What are the best things to trade? What business is relevant now and what is in demand?

During the crisis, not all entrepreneurs suffered losses; some even doubled their profits. Why do some have losses, while others have excess profits? This is due to the fact that successful businessmen traded in popular goods.

Categories of the best-selling products in Russia

What is a popular (sold) product - this is a product that is most popular among buyers. It is generally accepted that the best-selling goods in Russia today are bread, cigarettes and vodka. But, not necessarily, by engaging in trade in this group of goods, you can provide yourself with any benefit that differs from other sellers. For example, when selling cigarettes (the best-selling product in Russia in 2019), you should not expect large profits from sales. This happens because the special system for setting prices for tobacco products does not allow setting a markup on cigarettes above the established norm, and by selling this group of goods, you can even make a loss.

When choosing a product for sale, you should pay attention not to the mass of sales, but to the prospects and profitability, in case of another crisis. Trade in Russia should be based on a reliable selection of various goods for sale in unfavorable economic conditions. By following this rule, you can not be afraid of a crisis and trade calmly under any conditions.

So, selling less and earning less, but consistently choosing a product from the category of reliable goods, is much more profitable than earning a lot on sales, but losing profit during a crisis by selling risky goods. A popular proverb says: “If you walk more quietly, you will go further.” What is the best-selling product in Russia in 2019?

The list of best-selling products in Russia includes the following categories::

Small household appliances (irons, blenders, electric kettles, mixers);

Electrical goods (wire, cable, lamps, plugs, sockets, switches, etc.);

Sanitary products (valves, taps, gaskets);

Simple tools (hammers, saws, screws);

Household chemicals (synthetic powders, detergents for dishes, stoves, sinks, tiles, toilet cleaners, and so on);


Clothing and footwear;

Other daily use items;

The best-selling food products are products of social significance, namely:

Meat (chicken, pork, beef, lamb);

Frozen fish;

Chicken eggs;

Butter and sunflower oil;

Cow's milk;

Flour and flour products;

Granulated sugar;


Long black tea;

Cereals (buckwheat, polished rice, millet);


Vegetables (potatoes, carrots, onions, cabbage);

The products listed above are a complete minimum that a person, a citizen of Russia, needs to ensure his life. But confectionery products, such as sweets, as well as drinks, including alcoholic ones, are an addition, but sometimes some of them are popular goods.

Also popular goods now include semi-finished products - half-cooked products (meat, fish, vegetables) that only need to be cooked.

In this area of ​​activity, a market analysis was carried out and the following results were found - people whose standard of living increases are more likely to purchase not very healthy fast food. Mostly women buy semi-finished products; this can be explained by the fact that, trying to combine work, study and family life, they try to simplify their lives with such products and thereby save time for other more important matters. For many people, processed foods are the main daily food, and therefore this product is rightfully one of the best-selling products.

Every person wants to live successfully and securely, which is why, striving for a better life, people choose individual entrepreneurship rather than hired work. Also, the desire to work for oneself is caused, for example, by the loss of a person’s main source of income, since as a result of the crisis, many enterprises that consistently receive high incomes were unable to cope with economic problems, ceasing to exist and naturally reducing a large number of jobs.

To engage in business and earn income, you need to decide what to sell so as not to go broke. To do this, you need to take the first steps in building a successful trading business and carefully consider what type of product to trade and where. You can trade anything either at the market, by opening a stall, a trading tent, a place or even a store, or you can sell online. These options have both advantages and disadvantages, and an entrepreneur needs to know them.

But first you need to select the range of goods to sell, and then solve the following issues:

The amount of initial capital to start a business;

In the case of trading in a kiosk or retail outlet, you should conduct an analysis of the market in this area of ​​the city for the presence of competitors;

Care should be taken to ensure that the range of goods selected for sale is from the list of reliable goods and remains in demand even if the economic situation in the country worsens;

Reliable goods include those goods that a person will buy regardless of the economic situation in the country. Yes, of course, sales volume may fall, but the product will still be sold.

The best-selling product in Russia via the Internet

The Internet is the most popular place for trade today; here you can buy almost everything - from food and medicine to large equipment and furniture, without leaving your home.

The design of an online store is similar to the design of a regular retail outlet. To do this, you also need to register an individual entrepreneurship, open a bank account, write a business plan, and decide which category of goods to trade. An advertising campaign for online stores, of course, is slightly different from the standard one, but tax reporting is the same.

What can be sold in an online store

Considering that almost everything you need is sold on the Internet, a modern person, when choosing a product to trade online, should study which product is in demand most among users of Internet resources.

Internet commerce market researchers noticed a certain pattern in such sales and determined the so-called standings of the most popular goods sold via the Internet.

