The problem of memory from life experience. Arguments for writing the Unified State Examination

In this material, we focused the reader’s attention on the main problems raised in the texts on the Unified State Examination in the Russian language. Arguments illustrating these problems are found under the appropriate headings. You can also download a table with all these examples at the end of the article.

  1. IN stories by V.G. Rasputin "Farewell to Matera" The author touches on a very important problem for the whole society of preserving natural heritage. The writer notes that without knowledge of the past it is impossible to build a worthy future. Nature is also memory, our history. Thus, the death of the island of Matera and the small village of the same name caused the loss of memory of the wonderful days of life in this area, its former inhabitants... Unfortunately, only the older generation, for example, the main character Daria Pinigina, understood that Matera is not just an island, it is a connection with the past, the memory of ancestors. When Matera disappeared under the waters of the raging Angara, and the last inhabitant left this place, the memory died.
  2. History of heroes science fiction story American writer Ray Bradbury "A Sound of Thunder" is also a confirmation that nature is part of our common history. Nature, time and memory - all these concepts are intertwined together, and this is emphasized by the science fiction writer. The death of a small creature, a butterfly, caused the death of the future of the whole world. Interference with the wildlife of the prehistoric past was very costly for the inhabitants of planet Earth. Thus, the issue of preserving natural heritage in Ray Bradbury's story "A Sound of Thunder" is raised to make people think about the value of the environment because it is inextricably linked with the history of mankind.

Preservation of cultural heritage

  1. In the book of a Soviet and Russian philologist and culturologist D.S. Likhachev “Letters about the good and the beautiful” the problem of preserving cultural heritage is revealed. The author makes his readers think about what cultural monuments mean to people. The Doctor of Philological Sciences reminds us that, unlike natural objects, architectural structures are not capable of self-healing. He encourages everyone to take an active part in preserving the memory frozen in clay and plaster. In his opinion, no one should reject the culture of the past, since it is the foundation of our future. This statement should convince every caring person to try to solve the problem of preserving cultural heritage posed by D.S. Likhachev.
  2. IN novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" one of the main characters, Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, is confident that culture is irreplaceable in people's lives. The author is trying to convey through this hero the idea of ​​​​the importance of cultural heritage not only to the nihilist Evgeniy Bazarov, but also to all readers. Without the healing influence of art, Evgeny, for example, could not understand himself and realize in time that he was a romantic and also needed warmth and affection. It is the spiritual sphere that helps us to know ourselves, so we cannot deny it. Music, fine arts, literature make a person noble and morally beautiful, therefore it is necessary to take care of the preservation of cultural monuments.

Memory problem in family relationships

  1. In the story by K.N. Paustovsky "Telegram" Nastya forgot about her mother for many years, did not come, did not visit. She justified herself by being busy every day, but no matter could compare in importance to her own mother. The story of the main character is given by the author as an edification to the reader: the care and love of parents should not be forgotten by children, because one day it will be too late to repay them in kind. This happened with Nastya. Only after the death of her mother did the girl realize that she had devoted very little time to the one who protected her sleep at the crib.
  2. The words of parents and their instructions are sometimes remembered by children for many years and even for life. Yes, the main character stories by A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter", Pyotr Grinev, very clearly understood for himself the simple truth of his father, “take care of your honor from a young age.” Thanks to his parents and their instructions, the hero never gave up, did not blame anyone for his problems, and accepted defeats with honor and dignity if life demanded it. The memory of his parents was something sacred for Pyotr Grinev. He respected their opinion, tried to justify their trust in himself, which later helped him become happy and free.
  3. The problem of historical memory

    1. In the novel by B. L. Vasiliev “Not on the lists” The main character had not yet registered at the combat post when the bloody Second World War began. He invested all his young strength in the defense of the Brest Fortress, during which everyone died. Even when left alone, he never ceased to terrify the invaders with his nightly forays. When Pluzhnikov was caught, the enemies saluted him, as the Soviet soldier amazed them with his courage. But the title of the novel tells us that many such nameless heroes were lost in the hustle and bustle of the days when they simply did not have time to be added to the next list. But how much have they, unrecognized and forgotten, done for us? In order for us to at least preserve this in our memory, the author dedicated an entire work to the feat of Nikolai Pluzhnikov, which thereby became a monument to military glory on a mass grave.
    2. In Aldous Huxley's dystopia "Brave New World" describes a society that denies its history. As we see, their ideal life, unclouded by memories, has become only a cloying and meaningless semblance of real life. They have no feelings and emotions, family and marriage, friendship and other values ​​that define personality. All new people are dummies, existing according to the laws of reflexes and instincts, primitive creatures. Against their background, the Savage stands out favorably, whose upbringing was built on connections with the achievements and defeats of past eras. That is why his individuality is undeniable. Only historical memory, expressed in the continuity of generations, allows us to develop harmoniously.
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Good day, dear friends. In this article we offer an essay on the topic "".

