How to make money producing wooden windows. Business plan for the production of wooden windows

Wooden windows in our homes are associated with warmth in the home and unique comfort. The modern consumer is no longer satisfied with standard PVC windows and today wooden windows made of laminated veneer lumber are very popular.

Advantages of wooden windows

  • Such windows reliably provide sound insulation, thermal insulation and are able to regulate the level of humidity in the room;
  • They are aesthetically pleasing and combine with parquet and modern furniture;
  • They do not require complex maintenance and are quite durable, lasting more than 50 years; windows made of laminated veneer lumber are almost eternal;
  • Environmentally friendly, do not emit toxic substances even in case of fire.
  • They hold their shape steadily; windows made of laminated veneer lumber have 80% more strength than windows made of solid timber.

Production Features

For the manufacture of windows, glued three-layer timber with a thickness of 78 mm is used. and more. A smaller thickness will not provide sufficient thermal insulation. The timber of the beam must be free of knots and core. The upper lamellas have a radial or semi-radial cut, this will prevent swelling when moisture enters.

If the timber has high humidity, it may be damaged during processing, so proper drying is of great importance. Before painting, the wood is treated with a protective primer.

Selection and purchase of equipment

It is necessary to choose the right equipment, since the quality of the finished product depends on this. Here is its minimum set:

  • Machining center for window production, for example LGC-1000.
  • Cutting tool consisting of 16 sets of different cutters, for example, OMAS, made in Italy;
  • Tool for impost and balcony frame included;
  • Pneumatic press, for example, VPS-100;
  • Spray booth, for example, KE-2000;
  • Cross-cutting machine;
  • Horizontal drilling and slotting machine;
  • Surface grinding belt machine;
  • High pressure compressor.

In addition, it is necessary to purchase small-scale mechanization equipment, namely:

  • Pneumatic tools;
  • Pneumoguillotine;
  • Electric drills;
  • electric screwdrivers;
  • grinding machines.

In addition, during the manufacturing process you will need special tables and window holders for technological exposures.

This list of equipment is suitable if the manufacturer has ready-made glued three-layer timber.

This type of business has long-term prospects, as the pace of construction in the country is constantly increasing.

At one business forum, a certain person registered under the nickname Smelzer asked a question: “I really want my own production of wooden euro-windows, but I’m not ready to invest much yet. Budget about 1.5-2 million. Unfortunately, I have no experience in this matter. I searched the entire Internet, but I still couldn’t find a specific list of machines and equipment. Small production of up to 10 windows per shift is planned, but with the possibility of growth. Tell me how to start a window business: what machines are needed, what brands?”

Meanwhile, interest in wooden Euro-windows in our society is gradually but steadily increasing. “This trend will continue in the future, even despite the high cost of “wood” compared to PVC,” says construction market expert Sergei Vlasenko. - There are many reasons for this. One of them is high toxicity in fires. Besides, people always want to stand out. If previously neighbors sighed at the sight of white plastic windows, now they pay attention to wooden windows with double-glazed windows.”

According to startup community expert Ph.D. Sc., Associate Professor Igor Malyugin, entrepreneurs who decide to produce wooden Euro-windows can occupy their niche in the segment of luxury building materials. “This business has good prospects in the capital region and in territorial centers, that is, where there is active suburban construction of cottages with a price tag of seven million rubles and more.”

Where to begin? From a wood supplier!

Experts answer this question simply: by choosing the material from which, in fact, it is planned to make wooden Euro-windows. “Of course, over time you can become a generalist in any business, but when starting out you need to rely on something,” advises entrepreneur Igor Malkin from the Volga region. “For example, if you make windows from oak, you need a higher startup budget than to make frames from pine.” At the same time, no one argues that wood should be stabilized by shrinkage when humidity changes. In other words, it is necessary to bring to a common denominator the cost of the source material, the labor costs for its processing and the price at which it is planned to sell the windows.

