Why is the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant interesting? “Chernobyl has not gone away - it is next to us and sometimes it becomes angrier

Do you think that a dose of radiation can only be obtained from the 4th power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant? Huge mistake!

There are a huge number of contaminated objects on the territory of the former USSR. Traces of the largest accidents are still active today, 25 years after the fall of the country.

Often we don’t even think that very close by is a huge radioactive burial ground, a nuclear testing zone, or an outcropping of geological rocks with a background level that is thousands of times higher.

Operating radioactive contamination facilities

1. Production Association "Mayak", Ozyorsk, Russia


Infected areas: Chelyabinsk region

The accident at Mayak in 1957 was the third largest, after Chernobyl and Fukushima. But the enterprise for the production of components and regeneration of nuclear materials still operates to this day.

Lake Karachay nearby is the dirtiest radioactive zone on Earth. The background here is 1000 times higher than Chernobyl.

However, numerous emergency situations infect the atmosphere and soil of the entire Urals. The last major release took place in 2017. The radioactive cloud reached Europe, losing a significant part along the way.

2. Siberian Chemical Plant, Seversk, Russia

Coordinates: 56°21′16″ n. w. 93°38′37″ E. d.

Infected areas:Tomsk region

At this plant for the processing of solid radioactive materials in 1993, radioactive substances were released into the atmosphere, 2 thousand people were injured - the area is still characterized by elevated background levels.

Official sources say that the case in 1993 is the only one. However, according to GreenPeace, small emissions occur regularly.

3. Mining and chemical plant, Zheleznogorsk, Russia

Coordinates: 55°42′44″ n. w. 60°50′53″ E. d.

Infected areas:Krasnoyarsk region

Until 1995, the enterprise produced weapons-grade plutonium necessary for creating nuclear warheads. In subsequent years, the enterprise was retrained for storing nuclear waste.

The dumping of radioactive materials into the Yenisei is a fairly common and undeniable event. Fortunately, the general background downstream does not exceed the permissible limits too much.

However, at the moment the enterprise is a source of infection. All hope is to create a full recycling cycle, in which the waste will become fuel for a new nuclear power plant.

4. Western Mining and Chemical Combine, Mailuu-Suu, Kyrgyzstan

Coordinates: 41°16′00″ n. w. 72°27′00″ E. d.

Infected areas: Jalal-Abad region of Kyrgyzstan; Andijan and Namangand regions of Uzbekistan

Until 1968, uranium was mined here. Over time, the deposits were exhausted, the industry was reoriented to the production of radio tubes, which also lost their value.

Today, near the settlement there is the world's largest radioactive waste storage facility. The general radiation background is such that Mailuu-Suu is one of the 10 most polluted cities in the world.

Scenes of accidents with large-scale radioactive releases

5. Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, Pripyat, Ukraine

Coordinates: 51°23′22″ n. w. 30°05′59″ E. d.

Infected areas: Bryansk, Oryol, Tula, Kaluga regions of Russia; Brest, Gomel, Grodno, Minsk, Mogilev regions of the Republic of Belarus

The tragedy at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant led to the largest radioactive contamination of territories in human history. Clouds of active gases passed right through Russia. Eastern Europe also suffered – Romania, the Balkan countries.

And the troubles are not over yet.

Areas contaminated with cesium-137 will continue to poison residents for at least another 30 years. And the radioactive background in many areas and settlements of the Bryansk, Kaluga, Tula and Gomel regions exceeds the permissible level many times over.

6. 569th Coastal Technical Base, Murmansk, Russia

Coordinates: 69°27′ N. w. 32°21′ E. d.

Infected areas: Murmansk region
In 1982, here, on Andreeva Bay, there was a leak of radioactive water. As a result, 700 thousand tons of water flowed into the Barents Sea - more than from Fukushima.

Andreeva Bay is not the only “dirty” place in the Murmansk region. But she is abandoned, unlike the others.

Spent nuclear fuel disposal sites and coastal bases for nuclear service vessels located in the Murmansk region attract researchers from all over the world. The level of radiation is increasing every year.

7. Chazhma Bay, Nakhodka, Russia

Coordinates: 42°54′02″ n. w. 132°21′08″ E. d.

Infected areas: Peter the Great Bay (?), water area of ​​the port of Nakhodka

As a result of the accident on the K-431 nuclear submarine in August 1985, an area of ​​about 100 thousand square meters was contaminated.

Although the background is gradually decreasing, Pavlovsky Bay is still dangerous for visits. In addition, leaks are likely, distributing dangerous isotopes into sea waters.

8. Aikhal village, Russia

Coordinates: 65°56′00″ n. w. 111°29′00″ E. d.

Infected areas: The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

The Kraton-3 project, within the framework of which an underground explosion was carried out near the village of Aikhal on August 24, 1978 to study seismic activity with an accidental release into the environment, making the area 50 km around uninhabitable.

In addition, similar experiments were carried out in Yakutia (but without air contamination) within the framework of the projects “Crystal”, “Horizon-4”, “Kraton-3/4”, “Vyatka”, “Kimberlite” and a whole series of explosions in the city area Peaceful.

Official sources claim that the explosion sites have a standard natural background. Whether this is actually true is unknown.

9. Kama-Pechora Canal, Krasnovishersk, Russia

Coordinates: 61°18’22″N. w. 56°35’54″E. d.
Infected areas: Perm region

A series of surface explosions for the construction of the canal led to the contamination of the nearby Pechora forests back in 1971.

Since then, the area, even the crater itself, has become habitable.

However, the most important property of radioactive contamination is observed here: radiation is still encountered, although official measurements cannot cover the entire territory, the main inspection sites are clean.

10. Udachny Mining and Processing Plant, Udachny, Russia

Coordinates: 66°26′04″ N. w. 112°18′58″ E. d.

Infected areas: Yakutia

A radioactive cloud resulting from an above-ground explosion as part of a project to create a dam for the Udachny mining and processing plant covered neighboring settlements.

Most of the territory today has a natural background, but in some places the so-called “dead forest” remains - areas of dead vegetation without any signs of life.

11. Gas condensate field, Krestishche, Ukraine

Coordinates: 49°33′33″ n. w. 35°28′25″ E. d.

Infected areas: Donetsk region of Ukraine

An attempt to eliminate a gas leak from a gas condensate field using a directed nuclear explosion was unsuccessful. But there was a release of radiation, echoes of which can still be found nearby today.

Both immediately after the experiment and today, there is no official data on the radiation background.


12. “Globus-1”, Galkino, Russia

Coordinates: 57°31′00″ n. w. 42°36′43″ E. d.

Infected areas: Ivanovo region

The release from the peaceful underground explosion of the Globus-1 project in 1971 is still causing contamination of the surrounding area today.

According to official data, today the background level is approaching the permissible level (although some of the surrounding areas are still closed).

However, besides this place, there are several old radio burial grounds in the Moscow region, and in the west there is an increased background that appeared as a result of the Chernobyl accident.

If the authorities recognize the infection, benefits will have to be paid and benefits (including free higher education) will have to be provided.

