Are in great demand. Products in great demand among the population

The unstable economic situation has affected everyone differently: some types of businesses have suffered more, others less, and for others new prospects have opened up. Based on open statistics, you can trace the main trends and draw conclusions: in what area is it most profitable to open a business now, and what is it better to abstain from.


Crises come and go, but you always have to work. What business is in demand now, where to look for a promising niche? Despite the fact that the SME business activity index shows a decrease (Fig. 1), the number of individual entrepreneurs in Russia has increased. According to Kommersant: as of December 2015, their number was 3,643,911 versus 3,534,516 for the same period in 2014.

Figure 1. Dynamics of the entrepreneurial activity index in 2014-2015. According to the public organization SMB "Support of Russia".

The decline is mainly due to a drop in sales and investment: the share of trade in small businesses is more than 40%. You shouldn’t rely on the average “hospital temperature,” so let’s take a closer look at how the situation is developing in three areas:

Main directions in trade

The negative impact of the crisis on retail is obvious: a decrease in income, saving behavior, and the transition of buyers to cheaper goods. The last factor did not turn out to be negative for everyone. “All at one price” type networks are expanding, including actively moving into remote regions (“Fix Price” franchise); commission trade has revived. According to a study by the Magazin Shopping group, as of October last year there was stagnation in the retail sector (Fig. 2, 3).

What entrepreneurs complain about:

  1. a drop in sales is noted by 76% of respondents;
  2. 55% of retailers were forced to raise prices;
  3. Rental costs and property taxes have increased.

In general, the mood is pessimistic; a revival in consumer demand is unlikely to be expected in the near future. But by sector, for industrial goods the decline is not the same, which is clearly visible in Figure 3. For individual product items, the index position is above average.

Summary. The market for luxury consumer goods (and services) shows little change. The economy class segment is not developed. It requires a special ability to organize profits on low prices, low costs and margins, which not many have (a successful example of "Fix Price"). In recent years, trade has been most active in the middle class segment, and the greatest decline in real incomes has occurred among this part of the population.

How does the current crisis differ from previous ones? Opinion of Evgeny Butman, a serial entrepreneur since 1990 (Forbes interview). "The crises of 1998 and 2008 were instantaneous - everything fell, depreciated, froze. Ah! We looked: it’s not so scary. We picked it up, washed it, glued it up and moved on. And now, it’s completely different. Imagine putting a frog in a pan, and raise the temperature by a degree every hour. The frog will cook without noticing it. There seems to be no crisis, but this very heating is happening. We and our business are like this frog."

Paid services market

In the service sector the situation is different. According to Rosstat, there was a general decrease in consumption in price terms, but it does not look like a “collapse” (Fig. 4). As of November 2015, the share of paid services in the total expenses of the population even increased - 20.8% (in 2014 - 19.9%).

Analyzing the indicators for individual types of services (Table 1), it is easy to see that the crisis has a positive effect on citizens’ desire for sports, culture and a healthy lifestyle.

Table 1. Distribution of consumer services in 2015. According to Rosstat.

Paid services







health resorts

sports, physical education




Promising trends in the service sector

  • Tourism- on internal routes, agrotourism. In order to save money, many go on vacation on their own: it is no coincidence that the hotel industry is experiencing growth. The niche for organizing mini-hotels, catering outlets, parking lots, and hostels is expanding - along highways and in places of mass “wild” recreation.
  • Outsourcing of all types- large and medium-sized companies save on personnel, marketing, IT services, and education. Small businesses take advantage of these difficulties by offering inexpensive services, products, and services. The leader is the IT sector: mobile applications, website builders, analytics, landing pages.
  • Medical, health, sports services- There is a clear increase in demand in this market. If anyone thinks that this is too narrow a professional niche, they are mistaken. Below is an interesting example.

Sale of medical services from Germany

Alexander Bortenev and Roman Prilipko organized an online service for medical consultation by doctors from Germany. Tests, MRI and CT images are sent for examination to doctors who carry out diagnostics and recommend additional examinations and a treatment program. Results arrive within 4 days.

In January 2015, a website was created, a month later they opened an office in Magnitogorsk, then in Chelyabinsk. In total, up to 50 orders per month are received through the offices and website, the revenue volume is up to 800,000 rubles per month. Entrepreneurs plan to recoup their investments (about 5 million rubles) within a year and a half.

Summary. People have not stopped using services, they are only making a choice in favor of cheaper ones, with children's needs being a priority. The cost reduction occurs due to the “cleaning up” of the main service: coffee breaks, bookings, and on-site consultations are excluded. Renting expensive machinery and equipment is gaining popularity: cars, bicycles, ski equipment, exercise equipment.


The manufacturing business shows the most optimistic activity index compared to other activities. Sanctions forced large manufacturers to look for replacements for imported components, materials, and products. Opportunities are opening up for small businesses to serve large enterprises. According to the portal TIU.RU (trade of machines and equipment for SMEs), in the first 9 months of 2015, the total amount of sales income exceeded the level of last year by 20%.

