Caucasians slaughter Ukrainians in public places. Caucasians slaughter Ukrainians in public places. What conclusions can be drawn from this story?

In Kislovodsk, the circumstances of a stabbing and a fight that occurred at one of the weddings are being investigated. The targets of the hooligans were mainly women: they were beaten, cut and insulted.

On November 25, we celebrated the second day of our wedding at the Pavarotti karaoke club,” recalls the newlywed Evgeniy K... “We gathered in a narrow family circle of 11 people. Two guys saw horses in front of a cafe and wanted to ride. The administrator of the hall brought his acquaintance to them, whom he called the owner of the horses. The guys left. Around one o'clock in the morning, my wife's sister Tatyana went out onto the balcony to see if they had returned. At this time there was a man on the balcony. Tanya shouted “Paradise!” into the darkness, after which the man hit her on the head. When she fell, he sat on her and began to choke her. I barely pulled it off. A fight ensued. I don’t remember further. I was told that several Prior cars drove up to the club. About 20-30 people burst into the hall, all of Caucasian appearance, wearing over-the-eye caps, boots, and some kind of work clothes. They began to attack those who were on the balcony. And mainly for women. 2-3 men for 1 girl. One of the attackers, with a knife in his hand, went at the pregnant woman and said: “Now we are going to cut you.”

The attackers carried out their threats immediately: several women received cuts, bruises and abrasions. One had a broken jaw. The groom “got away” with cuts to his head and a broken face. His friend's nose was broken. The police and ambulance were called by the victims themselves, although the restaurant, according to witnesses, was set to a “panic button” by private security and was located 100 meters from the police department.

According to the recollections of one of the victims, the attackers reacted to the word “police” with a grin.

This city
ours and all the police are under us. That’s what they said,” the girl recalls.


The response team arrived quickly, but, according to eyewitnesses, did not detain anyone.

The police didn’t even think about detaining the attackers, who were calmly leaving,” says victim Olga K... “When I shouted from the balcony to look at the license plates of the cars, one of them said, “Come on down, we’ll sort it out now.” Others began to cover the license plates with rags, although not all cars had them.

The Kislovodsk police categorically refused to comment on the progress of the investigation into the “KP” incident.

After such a serious incident, when for no apparent reason in a crowded place someone attacks with a knife and makes threats, the police come, see all the participants and let them leave! - Olga is amazed.

The victims wrote statements to all authorities - the police, the prosecutor's office, and the city administration. To investigate the incident more thoroughly, the media reported.

People turned to us without finding protection from those bodies that were supposed to protect them on duty, the Kislovodsk administration told KP. - Our appeal went to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the region and the government.

The leadership of the Kislovodsk Ministry of Internal Affairs department did not take measures to solve this crime “hot on the heels” and identify the perpetrators......

It is reported that yesterday in the Moscow metro at the Oktyabrskaya station at 13.30 three Caucasians attacked a Russian couple. Our mountain fellow citizens began to make dirty remarks to the Russian woman, and when the husband stood up for his wife, they beat him and cut him with a knife, then jabbed him a couple of times when she was trying to protect his wife - her entire jacket was cut up. During the massacre, Caucasians shouted “Whoever is not with us is under us!” To the credit of the Muscovites, three of them rushed after the Caucasian bastards, and managed to detain one of them - it goes without saying that the detained creature is an athlete. Five more people remained at the metro station to testify about what they saw and get a deadline for... here I want to use some strong word, but you and I know very well that these were not monsters, not maniacs, not crazy people, but the most ordinary, typical Caucasians. This was not a deviation, it was the Caucasian norm.

Let us remind you that the last time an attack by Caucasians on Muscovites happened... yesterday. Yesterday, in a tram on the Highway of Enthusiasts, five of our fellow mountain citizens stabbed three Russian people who reprimanded them about traveling without a ticket. Before this, quite recently, in the Moscow metro, Chechens cut up the St. Petersburg journalist Panchenko, who dared to make a remark to our mountain friends about their harassment of Russian girls.

What’s most interesting is that I think yesterday’s carvers will go to jail, there are too many witnesses, everything is too obvious. But will the imprisonment of other Caucasians who have filled the streets of our cities stop them? I think no. I think they will become heroes, and their photographs will be reposted in Caucasian groups as an example of correct Caucasian behavior. Although, even without any reposts, it is obvious that all this massacre is not even a conscious behavior (“Let’s go, let’s play Breivik!”), but an instinctive, animal one, drilled into it at the level of an unconscious reaction: “If you make a remark, take out a knife.” So to speak, traditions absorbed with mother's milk.

