Runes of Slavic warriors. The meaning and description of the Slavic runes, their interpretation by date of birth according to the circle of welders. What do the designations mean?

The ancient Slavs were well versed in magical signs and used them in Everyday life. Slavic runes, and their interpretation in the exact meaning has not come down to us. During the persecution of pagan culture after the baptism of Rus', many runic knowledge was lost. However, 18 magical signs to researchers Slavic culture found and deciphered.

Att Tyura: interpretation of runic symbols

Similarly, roots buried in the ground represent the physical body. Floating leaves in the water element represent emotions. A flower inserted into the air element signifies intellect. Lucifer: The lamp, the most beautiful of angels, rebels against God and falls into the depths of hell. Together with them, the others unite to form the Legion of Evil.

Blond: symbolizes glory, triumph, a plant dedicated to the god Apollo. Esoterically symbolizes the crown placed on the crown chakra, demonstrating the glory of self-knowledge. Light: A symbol of enlightenment, knowledge, wisdom, intelligence, irradiation. It symbolizes the degree of consciousness depending on the degree of luminosity. The highest symbol of spiritualization in Christianity, Jesus says: "I am the light of the world, the one who follows me will not walk in darkness and have the light of life" - John 8.

Old Slavic runes and their meaning

To use the runes, you need to know their symbolism, understand Slavic customs and culture. Runes are not just symbols, they are a kind of keys that open the way to the gods and their power.

The runes of the Slavs and their meaning are unique, so they must be interpreted in combination with each other. The number of runes at work depends on the goal. Runes are read not only as letters, but also as images. When fortune telling, runes help predict the outcome of a situation. To do this, you need to use a self-made minimum set of characters. They can be cut out of wood or drawn on paper. The main thing is to know their meaning.

Macrocosm: Cosmos, the great universe, the whole. Mandala: Mandala is a Sanskrit word meaning circle, a geometric representation of the dynamic relationship between man and the cosmos. The mandala, as a symbolism of the center of the world, forms not only cities, temples and royal palaces, but also the most modest human habitation. The housing of primitive populations is usually built from the central pole and places its inhabitants in contact with the three levels of existence: lower, middle and higher. Housing for him is not only a shelter, but also the creation of a world that he, imitating divine gestures, must maintain and renew.

Skill Rune "PEACE". The sign looks like a tree with branches or a person with his hands up. It means help from above, answers to questions, protection and understanding in an unresolved situation. IN magical rituals- patronage of noble higher powers. If in the process of divination this sign falls out, you can safely take on any business. You can not use the rune in unseemly deeds.

Thus, the mandala represents a person's inner refuge, where reunion with God is allowed. Ivory: A symbol of wisdom, purity, so it is a very popular material for making amulets. Red Sea: It signifies the obstacles of the path, in the evolutionary process, in the alchemy of the dangers in the stages of transmutation.

Mephistopheles: Name evil spirit. Mephistopheles is a key character in all versions of Faust, being the most popular of them, by the German writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Faust, an old scientist, is tired of life and disappointed not to have as much knowledge as he did, and he decides to surrender to his soul in exchange for reaching the maximum degree of wisdom, to be rejuvenated and to receive love for beautiful girl.

Skill Rune - Chernobog. The sign opposite to "MIR" looks the same, only the branches (or arms) are directed downwards. The meaning of the symbol is absolute evil. In order for something new to come into life, you need to prepare for the complete destruction of the old. The established order and way of life will collapse, clearing the place for completely different processes. But this evil is not always negative character, after all, a person consists of evil and good in equal measure. Therefore, Chernobog's view of the act will develop completely differently in a given situation. IN physical sense means death. In magic, the rune helps to break out of the old circle, to break old unnecessary ties.

Honey: Symbolizes wisdom, preservation, considered by the milk of early christian church as spiritual food. Honey has been used as a preservative in antiquity. Metal: Metals also have a hierarchical value. Metals are collectors and stores of energy, they act like batteries, energy solidification, according to the alchemists. Melchizedek: A mysterious biblical character who is said to have neither father nor mother. An ancient esoteric character that dominated tribes that were both priests and kings.

