Andrey Skorokhod: biography of KVNshchik and resident of the Comedy Club. Andrey Skorokhod Andrey Skorokhod how old

Skorokhod Andrey. Biography: where was born

The famous humorist was born on June 24, 1988. His hometown is called Old Roads (Republic of Belarus). Mom and dad Andrew - ordinary people with an average income. They always spoiled their son by buying him expensive toys and clothes.

Andrei Skorokhod, whose biography we are considering, loved to attract attention from childhood. At home, the boy arranged concerts. He composed songs on the go and danced funny. Parents understood that they were growing an artist.

School years

Andrei studied for quarters and fives. The boy was drawn to knowledge and did not skip classes. That's just with the behavior he had big problems. Skorokhod's parents were regularly called to school because of his hooligan behavior. Andrey either talked to the teachers, or started a fight with one of his classmates. Remarks often appeared in his diary.

Parents tried to direct the indefatigable energy of their son in a peaceful direction. They enrolled him in different circles. But Andryusha did not stay long in any of them. Skorokhod Jr. studied macrame, playing the clarinet. For several years he visited sports Club, but did not achieve tangible results.

In high school, our hero acted as part of school team KVN. Andrei really liked to joke on stage and hear loud applause. Teachers also noted his acting abilities.

student life

At the end high school Skorokhod recovered to Minsk. There he easily entered the Economic State University. Andrew was very upset by the separation from his parents. But the guy understood that without a higher education he would not be able to provide himself with a decent life. Skorokhod studied at the faculty This is a relatively new and promising direction in science.

Conquest of television: a game of KVN

Did Andrei Skorokhod plan to work in his specialty? The guy's biography could have turned out differently. But within the walls of the university, he met the joker and entertainer Maxim Voronkov. The guys created their own KVN team, called "Lost Thoughts". The most gifted and active guys from the course were accepted into the team.

Andrey Skorokhod became the ideological inspirer of the team. Biography, KVN and creativity are intertwined. Our hero no longer imagined himself outside the stage. He spent less and less time studying. As a result, the negligent student was expelled. But Andrew did not fall into despair. The guy continued to write jokes and organize performances within the same team.

Soon a branch of the Comedy Club was opened in Belarus. Skorokhod and Voronkov were invited to work on a new project. Novice comedians could not miss such a chance. For several months, more than 20 programs with their participation were filmed.


The Belarusian version of Comedy Club did not stay afloat for long. At some point, the project was closed. Voronkov and the runner lost their jobs overnight.

In 2010, Slava Komissarenko, Andrei's longtime friend, invited him to perform as part of the Smolensk KVN team "Triod and Diode". Our hero, without thinking twice, agreed. The team managed to perform successfully in the Major League and take an honorable 3rd place. And in 2012, the team completely became the champion of the KVN game.

Comedy Club Resident

In 2013, new creative horizons opened up before Andrey. At that time, he was already a famous KVNschik. But young guy wanted further development careers. And soon the opportunity presented itself.

Andrei Skorokhod was invited to try his hand at the Moscow comedy club. The comedian did not expect that someday he would receive such a tempting offer. He agreed to become a resident of the Comedy Club. A few days later, Andrei signed a corresponding contract with representatives of the TNT channel. Before the first performance, Skorokhod was very worried. But everything went extremely well. The audience warmly accepted the former KVNschik. Andrew himself managed to become part of the team. He became friends with Garik Kharlamov, Demis Karibidis and other recognized comedians.

A major, a waiter in a restaurant, a dancer, an oligarch - who just didn’t play on stage Andrei Skorokhod (“Comedy Club”). The biography and personal life of the new resident immediately interested the audience, especially the female part. Handsome man with an amazing sense of humor - isn't that a dream?!

Andrew Skorokhod. Biography: personal life

Our hero is a tall, brutal and self-confident guy. It is easy to guess that he has no problems with the opposite sex. In high school and at the university, he had affairs with girls. ABOUT serious relationship Andrew did not think at that moment.