Let's look at the top ten best-selling products in Russia on the Internet:

1. Small household appliances deservedly take first place in the ranking of network sales. This wide category of goods is readily purchased not only in household appliance stores, but also on the Internet. These are the following products: irons, mixers, toasters, blenders, vacuum cleaners, microwave ovens, hair dryers, curling irons and hair straighteners, bread makers, multicookers, scales, meat grinders, waffle irons, sandwich makers, electric shavers, digital and SLR cameras, video players, music players, car radios And so on. As you can see, the list of these products is very extensive, and these products are popular because they make a person’s life easier, making it more comfortable at a relatively low cost. On the Internet, people buy small household appliances and electronics to save time, since not in every region you can find this or that product of the required configuration, and fast delivery to any, even the most remote region of Russia, allows you to make such purchases.

2. Second place in the ranking of online sales is occupied by laptops and computer components. The advantages of online sales of such goods are similar to the previous ones - a large selection, low price, convenient delivery and a guarantee for the product. Even the owners of ordinary computer hardware stores order goods for trading from wholesale suppliers on the Internet, because many have probably encountered a situation where in a regular store the buyer was asked to wait several days until one or another spare part or computer component arrived at the warehouse. Therefore, in order not to wait for the required part in the store, it is better to buy it yourself via the Internet. Many people do this.

3. In third place in sales on the Internet are mobile communication devices: tablet personal computers, smartphones and phones. The widest selection of phone and tablet models, attractive prices, safe delivery, and warranty service attracts buyers to purchase this group of products via the Internet.

4. Cosmetics and perfumes are in fourth place as the most popular goods in Russia sold via the Internet. And these goods are bought mainly by women, since they have greater purchasing power, unlike men. It should be noted that the price for this category of goods in online stores is lower than in regular retail stores, and the range is wider. In the online store, you can read real customer reviews about the selected product and watch a video review about it, which makes shopping more convenient.

Cosmetics are a more popular product, since the female half of humanity focuses on well-known manufacturers and usually already has experience in using this or that product. But buying perfume products in an online store is more difficult, since you want to smell the expensive aroma before purchasing. Therefore, most often well-known brands of perfumes and well-advertised brands sell well.

5. Children's products take fifth place. This group of products is universal, and therefore quite popular. A large selection of assortments, bright colors, availability of the required sizes and an affordable price category compared to the retail network, a convenient search engine that separates products according to the age categories of children, attract users of Internet resources - potential customers.

6. In sixth place in online sales is software. This product is universal, regardless of gender, age, weight category, religion and life position. Buyers of software are often commercial firms, large enterprises, government agencies, large retail chains selling computer peripherals, as well as ordinary users who care about the security of their personal devices and personal data. The best-selling software are antivirus programs, Windows operating systems, Microsoft Office suites, and other programs for personal and commercial use.

7. Seventh place is occupied by clothing purchases on the Internet. It is very popular now to order clothes on the Internet, the advantages of such purchases are obvious - the choice of models is huge and it is constantly updated, the size range is always available, the style of clothing can be seen on the model in the photo, there are reviews from real customers. But, at the same time, despite the significant advantages, there are also disadvantages in this point. First of all, this is a risky purchase - not every person knows exactly his size, and those who do know are not always sure of the right choice, since often each manufacturer has its own patterns for sewing clothes, respectively, and its own size chart. Therefore, not everyone decides to buy things by eye.

8. The eighth place in online sales is occupied by payment cards. These are cards with which you can pay for any product, cellular communications (for example, a mobile phone bill), cable television and Internet services, the purchase of software, as well as entertainment programs (paid games, various mobile applications in the AppStore or Google stores Play Market). It’s easy to top up such cards with money without even leaving your home, and on some services you can do this even without charging a commission.

9. In ninth place are online sales of various tickets, namely: for film shows in cinemas, for concerts of artists, for the opera, for theatres, for football, hockey, basketball, and for various show programs. On the same line in the online sales ranking are sales of tickets for passenger transportation - trains, buses and planes. With the help of such online purchases, a person saves his time on waiting in queues and trips to the airport or bus station. You can also pay for tickets online using a payment card.

10. Tenth place is occupied by sales of large household appliances. Why is this product category not so popular for online shopping? This is obvious, a large product is usually expensive, not every buyer can afford to purchase an expensive product without looking at it “in person,” so to speak. After all, it is necessary to inspect the product, check its integrity, serviceability, functionality, complete set and other qualities. Also, many buyers, when purchasing complex equipment, have a number of questions that only a store consultant can solve. Therefore, these products are rarely ordered from online stores, preferring real hardware stores in their city. The second inconvenient point for purchasing is the large weight and dimensions of the purchase; delivery of a refrigerator, TV or washing machine to the desired city can be very expensive for the buyer, much more than its cost.

Despite the large dimensions and weight, many buyers have recently ordered furniture from online stores. If you search carefully, you can actually find inexpensive options that, even with delivery to the desired city, will be cheaper than buying a similar product at a local furniture store.