In this regard, the optimal tree in terms of price (including the cost of preparation) and quality is Angara pine. This material is processed much lighter than oak, but has high strength. “The main thing is to monitor the size of the annual wheels. If they are more than five millimeters, then it is better not to take them, says Sergei Vlasenko. - It happens that the drying process is disrupted, but Angara pine still does not crack. And for the buyer of windows made from such wood, it is important to know that it is especially resistant to putrefactive processes.”

In principle, you can choose other materials, for example, larch. For a small business, with its small volumes, say up to 10 windows per shift, what is primarily important is the supplier of quality material and its reputation. “There are a lot of offers on the market, so I had to use trial and error to find the optimal seller with a normal price. - Igor Malkin shares his experience. - Perhaps this is the first thing to do. Since working with different types of wood is fraught with defects and additional adjustment of equipment.”

The equipment must be modern, and the personnel must be professionals

One of the mistakes of novice businessmen is trying to find inexpensive machines, they say, “we don’t process steel.” However, the dimensional accuracy and quality requirements for blanks in the production of wooden euro-windows, coupled with the high price of wood, force us to look at this business differently. In any case, Igor Malyugin is convinced that it is impossible to do without specialized window processing centers, for example, such as, which is designed specifically for the production of up to 1000 m 2 of window blocks per month from wood with sections 78x86 and 68x78.

The cost of this equipment is estimated at one million rubles. It includes two machines: tenoning and profiling. In addition, a whole list of additional tools will be required, starting with a pneumatic guillotine and ending with a window holder after each technological operation. In this case, the area of ​​the premises must be at least 400 m2. “This is a serious business for the production of high-quality products of European standards, so there is no need to focus on a personal garage or a small semi-basement,” says Igor Malkin. “On the other hand, the high added value of Euro windows allows us to count on a quick payback.”

Surveys of established businessmen working in this market say that such projects pay off in a year and a half. True, we are talking about entrepreneurs with experience. In particular, Sergey Vlasenko reported that the analysis of business processes revealed the following pattern. Men in their thirties and forties who have tried their hand at construction and car service, as well as furniture production, enter this market more easily, as they pay special attention to highly qualified personnel. But young people who saved on everything, and older entrepreneurs who relied on their own hands, for the most part found themselves bankrupt.

Something more about wooden windows with double glazing

Until recently, wooden windows with double glazing were made from solid wood. “I witnessed a showdown between a client and a manufacturer over the fact that solid wood windows were warped,” says Sergey Vlasenko. - Not only did we have to compensate for the losses, but the manufacturer also suffered image damage, as a result of which he sold his production. But there were no such problems with laminated veneer lumber.”

It also happens that yellow spots appear on a white wooden frame. “There may be several reasons, but the most likely is that a special intermediate primer was not used, which is used only for white. - Written by a user with the nickname krit333 from Gomel. - In other words, the painting technology has been violated. Meanwhile, it is necessary to treat the wood with an antiseptic, then two layers of primer and two layers of varnish. And if the frame is painted white, then a layer of intermediate primer is also applied. It’s difficult to fix such a problem; it will probably be cheaper to install new windows.”

In general, this business is based on impeccable adherence to its production technology. “We are entering an era of total innovation, even where it seemed possible to do without it,” sums up Igor Malyugin. - refers specifically to high-tech small businesses, for which the high added value of the product is based on the qualifications of workers and digital processing equipment.”

In order to start your own business, namely the production of wooden windows, you will need a considerable investment of money, but this is only at the first stage. According to calculations, the amount of investment will be from one hundred to one hundred and fifty thousand US dollars. The list of necessary investments includes expenses for high-quality equipment, the purchase of a batch of high-quality material, and remuneration of working personnel for 3-5 months in advance, until real profit is made. The payback period for such a business ranges from nine months to two years.

