1 automated workstation arm. Automated workstation

Automated workstation (AWS) is a complex of computer hardware and software located directly at the employee’s workplace and intended to automate his work within the specialty.

Automated workstations must be created strictly in accordance with their intended functional purpose. However, the general principles of creating an automated workplace remain unchanged, these include:





The principle of consistency means the following: an automated workstation must be a system of interconnected components. At the same time, the structure of the automated workplace must clearly correspond to the functions for which this automated workstation is created.

The principle of flexibility is of great importance when creating modern and efficient automated workstations. This principle means the possibility of adapting the automated workplace to the intended modernization of both software and hardware. At present, when the rate of obsolescence of software and hardware is constantly growing, compliance with this principle is becoming one of the most important conditions when creating automated workplaces.

To ensure the principle of flexibility in actually working automated workstations, all subsystems of a single workstation are implemented in the form of separate, easily replaceable modules. To avoid incompatibility problems when replacing, all elements must be standardized.

The principle of sustainability is of great importance. It consists in performing the functions laid down in the automated workplace, regardless of the influence of both internal and external factors. If failures occur, the functionality of the system must be quickly restored, and problems with individual elements must be easily resolved.

The principle of efficiency implies that the costs of creating and operating a system should not exceed the economic benefits from its implementation. In addition, when creating an automated workplace, it must be taken into account that its effectiveness will largely be determined by the correct distribution of functions and load between the employee and the information processing machines, the core of which is the PC. Only if these conditions are met, automated workplaces become a means of increasing not only labor productivity and management efficiency, but also the social comfort of specialists.

Practical experience in using automated workstations allows us to identify the following requirements for an effectively and fully functioning automated workstation:

Timely satisfaction of the user's information needs;

Minimum response time to user requests;

Adaptation to the level of training of the user and the specifics of the functions he performs;

The ability to quickly teach the user basic operating techniques;

Reliability and ease of maintenance;

Friendly interface;

Ability to work as part of a computer network.

The means necessary for operating the automated workstation are shown in Figure 12

Figure 12 – Workstation diagram

5.5 Personal computer as the basis of an automated workplace - its main

A modern personal computer consists of several main blocks or nodes:

system unit;



mouse manipulator.

A personal computer, or the basic hardware component of a computer, consists of a processor, memory, and input/output devices; each component is represented by one or more modules. In order for a computer to perform its primary purpose of running programs, the various components must be able to communicate with each other.

CPU. Monitors the actions of the computer and also performs data processing functions. If a system has only one processor, it is often called a central processing unit (CPU).

Main memory. This is where data and programs are stored. Typically, this memory is temporary. It is often called real, operational or primary memory.

Input/output devices. They serve to transfer data between the computer and the external environment, consisting of various peripheral devices, which include secondary memory, communication equipment and terminals.

System bus. Specific structures and mechanisms that provide interaction between the processor, main memory, and input/output devices.

A simplified block diagram showing the main functional components of a computer system in their interrelationship is shown in Figure 13. We will become more familiar with these devices later.

Figure 13 – Diagram of a personal computer


Purpose This final qualifying work was the disclosure of the concept of an automated workplace, its types and classifications.

Relevance is determined by the widespread introduction of automated workplaces into all areas of activity without exception, both organizations and individuals.

Tasks automated workstation (AWS) can be derived from the very concept of an automated workplace, so we can say that this is a computing system designed to automate professional activities.

Modern enterprises and firms are complex organizational systems, the individual components of which—fixed and working capital, labor and material resources, and others—are constantly changing and are in complex interaction with each other. The functioning of enterprises and organizations of various types in a market economy has posed new tasks for improving management activities based on comprehensive automation of the management of all production and technological processes, as well as labor resources.

The market economy leads to an increase in the volume and complexity of tasks solved in the field of production organization, planning and analysis processes, financial work, relations with suppliers and consumers of products, the operational management of which is impossible without the organization of a modern automated information system.

The presence of a system that automates the collection, preparation and processing of information is one of the necessary conditions that determine the ultimate success of the enterprise.

An automated workplace can be defined as a complex of information resources, software, hardware, organizational and technological tools for individual and collective use, combined to perform certain functions of a professional management employee.

One of the first examples of the systematic use of computers in world practice were the so-called administrative data processing systems: automation of banking operations, accounting, reservations and ticketing, etc. Of decisive importance for the effectiveness of systems of this kind is the fact that they rely on automated information bases. This means that the computer memory constantly stores information necessary to solve the problems for which the system is designed. It constitutes the contents of the information base of the corresponding system.

