Nationality of Abraham Russo. Abraham Russo: biography, personal life

Abraham Russo is a wonderful singer with a surprisingly gentle and at the same time strong voice. Over the course of six years, he has gained enormous popularity in Russia; duets with. Four-time winner of the Golden Gramophone award. In 2006, after an attempt on his life, he was forced to leave the country and move with his family to America.

Childhood and youth

The singer's real name is Abraham Zhanovich Ipdzhyan. Subsequently, the artist took the surname of Russo’s mother and a euphonious version of his own name Abraham as a pseudonym. A lot of blood is mixed in his veins: Armenian, Turkish, French, Greek, Italian, so the singer prefers to call himself a “man of the world” when asked about his nationality.

The boy was born in Syria, where his father Jean, a French legionnaire and World War II veteran, was then serving. At the hospital, he met nurse Maria, who soon became his wife and gave birth to two sons (Abraham has an older brother). His father died when the future artist was barely seven years old.

The mother and two children were forced to move to Paris and then to Lebanon. There Abraham lived and studied in a monastery for two years. During this time, the young man became a believer and began singing there, participating in religious events. In addition to musical talent, the young man also had the ability to be a polyglot. Abraham easily masters languages; six months is enough for him to learn a new dialect. His luggage includes English, French, Armenian, Spanish, Arabic, Turkish, Russian and even Hebrew.


Already at the age of sixteen, he and his friends performed in restaurants, earning money for a living through music. Gradually, the aspiring singer gained experience, and his career confidently gained momentum. Abraham began taking opera singing lessons, and soon the first serious concerts took place in Aleppo.

Then he began to travel around the world: he performed in Dubai, Sweden, France, Greece, and lived with his brother in Cyprus. There, an influential Russian businessman, the owner of several capital markets and the Prague restaurant, saw the singer and invited him to Moscow. Without hesitation, the artist packed his suitcase and came to Russia. Then the rise in Rousseau’s creative career began.

There are many secrets and mysteries in Rousseau's biography, especially related to the period spent in Russia. It is known that Ismailov invested a “tidy” sum in the singer’s promotion. At first the artist performed with him in Prague, and then professionals took over. Russo became the producer, and the composer wrote the main hits for him.

Abraham Russo - "Engagement"

Having signed a contract with the Knoxmusic studio, owned by Prigozhin, the singer began releasing one hit after another. Among the popular songs of this period are “Far, Far Away”, “I Know”, “Not Mine”, “Angel of Love”, “Engagement”, “In the Name of Love”.

At this time, collaboration began with the famous musician, another ward of Joseph Prigogine. In tandem with him, Russo recorded two popular singles - “Leila” and “Arabica”, which were included in the Tonight album and, according to the singer, he himself likes. The first concert at the Olimpiyskiy attracted seventeen thousand people, and duets with his daughter, Kristina Orbakaite, finally added Russo’s name to the list of the most elite Russian pop artists.

Abraham Russo and Kristina Orbakaite - “Just Loving You”

The singer received a passport of the Russian Federation, learned Russian and became a full-fledged Russian singer. By 2006, he was already touring the world, and the number of discs sold exceeded ten million.

Also in 2006, an event occurred that shocked the entire country. An attempt was made on Abraham Russo's life. Unknown people fired at a car with a machine gun literally a hundred meters from a house in the center of Moscow. The singer received three bullets, but was able to leave the scene on his own and seek help. The criminals did not pursue the victim and hastened to escape, throwing away the machine gun. Killing Russo was not part of the plan, since the Kalashnikov’s horn remained not completely empty.

However, the injury turned out to be serious, the singer lost a lot of blood and had a chance of remaining disabled for life. This attempt was not the first during the artist’s stay in Moscow. Two years before this incident, unknown persons dragged Russo into a car, and later threw him, beaten, into the street. Doctors diagnosed the singer with a concussion, multiple bruises and a broken nose. Russo then cited financial issues that his sponsor had with him as the reason for the attack. What caused the second attack on the singer is not known for certain.

Two versions were discussed in this regard (the artist does not officially comment on this information). It was assumed that this was either a financial showdown with Ismailov, or a showdown between producers.

