The best exercises for the obliques. Pumping the lateral abdominal muscles at home

Having a figure that passers-by look at with admiration, waking up active and vigorous every morning, is not possible without pumped up lateral abdominal muscles.

This group of muscles is responsible for turning the body. They turn it in the opposite direction, i.e. the right extrinsic muscle moves to the left, and the left muscle moves to the right.

In a person with an athletic build, the oblique external abdominal muscle, which runs along an oblique line from the sternum to the lower abdomen, is better visible than others.

The internal oblique muscles cannot be seen because they are hidden under the external lateral muscles. But their contraction also leads to a rotation of the body: the right one turns the body to the right, and vice versa.

  • You need to eat a hearty meal 2-2.5 hours before the start of your workout. You can't give it your all on an empty stomach. In this case, the training is ineffective.
  • It is not recommended to train the lateral abdominal muscles on a full stomach, as this causes negative consequences, manifested in severe dizziness and nausea.
  • Warm-up is mandatory for warming up: run in the simulator or on the spot, do bends, squats, turns, rotations.
  • Keep it in moderation and don’t exhaust yourself every day. To pump up the lateral abdominal muscles, it is enough to conduct classes 2-4 times a week.

This will help you get a sculpted and beautiful belly. Each exercise performed should stretch the lateral muscles, i.e. the athlete should feel how tense they are. If there is no such feeling, it means he is doing something wrong. After training, you should not eat immediately. As a last resort, if you are hungry, you can eat an apple or drink water. It is recommended to eat 1 hour after training. It is important not to be discouraged if you get tired quickly when training your lateral muscles. The reaction is understandable: The muscular frame of the abdomen is difficult to stretch, so it requires a lot of energy.

The first level is for those who want to pump up their lateral abdominal muscles

The classes are ideal for those new to the sport. During training aimed at developing the lateral muscles, as already mentioned, you need to strive to ensure that the muscle frame remains in tension all the time. But in order to avoid injury, you should not be too zealous.

You shouldn’t expect much from the initial stage of training: the muscles will not become large and voluminous, since the complex is not designed to turn a beginner into a bodybuilder. But it will help prepare for further development.


Place your feet shoulder-width apart and clasp your hands behind your head. Bend to the sides to the maximum level. Perform the exercise slowly, smoothly, without jerking, fixing the body at the extreme points. Perform 20 repetitions in 5-6 approaches.

If you feel that the load has become insufficient, strengthen it by picking up a dumbbell weighing 10 kg. Remember that performing exercises with dumbbells leads to an increase in mass, which contributes to an increase in waist size. This is true for girls.

The next exercise is performed on a bench. You need to lie on it sideways so that your upper body is off the bench. Fix your legs or hold them with the help of a partner. You need to lift your body up 30 times, then repeat the approaches. Do the same by turning on the other side. If the exercise is easy to do, you can use weights.

Twisting on a bar or horizontal bar

The “Twisting on the horizontal bar” exercise, which can be performed at home, will help pump up the oblique muscles of the press. Place your hands shoulder-width apart. Hang from a horizontal bar or bar. Raise your legs bent at the knees to chest level, moving them to the right and left alternately.

Level two

When the first level of training the lateral muscles becomes easy for the athlete to perform, you can move on. The second level helps to pump up the lateral abdominal muscles at home. Regular implementation of the complex, consisting of 3-4 approaches, including 10-15 repetitions, will make them sculpted and your waist thin.

Leg and body raises

Lie on a horizontal surface, placing one arm under your head and straightening your legs. At the same time, lift your body and knee until they touch and return to the starting position. After changing your hand, do the same with the other leg.

Alternate body lifts

Lie down again on a flat surface, placing both hands at the back of your head and bending your knees. Raising your body, turn it to the side at the same time: if to the right, then touch your right knee with your left elbow, and vice versa, touch your left knee with your right elbow.

Raising the knees as a method of training the lateral abdominal muscles

Lie on your side, straighten your legs and lean on your elbow. Place your free hand behind your back. Both legs should be raised towards the chest without touching the floor. Then, repeat everything while lying on the other side. You will soon notice how much stronger your side muscles have become.

