Male and female gypsy names. Gypsy names Name of a young gypsy woman

Strings stretched thin ringing

IN contemporary culture Gypsies preserved the legacy of Indian ancestors. This actually manifests itself both in the language of the gypsies and gypsy names, and in the culture of the gypsies, which preserves a number of institutions dating back to the Indian period. Just like among the Indians, among the Gypsies, pollution, on the one hand, is associated with ritual and hygienic ideas, and on the other hand, it acts as a social sanction, in violation of some important norms of Gypsy life.

Gypsy female names in modern interpretation have many sources of origin. One of them is partial borrowing from Indian tradition and languages. Therefore, among the gypsy inens, we can often find abbreviated forms of other foreign names, among which may be: Muslim names (Amber, Ali, Mohammed ...), Aramaic (Bartholomew, Martha, Thomas ...), English (Brian, Dylan, Kermit , Tara...), French (Alison, Bruce, Olivia...), German (Charles, Leonard, Richard, William...), Greek (Angel, Christopher, George, Selina...), Hebrew (Adam , David, John, Michelle...), Italian (Bianca, Donna, Mia...), Latin (Cordelia, Diana, Patrick, Victoria...), Scandinavian (Brenda, Dustin, Eric...), Persian (Esther, Jasmine, Roxanne...), from Sanskrit - ancient literary language names of India (Beryl, Opal, Uma...) Slavic (Boris, Nadia, Vera...), Spanish (Dolores, Linda, Rio...) and others foreign names peace.

gypsy names female

Baval - "breeze"

Baht - "happiness"

Vita - "willow" (among German gypsies)

Gili - "song"

Gita - "song" (Skt.)

Godyavir - "clever"

Gozhy, Gozhinka - "beauty"

Gyuli - "rose" (among Yugoslav gypsies)

Zora - "dawn"

Katse, Khatsa - "kitten, kitty"

Khamali - "redhead"

Lachi - "glorious"

Leela - "game" (Skt.)

Lola - "red"

Luludi - "flower"

Macha, Mucha - "kitten, kitty"

Daddy - "chrysalis"

Patrina - "picture"

Rada, Radda, Radyma - "joy"

Raji - "princess"

Ratri, Ratori - "night"

Ruja - "red-haired"

Sarra - "morning" (among Finnish gypsies)

Slavutna - "glorious, wonderful"

Freida, Freud - "joy" (among German gypsies)

Chargen, Chergen - "star"

Chirikli - "bird"

Shanita, Shanta - "calm" (Skt.)

Shukar - "beauty"

Yagori - "light"

Gypsy male names in the modern interpretation, as mentioned above, have many sources of origin. One of them is a partial borrowing from Indian traditions and languages. Therefore, among the gypsy, yaponskih names, we can often find abbreviated forms of foreign names, among which may be: Muslim names (Amber, Ali, Mohammed...), Aramaic (Bartholomew, Martha, Thomas...), English (Brian, Dylan, Kermit, Tara...), French (Alison, Bruce, Olivia...), German (Charles, Leonard, Richard, William...), Greek (Angel, Christopher, George, Selina...), Hebrew ( Adam, David, John, Michelle...), Italian (Bianca, Donna, Mia...), Latin (Cordelia, Diana, Patrick, Victoria...), Scandinavian (Brenda, Dustin, Eric...), Persian (Esther, Jasmine, Roxanne...), Sanskrit - ancient literary language names of India (Beryl, Opal, Uma...) Slavic (Boris, Nadia, Vera...), Spanish (Dolores, Linda, Rio. ..) and other foreign names of the world.

Gypsy names for men
Bar - "stone"

Baro - "important, chief"

Bakhtalo - "lucky, happy"

Bakhti - "lucky"

Godyavir - "smart"

Gojo - "handsome"

Goselo - "smart"

Gudlo - "cute"

Zuralo - "strong man"

Ilo, Iloro - "heart, heart"

Kahlo - "black, blackie"

Kuch - "precious"

Khamalo - "red; sunny"

Lacho - "glorious"

Lolo - "red"

Loshalo, Loshano - "cheerful"

Manu, Manush - "man"

Rupe, Rupa - "ruble" (any whole monetary unit)

Sonakai - "golden"

Tsagar, Tagar, Tagari - "king, king"

Chander, Shandor - "month" (Skt.)