1 Food production.

Large retail chains: Perekrestok, Pyaterochka (Retail Group) signed new contracts with 800 suppliers in 2015. The share of Russian goods has more than doubled compared to 2014. For many product groups it reached the level of 90 - 100%. "Dixie" - imports fruits and vegetables from the south of Russia, Tula, Moscow region; 90% of dairy products are Russian and Belarusian.

Russian "Camembert"

The family enterprise Nikolaev and Sons (Krasnodar Territory) increased cheese production 10 times in 2015. The business began 4 years ago, with plans to produce Italian and French “premium” varieties. In total, the line consisted of 12 varieties. With the introduction of the embargo, the company reduced them to 4, with Camembert Lefkadia becoming the main product in demand. Blue cheese was the first to leave the shelves - retailers stood in line. Selling prices start at 1.1 thousand rubles per kg; they have not increased during the year. Supplied to retail chains: "Azbuka Vkusa", "Magnit", "Lenta", "Perekrestok", geography - more than 10 cities.

2 Innovative technologies.

Investors and large enterprises are now more willing to support Russian developments that have been lying on the shelves of research institutes for years. Scientists are poor at promoting their new products, looking for customers, and organizing the production of prototypes.

Helmet for miners and rescuers with Wi-Fi

In August 2015, NPF "Granch" (Novosibirsk) announced a new development: a helmet for rescuers and miners, equipped with a search system, a thermal imager (allows you to see through smoke), a video camera, and means of communication with the control center. While an agreement has been concluded with the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the first samples are also being supplied to neighbors - to the mining town of Kuzbass. The high-tech development has no analogues in the world; Germany has shown interest in it. Is it worth saying what a foreign contract means now?

3 Highly specialized niches.

Many large industries need components, the production of which is unprofitable and troublesome for them. They willingly outsource such tasks to small businesses. There are always unoccupied spaces in this niche.

Necessary little things

An object that slightly resembles a toy excavator is a metal sieve for crushed stone. It is produced at the Gorny Tekhsnab Holding enterprise (Elektrostal). This crushing and screening equipment is in demand in the mining industry and quarries. Production began five years ago, and in 2015 they began supplying products to Belarus and Kazakhstan. In 2016, it is planned to conclude agreements with Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Production is expanding, new equipment is being purchased.

4 Products for export.

Everything that can be produced for export must be produced and sold. What gets in the way is a lack of information and the problem of finding buyers. There are special structures where you can get advice on these issues: Russian Export Center, Excar.

The Export Insurance Agency (EXIAR) announced data for 2014. The number of exporters among small and medium-sized enterprises by the end of the year amounted to 13,500 firms, an increase of 27%. Of these, 85% are in remote regions. In the Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories the growth is about 2,000%, in the Murmansk region - over 4,000%, in Moscow - 139%.

Non-standard approach.

Importing goods from China is commonplace for many entrepreneurs. The small enterprise "Zaitsa" (Khabarovsk) has entered into contracts for the supply of the most common product - ice cream - to China and Korea. It is interesting that in the city itself, imported products from Moscow and Tomsk predominate. According to director Ilya Amirkhanov, the Chinese were very surprised by our initiative. However, 18 tons have already been exported to China, and 5 tons ($40,000) to Korea. The Chinese respect imported food products. According to surveys, more than 50% of buyers consider them to be of higher quality and are willing to pay for it.

The lower price segment of ice cream (locally produced) in China includes items up to $1.5 (per serving). About 30% of buyers choose more expensive, imported ones. The American brand "Haagen-Dazs" is sold at 2 times more expensive than in its homeland - $5-7. In 2015, the Latvian form of Food Union (after the closure of the Russian market) supplied 12 tons of product to China. The price per serving was set on the advice of the Chinese from $3 to $6. Sales figures exceeded the values ​​of European outlets by 300%.

Conclusions. There is no clear answer to the question of what business is in demand in Russia now. There are successful examples in different industries. Key positions are occupied by wholesale and retail trade in food products, inexpensive goods, food production; transport; services in the IT field, medicine, individual educational and cultural and sports projects. In any case, those leaving the market are being replaced by those who offer a new, more convenient, profitable solution.

And spend money, surround yourself with beautiful and comfortable personal items, simplify your life, using various new electronics (smartphones, computers, navigation systems), look stylish and be in good physical shape.

And if you are thinking of starting your first (or maybe not your first) business in the field of trade, but don’t know exactly what to sell, what product is in highest demand, then this article is written just for you!

So, below are examples of the most popular products on the world market, on the Internet and in particular on the Russian market.

Based on the data we have collected, based on purchasing statistics on the largest trading platforms, such as TaoBao, Allegro, eBay, Amazon and others, you will find out which product is in unconditional demand and where you can easily succeed.