Abraham Russo - "Unsolved Mysteries"

Prigozhin and Drobysh participated in the promotion of Russo, who might not have “shared” the singer. The investigation apparently also adhered to this version, since Prigozhin was repeatedly summoned for questioning. After the assassination attempt, the singer gave an interview in which he called the producer a thief and accused him of “gang warfare.” Prigozhin immediately filed a lawsuit against him for the protection of honor and dignity, which after some time was considered and satisfied not in favor of Russo.

In the current situation, it was dangerous for the singer to remain in Russia. Therefore, having recovered from the wound, the artist decided to go to New York with his pregnant wife, where he bought an apartment six months before the assassination attempt. He sent his mother to Cyprus to live with his brother, who shortly before had a son, named after his uncle Abraham.

Russo himself did not call the departure an escape, noting that he had taken his wife to a quiet place where she would give birth to a healthy child, and he himself would undergo complex treatment.

In America, the singer continued his creative activity, collaborated with composer Joe Black, a ten-time Grammy Award nominee, and released the album “Resurrection” in Russian and English. He himself tried to write music in the new Gospel Inspirational style (“Inspirational music”).

The singer failed to achieve the popularity that Russo won in Russia overseas. Therefore, he thought about returning to Moscow, and in 2010 he succeeded. Russo made peace with Prigozhin, and the influential producer did not interfere with the return of the fugitive artist, although the relationship never returned to a friendly track.

The first concert after a long break took place on October 31, 2010 in the capital's Crocus City Hall and attracted a full house. However, the tours around the country that soon followed made it clear that in three years in Russia the singer had been completely forgotten. Tula became the first and, alas, not the last city in which Russo’s concert was canceled due to low ticket sales.

Abraham Russo and Ivanna - "Through Love"

The artist needed a new hit that would help, if not return the previous ratings, then significantly increase them. Abraham Russo releases the hit “Through Love,” which he performed in a duet with Ivanna. The song became the catalyst for the second wave of the artist’s popularity. Abraham Russo takes up the release of singles, among which the tracks “Not Mine”, “Tender Sinner”, “Unloved”, “Daughter of the East” appear. The duet with “Not Saved” is popular among listeners.

Abraham Russo and Rada Rai - “Didn’t Save”

In 2016, Russo starred with the singer in a new video for the song “No Impossible.” An incident occurred on set that could have ended in tragedy. A massive clock hanging on the wall as a prop almost fell on the performers. The decorators managed to catch them literally at the last second, which saved Rousseau and Sogdiana from injury.

The duet becomes the title single of the album of the same name, which also includes the tracks “Live Fabulously,” “On Your Wave,” “Tender Sinner” and others. In the artist’s discography, the disc became the sixth solo album, in addition to two collections and one concert recording. Among the premieres of the year are the singles “The Night Cried” and “My Feelings Are Lace.”

Personal life

Abraham Russo, even from adolescence, aroused genuine interest among the fair sex. According to the artist, he first fell in love at the age of 10 with the daughter of a Lebanese priest, who was seven years older and taught the boy how to kiss. Before arriving in Moscow in 1999, he had a serious relationship with a girl from Tunisia. She refused to go to Russia with him, and the relationship ended there.

Abraham met his current wife Morela, an American of Ukrainian origin, in New York while touring with Kristina Orbakaite. His wife helped Abraham join the American social scene, thanks to her he is familiar with overseas celebrities. In 2005, they got married in Moscow, and got married during a trip to Israel.

After the assassination attempt, Russo moved his pregnant wife to New York, where his eldest daughter, Emanuella, was soon born, and in the summer of 2014, his youngest daughter, Ave Maria, was born. Now the wife and children of Abraham Russo, together with the singer’s mother, live in a country house on the outskirts of New York and have no plans to move to Russia. Photos of a happy family appear in "Instagram".

Abraham Russo does not give up sports training, which helps maintain physical fitness. With a height of 188 cm, his weight is 88-90 kg. He loves to take the ball to the football field, plays tennis and tennis, and is interested in figure skating and hockey.

Abraham Russo now

The second half of 2017 was marked by stormy events in the singer’s personal life. Speaking on the “Live” program in early October, the singer made a sensational statement with his wife. At the time of recording the program, Morela did not know about the decision her husband had made.

In addition to the news of the separation, the woman was also struck by the fact that Abraham is going to retain the sole right to use the house, the cost of which is 300 million rubles, as well as furnishings and memorabilia. During the conversation, it turned out that his wife was dissatisfied with her material wealth, although, according to the singer, every time he sends home a considerable amount. Over three months, transfers sometimes reached $100 thousand.

