Ethnos, nations and nationalities. Ethnic communities: tribe people nation

Ethnos, people, nation, nationality. The difference between concepts, the danger of their confusion. The people as the basis of Eurasian integration

Huge variety ethnic composition population makes our country unique. Representatives of more than 180 ethnic groups live in Russia, according to Rosstat. As a rule, each group has its own language, preserves certain traditions, carries its own mythology, world outlook, and system of values... This diversity, of course, is the wealth of Russia. Every language, every myth, every tradition makes our common Russian culture wider and more versatile.

At the same time, it is obvious that multi-ethnicity, in the implementation of a careless policy, can become the Achilles' heel of the Russian state. Such influential geopolitics in the US as G. Kissinger and Z. Brzezinski repeatedly voiced in their works the idea of ​​dividing the “Heartland” (first the USSR, and then Russia) into several controlled nation-states. Our geopolitical opponents could realize this scenario by inciting inter-ethnic conflicts in Russia, introducing controlled people into the Russian domestic political field, using the latest social technologies, mass media. Therefore, in the field of regulation of Russian interethnic relations, a balanced, carefully thought-out approach and a well-developed strategy are needed. The task of such a strategy is to make our society stable, to exclude the possibility of its split due to interethnic strife.

Impossible to discuss various options strategies of national policy and offer something new without having decided on the basic ethno-sociological concepts. Experts in the field of sociology, including A.G. Dugin, note that there is some confusion in the understanding of ethno-sociological terms even in the scientific community. The purpose of this report is to try to clearly distinguish between these fundamental concepts for sociology, as ethnos, people, nation and nationality, and then briefly voice the course in the regulation of interethnic relations, which is offered by representatives of the conservative Eurasian movement.

The first important concept that I would like to consider in the framework of the report is the concept of ethnicity. Sergei Shirokogorov and Max Weber defined an ethnos as a group of people who speak the same language, have a common origin and traditions.

The language is extremely an important factor in the life of an ethnic group. As the German philosopher Martin Heidegger said, language is the house of being. It is the language that unites the area where the ethnic group lives. For example, all those who think and speak Russian can be considered Russian, no matter what state they live in.

In most cases, the origin of the ethnic group is the belief in a common ancestor. Since the existence of a common ancestor is very difficult to prove or, conversely, to disprove, historically any person who believed in the myth of his common origin with members of the ethnos could join the ethnos.

Also, it can be noted that the ethnos is an indivisible, basic sociological unit. Any attempt to invade the culture of an ethnos, dismember it, disrupt the natural course of its existence, destroys the ethnos. There is no strict stratification in the ethnic group, it is characterized by relationships similar to family ones, that is, as a rule, senior members of the community enjoy authority. An ethnos is a static, conservative unit capable of existing for a long time practically in an unchanged state, preserving its language and culture.

People is also a basic ethno-sociological concept. During historical process ethnic groups interact with each other, lose their static state, and gradually form peoples together. Another option is also possible, when an already formed active people absorbs, including by military means, the ethnic groups living nearby.

A people can be defined as an association of ethnic groups that enters history, becomes a player in the political arena. Moreover, society acquires a high degree of differentiation. Having formed a single people, ethnic groups can create a state, religion and civilization.

A clear example of the emergence of a people from an ethnos on the way to a nation can be considered the Jewish people: “The Jews existed as an ethnos, entered history in a state of dispersion that lasted more than two thousand years, and at the same time they survived, becoming a people, and then created their own national the nation-state of Israel." Also, the concept of people is inherent in Russians, which have developed from many ethnic groups.

The people are unique and deep Russian concept, which has no analogues in other languages. In English, "people" can be translated as "people", in Spanish - as "el pueblo" i.e. Men in German"people" - "das Volk", in pronunciation, close to the Russian word "regiment". One way or another, in no other language is there such a capacious concept as the Russian “people”, which could designate a huge mass of ethnically diverse population, united by common goals, a common history.