The first place in terms of sales volumes on the Russian market is occupied by Chinese copies of clothing and footwear from famous world brands. As they say, “Everything that is not made is done in China.”

Potential buyers are guys and girls aged 20 to 35 years old, following the latest fashion trends, taking care of themselves, wanting to look good and modern, without overpaying large sums of money for expensive originals that most simply cannot afford. This market segment is so vast that everyone will be able to find their own niche in it.

According to analysts for the first half of 2016, the best-selling product in Russia is Nike AIR MAX sneakers, of course, not their original design.

In addition to sneakers, Chinese-made products such as:

  • Women's loboutin shoes with red soles and high heels;
  • Extremely popular and comfortable Converse sneakers (both men's and women's), this position has remained at the top of sales for many seasons;
  • Copies of women's bags from brands such as Chanel, Birkin from Hermes, LouisVuitton, MichaelKors;
  • Polo T-shirts (mostly for men) with logos of companies such as Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, Lacoste;
  • Christian Dior women's sneakers are a comfortable, light and stylish model of women's shoes, which very quickly fell in love with most of the fair half of the Russian population. Beauty, originality and convenience elevated this model to the rank of one of the best-selling at the end of 2015 - beginning of 2016.

By the way, the quality of branded goods of Chinese origin can be very different; of course, it all depends on the materials and fittings used.

The more accurate the copy of the model and the higher the quality of the leather and fabric used in production, the more expensive the purchase price for the requested product will be.

Low-quality fakes may even differ in name inscriptions, not to mention the complete discrepancy between the model and the original.

The next most popular product on the Russian market at the moment is the sale of children's clothing of various brands.

They don’t skimp on children, and the widest selection of children’s products on the market helps to increase attention and demand for this segment of the product.

This item should also include other products for children that are in demand, for example, strollers, feeding tables, baby dishes, and hygiene products.

In third place in popularity are small-sized household appliances. All kinds of irons, hair curling irons, comb straighteners (the most popular manufacturer is Babyliss); electrical appliances: kettles, coffee machines, steam irons, vacuum cleaners. As a rule, the prices for these goods are low, which makes it possible to reach a huge niche of potential buyers.

Best selling product in the world

The top most in-demand global products are opened by the sale of raw materials:

  • Oil;
  • Cotton;
  • Precious and semi-precious metals (gold, silver, copper).

It is clear that the customers of raw materials are large companies; large transactions worth tens of millions of dollars are concluded between manufacturers and clients.

It is not difficult to imagine the importance and huge demand for final products from oil, for example, or the breadth of use of products made from cotton fiber (this includes the production of fabric for the textile industry, and the production of paper, as well as oils, cosmetics, and medicines).

The most traded commodity in the world (after petroleum derivatives, gasoline) is coffee.

According to the Global Exchange, coffee, which was discovered by Ethiopian shepherds around 800 AD, has been occupying a leading position in the world ranking of the most popular goods for several years now.

Coffee is the favorite and most popular drink of the entire European population of the planet, as well as North America. This drink is officially produced by about 30 million farmers in more than 50 countries around the world.

The love and loyalty of coffee lovers to the drink only tends to increase its sales, and as Cassandra Clare said in her book “City of Ashes”: “This world is not so bad as long as there is coffee in it!”

The next point worth noting is the sale of food products, and recently more and more buyers are choosing products in the “eco” standard.

The world leaders in the food sector are:

  • Sugar;
  • Wheat;
  • Olive oil;
  • Corn;
  • Beet;
  • Meat products.

Everything is clear here. No matter how the global crisis rages, you always want to eat, so the issue of nutrition will be relevant every day and for absolutely every person.

Best selling product on the internet

The popularity of online trading is rapidly gaining momentum; it should be noted that for American and Western European buyers, shopping on the Internet is already more familiar than a standard one in a regular store.

On the Internet you can find and order absolutely any product with home delivery, pay in a way convenient for you, exchange or return if necessary.

Potential clients are absolutely all people who use the Internet; the choice of goods provided on Internet sites is so diverse that everyone can easily find something that interests them directly.

A large segment of online commerce is represented by electronics. This includes the sale of phones, smartphones, laptops, notebooks and individual components - processors, chargers, batteries, accumulators.

All the benefits presented by technical progress, without which our daily life, as well as work, is no longer possible.

The sale of cosmetics and care products on the Internet occupies a fairly strong position:

The main clientele of this product segment are women who, in their quest for perfection, are ready to spend a considerable amount of money on skincare cosmetics and new make up products.

A separate item should be noted for products aimed at “healing”, losing weight or cleansing the body, as well as sports nutrition:

  • Goji berries (help improve metabolic processes in the body, promoting weight loss);
  • Green coffee (the principle of operation and main indicators are similar to Goji berries);
  • Detox products;
  • Coconut oil;
  • Slimming gels, wraps and masks;
  • Ginseng root.