On the horizontal bar

An exercise for the lateral abdominal muscles, performed on a horizontal bar from a hanging position (hands stand shoulder-width apart). Perform lateral raises without bending your legs and holding at the maximum points.

Level three

For those who have been working the lateral abdominal muscles for a long time, the exercises below are extremely useful. The number of approaches and repetitions in them is determined by the physical preparation of the athlete.

Weighted bending

If the lower back is not trained enough, i.e. Since the lateral muscles are not strong enough, it is difficult to perform this simple exercise that helps pump up the lateral abdominal muscles. It is aimed at training the oblique muscles. Feet are placed shoulder width apart. The bar lies on the trapeze. From this position, bend over 15 times in each direction. You need to go as low as possible. At the extreme point, pause for 2 seconds and return to the starting position. An exercise that works the lateral abdominal muscles is performed correctly if the trainee feels tension in the lateral muscles. If you are underweight, it increases by adding pancakes. Keep your body straight while performing the exercise, avoiding tilting it back or forward.

Tilts with rotation

This is an enhanced version of the previous training aimed at developing the oblique muscles. It is performed standing. Feet are shoulder-width apart, the bar without weights or with them is on the trapezoid. Perform 15 bends forward and, twisting the body, to the sides. During the twist, the left elbow is directed towards the right knee and vice versa.

Hanging turns

The exercise for the lateral abdominal muscle is a heavy one, and therefore requires remarkable strength. Take a hang position with your hands shoulder-width apart. Raise your straight legs to parallel with the floor, describe an arc with them with maximum amplitude. You need to perform 10-15 turns.


The movements help to narrow the waist: standing sideways to the frame, grab the handle of the block with both hands and perform chopping movements, twisting the body towards the opposite shin (12 times). Then repeat everything in the other direction.


Exercises on the lateral abdominal muscles will help you create a perfect figure, which are recommended to be performed according to difficulty levels, without starting without preparation for the heaviest one. If trainings are carried out with diligence and regularly, then soon you will become a different person: fit, healthy, beautiful, which will contribute to a good mood.


Video: TWe train the abs and oblique abdominal muscles at home.

Take a medium-weight dumbbell in your hand and throw it over your shoulder so that it is in a vertical position (your elbow will be at face level). Now squat - bend your hips until your quadriceps are parallel to the floor. Stop, return to the starting position. Important: keep your back vertical. Do ten squats on each arm.

One-Armed Farmer

Take a heavy dumbbell in your hand, feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your palm parallel to your body so that the dumbbell is 10 centimeters away from it. Tighten your abdominal muscles (as if they are trying to punch you in the stomach) and walk around the hall. Then take the dumbbell in your other hand and repeat the same thing.

Side plank on one leg

Get into a side plank position on your elbow. Keeping your back straight, lift your top leg. Hold for 10 seconds. Important: do not try this exercise until you are comfortable with the basic side plank (see starting position).


Take a lying position. Shift your weight to your left leg and quickly turn around so that your right arm is pointing at the ceiling. Freeze for 3 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat with the other hand.

Core stabilization

Sit on the floor with your legs bent (knees raised). Take a medium-heavy pancake in your hands and hold it in front of you with outstretched arms. Fix your torso at an angle of 45 degrees to the floor, tensing your abdominal muscles. Without changing your core position, rotate your arms to the left as far as you can. Freeze for 3 seconds - and turn right, freeze. Repeat this.

Bird dog

Get on all fours - knees directly under your hips, hands at right angles to the floor. Quickly raise your left arm and right leg. Freeze for 10 seconds. Switch sides. Important: if it seems too easy for you, raise your leg so that your knee is only 5–10 cm from the floor.

Bear crunches

Take a lying position, extend your arms and drop to your knees (as in the previous exercise). Straight arms are under the shoulders, the reeds are directed straight down. In one jump, move onto your toes so that your knees freeze a decimeter from the floor. Moved? Now twist your torso to the right and try to make your left knee and right elbow meet somewhere opposite your chest. Freeze and repeat, switching sides.

Greetings to you, the most slender and pumped ladies and gentlemen! If you got here, then you are probably interested in how you can look even better? How can you make your body truly perfect? A good muscle corset in the abdominal area will give you not only a beautiful figure and envious glances, but also excellent functioning of the internal organs, digestion without failures, and ultimately good health.