Abraham Russo - "Live"

Three weeks later, Morela gave her answer to her husband in the same studio of Andrei Malakhov. Abraham Russo’s wife made every attempt to return her husband to the family, the woman even addressed him in a comment on his Instagram page.

In December, a confrontation between Abraham Russo and his wife took place, this time in the studio of the “Actually” program, where an online connection was established with Morela. During the lie detector test, it turned out that Abraham Russo was not faithful to his wife for all 12 years of marriage, but the singer continues to love her and the children. At the end of the program, the artist expressed a desire to start everything from scratch. He flew to Los Angeles to meet his family.

Abraham and Morela Russo - "Actually"

In the wake of a happy family life, Abraham Russo continued to delight the audience with new hits. In April 2018, the artist presented the musical composition “Road to the Light”, and in July the premiere of the song “Such Love” took place. The artist continues to tour Russia and the Near Abroad. In the summer, Abraham Russo visited Kazakhstan. The artist does not forget Armenia, where he has already found his audience.

Now new evidence has emerged of Telman Ismailov’s involvement in the assassination attempt on Abraham Russo. According to investigators, the reasons that influenced the change in the nature of the relationship between the singer and the entrepreneur could have been the artist’s unflattering statements about his patron or Russo’s financial fraud.


  • 2001 - “Far, Far Away”
  • 2002 - "Tonight"
  • 2003 - “Just to Love”
  • 2006 - “Engagement”
  • 2006 - “Grand collection” Abraham Russo
  • 2006 - Abraham Russo. The Best.
  • 2009 - “Resurrection”
  • 2016 - “Nothing is impossible”
  1. The future Russian pop star was born in July 1969 in the Syrian city of Aleppo. The parents named the baby Abraham, and his last name at that time was Ipdzhyan. Parents Jean and Maria met on the territory of the hospital where Father Rousseau, whom everyone knew as a French legionnaire and World War II veteran, was being treated. Abraham's mother was working as a nurse at the time. For the parents of the future celebrity, faith in God was always important.
  2. It was for this reason that they gave their child a biblical name. At the age of seven, Abraham lost his father. A lonely widow, Maria had to raise her children alone. Together with his mother, sister and older brother, Rousseau moved to live in the French capital, and a little later, for family reasons, they settled in Lebanon.
  3. Already, being famous, Abraham said that his father and mother were Armenians by nationality.

Talent from the Monastery

  • On the territory of Lebanon, Rousseau became a diligent student of a monastery. It was here that he first began singing in public. When music festivals took place, Abraham's performance of songs was especially celebrated;
  • he was loved by the audience and encouraged by his teachers;
  • in 1987, Rousseau left the monastery. The guy was sure that his future destiny should be connected with music. At the age of sixteen, Abraham began to be invited to restaurants and cafes, where he performed for visitors and earned money, which he gave to his mother.

Work in restaurants

Then Russo decided to become a professional singer and entered the university in the vocal department. In addition to his beautiful voice, the young man had a charming appearance and extraordinary talent, thanks to which he traveled to concerts:

  1. North America.
  2. Near East.
  3. Europe.

One day, with his singing, Russo attracted the attention of the owner of the restaurant, businessman Telman Ismailov, who invited the performer to the Russian capital. In 1999, a new stage in the singer’s career began. At this time, he often sang in Moscow restaurants, where he was noticed by producer Joseph Prigozhin. After meeting him, Abraham’s career in Russian show business began to develop rapidly.

First success in Russia

  • Knox Music signed a contract with Russo. In 2000, the singer began working on recording his debut disc, after the release of which songs from it scattered across many Russian radio stations. The album sold well;
  • a little later, Abraham left Prigozhin. Its new producer was Alexander Benish.
    In 2001, Kristina Orbakaite performed the duet “Love That Is No More” with Russo. The song instantly became a nationwide hit, and show business circles began to talk about the emergence of a new star in the orbit of Russian pop music. A little later, listeners fell in love with the singer’s new composition “Amor”;
  • for three months she was in the top ten of the hit parade, which was conducted by the European music channel “VIVA”. The authorship of the words and music of some songs belonged to Abraham.

People's favorite and polyglot

Russo’s second joint hit with Kristina Orbakaite was the composition “Just Loving You.” In addition, at the same time, the songs “Engagement” and “Far Far Away” were played on the radio, which Russian listeners loved. The hit “I Know” occupied the first place in the domestic charts for three months.