Russian culture is characterized by long, growing aggression (“It takes a long time to harness, but it goes quickly”) in everyday conflicts, with a solid verbal prelude, with a slow boil, with pulling the nerves out of the victim. Even gopniks must first ask for a cigarette, be refused, and only then begin to unwind the situation - psychopathic attacks after the first word have never been characteristic of the difficult Russian character, or of European civilization in general. Caucasians... they are simply not like us, their basic reactions, the basic dynamics of aggression are fundamentally different from ours - therefore, even if we imprison them completely, the new generation will still grab knives at the first word (even in Soviet Chechnya there were Russian riots regarding the murder of Russians by Chechens).

We either need to get used to such wonderful fellow citizens, starting with the whole country wearing body armor in case the Caucasian doesn’t like the way we looked at him, massively studying knife fighting and turning from peaceful inhabitants into paranoid commandos, waiting for a knife blow every minute of their existence, or get rid of such wonderful fellow citizens using the “Suitcase-station-Caucasostan!” system.

Talk about the “collapse of Russia”, “the value of the Caucasus” and what else doesn’t really move me when carriages drenched in Russian blood are driving around Moscow. Let's admit the obvious: approximately six million of our “fellow citizens” have fundamentally different views on the simplest everyday things (for example, how to react to a remark on public transport), they cannot be changed, they cannot be corrected, they have killed, are killing and will kill Russian people, Anyone can become a victim, and the only way to save our country from becoming an arena for knife fights is to unhook the Caucasian workers into free floating. Yes, you have your own traditions, rules, morals, customs, religions - SO FUCK THEM BACK TO YOUR MOUNTAINS.

And whoever is against the eviction of Caucasians, let him take a rag and go wash the Moscow metro cars of fresh Russian blood.

On December 30, a common story happened in Kazan these days:
16 proud Caucasian also Russians attacked 4 Russians,
having quarreled over insulting a girl.
The girl said the wrong thing to the Caucasian, the Caucasian hit her in the face with his elbow,
four of her friends ran up and began to explain to the Caucasian
the basics of interethnic etiquette, help arrived to help the Russian too...

Four Russians turned out to be far-right.

Neo-Nazis, to put it simply.
Moreover, neo-Nazis not only in the sense of throwing “zig”
and wrapping themselves in swastika flags,
but also in the sense of a healthy lifestyle, constant training and constant readiness.

Therefore, when 16 proud Caucasians jumped on four Russian ultra-rightists,
Russian ultra-rightists, standing in battle formation, took out gas canisters, brass knuckles, and knives
and they began to fuck and cut up the Russians who were preparing for reprisals against the Russians a little.

Persian campaign of Colonel Karyagin, 500 Russians against 40,000 Persians,
a modern remake in its purest form.

Based on the results of a skirmish between 16 Caucasians and 4 Russians
two Russians also went to the hospital to rest,
the remaining 14 - Just don’t laugh - you wrote a statement to the police.
So they say, and so, we walked in a peaceful crowd of 16 people,
and then 4 Russians ran up and started to offend us!
We ask you to take action and remove Russians from the streets,
because even sixteen of us, proud horsemen, are not safe.

You will laugh even more
but the police responded to the call of the tortured Caucasians.
Now three Russians are in pre-trial detention center, they are charged with criminal offenses
111 (intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm),
113 (causing moderate or serious harm to health),
213 (hooliganism).

The worst thing is that a relative of one of the Caucasus Russians
- employee of the regional Center E,
Moreover, the Kazan CPE even without any fights
famous for its brutal pressure on local Russian organizations
the most herbivorous kind.
And then the titular nationality of the Multinational Federation was cut,
An emergency on a national scale.

Separately, it is worth noting that 100,000 rubles for lawyers
other far-right groups collected detainees in two days,
since so far the liberals have elected each other to the Galaxy Coordination Councils,
the far right built a working system of support and mutual assistance.

What conclusions can be drawn from this story?

Firstly, it is necessary to recognize
that a small but active part of the new generation of Russians
grew up with far-right beliefs and lifestyle.

And not like in the 90s, when he shaved his head, threw a zig, got drunk and became a “skinhead”,
and also in a serious way, with combat sports and training
as a main pastime.
The phenomenon of the “new ultra-right” and, in general, the presence in our society of a layer of people
who also perceive Russians not as masters, but as prey,
not comprehended and not reflected by our society,
the idea of ​​the ultra-right remained at the level of caricatured “skinheads”
last decade.

Secondly, we have before us a clear refutation of the thesis that
that Russians have degenerated, Russians need to revive traditional values,
Russians need to become like Caucasians.