Brief anatomical excursion

If you are at least a little familiar with anatomy, then you know that in the abdominal area we have rectus muscles - this is a large group from the pubis to the ribs. But our silhouette is formed by the oblique muscles, both external and internal. In addition, there are transverse muscles that lie under the layer of the above-mentioned fibers.

Our conversation today will concern working out the waist area; I once already wrote about it, which also helps to work out the waist. And today we will learn how to pump up the oblique abdominal muscles.

Attention! Be careful when pumping your oblique muscles, otherwise you will end up with a wide and unattractive waist! I would not recommend training the oblique muscles at all! Pump up only the rectus abdominis muscle, then if it’s not enough, you can pump up the obliques too.

This group is mainly responsible for turning the body to the sides. The external oblique muscles can be easily seen on the body of well-trained and dry athletes. They literally encircle your waist from your sternum to your lower abdomen.

Such fibers work in mirror image, that is, contractions of the left oblique muscle turn the body to the right and vice versa. It is impossible to see the internal oblique muscles because they lie underneath the external obliques.

Preliminary stage

Before any workout, you will need to prepare. At this stage it is worth following simple rules. For example, it is not recommended to eat approximately 2 hours before upcoming exercise. However, you should also not perform exercises on an empty stomach. Therefore, eat lightly within the given time frame to get the most out of your body.

By the way, immediately after training it will also be harmful to fill your stomach tightly. Wait at least half an hour and then eat. To satisfy your hunger after class, snack on a banana or apple.

Regardless of where you train: at home or in the gym, start your workouts with a short warm-up that will activate blood circulation and prepare your muscles and ligaments for the upcoming achievements.

Usually these are the simplest complexes, for example, jogging on a track, pedaling a bicycle, or simply rotating large joint groups, as well as bending and turning the body. You can get a beautiful waist in 3-4 workouts a week. It’s not worth doing more, so as not to overexert yourself.

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How to pump up your oblique abdominal muscles? During any exercise, your muscle fibers should be stretched and tense. If this doesn't happen, then you're doing it wrong. Note that the obliques don't stretch very well, so you'll get tired pretty quickly. But this reaction is considered normal.

Exercises for beginners

Even if you are a very advanced athlete, but have never played sports, you will not be able to bypass this stage. Of course, you shouldn’t expect any special results from such activities. You won't be able to get clear reliefs with their help either. However, you will tone your muscles and strengthen them well.

At this stage, exercises to remove the stomach and sides for men and women will be as follows.

Advanced level

When you already perform the exercises from block 1 without additional effort, move on to the next stage.

  1. Sit comfortably on an exercise mat with your legs straight and one arm behind your head. Now we begin to lift one leg, bent at the knee, and at the same moment we pull the bent elbow towards it.

    After they meet, return to the starting position. Switch arms and legs and do this exercise again.
  2. You can do a version of this lift when your feet are on the mat (for convenience, bend them at the knees) and fixed, and your hands are behind your head at the back of your head.

    You only need to raise your body and reach the opposite knee while twisting with your elbow.
  3. How to pump up oblique abs in other ways? Side Knee Raise . To perform this complex, you need to sit on your side, leaning on your elbow. We place the other hand behind our back. Legs straightened.

    Now simultaneously pull your knees towards your chest, but try to do this in such a way that they do not touch the floor. Relax and do 10-20 repetitions, and then turn over to the other side.
  4. To know how to pump up the sides of your abs, you need to understand how your muscles work. Naturally, the more they stretch and contract and tense, the better. Therefore, the most suitable exercises for complication would be crunches on the horizontal bar, where you will experience maximum loads.

    And if earlier we simply raised our legs sideways to different levels, now your task will be to linger at the extreme points of tension. The longer you can hang like this, the better.

  5. One of the most difficult ways to work on the horizontal bar is turning. We hold tightly to the bar and begin to describe an arc with our legs in the air. This exercise requires excellent coordination.
  6. Do you think I told you about all the ways to pump up oblique abs? Of course not! I have a couple more blanks for the strongest and most stubborn ones. We will do bends with the bar. To do this you will need either a short 10kg bar or a long 15 or 20kg bar.