In 2006, the singer’s name appeared on posters throughout the country. During this year, he sold 10 million of his discs and gave about 220 concerts. After Rousseau’s speech in the North Caucasus region, when fighting was going on there, he was awarded the popular title of national hero of South Ossetia.
At the same time, Abraham visited foreign countries on tour and studied foreign languages;

  1. Hebrew.
  2. Hindi.
  3. Spanish.
  4. Turetsky.
  5. Chinese.
  6. German.
  7. Greek.
  8. Italian.
  9. French.
  10. English.

Rousseau speaks fluent Russian, Arabic and Armenian.


In 2006, an attempt was made on the singer's life. While driving to the house where he lived, Russo's car was shot at by an unidentified person. Abraham was wounded, but he did not stop the movement of his car and thus escaped death. After the singer drove a little away from the scene of the incident, he stopped the car and lost consciousness. Abraham then ended up in the hospital.

His blood loss was three liters. Doctors did not give any comforting prognosis, but Russo managed to survive. True, there was a possibility that he would be left without a leg, but the doctors managed to save it, after which Abraham faced a long course of rehabilitation. At the same time, he asked his wife to leave Russia, because he was worried about her safety, because the police had not caught the criminal. Russo's wife settled in New York.


After experiencing stress, Abraham began composing musical works in the style of “Gospel International,” which in Russian sounds like “Inspirational Music.” Russo wrote his first composition in the new genre in 2009. Later he recorded a disc with melodies of great spiritual depth.

Abraham called his debut English-language album "Resurrection". After its release, the singer continued his active touring activities and resumed collaboration with Joseph Prigogine. At the beginning of 2010, Russo went on an all-Russian tour called “Return”, during which he visited 170 cities.

The vicissitudes of the personal life of Abraham Russo

The marriage of the Russian pop music star to American Morella Ferdman took place in 2005 in the capital of Russia, and the couple went to Israel for the wedding. From time to time, Russo's wife went on stage with him to sing several duets.

The assassination attempt on Abraham happened while his wife was pregnant, after which Morella left Russia and settled in New York, where she gave birth. She gave her husband a girl, who was named Emanuella, which in Hebrew means “God is with us.”

Faith and divorce

After the singer recovered, his life changed in many ways. He became a deeply religious man and sang to the glory of the Lord. Rousseau was interested in highly spiritual and inspirational music.

In August 2014, the singer’s second daughter was born in America, who was named Ave Maria, which translated from Latin sounds like “Hail Mary.”
Three years later, Abraham decided to divorce his wife of twelve years. For both spouses, the divorce process was not easy.

What do you think of Abraham Rousseau? We are waiting for your comments.

Abraham Russo became popular in Russia thanks to his performances in the late 90s, when he began singing in the restaurant of businessman Telman Ismailov. His first solo album was recorded in our country with the assistance of producer Joseph Prigozhin and a contract with the Knox Music company. This happened in 2001. In 2006, Abraham’s fame peaked, after performing several songs in a duet with Kristina Arbakaite. Being a Russian pop star, he often goes on tour in other countries and knows several languages. Recently he has been living in the United States, of which Abraham Russo’s wife, Morela, is a citizen.

Russo married Morela Ferdman, an American of Jewish origin, at the Butyrsky registry office in Moscow in September 2005. According to unofficial data, she is from a Jewish family that left Odessa about 20 years ago and settled in Brighton Beach. The newlyweds' wedding took place in Israel on Christmas Day. The wedding ceremony became a bright and spectacular event with magnificent outfits, delicious treats and a select audience.

In 2006, an assassination attempt was made on Avrram, who had become a real celebrity: his car was fired at by unknown bandits using a Kalashnikov assault rifle. The singer received two serious wounds in the leg and lost a lot of blood. Having recovered from this tragedy, he immediately took his pregnant wife to the United States, and she did not appear in Russia for 10 long years. The daughter born overseas was named Emannuela, which translated from Hebrew means “God is with us.” After 8 years - in 2014, the Russo couple had a second daughter - Ave Maria (Hail Mary - lat.).

They first visited our country as a family in 2016 in honor of the presentation of the new video by Abraham Russo and Sogdiana “No Impossible,” which took place on board the capital’s floating restaurant “Chaika.” The singer was on fire, the children were slightly tired after a long journey, and Marela was shining with freshness and beauty. Although evil tongues claim that her attractiveness is the result of plastic surgery and dyeing her hair blonde, she actually looks very good for her 34 years.