13. Semipalatinsk Test Site, Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan


Photo: © Greenpeace

An accident similar to the disaster at the Japanese nuclear power plant Fukushima-1 could happen in Russia. Then, according to Greenpeace estimates, due to radioactive contamination, tens and hundreds of thousands of people living near each of the nuclear plants and falling into the eviction risk zone may end up in the eviction zone.

Today Greenpeace published assessment maps of the possible radioactive contamination that could occur if an accident occurs at Russian nuclear power plants. In Russia, at least ten incidents occur annually at nuclear power plants when emergency protection is triggered and the reactor is shut down. For the subsequent shutdown of the cooling system of a nuclear power plant (as was the case in Japan), it is not at all necessary for a tsunami to hit it.

According to Greenpeace estimates, in the case of the worst-case scenario, even from the point of view of nuclear scientists, such cities as Sosnovy Bor (67 thousand people), Novovoronezh (35 thousand people) and Tsimlyansk (14 thousand people) will fall into the eviction zone or with the right to eviction. Udomlya (35 thousand people) is in the immediate eviction zone. We are talking about settlements located in the risk zone near ten operating, four under construction and eight projected nuclear power plants of Rosatom. The assessment made is conservative and, taking into account all the assumptions, the eviction zones will be significantly higher. It is safe to say that all cities within a 15-kilometer zone from nuclear power plants are at risk of eviction, incl. Balakovo (198 thousand people), Kurchatov (47 thousand people).
The assessment of radiation propagation conditions was made on the basis of calculations performed for the planned Belarusian NPP with power units of the most “latest and safest” VVER-1200 design, in the case of a so-called “beyond design basis accident”. The calculation for the Belarusian NPP was made by the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Belarus. Zoning was done on the basis of the Russian law “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.”
When a radioactive cloud spreads (according to the scenario in the cold season), the length of the trace on which it will be necessary to resettle (the density of contamination with cesium-137 over 15 Curie/km²) can be 20 km (if it spreads to the northeast), with the northern spread of the trace The length of the radioactive trace will be over 30 km.
It must be taken into account that the figures taken as the basis for the scenario of the Belarusian nuclear power plant are extremely underestimated: it is assumed that the release of cesium-137 will be 1000 times less than in Chernobyl. However, the recent accident at Fukushima-1, according to some experts, showed that the release of cesium was not 1000, but 10 times less. In addition, many operating nuclear power plants will definitely produce a greater release of radiation, for example, three nuclear power plants (Leningrad, Kursk, Smolensk) with 11 Chernobyl-type reactors. In addition to cesium, we can also talk about more dangerous contamination with plutonium, for which the criteria for identifying eviction zones are more stringent. Plutonium is planned to be burned at the Balkovo and Yueloyarsk nuclear power plants.
The Fukushima accident scenario in Russia is possible. The project of the Belarusian NPP speaks about this. In addition, the other day the ex-Minister of Nuclear Energy E. Adamov confirmed this: “the zones (of the reactor - Ed.) can melt, the same events that are now happening in Fukushima can happen without any earthquake and without the tsunami flooding cooling systems".
“Rosatom chief Sergei Kiriyenko announced that nuclear plants will be 'open' to the public,” says Vladimir Chuprov, head of the energy department at Greenpeace Russia. “We demand that, first of all, Rosatom provide maps of radioactive contamination for all its stations with a list of populated areas subject to evacuation in the worst case scenarios.”
Greenpeace's estimates are preliminary and based on a number of assumptions, without taking into account the worst-case conditions for the development of accidents. That is why Greenpeace demands that the government publish current maps of radioactive contamination for each of Rosatom’s stations, as well as make available action plans to protect the population living near nuclear power plants in the event of a worst-case scenario radiation accident.

Additional Information
Operating and under construction nuclear power plants

Balakovo NPP
Location: near Balakovo (Saratov region)
Reactor types: VVER-1000
Power units: 4
Years of commissioning: 1985, 1987, 1988, 1993
Balakovo NPP is one of the largest and most modern energy enterprises in Russia, providing a quarter of electricity production in the Volga Federal District. Its electricity is reliably provided to consumers in the Volga region (76% of supplied electricity), the Center (13%), the Urals (8%) and Siberia (3%). It is equipped with VVER reactors (pressurized water-cooled power reactors with ordinary water under pressure). Electricity from the Balakovo NPP is the cheapest among all nuclear power plants and thermal power plants in Russia. The installed capacity utilization factor (IUR) at the Balakovo NPP is more than 80%. The station based on the results of work in 1995, 1999, 2000, 2003 and 2005-2007. was awarded the title “Best NPP in Russia”.

Beloyarsk NPP

Reactor types: AMB-100/200, BN-600
Power units: 3 (2 – decommissioned) + 1 under construction
Years of commissioning: 1964, 1967, 1980
This is the first high-power nuclear power plant in the history of the country’s nuclear energy, and the only one with reactors of different types on the site. It is at the Beloyarsk NPP that the world's only powerful power unit with a fast neutron reactor BN-600 (No. 3) is operated. Fast neutron power units are designed to significantly expand the fuel base of nuclear power and minimize the volume of waste through the organization of a closed nuclear fuel cycle. Power units No. 1 and 2 exhausted their service life and were decommissioned in the 80s. Unit No. 4 with the BN-800 reactor is planned to be commissioned in 2014.

Bilibino NPP
Location: near Bilibino (Chukchi Autonomous Okrug)
Reactor types: EGP-6
Power units: 4
Years of commissioning: 1974 (2), 1975, 1976
The station produces about 75% of the electricity generated in the isolated Chaun-Bilibino energy system (this system accounts for about 40% of electricity consumption in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug). The nuclear power plant operates four uranium-graphite channel reactors with an installed electrical power of 12 MW each. The station generates both electrical and thermal energy, which is used to supply heat to Bilibino.

Kalinin NPP
Location: near Udomlya (Tver region)
Reactor type: VVER-1000
Power units: 3 + 1 under construction
Year of commissioning: 1984, 1986, 2004
The Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant includes three operating power units with water-cooled water reactors VVER-1000 with a capacity of 1000 MW(e) each. Construction of power unit No. 4 has been ongoing since 1984. In 1991, construction of the block was suspended, but it resumed in 2007. The functions of the general contractor for the construction of the power unit are performed by OJSC Nizhny Novgorod Engineering Company Atomenergoproekt (JSC NIAEP).

Kola NPP
Location: near the town of Polyarnye Zori (Murmansk region)
Reactor type: VVER-440
Power units: 4
Year of commissioning: 1973, 1974, 1981, 1984
The Kola Nuclear Power Plant, located 200 km south of Murmansk on the shore of Lake Imandra, is the main supplier of electricity for the Murmansk region and Karelia. There are 4 power units in operation with VVER-440 type reactors of projects V-230 (units nos. 1, 2) and V-213 (units nos. 3, 4). Generated power - 1760 MW. In 1996-1998 was recognized as the best nuclear power plant in Russia.

Kursk NPP
Location: near Kurchatov (Kursk region)
Reactor type: RBMK-1000
Power units: 4
Year of commissioning: 1976, 1979, 1983, 1985
Kursk NPP is located on the left bank of the Seim River, 40 km southwest of Kursk. It operates four power units with RBMK-1000 reactors (uranium-graphite channel-type thermal neutron reactors) with a total capacity of 4 GW(e). In 1993-2004 The first generation power units (units No. 1, 2) were radically modernized in 2008-2009. - second generation units (No. 3, 4). Currently, the Kursk NPP demonstrates a high level of safety and reliability.