When solving the next problem, the system needs to enter only a small portion of additional information - the rest is taken from the information base. Each piece of newly entered information changes the information base of the system. This base (information or database) is thus in a state of continuous updating, reflecting all changes occurring in the real object with which the system deals.

With their further development, administrative data processing systems develop into automated control systems (ACS) for the corresponding objects in which, as a rule, they are not limited to one computer, but two or more computers are combined into a computer complex (CC).

An automated control system (ACS) is a human-machine system in which, with the help of technical means, the collection, accumulation, and processing of information is ensured, the formulation of an optimal control strategy for certain components and the delivery of results to a person or group of people making management decisions. An optimal strategy is understood as a strategy that minimizes or maximizes some characteristics of an object.

In order to ensure the possibility of interaction between a person and a computer in an interactive mode, there is a need to implement within the framework of an automated control system, the so-called automated workplace (AWS). An automated workplace is a set of software and hardware that ensures human interaction with a computer, i.e. such functions as the ability to enter information into a computer; the ability to output information from a computer to a monitor screen, printer or other output devices (currently this list is quite wide - plotters, etc.).

The so-called intelligent workstations, in turn, also contain a computer connected in one way or another to the central computer (VC) of the automated control system. Input devices must also provide a wide range of input information: text, coordinates, fax, etc. Therefore, workstations are equipped, if necessary, with a universal or special keyboard, coordinate information input devices (such as a mouse), various types of scanners, etc.

In order to increase the range of forms of presentation of information output from the computer, the workstation is equipped with color monitors, means for creating and managing audio signals, up to the ability to create and reproduce speech signals.

1.1. General characteristics of control systems

A control system is a combination of a controlled object or process and a control device, which includes a set of means for receiving, collecting and transmitting information and generating control signals and commands. In this case, the action of the control system is aimed at improving and maintaining the operation of a process or object. In some cases, without an automated control system it is generally impossible to solve a problem due to the complexity of the control process. A managed object is an element of a system that requires systematic control and regulation for normal functioning. A control object is a system element that monitors the activities of a managed object, identifies possible deviations from a given program and ensures its timely return to normal operation.

All control systems, from the point of view of the logic of their functioning, solve three problems:

1. Collection of information about the managed object;

2. Information processing;

3. Issuance of control actions in one form or another.

Depending on the type of system, management represents impacts at the physical or information level aimed at maintaining or improving the functioning of the managed object in accordance with the existing program or management goal.

There are two main types of control systems:

1. Process control systems in the broad sense of the word, designed to directly control production processes at the physical level of the process;

2. Information management systems dealing with objects of an organizational nature, designed to solve management problems of such management objects as large technical units, military, construction and other objects of various ranks.

The main difference between them is the nature of the control object. In the first case, these are all kinds of installations, instruments, machines, etc., in the second, first of all, people.

Another difference between these systems is the form of information transfer. If in technological process control systems the main form of information transfer is various kinds of signals, then in organizational management systems these are documents. It is impossible to draw a clear boundary between the two types of systems under consideration; most often, information is transferred both with the help of documents and with the help of signals.

Automation of control systems is carried out using computer technology. Depending on the degree of human participation in management, control systems can be classified as follows:

1. Automated;

2. Semi-automatic;

3. Automatic.

An automated system does not exclude, but on the contrary, presupposes human participation in managing the system and human making key decisions, while automatic control systems exclude human participation in managing the object. A semi-automatic system can be considered as a variant of an automatic system in which the level of technological development does not yet allow excluding a person from the control system circuits.

The central core of the control system, with the help of which its automation is carried out, is the computer. There are two possible ways of interaction between the computer, the control object and the control body.

In the first case, a computer is used, as a rule, to solve individual periodically repeated labor-intensive tasks. Information is collected manually, and documents with control actions are also prepared. Such a system can be called a data processing system. Users' access to data processing systems most often results in updating information; The output of information may be completely absent or may be the result of software processing of stored information, and not the information itself. An example of a data processing system would be the system of a city savings bank. It contains information about the deposits of city residents; most processing of banking information involves updating deposit amounts, calculating interest, summing up results for a certain period of work, etc.

In the second case, basic information about the state of the managed object is collected automatically by a machine (in the general case, a computer center). The computer processes incoming information and prepares output documentation in one form or another, after which a decision is made on the impact on the object. Automated control systems are also classified depending on the type of output documentation they issue. The latter can be represented as:

1. A processed, ordered set of information about the managed object. Based on them, a person (or a group of people) makes a decision about the nature of the impact on the object. This is inherent in the data processing system, but not in the automated system itself.

