Lesson outline (senior group) on the topic: Physical education leisure in the senior group “My cheerful ringing ball. Outline of a physical education lesson (senior group) on the topic: Summary of physical education leisure in the senior group

Tasks: continue to introduce children to the world around them, cultivate love and respect for animals; to form motor skills; practice onomatopoeia; give children a feeling of joy.

Equipment: homemade toy Christmas tree; a chest containing toys: a kitten, a puppy, a duckling, a calf, a kid, a lamb; hoop; wand; DIY Christmas decorations; emblems (circles) of different colors; children's (toy) sleds (2 pcs.); cubes for reference (2 pcs.); bell.

Leisure activities

Children enter the hall to the music and approach the toy tree, under which there is a chest.

Instructor(on behalf of Chest).

I am a beautiful chest.

You guys, I'm a friend.

I really want to know

How do you like to play?

Hello, let's play together.

Children. Hello, Chest! What did you bring us?

Chest. I brought you toys.

Children. Thank you (clapping hands). What toys did you bring us?

Chest. I know that you all love pets and are friends with them. Therefore, I am sure that you will like my toys.

The instructor opens the chest, takes out toys and invites the children to perform movements with onomatopoeia:

The kitten, meowing, reaches up, scratching the tree with its claws;

The puppy, barking, squats (with emphasis on his hands);

The clumsy duckling, quacks, rolls from side to side;

The calf, mooing, leans forward and butts;

The kid jumps briskly;

The lamb bleats (children show how curled its horns are).

Game “I teach him to speak.”

There is a kitten in my yard, I teach it to say, and the kitten says “meow.”

There is a puppy in my yard, I am teaching him to talk,

And he responded:

There is a duckling in my yard. I teach him to speak.

And he responded:“Quack-quack,” and the puppy: “Woof-woof,” and the kitten: “Meow-meow.”

There is a calf in my yard. I teach him to speak.

“Woof-woof,” and the kitten: “Meow-meow.”

There is a kid in my yard. I teach him to speak.

And he responded:“Me-me,” and the calf: “Moo-moo,” and the duckling: “Quack-quack,” and the puppy: “Woof-woof,” and the kitten: “Meow-meow.”

There is a lamb in my yard, I teach it to speak. And he answered: “Be-be”, and the kid: “Me-me”, and the calf: “Moo-moo”, and the duckling: “Quack-quack”, and the puppy: “Woof-woof”, and the kitten: "Meow meow".

Instructor. Now you have learned to imitate animals. Can they imitate people? Let's get a look.

Performance by a “trained shepherd dog”.

The instructor calls a “shepherd dog” (the role is played by one of the children), which sits next to the owner, moves next to the owner (walking and running in pairs), performs the commands “sit”, “lie down”, “stand”, jumps into a hoop, runs for a stick.

Instructor. That's what a trained shepherd I have! Now let all the kids turn into puppies and follow all the trainer’s commands.

Children, on command, walk and run in circles in pairs, sit down, lie down, jump through hoops (one holds in a pair, the other jumps and vice versa).

The game "Who's ahead with the stick."

The instructor throws the stick, the children race to get it (3 times).

The instructor, on behalf of all the animals, offers to decorate the Christmas tree.

Children must find Christmas tree decorations (made by themselves) according to the color of the emblem on the T-shirt and decorate the Christmas tree with them.

Instructor. Guys, our calf is very hungry. Let's bring him some hay.

Game-competition “Who can bring the hay faster”

Two children run with a toy sled to a certain landmark (a cube) and run back. Then the next pair runs.

Instructor. Guys, the little goat asks you to guess what his mother calls him when they walk together. Did you guess it?

Children guess.

Instructor. The little goat says that his mother calls him Bell.

Game "Bell".

Children sit in the center of the hall and close their eyes. The instructor moves away from them and rings the bell, hides it and returns to the children, offering to find the bell.

Instructor. But now the lamb wants us to play his favorite game, which is called “The Herd”.

Game "The Herd".

Children choose a brave “dog” who will guard the “lambs”. The children, together with the leader, approach the instructor - the “shepherd” - with the words:

Oh, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, the shepherd lost his doo.

And I found a pipe, I gave the shepherdess.

Come on, dear shepherdess, hurry to the meadow.

The sheep is lying there, looking at the lamb.