Leningrad NPP
Reactor type: RBMK-1000
Power units: 4 + 2 under construction
Year of commissioning: 1973, 1975, 1979, 1981
Leningrad NPP was the first station in the country with RBMK-1000 reactors. It was built 80 km west of St. Petersburg, on the shores of the Gulf of Finland. The nuclear power plant operates 4 power units with an electrical capacity of 1000 MW each. The second stage of the station is currently under construction (see Leningrad NPP-2 below).

Novovoronezh NPP
Location: near Novovoronezh (Voronezh region)
Reactor type: VVER of various powers
Power units: 3 (2 more decommissioned)
Year of commissioning: 1964, 1969, 1971, 1972, 1980
The first nuclear power plant in Russia with VVER type reactors. Each of the station's five reactors is a prototype of serial power reactors. Power unit No. 1 was equipped with a VVER-210 reactor, power unit No. 2 - with a VVER-365 reactor, power units No. 3, 4 - with VVER-440 reactors, and power unit No. 5 - with a VVER-1000 reactor. Currently, three power units are in operation (power units No. 1 and 2 were stopped in 1988 and 1990). Novovoronezh NPP-2 is being built according to the AES-2006 design using the VVER-1200 reactor plant. The general contractor for the construction of Novovoronezh NPP-2 is Atomenergoproekt OJSC (Moscow).

Rostov NPP
Location: near Volgodonsk (Rostov region)
Reactor type: VVER-1000
Power units: 2 + 2 under construction
Year of commissioning: 2001, 2009
The Rostov Nuclear Power Plant is located on the shore of the Tsimlyansk Reservoir, 13.5 km from Volgodonsk. It is one of the largest energy enterprises in the South of Russia, providing about 15% of the annual electricity generation in the region. Since its launch, power unit No. 1 has generated over 63.04 billion kWh. On March 18, 2009, power unit No. 2 was put into operation.

Smolensk NPP
Location: near Desnogorsk (Smolensk region)
Reactor type: RBMK-1000
Power units: 3
Year of commissioning: 1982, 1985, 1990
Smolensk NPP is one of the leading energy enterprises in the North-West region of Russia. It consists of three power units with RBMK-1000 reactors. The station was built 3 km from the satellite town of Desnogorsk, in the south of the Smolensk region. In 2007, it was the first among Russian nuclear power plants to receive a certificate of compliance of the quality management system with the international standard ISO 9001:2000. SAPP is the largest city-forming enterprise in the Smolensk region, the share of revenues from it to the regional budget is more than 30%.


Baltic NPP
Location: near Neman, Kaliningrad region.
Reactor type: VVER-1200
Power units: 2
The Baltic NPP is the first nuclear power plant construction project on Russian territory to which a private investor will be allowed. The project involves the use of a VVER reactor plant with a capacity of 1200 MW (electric). The first unit is planned to be built by 2016, the second by 2018. The estimated service life of each unit is 60 years. The general contractor for the construction of the station is Atomstroyexport CJSC.

Beloyarsk NPP-2
Location: near Zarechny (Sverdlovsk region)
Reactor type: BN-800
Power units: 1 - under construction
The basis of the second stage of the station should be power unit No. 4 of the Beloyarsk NPP with a BN-800 fast neutron reactor unit. It is being built in accordance with the Federal Target Program “Development of the Nuclear Energy Industry Complex of Russia for 2007–2010 and for the Future until 2015.” The estimated completion date for construction is 2013-2014. The commissioning of this power unit promises to significantly expand the fuel base of nuclear energy, as well as minimize radioactive waste through the organization of a closed nuclear fuel cycle.

Leningrad NPP-2
Location: near Sosnovy Bor (Leningrad region)
Reactor type: VVER-1200
Power units: 2 – under construction, 4 – under design
The station is being built at the Leningrad NPP site. The construction of power units No. 1 and 2 of LNPP-2 is included in the long-term program of activities of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom (2009-2015), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 20, 2008 No. 705. The functions of the customer-developer are performed by JSC "Concern "Rosenergoatom". On September 12, 2007, Rostechnadzor officially announced the issuance of licenses for the location of the 1st and 2nd power units of the VVER-1200 type at Leningrad NPP-2. JSC SPb AEP (part of the integrated company JSC Atomenergoprom) following the results of an open tender on March 14, 2008, signed a state contract with Rosatom for “the implementation of a set of works for the construction and commissioning of power units No. 1 and 2 of the Leningrad NPP-2, including design and survey, construction and installation, commissioning, supply of equipment, materials and products.” In June 2008 and July 2009, Rostechnadzor issued licenses for the construction of power units.

Novovoronezh NPP-2
Location: near Novovoronezh (Voronezh region)
Reactor type: VVER-1200
Power units: 2 – under construction, 2 more – in the project
Novovoronezh NPP-2 is being built on the site of the existing station. The general contractor for the construction of Novovoronezh NPP-2 is Atomenergoproekt OJSC (Moscow). The project provides for the use of a VVER reactor plant with a capacity of up to 1200 MW (electric) with a service life of 60 years. The first stage of Novovoronezh NPP-2 will include two power units.

Floating nuclear power plant "Akademik Lomonosov"
Location: Vilyuchinsk, Kamchatka region
Reactor type: KLT-40S
Power units: 2
The world's first floating nuclear power plant (FNPP) is equipped with shipboard reactors of the KLT-40S type. Similar reactor installations have extensive experience of successful operation on the nuclear icebreakers Taimyr and Vaygach and the lighter carrier Sevmorput. The station's electrical capacity will be 70 MW. The main element of the station, the floating power unit, is built industrially at a shipyard and delivered to the location of the floating nuclear power plant by sea in a completely finished form. Only auxiliary structures are being built at the deployment site to ensure the installation of a floating power unit and the transfer of heat and electricity to the shore. Construction of the first floating power unit began in 2007 at OJSC PA Sevmash; in 2008, the project was transferred to OJSC Baltic Plant in St. Petersburg. On June 30, 2010, the floating power unit was launched. It is planned to begin pilot industrial operation in 2013. The floating nuclear power plant will be located in the city of Vilyuchinsk, Kamchatka Territory.

Central Nuclear Power Plant
Location: near Bui (Kostroma region)
Reactor type: VVER-1200
Power units: 2
The central nuclear power plant is supposed to be located 5 km northwest of the city of Bui, on the right bank of the Kostroma River. The general designer is JSC Atomenergoproekt. It is planned that by the end of 2010 the investment justification materials will be approved and a license to locate the nuclear power plant will be obtained. Construction of the station is expected to be carried out in 2013-2018.

Plans for the construction of the Nizhny Novgorod NPP (Navashinsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region, 2 VVER-1200 power units) and Seversk NPP (ZATO Seversk, Tomsk region, 2 VVER-1200 power units) are also at various stages of development.
If we talk about the “decommissioned” status, then at the moment only the Obninsk NPP has it. This is the world's first nuclear power plant, which was launched in 1954 and stopped in 2002. Currently, a museum is being created on the basis of the station.