In addition to clothes, bags and shoes, jewelry, watches, belts and sunglasses are sold in large quantities on the Internet. This product is inexpensive (of course, if these are not catwalk models from world brands), so the demand for it is great.

A separate point worth noting is the sale of LED lighting, which is also popular in online trading.

It is extremely difficult to name the best-selling product on the Internet, since online trade extends throughout the world, and each region, state and nationality has its own preferences, needs and demands. However, online trading is the future, that’s for sure.

Trade is one of the main tools for constant progress. This statement was first voiced at the end of the nineteenth century, but nothing has changed over the past century. The trading sector is one of the most profitable activities today both in Russia and in foreign countries. Each seller acts as an intermediary between product manufacturers and potential audiences. Such mediation allows you to mark up your own services, which increases the real cost of the product several times. Below we will try to find out what is profitable to sell in Russia now.

Food is the most prominent representative of everyday goods

How to become successful in this field

The development of small businesses in Russia is hampered by the abundance of hypermarket chains. Small stores cannot provide adequate competition to entire retail chains. Quite interesting is the fact that, despite such conditions, selling your goods on the market is much more profitable. It is the market that provides sellers with various opportunities to increase their potential audience. Here, each seller has the opportunity to independently control the cost of the goods.

Food products are a product that is in great demand among the population. According to statistics, the list of the most popular products includes fruits, vegetables, dairy and meat products. All of the listed products bring a stable income, with the right approach to their implementation. The main advantage of the market is that most surrounding residents go here in the hope of purchasing essential goods at a deep discount. This privilege allows you to manage demand for goods using correctly set prices.

Household chemicals take second place in the category of goods in high demand. Various cleaning products, personal hygiene items, and cosmetic products are required by people regardless of the circumstances. The main advantage of household chemicals is their almost endless shelf life.

Seasonal trading can also become a source of permanent income. Clothing, accessories and shoes - with the right marketing approach, will become a source of solid profit. Writing materials and school equipment also bring high seasonal profits. You can increase your sales statistics by selling rare goods.
The main role in the matter of profit is played by the location of the outlet and the cost of the goods offered.

Most profitable products

The crisis has a negative impact on trade. Despite this, there are certain niches that have not been affected by the crisis. When developing your own business in the field of trade, you need to focus on this market segment. But here you should remember about high competition, so you need to approach the issue of opening a retail outlet with great attention.

Selling goods and services is considered the most profitable activity

Statistics show that household appliances and food products are in particular demand during a crisis. At the same time, the demand for household appliances is constantly growing. This can be explained by the fact that financial instability in the country forces people to invest existing funds in things that will be used for many years.

Citing the same statistics as an example, we can say that due to the increase in the value of the dollar, the demand for goods such as sunflower oil, cereals and flour has increased. In addition, high demand remains for household chemicals, clothing for children and artificial mixtures.

However, many market situation analysts do not recommend opening a business based on the sale of shoes or clothing. According to them, most potential buyers prefer to save on products from this category. Today, the most popular goods in Russia are alcohol and tobacco products.

What is more profitable to resell?

Essential goods are in high demand in every corner of our planet. This category of products includes household chemicals, medicines, food products, personal care products, cosmetics, clothing and beauty products. It is this assortment that brings in the main revenue. All of the above can not only be sold, but also resold, after purchasing small quantities from manufacturers.

The business associated with the sale of cosmetic products brings profit not only from retail sales, but also from the delivery of wholesale quantities from Europe. The resulting goods can be sold either independently or sold to small stores. This approach will allow you to make a profit without large financial costs and physical effort. The main emphasis in this area is on those products that have a long shelf life.

Selling such cosmetic products reduces the risk of losing financial investments due to long delivery times or other nuances.

Many novice entrepreneurs rarely pay attention to online sales, which is a fairly common mistake. Online stores are one of the key tools that allow you to find a potential client in a short time.

It is most profitable to sell essential products on the market

Let's look at how to get the most out of reselling various products. First of all, when drawing up a business plan, you should assess the needs of the market. Clothing, household goods and various accessories are in high demand in this area. Analysis of this market shows that trade in women's clothing and jewelry brings the highest profits. The average markup on similar products purchased in China or Europe is at least one hundred percent. According to the same analysis, ninety percent of goods on store shelves cost three times less in the country of origin.

Based on all of the above, the question of what can be resold at a profit can be considered closed. Let's look at which goods produced in Russia are profitable to export to foreign countries.

How to make money from exporting

In European and Asian countries, non-ferrous metals and various industrial products are in great demand. Many entrepreneurs receive high benefits from the resale of glass and plastic products or consumables for various equipment and machinery abroad.

