Tereshina's ex-husband: Rotten scum, I will break the face of you and your homeless boyfriend.

Photo: Instagram.com/tanya_tereshina

On Saturday morning, the famous singer Tanya Tereshina announced on her Instagram that she and VJ Slava Nikitin are no longer a couple.

“I want to officially declare that the family union of Tatyana Tereshina and Slava Nikitin has broken up. We were in a relationship for 4.5 years. For the last month I haven’t taken “romantic” photos together, because I didn’t want to lie to my subscribers. She just didn’t write anything about “us,” realizing that, apparently, separation was inevitable. It’s difficult for me to talk about this, because I don’t like to reveal all family secrets, but to avoid vile gossip, the reason for our separation was not betrayal. We were honest with each other about this. Both on his part and on my part there was absolute trust all these years. The reason is that my ex-man absolutely does not know how to manage his anger. He is psychopathic, unbalanced, extremely aggressive, it’s even embarrassing to write how much! He is not stopped at all by the presence of a child nearby, an elderly person in the person of my mother and, of course, the once “beloved” woman. I’m just afraid for the health of my loved ones, including myself. I have forgiven a person many times for his terribly unrestrained behavior, but I’ve run out of patience. I WARN YOU IMMEDIATELY: Don’t call me about an interview! I don’t go to TV shows, I won’t tell pitying stories to journalists. And in general I WILL NOT give any minimal comments on a personal topic!

And I hope Vyacheslav will behave with dignity in this situation and will finally leave us alone. I understand perfectly well that there is no tragedy. Unfortunately, people sometimes break up. I am a grown woman and my priorities are correct. For me, the most important thing is that my child is healthy, for his sake I live first and foremost, and in the current family situation, my daughter can get stressed because of her father’s dissolute behavior. This is my choice and my decision. ! (spelling preserved)

The hero of our article is the bright and charming VJ Vyacheslav Nikitin. Many fans are interested in his biography and personal life. Do you also consider yourself one of them? Then we recommend that you read the contents of the article.

Vyacheslav Nikitin: biography, childhood

He was born on April 10, 1987 in Novosibirsk. Vyacheslav was brought up in an ordinary Soviet family. His mother worked as a teacher in a kindergarten, in a nursery group. The father is a representative of the technical profession.

When the boy was 5 years old, his parents sent him to the studio, although he himself wanted to get into the circle of young technicians. At first, Vyacheslav was reluctant to attend choreography classes. But after a couple of months he became seriously interested in it. As a result, he devoted 4 years of his life to dancing.

At the age of 10, the boy enrolled in a club where he was taught how to play the balalaika. In just a few months, he completely mastered this folk instrument.

In high school, Vyacheslav Nikitin was involved in swimming, judo, basketball and chess. In general, our hero received comprehensive development.


After graduating from high school, Vyacheslav entered the local university. He studied to become an accountant. As a student, Nikitin took an active part in the life of his native university. For example, a guy participated in local KVN games. Even then, the handsome brunette realized that his main calling was to entertain the public.

Vyacheslav worked on Novosibirsk television for almost 2.5 years. He combined two positions - correspondent and presenter. The management of the local channel was pleased with the cooperation with Nikitin. But the young man understood that achieving career growth in this city was simply unrealistic.

Television career

In January 2009, a bright and purposeful guy from Novosibirsk came to Moscow. He was sheltered by an old friend who at that time worked in the capital. A month later, our hero brought his girlfriend here and rented an apartment.

A good friend helped Vyacheslav get a job at RU.TV. However, the guy’s external characteristics and experience working on the Novosibirsk channel also played an important role.

For several years, Nikitin has been telling TV viewers news from the lives of the stars of Russian and world show business, and also presents the latest films and music. His competent speech, vocabulary and manner of presenting material can be the envy of many presenters.

Personal life

Vyacheslav Nikitin was never a womanizer or a womanizer. In high school, he met a girl with whom he fell madly in love. His feelings turned out to be mutual. The lovers arrived in Moscow together in 2009. They rented an apartment. Vyacheslav was the main earner. The girl kept the house clean and prepared food. It would seem that their relationship is built according to an ideal template. But soon there was discord in the relationship. The lovers quarreled and then made up. One day they decided to break up completely.

In February 2011, Vyacheslav Nikitin met the former lead singer of the Hi-Fi group Tatyana Tereshina. They began a whirlwind romance. A beautiful and slender girl won the heart of our hero. The guy wasn’t even embarrassed by the fact that she was 7 years older than him.

In December 2013, the couple had a daughter. The baby received an unusual and rare name - Aris. Despite having a common child, the young people were in no hurry to formalize their relationship. They consider the stamp in the passport to be just a formality. The most important thing is feelings.

Present tense

Television is not the only area of ​​activity in which Vyacheslav Nikitin is involved. Our hero has established himself as a creative and resourceful event host. His experience in this field is 8 years. Weddings, birthdays, presentations, corporate events - he conducts these and other events at the highest level. There was not a single negative review of his work.


Now you know the details of the biography and personal life of the RU.TV VJ - Vyacheslav Nikitin. Let's wish him creative success and quiet family happiness!

36-year-old singer Tanya Tereshina decided to break up with 28-year-old TV presenter Slava Nikitin.

Tereshina announced this on her Instagram, explaining her decision by Nikitin’s “psychopathy,” “imbalance,” and “extreme aggressiveness.”

“He is psychopathic, unbalanced, extremely aggressive, it’s even embarrassing to write how much! He is not stopped at all by the presence of a child nearby, an elderly person in the person of my mother and, of course, the once “beloved” woman. I’m just afraid for the health of my loved ones, including myself. Many times I forgave a person for his terribly unrestrained behavior, but I ran out of patience,” said Tanya Tereshina.