Chiriklo - "nightingale"

Gypsies are a proud and independent people, but a believer, with bright traditions. Even the names reflect the originality and piety of these people. This people owes its origin to India. In ancient times, gypsy names were given to children the same as those of godfathers. Surnames began to ennoble, give significance (Pearl, Zolotarev, and so on). Then this tradition passed to names. But they always had some meaning. Not the official name and surname, but the nickname of the gypsies is still in the first place.

Features of gypsy names

Currently, this people uses three types of names:

Actually gypsy samples - the official name, which appears in the documents. It is chosen by sound. Nowadays, they are rarely seen, because they look more like nicknames than beautiful gypsy names: Duda, Geda, Nana, Buza, Lacho, Metya, Gozho, Gili, Sonakai, Bar.

Borrowed samples are names that are used in life, in communication. They are called at baptism. This group of names reflects the meaning of some good quality(luck, wealth, happiness, fun, beauty). These include the following: Bakhtalo (happy, lucky), Kuch (precious), Rupa, Rupe (ruble). And gypsy names (female) bear the names of flowers: Rose, Margot, Viola, Rubina, Jacqueline, Gyuli. Often the secular option for naming a child is an abbreviated official name (Alexander - Sasha). And it does not change even with age and status.

Simple borrowed names - a nickname given to a gypsy that characterizes an act or event. Among this people, they are very common. They are borrowed from Europeans living in the neighborhood: Romanians, Greeks, Italians, Russians.

It happens that a nickname is added to the names. As a rule, the secular option is enough for gypsies. Any adult man or woman has the right to change their first and last name.


There are gypsy names for men and women in Hungarian, Polish, Romanian descent(Anelka, Voliana, Bina, Gafitsa, Diamanta, Dana, Zhuzha, Loludi, Zemfira, Margayka, Mytsa, Mileva, Ruzha, Papush, Yana, Zurka, Badya, Latsy, Istvan, Yanosh). As you can see, this people really have a craving for everything beautiful. Gypsies use words added to their official name or nickname. Naike - this is how a woman refers to a man who is older or the same age. By this, she emphasizes respect for the interlocutor. Doike - this is how a gypsy refers to a woman older than herself. Age has always been an occasion for showing respect for this people. Maike - so affectionately addressed to the younger ones.

It is customary to give children names that are associated with a happy fate. Representatives of this people give newborns, as a rule, Muslim and Christian naming options. But there are also gypsy names, the origin of which is unknown (Manchi, Kukuna, Hohan, Dyultai, Lanchay, Monty, Ivory, Loludi).

List of names for boys

It will be interesting to know how children are named in this nation. Here are the main gypsy names and their meanings:

Andrzej (warrior, man).

Boiko (resident of Ukraine).

Besnik (devotee).

Boldo (protector of the king).

Guaril (winner, champion).

Gudada (superiority).

Gunari (warrior).

Georgie (peasant).

Zindelo (son, son).

Iosca (he will multiply).

Ion (good god is).

Lukaa (from Lucania).

Loisa (famous warrior).

Milos (glory of favor).

Marco, Mericano (warlike).

Mihai (who is like a god).

Mirkea (peace).

Nicola, Nicu (victory of the people).

Panka, Pitivo, Pitti (stone, rock).

Petsha (free).

Plaimn (fire, flame).

Pali, Pesha (small).

Stevo (crowned).

Simions (listener).

Tobar (from the Tiber River).

Tamas (twin).

Walter (ruler of the army).

Fonso (noble).

Ferka (free).

Harman (a brave and hardy person).

Hanzi (God is good).

Stefan (crown).

SANDOR (proud).

Emilian (competitor).

Yanoro (January).

Janko (God is kind).

As can be seen from the interpretation of all the listed names, they were clearly intended to emphasize some feature of the child. Choosing an option for criticism, the parents believed that he was able to influence the fate of the future man.

