Translation and explanation of the Latin expression Sic transit gloria mundi. Translation and explanation of the Latin expression Sic transit gloria mundi Sit transit gloria

Sic transit gloria mundi

This is how worldly glory passes.

A phrase with which the future pope is addressed during his elevation to this rank, while burning a piece of cloth in front of him as a sign of the illusory nature of earthly power.

The expression is borrowed from a theological treatise belonging to the famous German mystic of the 15th century. Thomas a Kempis, “On the Imitation of Christ,” I, 3, 6: O quam cito “Oh, how quickly earthly glory passes.”

What happened to poor Clemenceau, if even some Déroulède can poison him! Sic transit gloria mundi! (F. Engels - Laura Lafargue, 20.VI 1893.)

The “northern bee,” which once crawled in front of the beloved poet in order to profit from him at least a drop of sweet honey, now dares to buzz him in greeting that in his last poems - Pushkin has become obsolete! Sic transit gloria mundi... (N. G. Chernyshevsky, Aesthetics and literary criticism.)

Pierre, as in a dream, saw in the weak light of the spirit fire several people, wearing the same aprons as Ritor, standing opposite him and holding swords pointed at his chest. Between them stood a man in a white, bloody shirt. Seeing him, Pierre moved his chest forward towards the swords, wanting them to stick into him. But the swords moved away from him, and the bandage was immediately put on him again. “Now you have seen a small light,” someone’s voice told him. Then they lit the candles again, said that he needed to see the full light, and again took off the blindfold, and more than ten voices suddenly said: Sic transit gloria mundi. (L.N. Tolstoy, War and Peace.)

Speaking about modern political events, Lev Nikolaevich said: “It’s the same with patriotism: you unconsciously sympathize with Russia and its successes, and you catch yourself doing it.” And look, with all these internal and external troubles, suddenly one fine day Russia may fall apart, as they say: sic transit gloria mundi. (A. B. Goldenweiser, Near Tolstoy.)

Katya did not look at anyone, at anyone, except... me, with whom she was only occasionally somewhat capricious, but not at all proud, but responsive; whereas with others she was constantly both proud and dismissively unresponsive. Then she left St. Petersburg to live with her father in the village and married... my coachman... Sic transit gloria mundi (this is how the glory of the world disappears). (N.P. Makarov, My seventy-year-old memories.)

□ The struggle of our populists “against capitalism” is increasingly degenerating into an alliance with tsarism. The best criticism that could be made of this magnificent "program" lies in the "Communist Manifesto" (on "true German socialism"). Sic transit gloria of the populists. (G. V. Plekhanov - F. Engels, 1895.)

□ The worthy Shah of Persia can hardly hold on with the help of our detachment, which exclusively protects the safety of foreigners. The wise Persian Sultan - oh, my heart bleeds - sits alone in a castle-prison, and it is unknown where he will come out of there - into exile or on the chopping block. Sic transit... light from the east. (V.V. Vorovsky, Who will we go to? Who will we extend our hands to?)

Latin-Russian and Russian-Latin dictionary of popular words and expressions. - M.: Russian Language. N.T. Babichev, Ya.M. Borovskaya. 1982 .

See what "Sic transit gloria mundi" is in other dictionaries:

    Sic transit gloria mundi- is a Latin phrase that means Thus passes the glory of the world. It has been interpreted as Worldly things are fleeting. TraditionallyFact|date=July 2008, Papal coronations are thrice interrupted by a monk (some saywho? barefoot) holding a pole… … Wikipedia

    Sic transit gloria mundi lat. This is how worldly glory passes. The expression is a slight alteration of the text from the book of the German mystic philosopher Thomas a à Kempis (XV century) “On the Imitation of Christ” (I, 3, 6): “Oh, how quickly it passes... ... Wikipedia

    Sic transit gloria mundi- (lateinisch: so vergeht der Ruhm der Welt) ist ein historisches Zitat. Wenn ein römischer Feldherr im Triumphzug einzog, hatte auf seiner Strecke ein Sklave vor ihn zu treten, vor seinen Augen einen Flocken Wolle zu verbrennen und diesen Spruch… … Deutsch Wikipedia

    sic transit gloria mundi- (lateinisch: So vergeht der Ruhm der Welt) ist ein historisches Zitat. Das Zitat bezieht sich auf eine von Patricius 1516 beschriebene Vorschrift im Krönungszeremoniell eines neuen Papstes. Dort heißt es, dass der Zeremoniar dreimal einen Bund... ... Deutsch Wikipedia

    Sic transit gloria mundi- es una locución latina que significa literalmente: Así pasa la gloria del mundo y que se utilityiza para señalar lo efímero de los triunfos. Origen El origen de la expresión parece provenir de un pasaje de la Imitación de Cristo de Tomás de Kempis… … Wikipedia Español

This is how worldly glory passes(meaning) - nothing is permanent.