Planned nuclear power plants (

Findings in government institutions of Pripyat

After extinguishing the fire from the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, heroic liquidators worked for a very long time to eliminate the consequences of the accident. The radius of destruction from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant even reached North America and Japan.

Helicopter over the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

The primary tasks assigned to the professionals were the decontamination of Pripyat and the removal of radioactive dust that had settled on the roofs of houses and the intact nuclear power plant units.

After the accident, the people of Pripyat for the first time began to realize the danger of “radiation” - an enemy that cannot be seen.

Eliminating the consequences was quite difficult. After all, we had to look for special methods in the fight against radiation, deadly elements and dust that had settled throughout the area. Then the helicopters entered the battle.

Fire station of Pripyat

During each flight, and there were 5-6 of them per shift, it was necessary to pour tons of PVA glue onto the roofs of the power units. Such dust cannot be removed with a vacuum cleaner or a broom. That is why a helicopter with glue was urgently needed for the Chernobyl NPP workers. After hardening, the glue was cut, rolled up and sent for destruction.

An important mission to collect radiation dust was carried out by Mi-8, Mi-24, Mi-26 and Mi-6 helicopters.

Eliminating the consequences of what happened on April 26, people risked their lives. First of all, radiation sickness struck the Chernobyl liquidators. However, then none of these heroes thought about themselves when entering into battle with an invisible enemy.

The moment of a helicopter crash over the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

Helicopter crash at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

Each of the liquidators took what they were doing very seriously. But no one even suspected that after the tragedy at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, another one could happen.

Map of areas contaminated as a result of the Chernobyl accident

Knowledge is power. Places you shouldn't live near. And ideally, don’t even appear nearby. :)

Nuclear power plants.

Balakovskaya (Balakovo, Saratov region).
Beloyarskaya (Beloyarsk, Yekaterinburg region).
Bilibino ATPP (Bilibino, Magadan region).
Kalininskaya (Udomlya, Tver region).
Kola (Polyarnye Zori, Murmansk region).
Leningradskaya (Sosnovy Bor, St. Petersburg region).
Smolenskaya (Desnogorsk, Smolensk region).
Kursk (Kurchatov, Kursk region).
Novovoronezhskaya (Novovoronezhsk, Voronezh region).

Unknown source

Specially protected cities of the nuclear weapons complex.

Arzamas-16 (now the Kremlin, Nizhny Novgorod region). All-Russia Research Institute of Experimental Physics. Development and construction of nuclear charges. Experimental plant "Communist". Electromechanical plant "Avangard" (serial production).
Zlatoust-36 (Chelyabinsk region). Serial production of nuclear warheads (?) and ballistic missiles for submarines (SLBMs).
Krasnoyarsk-26 (now Zheleznogorsk). Underground mining and chemical plant. Reprocessing of irradiated fuel from nuclear power plants, production of weapons-grade plutonium. Three nuclear reactors.
Krasnoyarsk-45. Electromechanical plant. Uranium enrichment (?). Serial production of ballistic missiles for submarines (SLBMs). Creation of spacecraft, mainly satellites for military and reconnaissance purposes.
Sverdlovsk-44. Serial assembly of nuclear weapons.
Sverdlovsk-45. Serial assembly of nuclear weapons.
Tomsk-7 (now Seversk). Siberian Chemical Plant. Uranium enrichment, production of weapons-grade plutonium.
Chelyabinsk-65 (now Ozersk). PA "Mayak". Reprocessing of irradiated fuel from nuclear power plants and shipboard nuclear power plants, production of weapons-grade plutonium.
Chelyabinsk-70 (now Snezhinsk). All-Russian Research Institute of Technical Physics. Development and construction of nuclear charges.

Nuclear weapons testing site.

Northern (1954-1992). Since 02/27/1992 - Central training ground of the Russian Federation.

Research and training nuclear centers and institutions with research nuclear reactors.

Sosnovy Bor (St. Petersburg region). Naval Training Center.
Dubna (Moscow region). Joint Institute for Nuclear Research.
Obninsk (Kaluga region). NPO "Typhoon". Physics and Energy Institute (PEI). Installations "Topaz-1", "Topaz-2". Naval Training Center.
Moscow. Institute of Atomic Energy named after. I. V. Kurchatova (thermonuclear complex ANGARA-5). Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI). Scientific Research Production Association "Aileron". Scientific-research-production association "Energy". Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT). Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics.
Protvino (Moscow region). Institute of High Energy Physics. Particle accelerator.
Sverdlovsk branch of the Research and Design Institute of Experimental Technologies. (40 km from Yekaterinburg).
Novosibirsk. Academic town of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Troitsk (Moscow region). Institute for Thermonuclear Research (Tokomak installations).
Dimitrovgrad (Ulyanovsk region). Research Institute of Nuclear Reactors named after. V.I.Lenin.
Nizhny Novgorod. Nuclear Reactor Design Bureau.
Saint Petersburg. Scientific research and production association "Electrophysics". Radium Institute named after. V.G. Khlopina. Research and design institute of energy technology. Research Institute of Radiation Hygiene of the Russian Ministry of Health.
Norilsk. Experimental nuclear reactor.
Podolsk Scientific research production association "Luch".

Uranium deposits, enterprises for its extraction and primary processing.

Lermontov (Stavropol region). Uranium-molybdenum inclusions of volcanic rocks. "Almaz" software. Ore mining and processing.
Pervomaisky (Chita region). Transbaikal Mining and Processing Plant.
Vikhorevka (Irkutsk region). Mining (?) of uranium and thorium.
Aldan (Yakutia). Mining of uranium, thorium and rare earth elements.
Slyudyanka (Irkutsk region). Deposit of uranium-containing and rare earth elements.
Krasnokamensk (Chita region). Uranium mine.
Borsk (Chita region). A depleted (?) uranium mine is the so-called “gorge of death”, where ore was mined by prisoners of Stalin’s camps.
Lovozero (Murmansk region). Uranium and thorium minerals.
Lake Onega region. Uranium and vanadium minerals.
Vishnegorsk, Novogorny (Central Urals). Uranium mineralization.

Uranium metallurgy.

Elektrostal (Moscow region). PA "Machine-Building Plant".
Novosibirsk. PA "Chemical Concentrates Plant".
Glazov (Udmurtia). PA "Chepetsk Mechanical Plant".

Enterprises for the production of nuclear fuel, highly enriched uranium and weapons-grade plutonium.

Chelyabinsk-65 (Chelyabinsk region). PA "Mayak".
Tomsk-7 (Tomsk region). Siberian chemical plant.
Krasnoyarsk-26 (Krasnoyarsk region). Mining and chemical plant.
Ekaterinburg. Ural Electrochemical Plant.
Kirovo-Chepetsk (Kirov region). Chemical plant named after. B. P. Konstantinova.
Angarsk (Irkutsk region). Chemical electrolysis plant.

Shipbuilding and ship repair plants and nuclear fleet bases.