List of names for girls

Unlike male options, patterns for chastising girls have more sophisticated meanings. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the famous gypsy names:

Bogdan (given by the Lord).

Bakht (happiness).

Baval (breeze).

Bombana (candy).

Vita (willow).

Gili (song).

Godyavir (clever).

Jofranca (free).

Donka (invaluable).

Dika (from Magdala).

Drina (from Hadria).

Many names are created precisely in order to emphasize best qualities that characterize girls:

Dea (mysterious).

Donka (an invaluable girl).

Zlata (gold);

Zara (sugar).

Zora (dawn).

Kizzy (cinnamon tree).

Laura (invisible).

Luladja (flower of life).

Lala (tulip).

Lyuba, Lyubitshka (love).

Lyalya (beautiful).

Luminitsa (light).

Mirela (admiring).

Mala (necklace).

Nadia (hope).

Persuda (reasonable).

Daddy (doll).

Rada (joy).

Probably, even the gypsies themselves will not be able to list all the names. There are many more examples for girls to complain about.

Ratri (night).

Ruzanna (beautiful girl).

Rouge (red-haired).

Simza (joy).

Sarah (morning).

Stanka (superbly ruling).

Slavutna (wonderful, glorious).

Taleita (little girl).

Tshilaba (seeker of knowledge).

Tsera, Tseritsa (light, ray of dawn).

Florica (flower).

Fifika (she will multiply).

Chirikli (bird).

Chergay, Chergen (star).

Shofranca (free).

Esmeralda (emerald).

Ash (live)

The most common gypsy names

As elsewhere, thanks natural selection some patterns become loved, while others are gradually forgotten. Often there are gypsy (male) names, which are given below. They fully reflect the proud disposition of the representatives of this people:

Kahlo (black).

Baro (main).

Gojo (handsome).

Bakhti (lucky).

Tagar (king).

Shuko (beautiful).

Popular female gypsy names that have not been forgotten to this day:

Mucha (cat).

Patrina (picture).

Gita (song).

Shanta (calm).

Raji (princess).

Lachi (glorious).


I would like to note that the naming option forms the fate of a person, influences the development of certain traits. And gypsy names are chosen carefully, rewarding the child with such qualities that they would like to see in him.

What do gypsy names mean: interpretation and history of origin

In Europe, the Romani language is divided into several dialect groups.

Baltic group

This dialect group includes the dialects of those gypsy ethnolinguistic groups that, in different time arrived at the places of modern settlement from Poland:

1. North Russian Gypsies were settled in the former RSFSR, Northern Kazakhstan and the eastern part of Belarus. Their names, as a rule, are taken from the Russian personal name (Alexander, Alexey). These gypsies are divided into local groups, called by the names of the area, for example: Smolensk Roma, Pskov Roma. Local groups are divided into genera (gypsy rbdo), whose names are formed from the personal name or nickname of the ancestor with the help of the Belarusian suffix -onk (for example, Alexandronki from the personal name Alexander; Belarusian surnames such as Makayonok, Dzemenchonok), as well as the Ukrainian and Polish suffix -ak (for example, Voronchaki) and the actual gypsy suffix with the meaning of possessiveness -gire (for example, Kartoshkengire). The surnames of the gypsies are mainly Polish (Tsibulsky, Kozlovsky) or Russian (Ivanov, Shishkov), models.

2. Belarusian-Lithuanian gypsies are settled in the northwestern part of Belarus, throughout the territory of Lithuania and the eastern part of Latvia (in Latgale). This ethnolinguistic group is also
is divided into a number of genera, the names of which are formed from the names or nicknames of ancestors using the Belarusian suffix -onk (for example, Lisyonki, Pisaronki). Surnames of Belarusian
And Polish origin(Kasperovich, Ostrovsky); in Lithuania, surnames are often decorated with Lithuanian suffixes (Kaspyaravichus, Astrauskas) or taken from Russian anthroponymy (Ivanov, Petrov).

3. Latvian gypsies live in the territory of Latvia, in some cities of the northern part of Lithuania, some families live in Russia. This ethnolinguistic group has been poorly studied. Surnames are mostly Polish (Burkevich, Kozlovsky, Mitrovsky), Latvian (Sunitis, Upits), German (Eberhardt, Klein) and - less often - Lithuanian (Didzhnos) and Russian (Ivanov) origin. There are even Ukrainian surname Kravchenko.