The following arguments will be used:
– B. L. Vasiliev, “Exhibit No.”
– V.S. Vysotsky, “Buried in our memory for centuries...”

Our life consists of present moments, plans for the future and memories of the past, of what we have already experienced. We are accustomed to preserving pictures of the past, to feel those emotions and feelings, this is how our consciousness works. Usually we remember the brightest memories, those that caused us a storm of positive experiences, in addition, we remember the information we need. But there are also unpleasant moments when memory fails us, or in the most vivid images we remember something that we would like to forget. One way or another, memory is our value; plunging into past years, we relive events dear to us, and also think about the mistakes we have made in order to prevent similar things in the future.

In B. L. Vasiliev’s story “Exhibit No.,” the thread connecting Anna Fedorovna with her son is the memory of him. The woman’s only relative goes to war, promising to return, which is not destined to come true. Having received a single letter from Igor’s son, the next thing the woman reads is the news of his death. For three days the inconsolable mother cannot calm down and stop crying. The young guy is also mourned by the entire communal apartment in which he lived with his mother, everyone who saw him off on his last journey. A week later, the funeral came, after which Anna Feodorovna “stopped screaming and crying forever.”

Having changed jobs, a single woman shares food cards and money with five families in an apartment orphaned by a terrible war. Every evening Anna Fedorovna follows her established ritual: she rereads the letters she has received. Over time, the paper wears out, and the woman makes copies, and carefully stores the originals in a box with her son’s things. For the anniversary of the Victory, they show a military chronicle; Anna Fedorovna has never watched it, but that evening her gaze still falls on the screen. Deciding that the boy’s back that flashed on the screen belongs to her Igor, she has not looked away from the TV since then. The hope of seeing her son takes away the sight of an aged woman. She begins to go blind and reading her cherished letters becomes impossible.

On her eightieth birthday, Anna Fedorovna is happy, surrounded by people who remembered Igor. Soon the next anniversary of the Victory will pass and pioneers come to the old woman, they ask to show her dear letters. One of the girls demands that they be given to the school museum, which causes hostility from the orphaned mother. But after she drove away the assertive pioneers, the letters were not found on the spot: taking advantage of the old woman’s venerable age and blindness, the children stole them. They took her from the box and from her soul. Tears continuously flowed down the cheeks of the desperate mother - this time her Igor died forever, she could no longer hear his voice. Anna Feodorovna could not survive this blow, tears still slowly flowed down her wrinkled cheeks, although her body became lifeless. And the place for the letters was a desk drawer in the storeroom of the school museum.

In Vladimir Vysotsky’s poem “Buried in our memory for centuries...” the poet compares a person’s memory to a fragile clay vessel and calls for a careful relationship with the past. Events, dates, and faces that are so important to us are buried in our memory for centuries, and attempts to remember are not always crowned with success.

Vladimir Semenovich cites as an example memories of the war, the fact that a sapper can only make a mistake once. After such a disastrous mistake, some people are reluctant to remember the person, while others don’t even want to remember at all. The same thing happens in our lives in general: some people constantly delve into the past, while others prefer not to return to it. The past years become an old warehouse of our experiences, thoughts, emotions and scraps of past life that we do not want to dig up. It is very easy to get lost in all this, and even easier to make a mistake. Our past time is like a labyrinth: to understand it, we need pointers, because the “flow of years” mixes up our memories and erases them.

Just like in war, there are “mines” in our memories – the most unpleasant memories and misdeeds, everything that we want to put in the “shadow” and forget. The solution to this is to prevent errors so that they cannot cause “harm” over time.

To summarize, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of memory in our lives, its enormous importance. We must cherish what is preserved in our memories: our experiences, happy moments and moments of despair, everything we have experienced. We should not consign the past to oblivion, because by losing it, a person loses a part of himself.

Today we talked about the topic “ The problem of memory: arguments from literature“. You can use this option to prepare for the Unified State Exam.

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(Our present is inseparable from the past, which constantly reminds us of itself, whether we want it or not).

· The published book “Memoirs of Children of Wartime Stalingrad” by Lyudmila Ovchinnikova became a real revelation not only for the current generation, but also for war veterans. The author describes the memories of children of wartime Stalingrad. The story of human grief and self-sacrifice shocked me. This book should be in every school library. The events of the heroic past are not allowed to be erased from human memory.