The saleability of goods in brick-and-mortar stores and on the Internet depends on two factors:

Attractive price, lower than in retail stores, inexpensive delivery. Small, inexpensive goods are very popular for purchases in online stores, therefore, the large volume of sales makes them a hot commodity;

The versatility of some product groups. Almost all small household appliances are bought on the Internet, which is why it is in first place in the popularity of online sales; it is the best-selling product in Russia, because such a product is suitable for a large audience of people.

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What is profitable to sell - 5 options for high-demand products + 5 fashionable products + 5 products that are suitable for trading online + useful tips.

If you want to open a business related to trade, you are probably interested in: what is profitable to sell.

This is a completely natural question that arises at the beginning of the entrepreneurial journey, because no one wants to work at a loss.

Due to the economic crisis, the purchasing power of the population has decreased, but people still continue to buy goods and use services.

It is for this reason that sales will always be in demand and profitable.

But you still need to find your niche, analyze demand and set adequate prices, otherwise you may be left with nothing, waiting for generous buyers.

How to determine the demand for goods that are profitable to sell?

Opening any business begins with market analysis, namely, determining demand.

Why is this so important?

Imagine finding suppliers from whom you purchase goods and opening a brick-and-mortar or virtual store.

You spend days, and then weeks, waiting for the first buyers, but the goods still lie there.

Where are the promised benefits and profits?

Therefore, to prevent such a situation from arising, it is necessary to conduct a demand analysis.

Instructions for demand analysis:

    Refer to the Internet.

    This will be especially true if you want.

    To do this, you need to study query statistics using Yandex Wordstat and Google Trends.

    For example, you want to sell educational toys for children.

    To do this, enter keywords and check the number of requests.

    If the figure is modest, it means that no one is interested in such a product.

    In a situation with a large number of requests, you have a chance to start selling your toys profitably, but at the same time, this niche may be occupied by many competitors who will create interference.

    Conduct marketing analysis.

    To do this, check the supply and demand ratio in the selected niche in your region.

    Pay attention to what people are buying and which stores are empty without customers.

    Also analyze the prices.

    Perhaps they are overpriced for some groups of goods, and therefore the population is not ready to buy them for this very reason.

    Decide on your target audience.

    Here, analyze the gender, age, purchasing power and location of your future buyers.

    For example, people from a small town are unlikely to appreciate your desire for luxury dishes, where one plate will cost 5,000 rubles.

    The same applies to the sale of agricultural machinery in the center of some metropolis.

    But if in your city there are many young families with small children, and there are no stores with goods for them, but you see that there is a demand for them, then this is definitely your option, and you will be able to sell them profitably.

    Conduct a survey of potential buyers.

    Compose a short questionnaire with questions, print out the required number of copies and distribute them to residents of your city.

    Questions should be short and succinct so that a person can answer them in just a few minutes.

    If you don’t want to bother with leaflets, then just conduct a survey on social networks.

    To do this, find groups in your city and talk to their administrators.

    Try a trial placement of contextual advertising on the Internet.

    Let's return to the online store.

    Thanks to this method, even before you start selling, you will be able to understand what is profitable to sell online.

    To do this, create a landing page on the Internet (the user goes to it when they click on the ad), on which you will place information about the product.

    Of course, users will not be able to place a real order, since they will be notified that the product is out of stock or there is a problem with the server.

    But by the number of clicks from the order page, you can analyze how interesting your product is to the population.

What is profitable to sell: 5 categories of goods “high demand”

Anyone who is at least a little familiar with the laws of economics knows that demand creates supply.

This truly catchphrase accurately demonstrates trade relations.

When a population has certain needs, someone must satisfy them.

And those seeking an answer to the question: “What is profitable to sell?” come to the rescue.

And what the population wants will be profitable.

Products in high demand include:


    But it’s important not to make a mistake here; if there is one grocery store for every three residential buildings, then this is definitely not an option.

    To sell food products profitably, you can choose one of the following options:

    • opening a store on a busy street or in a new area of ​​your city (this is especially true in big cities);
    • opening stores with a certain category of goods, where you can offer customers a wide range of tea/coffee, dairy products, baked goods, organic vegetables and fruits.
  1. Cosmetics, personal care products and household chemicals.

    After food, this category of goods is in second place, along with clothing.

    Such products are used up quickly, so people must constantly renew them.

    If you want to sell them profitably, then take a closer look at new brands, as well as those that can only be found on the Internet.

    Clothes and shoes.

    During a crisis, many are looking for an opportunity to save money, so it is profitable to sell inexpensive clothes and shoes.

    It tends to be updated more frequently among the population, so you may end up with repeat customers.

    If you are ready for a larger-scale business, but do not want to spend a lot of time and effort on advertising, then pay attention to popular franchises.

    It is profitable to sell them because babies grow quickly, so parents are forced to constantly buy something new.

    Particularly in demand are diapers, hygiene products, baby formula, bottles and other products necessary for children.

    Household products.