In order to save money, it would be wise to purchase used equipment. You can easily purchase good, but not new, equipment, because well-developed woodworking enterprises, which have already mastered this type of business and consistently receive good profits, regularly update their equipment, and sell old equipment at a low price. The most important purchases for the first time should be such types of production machines as an end-face machine, a four-sided machine, as well as an angular center.

For subsequent progressive development, it will be necessary to purchase a line for splicing, which in turn will allow processing materials in such a way that the likelihood of defects is sharply reduced and a press for laminated veneer lumber. It is very important to think carefully about everything when purchasing a machine for making wooden windows. The purchased machine must be modern and functional, so that the money spent on its purchase is recouped, and your business receives ample opportunities for wood processing.
An important component of a window is undoubtedly a double-glazed window. Established in-house production of double-glazed windows will significantly reduce production costs.

Wood drying is another technological component of window production. Equipment for drying wood is very expensive, and not every company can afford to purchase it. However, by purchasing such equipment, we ultimately obtain an important link for production. The benefits of purchasing drying ovens are invaluable. At a cost of fifty thousand dollars, the payback for the dryer will be only ten months. And finally, the last investment will be the purchase of forest plots, they are used to supply raw wood. As a result, adding up all the costs incurred, we get an amount of approximately 700 thousand dollars.

Difficulties for organizing the production of wooden windows.
Among the various problems of such a business, one of the most unpleasant, but necessary for manufacturers, may be a meeting with a representative of the fire services. Naturally, no one will ignore the safety rules, but the outcome of your conversation depends on the personal qualities of such a representative.

Another important difficulty, of course, is selecting a team of competent specialists. Selecting a professional production team is not an easy task. The success of your products on the market and business as a whole will depend on the level of training of the recruited specialists.

Wooden window installation services
The cost of the service for dismantling and installing new wooden windows is about 10% of the cost of the window itself. This figure may be higher if, for example, you provide slope finishing services. Many Internet resources provide the following data for calculating the possible profit of companies providing window installation services. The average order amount per apartment is approximately 15-20 thousand rubles. And from a country house approximately 25-35 thousand rubles. Moreover, the entire scope of work takes an average of two days.

It is not difficult to calculate the number of possible orders that you need to obtain the desired profit. To carry out installation work, the following tools are needed: a hammer drill, a screwdriver, a tape measure and a level. To deliver windows according to orders, you need a Gazelle vehicle with a pyramid-type fastening.

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Despite the widespread use of plastic windows in the construction, due to the growing popularity of environmentally friendly materials, the use of wooden windows has become another popular trend. The demand for wooden windows is also due to their environmental safety and pleasant design. Therefore, in this article we will look at what questions you will have to face when drawing up.

Creating a window manufacturing business is a very promising area. The high demand for windows is primarily due to the growth in construction. But before you start production, you need to do some planning to avoid unexpected problems in the future.

Key features of a business plan for the production of wooden windows

Business planning for the production of wooden windows

If you have decided to launch a new business, do not make hasty decisions and try to analyze all aspects of the matter. The first step is to develop a business plan for a company specializing in the production of wooden windows.

It is during planning that it will be possible to view the prospects for generating income and necessary expenses, calculate the return on investment, and assess the capacity and market segments. All these actions will help you understand the feasibility of a business producing and installing windows.

Description Files Features of the wooden window company's activities

The specificity of the activities of a company engaged in the manufacture of any windows is that the object of activity here is not a mass standardized product, but essentially an individual order.

When drawing up a business plan for the production and installation of wooden windows, special attention should be paid to calculations. It will be quite difficult to predict income and expenses based on available data on competitors, since each building requires different characteristics and sizes of windows. If standardized products are produced in advance, sales difficulties may arise. Therefore, it is better to work directly with individual orders, without having large inventories.

Another nuance is related to the fact that the main competitors of such a company are manufacturers of plastic windows. Therefore, you will have to carefully plan the categories of potential customers and calculate the market capacity.