Expression - translation into Russian of the Latin expression - Sic transit gloria mundi.

An expression from a phrase from the book of the German mystic philosopher Thomas a à Kempis (XV century) “” (I, 3, 6): “Oh, how quickly worldly glory passes away” (O quam cito transit gloria mundi). These words are heard as an exclamation during the inauguration ceremony of the new pope, in front of whom a piece of cloth is burned three times - as a sign that everything earthly, including the power and glory he receives, is illusory, changeable and perishable.

The expression is also used in English - sic transit gloria mundi (Thus passes the glory of the world). It is listed in the American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer, 1992, which notes that the expression has been used in English since 1600. It is often used in its abbreviated form - sic transit.


(1860 - 1904)

" " (1886): "Walking through the entryway, I looked at the coffin and Milyutikha, who was reading. No matter how hard I strained my eyes, I was unable to recognize Zina, the lively, pretty ingenue of the Lukhachev troupe, in her yellow-swarthy face.

« Sic transit"(note - the beginning of the Latin saying: Sic transit gloria mundi (This is how worldly glory passes)), I thought."

“Night before the trial” (1884): “Finally, I sat in the company of Fedya and Zinochka at the samovar; I had to write a recipe, and I composed it according to all the rules of medical science:

Rp. Sic transit 0.05

Gloria mundi 1.0

Aqua destillatae 0.1

After two hours, take a tablespoon.

Ms. Eatova.

Dr. Zaitsev."

“Zealot” (1883): “Near the angry director lay scraps of paper. These scraps half an hour ago constituted “a few words in defense of the press”... Sic transit gloria mundi!"

(1828 - 1910)

"War and Peace" (1863 - 1869), vol. 2, part 2, ch. 4:

“Then they lit the candles again, said that he needed to see the full light, and again they took off the blindfold and more than ten voices suddenly said: sic transit gloria mundi. (this is how worldly glory passes)"

That's exactly how it goes

Sic transit gloria mundi - this is how worldly glory passes. A formula that means to the powers that be that just as a person has ascended, he can turn to dust in the blink of an eye. They say the phrase is pronounced at the inauguration ceremony of the new pope elected by the conclave of cardinals.

The Russian equivalent of the expression “this is how worldly glory passes” is “do not swear off scrip and prison”

Ritual of the inauguration of the Pope

After the election, the junior cardinal summons the Secretary of the College of Cardinals and the Chief Master of Ceremonies
The first of the cardinals in seniority, on behalf of the entire Electoral College, asks the elect two questions: “Do you accept the canonical election of you as Supreme Pontiff?” and “What name do you want to be called?”
The Chief Master of Ceremonies, acting as a notary, draws up a document confirming the consent of the chosen one to be the new Pontiff and his adoption of the new name.
The new pope goes to the sacristy of the Sistine Chapel, the so-called “weeping room”, where papal robes are prepared in three different sizes
After being dressed in papal robes, the newly elected one returns to the Sistine Chapel and sits on the pulpit.
The Cardinal Dean proclaims: “Elected to the See of Peter” and reads from Matthew 16:13-19, which speaks of the primacy of Peter in the apostolic ministry

13 Having come to the countries of Caesarea Philippi, Jesus asked His disciples: Who do people say that I, the Son of Man, am?
14 They said: some for John the Baptist, others for Elijah, and others for Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.
15 He says to them: Who do you say that I am?
16 Simon Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

After reading and praying for the new Pope, the cardinals approach him to pay their respects
A hymn of thanksgiving to the Lord called Te Deum is sung
Cardinal Protodeacon overlooks the central loggia of the Basilica of St. Peter and announces: “I tell you about great joy: We have a dad! Most Reverend and Most Worthy Sir, Mister (name), Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church (surname), who took the name (throne name)"
The newly elected Pope gives his first apostolic blessing Urbi et Orbi, .
A few days later, the solemn coronation of the new pope takes place in St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican. It was then, before the pope entered the cathedral, that one of the cardinals burned a bunch of tow in front of him three times and said , as if warning: “Holy Father, this is how the glory of the world passes away!”