According to statistics, the demand for household appliances, construction equipment and spare parts for various machines is increasing every year. It is this category of goods that is most profitable to sell in foreign countries.

When opening an enterprise engaged in the export of various goods, you need to take into account certain realities of the Russian market. Food, clothing and cosmetic products will not bring high profits due to the lack of world-famous brands on the domestic market. If you have plans to make a profit from the export of goods, your attention should be focused on cereals and grain crops. Such an enterprise can become a source of high income, but it is worth remembering the possible risks. Crop failure, violation of shipping deadlines and other unforeseen situations must be taken into account.

What products are in demand

In order to determine the most purchased product in Russia, you need to carefully analyze supply and demand on the Russian market. Demand is the key to the relevance of your offer. Today, Chinese and European goods, which are practically not produced in Russia, are in great demand. Such products include various electronic gadgets, laptops and smartphones.

You can increase the number of sales due to rare but in demand goods

When planning your own business aimed at making a permanent profit, you should pay special attention to smartphones. Moreover, not only mobile phones themselves, but also various accessories can become a source of benefit. The constant development of the electronics sector increases the audience of this market. Many aspiring entrepreneurs at the beginning of their careers prefer reselling used phones.

Current fashion trends force consumers to replace their “toys” every few months. Purchasing similar, relatively outdated models for the purpose of further resale can become a source of stable income.

It should be remembered that in the initial stages of developing your own business in the field of trade, it is best to focus on those products that have a long shelf life. This approach will allow you to avoid possible losses due to lack of demand for your offer. Speaking about perishable goods, we should highlight the special demand for flowers and indoor plants. Various accessories for their cultivation and storage are also in special demand.

Online trading platforms

Trading Internet sites (Avito, Aliexpress) are one of the niches of the trading business where there is no competitive pressure. Here, each seller has the opportunity to sell his goods at the price he sets. Unusual, creative and rare things are especially popular in this case. Unlike Avito, Aliexpress acts as a platform where most products can be purchased directly from the manufacturer.

Today you can sell on Aliexpress in Russia. In order to start making money on this site, you need to have your own online store or group on social networks with a large base of potential clients.

There are two main ways to make money with Aliexpress:

  1. Independent acquisition of popular products and their further placement in your own online store (group on social networks). This method allows you to sell purchased products within a short time due to the fact that the product you published is already in stock.
  2. Act as an intermediary between the site and a potential client. This method of earning money is complicated by the need to find those customers who are willing not only to make an advance payment, but also to wait for a long time for their goods. However, there are certain risks associated with damage or loss of goods during transportation.

You can achieve success in this area of ​​business only by collaborating with trusted sellers. When purchasing shoes and clothing, remember that the quality of such products is significantly inferior to American ones. It is the low quality that can explain the low price of such products.

The location of the outlet and the cost of the product have a direct impact on sales results.

Kitchen utensils, interior items, jewelry, cosmetics and small household appliances are the most popular goods that can be purchased for further sale. The average markup for such products is several times higher than the cost set by the manufacturer. The main advantage of this online store is free delivery and no need to pay customs duties. To summarize, we can say that the Aliexpress website is an ideal tool for promoting your own sales business, which does not require large financial investments.

If we consider the Russian Internet market, we should highlight a site like Avito. Here you can independently track popular trends and sell your goods without leaving home. Placing free advertisements greatly simplifies the search for potential clients.

In this case, the seller does not need to acquire the necessary license (except for certain goods) and register with the tax authorities. In order to legalize your business, you just need to open your own page directly on the website. In order to do this, you need to consult with the resource administration.


In order to determine the best-selling product in Russia, you should constantly monitor the market situation. Goods from the household chemicals section, children's clothing, various electronic gadgets and even food products can bring high profits to budding entrepreneurs. Rising inflation and crisis phenomena increase the demand for essential goods, so this area is in high demand among the population.

A profitable business is a business that is built on the sale of high-margin goods or services. The offer must have high demand and maximum markup. High-margin products provide good profits. Margin is the profit made from the difference between the purchase price and the selling price. So, what goods are profitable to trade at retail? How to open a profitable business?

Markup on sales product

Profitable sales will not only help keep the company afloat, but will also bring good income. To make a profit, each seller must compile a list of the most in-demand and popular products, which are characterized by maximum demand and high markups. Today there are several types of margin: market, bank, share, investment. Market markup is used to sell goods.

As a rule, the markup on a product set by an entrepreneur can vary and be very high. Such markups are established due to the fact that there is no maximum threshold and no one controls them. But here you need to clearly understand that the product will not be bought at an inflated price. Typically, the standard markup for a product is set at around 40-50%, but there are products for which the margin can be about 1000%, but they will still be purchased.