German group.

This dialect group includes the dialects of the gypsies, for a long time(since the middle of the 15th century) living and living in the territory of distribution German language. The bulk of these gypsies live outside the countries former USSR: in Germany, Austria, as well as in France, northern Italy, individual groups in Poland, Yugoslavia, the Netherlands.

Balkan group.

This dialect group includes Romani dialects that have been in contact with the languages ​​of the Balkan linguistic union for a long time. The bulk of the speakers of these dialects live in the countries of the Balkan Peninsula: in Bulgaria, in the south of Yugoslavia, in Greece.

1. Ursari gypsies live only on the territory of Moldova. In the village of Ursari there are two clans - Zahariyesti and Gancheshti. Surnames are of Moldovan origin (Bogdan, Arapu, Arzhint, Kantya).

2. Crimean gypsies live in the northern regions of the Crimean region, in the regions of the Kherson region adjacent to Crimea, in the Odessa and Zaporozhye regions of Ukraine, in the Rostov and Volgograd regions, in the Stavropol and Krasnodar region Russia, Siberia, Far East, in Kyiv, Moscow, Leningrad. Along with Muslim names they have
And christian names, as well as gypsy names unknown origin(Manchi, Hohan, Kukuna, Lanchai, Dyultai, Monty, Loludi, Ivory). Surnames are all of Crimean Tatar origin (Ibragimov, Kemalov, Shekerov, Melemerov, Dzhumassan, Dzhelakaev, Kazibeev). There is also the surname Oglu, which arose from the isafet form of the Crimean Tatar word ochul

Ukrainian dialect group.

This dialect group includes the dialects of those gypsies who lived for a long time in the territory of the spread of the Ukrainian language (from the 16th-17th centuries).

1. The gypsies of the southern regions of Russia and the left-bank Ukraine live in Kursk, Lipetsk, Belogorod, Voronezh, Volgograd, Rostov regions Russia.

2. Gypsies of the right-bank Ukraine mainly live in Kyiv, Cherkasy, Kirovograd, Kherson and Nikolaev regions. The surnames of the gypsies belonging to this group are Ukrainian origin(Kopylenko, Ivashchenko, Danchenko, Slichenko, Kondenko), less often perceived from the Russian language (Musatov, Bizev).

Vlach group

This group of dialects is one of the most dispersed. The speakers of these dialects include the Elderari and Lovari gypsies, who lived before mid-nineteenth century on the Romanian-Hungarian language border in Austria-Hungary. Currently, the Kalderari live in Russia, Poland, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, France, England, Sweden, Italy, Spain, USA, Canada, Mexico, Argentina. Lovari live in Russia, Poland, Hungary, France, Belgium, England, USA.
The Kalderari are subdivided into so-called genera. The genus takes its name from the name or nickname of its ancestor. There are about 20 genera in total: Badoni, Bidona, Busoni, Bambuleshti, Burikani, Butsuloni, Vovoni, Grekurya, Girtsoni, Dilinkoni, Ditsoni, Dukoni, Demoni, Durkoni, Eneshti, Krestevetskoni. The Lovar dialect is represented by the Chokesti and Bundash groups (the division is based on occupation).

In addition to the names in the communication of gypsies - speakers of this dialect, appeals are used related to age differences, for example, naike - a respectful address of a woman to an older man or peer, doike - a respectful address of a woman to an older woman, maike - an affectionate address to a younger one.

For gypsies, the name or nickname and belonging to any kind played and still play more important role than a last name.

Stefan (accent on the first syllable)
And here is another very interesting site of names to help you

What are gypsy names?

