On the construction of an exit from the settlements of Romashkovo and Nemchinovka to the toll road “Northern Bypass of Odintsovo. New deadlines for the construction of the exit from Trekgorka to the northern bypass of Odintsovo were announced by the FSK leader

You can now leave the Trekhgorka microdistrict in Odintsovo in 15 minutes. On behalf of the Governor of the Moscow Region, Andrei Vorobyov, the asphalt there was renewed, parking spaces and pedestrian zones were expanded.

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The main transport arteries of the microdistrict are Chistyakova and Trekhgornaya streets. Until recently, you could stand there for an hour to advance 700 meters. The governor instructed to solve the problem during the direct line. And now leaving the microdistrict takes only a few minutes. The capacity in this section has increased significantly.

“The road has been completely built; before there were full potholes, we left both the wheels and the suspension there. Now it's smooth good canvas“It’s nice to go,” said Irina Zazimko, a resident of the Trekhgorka microdistrict.

Photo source: TV channel “360”

In order to cope with congestion, the first step was to expand the parking lot on Chistyakova Street. In addition, 200 meters before leaving the microdistrict they installed road sign prohibiting parking. Stop and crosswalk moved a little further - to Trekhgornaya Street. And most importantly, the asphalt was replaced.

“The quality of the road surface left much to be desired, which naturally led to a slowdown in flow. Because people took care of their car's suspension and drove slower than possible and than allowed by the rules traffic. Currently, these obstacles are no longer there, transport is moving actively, the throughput has increased,” explained Sergei Batushchenko, director of MKU Uprdorkapstroy.

The roadway on Trekhgornaya Street was also repaired. New asphalt, fresh markings. In addition, the pedestrian path was expanded, and parking area. After all, it was often the cars parked along the roadway that impeded the movement of traffic.

Photo source: TV channel “360”

“The set of measures has made it possible to significantly improve the transport situation in the microdistrict and as of half past eight in the morning, one might say, at rush hour, we see that there is currently no traffic jam,” emphasized Denis Kuzmin, deputy general director State Budgetary Institution "Mosavtodor"

Until the end of November, workers will dismantle the old bus stop on Chistyakova Street. In addition, construction of a new road will begin in 2019. It will connect Rublevsky Proezd, Minskoe Highway and the Moscow Ring Road. The work is planned to be completed by 2021.

The government of the Moscow region has decided to assume all costs and obligations for the completion of the exit from the Novaya Trekhgorka, Kutuzovsky and settlements Romashkovo and Nemchinovka on toll road Northern bypass of Odintsovo.

Let us remind you that for the last two years, the financing of work on this visit has been provided by FSK Leader. This is after SU-155, which built the Kutuzovsky and Novaya Trekhgorka microdistricts, went bankrupt. Then the construction of the interchange was divided into two stages. FSK took upon itself the financing of only the first, simplest stage. This is the construction of a section adjoining the Northern Bypass of Odintsovo on only one side: traffic from the region to Moscow. From Trekhgorka it was planned to leave only towards the Moscow Ring Road, and enter only from Odintsovo.

And now, a message has arrived from the Moscow region government that the regional budget is taking charge of solving this problem. Already today, funds have been allocated to develop a project not only for travel towards Moscow, but also for travel to new microdistricts. As soon as the project documentation is prepared, the main work will begin. The deadlines for completing these works have not yet been announced...

But FSK Leader will still continue to participate in the formation of the road map of the New Trekhgorka. “Leader” has committed itself to financing the new design of Chistyakova Street. So, with joint efforts in “New Trekhgorka” they are trying to clear away the rubble that the SU-155 once built.

Odintsovo: entrances and exits for Trekhgorka October 27th, 2014

There are two large residential areas in the northeast of the city of Odintsovo - Kutuzovsky and Novaya Trekhgorka. When designing them, gross mistakes were made in terms of transport infrastructure: There are no parking spaces, no convenient entry and exit, no alternative travel routes within the area. As a result - who would have thought! - There is a catastrophic transport situation in the area. During morning rush hours it is impossible to leave it, and during evening rush hours it is impossible to enter it. Let's analyze the problems in more detail and offer solutions.


1. The districts have only one full connection with outside world: exit from Chistyakova Street to the intersection with Trekhgornaya Street. Moreover, this intersection forms a complex junction with exits to the junction with the Mozhaisk Highway, and any accident at it leads to a transport blockade of Trekhgorka. There is, of course, another link between Chistyakova Street and the exit onto Mozhaiskoe Highway towards Odintsovo. But this link is not equipped and cluttered, exit and entry through it are carried out with violations and overruns, and the adjacent driveways are crowded with cars and are also not intended for two-way traffic.

