Didactic game on artistic creativity in the middle group. Didactic games on art


picked up by an art teacher

MBDOU "CRR - kindergarten No. 166"


Tsitsilina M.G.

D/I “Guess what happens?”

Target: Develop imagination, fantasy, creativity.

Material: Sheet of paper, pencils.

Exercise: The teacher invites one of the first children to start portraying

subject (line), but not completely. The next one says that it may be and draws another line. The next one should come up with something else and finish it in accordance with his plan. This continues until one of the players can no longer change the picture in their own way. Whoever made the last change wins.

D / I "Magic Palette"

Target: Develop a sense of color.

Material: Gouache. Palette.

Exercise: The teacher invites the children to play with the palette and paints. By mixing paints, you can get different shades of colors. You can suggest depicting how the sky brightens at dawn, using blue and white colors. whiten blue paint you need on the palette, gradually adding white and successively applying strokes to a sheet of paper. The main thing is to ensure that the shades change as evenly as possible. Invite the children to draw how the sun sets (from orange to red), how the leaves turn yellow in autumn (from green to yellow).

D / I “What in the world does not happen?”


Material: Colour pencils. Paper.

Exercise: The teacher offers the child to draw something that does not exist in the world. Then he asks to tell what he drew and discuss the drawing: is it really that what is depicted on it does not occur in life.

Y/N "What could it be?"

Target: Develop the imagination.

Material: Gouache. Palettes.

Exercise: The teacher invites children to draw sweet, round, fragrant, fresh, fragrant, salty, green, etc. The game can be repeated repeatedly, using each time new material.

D / I "Tell me about their mood"

Target: Develop perception, attention, imagination.

Material: Illustrations depicting the faces of people expressing various emotional states. Paper. Colour pencils.

Exercise: The teacher offers to look at a picture depicting a person's face and talk about his mood. Invite children to draw a face - a riddle. The game can be repeated with different material.

D / I "Let's help the artist"

Target: Develop creative imagination.

Material: Colour pencils. Paper.

Target: The teacher invites the children to draw an unusual car on which you can get into magical land. Draw and describe your car.

D / I "Think up yourself"

Target: Develop imagination, fantasy.

Material: Paper. Paints. Palettes. Markers.

Exercise: The teacher invites the child to imagine that he flew to another planet and draw what he could see there. When the drawing is ready, you can invite the child to come up with a story.

D / I "Magic Pictures"

Target: To teach children to create images based on a schematic representation of an object.

Material: A sheet of paper with an unfinished image. Colour pencils.

Exercise: Draw a picture. Mark the most interesting pictures when the guys come up with something of their own, unlike other pictures.

D / I "Cheerful palette"

Target: Develop a sense of color.

Material: Item cards. Palettes with shades of colors.

Exercise: Name each picture and show its color on the palette. Match all the pairs: lemon - lemon ... (etc.) And now try to guess what other colors can be called. Find a carrot among the pictures and a suitable one on the palette. What is the name of this color? (Orange.) But you can say it in another way - carrot. Show beet color on the palette. Lilac. Olive. If it is difficult, compare with images of fruits, flowers. What would you call plum color? (Purple, or otherwise - plum.) Than yellow different from lemon? (Lemon is a shade of yellow with a touch of green.)

D / I "Klubochki"

Target: To develop in children the ability to perform circular movements when drawing a ball in a closed circle based on visual control and with eyes closed.

Material: Picture "Kitten with a ball". Sheets of paper. Pencils.

Exercise: The teacher invites the children to look at the picture in which the kitten plays with a ball of thread. Then he invites the children to collect the threads into a ball and shows how the threads are collected into a ball, imitating the winding of threads into a ball with the movements of a pencil. Periodically, the teacher invites the children to close their eyes and perform movements with their eyes closed.

In order for children to show interest in work, you can give them the opportunity to draw a lot of balls, arrange a competition: who will draw more balls.