The shepherd and the dog drive the herd into the field, and at the command “wolf” they drive the herd home.

Instructor. And now all the animals want you to remember where you have been, what you have seen.

The action instructor tells the children to guess which animal.

Instructor. Guys, we did so many useful things today! We decorated the Christmas tree, met many pets, and played! And now it's time to return home.

Children leave the hall to the music.

Kobenda Tatyana Viktorovna, teacher of the Teremok kindergarten, Borodinsky village, Kireevsky district, Tula region

Hall decoration: the hall is decorated with colorful balls and flowers.

Leisure activities:

Children run into the hall jumping to the music and, having made a circle, sit on chairs on both sides.

Presenter: Hello! Is everyone here?

Then, let's start our holiday!

Friends! To the country of Igralia

I open the door.

And the dads visited it,

And mothers are everything, believe me!

Both grandmothers and grandfathers

They will give you an answer

What's better than Igralia,

There is no country in the world!

Guys, it was not by chance that I invited you to the country of Igralia. But because I know that you all really love to play. Do you like it? (children's answer).

So, today I offer you a journey through this fabulous country.

A vacuum cleaner sounds, imitating the sound of Carlson's propeller, and a rumble is heard. All sounds are pre-recorded on a tape recorder. Carlson appears in the group.

Carlson: Oh, where am I? I was flying to my friend Baby, but I arrived where there are a lot of kids!

Presenter: Hello Carlson! You arrived at the Teremok kindergarten.

Carlson: To a kindergarten? Is this where there are many, many children? Yes?

Presenter: Yes. We have a lot of children.

Carlson: Very well! I really love it when there are a lot of children. There will be someone to fool around with!

Carlson comes up, jumping up to the children, bends down and says: “Guys! Let's have some fun!"

Presenter: Carlson, we won’t be naughty! Today we have a holiday - “Game Day”. We invite you to stay at our holiday and play with us.

Carlson: Holidays are wonderful! There will be a lot of buns, cheesecakes and sweets. But I don't know how to play. (offended) I only know how to play pranks. HOST: - It’s okay, we’ll teach you! Really, guys?

Carlson: Okay, I'll stay!

Presenter: So, guys, let's start our holiday with the game "We are together."

Children stand in a circle and perform movements to the accompaniment of music.

Presenter: Well done! Now we will play a game that will help us improve our posture. It's called "The Hats Dance."

The presenter tells the children the conditions of the game: to the music of different tempos, the children perform movements, trying to hold a bag of sand on their heads. The one whose bag falls is out of the game

Carlson: Ah, guys! How interesting it turns out to be to play different games! HOST: - Then let's play one more game; "Traps with tails." Who knows the rules of this game?

Children tell the rules: run away from the leader on tiptoes, the one whose tail is “torn off” is eliminated (you can use multi-colored ribbons as ponytails, securing them under the elastic band of your shorts). The game takes place with musical accompaniment.

Presenter: Let's choose a driver. How can I do that?

Presenter: Okay, do the math.

Carlson: 1, 2, 5, 8, 14, 34, 56, 674...

Presenter: Carlson. Let the guys show you how to count. What is there for this?

Children: Counting table.

One of the children counts with a counting rhyme. The game “Traps” is played to the music.

Next, the game “Save the Chick” is played. Breathing exercises are performed to illustrate the text: “We press the chick to our chest with our palms. Let's warm him with our calm breath. Let us give him the kindness of our hearts and breath.”

Carlson: Oh, I wanted something sweet (takes candy out of his pocket and wants to eat it).

Presenter: Wait, Carlson! Let's see which of the guys can run with the candy without dropping it.

Carlson: Well that's easy. It is much more difficult to run with candy without eating it.

Presenter: Then let's guys split into two teams and have a competition and see which team, yours or mine, will do the task better.

Carlson: Yes! The boys are good at running. But I can show tricks. Do you want me to show you? I'm the best magician in the world! Here I have a candy, I unwrap it and - ah! - there is no candy! Interesting trick, guys?

Presenter: We didn't like your trick.

Carlson: (shyly) Oh guys, sorry. You taught me to play, and I...

Presenter: Don't be upset, Carlson! After all, we also learned something from you - to be naughty!

Let's show you guys.

The game "How are you doing" is played.