    Feet are shoulder-width apart, and the handle of the bar rests on the trapezius. Now we bend to the sides, trying to fixate ourselves in order to feel the full stretch of the muscles. Make sure that the body does not deviate from the straight axis.
  7. Want to diversify? Do exactly the same tilts, but with a turn. Try to stand very steadily so as not to lose your balance. After all, you will have to lean forward and at the same time turn your body to the side towards the opposite leg.
  8. The following invention from fitness instructors, called “The Lumberjack,” will help narrow your waist. To do it, you need a simulator with an upper block. Grab the soft handle with both hands and pull it from your right shoulder to your left leg and vice versa, making chopping movements.

    So, today we studied how to pump up your side abs at home and what you can do in the gym for these muscles.

In this article we will talk about how to train the oblique abdominal muscles correctly. You will learn about the most effective exercises for the lateral press, receive recommendations on the technique of performing them and nutrition, which will directly result from your training.

The obliques, which form the “side” abs, are a lagging muscle in most athletes. The main problem hindering their development is the weak involvement of the oblique muscles in crunches, which the vast majority of bodybuilders consider the best exercise for getting a sculpted abdomen. There are two types of oblique muscles - external and internal. We can evaluate the external muscles visually, since they form the separation on the side of the body; the task of the internal oblique muscles is to stabilize the body during movements and protect the internal organs of the abdominal cavity. In all lateral abdominal exercises, both muscles are worked equally.

Functions of oblique muscles and features of their development

The oblique abdominal muscles perform the following functions:

  • bend the torso at the waist;
  • turn the torso to the left and right;
  • move the pelvis back.

Unlike the rectus abdominis muscle oblique fibers directly affect the shape of the figure. The larger the muscle, the wider the waist appears - this should be taken into account by all athletes, especially girls, for whom excessive development of the lateral press can be harmful.

Nutrition for a sculpted belly

The humorous expression: “Everyone has abs, only some have them hidden by a layer of fat” - fully corresponds to the real state of affairs. Whether you get sculpted abs on your stomach or not, no more than 30% of the final result depends on training, while the nutrition factor is of primary importance.

In order for the relief of the abdominal muscles to be clearly visible, you must have 12-15% subcutaneous fat. In parallel with your workouts in the gym, you will need to “dry,” which is done with the help of a properly selected diet. We do not suggest that you count calories and weigh food - it is pointless to do this, but your own gastronomic habits will need to be significantly changed.

5 most important nutrition rules:

  1. Eliminate sweets and starchy foods from your diet, Consume any sources of fast carbohydrates in limited quantities.
  2. Eat 4-6 times a day in small portions- this allows you to accelerate your metabolism, due to which the body will burn more calories than usual.
  3. Eat plenty of protein foods- meat, eggs, cottage cheese, fish, use sources of fast carbohydrates as a side dish - buckwheat, rice and any types of cereals.
  4. Avoid store-bought treats- chips, soda and similar chemicals, which almost entirely consist of fats and sugar.
  5. Take "good" fats- nuts, vegetable oils and fish oil, instead of animal fats. Remember, if fat hardens at room temperature, then the body will not receive anything useful from it.

Exercises for obliques

The abdominal muscles, unlike other muscle groups, need to be worked in a high repetition range. It is optimal to do 15-20 repetitions for each approach, 3-4 approaches per exercise. You need to pump up your abs at the end of the workout, since they are involved in many related exercises - a tired abs at the beginning of training will not allow you to perform a squat, deadlift, or bent-over barbell row normally.