Nation- a social unit that expresses the political unity of precisely individuals living in one state. latin word"natio" denotes a mass of people having a common territorial origin. When a nation is formed, cultural differences between ethnic groups and peoples that formed the state are erased. A nation is nothing but a "melting pot" that destroys traditional forms of identity (ethnic, cultural, even religious) and creates an artificial entity within the state. When a nation is created, as a rule, the linguistic difference between ethnic groups is completely eliminated, and the language of one of the most numerous ethnic groups is imposed in the state as the only one possible for use.

In the Nation-State, in French "Etat-Nation", by definition there can be only one nation. A nation is defined primarily on a formal basis - citizenship. Nationality and citizenship are identical, synonymous concepts. Nations can be considered, for example, the population of France and the United States. In these states, a policy of erasing ethnic differences has been purposefully pursued for centuries. Only the identity of a citizen as an individual is strictly protected, other forms of identity are sacrificed to the political interests of the ruling circles.

Nationality- a term introduced by the Austrian Marxist O. Bauer, who understood this word as a people passing into the state of a nation. In our country, under nationality in Soviet era ethnicity was implied, which does not correspond to the definition of this term accepted in the world scientific environment. Calling an ethnic group that is part of the state a nationality is the same as calling for separatism. According to the constitution, we are the multinational people of Russia. If a people is multinational, it means doomed to disintegration into several nation-states, at the same time, if multi-ethnic, it means united within the state, but consisting of groups of the population that are different in origin and culture.

Future of Russia: united people or nation? Why the nation, from the point of view of representatives of the Eurasian movement, is not the best option For Russia? As already mentioned, the formation of a nation is nothing but the depersonalization of the people, the elimination of all forms of identity, except for the individual. When the cultural code of an ethnic group is destroyed, the system of meanings and values ​​that helped the members of the community to exist and “fight for a place under the Sun” disappears. If ethnic differences between the citizens of the state are removed and a common liberal “surrogate of culture” is imposed on everyone, then the historically established traditional meanings will disappear. A people forcibly turned into a nation may lose incentives to develop and defend its territory. The result may be the complete extinction of such a nation and the disappearance from the historical arena.

Another development option Russian society may be the gradual formation of a single, but multi-ethnic people. Which, with its diversity, could unite on the basis of a common historical path, common values ​​and a common folk idea. Many sociologists understand by "empire" a combination of strategic unity with polyethnicity. Perhaps the most optimal or even the only possible variant the existence of Russian society is just an empire. Russia has historical experience in building ethnically diverse empires. Moreover, this experience can be considered successful with all the military, economic and cultural achievements of a single Russian people, starting from the multi-ethnic Russian kingdom, ending with the communist empire of the USSR.

In historical terms, social communities of people were preceded by ethnic ones, on the basis of which they appeared in the process of development and complication of human relations.

In social philosophy, the study of ethnic communities of people began to be carried out much later than many other things, but in terms of its importance and significance, it occupies a leading place. To date, among scientists there is no single point of view on this issue.

ethnic communities-- This large groups people united by a common culture, language and cultural and historical identity. They usually include tribes, nationalities and nations.

Such communities are formed in a certain territory in the course of joint economic activities. Their members have common features psychological warehouse, as well as clearly aware of their unity and difference from other similar communities. To recognize a group as an ethnic community, at least one of the following conditions:

  • members of the community are aware of their belonging to it;
  • the common origin of the members of the community is assumed;
  • members of the community have linguistic and cultural unity;
  • There is an internal social organization, normalizing the relationship within the community and contacts with others.


Historically, the formation of ethnic communities can be counted from the moment of the collapse of the primitive human herd. Initially, a clan arises - a group of people united by blood relationship. Members of the clan were aware of their relationship and wore a common generic name. The genus included several or many families.