1 – Summary

1.1. The essence of the project

1.2. Amount of investment to launch the production of wooden windows

1.3. Results of work

2 – Concept

2.1. Project concept

2.2. Description/Properties/Characteristics

2.3. Goals for 5 years

3 – Market

3.1. Market size

3.2. Market dynamics

4 – Staff

4.1. Staffing table

4.2. Processes

4.3. Wage

5 – Financial plan

5.1. Investment plan

5.2. Financing plan

5.3. Sales plan for the development of wooden window production

5.4. Spending Plan

5.5. Tax payment plan

5.6. Reports

5.7. Investor income

6 – Analysis

6.1. Investment analysis

6.2. The financial analysis

6.3. Risks of wooden window production

7 – Conclusions

The business plan for the production of wooden windows is provided in MS Word format - it already contains all the tables, graphs, diagrams and descriptions. You can use them "as is" because it is already ready to use. Or you can adjust any section to suit you.

For example: if you need to change the name of the project or the region where the business is located, this can be easily done in the “Project Concept” section

Financial calculations are provided in MS Excel format - the parameters are highlighted in the financial model - this means that you can change any parameter, and the model will automatically calculate everything: it will build all the tables, graphs and diagrams.

For example: if you need to increase your sales plan, then just change the sales volume for a given product (service) - the model will recalculate everything automatically, and immediately all the tables and diagrams will be ready: monthly sales plan, sales structure, sales dynamics - all this will be ready .

A special feature of the financial model is that all formulas, parameters and variables are available for change, which means that any specialist who knows how to work in MS Excel can adjust the model to suit themselves.

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Business planning for manufacturing wooden windows

Marketing research

Wooden windows have both a number of advantages and disadvantages - all this determines the structure of demand. The main categories in demand for this type of windows and doors are owners of private residential buildings. The reason why consumers decide to purchase wooden window frames is environmental friendliness. An advertising strategy should be built based on this competitive advantage.

In the marketing part of the business plan for the production of wooden balconies and windows, special attention should be paid to analyzing competitors. Often the market capacity for window companies is not large, but competition is high.

However, conducting an accurate competitor analysis is not always easy. Since windows are made on the basis of individual orders, and in practice there are a huge number of types and sizes of windows, therefore, to analyze market prices, it is better to take a standard set of designs as a basis. That is, it is better to carry out the analysis on the basis of studying prices according to the “standard set”.

A related line of business that will help you increase your sphere of influence and profitability can be laser cutting of plywood. will allow you to evaluate all the prospects and development opportunities of this startup.

Organization of production

When drawing up a business plan, you need to spell out all the organizational issues related to starting your business. Business activity must be registered by registering as an individual entrepreneur or as a limited liability company.

At the planning stage, it is necessary to outline the time costs for submitting all documents to the following authorities:

— Tax;

- Pension Fund;

— Social Insurance Fund;

— The bank where you plan to maintain a current account;

— Labor Safety Inspectorate;

— Fire Safety Inspectorate, etc.

Capital construction and equipment

One of the most voluminous sections is planning premises and determining the required equipment. A lot of time will have to be spent searching for the location where the enterprise is planned to be located. At the selected site, it will be necessary to determine the size of production and utility areas, plan the location of equipment, etc.

There are no fundamental requirements for the location of the enterprise. The main condition when choosing a location will be the availability of sufficient space to accommodate:

  • Assembly shops;
  • Raw materials warehouse;
  • Finished goods warehouse;
  • Garage;
  • Administrative premises;
  • Utility rooms;
  • Exhibition space (trading area).

In the business plan for the production of wooden windows, it is necessary to specify the characteristics of the equipment. The choice of equipment will depend on the range of products being manufactured. A lot of equipment is used in the production of windows. Let's present some categories of required equipment:

  • Saws;
  • Wood sanding machine;
  • Impost (face milling) machine;
  • Milling machine;
  • Stripping machine;
  • Bead cutter;
  • Glazing stand.