The best exercises for side press

  1. Bent-overs with a barbell on your shoulders. The exercise is done from a standing position (feet shoulder-width apart) with a light weight of the apparatus; it is better to use small barbells with a fixed weight. You need to bend over as you exhale; when moving down, the body rotates so that one shoulder looks up, the other looks down. The tilt is made until the body is parallel to the floor, rising to the starting position while exhaling.
  2. Lying lateral crunches. The athlete lies on the mat, the body looks up, the legs (pressed together and bent at the knees) are pulled to the side and pressed to the floor. Next, the body is lifted and twisted until the elbow of the working arm touches the upper knee. The exercise is performed on each side in turn.
  3. Woodcutter. Performed on a block trainer with an upper L-handle. You need to stand sideways to the rack of the simulator, take the handle with both hands and perform a chopping movement with your body from top to bottom, moving the handle of the block to the foot opposite to it. At the lowest point of the amplitude, there is a short pause, during which you need to tense your abdominal muscles as much as possible, after which you can return to the starting position.
  4. Hanging side crunches. Can be done on a horizontal bar or parallel bars with back support. We fasten ourselves on the apparatus and raise our legs bent at the knees, rotating the pelvis so that the feet are parallel to the floor.
  5. Twisting with rotation. The simplest exercise in terms of technique, twisting differs from classical ones in that at the top point of the amplitude of movement it is necessary to touch the elbow of one of the hands to the opposite knee.
  6. Bent-overs with dumbbells. Holding dumbbells in your hands, we perform alternate bends to the right and left sides; it is necessary to tilt the upper part of the body due to the oblique abdominal muscles, and not the entire torso.

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Important! When performing any exercises on the lateral press, it is extremely important to concentrate on engaging the oblique muscles in the work, since in addition to them, the muscles of the spinal region can also rotate the spine. You can focus the load on the right muscles by imagining that you are tilting your chest towards your pelvis, and not just moving your torso.

The role of basic exercises in pumping up the abs

You can pump up your oblique abdominal muscles not only with isolation exercises, but also with basic exercises. Moreover, in the process of performing basic exercises, the load placed on the abs is much greater than what you can give it by working with your own weight. It is not for nothing that many fairly lean weightlifters and lifters have such a developed “Adonis belt”, which is extremely difficult to pump up without squats and deadlifts.

The abdominal muscles work best when performing squats and deadlifts. These exercises are an excellent help for the harmonious development of muscles, since when they are performed, the body experiences severe stress, as a result of which 1-2 days after training the production of anabolic hormones increases, on which the efficiency of growth of all muscle groups directly depends.

If you decide to include deadlifts and squats in your training complex, then the number of isolation abdominal exercises must be reduced. It will be enough to perform 2 exercises in the 3x15-20 mode at the end of the workout in order to “finish off” previously tired abdominal muscles.

However, keep in mind that beginners need to do technically complex basic exercises under the supervision of a coach or a person who can teach the athlete the correct technique for performing them. published .

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    Exercises for the oblique abdominal muscles are a key component of any athlete’s training. Both guys and girls pay a lot of attention to pumping up their abdominal muscles, and in order for the abs to look harmonious, it is necessary to systematically develop absolutely all muscle groups located in this part of the body, and not just the rectus and transverse abdominal muscles. We will tell you in detail how to pump up the oblique abdominal muscles in this article.

    We have selected the most effective exercises for the oblique abdominal muscles, with which you can improve your figure and strength, both at home and in the gym. Create a suitable training program, try to perform each movement technically correctly - and you are guaranteed a good result! Within a few weeks after starting classes, you will be able to see the first results, and if you do not lose patience and begin to train regularly, you will very soon become the owner of a sculpted, toned stomach and a beautiful waist.

    Anatomy of oblique muscles

    The abdominal muscles consist of several zones. In order for the abs to be more prominent and aesthetically pleasing, the athlete needs to work on it comprehensively. The oblique muscles help a person bend and rotate their torso. The anatomical features of this muscle group allow you to maintain beautiful back posture and help shape a wasp-shaped female waist.

    The structure of the muscle group

    The oblique muscles of the press consist of an internal and external region. The external obliques originate in the region of the lower eight ribs and are also inserted near the inguinal ligament, linea alba, pubic tubercle, and crest.

    The internal oblique muscles are located near the groin, iliac crest, and thoracolumbar fascia. This muscle area is attached near the pubic crest, as well as the cartilage of the lower ribs.

    Basic functions in the body

    The oblique abdominal muscles allow anyone to perform a large number of movements. Their main function is to rotate the chest to the side. Also, this muscle zone plays an active role in many physiological processes occurring in the body. The oblique abdominal muscles are involved in tension in the abdominal region. This process occurs during childbirth, as well as during bowel movements.