Carlson: Thanks guys! You are all my friends now and I want to give you gifts. (hands out candy and balloons)

And now I invite you to fly with me on balloons to the roof!

To the music, the children behind Carlson run out of the group with balloons in their hands. They run along the corridor and return to the group. They sit on the chairs.

Carlson says goodbye and leaves. The presenter talks with the children about what happened, what games they played, and what they learned. Announces that the journey to the country of “Igralia” is over.


Goal: introducing preschool children to sports and a healthy lifestyle

To develop children's interest in sports events, to maintain interest in physical education and sports.

Improve the technique of basic movements, achieving naturalness, ease, and accuracy.

To form moral and volitional qualities (dedication, courage, endurance, organization, independence, perseverance in achieving results).

Foster mutual support and assistance.


2 multi-colored flags for each child, skittles (10 pieces), racks (2 pieces), cubes according to the number of children, 2 trays, 2 medium-sized balls, 2 aprons, 2 scarves, shells, 2 hoops, 4 arcs, red, green , blue circles, 2 lifebuoys, 2 buckets of water, models of vegetables and fruits, a shark mask, stars made of self-adhesive paper, panels, baskets.

Logic of educational activities:

Children enter the hall to the music, divide into 2 columns, disperse in different directions and stand near the benches.

Good afternoon, dear children! Our ship "Northern Star" is setting off on a sea training voyage. The task is important and responsible. Brave, courageous, sports teams arrived for training camps.

Team "Star" and Team "Dolphins"

Today, brave, courageous, dexterous and resourceful cabin boys set sail on our ship “Northern Star”. Difficult trials await them. Is everyone ready to set sail?

Exercise "March"

A real sailor must be in good physical shape. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a physical warm-up.

To the accompaniment of music, children perform a set of exercises with flags.

1. Arms to the sides - up - forward - down

I.p. – o.s. – 8 times

2. Bend forward, put the flags.

I.p. – feet shoulder-width apart, hands below. - 6 times

3. Rocking – lunges left and right

I.p. – legs wide apart, hands in front – 8 times

4. Hands in front of the chest - up - in front of the chest - to the sides

I.p. – o.s. – 8 times

The audio recording “The Sound of the Sea” is turned on. Storm".

A storm rises at sea and the ship is carried away. There are many reefs along the way.

Relay "Between the Reefs" Participants run like a snake between the pins, run around the counter, and run back in a straight line.

Well done, yoongi! Completed the task correctly and accurately.

After the storm the air is cool and fresh. Let's take a breath of fresh sea air.

Breathing exercises.

During the storm, a lot of seaweed and sand were thrown onto the deck. We urgently need to put it in order.

Deck Cleaning Relay Race. From the start to the counter, cubes are laid out at a certain distance. The first participant runs, takes the cube, comes back, puts the cube in the basket, and stands at the end of the column. The second participant runs, takes the second cube, etc.

Well done, yoongi! How clean it was on the ship!

And how beautiful it is by the sea. What can you see there?

Visual gymnastics

It's time to refresh yourself. Who will help the cook prepare dinner?

Comrade captain! Any cabin boy can cook a delicious lunch and replace the coca.

“Cooking Lunch” relay race. Participants carry a medium-sized ball on a tray, run around the counter and pass the tray to the next player. The last player puts on a cap and apron and returns with the tray.

We are ahead of schedule. You've worked hard, you've had some food, you can rest a little.

Song “White Peakless Cap”

Any sailor must be able to swim and dive. Now we will see how you can dive and get shells from the seabed.

Relay race “Diving to the seabed”. Participants run to the tunnel, crawl into it, run to the counter, near which there is a hoop with shell cubes, run from the shell hoop, run around the counter, return to the team, put the shells in the basket and pass the baton to the next player.

We continue swimming. And I suggest you play.

Game "The most attentive". The facilitator takes turns showing the participants circles of different colors. Participants imitate the flight of an airplane, the sailing of a ship, and the march of soldiers. The task is to perform the movement correctly. The game is played with musical accompaniment

Every sailor must be able not only to swim and dive perfectly, but also to provide assistance on the water. Let's test your dexterity and water rescue skills. Start training!

Relay race “Saving a drowning man”. The participant puts on a life preserver, runs around the stand, returns and passes the baton to the next participant.

Well done cabin boys. For now, I suggest you guess the interesting ones puzzles.