Skill Rune - Alatyr. The essence of everything and the center around which the universe revolves. It's everything and at the same time nothing. Her symbol means the throne on which the main god sits and from which all roads begin. In magic, Alatyr is pure energy, on which everything else depends and begins. If it falls out during divination, it is necessary to act according to the laws of the ancestors, honoring ancient traditions and your family. The Slavs used it as a talisman for children. "Alatyr" is a rune of calm and confidence in the future.

The use of symbols in magic

Meteor: For primitive man, meteors and meteorites are signs of the gods, cosmic fire and are associated in all cultures, mythologies for centuries. Revelations, messages, warnings of angels and gods. Microcosm: a small universe. Obligatory in Muslim times, in mosques, represents spiritual enlightenment, like an antenna capturing the cosmic energy of Allah. An alert sign, an observation that knows everything.

Myrtle: Sacred bush in Ancient Greece. Mountain: A universal symbol of spiritual elevation and meditation. The pyramidal shape of the mountain symbolizes spirituality, the search and search for spiritual awakening, hands united with single fingers form a pyramid, a person sitting on a lotus forms a pyramid. The nose that receives prana is shaped like a pyramid. Climbing the mountain symbolizes the path of life in search of self-knowledge and self-control.

Skill Rune - Rainbow. The shortest path connecting point A with point B. The rainbow symbolizes happiness, which moves and smoothly flows from Chaos to Prosperity. In magic, a difficult path that goes to right direction and will soon end, all the difficulties along the way will be resolved and overcome. When fortune telling - gaining invaluable experience. The Slavs used the "Rainbow" in the manufacture of amulets for those who set off on a long, dangerous journey.

Slavic runes and amulets: interpretation by date of birth

Mudra: In Sanskrit - a complex system gestures, widely used in sacred dances. Narcissus: the personification of vanity in abundance, the very idolatry. Narcissus is a young Greek who, seeing his image reflected in a river, falls in love with himself in order to pass out in the outside world. It symbolically depicts introspection, introversion, seen from negative side because admiration for a physical being. Worshiping the beauty of the body, forgetting about the spiritual side, orgasmalia, gerontophobia, fear of aging, all this range of immaturity and acceptance that time passes for everything that the physical plane is like this, all this characterizes narcissism.

Rune "Need". symbol of pain and bad rock. It is used in two meanings: in a good way - awareness of one's own problems of any plan, in a bad way - difficulties, pain, coercion, longing. If it fell out during fortune-telling, you need to abandon the planned plan, since it will not lead to success. It is used as a talisman for people who are confused and lost in life.

Black: Esoterically black is associated with obscure, nocturnal, unconscious, passion, instinct. Jung explains in Sleep Psychology that when dreaming of a black person, that dream is connected to deep desires and impulses of the unconscious. Nymph: The nymph is associated with gaiety and is associated with water. Streams, streams, small waterfalls, ditches, fountains, lakes, watery waters running through the forest that create rapid water noise over the rocks. It is associated with birth, fertility. Nymphs - women, girls, girls.

Nectar: ​​Drink the gods of Olympus in Greek mythology. Night is the mother of the gods, because the ancients believe that the chaotic darkness of the beginning of everything was complete darkness. Eye: Roman philosopher Plotinus, "no eye can see the Sun until it is the Sun." Representation in order to learn, to have experience, to experience, therefore it is associated with knowledge. Obelisk: It symbolizes the rays of the sun, already the substance represents the stone, because it means the light of the penetrating spirit.

Skill Rune - Steal. Sign of sacrificial fire, purification and incarnation. Fire will remove all unnecessary and open a clean path without insincerity and lies. In magic, it is used to embody what is hidden inside. When divining, it warns that secrets will be revealed and made public. But even in this way, the goal will be achieved.