    A well-pumped muscle allows you to perform various flexions in the lower back. You can lean to the right and left, and also lift your pelvis forward. Regular training will help reduce the level of tension on the spine and correct your posture. Systematic exercises will help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and avoid unpleasant bloating in the abdominal area. Regular pumping of the target muscle group will make the lower torso more prominent and toned.

    The benefits of training for oblique muscles

    Pumping up the abdominal press allows the athlete to increase strength in other basic exercises. You will be able to bench press, squat more, and pull the barbell better. Exercises for the oblique abdominal muscles should not only be performed by bodybuilders and powerlifters, as is commonly believed. Most often, this abdominal area is pumped by track and field athletes (sports projectile throwers), snowboarders, figure skaters, gymnasts, boxers, representatives of some team sports, and, of course, crossfitters.

    Common Injuries

    It is very important to perform all movements with correct technique and also to work at a slow pace. Before starting the class, you should warm up well. Warm up not only your obliques, but other parts of your body as well. This way you can avoid troubles and various injuries.

    So, what injuries can result from improper exercise technique? Let's look at the most common problems, their causes and symptoms:

  1. The most common injury is a sprain. Athletes get injured during intense training. The structure of muscle tissue may be disrupted. If you feel sharp pain in the abdominal area and it is unpleasant to bend your body, consult a doctor. In some cases, athletes suffer from bruising. Your body temperature may rise. The duration of the recovery process depends entirely on the severity of the injury.
  2. Regular aching pain can occur if you exercise too often and too much. The athlete must rest well between training sessions to avoid the effects of overtraining.
  3. Pain in the abdominal area does not always occur due to errors in the technique. You could simply have been blown away. Be sure to consult a doctor if the problem cannot be solved on your own by reducing the frequency, intensity of training and reducing the load. An experienced specialist will be able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Now, from theory, let's move on to practice and look at the most effective ways to pump up the oblique abdominal muscles? To do this, you must create a training program that will suit your individual characteristics. The obliques are a very large muscle area in the body. She receives load not only during lateral twists. Other popular basic exercises will also have a positive effect on working the target muscle group.

Exercises for men

The oblique abdominal muscles need to be trained regularly. Popular exercises for men will help you achieve effective results in a short period of time. Bodybuilders most often perform several common exercises in one lesson. In the gym, athletes work using special sports equipment. You may need weight plates, a fitball, and dumbbells.

This exercise is performed by many athletes who regularly visit the gym. Work with the help of a block simulator. This exercise for the oblique abdominal muscles is also often performed while lying on a fitball.

  1. Stand firmly on your feet (or knees), straighten your back.
  2. Grasp the special handle, which should be attached to the upper block.
  3. Pull your stomach in, tighten your abs.
  4. Exhale - bend your torso to the side, the oblique abdominal muscles should be involved in the work.
  5. In the lower phase of the movement you need to hold on for a few seconds.
  6. Inhale -
  7. Perform several repetitions of crossover side crunches.

Perform the movement only with the help of your abdominal muscles, do not bend over due to the efforts of your back. Don't move back and forth. Work smoothly, without jerking. You should do 10-12 reps per set. The number of approaches depends on the goals of the training process.

Turn on the block (“woodcutter”)

This movement is performed on a pulley machine. In addition to the oblique abdominal muscles, the transverse and straight sections receive load. This exercise is often included in the training plan of only experienced bodybuilders.

  1. Hold the special handle with both hands. Do not bend them at the elbow joint.
  2. You must stand sideways to the machine.
  3. Turn your body to the side, while you need to hold the handle firmly and pull it towards your thigh.
  4. Return to the starting position.
  5. Perform several repetitions of the block rotation.
  6. Stand with the back side facing the machine.

Keep your arms straight throughout the exercise; do not bend them. Also, do not move using jerking movements. Legs should be in a static position. It will be enough for you to complete 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions in each of them.

This movement is best performed on a fitball. This is a special sports equipment that has the shape of a regular ball. It is very elastic and also quite large (diameter is about 65 centimeters). Such rotations of the body allow you to perfectly work the lateral abdominal muscles. The oblique and rectus muscle groups of the abdominal region of the body also receive a load.

