Profitable house of peppers. Profitable house P.N.

Pertsov's house, or as it is also called the "fairy tale house", is located on the corner of Prechistenskaya embankment. The history of this house began at the beginning of the 20th century. At that time, there was practically no residential development on the banks of the Moscow River on Prechistenskaya Embankment, the bend of the river was occupied only by warehouses and industrial facilities. It was here that Ivan Evmenievich Tsvetkov looked after himself a place for art gallery. The facade was drawn by V.M. Vasnetsov, and all interior decoration the collector made it himself, keeping all 12 museum halls in the same style. In 1907 the museum was opened to the public.

But even at the construction stage, it is visited by an engineer-traveler Petr Nikolaevich Pertsov, who is delighted with the location of the house, and is also infected with the idea of ​​incarnation in the old Russian style. Pertsov is ready to follow the example of the collector and buys a corner plot of the embankment for a considerable amount of 70 thousand rubles at that time. There was an ugly three-story brick house on the site, and this made the task of transforming the existing ensemble even more interesting.

Pyotr Nikolaevich is a man of the new time. He is an excellent engineer who has built more than one thousand kilometers of railways across Russia, an excellent organizer who knows how to make money and use it.

Fascinated by the idea of ​​a house on Prechistenskaya Embankment, Pertsov is looking for the best solution for the city and himself. He announces a closed competition for the project of a "profit house" in the Russian style, in which famous artists A.M. Vasnetsov, and S.Z. Malyutin, author of Russian nesting dolls, architects A.I. Diderikhs and L.M. Brailovsky. The condition of the competition was that the house "meets the spirit and traditions of Moscow and the requirements of modernity." The first prize was determined at 800, the second at 500 rubles, while the customer reserved the right to build any of the projects he liked. V.M. was invited to the jury of the competition. Vasnetsov, V.I. Surikov, V.D. Polenov, F.O. Shekhtel, I.A. Ivanov-Shits, S.U. Solovyov and S.V. Noakovsky.

The first prize was awarded to Vasnetsov, the second to Malyutin, but Pertsov did not agree with this decision. Vasnetsov's version seemed to him stereotyped, Malyutin's, in the style of the Moscow Empire, also did not correspond to the original plan. As a result, Petr Nikolayevich finds among the artist's initial versions the one that he considers ideal.

Malyutin's idea was that the already existing three-story brick building was supposed to be built on the fourth floor with large windows for studio rooms for artists. Along the embankment, a four-story mansion was attached to it, and from the side of Kursovoy Lane, a special detached building with a stylishly designed main entrance, richly covered with majolica painting. The whole building was topped with high, separately designed roofs, and the walls and pediments of the house were richly decorated with colorful majolica. Graduates of the Stroganov School were involved as performers of majolica decoration, for whom work on the pepper house brought fame and many orders.

Pertsov personally supervised all the work and paid attention to all the details of the building. All work was carried out simultaneously, and four months after the start of work, the building was completed. In early April 1907, the apartments were announced for delivery.

The owners' apartment was also located in this house, but had a special entrance from the embankment, it was located on three floors. The basement was converted by Pertsov into a hall for youth - five children grew up in the family. At one time the basement was rented to the artists of the Moscow Art Theater"Bat".

Events October revolution bypassed Pertsov. And he lived another thirteen years. Buried his beloved wife. All his children emigrated, he did not follow them, considering himself not entitled to depart from the fate of his Russia.

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At the corner of Prechistinskaya Embankment, Kursovoy Lane and Soimonovsky Proyezd in Moscow stands the fabulous House of Zinaida Alekseevna Pertsova, a true landmark of Russian Art Nouveau, thanks to today's owners, who has preserved the appearance of the house in its original form (thank you for not spoiling the "fairy tale" with miserable air conditioners!).

The history of the construction of a residential building by Pertsova is interesting.

(Today, several names of the Fairy Tale House in Moscow have been adopted: “Pepper's House”, “Z.A. Pertseva's House”, “Pertsov's House”, “N.P. Pertsov's Residential House”, - double spelling of the owner's surname is accepted. why Pyotr Nikolaevich Pertsov, then Zinaida Alekseevna Pertseva was cleaned as the “owner of a residential building”, now we’ll figure it out together).