Oliveira: The tree is consecrated to Athena, Palas and the mighty Zeus. The emblem of prosperity and protection of the Gods, angels, higher education. It has a similar function in the West - a branch of Ryu. Each of them personifies the manifested virtue. He is the father of the Oryxes as Zeus, God of the Gods, a symbol of the greatness of God the Creator, chief, perfection, purity. Ogum, the god of war, is Mars of the Romans, Hermes of the Greeks, symbolizes courageous strength. Oslossi, the god of hunting, is equal to Apollo and Diana. Oksum, God of fresh waters, equivalent to Poseidon or Neptune, in his world, represents womanhood, fertility, maternal love.

Skill Rune - Requirement. Complex symbol. On the one hand, this is a victorious warrior, on the other hand, he is ready for sacrifice during his journey. Without loss, it is impossible to achieve what you want. “Required” is the need for a sacrifice to God, and not only something materially valuable, but also oneself. If it fell out during fortune-telling, there will be a large retribution for past mistakes. People associated with crime and as a result of this got into difficult situation, used as a talisman.

Nana Buruku, symbol of fertility. If a symbol of art and divination. Gold: a symbol of nobility, royalty, on the scale - the most noble metal, a symbol of the sun, positive, active, dignity, exaltation, spiritual principle. In its negative aspect, it represents arrogance, idolatry, bigotry and vanity.

The action of Slavic runic amulets and their manufacture

This means that every beginning contains an end, and every end contains a beginning. Egg: A symbol of the origin of life, the whole ovoid form signifies the primordial form of every manifested phenomenon, from the atom to the planetary globes. The cosmic egg is the world and its plans in the Indian concept. The Chinese believed that the first man was born from an egg.

Skill Rune - Strength. A sign of power and any force acting both on a person and on the surrounding reality. Any difficult path will be crowned with success, despite the fact that there is a struggle both with the outside world and with oneself. When fortune telling - a complete victory. Protection of athletes and businessmen from competitors.

Skill Rune - Wind. Volatility, fast action, clear paths. It must be used in combination with other runes correctly so as not to harm. When fortune-telling - predicts success in self-realization. It is used as a talisman for players and those who need luck.

Bread: Greek, country, half human, half goat. Adorable, playful, I liked to play for pieces, scare, with Sacha Perere's similar views on how to act. In his image with horns on his head was associated with the devil in the Middle Ages. Within spirituality belongs the ethereal kingdom, which is an element of the vegetable kingdom, and symbolized the primitive instincts. associated with voluptuousness, desire and fertility.

Covenant legends include an explicit or tacit covenant with the devil in exchange for favors beyond natural forces. Blood Pact: An exchange of favors with the devil, in which, in addition to the honor of the given word, it is customary to sign his own blood. Paradise: The mythical name of the Garden of Eden of the Jews, the Champs Elysees of the Greeks, is synonymous with Heaven, the place of peace, happiness, the righteous. In esoteric spirituality, this is the integrity of being, in harmony with oneself.

Rune "Bereginya". The sign of the earth and the mother who gave birth to all living things. When fortune-telling, she protects, like the mother of her child, all actions and plans. Among the Slavs, it was used as a talisman for pregnant women and mothers who had just given birth. The rune of fertility brought good luck to the farmers.

Skill Rune - Ood. A symbol of female and male energy, fiery passion, speed. When fortune-telling - renewal in everything. In magic, it was used to attract the second half, as well as in the treatment of infertility.

Bird: In all cultures, the bird has a strong symbolism. Eagle, Hawk, Horus, Ibis, Phoenix, Icarus, Pegasus. Emblem human soul, striving for freedom or even precipitation on the earth, since birds have the ability to live on both planes, on earth and in the air. It is believed that the messengers, the mediators of the two planes, mean the medium present in the person.

Easter: symbol of the Resurrection of the nature of the entrance of spring, the beginning of a new existential and natural cycle. Peacock: Symbolism with various interpretations in different cultures. For beauty, for the sake of changing plumage every year, the peacock in India is the national bird, apotheotic, with its bright tail, symbolizing the totality, among Christians, symbolizes the resurrection, its crown in the head symbolizes the seven rays, the symbol of occult knowledge is appropriated.