Types of goods with different margins

To figure out which products have what margin, you first need to familiarize yourself with its types. By margin, products are of three types:

  1. Low-margin goods. They are in great demand among consumers, but they can be purchased at any store. There is a markup of 10-20% on them. You can earn income from such a sale not due to large markups, but due to high turnover. Products of this type include personal hygiene products, baby food, and detergents. The actual cost of this type of product is very low.
  2. Medium-margin goods. This group includes products that are not essential. Here the margin can be set a little higher. But they are sold much less often. These include electronics, building materials, household appliances, etc.
  3. High-margin goods. Items that customers buy for special occasions or holidays. This category also includes branded products that connoisseurs cannot refuse.

When calculating the markup on a product, it is necessary to take into account the cost price, salaries of sellers, advertising costs, rental costs, take into account excess profits and set a minimum price.

Choosing a suitable niche

To sell effectively, you need to know and take into account all the nuances. When choosing a niche for a business, an entrepreneur should focus on certain points:

  1. You need to choose a niche that is familiar and promising. It is better to choose a direction in which the businessman understands and knows the market.
  2. To get a good income, the cost of the product should be small and the selling price should be high.
  3. It is imperative to study the level of demand; this will allow you to find profitable high-margin products.
  4. It is worth focusing on those products that will bring regular customers.
  5. You should pay attention to the seasonality and location of the store (promotion is important for online stores).

Usually, when choosing a niche, they choose products that are in high demand and high-margin goods, or they settle on something that will always be in demand. For example, watches that synchronize with a mobile phone or fitness bracelets are very popular today. On the other hand, stable demand for Apple products can bring good profits. Therefore, a profitable business primarily depends on the correct choice of niche and accurate miscalculations.

What goods are profitable to trade at retail?

Since a new entrepreneur is usually limited in finances, he should carefully choose his niche and best-selling product. This will help in the future to bring your enterprise to a high level of profit.

Today trade is very developed. Shops or markets with a large selection open on every corner, where you can find goods for every taste. There is no need to exclude market trading from your list, since the market is the place where there is a lot of traffic, especially on holidays or weekends. There is an active sale of inexpensive goods here, since expensive products are simply not in demand.

A store is different from a market. It can be opened on the first floors of a residential building, in a large shopping center and in any other suitable premises. Typically, stores have low traffic, but targeted customers generate income. Here you can sell goods of different price categories. When opening a store, it is necessary to determine the expected demand and need for goods from residents of the area. You need to offer exactly the product that is not available in this district.

The choice of retail product for a business depends on certain factors. But experts believe that with the right choice of retail outlet, food products are the most popular goods and a win-win business. Income from the sale of products will be available at any time of the year. The disadvantages are the short implementation period and high competition.

The sale of household chemicals is also a popular category of goods that have a long shelf life. Since this product is in great demand, you can also earn good money in this niche. A department can be opened in any store and sell household chemicals as related products.

A win-win retail option is shoes and apparel. But here you need to take into account the financial abilities of clients and the relevance of this product (fashion). In residential areas, sales will be low, but customers will become regulars. In large shopping centers the opposite is true. Here you can sell branded items at a large premium.

Don't forget about stationery. If you choose the right outlet, this business can bring good profits. Shops should be opened near educational institutions or offices. This niche is relevant and has no seasonality. The store can also offer additional services in the form of a photocopier, printing documents or photographs, etc.

Another retail option is flowers. Today they are usually given as gifts with or without reason. Properly created bouquets can bring good money. When choosing a niche, this beautiful and pleasant type of business also deserves attention.

When choosing an assortment for sale, you should take into account the location of the outlet, the needs of the consumer, and the financial capabilities of the population. At the initial stage of implementation, any business needs a competent business plan.

Online store

Today it is very important to run your business on the Internet. An online store does not require premises or staff. This helps save money on rent, on employee salaries, and advertising on the Internet is much cheaper. Due to the fact that such a store is not geographically tied, business can be conducted throughout the country, sending goods by mail.

Which high-margin products for online trading should you choose? Nowadays there are many online platforms that offer a wide range of products. It is difficult for beginners to compete with the giants of online stores Amazon, AliExpress or Ozon, whose assortment begins with clothing and ends with precious jewelry. In order for an online business to bring in good money, you need to wisely choose a special niche and group of trading items.

You can sell everything in an online store, but first you need to choose 2-3 categories. If the products sell, then over time you can expand your range.

The most popular products in the online store

Having studied the market and demand in the Russian Federation, experts compiled a list of the most popular products on the Global Network. This will help you make your choice in a particular area at the initial stage. List of popular products:

  • flowers, souvenirs, gifts;
  • toys and goods for children;
  • auto parts;
  • clothes, bags, shoes;
  • special equipment for sports and tourism, sportswear;
  • Home Appliances;
  • computers and their components;
  • materials for construction and repair;
  • household chemicals and personal care products;
  • mobile phones and accessories;
  • alcohol and food;
  • medicines;
  • animal products;
  • jewelry, watches and costume jewelry.