· The problem of historical memory is raised in his article “Ancient Sparta” by L. A. Zhukhovitsky. What memory did the great ancient states leave behind? For many centuries, along with the memory of military valor, achievements of science and works of art, reflecting the “intense spiritual life” of people, have been preserved; if Sparta left behind nothing but glory, then “Athens laid the foundation of modern culture.”

· In the novel-essay “Memory,” V. A. Chivilikhin tries to remember our historical past. At the center of the work is the Russian heroic Middle Ages, an immortal history lesson that must not be forgotten. The writer talks about how the predatory steppe army stormed the forest town of Kozelsk for 49 days and could not take it. The author believes that Kozelsk should go down in history on a par with such giants as Troy, Smolensk, Sevastopol, Stalingrad.

· Now many people are taking liberties with history. A.S. Pushkin also noted that “disrespect for history and ancestors is the first sign of savagery and immorality.”

· A. S. Pushkin’s poem “Poltava” is a heroic poem. In its center is the image of the Battle of Poltava as a great historical event. The poet believed that the Russian people, following an original historical path, thanks to Peter’s reforms, embarked on the path of enlightenment, thereby ensuring for themselves the possibility of freedom in the future.

· The memory of the past is preserved not only by household items and jewelry, but also, for example, letters, photographs, and documents. In V. P. Astafiev’s story “The Photograph in which I am not”, the hero talks about how a photographer came to a rural school, but due to illness he was unable to take pictures. The teacher brought Vitka a photograph. Many years passed, but the hero saved this photo, despite the fact that he was not in it. He looks at her and remembers his classmates, thinks about their destinies. “Village photography is a unique chronicle of our people, its wall history.”

· The problem of historical memory is raised by V. A. Soloukhin in his journalistic works. “When we destroy the old, we always cut off the roots, but at the same time, like a tree in which every root hair counts,” in difficult times, those same roots and hairs create everything anew, revive and give new strength.”

· The problem of the loss of “historical memory” and the rapid disappearance of cultural monuments is a common matter, and it can only be solved together. In the article “Love, Respect, Knowledge,” Academician D. S. Likhachev talks about the “unprecedented desecration of a national shrine” - the explosion of a cast-iron monument to the hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, Bagration. Who's hand went up? Of course, not from someone who knows and honors history! “The historical memory of a people shapes the moral climate in which the people live.” And if memory is erased, then people, distant from their history, become indifferent to the evidence of the past. Therefore, memory is the basis of conscience and morality...

· A person who does not know his past cannot be considered a full-fledged citizen of his country. The topic of historical memory worried A. N. Tolstoy. In the novel “Peter I” the author portrayed a major historical figure. Its transformations are a conscious historical necessity, the implementation of the country’s economic development.

· Today, memory education is very important for us. In his novel “The Swarm,” S. A. Alekseev writes about the residents of the Russian village of Stremyanki, who went to Siberia in search of a better life. The new Stepladder has stood in Siberia for more than three-quarters of a century, and people remember it and dream of returning to their homeland. But young people do not understand their fathers and grandfathers. Therefore, Zavarzin has difficulty asking his son Sergei to go to the former Stremyanka. This meeting with his native land helped Sergei to see the light. He realized that the reasons for the failures and discord in his life were due to the fact that he did not feel support under him, he did not have his own Stepladder.

· When we talk about historical memory, A. Akhmatova’s poem “Requiem” immediately comes to mind. The work became a monument to all mothers who survived the terrible 30s, and their sons, victims of repression. A. Akhmatova sees her duty as a person and poet to convey to her descendants the whole truth about the era of Stalin’s timelessness.

· When we talk about historical memory, A. T. Tvardovsky’s poem “By the Right of Memory” immediately comes to mind. Memory, continuity, and duty became the main concepts of the poem. In the third chapter, the theme of historical memory comes to the fore. The poet speaks of the need for such memory in the spiritual life of the people. Unconsciousness is dangerous. It is necessary to remember the past so as not to repeat its terrible mistakes.

· A person who does not know his past is doomed to make new mistakes. He cannot be considered a full-fledged citizen if he does not know what kind of state Russia is, its history, the people who shed blood for us, for our descendants. The theme of the Great Patriotic War occupied a special place in our literature. We learn about the real war from B. Vasiliev’s story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet.” The absurd and cruel death of female anti-aircraft gunners cannot leave us indifferent. At the cost of their own lives they help Sergeant Major Vaskov detain the Germans.