In the section related to the staffing table, you should indicate job responsibilities and wages for the following categories of personnel:

  • Manager;
  • Milling workers;
  • Pickers;
  • Installers;
  • Drivers;
  • Other auxiliary workers (as necessary).
Investment planning for the production of window systems

The amount of investment in starting a business for the production and installation of wooden windows can vary over a fairly wide range. It all depends on what kind of windows you plan to produce, on what scale, from what wood, etc. On our website you can download a sample business plan for the production of wooden windows. Thanks to this business plan, it will be easier for you to calculate all the necessary indicators depending on the characteristics of a particular business.

When planning the launch of an enterprise, you will need to analyze prices in the following areas of investment:

  • Equipment - xxx r.
  • Premises (rent) - xxx rub.
  • Purchase of raw materials - xxx rub.
  • Working capital - xxx rub.
  • Marketing - xxx r.
  • Unforeseen expenses (10%) - xxx rub.

ABOUT The total investment amount will be quite significant and amount to approximately50 - 150 million rubles. The wide range of investments is due to the fact that the enterprise can be opened in different concepts and scales.

Project costs for the production of wooden windows

Costs such as payment for raw materials or wages arise in almost any production and constitute a variable part of expenses (that is, they depend on production volumes). Their approximate structure in a business plan for a company producing and installing windows is as follows:

  • Rent – ​​xxx rub.
  • Salary – xxx rub.
  • Raw materials – xxx r.
  • Utility payments – xxx rub.
  • Depreciation – xxx rub.
  • Taxes – xxx r.
  • Other expenses (10%) – xxx rub.
  • Total operating expenses for the month - xxx rub.

At the same time, the costs of raw materials and the variable part of the wage fund will depend on production volumes, the type of raw materials and the range of windows. The final costs of the project consist of investment and operating costs.

Income from a project for the production of wooden windows

Since all sales will be carried out “individually,” you will have to thoroughly study your potential customer base. Based on the number of potential clients, revenue and profit for the project are calculated. It is possible to receive income from the following types of activities:

  • Production of typical wooden windows
  • Production of wooden balcony doors
  • Installation Services

Sales are possible through various sales channels - working with individuals through online and offline channels, concluding contracts with construction contractors involved in the construction of residential and private houses.

Thus, based on the assortment categories and their cost, the planned revenue from the production and installation of wooden windows is calculated, which for the xxx period will amount to xxx thousand rubles. This value is calculated based on the average prices for wooden windows in Russia, which for the period xxx amounted to xxx rubles.

The average payback period for such production will be approximately 3 - 5 years.

The business plan has a clear structure, contains detailed financial calculations, and the financial model allows you to flexibly change any business parameter. This is the optimal solution for those who plan to attract investments, want to get a loan or have a ready-made template for developing their business plan.

Structure of the financial model for the production of wooden windows

The financial model is a separate file in MS Excel format - essentially it is
a separate product designed for business planning and calculation of all its
indicators. Each of the parameters of the financial model can be changed manually.
There are no macros in the financial model. All formulas are transparent and accessible to

The cash flow statement is the most important document of any business plan. Contains comprehensive information about the company's operating, investment and financial inflows and outflows, and also allows you to evaluate the overall picture of the company's performance.

High-quality business plan for the production of wooden windows

As soon as you decide to start a business producing wooden windows, you need to do analysis and planning. Developing a business plan on your own is sometimes not easy, since it requires studying a lot of information and financial modeling skills. To save time and effort, on our website you can download a sample of a ready-made business plan for the production of wooden windows. The presented sample demonstrates a clear structure of all necessary sections. But the main thing is a financial model that will allow you to automatically calculate all investment indicators. Having a professionally developed business plan is a necessary condition when attracting investment resources. You can also order the development of an individual turnkey business plan, taking into account the specifics of your business, by clicking on the link below.

Thus, it is clear that starting a business for the production and installation of wooden windows can be quite a profitable endeavor. At the same time, despite all the prospects of the direction, first it is necessary to start planning future activities.