D / I "Symmetrical objects"

Target: To consolidate with children the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bsymmetric objects, acquaintance with the profession of a potter.

Materials: Templates for jugs, vases and pots, cut along the axis of symmetry.

Exercise: The potter broke all the pots and vases he had made to sell at the fair. All fragments are mixed. It is necessary to help the potter to collect and "glue" all his products.

D / I "Merry Dwarf"

Target: To teach children to create images based on the perception of a schematic representation of an object.

Material: A picture of a gnome with a bag in his hands and several bags cut out of paper different shapes, which can be superimposed on the drawing and changed in the hands of the gnome.

Exercise: The teacher shows the children a picture and says that a gnome has come to visit the children; he brought gifts, but what children should guess and draw.

D / I "Wonderful Forest"

Target: To teach children to create situations in their imagination based on their schematic representation.

Material: Sheets of paper on which several trees are drawn and unfinished, unformed images are located in different places.

Colour pencils.

Exercise: The teacher distributes sheets of paper to the children and offers to draw a forest,

full of miracles and then come up with and tell a story about him.

D / I "Changeling"

Target: To teach children to create images of objects in their imagination based on the perception of schematic images of individual details of these objects.
Material: Pencils. Sheets of paper with the image of a half of an object.

Exercise: The teacher invites the children to add anything to the figure, but in such a way that a picture is obtained. Then you need to take another card with the same figure, put it upside down or sideways and turn the figure into another picture. When the children complete the task, take cards with another figure.

D / I "Make a portrait"

Target: To consolidate knowledge about the genre of portraiture. Develop a sense of proportion.
Material: Various modifications of parts of the face. Paper. Colour pencils.

Exercise: The teacher invites children to make a portrait from different parts of the face.

Determine the mood and draw a portrait.

D / I "Underwater World"

Purpose of the game: Strengthen children's knowledge about the inhabitants underwater world. To teach children to carefully consider the shape, color, structural features of underwater inhabitants. Learn to create a multifaceted composition on the underpainting. Develop fine motor skills. Activate children's vocabulary.

Material: Illustrations depicting the inhabitants of the underwater world. Paper. Watercolor.

Exercise: Together with the teacher, children remember who lives in the seas and oceans, clarify the structure of the body and color. Then, on the underpaintings, the children create a picture of the underwater world, arranging the objects in many ways. The chip gets the child who got more interesting picture, one who used many details to create a picture of the underwater world.

D / I "Draw a warm picture"

Target: Clarify with children the concepts of "warm and cold colors"; continue to learn how to draw a picture from memory, using a warm range when coloring.
Material: 4 pictures depicting simple plots, geometric shapes found in these pictures, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, sheets of white paper.

Exercise: Having carefully examined the unpainted sample picture, at the signal of the teacher, turn it over, depict the plot seen on your sheet, color it, adhering to a warm range.

D / I "Who will draw more items oval shape?

Target: To consolidate the ability of children to quickly find the similarity of ovals located horizontally, vertically or diagonally with whole objects flora or parts of them, draw images.
Material: Cards with images of ovals in different positions, colored and simple pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons.

Exercise: The teacher invites the children to draw at least 5 images of plants with ovals, color them in the appropriate color, while combining different pictorial material for completeness of similarity with the original.

D / I "Stained Glass"

Target: Develop imagination, sense of color and form.

Material: Paper. Markers. Colour pencils. Gouache.

Exercise: The teacher invites children with their eyes closed to draw an image with lines on a piece of paper. Then consider the resulting image, think of what it looks like and color it with paints.

Collection didactic games

The collection contains didactic games for working with children preschool age in the classroom fine arts And artistic labor.

Addressed to teachers additional education artistic and applied orientation, kindergarten teachers.