Is his heart free today? We hasten to please the fans of the comedian - he is a bachelor. Skorokhod is not legally married. They say he doesn't even have a girlfriend. And it's all because of the tight work schedule. Andrei has to live in three countries - Russia, Ukraine and his native Belarus.

In 2013, there were rumors about the wedding of Skorokhod and actress Nastasya Samburskaya (Univer). The network even posted photos from their celebration. But it soon became clear that Nastya and Andrey just starred in a commercial.


Now you know where he was born, studied and how Andrei Skorokhod came to popularity. The biography of the humorist was examined in detail by us. We wish this charming guy success in his work and personal life!

- This is a Belarusian bearded man! Those images that he creates on stage are easy to remember and just as easily recognizable! Well, of course, he is the most recognizable KVN player in Belarus (even if he does not play in the Belarusian team). In general, the idea of ​​interviewing him has crept in for a long time. And now, finally, it has been done. In fact, Andrey turned out to be a pleasant online interlocutor who answered all my questions despite the acute lack of time. I think it turned out nice and solid...

Andrew Skorokhod. Born in the city of Starye Dorogi, Minsk region, entered the university, from which he was expelled twice, entered the YSU in Vilnius, from where he also safely escaped (smile). Lived in Minsk for 6 years, moved to Kyiv last year. Engaged and engaged in television projects. Player of the KVN team "Triod and Diode". Finalist of the Major League 2010.


Andrey, the return of the Triods to the season of the Major League of KVN has become a real holiday for all fans of Smolensk, but how did you make this decision?

And how far are the plans of the team in this case?

Now there is a plan for the season, and it is extremely simple! You just need to give all your best in every game and do everything to win. Everything is simple.

With whom of the rivals of the "Trioda" are you friends the most?

We are not friends with anyone, we smile in the eyes, but behind the eyes we do all sorts of dirty tricks and wash the bones of everyone) In fact, we are friendly and communicate with everyone.

Have you ever had a game that you will definitely never forget?

Our last final... A lot of strength was spent, both physical and moral.

What was your feeling after that game? Devastation, rage, or is it satisfaction?

Probably, the whole spectrum of emotions then overwhelmed me. It's hard to describe. One thing is for sure: I really wanted to relax. Well, I also wanted to tear someone to pieces.

But just for comparison - describe your feelings after the first game at HSE, and during it.

I was wildly afraid and nervous. Basically, I have stage fright. All in all, it was hard.

KVN is definitely not life for me and has never been life.

They say: KVN is not the same! What do you say to that?

Everything in life changes. Of course, KVN is not what it used to be. It's just that today people have a much greater choice of entertainment, and against the backdrop of new toys, the old one is no longer so good.

Which team was the best in KVN, in your opinion?

Among KVN-shchikov, the phrase is popular: "KVN is life!" What is KVN to you?

KVN is definitely not life for me and has never been life. Yes, it has significantly affected and affects my karma, but today it is rather a great occasion to see old friends.

How much do you know about the modern Belarusian KVN?

I have been living in Kyiv for 7 months now and doing completely different things, so, unfortunately, I can’t follow KVN in Belarus.

What do you think the Belarusian teams lack for a more successful performance at a high level?

I think that the Belarusian teams have a very good level. In general, there are not enough sponsors. Money today, sadly, plays a big role in KVN.

Do you remember your first game? Where and when did it take place?

How do you feel about plagiarism in KVN?

Plagiarism is a crime!


Blitz Poll

Favorite book?

12 chairs.


Beef, chicken.

Pop or rock?

Music is good and different.

Favorite sport?

Football, Formula 1.

Favorite animal?

I love cats, just like a child I love them.

Favorite movie?

There are many favorite films: The Beach, Titanic, The Matrix... You can't list them all.