    1 Sic transit gloria mundi

    This is how worldly glory passes.

    A phrase with which the future pope is addressed during his elevation to this rank, while burning a piece of cloth in front of him as a sign of the illusory nature of earthly power.

    The expression is borrowed from a theological treatise belonging to the famous German mystic of the 15th century. Thomas a à Kempis, “On the Imitation of Christ,” I, 3, 6: O quam cito transit gloria mundi “Oh, how quickly earthly glory passes.”

    What happened to poor Clemenceau, if even some Déroulède can poison him! Sic transit gloria mundi! (F. Engels - Laura Lafargue, 20.VI 1893.)

    The “northern bee,” which once crawled in front of the beloved poet in order to profit from him at least a drop of sweet honey, now dares to buzz him in greeting that in his last poems - Pushkin has become obsolete! Sic transit gloria mundi... (N. G. Chernyshevsky, Aesthetics and literary criticism.)

    Pierre, as in a dream, saw in the weak light of the spirit fire several people, wearing the same aprons as Ritor, standing opposite him and holding swords pointed at his chest. Between them stood a man in a white, bloody shirt. Seeing him, Pierre moved his chest forward towards the swords, wanting them to stick into him. But the swords moved away from him, and the bandage was immediately put on him again. “Now you have seen a small light,” someone’s voice told him. Then they lit the candles again, said that he needed to see the full light, and again took off the blindfold, and more than ten voices suddenly said: Sic transit gloria mundi. (L.N. Tolstoy, War and Peace.)

    Speaking about modern political events, Lev Nikolaevich said: “It’s the same with patriotism: you unconsciously sympathize with Russia and its successes, and you catch yourself doing it.” And look, with all these internal and external troubles, suddenly one fine day Russia may fall apart, as they say: sic transit gloria mundi. (A. B. Goldenweiser, Near Tolstoy.)

    Katya did not look at anyone, at anyone, except... me, with whom she was only occasionally somewhat capricious, but not at all proud, but responsive; whereas with others she was constantly both proud and dismissively unresponsive. Then she left St. Petersburg to live with her father in the village and married... my coachman... Sic transit gloria mundi (this is how the glory of the world disappears). (N.P. Makarov, My seventy-year-old memories.)

    □ The struggle of our populists “against capitalism” is increasingly degenerating into an alliance with tsarism. The best criticism that could be made of this magnificent "program" lies in the "Communist Manifesto" (on "true German socialism"). Sic transit gloria of the populists. (G. V. Plekhanov - F. Engels, 1895.)

    □ The worthy Shah of Persia can hardly hold on with the help of our detachment, which exclusively protects the safety of foreigners. The wise Persian Sultan - oh, my heart bleeds - sits alone in a castle-prison, and it is unknown where he will come out of there - into exile or on the chopping block. Sic transit... light from the east. (V.V. Vorovsky, Who will we go to? Who will we extend our hands to?)

    2 Sic transit gloria mundi

    This is how earthly glory passes

    3 This is how worldly glory passes

See also in other dictionaries:

    Sic transit gloria mundi- is a Latin phrase that means Thus passes the glory of the world. It has been interpreted as Worldly things are fleeting. TraditionallyFact|date=July 2008, Papal coronations are thrice interrupted by a monk (some saywho? barefoot) holding a pole… … Wikipedia

    Sic transit gloria mundi- Sic transit gloria mundi lat. This is how worldly glory passes. The expression is a slight alteration of the text from the book of the German mystic philosopher Thomas a à Kempis (XV century) “On the Imitation of Christ” (I, 3, 6): “Oh, how quickly it passes... ... Wikipedia

    Sic transit gloria mundi- (lateinisch: so vergeht der Ruhm der Welt) ist ein historisches Zitat. Wenn ein römischer Feldherr im Triumphzug einzog, hatte auf seiner Strecke ein Sklave vor ihn zu treten, vor seinen Augen einen Flocken Wolle zu verbrennen und diesen Spruch… … Deutsch Wikipedia

    sic transit gloria mundi- (lateinisch: So vergeht der Ruhm der Welt) ist ein historisches Zitat. Das Zitat bezieht sich auf eine von Patricius 1516 beschriebene Vorschrift im Krönungszeremoniell eines neuen Papstes. Dort heißt es, dass der Zeremoniar dreimal einen Bund... ... Deutsch Wikipedia