Introduction ……………………………………………………………….. 4

Didactic games

for drawing lessons …………………………….………………… 5

Didactic games

for modeling …………………………………………………....... 6

Didactic games

for application practice ……………………………………………. 7


As you know, the game is the main activity of preschool children, it has great importance For intellectual development child, to clarify his knowledge of the environment. The game, like no other activity, due to its specificity, provides children's activity, amateur performance. It is in the game that they manifest and develop different sides his personality, many intellectual and emotional needs are satisfied, character is formed. Game tasks have a positive effect on the development of ingenuity, resourcefulness, ingenuity, develop Creative skills children.

The collection contains didactic games that can be used in visual arts and art work with children 5-7 years old.

For ease of use, all games are divided into activities: drawing, modeling, applications. Didactic games used in drawing classes are aimed at consolidating knowledge about color and its shades, developing children's imagination. The games used in modeling classes help to consolidate children's ideas about flat and three-dimensional geometric shapes, develop children's creative imagination, fine motor skills of the hands, and activate the child's search activity. Performing game tasks with paper, children consolidate the ability to cut out various geometric figures from paper, compose a composition according to plan, develop imagination, creativity.

This collection will be of interest to teachers of additional education of arts and crafts, kindergarten teachers.

Didactic games for drawing

"All colors around us"

Tasks: consolidate knowledge about color and its shades; exercise in finding a given color or shade in surrounding objects.

The leader of such a game can be a teacher or children.

This game can be used as dynamic pause in class.

Game progress: the driver names a color, and the participants in the game find an object of that color.

"Choose a color and shade"

Tasks: to consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe color and shades of familiar vegetables and fruits; exercise in the use of the names of shades of color: dark red, light green, etc.

Game progress: the teacher shows a vegetable or fruit and asks to name its color or shade.

"Warm and cold colors"

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about warm and cold colors

Game progress:

1st option: distribute cards with warm and cold colors to the children, ask those who have cards with warm colors and those who have cold colors to unite.

2nd option: choose two guys - captains who recruit a team, one is chosen by guys with cards of warm colors, and the second with cards of cold colors.

“Draw the object using the given shape »

Purpose: to develop the imagination of children

Game progress:

Distribute sheets of paper, on each of which a circle with a radius of 4 cm is drawn. Children in the lesson work with simple and colored pencils.

The teacher says: “Guys, today a guest came to our lesson. Are you ready to play?" Chippolino: “Guys, now I will show you my drawing - this circle. Try to guess what I wanted to draw with this circle, and draw it on your sheets. Only you can not increase and decrease the circle, change its shape. Children draw a circle. Chippolino in the hands of the teacher (the teacher walks between the rows) looks through the work. Not everyone immediately guesses how to depict an object using a ready-made circle shape, there are mistakes. And then Chippolino casually points to them, helps to redo the work. When the drawings are almost ready, he sums up: “Absolutely, that’s all I wanted to draw!” The drawings are so different. Chippolino adds: "I'm just so cunning, one lap is not enough for me."

At the end of class, he helps arrange an exhibition of children's work.

Didactic games for modeling

"Sculpting Shapes"

Purpose: to convey the shape of the selected animal, respecting the proportions; sculpt a figurine of an animal (bunny, dog, kitten).

Game progress:

Riddles to be guessed:

Sitting in the yard

The house guards

Who goes to the owner

She let you know

Children guess, the teacher puts out a dog toy and asks: “How did you guess?” Children explain (in riddle words).

Furry, mustachioed,

There will begin - he sings songs.


Similar work is being done.

small, white,

Jump through the woods!

On the snow - poke, poke!

It turns out how the guys knew that it was a bunny.

"Who is who or what is what"

Tasks: to activate the search activity of the child, to improve the ability to sculpt objects of various shapes from plasticine.

Game progress: the guys are invited to conceive and fashion two different images so that they can guess who is who (for example, a bug and a caterpillar) or what is what (for example, an apple and a banana). The author of the works shows them to the children, and they guess who or what is in front of them.