An automated workstation (AWS) is a specialist’s workplace equipped with a personal computer, software and a set of information resources for individual or collective use that allow him to process data in order to obtain information that provides support for the decisions he makes when performing professional functions.

The creation of an automated workplace assumes that the main operations for accumulating, storing and processing information are assigned to computer technology, and the economist performs some of the manual operations and operations that require a creative approach in preparing management decisions.

Personal equipment is used by the user to control production and economic activities, change the values ​​of individual parameters in the course of solving a problem, as well as enter initial data into the AIS for solving current problems and analyzing management functions. Analyzing the essence of automated workplaces, experts most often define them as professionally oriented small computing systems located directly at the workplaces of specialists and designed to automate their work. The structure of a specialist’s workstation includes five main components:

Personal Computer;

a set of programs for information processing;

training system (hypertext documentation system for the user; integrated hint system; system of bookmarks, indexes and help; system of examples; system of control and error detection);

tools for setting up workstations (calculation algorithms, analytical and technological parameters; devices: printer, scanner, modem; ergonomics of screen forms, etc.);

means of operating automated workplaces (classifiers, generator of reporting forms, tools for receiving/transmitting data via communication channels, copying and storing data, database administrator, monitoring the work of specific users).

In addition, the workstation is equipped with documentation and methodological materials on the use of programs, as well as regulations for performing work on information processing. The specific intensity of each component is determined by the tasks being solved. Workstation can operate autonomously or as part of a computer network. In the offline operating mode, workstations are created to solve individual functional problems and cannot quickly use the entire information base of an economic object, and the exchange of information between different workstations is carried out using computer media. Working on the basis of computer networks allows you to organize data exchange between workstations via communication channels, combine the information space of the control object and organize access to it for any employee within the limits of his authority.

Each workstation is considered as an independent subsystem, and together they form a single whole. At the same time, the head of the department has the opportunity to manage the process of solving functional problems and integrate the results of the work of individual specialists, promptly receiving processed information for decision-making. At the same time, the possibility of autonomous work of each specialist remains. As a rule, workstations are organized in accordance with the existing distribution of work. Depending on the volume of work and the total number of computers at one workplace, various tasks can be solved. Another option is possible, when one task will be distributed among several workstations.

Classification of automated workstations.

1. By degree of automation:

Manual workstations - special furniture available to the employee (table, chair, cabinets, telephone, rulers, tables and other auxiliary equipment);

Mechanized workstations also contain simple or programmable calculators;

Automated workstations necessarily use a PC with appropriate software.

2. By the number of employees using automated workplaces and the functions they perform:

Individual workstations, which are typical for managers of various ranks;

Group workstations used by persons who prepare information for the purpose of its further use and management decision-making by managers (workstation of accountants, financiers, clerks, etc.).

3. According to the typification of the functional tasks to be solved:

Unique workstations, highly specialized for solving a set of non-standard tasks;

Massive workstations created to solve typical problems in various industries.

4. By specialization: The manager's workstation is characterized by functional isolation, which fully ensures the manager's autonomous work. A specialist's workstation should provide him with the opportunity to solve any functional tasks facing him, making maximum use of all the necessary information. A technical worker's workstation should relieve him of the daily routine work that requires certain professional skills.

5. On the technical basis for creating automated workstations: automated workplaces based on large-scale (general-purpose) computers, providing specialists with the opportunity to work with large amounts of data with technical and software support provided by employees of their own information center (ICC). Workplaces based on personal computers are the simplest and most common option for creating automated workstations, as they eliminate all the disadvantages of workstations based on mainframe computers.

The general principles of creating automated workstations remain unchanged, these include: consistency; flexibility; sustainability; efficiency. The principle of consistency means the following: an automated workstation must be a system of interconnected components. At the same time, the structure of the automated workplace must clearly correspond to the functions for which this automated workstation is created.

The principle of flexibility is of great importance when creating modern and efficient automated workstations. This principle means the possibility of adapting the automated workplace to the intended modernization of both software and hardware. At present, when the rate of obsolescence of software and hardware is constantly growing, compliance with this principle is becoming one of the most important conditions when creating automated workplaces. To ensure the principle of flexibility in actually working automated workstations, all subsystems of a single workstation are implemented in the form of separate, easily replaceable modules. To avoid incompatibility problems when replacing, all elements must be standardized.

The principle of sustainability is of great importance. It consists in performing the functions laid down in the automated workplace, regardless of the influence of both internal and external factors. If failures occur, the functionality of the system must be quickly restored, and problems with individual elements must be easily resolved.