Abraham is already 47 and tries to see his family more often, finding time between tours. Sometimes Marela sings one or two songs with him at concerts. Her main activities are family and helping with her husband’s affairs. In the courtyard of their house, a home Orthodox church has been built that can accommodate up to 50 people, and an altar has already been purchased for it. It is planned to use the family collection of 150 icons to decorate this sanctuary.

The famous singer Abraham Rousseau was born in Aleppo in 1969 into a deeply religious family. The pseudonym "Abraham Russo" was taken in 1994. “Russo” is his mother’s surname, and “Abraham” is, according to the singer, a form of his real name, but the most sonorous for this surname.

The singer traveled a lot and performed in various countries: the USA, Italy, France, Armenia, Ukraine and others. Traveling around the world, I learned more than ten languages. He began performing in Russia in 1999, but gained popularity in 2001 after signing a contract with Prigozhin and a successful duet with Kristina Orbakaite.

Personal life

In 2005, in Moscow, he married an American citizen, Morela Ferdman, and the couple got married in Israel.

The singer has two daughters: Emanuella, born in 2006, and Ave Maria, born in 2014. Both daughters were born in America.

In 2006, in Moscow, when Abraham Russo’s wife was four months pregnant, an attempt was made on his life. The singer survived, but almost remained disabled; he had to learn to walk again and take a long time to recover. After this, Russo and his family moved to America and returned to Russia only in 2009.

After recovery, in 2009 he released his first English-language album.

In 2010, he resumed his concert activities and announced a large tour of Russia, during which he gave more than 170 concerts.

House of Abraham Russo

Since Abraham traveled a lot and lived in America for a long time, he has apartments and houses not only in Moscow, but also abroad. It is known for certain that there is a house in New Jersey and an apartment on Kutuzovsky.

After returning to Russia in 2009, Russo settled in the village of Novye Veshki. When choosing a place to live, I first of all gave preference to villages located close to Moscow. He really liked the house, built according to the design of architects from Canada using the most modern technologies, and in this place he was pleasantly surprised by the complete absence of huge and blank fences between the plots.

The house turned out to be very bright, with large windows and high ceilings, creating an atmosphere of freedom and openness. On the ground floor there is a dining room, a kitchen, a front room and a living room. There are no closed or dark places, no doors or sharp corners - all areas gently flow into each other. There is a lot of light and air, this is very important for Abraham, since he suffers from a mild form of claustrophobia.

The style of the entire house is a harmonious mixture of classic and modern. The interior used not only modern, but also natural materials - such as marble and wood. Modern high-tech elements seem to burst into the harmony of light beige and brown colors and classic lines of the interior (in the living room there are lamps and tables, and in the kitchen there are all the appliances and original lamps hanging from the ceiling).

The kitchen is one of Abraham's favorite places, as he loves to cook and spends most of his time here. As the owner himself admits, at first his wife was not used to sharing the kitchen with him, but over time she got used to it, since Abraham is a really good and tasty cook.

The design is not without luxurious notes; here this role is played by magnificent crystal chandeliers. As the owner of the house admits, it would be possible to hang more chandeliers so that they ring with crystal, but it is still important to observe moderation not only in life, but also in the house.

On the ground floor there are many paintings depicting nature - this was Abraham’s choice, he is a special connoisseur of nature and ecology. There is also a large white fireplace.

One of the most interesting places is the staircase to the second floor; it not only performs its main function, but is also a real decoration of the house, organizing the entire home space around itself.

On the second floor there are traditionally the bedrooms of the masters and daughters, as well as a guest room. There are also bathrooms here, reminiscent of a “boudoir”, in which you can not only take a bath, but also take the time to get yourself in order.

The eldest daughter's bedroom resembles a princess's room with an airy canopy on the bed.

The price of a cottage in Novye Veshki varies on average from 20 to 30 million rubles.

Abraham Russo (real name - Abraham Zhanovich Ipjean; Abraham Ipjean, Armenian: Աբրահամ Ժանի Իփչիյան). Born July 21, 1969 in Aleppo (Syria). Russian pop and folk singer.

Abraham Ipjian, who became widely known as Abraham Rousseau, was born on July 21, 1969 in the Syrian city of Aleppo.