The appearance of the genus was facilitated by the emergence primitive community, economic basis which was community property. Joint management of the economy on the basis of communal property, the natural-equal distribution of things, primarily food, joint life and entertainment contributed to the formation of such a community as a clan. We can say that the genus acts as the very first production, social and ethnic group of people, united into one whole by a joint labor activity, consanguineous origin, common language, common religious and mythological beliefs, customs and features of life.

Several clans could unite in clans - tribal unions. The unity of the clans was based on the belief in a common origin. Several clans could make up a tribe. The basis of the unity of the tribe is blood and family ties; in addition, the tribe lives in a certain territory, its members have a common language or dialect, their own customs and cult, joint economic activity, the beginnings of internal organization (tribal council).

The appearance of the tribe is explained by the need, first of all, to preserve and protect the habitat (territory of residence, places of hunting and fishing) from encroachments by other human associations. A more numerous composition of the population greatly facilitated the task of resettlement and arrangement of life in new territories. Of no small importance was also the protection against the degeneration of the genus, which threatened it because of sexual relations between consanguineous Homo sapiens.


Nationalities begin to take shape from tribes after the appearance of the first states. The nationality is characterized by a territorial community, united by economic and cultural activities, and common language. Belonging to a nationality is no longer determined only by blood and family ties.

Nation - highest form socio-ethnic community. And this is not surprising, because. it is the unification of people on a national basis that creates the best prerequisites for people to live, to organize production, economic, socio-political and cultural life. commonality economic life, a single language, a common territory, some features of the mental make-up of people, manifested in specific features cultures are the basic features of a nation.

We can say that a nation is a stable association of people connected by a common language, a common territory, a common economic life and some features of the mental make-up of people, expressed in the specific features of the culture of a given people.

The specificity of the sociological approach to the study of ethnic groups lies, first of all, in the fact that, unlike ethnography, which has a pronounced historical and descriptive character, in sociology ethnic communities are considered as elements of the social structure of society , in close connection with other social groups - classes, strata, territorial communities and various social institutions. In this regard, the problem of ethnic stratification arises as an independent topic, since ethnicity, nationality in modern world, especially in our country, is an important indicator of the social position of the individual and his ethnic group as a whole. In addition, ethnic groups and relations are analyzed within the framework of the conceptual model adopted in sociology, which expresses the relationship of three main levels - culture, social system and personality. In other words, the life of an ethnic group is considered within the framework of system-structural representations, and the ethnic community, as one of the subsystems of society as a whole, is in connection and relations with other social subsystems and social institutions.

Features of culture and life of various ethnic groups are the subject of close study of ethnographers. In sociology, ethnographic material is used by scientists to build general theoretical concepts and typologies.

It should be noted that, until recently, sociologists have been little interested in the study of ethnic groups, which usually belonged to the area of ​​the so-called "social problems", which have a purely applied, practical significance, and not scientific and cognitive. Over the last 20-30 years the situation has changed radically. For a number of reasons - economic, political, sociocultural, psychological, demographic, etc., the issues of studying national-ethnic relations in the modern world have acquired such relevance and significance that this problem has become the object of large-scale research. -ny. The wave of national-ethnic conflicts that have swept the world in recent decades has prompted sociologists, as well as representatives of others social sciences, to build new explanations for the phenomenon of national-ethnic relations, which seemed to many scientists solved and explained, since the process of formation of national states in the leading countries of the world was completed. Aggravation of national-ethnic processes in countries former USSR can be considered as an integral part of this global process of "return to ethnicity", although here it certainly has its own characteristics.

It is customary to distinguish three main types of ethnic groups - a tribe, a nationality and a nation, differing from each other in terms of the level of development of culture, economy, knowledge, etc.