    This includes everything from small kitchen utensils to furniture and household appliances.

What is profitable to sell now?

Now let's move on to what is profitable to sell today.

    Small sports equipment and sportswear.

    If you take advantage of the fact that fitness is fashionable now, you can create a profitable business.

    Therefore, feel free to start selling home sports equipment (dumbbells, elastic bands, steppers, fitballs, weights, etc.), as well as sportswear.

    Coffee scrubs and Black Mask.

    These products gained their popularity thanks to.

    And despite their great variety, you can break through if you offer the girls new manufacturers or a better price.

    Original accessories.

    With the right presentation, you can profitably sell cases for phones and tablets, backpacks, bags, wallets, hand-knitted hats and scarves, newfangled chokers, jewelry, pillows, cups, photo frames, candles and home decorations.

    You will be required to create a specific concept for the chosen direction, and try to offer customers something that is not yet on the market.

    For example, you should not sell bags and wallets that can be bought in a regular store; offer handmade accessories or in a specific style.

    Anti-stress coloring pages (coloring books for adults).

    This is a bestseller this year and last year.

    You can really get hooked on these coloring books, and having painted one copy, you want to start a new one.

    Plus it's a great gift.

    Therefore, look for a variety of options so that the buyer can choose what he likes.

    Beard care products.

    Again, it was fashion that left its mark here.

    Increasingly, you can see young people and men growing beards on the streets.

    Therefore, various means for their care are extremely relevant.

    Open a small conceptual and stylish store with a wide range of beard care products (oil, gel, wax, shampoo), or create a website selling them.

    The second option is even more profitable, since you do not need to pay for the maintenance of a stationary point of sale.

What is profitable to sell online?

We gradually approached the topic of what is profitable to sell online.

The volume of online purchases is increasing every year, because buyers benefit from them:

  • no need to go anywhere and look for something,
  • you can buy everything that you can’t get in your city,
  • there is an opportunity to think things over and find a product at a better price.

Of course, it is profitable to sell clothes, cosmetics, children's, sports and household goods on the Internet.

But in this section I would like to talk about those categories that we have not yet touched upon.

5 profitable products to sell online:

    Electronic equipment and accessories for it.

    This includes smartphones, tablets, e-readers, smart watches, portable chargers, headphones, cases, protective glasses and films.

    A markup of 200-400% allows you to sell goods profitably and quickly recoup your investment.

    Despite the crisis, people periodically change their electronic equipment, especially since now it can be found to suit every taste and budget.

    Spare parts, cosmetics and accessories for cars.

    The constant increase in the number of cars leads to an increase in demand for various components and accessories for them.

    And during a crisis, sales of them increase to huge volumes.

    This is due to the fact that the population cannot always afford to buy a new car, so they prefer to update spare parts for it.

    In addition, not everyone lives in large cities, where there is a huge selection of spare parts, special cosmetics and accessories for the car.

    And you can find everything you need on the Internet.

    Drones and quadcopters.

    Nowadays there is a boom in products of this kind, as people love entertainment.

    By attaching a camera to them, you can view the earth from a bird's eye view, which certainly attracts people.

    The relevance of selling drones on the Internet is due to the fact that initially they could be ordered in foreign online stores.

    In addition, the network has a large selection of aircraft in different price categories.

    Hobby goods.

    This includes: embroidery, diamond mosaic, items for drawing, scrapbooking and decoupage, etc.

    Opening a store with this content is extremely unprofitable, since it is impossible to gather a large number of enthusiastic people in one locality.

    LED lightening.

    In an era of colossal energy consumption, many are switching to more economical consumption of light.

    LED lighting is 5-6 times more economical than incandescent lamps.

    This is why it is so profitable to sell new generation lighting.

    By providing a wide range of lamps of different wattages and price categories, you can satisfy customer demand.

To trade goods from China online,

Pay attention to some of the nuances that are outlined in the video:

Remember, only after a thorough demand analysis can you know what is profitable to sell now in modern world.

Take your time and look at a few ideas.

Explore each of them in more detail and choose what you like.

The unstable financial situation in the country leads to job cuts. Some people find jobs in new companies after being fired, while others are looking for ways to organize their own profitable business. After reading the article, you will find out which business is profitable to open in Russia with small investments.

What business is in demand now?

Supply is formed by demand. This is one of the main economic laws, therefore, in order to open the most popular business, you need to determine what products and services the population of your city needs. It is believed that in any region, organizations engaged in repairs, replacement of plumbing, and sales of household chemicals and products are in demand. An analysis of the market for services and goods will help you find out more precisely which business is relevant now.

Demand for services

Employment agencies are very popular: the crisis and constant layoffs increase the need for such organizations. Demand for the services of plumbers, hairdressers, electricians and funeral directors remains unchanged. In large cities, companies providing commercial transportation are in first place in terms of the number of requests. Organizations from the beauty and health sector are only 1% behind in the top. By finding out which services are in greatest demand among the population, you can organize a profitable business.