Like everything great or significant in art, the house of Russian modernist fabulous motifs from pagan antiquity appeared in Moscow “accidentally”.

Once, a talented and successful railway engineer Pyotr Nikolaevich Pertsov, who by the age of 48 had managed to build every 63 miles of railways in Russia in Russia, came to visit his friend, collector I.E. Tsvetkov, who was not so long ago fashionable at that time, the artist-architect Viktor Vasnetsov, built a mansion on Prechistenskaya Embankment, 29 (it's a stone's throw from the House of Pertsova).

Pyotr Nikolaevich was pleasantly surprised by the wonderful view of the Kremlin from the windows of the Tsvetkov mansion. Ivan Evmenievich (Tsvetkov) promised to assist in buying a plot on the Moskva River embankment from his friend, the landowner Ushakov, on the condition that Pertsov build his house in the Russian style. No sooner said than done!

The plot was bought by P.N. Pertsev for 70 thousand rubles (with an average salary of 30 rubles at the time, the amount is huge!), And it was registered for the wife of Peter Nikolayevich, Zinaida Alekseevna Pertseva, hence the “official” name of the fairy-tale tower on the embankment: "Residential building Z.A. Pertsova".

Engineer Pertsev approached the creation of his residential building with technical precision and directness. He created a commission of the "masters" of Russian art and architecture, which included: Viktor Vasnetsov, Surikov, Polenov, Shekhtel, Ivanov-Shits, Noakovsky, and established a competition for the best architectural project residential building with the first prize of 800 rubles, the second prize of 500 rubles, but at the same time reserving the right to make the final choice.

The eminent jury awarded the first prize to Appolinary Mikhailovich Vasnetsov, brother of Viktor Vasnetsov, who, by the way, became the only artists, who openly spoke out in the press against the demolition of the XC Temple in 1931.

The second Pertsev Prize went to Sergey Vasilyevich Malyutin, who was chosen by Pyotr Nikolaevich as the author of the project for his residential building. Sergey Malyutin by that time was already famous for his talented illustrations for the works of Pushkin, successful work in the art workshops of Princess Tenisheva and the creation of the painting of the first Russian nesting doll in 1899 (?).

The construction of the house was completed in two years in 1907 in the style of Russian Art Nouveau, where the forms of pictorial and applied arts are organically woven into the architectural volume, making the building alive, and unfolding its familiar spatial environment into the deep plane of painting.

Pyotr Nikolaevich lived in his house for only 15 years. In 1923 he was forced to emigrate.

Actors of the Moscow Art Theater found shelter in his house, arranging the theater-cabaret "The Bat" in the basement. At one time, Trotsky and the artist Falk lived there.

The address of Pertsova's fairy tale house is Moscow, 1st Kursovoy lane, 1 (see map), although the address sign "Prechistenskaya embankment, 35" hangs on the house itself (see photo).

How to get to the house of Z.A. Pertseva? You get to the Kropotkinskaya metro station along the red line (this is in the city center, so it takes only 15 minutes to get from the Moscow railway station, everything is nearby), exit the metro towards the city in the direction of Ostozhenka, Prechistenka and Soymonovsky proezd, then walk 400 metro, - everything is very simple!

It remains a mystery why, on a commemorative plaque " fairy house» Sergey Malyutin was founded in 1886. Is it possible that the main construction of 1905-1907 was carried out on the foundation of the old building?

Residential House Pertsova on the map of Moscow:

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I want to tell you about one very interesting house, which is located in the very center of Moscow, not far from the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. It's called Pepper House(or Pertsova). Muscovites have nicknamed it "Fairy Tale House" for its fancy decor.

The exact address of Pertsova's house is Soymonovsky proezd, 1 (the corner of Soymonovsky proezd and Prechistenskaya embankment).

The history of the construction of such an unusual house began with the "House-casket", which was built on the initiative of the art collector Tsvetkov. From the "House-casket" a view of the Moscow River, the Kremlin and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior opened.

The railway engineer Petr Nikolaevich Pertsov really liked this house. And he wanted to create something as unusual and bewitching. Tsvetkov was ready to help him find more the best place provided that the house built on it will be in the Russian style. Pertsov agreed to the condition and, with the help of Tsvetkov, acquired a plot of land nearby.