"I'm sure I can play everything now"

Photo: Pavel Tantserev

Andrey Skorokhod, a former kaveen officer, and now Comedy resident Club on TNT can really be called a rather self-confident person: after his first performance in KVN, he received a prize as the best actor, after which life began to seem like a fairy tale to him. On the eve of the FESTIVAL “Week of High Humor with the Comedy Club in Jurmala”, of which Andrey is a key participant, he spoke about the fact that there were moments in his life when he had to strongly doubt himself

At the height of the holiday season, from July 31 to August 3, on best scenes the Baltic coast in Jurmala, the audience will be entertained by the creators of the most progressive humor in Russia - residents of the Comedy Club. Last year, in honor of the tenth anniversary of the popular comedy show, summer Jurmala became the center of fun and laughter for five whole days. Beyond the stars Russian show business- Ksenia Sobchak, Maxim Vitorgan, Soso Pavliashvili, Dominic Joker and many others - the event was visited British singer Craig David, party queen Paris Hilton, and director and musician Emir Kusturica. Everyone liked the idea of ​​the festival so much that it was decided to repeat last year's experience this summer.

Andrey, I know that this year
at the Festival “Week of High Humor with Comedy Club in Jurmala”, among other things, a real fashion show will take place.
This is something new.

Yes, they say something like that will happen! ( laughing.) And I even participate in it. We will walk around the stage like Victoria's Secret "angels", however, in some unusual outfits. Some of us will be with wings. The idea of ​​the show came to Demis Karibidis, creative producer festival, and we supported it. But to be honest, I don't know what exactly will be there.

Have you had any rehearsals yet?

No. And what, do you have to rehearse just to walk along the track?

Professional models usually take a long time to prepare for shows.

There are only experts in the Comedy Club, so we do everything without rehearsals, on the go. The main thing is improvisation.

Has that self-confidence ever let you down?

Improvisation, of course, sometimes fails, but if you improvise a lot, you will succeed. In general, all our performances are prepared for a very long time, but sometimes you want to go on about the audience or, conversely, lead the audience. This is not always possible - it happens that it's funny to you alone. ( laughing.)

And how, or rather on whom, do you check your numbers - is it funny or not?

We first show the numbers to our friends, then to Garik Martirosyan, and thus we understand whether it turned out funny or not. It is very rare that the reaction is not exactly what we expected. But with improvisation, the opposite result can be.

So you guarantee that at the festival in Jurmala all the numbers will be funny?

Certainly. You will be convinced of this by looking at everything on TNT at the end of the summer. Now the preparation is taking place in an energy-saving mode. For me, this is exactly the same performance as any other. In fact, it is. Nothing special. We don't compete for prizes, we just want to make a great show. IN folk omens I don't believe in empty buckets, or in black cats, or in "spitting over your shoulder." The fact that you can’t cut your hair and shave before filming or exams, too. I only believe in the laws of physics and nothing else.

Did you do well in school?

Okay, but I didn’t have a good relationship with physics. Although, in general, in all subjects, except for physics and chemistry, I had nines and tens. I studied in Belarus, we have a ten-point system.

Were your parents called to school for fives?

Constantly called. ( laughing.) True, mostly on other issues: I behaved badly, cursed with teachers, fought with the guys.

Probably, in this way you wanted to attract attention to yourself?

Since childhood, I had a desire to perform on stage and be in the spotlight. If I saw an injustice, I immediately tried to correct it. “Why did he get two and I got nine? It's not fair, he's my friend. Let's discuss it." “No, Skorokhod, sit down. Don't show up." "Then you... you are a hag!" And that's it, parents were immediately called to school.

How did your mom and dad react to your behavior?

At first, of course, they were surprised, scolded, and then they stopped going to school. My parents understood that it was impossible to stop me. And besides, I studied well, I didn’t get into fights much, I participated in theater circles. We lived in small town Old Roads in Belarus, where the population is only eleven thousand people, we had four schools there and child Center creativity - everyone who wanted to do something other than school went there. I played the clarinet, did wood burning and carving, wove macrame, played puppet theater, from the first to the last class participated in KVN. The activity was crazy: I did everything, and I liked everything. I was even the champion of Belarus in knitting knots! It was a circle of sports tourism, and we had competitions between schools of the republic. By the way, there are more
fifty kinds of knots. And everyone needed to know! ( smiling.)