To a strong wave

She couldn’t move us from our place.

We throw the chain overboard

And we lower the anchor into the water

To see me in the distance

As the ships sail by,

I'll take a quick look at it

And I’ll tell all the guys (binoculars)

There is water all around, but drinking is a problem (sea)

In calm weather, we are nowhere to be found,

And the wind blows - we run on the water (waves)

There is an unknown island ahead. Set course for the island! Our supply of fresh water is running out and we urgently need to replenish it. Launch the boats!

Relay race “Whose boat will sail to the shore faster?” The participants, holding each other, run like a train to the counter, run around it, and return.

Here we are on the island. You just need to replenish your supplies of fresh water and fruit.

Relay race “Replenishment of supplies " Participants stand in a chain. At the beginning and at the end there are baskets. On command, participants pass buckets of water and fake fruits from the basket to each other.

You've done a great job, now you can swim a little.

Outdoor game "Shark". Children run around to music, imitating swimming. At the signal “Shark!” catch up with the children (3 times).

We successfully completed the tasks assigned to us. The teaching is coming to an end. Today you have once again proven that the strongest, bravest, most courageous cabin boys who value friendship, ready to help at any moment, can become real sailors.

Congratulations on the end of the journey, rewarding the competition participants.


Physical education

“FUN COMPETITIONS” (Entertainment for children of senior preschool age)



Software tasks:

Create a kind, positive and joyful attitude

children's mood.

Develop organization, self-control, self-confidence,

courage, activity.

Develop reaction speed, agility, coordination

movements. Equipment:

Buckets, small and large balls, cubes, skittles, rings

flat and round, arcs, small toys (for grasping

toes), musical accompaniment, medals.

Progress of the holiday.

Presenter: Our magical stadium invites everyone to visit! He will make friends with all the kids in physical education forever! Children, let's greet our rivals and introduce our teams Team "Jump-Jump"

Team motto: Cheburashkas can do everything and overcome all obstacles! Host: Is everyone here? Is everyone healthy?

Are you ready to run and play?

Well then, don't shed your hair,

Get ready to warm up!

Music sounds, children perform exercises as shown by the teacher, then sit on benches. Presenter: Now we will start the competition - fun competition!

Together: There is nothing more fun in the world than relay races! Presenter We invite the teams “Jump-jump” and “Cheburashki”. I ask the teams to take their places so that we can start the relay race, we need to guess the riddle: All friends call Antoshka Help them dig...(potatoes) Relay Race

"Planting Potatoes"

Move: the first player of the team has a bucket of small balls in his hands, his task is to run one ball at a time into a ring that is lying on the floor, run around the counter and on the way back collect all the balls back into the bucket, then pass the bucket to the next player. Presenter: It’s hard for a centipede to live, Running fast along a path, Forty legs is no joke, But a problem of problems. How to put your feet level so as not to encounter failures? Attention attention! The Centipede relay is announced.

Relay "Centipede"

Move: children stand in a column one at a time, put their hands on each other’s shoulders, the first player in the column has his hands on his belt. At the signal, the entire column begins to move forward; it is necessary to reach the counter, go around it and return back. The team whose tail crosses the starting line first wins. Presenter: The next relay race is like this: What is this strange road? There are a lot of obstacles here! Every step of the way there are miracles, such miracle voices!

Relay race

"Obstacle Course"

Move: you need to pass a large hoop through yourself, then jump on two legs from hoop to hoop lying on the floor, crawl under the arc, run to the turning post, run around it and return to the team in the same way, passing the baton to the next player. Host: Look, this is a ball,

It's for difficult passes. Pass the ball quickly! Start the relay race! I announce the “Ball Race” Relay Race as soon as possible

Relay "Ball Race"

Move: rolling the balls like a snake between the racks, back and forth.

Presenter: If you like to jump,

If you have the strength, then with the next task. You can handle it now! Jump-jump, jump-jump. Over hummocks and bridge. Guys, I invite you. Jump into hopscotch now!

Classics relay

Progress: hoops lie on the floor, alternating in a chain: one or two, etc. it is necessary to perform jumps: where one hoop lies, jump on one leg where two hoops lie, jump legs apart, then run around the turning post and return to your team in the same way, passing the baton to the next player. Presenter: Then listen, guys, to an interesting riddle: The giant lifts piles of cargo to the clouds. Where he stands later, a new house grows... (crane) The presenter suggests playing the game “Who will collect the most toys with their feet”

“Who will collect the most toys with their feet” Goal: development of psychomotor functions, dexterity: health-improving tasks - light foot massage, stimulation of active points on the feet.