What is profitable to sell now?

Aspiring entrepreneurs like to wonder what people are in demand right now. Current products remain the same. High-margin products include flowers, drinks, jewelry, and handmade products. Such goods are distinguished by stable demand, low production and storage costs. Popular alcoholic drinks are considered popular products.

What kind of business is in demand now in a small town?

Beginning entrepreneurs bypass small settlements. In their opinion, business there brings in very little income. This is partly true, because salaries there are lower than in big cities. The costs of renting and purchasing premises will also be less than in big cities, so you can organize your own business with minimal financial costs.

The most popular business in a small town is a general hairdressing salon. In addition to hairdressers, there should be manicure-pedicurists, cosmetologists and massage therapists. Shoe and furniture repair shops are popular regardless of the financial situation of the country, because... people tend to restore old things because they are afraid of spending a lot of money.

In-demand business

Commercial activities are always aimed at satisfying people's needs or stimulating demand. Any in-demand business is built on this. You can create demand for products artificially by advertising products on the street and on television. The relevance of the entrepreneurial field and whether business decisions are effective still play a significant role.

Profitable business

Commercial activities should generate maximum income with minimal cash investments and exploitation of various resources. These features characterize a highly profitable business. During a crisis, you should not open enterprises engaged in the production of any products. Their profitability will be low, the risks will be high, and you will see real profits only after a few years. The service sector is considered successful.

Super profitable business

All aspiring entrepreneurs dream of receiving fabulous money, but few manage to realize this in practice. Some franchises allow you to build a highly profitable business from scratch in just a couple of months. Another way not to save and get a lot of money is to create a completely new and in-demand business for the region. The direction can be anything, from restoration or car rental to your own consignment store.

The most profitable business

By opening your own bakery in a large city, you can return all the invested funds in less than 2 months. A similar situation is observed with healthy food restaurants. People are no longer attracted to fast foods. The most profitable business is able to return all invested funds in a month. Before starting your own business, study current business ideas, sorting them by profitability indicators for your region - this way you can weed out proposals that will lead to bankruptcy of the company in the future.

Profitable business on the Internet

A distinctive feature of activities on the World Wide Web is the lack of connection to your place of residence. You can look for clients both in your city and outside it, so organizing a profitable business on the Internet is easier than doing it in the real market. A budding entrepreneur does not even need start-up capital. There are several areas of such business:

  • provision of online services (programming, design development, accounting, etc.);
  • launching an online store;
  • participation in affiliate programs;
  • creation and promotion of your information product.

You can create a current business providing services on the Internet if you are a specialist in any field. You need to create a portfolio or launch a business card website where your skills will be described in detail. You can launch an online store without money, acting as an intermediary between foreign sellers and buyers from Russia. Products will be sold with a slight markup.

Profitable business with minimal investment

Many people want to make a profit without spending their own money, but not everyone succeeds. In practice, a profitable business with minimal investment can be organized if you offer products of your own production, engage in intellectual work, or act as an intermediary, organizing purchase and sale transactions. Some open collection points for glass containers or scrap metal in the garage.

Network marketing also refers to earning money with small investments. You can develop your business at home by recruiting interested people from the population. If the idea of ​​creating a network of independent distributors does not appeal to you, then you can take up farming: the demand for basic food products that are not harmful from an environmental point of view is high among residents of megacities.

Rating of profitable businesses in Russia

Commercial activity must be profitable. The proceeds must cover the costs of further development of the organization, wages of employees and the entrepreneur’s own needs. If this is not observed, then the business is considered unprofitable. Some entrepreneurs initially choose unprofitable areas, which leads to loss of finance over time. By studying the rating of small businesses by profitability in Russia, you can avoid this. The TOP 5 entrepreneurs include:

  1. Private auditors. The economic state of the country and changes in legislation have virtually no effect on the popularity of auditing. This list also includes consulting services.
  2. Clinics of narrow specialization. Various types of cosmetology and medical procedures are in demand among residents of all cities, so this field of activity is classified as highly profitable.
  3. Accounting services. Needed by both small companies and large enterprises. The only disadvantage of this industry today is high competition.
  4. Law offices. A highly profitable business with well-qualified specialists and many cases resolved in favor of clients.
  5. Microcredit. This niche has gained popularity over the past 3 years. Money is issued on the security of products produced by enterprises or any property.

Business profitability by industry

Economic performance indicators determine whether a company will survive or not. They need to be taken into account when choosing the direction of the enterprise. Economic efficiency indicators determine the company's development strategy. Below is a table showing business profitability by industry.

What to offer the consumer, and make a profit from it yourself? What is more profitable to sell on the market in the coming years will be discussed in this article.

