Indian lassi drink. Lassi: best recipes

Step 1: Prepare lassi.

Option 1: Prepare sweet lassi. There are many more options for sweet lassi than salty lassi, but we will prepare the most delicious, and therefore the most common. So let's get started, you need to peel the washed mango, cut it and remove the pit - and the pulp is already in front of you, all that remains is to chop it. Leave a couple of slices to decorate a cocktail glass. Place the mango pulp and ice in a blender bowl and grind them. Now everything is ready to mix the cocktail. Pour kefir into a shaker, add sugar and spices, as well as chopped mango pulp and ice. Shake several times - the lassi is ready! Option 2: Prepare salted lassi. To prepare salted lassi, I used a different milk base in order to show you all the possible ways to prepare this drink. Grind the ice in a blender and then transfer it to a shaker. Add all other ingredients and shake the shaker several times. There you go!

Step 2: Decorate and serve lassi.

Pour the finished cocktail into glasses and decorate them. Decorate the sweet mango lassi with a slice of mango, and the salty lassi with mint leaves. It is best to serve the cocktail with breakfast or lunch; drinking this drink in the evening is not recommended. Quench your thirst with Indian milk lassi! Bon appetit!

Yogurt half diluted with water is ayran. Try making lassi using store-bought ayran or thana. Remember that tan is only suitable for making salted lassi.

A mixture of spices is often added to lassi. Those listed in the recipe are not all that are used. In special departments of stores you can buy a mixture of spices “Dry Perfume”, which includes cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, star anise, ginger, anise, nutmeg. These spices perfectly complement the taste of kefir.

You can change not only the given composition of the lassi, but also the quantity of its ingredients. You can change the flavor of lassi as per your wish.

Cocktails with mint, banana and almond flavors are very good. Try it and see!

    Lassi: Last name Lassi count and noble family: Lassi, Pyotr Petrovich (1678 1751) Russian general field marshal; Lassi, Franz Moritz (1725 1801) count, Austrian field marshal, son of Peter Petrovich Lassi, participated in ... ... Wikipedia

    Lassi: Lassi (German: von Lacy) is a count and noble family. Lassi is a popular Indian drink of Punjabi origin. Localities Lassi is a commune in France, in the department of Val d'Oise. Lassi is a commune in France, in the department of Ille-et-Vilaine.... ... Wikipedia

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Lassi is a popular Indian drink of Punjabi origin. It is prepared on the basis of yogurt with the addition of water, salt, sugar, spices, fruit and ice by quickly whipping. Widely distributed in northern India and Pakistan, where it is used as a refreshing drink during the hot season.

There are many options for preparing lassi (with mango, with banana, with strawberries, with cumin, with ice cream, with cream, salted lassi, etc.). There is even Bhang lassi, which is infused with hemp tincture.

There are differences of opinion about the origins of the soft drink lassi (besides its popularity in India, it is no less popular in Pakistan). But still, lassi is considered an Indian drink, primarily because Pakistan, in fact, was part of the Indian space, and besides, the immediate place of origin of lassi, Punjab, is located on the border between India and Pakistan.

The primary purpose of lassi is, of course, to cool down, and only then to quench your thirst. Almost all Indian drinks, due to climatic conditions, are designed to perform a cooling function. Lassi is a kind of classic version of drinks consumed in the heat. In any Indian family, it is considered an obligatory tradition to offer lassi when welcoming a guest, and lassi invariably accompanies almost any Indian meal. In addition, lassi is an ideal option for muting the heat of spices that richly season any Indian dish (spices are also added to the drink itself).

Lassi can be called the progenitor of all cocktails. The diversity and versatility of the recipes for this drink opens up unprecedented opportunities for culinary masterpieces. You can add absolutely any components to such a cocktail: fruits, honey, nuts, berries, various spices, juices, rose water, etc. This drink can be consumed either on its own or serve as the basis for various dishes.

The process of making lassi is very simple and quick. The selected ingredients are chopped, filled with yogurt and water, the selected spices are added, everything is whipped, and ice is added before serving. The whole process will take no more than five minutes, and the variety of recipe options will allow you to create the most unpredictable compositions.

In addition to all the advantages of lassi, there are also negative aspects. First of all, the drink is prepared on the basis of a dairy product, and, therefore, it must be consumed immediately; such a product cannot be stored. It is not recommended to drink this drink at night due to possible gastrointestinal upset (after all, natural yogurt is known for its laxative properties). Despite all the disadvantages, the demand for lassi in Southeast Asian countries is constantly growing, not only among the indigenous population, but also among the majority of tourists.

In modern conditions, the need to manufacture products with a long shelf life is becoming increasingly urgent. Thus, in India, as well as abroad, a lassi drink is produced, which is hermetically packaged, so that it can be consumed for several months from the date of production. But, undoubtedly, fresh lassi prepared at home cannot replace any drink from a factory jar.


  • natural yogurt
  • milk 3.2%
  • ground cardamom
  • mango 1 pc.
  1. Peel ripe mango, remove the pit and chop coarsely. Transfer to blender.
  2. Add yogurt, milk and honey. It is better to take thicker yogurt, Greek is fine. Skimmed milk will be produced after churning. Honey is optional.
  3. Beat everything with a blender.
  4. Pour into glasses. Sprinkle ground cardamom on top. If desired, chill in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes before serving.

We have already prepared yogurt based, and today we offer you a more unusual, no less tasty, and what’s interesting is an incredibly healthy lassi drink! This is a traditional Indian smoothie that combines whipped yogurt with ice water. It is recommended to drink this drink in the first half of the day; It is believed to aid digestion, have a tonic effect and help withstand heat.