Tribe- this is a kind of association of people, which is inherent in primitive formations and is characterized by consanguineous ties between people. The tribe is formed on the basis of several clans or clans, leading a common origin from one ancestor. People are united in a tribe also common religious beliefs- fetishism, totemism, etc., the presence of a common spoken dialect, the beginnings of political power (council of elders, leaders, etc.), a common territory of residence. The leading form of economic activity at this historical stage was hunting and gathering.

Nationality differs from the tribal organization more high level development of the economy, the formation of a certain economic structure, the presence of folklore, that is, folk culture in the form of myths, legends, rituals and customs. The nationality has an already formed language (written), a special way of life, religious consciousness, institutions of power, self-consciousness, expressed in its name. More than a hundred different nationalities lived on the territory of the former USSR, administratively and territorially fixed in autonomous republics and districts. Many of them remain part of the Russian Federation.

Process of creation nation, as the most developed form of an ethnic group, occurs during the period of the final formation of statehood, the wide development of economic ties in the territory previously occupied by several nationalities, general psychology (national character), a special culture, language and writing, a developed ethnic identity. Nations that have become obsessed create states. In Europe, this process took place during the period of transition from feudalism to capitalism and finally ended in the period of the creation of a mature capitalist economy and the creation of national culture in the main countries of the European continent - France, Germany, Spain, etc. In Russia, a similar process of formation of nations began in the pre-revolutionary period, but it did not receive its natural completion, it was interrupted October Revolution, after which the national question began to be resolved from the positions of the Marxist-Leninist ideology, within the framework of a totalitarian system of power.

Of the three varieties of ethnos indicated, sociologists give priority to the study of nations and national relations, since this type of ethnic group prevails in the modern world, including on the territory of our country. Therefore, in the sociological literature, the terms "ethnic" and "national" are often used as synonyms or in the phrase "national-ethnic".

Ethnographers studying the way of life and culture of various ethnic groups are now arguing about whether living on a common territory is an essential sign of an ethnic community. It is known from world practice that representatives of any ethnic group do not always live on the same territory and form a separate state. It often happens that representatives of one ethnic group can live in the territories of other states and ethnic groups (indigenous nation), while maintaining character traits of their ethnic nose - customs, traditions, stereotypes of behavior, not to mention the common language. Therefore, there are practically no states in the world within whose borders only representatives of one ethnic group would live. Even within the framework of European mono-national states - France, Germany, Sweden, etc., representatives of various ethnic groups live within the boundaries of one political entity. The column "nationality" in many Western countries is not used at all, they speak of French, German, American, etc. citizenship, and not about nationality, since the national and political characteristics of the ethnic community here coincide. -The term "American", for example, means not so much ethnicity how much citizenship.

Offhand, a rhetorical question. It seems that everything here is absolutely clear and understandable.

The nation is the people unitedits origin, language, common views, a single place of residence.

The people are people united not only by one history, land and common language, but also unifiedstate system.

It is from the identity of worldviews that such phrases as “the great American nation”, “Russian people”, “people of Israel” arose.

It must be said that with the words "nation" and "people" is closely connected the concept of " nationalism". And there are plenty of stories when liberal nationalism (protecting the interests of each people individually) can easily turn into extreme nationalism (chauvinism). Therefore, the issue under consideration requires careful attention to itself.

Foundations of Russian statehood

In the opinion of the progressively thinking part of the population, the question of peoples and nations should, first of all, be based on constitution the country in which the person lives and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The first article of the main document of the United Nations makes it clear and simple that human beings are "born free and equal" both "in dignity" and "in rights".

People living in Russia and using a single state language (Russian) proudly call themselves Russians.

It should be noted that the Constitution of the Russian Federation begins with words that reflect the essence life principles Russians: “We, a multinational people Russian Federation... ". And in Chapter 1 of the “Fundamentals of the Constitutional System”, Article 3 explains that “the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation is its multinationalpeople».

Thus, the concept of "people" refers to all nations and nationalities living within the boundaries of one state.
And Russia is no exception. This is the motherland different peoples speaking in different languages who profess different religions, and, most importantly, are distinguished by the originality of cultures and mentality.