What is a hot commodity

A hot commodity is a product that is in great demand and is easy to find a buyer for. However, not in every case, popular goods can be unambiguously recognized as reliable and profitable for the seller - those that a person will come for, even if he is limited in funds. Therefore, before choosing products for sale, you always need to take into account not only the level of sales at the moment, but also in the future, and also calculate the profit per unit of goods sold at the checkout.

Good selling product– this is a product that will be equally popular both in times of crisis and during times of economic development.

It is easier and more reasonable for an entrepreneur to earn a little less income by selling reliable products (always necessary) than expensive risky products that are purchased situationally. Compare cereals and delicious seafood: a person can eat buckwheat several times a week, while he will only eat caviar or shrimp on a holiday.

The simplest examples of in-demand products

If you sit down for a minute and think about the most frequently purchased in Russia goods, then bread, cigarettes and alcohol come to mind. This is true, but this does not mean that opening a business selling any of these products is guaranteed to bring high and stable income or any advantages over other products.

Take, for example, cigarettes - one of the most popular goods in the Russian Federation. The cigarette business is far from the most profitable. This is all due to the system, which is aimed at creating maximum prices in this particular niche.

Or take alcohol for consideration.

Not every drink from the huge variety will be on the list of popular leaders. In rare cases, expensive elite drinks - wines, cognacs, whiskeys - can bring a stable income to the business owner in the same way as cheaper and more affordable drinks do. Beer is considered the most popular drink. For the past 5 years, its sales have confidently maintained their position at the same high level. But the success of sales of low-alcohol products is influenced by many additional factors: location, assortment, competition, brand.

But no matter how high and massive the sales of alcohol and tobacco products may be, there is another profitable product for a business that every person purchases every time they go shopping. And this place of honor belongs to an ordinary plastic bag. Starting polyethylene production is not so easy, but people make millions of rubles from this insignificant product.

Popular popular products in Russia (in examples)

Now in the Russian Federation the population is mainly interested in simple baked goods, vodka and cigarettes. But here the entrepreneur needs to be careful at the start: all specified pricing positions are subject to certain restrictions provided for by law. Thus, it will be necessary to ensure an extremely large turnover in order to make a profit, and this is difficult in the sales market, since competition in these segments is very high.

Those currently in demand in the Russian Federation include:

  • small household appliances, budget electronics;
  • electrical goods;
  • household chemicals and personal care products;
  • Kids toys;
  • simple food products (mainly bakery products, semi-finished products, oils, cereals and cereals, vegetables, tea).

However, a popular product and a profitable one are not the same thing.

The latter includes everything that the buyer is willing to spend his money on, without thinking too much about the amount. Such products, small and rather banal at first glance, can be sold for good profit. Usually the assortment of this retail " cheap» is presented in small shops and stalls, and is purchased for free in China: dishes, hygiene products, stationery, small items useful in the household (clothespins, hangers, hangers, adhesive tapes, etc.). Thus, a profitable product is everything that surrounds us every day, which a person uses regularly.

The buyer will always need food, so even in a crisis, food products do not give up the leading position in sales. Consumers try to avoid expensive offers and look for affordable analogues, for example, instead of natural cheese, they take a cheese product.

Another profitable position is gastronomic products by weight. Nuts, teas, dried fruits, dried seafood and other small items, which are purchased in huge quantities in China or Asian countries, and then sold in small containers at a premium. So much and cheap turns into little and expensive.

How to choose a popular product for your business niche

Everyone chooses a certain strategy for themselves:

  • sale of risk-free goods with smaller but stable profits;
  • trade goods from a high-risk group and obtaining unstable, but at times high profits.

Most entrepreneurs will choose reliability, that is, the first option. When looking for goods for commerce, you should start not from the most popular varieties, but from promising and profitable ones.

The most purchased goods in the country can be grouped into the following categories:

  • small household appliances - among them kettles, irons, mixers, blenders, hair dryers and others, without which life is in principle possible, but with them it becomes more comfortable and simpler;
  • electrical goods - this includes sockets, switches, light bulbs, adapters and other similar items that a person needs;
  • sanitary items - plumbing fixtures and components that tend to be damaged - these are gaskets, valves, taps, showers and others;
  • tools for daily use - include hammers, saws, nails, screws, screwdrivers, axes and many other household essentials;
  • household chemicals - includes various cleaning products, detergents, personal hygiene items that people purchase on a regular basis;
  • items of clothing and shoes are goods that a person will not buy every day, but cannot do without them;
  • goods for children - clothes, toys, shoes, accessories, accessories for everyday life, etc.;
  • other daily goods.

There are also leaders among food products. According to statistics, the most purchased items in the country over the past year were:

  • meat, including chicken, pork, beef and turkey;
  • chicken eggs;
  • semi-finished products - are in great demand among women;
  • frozen seafood and fish;
  • vegetable oil and butter;
  • cow's milk;
  • pasta, flour and flour products;
  • salt, sugar;
  • cereals – rice, buckwheat, oats;
  • Black tea;
  • fruits – bananas, apples;
  • vegetables - onions, potatoes, cabbage, carrots.