  1. Lie with your back on the fitball, the gluteal area should also be located on the ball.
  2. Spread your feet on the floor, lean firmly on them.
  3. Straighten your arms up and also clasp them together behind your head.
  4. Tighten your abdominal muscles.
  5. Smoothly turn to the right side and then return to the starting position.
  6. Make a left turn.
  7. Do several repetitions like this.

Very often, experienced athletes exercise using weights. You can pick up a special weight plate or dumbbells. Hold them firmly with both hands. You can perform the maximum number of repetitions in three to four sets.

Tilts on the lower block

This exercise must be performed using a lower block. Work at a slow pace. The movements are similar to side crunches on a crossover (upper block).

  1. Stand firmly on your feet, straighten your back.
  2. Take with one hand the special handle that should be attached to the lower block.
  3. The exercise machine should be located to your side.
  4. Bend your torso in the opposite direction from the block.
  5. Pause for a couple of seconds at the bottom of the movement.
  6. Return to the starting position.
  7. Do several repetitions of block bends.
  8. Turn around to the other side and then continue with the movements.

This exercise must be done clearly and without jerking. You need to work at a slow pace. The bodybuilder must fix the position of the legs. In one approach, the athlete performs on average about 10 repetitions of the exercise.

Effective exercises for the oblique abdominal muscles are often performed using heavy dumbbells. Samson tilts are one of the most popular such movements. This sports element was invented by the Lithuanian strongman Alexander Zass. His stage name is Amazing Samson. To perform the exercise you will need a pair of dumbbells.

  1. Stand up straight, straighten your back. Feet shoulder width apart.
  2. Take a pair of dumbbells and lift them above your head.
  3. Slowly lower your body to the right side, do not bend your elbows.
  4. Return to the starting position.
  5. Lean to the left.
  6. Do several similar exercises.

Work very carefully. Beginners should practice with light sports equipment. Be careful not to let the dumbbells fall down. 3 approaches will be enough for you, in which you need to do 10-12 repetitions.

Exercises for women

Most often, guys and girls who work out in the gym do the same abdominal exercises. The structure of this muscle zone is identical in representatives of different sexes. Thus, women can benefit from any available abdominal exercise. However, it should be noted that there are still several features of the training process for the fair sex:

  • You only need to perform those movements. which do not cause any discomfort, pain or other unpleasant sensations;
  • exercises for oblique abdominal muscles for women must be performed regularly at every workout, since women are more prone to the formation of fat deposits on the sides;
  • Girls can exercise without the help of heavy sports equipment. To create a beautiful waist, you won’t need a variety of dumbbells and weights; it will be enough to work with your own weight;
  • do not strive to complete complex tasks, focus on simple exercises that will help you work the target muscle group comprehensively. Simple does not mean ineffective;
  • women do not necessarily need to specifically focus on movements that are designed to pump up the lateral abdominal muscles - systematic exercises will help achieve the desired goal.

Program for indoor classes

How to pump up your oblique abdominal muscles in the gym? You can pump up your abs either in a separate workout or on the same day as pumping up another muscle group. It is very important to determine the main goal of the lesson. You can work on mass and relief. Before starting training, it is important to create the right training program. In order to reduce the level of subcutaneous fat, the athlete must work very intensely, performing the maximum number of repetitions. Exercise with heavy weights if you want to increase your overall body weight.

An experienced trainer will help you create a training plan. The mentor will also monitor work technique and progress. In order to work the obliques as efficiently as possible, you also need to load the transverse and rectus abdominis.

A sample lesson plan may consist of the following exercises:

In one workout, it is enough to perform only 3-5 exercises. After a couple of weeks, you need to change your training plan. The muscles should not have time to adapt to the load.

Exercises for home workouts

How to pump up your oblique abdominal muscles at home? Very simple! The oblique exercises we suggest below can be performed in almost any environment. In order to pump up your abs well, you don’t always need to buy an expensive subscription to a fitness center. The main thing is to have patience and strive for your goal.

This movement is considered basic. It is performed by all athletes who strive to effectively work out their abdominal muscles. The exercise allows you to well load the internal and external oblique areas of the press. Exercise on a special gymnastics mat.