    Sic transit gloria mundi- es una locución latina que significa literalmente: Así pasa la gloria del mundo y que se utilityiza para señalar lo efímero de los triunfos. Origen El origen de la expresión parece provenir de un pasaje de la Imitación de Cristo de Tomás de Kempis… … Wikipedia Español

Automatic Pattern Recognition System Log, Site-122, Observations of Events and Object Appearances by SCP-1322

date and time: 08.24.2016 05:33:06.00803244Z
Serial number: Incident 50738C
An object: 2300 (±150) bullet-shaped metal objects with an average mass of 575 grams (±100 grams) over 3.6 seconds; the speed of the objects ranged from 80 to 110 meters per second.

date and time: 08.24.2016 05:33:09.20982120Z
Serial number: Incident 50738D
Event: At least 70% of the objects from Incident 50738C are detonated and a gas cloud appears. According to automated analysis, there was an 88.4% probability that the objects from Incident 50738C were miniature liquefied gas containers. Robots have been sent to collect gas samples.

date and time: 08.24.2016 05:33:10.18232811Z
Serial number: Incident 50738F
An object: 850 (±70) metal objects; the speed of the objects ranged from 10 to 18 meters per second.


Vijay Patel looked out the window of Location 9 and restlessly drummed his fingers on the glass. He took a sip of water from a plastic bottle. The water smelled slightly like urine. The filters of the recycling system have probably exhausted their service life a long time ago.

Computer? - he muttered.

Yes, Dr. Patel? - the system responded after a few seconds. The system software was designed to perform computing tasks on a large network of interconnected computers. In the limited local network conditions of Location 9, the system was much slower.

Generate a report on all Foundation employees currently alive.

A few seconds of awkward silence.

Wait a minute,” the computer chirped. Patel began to wait and took another sip of toilet water. He looked around, looking to see if there was another bottle of alcohol in the cramped room. There was no drinking. During his last binge he must have finished off all the whiskey he had. The silence dragged on. At times there was white noise coming from the speakers, as if a microphone was being turned on somewhere, but no one was speaking. Eventually the computer responded.

You are the senior-ranking Foundation employee at this station. You are the only Foundation employee at this station. No other Foundation complex is currently responding to calls.

And the last time Patel asked this question, and the time before, and the two times before that, the answer was identical. It had been at least two weeks since... since he last spoke to a living person.

Generate... generate a report on... a report on the condition of all living people.

Wait, take-to-cure-to-cable-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e,-in an inhuman voice, the computer herself herself. Patel put his hands on the wall, pushed off and mindlessly slid to the other wall of the room. He experimentally found out that with low gravity on the moon it is easier to glide rather than walk. He forgot about the law of conservation of momentum and pulled his wrist when he tried to stop.

Fuck you... - Patel grinned sarcastically and wondered if the computer would take this word as a guide to action.

The estimated number of people is five. Not counting you, Dr. Patel, there are four crew members aboard the International Space Station.

And again no changes. And there is no connection with the ISS, even if you wanted to talk to them. After the incident, the station flew off in a more or less straight line, and was now plowing through space somewhere on the other side of the moon.

Has the analysis of the latest incident at Site-122 been completed?

Yes, Dr. Patel. Would you like to hear the report immediately?

Um, come on.

Analysis indicates a 72% likelihood that the objects appearing during Incident 50738F were the tuning forks that produced the sound of SCP-1012 in the containment chamber.

Silence reigned again. Patel exhaled. Hartl kept his word. They found a way to win the war and achieved their goal.

Computer, estimate the duration, um, estimate the expiration date of the respiratory gas reserves, taking into account the current reserves and the best maintenance option.

He had to wait about an hour for an answer. Twenty-two days, give or take a little. It could have been more than two times less, but Garcia had already arranged for himself to be euthanized with the help of all the painkiller pills that humanity has ever known. Perhaps it was worth opening the airlock, letting out the air and not prolonging the wait.

Patel looked out the window again, at the empty space where the Earth and everything that was dear to him should have been. The sun was setting below the horizon. It was completely different from the sunsets in my native land - no multicolored pink, red, orange and purple shades spreading across the blue sky, no gradually fading sunset. Here, when the edge of the Sun went behind the rise of the crater, the black and white striped pattern of lunar dust was highlighted against a dark background, and a moment later everything was shrouded in blackness.

And time passed without breaking the silence.