Maria penkova

There are a lot of them, here are some.
Bar - "stone"
Baro - "important, chief"
Bakhtalo - "lucky, happy"
Bakhti - "lucky"
Godyavir - "smart"
Gojo - "handsome"
Goselo - "smart"
Gudlo - "cute"
Zuralo - "strong man"
Ilo, Iloro - "heart, heart"
Kahlo - "black, blackie"
Kuch - "precious"
Khamalo - "red; sunny"
Lacho - "glorious"
Lolo - "red"
Loshalo, Loshano - "cheerful"
Manu, Manush - "man"
Rupe, Rupa - "ruble" (any whole monetary unit)
Sonakai - "golden"
Tsagar, Tagar, Tagari - "king, king"
Chander, Shandor - "month" (Skt.)
Chiriklo - "nightingale"
Shuko - "beautiful"
Baval - "breeze"
Baht - "happiness"
Vita - "willow" (among German gypsies)
Gili - "song"
Gita - "song" (Skt.)
Godyavir - "clever"
Gozhy, Gozhinka - "beauty"
Gyuli - "rose" (among Yugoslav gypsies)
Zora - "dawn"
Katse, Khatsa - "kitten, kitty"
Khamali - "redhead"
Lachi - "glorious"
Leela - "game" (Skt.)
Lola - "red"
Luludi - "flower"
Macha, Mucha - "kitten, kitty"
Daddy - "chrysalis"
Patrina - "picture"
Rada, Radda, Radyma - "joy"
Raji - "princess"
Ratri, Ratori - "night"
Ruja - "red-haired"
Sarra - "morning" (among Finnish gypsies)
Slavutna - "glorious, wonderful"
Freida, Freud - "joy" (among German gypsies)
Chargen, Chergen - "star"
Chirikli - "bird"
Shanita, Shanta - "calm" (Skt.)
Shukar - "beauty"
Yagori - "light"
Diamond, Almas - "diamond" (Greek)
Angel, Angel, Angelo - "angel" (Romanian, Spanish, Italian)
Bogdan - "given by God" (glor.)
Veselin - "cheerful" (glor.)
Danko - short for Daniel and Daniel (can be used as an independent name)
Django, Dzhanko - a gypsy version of the name Jean and John
Jura - a gypsy version of the name Yuri, George, George
Dragomir, Drago - "dear, precious" (glor.)
Zlatan - "golden" (glor.)
Ivan, Johann - " God's grace» (other Hebrew)
Lexa - short for Alexey
Miroslav, Miro - "mine" (glor.)
Michael, Michael, Miguel, Michel - “who is like God” (heb.)
Petro, Peter - perceived by analogy with "petrel" - "pray" (among German gypsies) (Greek)
Roman - comprehended by analogy with the word "romano" - "gypsy, gypsy", as well as "Roman, Roman", which is equivalent from the point of view of the gypsy language
Sashko - short for Alexander
Diamond - "diamond" (Greek)
Bogdana - " given by God"(glor.)
Faith - "faith" (glor.)
Veselina - "cheerful" (glory.)
Dinara - "dinar" (arab.)
Elena, Helen, Helen, Elena - “sunny”, in everyday life it is shortened to “Lalya”
Jasmine, Yasmine - "jasmine" (arab.)
Zara, associated with "Zaro" - "sugar"
Zlata - "golden" (glor.)
Lily, Lily - "lily"
Lola, Lolita, is comprehended by analogy with the word "Lola" - "red"
Love - "love" (glory.)
Mary - associated with the name of the Virgin
Miroslava, in everyday life is reduced to "Miri" - "mine"
Olga - “holy”, in everyday life it is shortened to “Lalya”
Petra, perceived by analogy with "petrel" - "pray" (among German gypsies)
Rosa - "rose" (Latin)
Rubina - "ruby"
Sabina, associated with "sabini" - "laughing"
Svetlana - "bright" (glor.)
Sofia, in everyday life abbreviated. to "Sonya", associated with "Sonakai" - "golden"
Hitana - "gypsy" (Spanish)
Esmeralda - "emerald" (Spanish)

What are gypsy names? What are the male and female names of the gypsies?

How gypsies choose their names. Do they have "purely gypsy" names? Or maybe wandering around the wide world, they borrowed the names, or adopted them there, from different peoples. Maybe they somehow changed them "for themselves" ... What names are most common among men and women. And then I know only one thing - Budulay. But this ... "All gypsy gypsies" as you know. And I don't know about others. Do you know? What can you tell about gypsy names?