There are a huge number of lassi recipes. Spices, vegetables, berries and fruits are common additions to this cocktail; the most traditional ones are mango, sugar and rose water; Accordingly, a distinction is made between sweet and unsweetened lassi.

Method of preparing lassi

Lassi is always prepared the same way: ice water is added to the yogurt, they are whipped and supplemented with fruit puree and ground spices. As a rule, all ingredients are placed in a blender bowl and blended at the same time.

Crushed ice can be used instead of water.

Sweet lassi

Banana lassi

250 ml yogurt;

2 tbsp. lemon juice;

0.5 tbsp. crushed ice;

honey as desired and to taste.

Blend all ingredients except ice with a blender; add ice and stir with the same blender until the ice turns into fine crumbs but does not dissolve.

This lassi can be topped with lemon zest, nutmeg or cinnamon.

Lassi with rose water

1 liter of yogurt;

750 ml ice water;

250 ml crushed ice;

6 tbsp. sugar (can be replaced with honey);

a quarter teaspoon of ground cardamom;

a few drops of rose water (to taste).

First, beat all ingredients except ice; then use a blender to stir the almost finished lassi with ice.

Unsweetened lassi recipes

Traditional salty lassi

1 liter of yogurt;

750 ml ice water;

250 ml crushed ice;

1 green fresh chili (pre-chopped);

1 tsp caraway seeds (roast and grind the seeds);

3 tbsp. lemon juice;

2 tsp salt.

Place all ingredients, except ice, in a blender bowl and blend until smooth. Then add crushed ice and beat until foam appears.

Soft lassi

For some reason, this cocktail is called soft, probably due to its particularly mild taste. The fact is that instead of cold water, milk is used here.

250 ml yogurt;

250 ml cold milk;

1 tsp caraway;

2 tsp lemon juice;

0.5 tsp salt;

half a glass of crushed ice;

0.5 tsp mint (optional);

a pinch of cayenne pepper (also optional).

Roast and grind the cumin; In a blender, mix all the ingredients of the lassi until smooth.

This unusual, nutritious and refreshing drink is sure to please both you and your family. Especially for children! Add berries and fruits, grated chocolate and nuts, be surprised and rejoice at the culinary result! Enjoy your meal with lassi!

Eva Cascio specifically for the site

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The wonderful drink Lassi is a traditional Indian delicacy that is excellently refreshing in the midday heat and incredible heat. There are a great many interpretations of this recipe: the drink is prepared with chocolate, bananas, mangoes, citrus fruits, and ginger. And that's not all! It is most likely simply impossible to list all interpretations of Lassi. After all, the drink is made spicy, sweet, and salty. But no less popular are versions with a neutral taste but an unsurpassed aroma. At the same time, Lassi can be safely classified not only as a pleasant drink, but also incredibly healthy. After all, you can easily vary the ingredients at your own discretion, adding paprika, herbs, berries, syrup or even... cucumbers. But the main thing is to take basic products for the base. At Lassi it's ice, water and yogurt. Experiment! Surely you will be able to find exactly the version of Lassi that will become the most favorite in your family.

Cooking time – 15 minutes.

Number of servings – 4.


To make the Indian drink Lassi according to the proposed recipe, you do not need any extremely rare ingredients. You can always purchase everything you need to prepare an original refreshing drink at your nearest store. So, here are these products:

  • ice – 4 cubes;
  • cardamom – 1 tsp;
  • yogurt – 100 ml;
  • ginger – root 2 cm long;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • granulated sugar – 1 tsp.

On a note! If you wish, you can always omit granulated sugar from the drink or replace it with honey.

How to make Lassi according to Indian recipe

If you have never prepared Lassi before or are hearing about such an oriental drink for the first time, do not despair. It will not be difficult for you to prepare it yourself at home. The essence of preparing a drink is extremely simple. In addition, a step-by-step recipe with photos will help you avoid various culinary mistakes, which in this situation are simply difficult to imagine. Also below are several video clips, in which the entire sequence of creating such an appetizing drink with a refreshing and invigorating taste is outlined in as much detail and clearly as possible. Well, shall we get started?

  1. So, first of all, it is recommended to prepare all the ingredients that will be required when preparing Lassi according to a recipe from India. It’s worth noting right away: be as meticulous as possible when choosing yogurt. Give preference to natural ingredients without unnecessary dyes, preservatives and additives. Let the base be “clean”. Otherwise, flavor enhancers and flavorings will simply destroy all the beauty of natural spices.

  1. Then separately evaluate the condition of the spices. Cardamom can be used in powder form. But if you want to truly reveal the full aroma of this spice, then grind it yourself in a coffee grinder. A few pods will be sufficient.

Note! But don’t forget to sift the spice later.

  1. Next up is the ginger. It will need to be peeled and grated. Use a device with the smallest or “sharpest” cells. This grater allows you to get exactly the kind of ginger pulp that will be ideal for preparing the Indian drink Lassi.

  1. What needs to be done next? Everything here is elementary simple! All that remains is to combine the components that make up this original oriental drink with refreshing and tonic notes. It is necessary to prepare suitable utensils. Pour 200 ml of clean drinking water into it (let it be slightly cool). Chopped ginger is sent to it. 100 ml of natural yogurt without all kinds of additives and dyes is poured into it. Don't forget to add ice. The composition should be diluted with cardamom. The resulting mixture is pureed using any immersion blender or food processor.

  1. Essentially, this completes the preparation of Lassi with ginger. If you wish, you can dilute the drink with honey or granulated sugar.

Indians serve drinks to the table immediately. After all, it is then that it will allow you to get rid of not only thirst, but also the heat.

Video recipes

If you have never been to India and do not know how to prepare a real Lassi drink, use the suggested video recipes. They will allow you to diversify your drink menu and make it more healthy: