, betting on two favorites, the player is likely to lose! And the probability of winning will be more than 60%. No tricks, just math.


In case both favorites win, the player loses the working amount. By evaluating the probabilities of such outcomes, it is possible to build a fairly safe financial model, which reinsures the risks of losing. As already mentioned above, during the test period, the Martingale system was used as a secondary financial strategy (the same). We will not recommend its use as it contains a number of significant risks , to work with it, you need a stock of a working bank and a very strict preliminary calculation.

For those who will still reinsure multi-expresses with the Martingale strategy, we recall that real probability for the recommended coefficients is higher, since we took a larger spread in coefficients in the example. And it is usually at least 0.7.

The strategy also feels quite good when reinsured with the help of non-progressive financial strategies, for example, a percentage of the bank or a fixed profit.

Variability in the application of the strategy

In the example above, for simplicity, a pair of two-outcome events is taken. Which gives four options for the outcome with a fairly small probability of winning. Compared to what you can get if you use the Multiexpress strategy for three or more two-way events.

Please note that it is not possible to work with three-way events (for example, the 1-X-2 market). Since the rules of most bookmakers directly prohibit placing multiple bets on the same markets in opposite outcomes. Therefore, the strategy is applicable only in two-output markets. In addition to markets 12, these can be Tb2.5/Tm2.5; F1 (0)/2 and so on.

Using three or more events, the player significantly increases the chances of winning. In particular, subject to the recommended odds, the probability of winning for compiling parlays from:

  • Two events - 68%
  • Three events - 81%
  • Four events - 90%

Where to work using the Multiexpress strategy?

Another strong advantage of the strategy is its versatility. You can work at any bookmakers, and work in the pre-match mode allows you to place bets slowly, which reduces the possibility of making a mistake or miscalculation.

Please note that some bookmakers offer odds other than single odds for accumulators. This is what Pinnacle does, for example - the odds for accumulators are lower than those for singles. That is why we recommend working with BC: 1XBet.

Express trains are highly desirable to spread across different betting shops.

That's the whole point of the "Multiexpress" betting strategy, voiced by the author...

For those who still want to download the text of this strategy for themselves, we provide you with such an opportunity:

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That's all!

Good luck bidding!

So, in the previous article we looked at “How to make money on bets at bookmakers”, today we’ll talk about game tactics so as not to go into the red with bookmakers. The conversation will be about the type of bet on parlays, with small odds. To make this type of bet, you need to understand what express bets are.

Express- this is a type of bet on several outcomes different events. By choosing small odds, you can significantly increase the final odds, which will definitely pass, because the probability of passing small bets is very high. Remember: all the low odds you choose are multiplied together, giving us a decent odd at the end. The sport can be different, the bets are also different, let it be TM or TB, for a win, for the number of, for example, cards or corners. Less words, everything is shown in the photo below, an example of express.

The advantage of express bets is to increase the odds due to passing matches. Consider how I played and won decent money by analyzing such games. I played on the fact that there is a low probability of the outcome of a match in football with a zero score and decided to play on it. Nobody limits you in choosing other types of bets, where you understand more. When placing bets on various outcomes of games, always analyze and check the lineups of teams, the availability of cards, etc. This method will greatly increase your chances of luck, do not point your finger at the sky without analyzing past games and looking at the team line-up! Earn money betting at bookmakers you can, you just need a little patience, the ability to think and calculate the outcome of the match.

If you want to further increase your chances of winning, then I recommend that you combine express + catch-up, your chances of winning will increase several times. ABOUT