Procedure: children take off their socks and collect small toys scattered throughout the hall with their feet. Each team collects toys in their hoop - whoever collects the most. Then the children get dressed.

Host: Guys, guests have come to our stadium, welcome! To the music: Pinocchio

dance “Jolly Guys” all the children join them. Children from the group: Oh, what clever guys, they came to Play-town! We played a lot of fun, had a lot of fun!

Presenter: For dexterity, for attention,

We give everyone an award,

And meet you again

We will be very happy!

Children are awarded commemorative medals. Then the teams take a lap of honor to the music and go to the group.

Used Books:

Skorlupova O. L., Tikhonova T. M., “Game is like a holiday!” (Scenarios for thematic game weeks in kindergarten.) -M... Publishing house "Scriptorium 2003", 2008-136p.



Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution Mikhnevsky TsRR d/s "Osinka"


Physical education

“FUN COMPETITIONS” (Entertainment for children of senior preschool age)



Software tasks:

Create a kind, positive and joyful attitude

children's mood.

Develop organization, self-control, self-confidence,

courage, activity.

Develop reaction speed, agility, coordination

movements. Equipment:

Buckets, small and large balls, cubes, skittles, rings

flat and round, arcs, small toys (for grasping

toes), musical accompaniment, medals.

Progress of the holiday.

Presenter: Our magical stadium invites everyone to visit! He will make friends with all the kids in physical education forever! Children, let's greet our rivals and introduce our teams Team "Jump-Jump"

Team motto: Cheburashkas can do everything and overcome all obstacles! Host: Is everyone here? Is everyone healthy?

Are you ready to run and play?

Well then, don't shed your hair,

Get ready to warm up!

Music sounds, children perform exercises as shown by the teacher, then sit on benches. Presenter: Now we will start the competition - fun competition!

Together: There is nothing more fun in the world than relay races! Presenter We invite the teams “Jump-jump” and “Cheburashki”. I ask the teams to take their places so that we can start the relay race, we need to guess the riddle: All friends call Antoshka Help them dig...(potatoes) Relay Race

"Planting Potatoes"

Move: the first player of the team has a bucket of small balls in his hands, his task is to run one ball at a time into a ring that is lying on the floor, run around the counter and on the way back collect all the balls back into the bucket, then pass the bucket to the next player. Presenter: It’s hard for a centipede to live, Running fast along a path, Forty legs is no joke, But a problem of problems. How to put your feet level so as not to encounter failures? Attention attention! The Centipede relay is announced.

Relay "Centipede"

Move: children stand in a column one at a time, put their hands on each other’s shoulders, the first player in the column has his hands on his belt. At the signal, the entire column begins to move forward; it is necessary to reach the counter, go around it and return back. The team whose tail crosses the starting line first wins. Presenter: The next relay race is like this: What is this strange road? There are a lot of obstacles here! Every step of the way there are miracles, such miracle voices!

Relay race

"Obstacle Course"

Move: you need to pass a large hoop through yourself, then jump on two legs from hoop to hoop lying on the floor, crawl under the arc, run to the turning post, run around it and return to the team in the same way, passing the baton to the next player. Host: Look, this is a ball,

It's for difficult passes. Pass the ball quickly! Start the relay race! I announce the “Ball Race” Relay Race as soon as possible

Relay "Ball Race"

Move: rolling the balls like a snake between the racks, back and forth.

Presenter: If you like to jump,

If you have the strength, then with the next task. You can handle it now! Jump-jump, jump-jump. Over hummocks and bridge. Guys, I invite you. Jump into hopscotch now!

Classics relay

Progress: hoops lie on the floor, alternating in a chain: one or two, etc. it is necessary to perform jumps: where one hoop lies, jump on one leg where two hoops lie, jump legs apart, then run around the turning post and return to your team in the same way, passing the baton to the next player. Presenter: Then listen, guys, to an interesting riddle: The giant lifts piles of cargo to the clouds. Where he stands later, a new house grows... (crane) The presenter suggests playing the game “Who will collect the most toys with their feet”

“Who will collect the most toys with their feet” Goal: development of psychomotor functions, dexterity: health-improving tasks - light foot massage, stimulation of active points on the feet.