Well, they have become - now, obviously, they will go to prison for self-defense.
The problem of Russian suppression is not “degeneration” and not even Caucasians,
and in corrupt anti-national government institutions,
suppressing any attempts at self-organization or even basic street resistance.
Caucasians themselves are not scary, it’s the state behind them that is scary,
all these millions of police, military, KGB officers,
always ready to come to the aid of a horseman who has crapped himself from fear.

The Soviet state is our main enemy,
arbitrariness and lawlessness of non-Russians is only a consequence
the very depravity of the state system,
punishing any organized resistance also to the Russians.
There is no Caucasian problem, there is no migrant problem,
there is an Erefi-Kremlin problem, and everything else is just a consequence.

We do not support far-right views,
because when implemented on a national scale
they lead to chaos and marginalization.
But besides us, there are simple Russian guys with simple Russian questions like
“Why are the chumps cutting us up?”
on which modern multinational post-Soviet society
can only respond with the Drozhd TV channel’s campaign “Russia for everyone”,
What kind of propaganda doesn’t really help when 16 Caucasians are waiting for you at the exit of the club.

Putinists and liberals think that because of the clampdown they created
ordinary Russian guys will cry and run away, but this will not happen.
Russians are a strong people, an evil people, a people who love war,
a people famous for the tenacity of its soldiers.
And the Battle of Kazan shows that those real Russians still remain among us.
Therefore, cases like the one in Kazan will grow and multiply throughout the country,
until they merge into one daily Multinational Holiday.

Participants in one of the right-wing sporting events
(note the T-shirts. Yep...).
There are tens of thousands of them all over the country.
Russians and common people also poorly understand
what country they live in and what will happen next.

Caucasians are slaughtering Muscovites with knives, how do different political movements feel about this?

From the point of view of old-school communists, the whole problem is in the power of capital. Having plundered the country, Chubais and the oligarchs are setting workers of one nationality against workers of another nationality, replacing the class issue with a national one. To prevent Russian workers from uniting with Caucasian workers, the capitalists deliberately incite ethnic hatred, facilitating in every possible way the Caucasian attacks. Chubais, Chubais and only Chubais is to blame for the Moscow massacre - the Caucasians themselves are only irresponsible elements led astray by the mercenaries of capital. True, this theory does not explain why even in Soviet Chechnya there were several revolts of the Russian population against Caucasians, and how Chubais traveled three hundred years ago, forming the current Caucasian customs long before the advent of modern capitalism, but these inconsistencies do not bother the communists. Thus, the oligarchs and capitalists are to blame for any attack by Caucasians (who, in fact, live in a pre-capitalist society).

From the point of view of the new left, the whole problem is that Caucasians are an oppressed minority. After the massacre of Russians in Chechnya and two Chechen wars with mass terrorist attacks, Russians stigmatized Caucasians and began to be prejudiced towards those people who kill Russians, which in turn makes Caucasians grab knives. Xenophobia, intolerance, treatment as second-class citizens - this is what leads to Caucasian aggression, their hysterical massacre of everyone around them is only a reaction to oppression by the dominant Russian people. Of course, someone might say that the majority of Caucasians live on Russian subsidies and outside the Russian legal framework (essentially beyond the jurisdiction), and thus are not an oppressed minority, but a dominant, privileged ethnic group (something like the Germans in Austro-Hungarian Empire, ruled by more numerous Slavs and Hungarians), behaving precisely like a non-judgmental elite, but this person understands nothing about the theory of oppression. Only by forcing the Russians to publicly repent before the Caucasians will we get rid of their aggression. If the massacre continues after repentance, it means that we repented poorly, we need to repent even more and even better. Thus, any attack by Caucasians on Russians lies on the conscience of the Russians.

From the point of view of liberals, the whole problem is the corruption of the police and the lack of a unified legal framework. In themselves, the differences in the national psychology of Russians and Caucasians are insignificant and belong rather to the realm of folklore. Some lead round dances, others dance lezginka, that’s the whole difference. A fundamentally different type of national psychology, a fundamentally different upbringing, a fundamentally different attitude to violence, a fundamentally different, aggressive religion - all these are inventions of frustrated xenophobes, as soon as you start paying normal salaries to police officers, in mountain villages boys will no longer be given daggers when they reach adulthood. There are no fortresses that would not accept liberal values ​​- and after a hundred years of subsidies, murders and imprisonments, Caucasians will sooner or later accept civilized European norms. The question is that we are dealing with an archaic society, fundamentally different from Russian, that we can approach with the same yardstick a European nation living in a modern state for at least 300 years, and tribal communities that are still engaged in blood feud, For a liberal it sounds absolutely crazy. We are all the same, the problem is that the cops take bribes! The liberal usually does not specify what kind of bribes the cops took in the USSR, where abreks ran around Chechnya until the 60s.