For some reason, it seems to me that you were such a mother's son ... When you decided to go to study further, did your parents calmly let you go?

We can say that in some ways I really was both my mother's and my father's son. I loved my home and family very much. It was hard to leave, but there was no other choice. All my classmates, when they were at school, only dreamed of leaving for Minsk. I entered the Belarusian State Economic University with a degree in Economic Cybernetics.

Are you that good at math?

Yes. There was a very big competition, but I entered easily. And for a free branch. Mom was extremely happy. However, I studied there only three courses.

Did KVN have such a negative impact on your studies?

Yes, I started serious games. My friend Maxim Voronkov and I created our own team at the faculty and immediately ended up in the Higher Belarusian League of KVN. At the first game, I was given a prize as best actor and life began to seem like a fairy tale to me. I was sure that now I can do everything, and study immediately faded into the background. Maxim and I constantly skipped lectures. Plus, the Comedy Club just appeared in Belarus, and we were immediately taken there. We starred in, probably, thirty programs, and they told us: “Guys, choose either to study or to perform.”

And of course, the choice was made in favor of the Comedy Club?

We had no doubts about this. I didn't want to study. I was attracted only by the stage. I did not want to spend a minute at the institute, and, on the contrary, I wanted to be constantly present on the set.

Andrei, how did your parents react to this choice?

Parents, of course, were shocked. Mom all my life thought that I would be a lawyer or a scientist, but by no means an artist. Moreover, I studied at the free department. Mom was very sorry and asked to graduate from the institute.

But you nevertheless showed steadfastness of character and left the institute?

What is the strength of character? They kicked me out, not that I myself came and said: “Expel me!” ( laughing.)

You probably had a chance to improve, to pull yourself up?

Of course, there was a chance, but I did not want to study. Under the pressure of my parents, I was restored to another institute, also in the fourth year, with the passing of the academic difference. I came there for the first time, the guys recognized me, they immediately began to whisper behind my back: “Look, this is the one who ...” And I didn’t go there anymore. Besides, there was a terribly old, rickety building, and I'm picky about that. ( smiling.) Then I was restored to the correspondence department at my first university. But he just recovered. It didn't go any further. I probably did this to tell my mother some news, like: “Mom, I am working in this direction. Don't worry. I will definitely become a lawyer.”

As a result, did the story with higher education end there?

That's not all. Then I entered the European Humanities University in Vilnius and even went there once for an orientation session. That is, we arrived, they showed us where it was. I looked at all this and left. And he didn't go back there. All! This completed my training. So with higher education trouble. It turns out that by the standards of many modern people I'm a fool. ( Laughs.) Many are surprised: “How is it without a higher education?”

Since you love the stage so much, did you think about entering the theater institute?

Many advised. You see, someone, having received an acting education, plays so-so, and someone without education is a classy actor. I was employed, doing what I love. And somewhere else to study? I was sure that I could play anything, and even now it seems to me that where I work, at the Comedy Club, the skills that I have are enough for me. If the question arises about more serious work in the theater or in the cinema, then, perhaps, I will go to courses.

Have you been invited to act in films yet?

Invited to several films and series.

And you refused?

Yes. It is important for me that I feel the role well. And what they offered, I just did not like.

Andrey, how did you get to Moscow?

We played in KVN in Belarus, then our team broke up, like the Belarusian Comedy Club. There was a complete black streak in life, when it seemed that there was no education and no work, it was not clear what to do. There was a period when I had nothing at all. I lived in Minsk, with friends. It was very embarrassing to return home: it meant confessing to my parents that nothing worked out, I did not become an artist. I borrowed forty dollars from Slava Komissarenko from Stand Up on TNT - at that moment he helped write scripts for the Triod and Diode KVN team. Once Slava called me and said: “When will you return the debt to me? Let's go write them a script. They will pay, and you will give me the money.” ( laughing.) We went with him, wrote some numbers, and a week later they called me and invited me to the team.

That is, you paid off your debt and ended up in KVN?