Among all the variety, some products are in great demand, while others are in less demand. How to make the right choice and settle on a certain type?

  1. Focus on your own knowledge, interest and dictates of the heart. Not every product will bring equal satisfaction from working with it. Somewhere there will be a lack of knowledge, somewhere experimental knowledge, somewhere the frequency of implementations. The key to the success of any sales should not lie in the thirst for a quick profit. First of all, you need to love your own business.
  2. Comparison of product groups that are most suitable for you. If you are torn between several types of products and do not know which one to give preference to, a detailed analysis will help you decide.

The first steps towards a big deal

Once you have decided what to sell , you need to answer a number of questions that will help develop a business strategy. So this is:

  • where to sell;
  • to whom to sell.

The solution to the first question can be found in two ways:

  1. Open a retail outlet, go to the market , rent premises for a store, rent a stall or retail space, and so on.
  2. Trade via the Internet. This method will reduce the prices of goods and attract more buyers.

Any of these options has both advantages and disadvantages. Not every product can be successfully sold on the Internet, and not every product on store shelves can attract the same interest as on the Internet.

Now let's return to the second question - who will we sell the goods to?. If products are in demand mostly among the elderly population, then there is no point in organizing trade via the Internet. Regarding real trade, it is also important to decide on buyers in order to profitably locate your sales markets in the future.

The next step is to take into account all your capabilities in the following aspects:

  • availability and volume of start-up investments for starting a business;
  • when opening a retail outlet, it is advisable to conduct preliminary marketing research in the proposed territory: demand opportunities, traffic flow, likelihood of competition, etc.;
  • care must be taken to ensure maximum demand in the chosen location, as well as sustainability of demand for the product even with changes in the economic situation.

Upon detailed study of the listed aspects and correct answers to the proposed questions, opening a business It won't seem so complicated and scary.

Online trading

Offering products online is beneficial for several reasons. Firstly, global network coverage in the Russian Federation is over 70%, and this figure is growing every year. One way or another, almost all residents of the country have access to online stores. Secondly, if previously online shopping was popular among young people, now these people are getting older, and the “army” of young visitors to sites is constantly replenished, that is, sales volumes are also growing. And finally, thirdly, the rhythm of life forces us to look for faster ways to purchase the necessary products, so online stores come to the rescue (they are visited from computers, and 1/3 of users are from tablets and smartphones). In addition, shopping in them becomes more profitable and saves your budget.

Hot products on the Internet

What to build an online business on, what is most required by users who prefer to make purchases online?


The first group includes all kinds of electronic devices and electrical goods, characterized by compact dimensions: home and kitchen appliances, mobile gadgets, laptops, readers, tablets. As for various kettles, toasters and coffee makers, it is better to organize their sale on well-known sites, since opening your own online store is an expensive business, and you will also need to constantly compete with major players.

Perfumes and cosmetics

This group includes eau de toilette and perfume, cologne, face and body skin care products, cleansing serums and gommages, and decorative cosmetics. The range can also be supplemented with accessories for applying and removing products.

Gift items and toys

Even in the absence of money, people strive to pamper a loved one with a gift. Unusual items are purchased for adults, and toys (plush, plastic, radio-controlled) are purchased for children. Quadcopters and their accessories are becoming popular.

Clothing and shoes, accessories

People are forced to turn to online stores for such a seemingly simple product due to the high price in regular retail outlets. Often on the Internet it is possible to find a similar product much cheaper, plus with free delivery - a double benefit, and the person does not need to leave home anywhere.

Green tea, coffee

Trade in these products is promoted by customers seeking to lead a healthy lifestyle, advocating for cleansing the body and saturating it with useful elements. Despite the crisis, many people cannot deny themselves a cup of delicious drink.

Prices for online purchases

Any person organizing a business is interested in what price premium can be made on the assortment, how much revenue he will ultimately receive by selling all the purchased goods. Let's name products popular among consumers and prices for them from suppliers and distributors.

Cost comparison table (indicative figures)
Unit name Price Seller's benefit
Purchasing Vacation pay
DVRs, navigators 500-700 1000-3000 500-2300
Radar detectors 200 700 500
Men's wrist bracelet 200 600 400
A set of bed linen 300-500 1000-1500 700-1000
iPhone cases 100 500 400
Scraper for removing snow from cars 200 500-700 300-500

These are just a few examples of price increases on individual items in online stores. In fact, the entrepreneur, depending on the type and demand of the product, makes an addition from 100% (umbrellas, bags, gifts) to 300% (cases for gadgets, seasonal products). It is most profitable to purchase cheap Chinese products, and only then sell them on the territory of the Russian Federation at several times more expensive.

If you plan to open a store from scratch, then it is better to refuse to sell equipment and electronics, since they need to be purchased in large quantities, and customers may experience breakdowns during operation.