Rune "Lelya". Sign of softness and warmth. Youth, purity, beauty and spring. The beginning of a new life for the young and complete harmony with nature. Protected from the evil eye of a newly created family.

Skill Rune - Doom. The inevitability prepared higher powers, rock. What has to happen will happen. When fortune-telling, he advises to accept the situation and put up with it, since there is no chance to change it and there will not be.

Slavic runes - amulets and their meaning in the life of our ancestors

Stone: the oldest symbol, stone is a symbol of unity, principle, strength, materiality, durability, endurance. Gross stone in Freemasonry matters primitive man no culture, no learning, and the gross stone must be polished with a chisel and hammer.

Philosopher's Stone: This is the legendary substance in which the alchemists wanted to turn gold into vulgar metals. Pelican: He is always represented at the moment when he opens his intestines to feed his pups, always in a sacred count: 3-5.

Skill Rune - Support. A symbol of protection and support under your feet. It means that in difficult situations God will not leave a person. Talisman for people in high leadership positions.

Skill Rune - Dazhdbog. Kindness and care in all manifestations, the end of all trials. For men - making a profit, for women - a long-awaited pregnancy. It is used as an amulet and a talisman to preserve the family and home, or for the prosperity of the enterprise.

Perfume: fragrances extracted from substances have great importance in spirituality since ancient times. This sentence reveals the mystical Kabbalah: “Nothing causes mental states or stimulates mental consciousness more effective than scents." Rose, carnation, flowers in general, have fragrances in which they are associated with virtues.

Columns: Symbolizes the axis of the world, support, spine. The pillar represents the rigidity of the structure. Pine: a symbol of life, eternity, along with cypress, due to the resistance of its tree. Information about the pyramids. Bridge: Symbol of transition, contact between two planes, connection, unconscious desire for change. What's on the other side.

Rune "Perun". The most powerful rune with powerful energy, which is impossible to resist. If a client fell out during fortune-telling, it is useless to compete with him. Mascot of the military and rescuers.

Skill Rune - Eat. A sign of lightness, smiling, nature and creativity. Patronizes writers, artists, actors.

Skill Rune - Origin. Sign of ice, no movement. When fortune-telling - a complete stagnation in life, a halt in business, there may be a crisis. Calls for rest, just to wait out a difficult period.

Silver: a symbol of the moon, femininity, passive, the moon symbolizes fertility, the element of water. Purity, chastity, In its negative aspect, unbridled passions, painful jealousies, crimes of passion, greed. Prince: It will be the rising sun, the future king, a smaller form of the larger one. It symbolizes the Hero, the righteous, the one who grasps, with his courage and sense of justice, who rises to the heights, winning the battle.

Prometheus: He is considered by some to be the same Lucifer of the Jews, was the Titan who stole the fire of Olympus, and was convicted and imprisoned in the mountains of the Caucasus, as an eternal punishment, the eagle ate part of his liver to him every day. Symbolically, this means the awakening of human consciousness, the search for self-knowledge. Discovery of sins.

Slavic runes and their meaning and application in antiquity:

  • used to influence life and fate as amulets and protective amulets;
  • requests for help from higher powers;
  • career advancement;
  • removing obstacles;
  • improving communication with others.

  • In order to protect against evil, runes were embroidered on clothes, applied to dishes and household items.

    - meaning, description and interpretation - can be of great benefit in various life situations. But when choosing one or another sign, you need to concentrate and feel its warmth inside yourself. If it works, the rune will work.

    The life of the ancient Slavs was based on faith in otherworldly forces. Any phenomena were explained by the magical influence of the forces of good or evil.

    Amulets with depicting various symbols. Runes were one of them.

    They were part of the futharks, which are complexes of written symbols. Runes could also serve as talismans.

    What are runes for?