Father - Jean Ipjian, a former member of the French Foreign Legion, a veteran of World War II.

Mother - Maria Russo, worked as a nurse.

Has an older brother, John, and a sister. In his statement, the artist noted: “God sent my parents two boys, one of whom is your humble servant, and one girl. At the time of the birth of their first two children, the parents were extremely poor and were forced to give them to wealthier Christian families. I never saw my older brother, and my sister and I first met when I was seventeen years old.”

There are different versions regarding the singer’s nationality, incl. due to the fact that he himself presented contradictory data in various media appearances.

In some interviews, he stated that he himself could not say specifically what his nationality was. In a number of interviews with Armenian media, he claimed that his parents are Armenians, and that he considers himself an Armenian. He answered Russian journalists like this: “Should I shout that I am Armenian? First of all, I am a Russian pop artist, I do not hide my origin.” In other interviews he said that his real name and surname are Abraham Ipjean, while “Ip in Turkish means thread.” And he added: “My ancestors had a thread factory. And my father's name was Jean. Hence the surname – Ipjean.”

According to the artist, his grandfather was born in southern Turkey and after the well-known events of 1915 he moved to Syria (which may indicate that his grandfather was an Armenian). His father, according to him, then ended up in Turkey: “I was born in Syria, my father came from Turkey, served in the French army, it’s a long story,” he said.

Regarding the surname Russo, he said: “While doing my own promotion and gradually entering Russian show business, I perfectly understood that I could not use my surname Ipdzhyan. That’s why I had to study my ancestry more thoroughly and take the surname Russo, which is translated from ancient Greek as “little red one.”

His father died when Abraham was 7 years old. He and his mother moved to Paris, where he became interested in singing and participated in various creative competitions. According to other sources, before coming to France, he spent several years in a closed monastery in Lebanon.

According to him, he began singing professionally at the age of 16 - in small cafes and restaurants, earning a living for the whole family. After graduating from university, he took up singing professionally.

Traveling around the world, he performed in various countries, and during his trips he studied foreign languages. Speaks 13 languages ​​fluently (including English, Armenian, French, Italian, Greek, German, Chinese, Turkish, Spanish, Arabic, Hindi, Hebrew, Russian).

It is known that in his youth he performed in Israel.

During one of the performances, the singer’s vocal abilities were noticed by the owner of the restaurant, entrepreneur Telman Ismailov. Abraham was invited to Moscow, where he began performing in 1999.

He received Russian citizenship in the late 1990s.

At one of the restaurant performances, Abraham met producer Joseph Prigozhin. Thus, a new creative period began in the biography of Abraham Russo. Having signed a contract with Knox Music with the assistance of , Russo began recording his first album in 2000.

In 2001, the singer sang a duet with the song “Love That Is No More,” which immediately became a hit. And the whole country recognized him.

The singer's debut album was released in 2001 - “Amor”. Then, in the biography of Abraham Russo, the albums “Tonight” (2002), “Simply Love” (2003), and “Engagement” (2006) followed. For some time, the artist worked with another producer - the famous impresario Alexander Benish.

Abraham Russo - Far, Far Away

Assassination attempt on Abraham Russo

At the peak of his popularity, he survived two attempts on his life.

In 2004, he was severely beaten by unknown assailants, as a result of which the singer suffered a broken nose and a concussion: the attackers pushed Abraham into the trunk of a car and took him out of town to the dacha of one of the co-owners of the Prague restaurant, where he began his career. There, crippled and in a semi-conscious state, he was kept for two days, and then abandoned on the side of the road near Moscow. The singer was picked up and taken to the hospital by a complete stranger passing by.

Russo himself connected the incident with his relationship with producer Joseph Prigogine: “The sponsor who invested in me expected a much larger profit. But he negotiated with Joseph Prigogine, who was involved in my promotion, and not with me at all. He didn’t care that Joseph took all the money and I didn’t see a penny. If I put them in my pocket, I would answer for them. After the beating, I wanted to leave Russia, but my fans and my musicians convinced me.”

In 2006, there was a more serious attempt. On the night of August 19, 2006, an unknown person fired at Abraham Russo’s car. The singer was hospitalized with three bullet wounds.