The principle of efficiency implies that the costs of creating and operating a system should not exceed the economic benefits from its implementation. In addition, when creating an automated workplace, it must be taken into account that its effectiveness will largely be determined by the correct distribution of functions and load between the employee and the information processing machines, the core of which is the PC. Only if these conditions are met, automated workplaces become a means of increasing not only labor productivity and management efficiency, but also the social comfort of specialists.

It is necessary to develop an automated workstation for a department specialist. The software should have an intuitive interface, be easy to use, convenient, informative, flexible and multifunctional. The essence of the automated workplace of a department specialist is as follows: formation of an individual load; creating schedules for control, independent, consulting work, schedules for defending coursework. Graphs are created for convenience in Microsoft Word.

Using the capabilities of modern computer technology to automate the information processing process allows you to increase labor productivity, improve the efficiency of working with documents and speed up the exchange of management information. Currently, the concept of distributed automated control systems aimed at local information processing has become widespread. This allows you to organize the division of labor of management personnel and automate the performance of their functions. To implement this idea, it is necessary to create automated workstations based on personal electronic computers (PCs) for each management level and each subject area.

Currently, the concept of distributed automated control systems aimed at local information processing has become widespread. This allows you to organize the division of labor of management personnel and automate the performance of their functions. To implement this idea, it is necessary to create automated workstations based on personal electronic computers (PCs) for each management level and each subject area.

Distributed control systems allow us to identify the following requirements for an effectively and fully functioning automated workstation:

Timely satisfaction of the user's information needs;

Minimum response time to user requests;

Adaptation to the level of training of the user and the specifics of the functions he performs;

The ability to quickly teach the user basic operating techniques;

Reliability and ease of maintenance;

Friendly interface;

Ability to work as part of a computer network.

The workstation consists of hardware and software (Fig. 10) of computer equipment, as well as the necessary methodological documentation that allows the user to effectively interact with these tools.

An automated workstation is an individual set of technical and software tools designed to automate the professional work of a specialist and provide preparation, editing, search and display and printing of the documents and data he needs. An automated workstation provides the operator with all the tools necessary to perform certain functions.

Synonyms: AWS

See also: Workstations Automated systems

Finam Financial Dictionary.

See what “Automated workstation” is in other dictionaries:

    automated workstation- AWS Software and technical complex of the AS, designed to automate a certain type of activity. Note Types of workstations, for example, are the workstation of the technologist operator, the engineer's workstation, the designer's workstation, the accountant's workstation, etc. [GOST 34.003 90]… … Technical Translator's Guide

    - (AWS) workstation of an operator, dispatcher, designer, technologist, etc., equipped with computer technology to automate processing processes and display information necessary to complete a production task... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (AWS), a workplace for an operator, dispatcher, designer, technologist, etc., equipped with computer technology to automate processing processes and display information necessary to complete a production task... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (AWS) a complex of technical computer equipment that ensures effective interaction of the user (designer, designer, scientist, etc.) with a computer-aided design system (including aviation... ... Encyclopedia of technology

    A workstation is a software and hardware complex designed to automate the activities of a certain official from among the users of automated systems. EdwART. Dictionary of terms of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 2010 ... Dictionary of emergency situations

    Automated workstation- Automated workplace, workstation: a certain combination and spatial arrangement of production equipment in a production environment, the parameters of which are determined by the production program... Source:... ... Official terminology

    automated workstation- 3.1 automated workstation; AWS (local control station): Operator's workstation with means of monitoring and controlling automated equipment. Source: GOST R... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    - (AWS) software and hardware complex designed to automate a certain type of activity. When developing workstations for controlling technological equipment, SCADA systems are usually used. The workstation integrates software... ... Wikipedia

    automated workstation- ‘workplace’ Syn: workstation, workstation... Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary

    - (AWS) workplace of an operator, dispatcher, designer, technologist, etc., equipped with computing tools. equipment for automating processing processes and displaying information necessary for production. tasks … Big Encyclopedic Polytechnic Dictionary


  • Automated workplace for an economist, V. D. Kovaleva, V. V. Khisamudinov. The essence of an automated workplace (AW) as a means of implementing new information technologies in organizational and economic management is revealed. Problems to be solved are formulated...
  • Automated workplace for an economist: textbook. manual (neck), Kovaleva V.D. The essence of an automated workstation (AW) as a means of implementing new information technologies in organizational and economic management is revealed. Problems to be solved are formulated...

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