Saint Petersburg. Leningrad Admiralty Association. PA "Baltic Plant".
Severodvinsk. PA "Sevmashpredpriyatie", PA "Sever".
Nizhny Novgorod. PA "Krasnoe Sormovo"
Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Shipbuilding plant "Leninsky Komsomol".
Bolshoi Kamen (Primorsky Territory). Shipyard "Zvezda".
Murmansk. Technical base of PTO "Atomflot", ship repair yard "Nerpa"

Nuclear submarine bases of the Northern Fleet.

Western Litsa (Nerpichya Bay).

Nuclear submarine bases of the Pacific Fleet.

Vladivostok (Vladimir Bay and Pavlovsky Bay),
Sovetskaya Gavan.

Storage areas for ballistic missiles for submarines.

Revda (Murmansk region).
Henoksa (Arkhangelsk region).

Points for equipping missiles with nuclear warheads and loading them into submarines.

Okolnaya Bay (Kola Bay).

Temporary storage sites for irradiated nuclear fuel and reprocessing facilities
industrial sites of nuclear power plants.

Murmansk. Lighter "Lepse", floating base "Imandra" PTO "Atom-fleet".
Polar. Technical base of the Northern Fleet.
Yokanga. Technical base of the Northern Fleet.
Pavlovsky Bay. Technical base of the Pacific Fleet.
Chelyabinsk-65. PA "Mayak".
Krasnoyarsk-26. Mining and chemical plant.

Industrial storage facilities and regional storage facilities (repositories) for radioactive and nuclear waste.

Nuclear power plant industrial sites.
Krasnoyarsk-26. Mining and chemical plant, RT-2.
Chelyabinsk-65. PA "Mayak".
Tomsk-7. Siberian chemical plant.
Severodvinsk (Arkhangelsk region). Industrial site of the Zvezdochka ship repair plant of the Sever Production Association.
Bolshoi Kamen (Primorsky Territory). Industrial site of the Zvezda shipyard.
Western Litsa (Andreeva Bay). Technical base of the Northern Fleet.
Gremikha. Technical base of the Northern Fleet.
Shkotovo-22 (Chazhma Bay). Ship repair and technical base of the Pacific Fleet.
Fishing. Technical base of the Pacific Fleet.

Places for lay-up and disposal of decommissioned naval and civilian ships with nuclear power plants.

Polyarny, Northern Fleet base.
Gremikha, Northern Fleet base.
Yokanga, Northern Fleet base.
Zapadnaya Litsa (Andreeva Bay), base of the Northern Fleet.
Severodvinsk, factory water area of ​​PA "Sever".
Murmansk, Atomflot technical base.
Bolshoy Kamen, water area of ​​the Zvezda shipyard.
Shkotovo-22 (Chazhma Bay), technical base of the Pacific Fleet.
Sovetskaya Gavan, water area of ​​the military-technical base.
Rybachy, Pacific Fleet base.
Vladivostok (Pavlovsky Bay, Vladimir Bay), bases of the Pacific Fleet.

Undeclared areas for the discharge of liquid and flooding of solid radioactive waste.

Discharge sites for liquid radioactive waste in the Barents Sea.
Areas of flooding of solid radioactive waste in shallow bays on the Kara side of the Novaya Zemlya archipelago and in the area of ​​the Novaya Zemlya deep-sea depression.
Point of unauthorized flooding of the Nickel lighter with solid radioactive waste.
Black Bay of the Novaya Zemlya archipelago. The mooring area of ​​the experimental vessel "Kit", on which experiments with chemical warfare agents were carried out.

Contaminated areas.

30-kilometer sanitary zone and areas contaminated with radionuclides as a result of the disaster on April 26, 1986 at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
The East Ural radioactive trace formed as a result of the explosion on September 29, 1957 of a container with high-level waste at an enterprise in Kyshtym (Chelyabinsk-65).
Radioactive contamination of the Techa-Iset-Tobol-Irtysh-Ob river basin as a result of many years of discharge of radiochemical waste at the nuclear (weapons and energy) complex facilities in Kyshtym and the spread of radioisotopes from open radioactive waste storage facilities due to wind erosion.
Radioactive contamination of the Yenisei and certain areas of the floodplain as a result of the industrial operation of two direct-flow water reactors of a mining and chemical plant and the operation of a radioactive waste storage facility in Krasnoyarsk-26.
Radioactive contamination of the territory in the sanitary protection zone of the Siberian Chemical Plant (Tomsk-7) and beyond.
Officially recognized sanitary zones at the sites of the first nuclear explosions on land, under water and in the atmosphere at nuclear weapons testing sites on Novaya Zemlya.
Totsky district of the Orenburg region. The location of military exercises on the resistance of personnel and military equipment to the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion on September 14, 1954 in the atmosphere.
Radioactive release as a result of the unauthorized launch of a nuclear submarine reactor, accompanied by a fire, at the Zvezdochka shipyard in Severodvinsk (Arkhangelsk region) 02/12/1965.
Radioactive release as a result of an unauthorized launch of a nuclear submarine reactor, accompanied by a fire, at the Krasnoye Sormovo shipyard in Nizhny Novgorod in 1970.
Local radioactive contamination of the water area and surrounding area as a result of an unauthorized launch and thermal explosion of a nuclear submarine reactor during its overload at the Navy ship repair plant in Shkotovo-22 (Chazhma Bay) in 1985.
Pollution of the coastal waters of the Novaya Zemlya archipelago and open areas of the Kara and Barents Seas due to the discharge of liquid and flooding of solid radioactive waste by Navy and Atomflot ships.
Places of underground nuclear explosions in the interests of the national economy, where the release of nuclear reaction products to the surface of the earth is noted or underground migration of radionuclides is possible.

List of nuclear facilities in Russia. Part 2.

We continue the topic of places from which we should stay away... In addition to the operating nuclear facilities in Russia, we received from the USSR a large number of nuclear explosions carried out for “decent purposes.”

Between 1965 and 1988, 124 peaceful nuclear explosions were carried out in the USSR in the interests of the national economy. Of these, the objects "Kraton-3", "Crystal", "Taiga" and "Globus-1" were recognized as emergency.

Figure 1. Nuclear explosions for seismic sounding of the territory of the USSR.
The names of projects carried out using VNIITF devices are indicated by a rectangle.

Figure 2. Industrial nuclear explosions on the territory of the USSR.
The names of projects carried out using VNIITF nuclear explosive devices are indicated by a rectangle.

List of nuclear explosions by regions of Russia

Arhangelsk region.
"Globus-2". 80 km northeast of Kotlas (160 km northeast of the city of Veliky Ustyug), 2.3 kilotons, October 4, 1971. On September 9, 1988, the Rubin-1 explosion with a yield of 8.5 kilotons was carried out there, the last peaceful nuclear explosion in the USSR.
"Agate". 150 km west of the city of Mezen, July 19, 1985, 8.5 kilotons. Seismic sounding.

Astrakhan region.
15 explosions under the Vega program - the creation of underground tanks for storing gas condensate. The power of the charges is from 3.2 to 13.5 kilotons. 40 km from Astrakhan, 1980-1984.

Series "Kama". Two explosions of 10 kilotons each in 1973 and 1974, 22 km west of the city of Sterlitamak. Creation of underground tanks for the disposal of industrial wastewater from the Salavat petrochemical plant and the Sterlitamak soda-cement plant.
In 1980 - five “Butan” explosions with a capacity of 2.3 to 3.2 kilotons 40 km east of the city of Meleuz at the Grachev oil field. Intensification of oil and gas production.