Didactic game "Forms"

Tasks: to consolidate the idea of ​​​​flat and three-dimensional geometric shapes. Create a search situation: mold from plasticine volumetric forms looking at a sketchy or incomplete image on a plane.

Game options: the teacher offers children to fashion:

Three different balls, which can be different in size, color or in two ways at once. What can be turned into each of them and all together.

Sculpt three different circles. (How can this be done?)

Sculpt three different cubes. (What can be turned into each of them and all together?).

Sculpt three different squares.

Sculpt three different pyramids. (What can be turned into each of them and all together?).

Sculpt three different triangles. (How can this be done?)

fashion a few geometric bodies.

Sculpt some geometric shapes.

Sculpt a house from several shapes.

Sculpt a ladder.

« Plasticine painting»

Tasks: to develop the creative imagination of children, a sense of color, fine motor skills of the hand.

Game progress: the guys are invited to mix 2 - 3 pieces of plasticine different color, until bizarre divorces and spots are obtained and fashion a vase, planter or sculpture from the resulting mass.


Tasks: to develop the creative imagination of children, fine motor skills of the hand.

Game progress: the teacher shows the children an image of the playground on which there are swings and a slide, asks the children to think about what else can be placed on playground, then offers to fashion his playground where he would like to play.

Didactic games for applique lessons


Tasks: to form the ability to select the color and shape of the blank in accordance with the selected fruit.

Game progress: children cut out vegetables and fruits from colored paper, and then they harvest the crops in baskets attached to the board: vegetables are placed in the first basket, fruits in the second.

"Decorate the Mittens"

Tasks: develop imagination, the ability to compose a composition according to plan.

Game progress: the teacher invites the children to decorate mittens cut out of colored cardboard. Children come up with a pattern, cut out pattern elements from colored stripes (circles, stripes, various shapes), place the pattern in the middle of the silhouette, along the edge, stick all the details.

"Continue Pattern"

Tasks: to form the ability to observe symmetry and rhythm, to develop creative abilities, independence.

Game progress: each player receives a colored card with a half of the pattern and lays out the missing part of the pattern from colored elements, exactly repeating their location, color and shape.

"Unusual Zoo"

Tasks: to consolidate the ability to cut circles from squares, to develop the creative imagination of children.

Game progress: the teacher offers to make a trip to fairyland, where unusual animals live, consisting of circles and semicircles: their body, head, ears and even tail are round or semicircular. Children cut out circles of different sizes from pre-prepared squares and make up an image of an animal from them. From the obtained images of animals to make an exhibition "Unusual zoo".

"Man on the Move"

Purpose: to develop the creative imagination of children

Game progress: the teacher gives information about the main proportions of the human figure, then places a magic square on the board, consisting of several rectangles. Then, placing the rectangular parts of the square on the board, the teacher gives an idea of ​​the main proportions of the human figure: the size of the torso with the head is equal to the length of the legs, the knee divides the leg in half, the length of the arms is equal to the length of the legs, etc. children are invited to depict a human figure in motion using the "magic square".

Lutai Marina Igorevna

Particularly interesting are the didactic games on fine arts, which include tasks simultaneously from different sections.

In doing so, the following requirements must be met:

In games, the volume of practical tasks should be such that the main game task is not lost;

The repetition of exercises should be carried out on different levels difficulties and using different material;

All necessary aids and tools for work should be available;

There must be a personal approach to the child.


Didactic games

1. "Green needles."

Target: to consolidate the ability to quickly navigate on a sheet of paper, draw symmetrical objects according to the model, select the desired shade of pencil.

Material: cards with options for the image of the Christmas tree, arranged in ascending order of difficulty.

Rules of the game: draw the Christmas trees in order, achieve the similarity of the parts, take a new card (a more difficult option) only after receiving a score for the previous task.

  • draw a spruce forest so that each tree in it is not like the others.
  • draw hedgehogs under the Christmas trees so that each hedgehog looks like “its own” Christmas tree (color, shape of needles).
  • draw Christmas trees in "families" (of different sizes, but of a similar configuration).
  • draw what kind of Christmas trees grow on the Moon and Mars.