But the question posed in the title of the article excites the minds of the public and gives rise to many completely dissimilar opinions so far.

One of the main and state-supported opinions is the assertion that “ in the friendship of peoples - the unity of Russia". And "interethnic peace" is the "basis of life" Russian state. But this opinion is not supported by radical nationalists who, because of their convictions, are ready to blow up the state system of the Russian Federation.

Therefore, issues of tolerance, patriotism, interethnic conflicts, active life position are brought up for public discussion by no means by chance.

After all, it is no longer a secret that in interethnic relations the problem of not only cruelty, but also real aggression, has become very aggravated. This is primarily due to economicproblems(competition for jobs), and after that with the search for those responsible for the current economic situation in the state. After all, it is always easier to say that if “not for these…”, then we would have butter on the table.

Scientific understanding of the terms "people" and "nation"

Let us consider the concepts of "nation" and "people" more specifically. There is no single understanding of the term “nation” today.
But in the sciences that deal with development issues human society, two main formulations of the word "nation" are adopted.
The first says that it is a community of people that happenedhistorically based on the unity of land, economy, politics, language, culture and mentality. All this together is expressed in a single civic consciousness.

The second point of view says that a nation is a unity of people who are characterized by a common origin, language, land, economy, perception of the world and culture. Their relationship is shown in ethnicconsciousness.
The first point of view asserts that the nation is democraticfellow citizenship.
In the second case, it is stated that the nation is an ethnos. It is this point of view that prevails in the general human consciousness.
Let's consider these concepts.

It is believed that ethnicity is historicallystable community of people living on a certain land, which have features of external similarity, common culture, language, a single warehouse of thinking and consciousness. On the basis of associations of clans, tribes and nationalities, a nation was formed. The creation of a cohesive state contributed to their formation.

Therefore, in the scientific understanding, the nation is considered as a civil community of people. And then, as a community of people of a certain state.

Civil and ethno-cultural nations

Despite the different approaches to the concept of the word "nation", all the participants in the discussions are unanimous in one thing: there are two types of nations - ethno-cultural and civil.

If we talk about the peoples of Russia, then we can say that all the small nationalities inhabiting the North of the Russian Federation are ethno-cultural nations.
And the Russian people is a civil nation, since it was practically formed already within the existing statehood with a common political history and laws.

And, of course, when it comes to nations, one should not forget their fundamental right - the right of a nation to self-determination. This international term, which is considered by representatives of all states, gives the nation the opportunity to secede from a particular state and form its own.

However, it must be said that during the collapse of the USSR, the Russian people, who are in most republics in a large numerical superiority, did not manage to use this right and practically remained the most divided nation in the world.

About the main differences between the people and the nation

Based on all of the above, we can safely say that the nation and the people - conceptstotally different, but having a single root of education.

The people are culturalcomponent, that is, these are people connected not only by blood ties, but having a single official language, culture, territory and common past.

Nation - politicalcomponent of the state. That is, a nation is a people who have managed to create their own state. Without it, the nation does not exist. For example, Russians who live abroad are among the Russian people, but not the Russian nation. They are identified with the nation of the state where they live.

Citizenship is the only criterion by which a nation is determined. In addition, one must reckon with such a concept as a “titular” nation. Their language is most often the state language, and their culture becomes dominant. At the same time, other nations and nationalities living on their territory do not lose their individuality.


And there is one more thing I would like to say. Nations, good or bad, do not exist, there are people, good or bad, and their actions. This should always be remembered. After all, Russia is a lot of nationality. And knowledge of the concepts of "people" and "nation" will help to accept and understand the ethnic diversity of the country with the proud name of Russia.

Ethnic communities are

3) marginals

4) nationalities


Types of ethnic groups: clan, tribe, nationality, nation.