Irkutsk region.
"Meteorite-4". 12 km northeast of the village of Ust-Kut, September 10, 1977, power - 7.6 kilotons. Seismic sounding.
"Rift-3". 160 km north of Irkutsk, July 31, 1982, power - 8.5 kilotons. Seismic sounding.

Kemerovo region.
"Kvarts-4", 50 km southwest of Mariinsk, September 18, 1984, power - 10 kilotons. Seismic sounding.

Murmansk region.
"Dnepr-1". 20-21 km northeast of Kirovsk, September 4, 1972, power - 2.1 kilotons. Crushing of apatite ore. In 1984, a similar explosion “Dnepr-2” was carried out there.

Ivanovo region.
"Globus-1". 40 km northeast of Kineshma, September 19, 1971, power - 2.3 kilotons. Seismic sounding.

"Region-4". 80 km northeast of Elista, October 3, 1972, power - 6.6 kilotons. Seismic sounding.

"Globus-4". 25 km southwest of Vorkuta, July 2, 1971, power - 2.3 kilotons. Seismic sounding.
"Globus-3". 130 km southwest of the city of Pechora, 20 km east of the Lemew railway station, July 10, 1971, power - 2.3 kilotons. Seismic sounding.
"Quartz-2". 80 km southwest of Pechora, August 11, 1984, power - 8.5 kilotons. Seismic sounding.

Krasnoyarsk region.
"Horizon-3". Lake Lama, Cape Tonky, September 29, 1975, capacity - 7.6 kilotons. Seismic sounding.
"Meteorite-2". Lake Lama, Cape Tonky, July 26, 1977, capacity - 13 kilotons. Seismic sounding.
"Kraton-2". 95 km southwest of the city of Igarka, September 21, 1978, power - 15 kilotons. Seismic sounding.
"Rift-4". 25-30 km southeast of the village of Noginsk, power 8.5 kilotons. Seismic sounding.
"Rift-1". Ust-Yenisei region, 190 km west of Dudinka, October 4, 1982, power - 16 kilotons. Seismic sounding.

Orenburg region.
“Magistral” (another name is “Sovkhoznoye”). 65 km northeast of Orenburg, June 25, 1970, power - 2.3 kilotons. Creation of a cavity in a rock salt massif at the Orenburg gas-oil condensate field.
Two explosions of 15 kilotons “Sapphire” (another name is “Dedurovka”), carried out in 1971 and 1973. Creating a container in an array of rock salt.
“Region-1” and “Region-2”: 70 km southwest of the city of Buzuluk, yield - 2.3 kilotons, November 24, 1972. Seismic sounding.

Perm region.
“Griffin” - in 1969, two explosions of 7.6 kilotons each, 10 km south of the city of Osa, at the Osinsky oil field. Intensification of oil production.
"Taiga". March 23, 1971, three charges of 5 kilotons each in the Cherdynsky district of the Perm region, 100 km north of the city of Krasnovishersk. Excavation, for the construction of the Pechora - Kama canal.
Five explosions with a power of 3.2 kilotons from the Helium series, 20 km southeast of the city of Krasnovishersk, which were carried out in 1981-1987. Intensification of oil and gas production at the Gezha oil field. Intensification of oil and gas production.

Stavropol region.
"Takhta-Kugulta". 90 km north of Stavropol, August 25, 1969, power - 10 kilotons. Intensification of gas production.

Tyumen region.
"Tavda". 70 km northeast of Tyumen, power 0.3 kilotons. Creation of an underground tank.

"Crystal". 70 km northeast of the village of Aikhal, 2 km from the village of Udachny-2, October 2, 1974, power - 1.7 kilotons. Creation of a dam for the Udachninsky mining and processing plant.
"Horizon-4". 120 km southwest of the city of Tiksi, August 12, 1975, 7.6 kilotons.
From 1976 to 1987 - five explosions with a capacity of 15 kilotons from the Oka, Sheksna, and Neva series of explosions. 120 km southwest of the city of Mirny, at the Srednebotuobinskoye oil field. Intensification of oil production.
"Kraton-4". 90 km northwest of the village of Sangar, August 9, 1978, 22 kilotons, seismic sounding.
"Kraton-3", 50 km east of the village of Aikhal, August 24, 1978, power - 19 kilotons. Seismic sounding.
Seismic sounding. "Vyatka". 120 km southwest of the city of Mirny, October 8, 1978, 15 kilotons. Intensification of oil and gas production.
"Kimberlite-4". 130 km southwest of Verkhnevilyuysk, August 12, 1979, 8.5 kilotons, seismic sounding.

On air Ulyanovsk, Sergey Gogin:

Dimitrovgrad, the second largest city in the Ulyanovsk region, is known for being home to the Scientific Research Institute of Atomic Reactors, or RIAR for short. As follows from an analysis of medical statistics conducted by the municipal Environmental Protection Service, since 1997, the number of endocrine diseases among the city’s population began to increase, and quite sharply. And by 2000, the incidence had almost quadrupled. It was in the summer of 1997 that an increased release of radioactive iodine-131 occurred at RIAR for three weeks. Says the head of the Dimitrovgrad public organization “Center for the Development of Civil Initiatives” Mikhail Piskunov.

Mikhail Piskunov: It was a reactor shutdown on July 25th. It was necessary to remove the fuel element with the broken seal. But due to the fact that the staff made a mistake, both inert gases and iodine were released.

Sergey Gogin: Radioactive iodine is dangerous for the thyroid gland because it actively accumulates in it, causing cancer and other diseases. They were observed in people affected by the Chernobyl accident. Mikhail Piskunov calls the incident at RIAR a mini-Chernobyl.

Mikhail Piskunov: The Middle Volga region is an iodine-deficient region. There is a lack of stable iodine in water and food. In this regard, the thyroid gland actively absorbs radioactive iodine if iodine prophylaxis is not carried out.

Sergei Gogin: In 2003, human rights activist and journalist Piskunov wrote an article in the Dimitrovgrad newspaper Channel 25, where he stated that his organization predicted an increase in thyroid diseases among Dimitrovgrad residents after the incident at RIAR. He referred to statistics from which it followed that in 2000, endocrine disorders in children in Dimitrovgad were five times more common than the Russian average.

Mikhail Piskunov: Radioactive iodine was discovered in cows' milk. Probably, this radioactive substance began to enter the bodies of children. And even more dangerous in this situation are children who are in the womb. Because their thyroid gland is small. The consequences for these children will appear in 10-15 years.

Sergei Gogin: The management of the Research Institute of Nuclear Reactors filed a lawsuit against the newspaper and Mikhail Piskunov for the protection of honor, dignity and business reputation. The process lasted more than three years. The Ulyanovsk Arbitration Court granted the claim twice, and the Federal Court of the Volga District twice overturned this decision. The trial was moved to a neighboring region. The Arbitration Court of the Penza Region partially satisfied the claim, recognizing that Mikhail Piskunov should not have qualified the incident as an accident in his article. But the court confirmed the right of an ecologist to express an opinion on the possible consequences of a radiation incident at RIAR for public health.
The important thing is that Mikhail Piskunov used the court as a tool for obtaining the truth. RIAR had to provide the court with about two dozen documents confirming the fact of the release of radioactive iodine in 1997.