At the start of opening a business, it is quite possible to start trading wow goods (purchases of impulse demand). This includes various items that will help a person do something without much effort (weight loss belt, exercise equipment for individual muscle groups, devices for savingelectricity, fuel). The main thing is that such products are not perishable (since the percentage of disposal of expired raw materials is high), and do not require special storage conditions (humidity, temperature), since you will have to look for additional premises and spend money.

Statistical data

As an illustrative example, we present information collected using the well-known Avito portal, where both individuals and companies sell. So, over the past year, users spent almost 34 billion rubles on the purchase of products from 5 categories:

  • personal goods – 6.5 billion;
  • products for home and garden – 5.5 billion;
  • products for recreation and activities – 3.5;
  • household appliances – 15.2;
  • everything for pets – 4.7.

The leaders according to statistics were seasonal goods (for example, fans and tents were well purchased in the summer), gadgets and components, and clothing.

general Statistics for 2016 allowed us to create the following list of the 10 most frequently purchased products on the Internet:

  1. Small household appliances have become the top sellers on the Internet.
  2. In second place are cosmetics and perfumes.
  3. Mobile phones took an honorable third place. Moreover, approximately 10% of citizens RF They regularly update their gadgets by purchasing phones on the Internet at better prices. On average, people purchase models that cost up to 600 US dollars.
  4. Then there are tablets and laptops.
  5. Toys and original gifts.
  6. Licensed software.
  7. Shoes, clothing, accessories.
  8. Books. It is quite interesting that, despite the free, easily accessible and convenient nature of the electronic version of books, paper-bound literature is sold at a good pace via the Internet.
  9. Order and pay for tickets online.
  10. Large home appliances.

But most of the most popular goods are not suitable for starting online trading from scratch. For example, even if you have enough money to invest in a large household. equipment, then you need to purchase it only in bulk and in large quantities. The costs of breakdowns cannot be excluded. A market is already crowded with large entrepreneurs with whom it will be difficult to compete.

Difference by region

In many ways, demand depends not only on how much money the client has in his wallet, but also on seasonality. The keyword selection service will help you evaluate this parameter. wordstat.yandex.ru. On this site you need to enter the query you are interested in and select the region. Next, the system will show how many times the word was requested during the month. To assess the seasonality of a product, just switch to the “query history” and look at the data provided. Based on the information received, it is easy to conclude which product will be more interesting to people in summer or winter.

Of course, you can make assumptions based on life experience, but statistics are much more reliable than subjective hypotheses.

For example, a person should need a rain umbrella in the fall or spring, but in reality this product is most purchased from May to September.

Another direction for local trade is regional branding. This means the production and sale of T-shirts, sweatshirts, mugs and other souvenirs with the logos of a district, city or region, or, for example, clothing for Siberians.

As you can see, determining the most profitable product is not so difficult, because in fact all these products are everything that we need almost every day. Those things that a person cannot refuse even in a crisis will always be in the shopping cart when leaving the store.

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With the advent of huge self-service supermarkets, even in the most run-down towns and villages, trading at the market has ceased to bring good income, but buyers only go there for a certain category of goods. As practice shows, some goods can be purchased here for a much lower price and are also of high quality. Find out what is profitable to trade on the market in this article.

What goods are profitable to trade on the market?

  1. Meat, lard, offal. Residents of villages and villages who themselves raise pork and beef come to the market to sell such goods, so its quality remains high, which cannot be said about the meat that is presented on supermarket shelves. In addition, it is mandatory to be checked by regulatory authorities, so you should not be afraid of poisoning.
  2. For those who are interested in what products are profitable to trade at a spontaneous market, the answer is seasonal vegetables, fruits and berries. Of course, it is tempting to buy a peach in the supermarket in winter, but you must remember that the various chemicals and pesticides that are used to treat them are responsible for its safety. Seasonal ones, grown in the beds of local residents, do not have these disadvantages, and their price, as a rule, is not high, because the owners do not need to spend money on transportation.
  3. Household chemicals, all kinds of fertilizers, insect killers, paint and varnish products, etc. They are always in good demand, and the weather does not affect their safety in any way, so this is an excellent option for those who are thinking about what is profitable to trade on the market in winter.
  4. Various hosiery, underwear, knitwear. The cost of such goods, as a rule, is low, so it is not profitable to sell them in covered pavilions, where all the profit will be “eaten up” by rent. In addition, women most often go to boutiques to buy expensive lingerie, but they buy inexpensive lingerie at spontaneous markets.
  5. Those who are wondering whether it is profitable to trade in clothing on the market should answer that this is not the best option for. First of all, there is no place to try on clothes, as a result of which the seller loses half of his potential clients. It is very important here to study the demand, understand exactly what items of clothing people need and present them in this particular market.
  6. Household goods such as window thermometers, extension cords, flashlights, etc. They are always in price and there is always a demand for them.