Answer: 4

What community is characterized by the following features: peculiarities of language, culture, common historical memory?

1) professional

2) territorial

3) demographic

4) ethnic


Ethnos - a group of people united by common features: origin, language, culture, territory of residence, self-consciousness, etc.

The correct answer is 4, since professional communities imply a single position in the labor system, territorial communities are characterized by state-administrative education, demographic communities are characterized by gender and age characteristics of individuals, and ethnic communities are characterized by a common origin of language, culture, a single historical memory.

The correct answer is number 4.

Answer: 4

Subject area: social relations. ethnic communities

Which of the signs, first of all, distinguishes ethnic groups?

1) community of professional interests

2) a similar level of income and quality of life

3) commonality of historical experience, historical memory

4) belonging to a single age group


An ethnos is a group of people united by common features: objective or subjective. Various destinations in ethnology, these signs include origin, language, culture, territory of residence, self-consciousness, etc. Signs:

Firstly, it is the language of a given nation, nationality, as the main tool for communication, communication, which forms in people a sense of a single linguistic community.

Secondly, it is a socio-historical formation, which, as a rule, has a long history of formation.

Thirdly, the presence of a specific material and spiritual culture of the ethnic group, expressed in the originality of housing buildings.

Fourthly, the peculiarity of the life of ethnic groups is associated with family and everyday behavior.

Fifthly, these are the norms of everyday behavior, etiquette of address, greetings, characteristic gestures and symbols.

The correct answer is number 3.

Answer: 3

Subject area: Social relations. ethnic communities

One of the signs of a people as an ethno-cultural community is

1) single citizenship

2) unity of beliefs

3) common social status

4) community of religion


Under the ethno-cultural component, we mean everything that contributes to the development of creative possibilities, gives a more complete picture of the richness of the national culture, the way of life of the people, their history, language, literature, spiritual goals and values, which contributes to the development of a comprehensively developed harmonious personality, a patriot of their homeland , a highly moral person, tolerant towards the peoples of the world civilization.

The correct answer is number 4.

Answer: 4

Subject area: Social relations. ethnic communities

One of the main trends in the development of modern interethnic relations, associated with the gradual convergence of various peoples and nations in the economic, political, spiritual spheres of society, is called

1) international differentiation

2) international integration

3) cultural pluralism

4) ethnic conflict


Conflict is a clash of parties, opinions, forces.

Interethnic differentiation is the process of separation, separation, confrontation of various nations, peoples, ethnic groups.

International integration is a process of gradual rapprochement, unification of various ethnic groups, peoples through the spheres of public life.

Cultural pluralism is the presence and simultaneous coexistence of various ethnic cultures within the framework of one national entity.

The correct answer is numbered: 2.

Answer: 2

The historical varieties of ethnic communities include

1) states

2) tribes

3) estates

4) confessions


An ethnic community is a stable set of people that has historically developed in a certain territory, possessing common features and stable features of culture, language, mental make-up, self-awareness and historical memory, as well as awareness of their interests and goals, their unity, differences from other similar entities.

Types of ethnic communities - clan, tribe, nationality, nation.

The state is a political-territorial sovereign organization of public authority, which has a special apparatus for the purpose of exercising an administrative, supportive, protective function and is capable of making its orders binding on the population of the whole country.

One of the ways to prevent interethnic conflicts in a democratic society is

1) consistent buildup of the military potential of the state

2) compact settlement of people of one nationality within a multinational state

3) ensuring the rights and freedoms of all citizens, regardless of nationality

4) creation of nationally homogeneous states


The method of a democratic state is to ensure the rights and freedoms of all citizens, regardless of nationality. All other methods involve the violation of any human rights, such as movement, choice of place of residence, etc. Consistent build-up of the military potential of the state does not solve the problem at all.

The correct answer is numbered: 3.

Answer: 3

Subject area: Social relations. Interethnic relations, ethno-social conflicts and ways to solve them