Mikhail Piskunov: The most important thing that we received was two certificates. Set emission limit. And how much was thrown away every day, and sometimes 15-20 times more.

Sergey Gogin: Based on data obtained in court, Piskunov claims: in three weeks, RIAR released 500 Curies of radioactive iodine into the atmosphere, which could have harmed the health of the population of the entire Middle Volga region. I was not able to talk to any of the specialists at the Institute of Atomic Reactors in Dimitrovgrad. They don't comment on anything over the phone. The maximum that was achieved was a short comment from the head of the RIAR press service, Galina Pavlova:

Galina Pavlova: The management of the Institute is satisfied with the decision made by the court.

Sergei Gogin: Nuclear scientists insist: there was no accident in 1997, the radiation did not go beyond the sanitary protection zone. Therefore, there was no need to scare people, just as there was no need for iodine prophylaxis. The latter conclusion, by the way, is refuted by the examination of the Endocrinological Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, carried out at the request of Mikhail Piskunov. Ulyanovsk ecologist Ivan Pogodin believes that what is important is not the conversation about the terms - an accident or not an accident, but the fact of whether there was a release of an active iodine isotope or not.

Ivan Pogodin: The consequences are important. If the excess is proven to be 15-20 times, then I believe that regardless of the statute of limitations, this case cannot be closed. Again, we need to raise medical statistics over the past years. Just after 10 years, usually, if something affects the health of the population, then the dynamics can be traced.

Sergei Gogin: Human rights activist Mikhail Piskunov says that he intends to seek improved organization of iodine prophylaxis for residents of Dimitrovgrad in case of a radioactive release.

At first glance, the answer to this question will be as logical as the cocramental “how is a raven like a desk?” But only at first glance. On the second, an associative chain of answers will begin to build, the key words of which will be “accident” and “radioactive.” And those especially knowledgeable will remember RIAR.

The Nuclear Reactor Research Institute is potentially the most dangerous place in Russia, if not all of Eurasia. But, in order.

This enterprise was created in the early 60s to study all possible problems of nuclear energy. They decided to carry out this honorable task in the Ulyanovsk region. The city of Dimitrovgrad is lucky. The nearest cities are Ulyanovsk (100 km) and Samara (250 km).

“...A city in a forest or a forest in a city? - guests who came here for the first time ask themselves, surprised by the enchanting beauty of the city landscape...” is written on the official website of RIAR, describing “a unique experimental base based on seven research reactors (SM, MIR, RBT-6, RBT-10/1, RBT-10 /2, BOR-60, VK-50), which makes it possible to conduct research on current issues in the nuclear energy industry" and all the ecological purity of the surrounding forest-urban landscape: "in the forest, which on warm spring nights freezes from the booming trills of the nightingale" (ibid. ). It’s even surprising that there are some dissatisfied people.

Igor Nikolaevich Kornilov from Ulyanovsk, head of the human rights organization “Legal Foundation”, says:
- RIAR is a very large organization, the main products produced are weapons-grade plutonium for strategic warheads and Californium. Production capacity: 8 nuclear reactors, i.e. Nuclear power plants weren’t even close here...

Eight? And on their website it says 7...
- There are eight of them... All eight are research, two more stands... I believe that they are excluding the reactor for producing weapons-grade plutonium from the list, since applications for it are not accepted (for work), since it is already working at full capacity.. .

And are they really dangerous?
- Several times there were emergency situations with the release of radioactive substances, once Kazan ecologists sounded the alarm when they discovered Strontium (its radioactive isotope) in their water, while Kazan is located 200 kilometers upstream of the Volga. They tried to attract the ecologists who made noise to liability for disclosing a “secret”, then for libel... but the media remained silent that a radioactive element got into the drinking water of several cities.

There was also a story about how the residents of Dimitrovgrad fell into a panic when they saw that the city was urgently removing and transporting snow and topsoil to an unknown direction... The media again remained silent, however, the directors of RIAR were replaced with a new one...

Has the situation changed since the director was replaced?
- With the new one, there was an emission - Yoda -131, the wind rose in the city is such that a colony for minors got into the emission plume, and while the watering machines were working in the city, in clinics endocrinologists fought off patients with an inflamed thyroid gland (theriotoxicosis)... Media and the authorities were silent, since it was necessary to provide the population with expensive medicines to remove Iodine-131 from the body.

What's special about this iodine?
- The main problem is that all isotopes (except Strontium) are short-lived. Iodine-131 disintegrates in about a week... and then, of course, no investigative commission will find traces... you can only detect an outbreak of thyroid diseases... but, as the prosecutor's office claims, this is not a sufficient basis for initiating a criminal case... .

The general situation is this: the Ministry of Emergency Situations told me that they do not have the necessary equipment to monitor the situation at RIAR. The SES stated that they take the RIAR security service “at its word” because it has its own safety laboratory, but the SES is not allowed there... The hydrometeorological center confirmed that the level of ordinary isotopes is within normal limits, but much more artificial ones have appeared, but the maximum permissible concentration ( maximum permissible concentration) - is absent on them and therefore no one knows whether the level of radiation is dangerous or not...

RIAR - commenting on the situation, referred to the Geiger counters installed at the enterprise, and the fact that some of the counters are located in the city in places visible to the population, but to the remark that the installed counters register gamma radiation, and do not register either alpha or beta - radiation... they hung up and interrupted the conversation every time the question was raised about ionizing radiation from emergency emissions...

Indirect confirmation of the dangerous situation was received from the Regional Health Department, which confirmed that in terms of the number of endocrine diseases and oncology, Dimitrovgrad has been successfully leading in recent years, surpassing Ulyanovsk by an order of magnitude in the number of patients...

The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation contains an article on criminal liability for concealing facts that pose a public danger..., but...

But this is a secret enterprise, isn't it?
- The enterprise is secret, but relatively, it is too well known in the world to classify it, however, the protection of the enterprise and its secrets is the FSB department.

Is Dimitrovgrad a big city?
- The population is about 250,000 people, plus a prison, plus three correctional institutions and also colony settlements with them; a number of military units. Yes, this figure is not based on the official size of the city, but on the population size in the 30-kilometer sanitary zone around the reactors, i.e. it includes all nearby settlements, as required by technical supervision.

Then it seems that it is easier for interested parties to control all local media than to spend money on expensive drugs for so many people. Moreover, this is a completely familiar matter for the FSB.

However, it is difficult to hide the obvious. So in 1997 there was a powerful release of iodine-131 that lasted three weeks! In 1998, there was a powerful jump in the incidence of diseases of the endocrine system among residents of Dimitrovgrad, and in 1999 it reached its peak, exceeding the all-Russian figure by almost three times.