Yes! ( Smiling.) Thus, I got a jump immediately into major league what everyone dreams of. Money immediately appeared, which was enough not only for rented apartment but also for entertainment. We played two seasons, became champions, and I was invited to Comedy. I came, tried and stayed.

So easy - go see and stay?

Yes. Literally arrived with one suitcase.

Over time, there were more suitcases?

Certainly. Now, probably, it would be more difficult to move, but I'm still ready to break anywhere.

Do you want to start a family and settle down in one place?

Of course you want. I'm still a family man by nature. I have a dream: a lawn, a dog, a wife, children... But so far this is not possible. I travel a lot and I love it.

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Andrey Igorevich Skorokhod
Date of Birth:

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An excerpt characterizing Skorokhod, Andrey Igorevich

- OK then. You can't say how boring!
- Qu "est ce qui est la fable de tout Moscou? [What does all of Moscow know?] - Pierre said angrily, getting up.
- Come on, Count. You know!
“I don’t know anything,” said Pierre.
- I know that you were friendly with Natalie, and therefore ... No, I am always friendly with Vera. Cette chere Vera! [That sweet Vera!]
- Non, madame, [No, madam.] - Pierre continued in an unhappy tone. - I did not take on the role of the knight of Rostov at all, and I have not been with them for almost a month. But I don't understand cruelty...
- Qui s "excuse - s" accuse, [Whoever apologizes, he blames himself.] - smiling and waving lint, Julie said and so that she left the last word, now changed the conversation. - What is it like, I found out today: poor Marie Volkonskaya arrived in Moscow yesterday. Did you hear she lost her father?
- Really! Where is she? I would very much like to see her,” said Pierre.
“I spent the evening with her last night. Today or tomorrow morning she is going to the suburbs with her nephew.
- Well, how is she? Pierre said.
Nothing, sad. But do you know who saved her? It's a whole novel. Nicholas Rostov. She was surrounded, they wanted to kill her, her people were wounded. He rushed and saved her...
“Another novel,” said the militiaman. - Decisively, this general flight is made so that all the old brides get married. Catiche is one, Princess Bolkonskaya is another.
“You know that I really think she is un petit peu amoureuse du jeune homme. [slightly in love with the young man.]
- Fine! Fine! Fine!
- But how can I say it in Russian? ..

When Pierre returned home, he was served two posters of Rostopchin brought that day.

He has a heightened sense of justice, for which he often suffered from childhood, teachers constantly called his parents, because Andrei Skorokhod started a fight, protecting the little one, or insulted the teacher, revealing the truth. His biography began in 1988, in the small Belarusian town of Starye Dorogi, which had the only House of Culture. And Andrei studied in all circles at once - from knitting knots in macrame to theatrical circle. He himself does not remember when Andrei began to participate in KVN. The city competitions of the club of the cheerful and resourceful always came out in different age categories and, growing up, he did not miss a single season.

Having entered the University in Minsk, he participates in the KVN team of his faculty "economic cybernetics". The first-year student was distinguished by artistry, spontaneity and the ability to quickly respond to the situation, he soon became part of the main team of the institute's team and studies faded into the background. When the transition to the Higher Belarusian League took place, the university administration expelled Skorokhod for poor progress from the third year. In the future, he will have attempts to continue his education, but everything will be unsuccessful - there is so little time that he cannot even come to the exams. Tours, competitions, radio recordings in MP3 format and participation in the television version in the Belarusian Comedy Club - all this becomes his new life.

And suddenly there comes a moment when everything collapses overnight - the Belarusian Comedy Club disintegrates and Skorokhod is left with no destiny. He has no profession, no housing, it is a shame to go to his parents. He decides to try his luck at the Moscow Stand Up contest, which is run by residents on the TNT channel, and borrows money for the trip. Friends give money, but in exchange they ask to work on a script for the Triod and Diode team, so he begins cooperation with the Smolensk KVN and at the same time joins the ranks of the Moscow club.

Skorokhod is a master of improvisations, his performances are always enchanting, he skillfully combines humor with music,