    Runes gained their distribution, thanks to the peoples of Germany and Scandinavia. Initially, they were the main elements of writing. Then they were supplanted by the Latin alphabet.

    Over time, the runes began to give a different meaning. They participated in various magical rites and divination sessions. All nations had their runes. They united in futarki. Each of them includes a specific number of runic symbols. Most often, it ranges from 18 to 40 pieces. Literally, the rune is translated as "mystery".

    Very often, runes were used as a talisman. They were depicted on various household items. Each rune carried certain meaning. Therefore, the rune that was more suitable for achieving a specific goal was located on the amulet. Sometimes several runes were used at once to enhance the effect. The complex of symbols was called runic staves. They could perform the following functions:

    • Attract love;
    • Help in achieving career success;
    • Promote the inner harmony of a person;
    • Build relationships with loved ones;
    • Protect from people harmful in their energy;
    • Development of internal potential;

    The most effective signs

    It would be wrong to name the most powerful runes, since each symbol helps in the implementation of the plan in a certain direction. But there are runes that are used more often than others. This is due to their versatility.

    For example, a rune called Fehu, in the broad sense of the word, means receiving energy in any sphere of life. Ansuz attracts luck into a person's life. Gebo helps to establish contact between people. A rune called Vinyo is able to strengthen existing positive sides human life. Hyera carries out desires of a material nature.

    Since ancient times, runic symbols have also been used to predict the future of man. Each rune had an individual interpretation.

    There are many techniques for laying runes. But in any of them, it is the fallen runes that show the final result. They are reversible and irreversible. Reversible runes have two interpretations, which depend on the position of the symbol. Irreversible runes have same value in any position. There are eight in total. These include:

    • Dagaz;
    • Eyvaz;
    • Hagalaz;
    • Inguz;
    • Sovel;
    • Gebo;
    • Hyères;

    Sovelu is sun symbol, which is why this rune gives a person energy that allows you to fulfill your plan, no matter how unattainable it is. Isa is a symbol of constancy and patience. She helps solve the problem with the help of friendly support. Isa endows a person with tolerance and the ability to overcome unpleasant situations.

    The dropped rune Dagaz means a sharp change in events that, most likely, will lead to the desired. Hagalaz also leads to changes in a person's life, but they may not always have positive character. Very often these changes are the result of liberation from something. Moreover, it can be either a duty or a burden, or good job or relationship.

    Runa Inguz is considered a symbol of fertility. But not always it can carry a direct meaning. Often this rune means the completion of actions. Eyvaz, which fell out on the cards, signals that problems that have been interfering with a person for a sufficiently long period will soon be solved. The Hyera rune is a symbol of productivity. In other words, the rune leads to favorable outcome, but not in a short period of time, but gradually. Rune Gebo is interpreted as a "favorable union." This means that soon a relationship will be established with a person who will help in solving some problems.

    In the inverted position of reversible runes, their meaning changes dramatically. For example, the standard meaning of the Turiaz rune is moving towards success in beginnings. In an inverted position, the same rune makes you abandon bold decisions and beware of unforeseen situations.

    Raido is a symbol of a person's harmony with himself, as a result of which you can turn to your own intuition for help. The inverted rune advises not to trust your own feelings, especially in relation to the people around you.

    Laguz leads to the fulfillment of desires, without serious emotional costs. If an inverted rune fell out, then a person will need to make a lot of efforts to realize what he wants. The dropped rune Otil portends the rejection of old ties and the establishment of new ones. Inverted Rune creates situations in which this phenomenon will be very painful for a person. Uruz says that the emergence of new prospects. The same rune, but in an inverted position, leads to severe disappointment, followed by soul-searching.

    The use of symbols in magic

    Despite the seeming simplicity, runic magic is a real philosophy, which includes many important aspects. Runic symbols have great power which can be directed to any sphere of human life.

    In ancient times, runes were used in both white and black magic. In the second case, the effect of the runes could be unpredictable, so only the most devoted supporters of witchcraft were engaged in this. Most often, runes were used in rituals, devoted to the protection from any negative situations or to attract good luck, love and money.