A competition was announced for the drafting of a "profit house in the Russian style." As a result, the project of Sergey Vasilievich Malyutin, the author of the Russian matryoshka, was chosen.

The construction of the house lasted 11 months - from 1906 to 1907.

The house was created as a profitable one with residential apartments and workshops for artists located in the attic part of the house. The management of the house was handled by Pertsov's wife, Zinaida Pertsova. Hence the double name of the house - Pertsova / Pertsova.

The family occupied only part of the house they owned - a four-story extension. The rest of the premises were inhabited by tenants-artists.

A distinctive feature of the "Fairy Tale House" is an extraordinary variety of forms and styles, which, at the same time, look like a single whole. In the design of the facades, various techniques inherent in Art Nouveau were used, for example, the asymmetrical arrangement of windows and balconies, rich decor.

Gables, piers, balcony railings, corners of the building - all these elements, according to the author's idea, were to be lined with majolica - a type of ceramics made from baked clay using painted glaze. The execution of such a complex design and color scheme Pertsov entrusted the artel of young artists of the Stroganov School "Murava" with majolica decoration. At that time they had no orders, and the artel was on the verge of closing. Pertsov was not mistaken with the choice - the order was completed right on time. A little more than a hundred years have passed, and the glaze is still intact and has not faded.

Artists M. Nesterov and K. Yuon were guests of the “House-Fairy Tale”, artists of the Moscow Art Theater rented apartments here. One of them - N. Baliev - came up with the idea of ​​​​arranging performances for the artists themselves in the basement of the house - this is how the famous cabaret appeared in 1908 " bat which lasted until 1912. In cabaret productions, one could see celebrities from the Moscow Art Theater in completely unexpected roles: V. I. Kachalov as a circus wrestler, O. L. Knipper-Chekhov as a Parisian chansonette, and V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko conducted the orchestra.

With the advent of advice, Pertsov, as a defender of the church, had to endure several trials and even serve a year in prison. As a result, in 1922 he lost his house, after which Lev Trotsky settled in the master's 4-storey apartment.

Today, the Pepper House houses the Main Directorate for the Service of the Diplomatic Corps. No one is allowed into the house and you can only look at it from the street.

And at the end - a few black and white photos.

Interiors of the Pepper House (Carved arch of the dining room)

Walking along the even side of Ligovsky Prospekt from the metro towards Moskovsky Station, you should definitely look into the courtyard of the house at number 44. This is an apartment house of engineer Alexander Nikolayevich Pertsov built in the early 20th century, built in the Art Nouveau style.

The house consists of two symmetrical six-story buildings facing the facade of the building on Ligovsky Prospekt. In the depths of the site there are several outbuildings, forming courtyards. The facades of the apartment building are decorated with floral ornaments. The main façade is lavishly decorated with stucco that adorns four risalits at the level of the sixth floor. On the two extreme projections there are figures of boys in chestnut leaves, on the other two there are female heads among chestnut leaves.

Two corners of the building, facing each other and facing the passage to the courtyards, at the level of the attic floor are decorated with moldings from floral ornament with the heads of satyrs. Two bay windows, window piers and door portals are covered with compositions of plant elements. All sculptural work made in 1913 according to the models of the sculptor A.E. Gromov. The balconies are decorated with a variety of forged gratings using plant motifs. The decorative and sculptural solution of the building is typical example modern style.

The history of the construction of the current house begins in 1905, when, on a competitive basis, the Society of Civil Engineers, on behalf of Pertsov himself, was selected best project development in this area.

The construction of the building itself began only in 1910. Pertsov entrusted the development of the project to his friend S. P. Galenzovsky. The development of the site was based on a cruciform and a T-shaped yard that continues it. The facades of the building are faced with plaster embroidered with rustication (relief facing of walls with stones with a roughly hewn front surface), which is decorated with floral patterns. The construction of the house was carried out in 1911-1912. When it was created, the homeowner and architects focused on the tenants who belonged to the middle class. The landlord distributed the retail premises in the complex in such a way that a wide range of goods was presented in them, and when changing tenants, he tried to maintain the profile of the store. The house was built in the American style, for 400 apartments different sizes, with 18 lifts, telephones, shared bathrooms. Initially, it housed a first-class hotel with 200 rooms and a luxurious restaurant "Select", thanks to which the house gained wide popularity. But the hotel did not bring high incomes - the noise of dray cab drivers, who carried goods from the Nikolaev station in the early morning, prevented the guests from sleeping. The restaurant at the hotel was too expensive for poor residents of Ligovka. Also in the house was a pastry shop Mignon. In 1915, the institutions of the Ministry of Railways were located here: control of the Nikolaev railway, Local control on those operated by the treasury railways and the Office of the representative of the head of the construction of the eastern part of the Amur railway.