The assassination attempt on Abraham Russo occurred on Friday at about three o'clock in the morning in the center of Moscow - near house No. 23 on Burdenko Street, when the singer was returning home from a concert in his Ford jeep. Russo himself was driving. Suddenly, on Burdenko Street, the singer saw a bottle standing in his way, right in the middle of the road. Russo was alarmed by this. He slowed down and began to carefully drive around her. And then there was a burst of machine gun fire - the shooter was firing from the bushes. He fired six bullets in total. Four of them hit the car. Abraham Russo received three wounds - in the thigh, in the shin and in the stomach. The singer was able to increase the gas, drove to the Golden Palace casino, then got out of the car without outside help, independently reached the security guards and asked for help. The guards called an ambulance.

The ambulance took Russo to the Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine - straight to the operating table. Doctors performed two operations on him. All three bullets were removed, but the singer lost a lot of blood and received an emergency transfusion.

According to the main version of the investigation, the assassination attempt occurred because of the business that the singer was engaged in in addition to his creative activities. But the crime remained unsolved.

Then he also accused producer Joseph Prigozhin of the assassination attempt, but later reconciled with him and in 2010 resumed touring Russia: “Everyone makes mistakes. Eight months ago I met Joseph in Europe. I have long been nurturing plans to return to Russia. When the question of returning arose, I immediately decided that I would work with the person with whom I started - with Prigozhin. During the meeting, we sorted things out and shook hands. And this is the result - a tour of Russia awaits me,” Russo said in an interview in 2010. At the same time, Prigozhin forgave him a debt of 1 million euros.

In the USA he underwent several complex operations. Russo bought an apartment in New York eight months before the attempt on his life.

The singer continues to live in America, appearing in Russia only on tour.

After recovery, he began to work in the style of “Gospel Inspirational” (“Inspirational music”). Singles followed: “Not Mine” (2010), “Tender Sinner” (2011), “Unloved” (2012), “Daughter of the East” (2014), “The Night Cried” (2016), “My Feelings Are Lace” (2016) and etc.

In 2017, he presented his autobiographical book “In Search of Truth,” which, according to him, he worked on for four years.

Abraham Russo - My feelings are lace

Abraham Russo's height: 187 centimeters.

Personal life of Abraham Russo:

Married. Wife - Morela Russo (Ferdman, born 1982), US citizen. We got married on September 8, 2005 in Moscow.

We got married in Israel over the Christmas holidays. According to Abraham, in 2006, his wife converted from Judaism to Christianity: “A month after we learned about Morela’s pregnancy, I took her to Jerusalem, and in the Church of the Two Holy James, in the presence of the priesthood, my beloved received holy Baptism . She became an ardent Christian. We kept this event a secret from her loved ones until 2009. Until the moment when her parents and niece themselves underwent the rite of Baptism,” he wrote in his book “In Search of Truth.”

On December 27, 2006, the couple had a daughter, Emanuella (Hebrew means “God is with us”) in the United States. On August 19, 2014, also in the USA, their second daughter was born - Ave Maria (from Latin “Hail Mary”).

In the fall of 2017, Abraham and the division of property for 300 million rubles. At the same time, him. “I’m confused now, I don’t know how to live and what to do. I don't eat, I don't sleep, I've lost weight. He would have called me and said that we are no longer together,” the shocked Morela said. The woman also said that their marriage was not cloudless: “I forgave a lot of things, endured, gave in, so that there would be peace, so that the children would not hear disagreements. He offended me in the presence of the children, humiliated me, that I was nobody, my name was nothing, I was not capable of anything. He is a tyrant, he is always right, I must obey him. If I have my own opinion, it is wrong. I was under constant tension."

Discography of Abraham Russo:

2001 - Far, Far Away
2002 - Tonight
2003 - Just to love
2006 - Engagement

Singles by Abraham Russo:

2001 - "Amor"
2001 - "Tonight"
2001 - “Far, Far Away”
2002 - “Love that no longer exists” (with Kristina Orbakaite)
2003 - “Just Loving You” (with Kristina Orbakaite)
2006 - “Through Love” (with Ivanna)
2006 - “Engagement”
2010 - “Not Mine”
2011 - “Tender Sinner”
2011 - “Color of Love” (with Natalya Valevskaya)
2012 - “Unloved”
2014 - “Daughter of the East”
2015 - “Didn’t save” (with Rada Rai)
2016 - “The night cried”
2016 - “I will find you”
2016 - “My feelings are lace”

Bibliography of Abraham Rousseau:

2017 - “In Search of Truth”