From the point of view of the ultra-right, Caucasians are our racial enemies who should be destroyed without exception. Yes, in recent history not a single ABSOLUTE genocide has been recorded - even Hitler could not kill all the Jews - but this does not stop the ultra-right. We must wage war with the Caucasians! We must storm mountains, spend billions on the latest types of bombs with which to water barren mountain gorges, we must forever stigmatize ourselves in the eyes of the rest of the world by tarnishing the Russian name with total genocides, and all for the pleasure of completely exterminating several mountain tribes, receiving a couple as a reward pieces of rocks. Why? Because it's a holy race war! What if it’s a little unprofitable for Russians to quarrel with the whole world and spend colossal amounts of money on the total genocide of small nations? No matter, holy race war! Or maybe, instead of the latest vacuum bombs, we will use this money to buy equipment for hospitals and maternity hospitals? It is possible, but first - a holy racial war!

From the point of view of Soviet imperials and simply imperials, the whole problem is the machinations of NATO and the enemies of Russia, seeking to dismember Russia through specially organized anti-Caucasian provocations. Building up Dagestan with NATO bases is the secret goal of all these attacks and those who spread information about them. Caucasians are just pawns in the hands of world imperialism, which dreams of enslaving Russia. An ally of world imperialism is world Islamism, which dreams of establishing a Caliphate in the Caucasus. Why, why? Because Islamism! But millions of Muslims in Moscow and central Russia are not Islamism? No, this is how it should be, the Islamists will deliver the main blow to Chechnya and Dagestan, as soon as they are given independence. Murders, massacres, Eid al-Fitr - all this must be endured without complaint in order to prevent the Islamists and NATO from seizing Chechnya and Dagestan. We should unite even more closely with Ramzan Kadyrov and not succumb to provocations, obediently washing the Moscow metro of Russian blood in the name of confronting the hypothetical Caucasian-NATO Caliphate. Russian corpses are bullshit, the main thing is the invisible Great Game with world Islamism and world imperialism, which Putin’s Russia is waging with all its might! We are in the besieged fortress of Russia and selfishness (“Don’t cut me!”) is unacceptable!

From the point of view of nationalists, Russians and Caucasians are two fundamentally different societies, standing at fundamentally different stages of development. The interests of the Russian nation and Russian society are primary, therefore, given the many problems in Russia, it is unacceptable to spend our limited resources on modernizing the Caucasus. Central Russia and the Caucasus require completely different models of governance, part of which is partial autonomy or complete independence of the Caucasus, with restrictions on the rights of Caucasians (primarily the right to free movement). Thus, Puerto Rico is part of the United States, but is not a US state, and residents of Puerto Rico, having American citizenship, are at the same time deprived of many basic civil rights, including even the right to vote in US presidential elections. Lagging behind the main US states in terms of socio-economic development, Puerto Rico has a special status - Puerto Ricans do not pay taxes, but at the same time do not receive federal subsidies and, in general, live in the US on their own money.

From the point of view of nationalists, it is insane to fight against objective national differences that even the totalitarian Soviet regime could not destroy - and therefore Caucasians, at best, should be identified as a separate group within the state, with their own separate rights and responsibilities, different from those of the general population. If the Caucasus, using its own strength and resources, can finally move into modernity - great, if it can’t - sorry, guys, but we have mountains of our own problems in central Russia, we have no time for you. Nationalists believe that the federal budget should be spent on Russians, that democracy should not be portrayed in de facto tribal territories, and that the interests of the Russian nation are higher than talk about equality and brotherhood, the attitude towards which brotherhood is perfectly captured in the cult Russian film. Caucasians are different, they need to be governed differently, they should have different laws (or even complete independence), and, most importantly, all this “otherness” should work to make the lives of Russians easier and better. The problem is not capitalists, not oppression, not NATO machinations, not corruption, not race war, the problem is that these are other people who need a different approach, and that spending any significant sums on these other people Russian money is unacceptable. Russian security, Russian life expectancy and Russian birth rate, Russian standard of living, Russian education, Russian science and Russian industry are more important than those of the Caucasus and under no circumstances should they be deprived in favor of the Caucasus.

At the same time, nationalists do not say that Caucasians are bad or evil. No, they are all wonderful people, but they are not us. We are in an abyss, we need to get out, and the problems of the Caucasus must be solved by the Caucasus itself. Russia is for Russians, the Caucasus is for Caucasians, the Caucasus is not Russia, Caucasians are all smart and talented, so they will solve their problems themselves, without us. Well, if they don’t decide... forgive me, but where did you see the sign “Aid point for idler peoples” above the entrance to Russia?