  1. Lie down on the floor. Legs must be bent at the knees.
  2. Your hands should be placed at the back of your head; do not move them while performing crunches. Elbows need to be spread to the sides.
  3. Using the force of the press, lift yourself off the surface.
  4. Turn your torso to the side, you can touch your right elbow to your left knee.
  5. Return to the starting position.
  6. Perform 3-4 rounds of crunches.

This exercise can be done at every workout. Work at a slow pace. During movement, you should not pull your arms forward. The athlete can perform a maximum number of repetitions per set. The pelvis should be in a neutral position.

This isolation exercise will help you target your internal and external oblique abdominal muscles. It is very important to perform all movements technically correctly. You will need a gymnastics mat. Also, if possible, exercise with a fitball.

  1. Lie on your side. The legs can be slightly bent at the knee joint.
  2. The right hand must be straightened forward and placed on the floor, the left hand must be held behind the head. If this is very difficult for you at the beginning of training, you can hold both hands behind your head for the first time.
  3. Using the lateral press, lift your torso up.
  4. Fix your body position at the top phase of the movement.
  5. Return to the starting position.
  6. Perform several repetitions of side crunches.
  7. Turn over to the other side.

Crunches are considered one of the best exercises for pumping up the oblique abdominal muscles. It is very important to keep your back straight without arching it. Work smoothly, without sudden jerks.

Lateral bends

Athletes regularly perform side bends at home. Thus, they can effectively pump up the oblique abdominal muscles. The muscles of the lower back and hips also receive stress.

  1. Stand firmly on the floor. Feet shoulder width apart.
  2. Raise your hands up and clasp them in a lock. Or raise one hand up and place the other on your waist (when you change the side of the tilt, your hands also change position.)
  3. Do not bend your back, tilt your body to the side.
  4. Return to the starting position; movements should be performed along the body in one plane.
  5. Do about 15 reps on each side.

It is best to exercise with special weights. At home, you can use a regular backpack. You need to put books in the bag and then take it in your hand. This way the press will receive the necessary load.

This basic movement is very popular among many athletes. It will help the bodybuilder develop not only lateral abs, but also work out the gluteal area well. Recommended for girls.

  1. Lie on your back. One arm must be straightened in front of you, and the other bent at the elbow joint. Place it in the chest area.
  2. Close your legs together and then lift them as high as possible. Don't lift your hips off the floor.
  3. Lower your legs down. Do this smoothly, do not relax your abdominal muscles.
  4. Perform about 10 repetitions of lying leg raises, and then turn onto your other side.

After just a few sessions you will notice changes in your abdominal area. You can work even without the help of special weights.

Hanging pelvic rotations

To perform hanging turns, you will need a horizontal bar. The crossbar can be easily installed at home. To do this, you need to fix it in any doorway, or buy a wall bars.

  1. Jump onto the bar. Bend your knees.
  2. Raise your knees up, while you need to tilt them alternately to different sides.
  3. At the top phase of the movement, fix the position of your legs for a second.
  4. Perform several hanging pelvic rotations in a row.

You can also raise your straightened legs rather than your knees. It is very important that the oblique abdominal muscles receive the main load.

This exercise can be done at the end of the lesson. Thus, you can comprehensively refine your abdominal muscles.

  1. Lie on your back. Fully straighten your upper and lower body.
  2. Simultaneously lift your torso and legs up.
  3. At the top of the movement, turn your body to the side.
  4. Return to the starting position.
  5. Perform several similar turns.

Turn alternately to the right and left. Work smoothly. Most often, athletes perform 8 V-turns on each side. When performing the exercise, you can work only with your own weight or use weights. These don't have to be weights or dumbbells - you can even take an ordinary bottle of water in your hands and make turns with it.

Home workout program

It is very important to create a high-quality training program to effectively work out the oblique abdominal muscles. The following exercises can be performed at home:

In order to achieve the desired result, the athlete needs to eat properly. Eat plenty of proteins as well as complex carbohydrates. Don't overeat before bed. If there is a large amount of subcutaneous fat in the body, then the desired cubes will never appear.

It is also very important to recover well between classes. An athlete needs only 2-3 workouts per week. This way, you can work out the target muscle group as effectively as possible. The first results will be noticeable within a few weeks after the start of classes.