Now gypsies use three types of names:

1. gypsy - the official name that appears in the documents. It is chosen by sound; though they are more like nicknames: Buza, Lacho, Metya, Gozho, Sonakai, etc.

2.borrowed names - are used in life. They are called at baptism. This group of names reflects the meaning of some positive quality (luck, wealth, happiness, fun, beauty). And gypsy female names often bear the names of flowers: Rose, Margo, Viola, Rubina, Jacqueline, Gyuli.

Simple borrowed names - a nickname that characterizes an act. Among the gypsies, they are very common. They are borrowed from the peoples living in the neighborhood.

Some male names:

Andrzej - warrior, man

Boldo - protector of the king

Guaril - winner, champion

Georgie the peasant

Zindelo - son, son

Milos - glory of favor

Mihai - who is like a god

Stevo - crowned

Tamas - twin

Walter - ruler of the army

Fonso - noble

Harman is a brave and hardy man

Stefan - crown

Emilian - competitor

Yanoro - January

Ion, Hanzi, Janko - God is kind

Bogdana - given by the Lord

Bombana - candy

Jofranca/Shofranca - free

Zlata - golden

Zara - sugar

Laura - invisible

Lala - tulip

Ruzanna is beautiful

Luminitsa - light

Glad, Simza - joy

Sarah - morning

Florica - flower

Chergen is a star

Esmeralda - emerald

They have a lot of names, actually.

Linguists and geneticists who have studied the origin of the Gypsies have established that the so-called "proto-Gypsy" groups left India in periodic waves over several centuries, from the 6th to the 15th century. The first group of ancestors of modern Gypsies in the amount of about a thousand people was presented to the Persian Shah as a token of gratitude from the North Indian padishah. According to the analysis of borrowed words in the languages ​​of modern European Gypsies, their "gifted" ancestors spent about four hundred years in Persia and then left Central Asia, But not all. Most of these people settled in Byzantium, another group went through Palestine to Egypt.

In Byzantium, the gypsies quickly integrated into society and were engaged in blacksmithing and divination. However, the rich empire was constantly at war, and even then population migrations began.

One of the first written sources in which the gypsies are mentioned is called the Life of St. George of Athos, dated 1100. In the events of the middle of the 11th century described in it, some “atzingans” are mentioned, which, translated from Greek- "untouchables".

Well, after the collapse of Byzantium, the gypsies began to move en masse to Europe. Looking for a better life their camps wandered around all countries and where they settled at least for a while, gypsy villages arose. All this happened already in the 15th century, when the European peasantry began to acquire surnames.

In Europe, the Romani language is divided into several dialect groups.

Baltic group

This dialect group includes dialects of those gypsy ethnolinguistic groups that at different times arrived at the places of modern settlement from Poland:

1. North Russian Gypsies were settled in the former RSFSR, Northern Kazakhstan and the eastern part of Belarus. Their names, as a rule, are taken from the Russian personal name (Alexander, Alexey). These gypsies are divided into local groups, called by the names of the area, for example: Smolensk Roma, Pskov Roma. Local groups are divided into genera (gypsy rbdo), the names of which are formed from the personal name or nickname of the ancestor with the help of the Belarusian suffix -onk (for example, Alexandronki from the personal name Alexander; Belarusian surnames such as Makayonok, Dzemenchonok), as well as the Ukrainian and Polish suffix -ak (for example, Voronchaks) and the actual gypsy suffix with the meaning of possessiveness -gire (for example, Kartoshkengire). The surnames of the gypsies are mainly Polish (Tsibulsky, Kozlovsky) or Russian (Ivanov, Shishkov), models.

2. Belarusian-Lithuanian gypsies are settled in the northwestern part of Belarus, throughout the territory of Lithuania and the eastern part of Latvia (in Latgale). This ethnolinguistic group is also
is divided into a number of genera, the names of which are formed from the names or nicknames of ancestors using the Belarusian suffix -onk (for example, Lisyonki, Pisaronki). Surnames of Belarusian
and Polish origin (Kasperovich, Ostrovsky); in Lithuania, surnames are often decorated with Lithuanian suffixes (Kaspyaravichus, Astrauskas) or taken from Russian anthroponymy (Ivanov, Petrov).