· In the autobiographical story “The Summer of the Lord,” I. S. Shmelev turned to the past of Russia and showed how Russian holidays are woven into patriarchal life one after another. The hero of the book is the keeper and continuer of traditions, a bearer of holiness. Forgetting ancestors and forgetting traditions will not bring peace, wisdom, spirituality and morality to Russia. This is the main idea of ​​the author.

· We cannot lose the memory of the war. Lessons from the past and books about war help us with this. The novel “The General and His Army” by the famous Russian writer Georgiy Vladimirov attracts our attention with the searing truth about the war.

The problem of the ambiguity of human nature.

· Can most people be considered unconditionally good, kind or unconditionally bad, evil? In the work “My Mars” I. S. Shmelev raises the problem of the ambiguity of human nature. The ambiguity of human nature manifests itself in different life situations; one and the same person is often revealed from different sides in everyday life and in a dramatic situation.

IY. Family problems.

The problem of fathers and children.

(Fathers and sons are an eternal problem that has worried writers of different generations).

· The title of the novel by I. S. Turgenev shows that this problem is the most important. Prominent representatives of two ideological movements are Evgeny Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. The “fathers” adhered to the old views. Bazarov, a nihilist, represents the “new people.” The views of Bazarov and Kirsanov were completely opposite. From the first meeting they felt each other as enemies. Their conflict was a conflict between two worldviews.

· The image of Evgeny Bazarov from I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons” is central to the novel. But the images of his elderly parents, who dote on their son, are also important. It would seem that Evgeniy is indifferent to his old people. But at the end of the work we are convinced of how reverently Bazarov treats his parents. “People like them cannot be found during the day,” he says to Anna Sergeevna Odintsova before his death.

· One of the most important facets of the father-child problem is gratitude. Are children grateful to their parents who love and raise them? The topic of gratitude is raised in A. S. Pushkin’s story “The Station Warden.” The tragedy of a father who dearly loved his only daughter appears before us in this story. Of course, Dunya has not forgotten her father, she loves him, feels guilty before him, but still she left, leaving her father alone. For him, this act of his daughter was a big blow. Dunya feels both gratitude and guilt before her father; she comes to him, but no longer finds him alive.

· Very often in literary works the new, younger generation turns out to be more moral than the older ones. It sweeps away the old morality, replacing it with a new one. Parents impose their morals and principles of life on their children. This is Kabanikha in A. N. Ostrovsky’s play “The Thunderstorm”. She orders to do only as she wants. Kabanikha is opposed by Katerina, who goes against her rules. All this was the cause of Katerina’s death. In her image we see a protest against parental concepts of morality.

· One of the clashes between fathers and children takes place in A. S. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit.” Famusov teaches Chatsky to live, and expresses the same attitude towards life. Famusov, in deviating from the “testament of the fathers,” already imagines an attack on their entire way of life, even more - disrespect for moral covenants, an attack on moral principles. This conflict is irreconcilable because both sides are deaf to each other.

· The problem of mutual understanding between generations is reflected in the work of A. S. Griboyedov “Woe from Wit”. The representative of the “present century” Chatsky, an exponent of progressive ideas, comes into conflict with the reactionary Famus society and its foundations of the “past century”.

· Each of the writers saw the conflict between fathers and sons in his own way. M. Yu. Lermontov saw the best in the outgoing generation that he did not find in his contemporaries: “I look sadly at our generation. His future is either empty or dark..."

· Sometimes, to resolve a conflict situation between fathers and children, one small step towards each other is enough - love. The misunderstanding between father and son is resolved in the most unexpected way in the work of V. G. Korolenko “Children of the Dungeon.” Vasya, the narrator of all events, deeply worries about the death of his mother. He loves and pities his father, but his father does not let him near him. A complete stranger, Pan Tyburtsy, helps them understand each other.

· The connection between generations should not be broken. If youthful maximalism does not allow youth to unite two generations, then the wisdom of the older generation should take the first step towards it. G.I. Kabaev writes in his poem: “We are connected by one fate, One family, one blood... Descendants will become you and me Hope, faith and love.

Many writers turn to the theme of war in their works. On the pages of stories, novels and essays they preserve the memory of the great feat of Soviet soldiers, of the cost at which they won victory. For example, Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man” introduces the reader to a simple driver - Andrei Sokolov. During the war, Sokolov lost his family. His wife and children died, his house was destroyed. However, he continued to fight. He was captured, but managed to escape. And after the war, he found the strength to adopt an orphaned boy, Vanyushka. “The Fate of Man” is a work of fiction, but it is based on real events. I am sure that there were many similar stories during those four terrible years. And literature allows us to understand the state of people who went through these tests in order to appreciate their feat even more.

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