2. "Where do mushrooms grow?"

Target: consolidate knowledge about the mushrooms of the mixed and spruce forests, their signs, appearance, learn to quickly select the right cards with mushrooms, copy them, achieving similarities, select the right colors and shades.

Material: cards with edible and poisonous mushrooms (boletus, boletus, boletus, chanterelle, russula; fly agaric, pale grebe, satanic mushroom).

Artistic material: watercolor, gouache, crayons, felt-tip pens, etc.

Rules of the game: take only one card at a time, return the card immediately after the mushroom is drawn and colored, do not draw poisonous mushrooms.

Creative task for the didactic game:

  • draw which mushrooms are dried on a string near the squirrel's house;
  • learn by appearance the names of the mushrooms in the hedgehog's basket and color them.

Exercises to go over high level difficulties:

  • draw a picture by cells (a sample is given, children must count the required number of cells, paint over with the required color);
  • "write" Christmas trees (mushrooms, flowers) in a notebook in a large cell;
  • make your own game as a gift for kids.


I. Preparatory game exercises

1. "Make an animal out of figures."

Target: learn to select geometric shapes from a set of templates that are most suitable in shape and size for a given animal, to compose animal figures, observing proportions.

Material: cards with animals (for verification), templates of various sizes and shapes.

Task: children make up animals and stick them on from colored templates, then compare them (with cards) to find out if they look like images of real animals.

2. "The duckling is growing."

Target: learn to enlarge and reduce images by drawing in cells.

Material: a picture depicting a duck, cards with small, large and medium cells.

Task: children, depending on the task, choose a card with cells of the desired size and, using a sample, create an image.

3. "We have recently come from the pond, give me a towel!"

Target: exercise in changing the texture of animals (puppy) and birds (duckling, gosling) depending on the task.

Material: cards with the image of animals (birds) without texture. Cards with the image of various lines.

Task: children, depending on the situation depicted on the card, create the appropriate texture for the animal (bird) using lines and strokes.

4. "Make a hedgehog out of sticks."

Target: to teach the schematic transmission of the image, the ability to be distracted from secondary features, conveying the main ones.

Material: sticks (you can use counting sticks, colored paper strips and stick them on a sheet; you can draw an image from sticks with a felt-tip pen).

Task: children lay out images from sticks or draw with a felt-tip pen, or stick images from strips.

5. "Hedgehogs and porcupines."

Target: to learn to regulate the amplitude of the movement of the hand and the force of pressure, to convey the individuality of the image of each animal.

Material: pictures depicting hedgehogs and porcupines (with needles of different lengths and directions).

Exercise: children choose a card and draw an animal. In case of unsuccessful attempts, they take the appropriate stencil or card, where the needles are shown as dots, and do the image on their own.

II. Didactic games

1. "Circus acrobats."

Target: to teach the speed of reaction in the selection of parts of the body of an animal, based on a sample card, to convey a variety of movements using a different arrangement of templates.

Material: sample cards or “movable” cardboard toys, templates.

Rules of the didactic game: to draw with the help of templates according to the model. Independently come up with as many options for acrobatic figures as possible (for each option - 1 point). The one with the most points wins.

2. "Funny pictures."

Target: exercise in the quick compilation of split pictures, followed by drawing by cells (4, 9, 12 parts).

Material: cut cards

(4, 9, 12 parts), sample pictures, cards (blank) with cells for drawing by cells.

Rules of the game: quickly make a picture according to the pattern of 4, 9 and 12 parts, and then take a blank card (4 cells) and draw a picture.

3. Hippos.

Target: teach children to select patterns (pieces of clothing) for hippos of different sizes by eye, perform decorative ornaments according to the model and according to the order.

Material: cardboard hippos different sizes and colors and "ready-to-wear" (patterns).