When choosing an assortment, you need to understand that the greater the demand, the greater the competition. To take a worthy place among competitors, you need to carefully analyze each of the above categories.

To open an online store in a small town, you need to take into account that the population here has a lower income than in a metropolis. In small towns the population is smaller, and the needs here are completely different. It should be taken into account that expensive goods will not be in demand. Customers will look for inexpensive but average quality products. Examples of goods for trade in a small town:

  • inexpensive shoes and clothing;
  • food products (except delicacies);
  • used goods;
  • cheap alcohol and cigarettes;
  • auto parts;
  • medicines at low prices.

These categories of goods will be in great demand in a small city. By creating an online business even in a small town, you can find regular customers, the main thing is to sell quality products and maintain your reputation.

High-margin goods from China

How to choose the right product that will bring profit? Purchasing goods from Chinese sites should be considered. Products should not be heavy or bulky, and you should also choose products that do not spoil. This will save money on shipping. For implementation, you can use social networks, one-page sites and online stores.

When choosing a product to sell, you need to think about what you can make a high markup on, what can recoup the costs spent and make a profit. Such products may be unremarkable, disposable, but will always be in demand. For example: plastic bags, plastic lids for jars, disposable hats, slippers, raincoats. They cost pennies and don’t take up much space, but they can bring good profits.

Purchasing goods during a crisis should be well thought out. At this moment, offering consumers cheap analogue goods from China can generate good income. Even if the quality is lower, the low price will be a pleasant bonus. Here it is important to find an assortment with a low price but good quality.

When searching for a suitable assortment, you need to analyze the market. Every day, global trends and fashion create new sought-after niches. Entering the market with this particular group of products will initially bring good income due to the lack of competitors.

How and where to look for Chinese goods

Today there are many popular Chinese websites where you can purchase goods. They sell retail and wholesale. Main sites:

  1. GearBest - this site has Russian support. This is usually where the newest products appear.
  2. AliExpress - this site is also available in Russian; a huge number of products are presented, including at low prices.
  3. Alibaba.

Finding a high-margin product on AliExpress, for example, is quite simple. You just need to select the product category you are interested in and view the offers. You can turn on a filter to show only items under $1 or those that qualify for free shipping. Convenient little things for the home, T-shirts, unusual jewelry, interesting and original souvenirs will be in demand (spinners are popular now, a few months ago everyone was buying My Bottle water bottles, and a couple of years ago talking hamster toys “got off”).

All that remains is to purchase a batch of such goods, set your own price or use the dropshipping scheme. Such a product should be in demand in any case. The main thing is to find your niche, and then everything will go according to the proven scheme.

The most popular products in the Russian Federation for 2017

Today, during the economic crisis, newbies in business have many questions. What are the in-demand products in 2017? Which direction will bring income? These questions can be answered by analyzing the market, demand and competitors.

In 2017, experts advise selling cheap products. Products with average quality and low prices are now popular. The rating of high-margin goods for 2017 is presented by the following product groups:

  1. Quadcopters and the necessary equipment for them. Now this product is at the peak of popularity. Quadcopters are used for aerial photography.
  2. Mobile phones and additional gadgets (power bank, original headphones).
  3. Appliances.
  4. Green teas. This business does not require large start-up capital, but is in great demand among consumers who lead a healthy lifestyle.
  5. Products that cleanse the body. Today, herbal tinctures, detoxes, etc. are popular.
  6. LED bulbs. Every year the demand for such lamps is growing. They are economical and last a long time.
  7. Books. Nowadays, many people prefer to read electronic literature, but printed publications also find their category of consumers. It is very convenient to buy books through online stores, since it is much cheaper there and you can read the annotation of the book you like.
  8. Clothes and shoes.
  9. Gift items and toys for children.
  10. Cosmetics.

A modern businessman is obliged to build a strategy for his work, keeping up with the times. You need to be able to completely change your style in a moment of crisis and significant competition, to radically change direction.

The modern market is oversaturated with various goods and services, so many novice entrepreneurs find it difficult to choose a line of activity. If you want your business to bring good profits, you need to find an idea that will be in demand in any economic conditions. We will tell you in this article what is in demand among the population in 2019.

In-demand products

First, let's talk about goods that are in great demand among the population. First of all, these are, of course, food:

  • Meat and sausages;
  • Fish;
  • Dairy products;
  • Cereals;
  • Pasta;
  • Vegetables and stuff.

Household chemicals and personal hygiene items should also be mentioned separately. Such products are in high demand among the population even in conditions of economic instability. It never disappears from the market basket, which is why many experienced experts recommend that beginners open their own business in the food industry.

Regardless of income, people continue to buy:

  • Washing powder;
  • Toothpaste;
  • Detergents and cleaning products;
  • Shampoos;
  • Soap;
  • Cosmetics, etc.