3. Latvian gypsies live in the territory of Latvia, in some cities of the northern part of Lithuania, some families live in Russia. This ethnolinguistic group has been poorly studied. Surnames are mostly Polish (Burkevich, Kozlovsky, Mitrovsky), Latvian (Sunitis, Upits), German (Eberhardt, Klein) and - less often - Lithuanian (Didzhnos) and Russian (Ivanov) origin. There is even a Ukrainian surname Kravchenko.

German group.

This dialect group includes the dialects of the Gypsies, who for a long time (since the middle of the 15th century) have lived and are living in the territory where the German language is spread. The bulk of these gypsies live outside the countries of the former USSR: in Germany, Austria, as well as in France, northern Italy, separate groups in Poland, Yugoslavia, and the Netherlands.

Balkan group.

This dialect group includes Romani dialects that have been in contact with the languages ​​of the Balkan linguistic union for a long time. The bulk of the speakers of these dialects live in the countries of the Balkan Peninsula: in Bulgaria, in the south of Yugoslavia, in Greece.

1. Ursari gypsies live only on the territory of Moldova. In the village of Ursari there are two clans - Zahariyesti and Gancheshti. Surnames are of Moldovan origin (Bogdan, Arapu, Arzhint, Kantya).

2. Crimean gypsies live in the northern regions of the Crimean region, in the regions of the Kherson region adjacent to Crimea, in the Odessa, Zaporozhye regions of Ukraine, in the Rostov and Volgograd regions, in the Stavropol and Krasnodar regions of Russia, in Siberia, in the Far East, in Kiev, Moscow , Leningrad. Along with Muslim names, they have
and Christian names, as well as gypsy names of unknown origin (Manchi, Hohan, Kukuna, Lanchai, Dyultai, Monti, Loludi, Ivory). Surnames are all of Crimean Tatar origin (Ibragimov, Kemalov, Shekerov, Melemerov, Dzhumassan, Dzhelakaev, Kazibeev). There is also the surname Oglu, which arose from the isafet form of the Crimean Tatar word ochul

Ukrainian dialect group.

This dialect group includes the dialects of those gypsies who lived for a long time in the territory of the spread of the Ukrainian language (from the 16th-17th centuries).

1. Gypsies of the southern regions of Russia and the left-bank Ukraine live in the Kursk, Lipetsk, Belogorod, Voronezh, Volgograd, and Rostov regions of Russia.

2. Gypsies of the right-bank Ukraine mainly live in Kyiv, Cherkasy, Kirovograd, Kherson and Nikolaev regions. The surnames of the Gypsies belonging to this group are of Ukrainian origin (Kopylenko, Ivashchenko, Danchenko, Slichenko, Kondenko), less often perceived from the Russian language (Musatov, Bizev).

Vlach group

This group of dialects is one of the most dispersed. The speakers of these dialects include the Eldarari and Lovari gypsies, who lived until the middle of the 19th century on the Romanian-Hungarian language border in Austria-Hungary. Currently, the Kalderari live in Russia, Poland, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, France, England, Sweden, Italy, Spain, USA, Canada, Mexico, Argentina. Lovari live in Russia, Poland, Hungary, France, Belgium, England, USA.
The Kalderari are subdivided into so-called genera. The genus takes its name from the name or nickname of its ancestor. There are about 20 genera in total: Badoni, Bidona, Busoni, Bambuleshti, Burikani, Butsuloni, Vovoni, Grekurya, Girtsoni, Dilinkoni, Ditsoni, Dukoni, Demoni, Durkoni, Eneshti, Krestevetskoni. The Lovar dialect is represented by the Chokesti and Bundash groups (the division is based on occupation).

In addition to the names in the communication of gypsies - speakers of this dialect, appeals are used related to age differences, for example, naike - a respectful address of a woman to an older man or peer, doike - a respectful address of a woman to an older woman, maike - an affectionate address to a younger one.

Among the Gypsies, the name or nickname and belonging to any kind played and still play a more important role than the surname.