"Unfortunately, people sometimes break up. I am an adult woman and my priorities are correct. For me, the most important thing is that my child is healthy, for his sake I live first, and in the current family situation, my daughter can get stressed due to dissolute behavior her father. This is my choice and my decision," the singer added.

In addition, Tereshina appealed to Nikitin to behave in this situation with dignity and not to speculate on this topic.

Let us recall that the Tereshina-Nikitin couple lived together for four and a half years. They have a daughter, Aris.

Most recently, at the anniversary of the general director of the MUZ-TV channel Arman Davletyarov, they were seen together and, it seemed, nothing foreshadowed a breakup.

Don't sleep!

He was born in Novosibirsk, and from the time when Slava Nikitin went to kindergarten, he describes the events of his life with undisguised irony. For him, the kindergarten was a prison, where he was forced to sleep after lunch! He remembers the Sadikov years only because of his friends. There he had his first love and a friend who ate all the snow in the area. In general, invite Vyacheslav Nikitin to an event, to a holiday, and he will have something to amuse the people with!

Don't spit!

At school, Slava studied selectively. That is, I did homework only in mathematics and the Russian language. He could write off everything else in 5 minutes of recess. The school gave him a wealth of life experience: he went on a date for the first time, played spin the bottle, tried beer, and, finally, became involved in entrepreneurial activity. He made drawings for his classmates for money. Well, and of course, broken glass, running away from classes and spitting chewed paper - this is what teachers “blowed” Slava’s mother’s brains out at parent-teacher meetings. Today, of course, booking Vyacheslav Nikitin for a corporate event or a wedding means lifting the spirits of all participants in the celebration.

Well, now the girls!

Since the young man liked mathematics, he chose an institute, after which he could work as an accountant. Higher education is, in principle, not bad, especially since there are “so many beautiful and very beautiful girls” nearby, but disappointment came immediately. He would have immediately turned around and left, but, fortunately, the students had KVN, their own canteen, friendly parties and get-togethers, and those same beautiful girls. The handsome boy was not at a loss, he wooed, courted and very often got his way. He was especially successful in this when he once decided to work part-time in the admissions office in the summer. When talking with applicants, I felt like I was at least in the role of a professor. And he just finished his second year!

Last week was marked by a major event. One of the brightest couples in show business, Tanya Tereshina and Slava Nikitin, announced the end of their relationship. For fans of this union, the news came as a real shock. After all, just recently Tereshina and Nikitin published joint photographs in which they looked quite happy, getting real pleasure from communicating with each other.

The ex-soloist of the Hi-Fi group and her chosen one, the VJ of the RU TV channel, were considered a very harmonious couple. Both are cheerful, open, lively, stylish. At all social events where Tatyana and Slava appeared, they instantly became the center of attention, infecting those around them with their positivity.

The future husband and wife met in 2011 at a party dedicated to the birthday of the RU TV channel. Tanya was then attracted by Vyacheslav’s fiery dances and his cheerful disposition. They immediately liked each other and after a while they were already dating. Tereshina is eight years older than Vyacheslav, but this circumstance never bothered them. Many of the singer’s acquaintances were surprised to learn that she was having an affair with an unknown and poor young man, because the recognized beauty was always surrounded by very wealthy fans. “The main thing is love, and the rest will follow,” the singer explained her choice in an interview. “The spiritual development of a person has always been important to me.”

Slava and Tanya decided to live together, and in December 2013 they became parents. A girl named Aris is a small copy of her dad. It must be said that neither motherhood nor years, and Tereshina turned 36 in May, could turn Tanya into a kind of lady of strict rules. She is still daring and unpredictable, loves to change and cause provocations. Subscribers to the singer's microblog watched Tereshina posing without underwear, wearing only a jacket draped over her naked body. Then the reason for heated discussions on the Internet was the appearance of Tanya Tereshina at a party in a skirt with a thong print. And not so long ago she shocked the public by publishing a photo with her bare breasts. Slava Nikitin had nothing against his common-law wife’s love for such demarches. On the contrary, he supported them.

It seemed that these two understood each other perfectly and were far from any prejudices. While vacationing in Bali last winter, Tanya and Slava visited a magical place - the Git-git waterfall, around which there are a lot of legends and beliefs. For example, you cannot come to Git-Git in pairs. If lovers visit the waterfall together, they are destined to separate. But Tanya Tereshina was not afraid and, taking her beloved husband by the hand, she boldly went to the waterfall. “We don’t believe in omens, especially strangers,” the singer explained. “Love still conquers all!”

Or maybe it was in vain that Tereshina neglected superstition? Indeed, a few months after this trip, the union, which seemed indestructible, fell apart. The singer herself announced the breakup in the microblog, citing the extremely unrestrained temper of her daughter’s father as the reasons for the breakup. According to Tereshina, Nikitin could flare up at the slightest provocation, and neither the presence of a child nor his mother-in-law stopped him. Apparently offended by these accusations, Slava Nikitin wrote a very emotional post. He did not mention the name of his daughter's mother. But it was clear that we were talking specifically about Tereshina. The essence of Slava’s complaints against his wife comes down to her reluctance to do housework and her love of constantly coming up with some tasks for her husband.

Fans are worried about their favorite couple, but so far they are still hopeful that everything will work out in the family of Tanya and Slava. After all, quarrels are, in general, a common thing. Especially when there are two such bright people nearby. By the way, this is not the first discord in the star couple. Last summer, Tereshina and Nikitin already broke up, but then reunited again. “Tanya just screwed herself up. This happens to us once every six months, she then writes in her feed that we are breaking up,” Slava Nikitin explained then. “That’s the kind of emotional woman I am, and that’s why I love her.”