When thinking about what product is in great demand among the population during a crisis, we should also mention alcohol:

  • Vodka;
  • Cognac;
  • Wine;
  • Beer;
  • Ready-made alcoholic cocktails.

Such a product attracts the attention of buyers, not only on holidays, but also on weekdays. Don't forget about tobacco products. Despite the fact that recently the state has been actively fighting smoking, many citizens regularly buy cigarettes, thereby bringing huge profits to tobacco manufacturers.

The production or sale of seasonal goods can bring enormous success to a small enterprise:

  1. Chilled juices;
  2. Ice cream;
  3. Hot drinks;
  4. Fuel briquettes;
  5. Seasonal clothes, etc.

When forming your own business model, pay attention to “impulse demand” goods. Many consumers do not perceive small things like candy, chewing gum or small chocolate bars as a purchase. But from the sale of such goods, which are in great demand among the population, you can make a good profit.

What is profitable to sell?

If you are planning to open a store, you first need to find out. The most important thing is to correctly determine what is currently in demand among the population. In this case, the business will flourish and bring excellent profits. So, let's try to figure out what sells well during a crisis:
  1. Equipment and electronics - phones, laptops, tablets, video cameras. This . Such a business will require you to have certain knowledge and significant financial investments;
  2. Products. If you open a grocery store in a good location, it will bring in a decent profit all year round. To increase the profitability of your enterprise, you can create a household chemicals department in your store;
  3. Shoes and clothing. Buy inexpensive, high-quality goods in bulk and sell them at retail at attractive prices. You can also offer consumers luxury products, but they are rarely purchased in small quantities;
  4. Stationery. Such a product is in great demand among the population at the beginning of the school year;
  5. Sporting goods. Many modern people are trying to lead a healthy lifestyle, so recently the demand for various sports equipment, clothing and exercise equipment has begun to grow. If you are interested in what products are in great demand during a crisis, be sure to pay attention to this market segment;
  6. Fabrics and accessories. During the crisis, many citizens sew their own clothes, so the demand for high-quality inexpensive fabrics, threads, needles, buttons, etc. begins to grow;
  7. Flowers. People celebrate weddings, anniversaries and other special occasions in all economic conditions. As you know, the best gift for any occasion is flowers. The cost of bouquets is sometimes several times higher than their cost, so such a business brings a decent profit;
  8. Kids toys. Parents try not to deny their kids anything, so the demand for children's products remains consistently high even during a crisis. In addition to toys, the assortment can include strollers, cribs, clothes, diapers and hygiene items.
  9. We figured out which products are in demand during the crisis. Now let's talk about what services will be in demand in conditions of economic instability.

    Most popular services

    To determine what services are in demand among people in your region, you need to carefully analyze the market. This will allow you to assess the level of competition, as well as determine the profitability of the business and its approximate payback period. At first, you can provide services yourself, without hiring employees. Once you have formed your own client base, you can hire qualified staff.

    The most popular services in demand by the population:

  • Minor repairs (husband for an hour). This business idea is perfect for beginners who are looking for... The "husband for an hour" agency offers clients a wide range of services - repair of household appliances, installation of plumbing fixtures, replacement of electrical wiring, sockets and switches. Before you begin, you need to complete paperwork, purchase tools, and place advertisements in local media. Such activities will bring monthly 30–50 thousand rubles of net income;
  • Freight transportation. This is a fairly popular area of ​​activity, since recently both legal entities and individuals have begun to use the services of transport companies;
  • Service and repair of household appliances. If you hire qualified specialists and conduct an effective advertising campaign, you can earn 50–60 thousand rubles monthly. To increase your revenue to 100–150 thousand rubles, you need to constantly promote your business and expand the range of services;
  • Hairdresser, cosmetologist. According to experts, this is a fairly promising type of commercial activity that can bring excellent profits. In order to open a small beauty salon, you will need approximately 300 thousand rubles. If the location of the establishment is successfully chosen, monthly revenue can reach 100 thousand rubles. The success of such a business also largely depends on the intensity of promotion and professionalism of the craftsmen;
  • Shoe repair. Such a business will require minimal financial investments from you - for paperwork, purchasing tools and raw materials. If you work independently, without hiring employees, you can earn 40–50 thousand rubles a month;
  • Organization of festive events. Services for weddings, birthdays, corporate parties and other celebrations are in greatest demand in large cities. If you provide an effective advertising campaign, the business will generate 50–150 thousand rubles of net income per month;
  • Funeral services. If you include the production and installation of monuments in the list of services, you can earn up to 200 thousand rubles per month;
  • Delivery of environmentally friendly products to your home. This business idea is perfect for rural residents who do not know. Many modern people care about their health, so they try to eat only natural, environmentally friendly food. If you organize regular delivery of fresh vegetables, milk, meat and other products to your regular customers, such a business will bring in 50-80 thousand rubles of net profit every month.
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