Rules of the game:“dress” the hippos in “ready-made clothes” as soon as possible (for each hippo - a point) and decorate the clothes according to the model or on the instructions of the teacher (for example, using blue, red and black colors).

III. Exercises to move to a higher level of difficulty

1. "Hairdresser for Sharik."

Target: learn to draw a variety of dog "hairstyles" using familiar techniques and invented new options.

2. "Draw different scales for the fish."

Target: to teach to come up with an image of the texture on the instructions of the educator.

3. "How do the animals play?"

Target: convey animal movements without using or partially using templates.

4. "Where is whose tail?"

Target: learn to think logically and select tails by elimination, draw according to the model.

5. "Draw fabulous birds (animals) of the ancient world (future) and name them."

Target: learn to invent new images using experience and knowledge of various art materials.

Exercise "Autumn Palette"

Tasks: to develop visual memory, color vigilance, to form knowledge of color science; Improve your painting and brush skills.

Equipment: task cards indicating which colors need to be mixed to get the third one, desired color and vice versa: given a color, you need to determine which two colors should be mixed to get a given color.

Description. Each student receives a card on which he must complete the task:

a) two rectangles are colored, for example, one yellow and the other brown, between them there is a “+” sign, and the third rectangle remains uncolored. Students mix two indicated colors on the palette, get a third one and paint a rectangle with it;

b) the rectangle is painted with the color of the beginning of autumn, for example, greenish-yellow, next to it are two unpainted rectangles connected by a “+”. Students should color them green and yellow, because by mixing these colors, you can get a greenish-yellow.

Note. To make the exercise entertaining, you can create a game situation: the rain accidentally washed away the colors from some autumn leaves(leaves are given instead of rectangles). Invite students to restore their color.

The game "What color is autumn?".

This game is held at the beginning of self-training before working with color on an autumn composition.

Tasks: develop students' color vigilance, visual memory; learn to mix colors on the palette to get the right one.

Equipment: reproductions of autumn landscapes for each student or for one desk; a set of chips of six different colors.

Description. At the command of the teacher (educator), students take out reproductions of landscapes and a set of chips from the packages. Carefully peering into the reproductions of paintings, compare the colors in the reproduction with the color of the chips. If they find a similarity, they place a chip in a place of a similar color. When the set of chips is exhausted, students should get on the palette those colors that they considered in the reproduction.

Trial move. A reproduction is posted on the board autumn landscape. Students do a similar job of finding colors that are characteristic of a given picture.

rule. The work should be done by using the hourglass (3-5 minutes). The winner is the one who determines the most color analogies and gets these colors on the palette.

Lotto game "Which tree lost its leaf?".

The game is held in grade 2, when students again turn to the image of autumn leaves.

Task: to improve the visual memory of students.

Equipment: picture lotto cards various trees(you can use lotto cards for class 1); a set of leaf cards for each student.

Description. The teacher distributes lotto cards and a set of cards with the image of leaves. The game action is as follows: the teacher demonstrates one of the leaves lying on his table and asks the question: “Which tree lost this leaf?”. Children compare a real leaf with the images of leaves on their cards, find the right image and show it to the teacher. An incorrectly raised card is out of the game. Then the teacher counts "one, two, three", and the children close the image of the corresponding tree with the image of a leaf.

The rules follow from the content of the game itself: be very careful, raise desired card while the educator considers, quickly determine the image of the desired tree. The winner is the one who correctly fulfilled all the conditions of the game.

At the end of the game, the teacher invites each student to draw a piece of paper they like in the album.

Note. The winners can be rewarded with an autumn song, during which all the cards can be collected and a physical education session can be held.

Relay "Spring pattern".

The game is played by the educator before self-training, before working on creating a pattern of berries (poke technique) and leaves (sticking technique) in the strip.

Task: consolidate work skills by poking and sticking (attaching).