    One of the most common ways to achieve what you want is to apply the desired rune to left wrist. In this case, red color should be used.

    It is he who gives the runes a special power. Amulets with symbols applied to them were also often used.

    The runes were chosen according to personal requirements. For example, the Elkhats rune helped in the desire to make good friends. In addition, she protected a person from unwanted acquaintances. Rune Tyr helped to get rid of diseases. Berkana protected pregnant women and women with many children. In addition, she contributed to successful conception with infertility.

    Decoding and interpretation

    When deciphering runes, you should always remember that their meaning is somewhat generalized. The interpretation must be based on the specific situation. Because the nuances this case are of great importance. It is also very important how a person interprets the meaning for himself personally. This works in situations where we are talking about amulets with runic symbols. The broad meaning of the most common runes is as follows:

    • Urus - life force;
    • Turisats - crushing resistance;
    • Kenats - creativity;
    • Vigno - joy and harmony;
    • Nautitz - need;
    • Yera - reward for work;
    • Sol - spiritual energy;
    • Berkana - family happiness;

    Combination of signs

    To achieve more global goals use of single runes may not always be effective. Therefore, some runes can be combined with each other, getting the most desired result. Complexes of several runes are called runic staves. They can be directed to almost any problem of a person.

    Most often with runic formulas people strive to get financial stability and good luck in material matters. With this, he copes well with becoming a well-being. It includes four runic symbols. They must be in the right direction. First, the rune Fehu is depicted, it is personification of material profit. Soul is then applied to the surface, which is considered an interpretation of strength and power. Next is the rune Otal. She is responsible for family happiness. Closes becoming the rune Vunyo. Its main function is to bring happiness and success.

    No less effective is a simple becoming, capable of multiplying a person's existing property. The combination begins with the Othal rune. She symbolizes family traditions, in this case, available values. Next is the rune Fehu. It identifies material values, wealth, prosperity. Yer is considered a sign of the completion of the action, so this rune closes the becoming. She multiplies the available finances.

    To attract health, a stav can be used that includes only two runes - Dagaz and Inguz. The first means prosperity in all areas, including health. And Ingus symbolizes fertility.

    This becoming the most relevant in the use of men. It provides longevity, protection from possible diseases and improvement of physical condition. Besides, this becoming improves the reproductive function of men.

    Narrow focus is a complex of runes aimed at success in an existing business. This formula helps a person acquire the qualities necessary to run his own business. Becoming begins with the rune Teivaz. It gives a person strength and success. Second in line is Fehu. She is responsible for the material side of the issue. Lagus activates the intuitive qualities of a person, which allow you to make the right decision in these situations.

    Possible errors when working with runes

    Use of runic symbols contains a number of nuances that must be adhered to in order to achieve the desired goals. First of all, it should be noted that the runes belong to the elements of magic, and you need to be more careful with it. You can't use runes for fun.

    Before starting a ceremony or making an amulet, you should familiarize yourself with the runes and their meaning. Runic symbols contain a long history. They will not help people who have no idea about the possible actions rendered by this or that symbol.

    When compiling a stav, it is important to know the meaning of each rune. Even if the purpose of the session is a general the meaning of the magic formula, you still need to familiarize yourself with the interpretation of each character. Before depicting runes, you need to check them for compatibility. If the characters have opposite meaning, this can lead to negative consequences.

    Before conducting the ceremony, you need to clearly formulate the desired goal for yourself, otherwise the action of the runes will be scattered, not tied to specific events. It is strictly forbidden to combine runes belonging to different futharks. Each of them carries its own history, they contain the precious experience of a particular people.

    Combining runes from different sources do not expect significant changes. If the runic symbols, for some reason, did not lead to the desired result, they should not be accused of helplessness. First you need to double-check the correctness of all the actions taken. In addition, it must be borne in mind that sometimes it may take some time for the full operation of the rune.