Emissions occur from time to time; now the question is about legalizing 30 km. sanitary zone around RIAR, about certainty in the issue of using RIAR as APEC (about the maximum permissible power for an experimental reactor (there are no analogues in the world and probably never will be) operating on plutonium (for processing weapons-grade plutonium from expired arsenals), about the installation of a complete a set of dosimetric means (monitoring water, air and soil, for all types of radiation). Let me explain this point: for example, the Hydrometeorological Center reports daily on the level of radioactive background, but this is a natural background, and why are they silent about the radiation of newly created isotopes of cobalt, strontium, etc.? Why can’t the Ministry of Emergency Situations get permission to install independent monitoring means? Why are medical statistics closed to the public? Why are measurement data from sanitary and epidemiological observation stations classified?
And after all, why are calves born with two heads? And then listen to politicians talk about the poor knowledge of radiation on the population?

What exactly needs and can be done?
- Let me explain my position. The issue of diseases and mutations relates to the protection of the rights of the third generation, i.e. descendants, but their rights should be protected today... Therefore, our task is:
1. move beyond 30 km. zones: orphanages and boarding schools, maternity hospitals, places of detention of convicts (especially children and adolescents, youth);
2. ensure a minimum stay of 30 km. the presence of the reproductive population in the RIAR zone, and timely medical provision of the population with the necessary drugs;
3. timely notification of citizens about emergency situations at RIAR;

Good proposals, but for their implementation it is necessary that concern for the people in our state exceeds concern for maintaining the secrecy of everything and anything that somehow poses a serious threat to society, and therefore public safety. Although this logic of large offices is beyond my understanding.


As a result of a non-nuclear explosion (the root cause of the accident was a steam explosion) of the reactor of the 4th block of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, fuel elements containing nuclear fuel (uranium-235) and radioactive fission products accumulated during the operation of the reactor (up to 3 years) were damaged and depressurized ( hundreds of radionuclides, including long-lived ones). The release of radioactive materials from the emergency unit of the nuclear power plant into the atmosphere consisted of gases, aerosols and fine particles of nuclear fuel. In addition, the ejection lasted a very long time; it was a process extended over time, consisting of several stages.

At the first stage (in the first hours), dispersed fuel was released from the destroyed reactor. At the second stage - from April 26 to May 2, 1986. - the emission power has decreased due to measures taken to stop the combustion of graphite and filter the emission. At the suggestion of physicists, many hundreds of tons of compounds of boron, dolomite, sand, clay and lead were dumped into the reactor shaft; this layer of granular mass intensively adsorbed aerosol particles. At the same time, these measures could lead to an increase in temperature in the reactor and contribute to the release of volatile substances (in particular, cesium isotopes) into the environment. This is a hypothesis, however, it was precisely on these days (May 2-5) that a rapid increase in the output of fission products outside the reactor and a predominant removal of volatile components, in particular iodine, were observed. The last, fourth stage, which began after May 6, is characterized by a rapid decrease in emissions as a result of specially taken measures, which ultimately made it possible to reduce the temperature of the fuel by filling the reactor with materials that form refractory compounds with fission products.

Radioactive contamination of the natural environment as a result of the accident was determined by the dynamics of radioactive emissions and meteorological conditions.

Due to the bizarre pattern of precipitation during the movement of the radioactive cloud, the contamination of soil and food turned out to be extremely uneven. As a result, three main foci of pollution were formed: Central, Bryansk-Belarusian and a foci in the region of Kaluga, Tula and Orel (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Radioactive contamination of the area with cesium-137 after the Chernobyl disaster (as of 1995).

Significant contamination of territory outside the former USSR occurred only in some regions of the European continent. No radioactive fallout was detected in the southern hemisphere.

In 1997, a multi-year European Community project to create an atlas of cesium contamination in Europe after the Chernobyl accident was completed. According to estimates made within the framework of this project, the territories of 17 European countries with a total area of ​​207.5 thousand km 2 were contaminated with cesium with a contamination density of more than 1 Ci/km 2 (37 kBq/m 2) (Table 1).

Table 1. Total 137Cs pollution in European countries from the Chernobyl accident.

Countries Area, thousand km 2 Chernobyl fallout
countries territories with pollution over 1 Ci/km 2 PBk kKi % of total fallout in Europe
Austria 84 11,08 0,6 42,0 2,5
Belarus 210 43,50 15,0 400,0 23,4
Great Britain 240 0,16 0,53 14,0 0,8
Germany 350 0,32 1,2 32,0 1,9
Greece 130 1,24 0,69 19,0 1,1
Italy 280 1,35 0,57 15,0 0,9
Norway 320 7,18 2,0 53,0 3,1
Poland 310 0,52 0,4 11,0 0,6
Russia (European part) 3800 59,30 19,0 520,0 29,7
Romania 240 1,20 1,5 41,0 2,3
Slovakia 49 0,02 0,18 4,7 0,3
Slovenia 20 0,61 0,33 8,9 0,5
Ukraine 600 37,63 12,0 310,0 18,8
Finland 340 19,0 3,1 83,0 4,8
Czech 79 0,21 0,34 9,3 0,5
Switzerland 41 0,73 0,27 7,3 0,4
Sweden 450 23,44 2,9 79,0 4,5
Europe as a whole 9700 207,5 64,0 1700,0 100,0
The whole world 77,0 2100,0

Data on radiation contamination of the territory of Russia as a result of the Chernobyl accident are presented in Table 2.

Table 2.

Radiological hazard of Chernobyl radionuclides

The most dangerous at the time of the accident and in the first time after it in the atmospheric air of contaminated areas are 131I (Radioactive iodine accumulated intensively in milk, which led to significant doses of radiation to the thyroid gland in those who drank it, especially in children in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine Elevated levels of radioactive iodine in milk have also been observed in some other regions of Europe where dairy herds were kept outdoors. 131I has a half-life of 8 days.) and 239Pu, which have the highest relative hazard index. This is followed by the remaining isotopes of plutonium, 241Am, 242Cm, 137Ce, and 106Ru (decades after the accident). The greatest danger in natural waters is 131I (in the first weeks and months after the accident) and a group of long-lived radionuclides of cesium, strontium and ruthenium.

Plutonium-239. It is dangerous only when inhaled. As a result of deepening processes, the possibility of wind uplift and transfer of radionuclides has decreased by several orders of magnitude and will continue to decrease. Therefore, Chernobyl plutonium will be present in the environment indefinitely (the half-life of plutonium-239 is 24.4 thousand years), but its environmental role will be close to zero.

Cesium-137. This radionuclide is absorbed by plants and animals. Its presence in food chains will steadily decline due to processes of physical decay, penetration to depths inaccessible to plant roots, and chemical binding by soil minerals. The half-life of Chernobyl cesium will be about 30 years. It should be noted that this does not apply to the behavior of cesium in the forest floor, where the situation is to some extent conserved. The reduction in contamination of mushrooms, wild berries and game is practically imperceptible so far - it is only 2-3% per year. Cesium isotopes are actively involved in metabolism and compete with K ions.

Strontium-90. It is somewhat more mobile than cesium; the half-life of strontium is about 29 years. Strontium reacts poorly in metabolic reactions, accumulates in bones, and has low toxicity.

Americium-241 (a product of the decay of plutonium-241 - the emitter) is the only radionuclide in the zone of contamination from the Chernobyl accident, the concentration of which is increasing and will reach maximum values ​​in 50-70 years, when its concentration on the earth's surface will increase almost tenfold.