Equipment: a sample pattern consisting of berries and leaves, a row of three berries, a row of sin leaves, a row of berries, a row of leaves, etc.

Description. On the blackboard in front of each team, a blank strip of paper (half a sheet of the album) is attached to teamwork over creating a pattern. At the command of the educator, the first representatives from each team-row approach their stripes and perform the first half of the pattern by poking, which all other relay participants will have to adhere to. Then the second representatives of the teams come out and perform the second row of the pattern, consisting of three leaves, by applying the technique, setting the distance between the rows of the pattern. The following members games perform a row of a pattern of three berries, etc. How many students sit in a row, so many rows will be in the pattern.

Rule. The relay participant comes out to complete his row of the pattern only when the previous teammate sits down in his place.

The winning team is the one that correctly, beautifully and quickly copes with the work without violating the rules.

Note. In order for the game to be organized, you should prepare in advance for work poke, brushes, jars of gouache for berries and leaves for each team. Invite students to work out the technique of decorative painting on a sheet before they go out to complete the pattern.

Such relay games are also a kind of physical culture pauses, since children have the opportunity to move purposefully, following the pattern.

Game "What happens in autumn?".

Task: develop observation and visual memory.

Equipment: picture cards various signs seasons.

Description. The teacher demonstrates cards with signs of different seasons, among which students must identify the signs of autumn (leaf fall, tree in autumn dress, flight of birds, etc.)

rule. Students should sit with their elbows bent and placed on the desk (table). When shown a card with a sign of autumn, they clap their hands. If the player incorrectly identified the sign of autumn, he is out of the game and puts his hands on the table. The rest continue to play.

A trial run is possible. The teacher shows 2-3 cards, among which there is a card depicting a sign of autumn. Children should clap their hands when showing this card.

The results of the game are summed up both individually and collectively - in rows.

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 106"


"Didactic games
for young children"

Prepared by:
additional education teacher.

Egorova Svetlana Yurievna

Color fixing games

"Pick by color"

Purpose: fixing and clarifying the names of colors.

game material: a box of colored pencils (at least 6)

Progress. The teacher shows the children one of the colors, asks him to name and find an object of the same color in the group.

"Autumn leaves".

Purpose: To exercise in choosing leaves according to a certain color, improving the perception of color and shape.

Game material: two sets of cardboard tree leaves in different colors.

Progress. One set is distributed to the children, the other to the teacher. He shows a piece of paper and says: "One, two, three find such a piece of paper."

"cut pictures".

Purpose: development of the ability to compare, generalize, correctly name the subject; the formation of intelligence, concentration

Game material: split pictures of 3-4 parts depicting vegetables and fruits.

Progress. The teacher offers to consider the parts and make a picture according to the model and without a sample.


Purpose: fixing and clarifying the names of primary colors.

Game material: circles-balls, stripes-threads ...

Progress. The teacher puts round or oval balls on the table, asks the child to match the thread to the ball by color ... For example: a yellow thread to a yellow ball, etc ...

"Hide the mouse"

Target: to reinforce in children ideas about four to six colors.


1. To form the ability to distinguish and name color.

2. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

3. Develop logical thinking.

Material: Mouse, cat, sheets of paper in six colors (in the middle there is a window with a drawn mouse)

Game progress:

Educator: Guys guess the riddle!

Lives in a mink, gnaws crusts.

Short legs, afraid of cats.

The teacher shows a toy mouse.
Educator: And who is the mouse afraid of? (cat) The teacher shows the cat.

Educator: And our mouse has girlfriends and they live in colorful houses. Now we will help the mice hide from the cat. The teacher puts houses for the mouse on the table (sheets of paper in six colors, in the middle there is a window with a drawn mouse).

Educator:- You see, mice look out the windows. To hide the mouse, you need to close the window with a door - a square of the same color as the house, otherwise the cat will come, see where the window is, open it and eat the mouse. First, the child is offered one house, then, complicating it, 2-3 houses at the same time.