in 1993, Pertsovsky House housed Drama Theater"Comedians", founded in 1989 and working under the direction of director Mikhail Alexandrovich Levshin. The first performances new stage were held on December 17, 18 and 19 at the "Housewarming in the Old House" holiday.

The profitable house at the corner of Soymonovsky proezd, 1 and Moscow was built in the period from 1905 to 1907 by order of the railway engineer Pyotr Nikolayevich Pertsov, who laid the Russian Empire thousands of kilometers of railway tracks and a former very wealthy man.

Architects Nikolai Konstantinovich Zhukov and, in fact, Pertsov himself took part in the design and construction of the building, made in the neo-Russian modern style. The sketch was taken as a basis, made by the artist Sergey Vasilyevich Malyutin.

Photo 1. Soymonovsky proezd, No. 1 in the city of Moscow

The history of the construction of the “fairy tale house” began back in 1902, when Pertsov, in his words, visited Ivan Evmenievich Tsvetkov, who not so long ago built a gallery house for his collection of paintings by Russian painters.

The view from the windows of the house on and the Moscow River flowing nearby amazed Pyotr Nikolayevich, about which he told the owner. He also mentioned that he was jealous of Tsvetkov and the place he had chosen for construction. And then Ivan Evmenievich pointed out that he would show another wonderful place in the neighborhood, but with the condition that Tsvetkov, in case of buying a plot, would build a house on it and only in the Russian style.

A property with a nondescript three-story building, which at that time was owned by N.V. Ushakov, like many plots in the area, was bought for 70 thousand rubles and issued to Pertsov's wife, Zinaida, which is why it is also called Pertsova's profitable house today.

Photo 2. Facade of Pertsova's apartment building

At the beginning of 1906, Pyotr Nikolaevich announced a competition for projects, moreover, a closed one. To participate in it, the owner invited the artists Apollinary Mikhailovich Vasnetsov, Sergey Vasilyevich Malyutin, the architect-artist Leonid Mikhailovich Brailovsky and the architect Diderikhs. The jury included such luminaries as Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov, Vasily Ivanovich Surikov, Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov, Fedor Osipovich Shekhtel, Illarion Aleksandrovich Ivanov-Shits, Sergei Ustinovich Solovyov and Stanislav Vladislavovich Noakovsky.

The first prize in the amount of 800 rubles went to Apollinary Vasnetsov, and the second was awarded to Sergey Malyutin with 500 rubles. But according to the terms of the competition, the customer had the right to choose any project he liked from those who received top places. Pyotr Nikolaevich Pertsov stopped at a sketch of Malyutin's work.

The architecture of Pertsova's apartment building

At the heart of the current building is a three-story building with small window openings, over which a fourth level was built, already with large windows to set up studios for artists to work there. There was also arranged a balcony with the name "Queen's Conversation", which was completed by a gilded dome.

On the side of Prechistenskaya embankment, a four-story mansion was erected for the residence of the Pertsovs themselves, and along Kursovoy lane, a detached building with a stylishly arranged main entrance was raised. The facade planes were richly decorated with majolica paintings by the Murava firm, which included young artists from the famous Stroganov School.

With all care we approached the device of the engineering part. So, in Pertsova's apartment building there were no wooden floors, and water and sewer communications, as well as electrical wiring, were hidden in the walls and special niches that were inaccessible to the eyes of the residents.

Ultimately, a house with a great variety of architectural forms looks quite organic. The design of the facades is made in the techniques inherent in the Art Nouveau style: an asymmetric arrangement of window openings, original balconies, rich decor of the facades, tower-shaped roof superstructures.

The ridge of the roof was originally decorated with a gilded lattice with lions, and above the green tower there was once a rooster, also covered with gold leaf. The front rooms were decorated with wooden carvings, as well as rich wall paintings.