Procedure: children take off their socks and collect small toys scattered throughout the hall with their feet. Each team collects toys in their hoop - whoever collects the most. Then the children get dressed.

Host: Guys, guests have come to our stadium, welcome! To the music: Pinocchio

dance “Jolly Guys” all the children join them. Children from the group: Oh, what clever guys, they came to Play-town! We played a lot of fun, had a lot of fun!

Presenter: For dexterity, for attention,

We give everyone an award,

And meet you again

We will be very happy!

Children are awarded commemorative medals. Then the teams take a lap of honor to the music and go to the group.

Used Books:

Skorlupova O. L., Tikhonova T. M., “Game is like a holiday!” (Scenarios for thematic game weeks in kindergarten.) -M... Publishing house "Scriptorium 2003", 2008-136p.

Physical education leisure in the senior group

“In order to always be healthy, we say “Hurray!” to sports!

Tasks: nurturing interest in sports and a healthy lifestyle; developing skills to interact with each other.

Equipment: phonogram of the song “Hey, couch potatoes...” (music by A. Stikhareva), posters“In order to always be healthy, we say “Hurray!” to sports,skittles 10 pieces; hoops 6 pcs., large balls 2 pcs., small balls 2 pcs.

Characters: presenter, Doctor Pilyulkin

Progress of organized activities:

Children enter the hall to the music “Hey, couch potatoes...”

Leading: Hello children. Today you have to take part in a fun sports competition. But, like all athletes who compete, you must undergo a medical examination.Host: You need to undergo a medical examination. To do this, we invited Dr. Pilyulkin to join us.

The doctor comes out.

Doctor Pilyulkin: Hello guys, who here wants to be an athlete?

Children: We!

Doctor Pilyulkin: Fine. I'll check on you now. Can you be allowed to compete? Everyone should be healthy! You are healthy?

Children: Are we healthy?

Doctor Pilyulkin: Are you ready for the test?

Children: Yes, we're ready!

Doctor Pilyulkin: So let's begin. (Examines the children) So good. Now let's check if you are eating right. I will ask questions, and you answer “Yes” or “No”

Porridge delicious food

Is this useful to us? (Yes)

Green onions sometimes

Are children useful to us? (Yes)

Dirty water in a puddle

Is it useful to us sometimes? (No)

Cabbage soup is great food

Is this useful to us? (Yes)

Fly agaric soup is always -

Is this useful to us? (No)

Fruits are simply beautiful!

Is this useful to us? (Yes)

Sometimes dirty berries

Is it healthy to eat, kids? (No)

A ridge of vegetables grows.

Are vegetables healthy? (Yes)

Juice, compote sometimes

Are they useful to us, children? (Yes)

Eat a bag of big candies

Is this harmful, kids? (Yes)

Only healthy food

Always on our table! (Yes)

Doctor Pilyulkin: Well done! It is immediately obvious that you are eating right. Yes, I’m happy with the inspection, everyone is healthy! The competition can begin!

Leading: “We all invite you to the sports ground,

The celebration of sports and health begins now.”

To develop successfully

Need to play sports

From physical education

You will have a slim figure

Useful for us without a doubt

Everything related to movement.

To become an agile athlete

We will hold relay races.

1. Relay “Twisting Run”.

(at the leader’s command, the participants take turns running along a given distance, running a snake around the pins back and forth)

2. Relay race “Swap the balls”

(run with a large ball to the hoop in which there is a small ball, change balls; the next child changes the small ball to a large one.)

3. Relay race “Pass the ball”

(the first child passes the ball between the players’ spread legs back;

The last child of each team runs forward with the ball along the column, stands at the beginning of the column and also passes the ball. And so on.)

4. Relay race “Over the bumps”.

(jumping from hoop to hoop)

5. Relay race “Jumping with a ball”.

(jump with the ball sandwiched between your legs to the pin, run back)

Leading: Our happy holiday has come to an end.

I want to wish you good health,

The best thing in the world is to run,

Everyone can play games together!

And at the end of our holiday, Doctor Pilyulkin and I would like to treat you to a healthy product. (Children are treated to juice or some fruit"