2. The biggest urban planning mistake is lack of alternative routes within the districts. There is only one “artery” in the area, formed by Chistyakova and Kutuzovskaya streets, and due to the catastrophic lack of parking spaces, their sides are lined with cars. In the event of an accident, a dead traffic jam immediately forms in any area. There are no detour options within the district: intra-district passages are narrow and also completely occupied by parked cars. It gets to the point that people themselves install one-way traffic signs so that they can at least somehow move around residential buildings.

3. The prospects for a second entry-exit are vague. It was supposed to connect the north of the Novaya Trekhgorka district with the new toll road bypassing Odintsov, which would solve the problem of additional connections between the districts and Moscow. This exit and interchange was to be built by the developer of the area - Su-155, and this company provided guarantees. However, the work stopped after cutting down a clearing for the bundle. Wanting to save money, Su-155 simply refuses to build this road.
Moreover, even if this road is built, the situation with its connection with intra-district streets is not clear. Most likely, Kutuzovskaya Street should have initially led to it. Probably, having considered the construction of the link “inappropriate”, the Su-155 considered it “expedient” to increase the building density in the north of Trekhgorka and ended Kutuzovskaya Street with a dead end. As a result, the extension of the street to the connection with the highway will have to be carried out near residential buildings and, possibly, its width will have to be reduced.

4. Previously, residents had the option of an alternative exit onto the Rublevo-Uspenskoe Highway, which made it possible to bypass the huge traffic jams on the Mozhaiskoe Highway. The departure took place along Trekhgornaya Street and further along Rublevsky Proezd. Then developers of cottage villages along Rublevsky Proezd have installed checkpoints, blocking through traffic.

And then Rublevsky Passage was completely “cut” in half by a toll highway, completely blocking it. Now exiting onto the Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway is simply impossible.

5. Due to a lack of parking spaces, half of the cars in the area park on lawns.

What are they already doing?
Now reconstruction is underway interchange at 19 km of Mozhaisk highway. The project provides for two measures at once: the organization of a roundabout instead of a T-shaped intersection and the arrangement of a second entrance and exit to the area.

Traffic management project for the interchange at 19 km of Mozhaiskoye Highway (clickable)

The roundabout has already been arranged.

Previously, exits from the street. Chistyakova were carried out through a dangerous T-shaped intersection without traffic lights.

Did it get better after that? For safety - yes, absolutely. But from the point of view bandwidth there were many complaints. Firstly, for some reason the exits from the roundabout were made secondary - and busy intersections with roundabouts have a nasty habit of being locked if the circle is not the main one. Secondly, during the morning rush hour, the tail on the Mozhaiskoye Highway to Moscow closes the circle and prevents residents from turning left onto Trekhgornaya Street (previously this maneuver was performed directly by making a left turn).

What should be done?
Obviously, just reconstructing the interchange according to the project is not enough; a whole range of measures is needed.
This is precisely the set of measures prepared and submittedProbok.net at the beginning of 2014 at the State Administration for Economic Affairs of the Moscow Region, which ceased to administer it Odintsovo district. All measures can be divided into three groups: massive arrangement of parking pockets, unloading roundabout traffic and increasing connectivity road network(both within the area and at entry and exit points).

1. Arrangement of parking pockets
It is necessary to conduct a thorough audit of all courtyard streets in the districts for the rapid and massive construction of additional parking pockets, as was done in Moscow. This issue is quite subtle and affects the interests of residents: after all, pockets are usually made at the expense of lawns. Therefore, we have not yet studied it in detail, leaving it to the discretion of residents and district authorities. However, we are ready to conduct such an analysis if the decision to build pockets is made and we are asked to do so.

2. Unloading the circular motion
In addition to traffic priorities (the circle is not the main one), the second problem of the roundabout is its lack of alternative. You cannot pass the circle either when entering or leaving the area. And both problems are completely solvable.

Firstly, you need make the main movement in and out of circles. Moreover, the most important direction is the entrance to the area with a left turn onto Chistyakova Street, so it is also necessary to provide a separate left-turn pocket for this turn.

Secondly, you need Allow left turns from the Mozhaiskoe highway exit from Moscow. This will make it possible to enter the area through the second entrance equipped as part of the project, bypassing the circle! The minimum option is possible in the existing geometry, the maximum requires minor adjustments to the design.

Thirdly, the second link from the street. Chistyakova may be given the opportunity to leave the area towards Moscow, bypassing the circle, along such a trajectory.

To do this, it is necessary to rebuild the intersection in Mamonovo, making it possible to turn at the traffic lights through a special directional exit on the right side.

3. Increasing the connectivity of the road network

Firstly, you need urgently resume construction of the connection between Trekhgorka and the northern bypass of Odintsovo, designing the output of Kutuzovskaya Street to it (numbers 3 and 4 on the diagram).

Secondly, design a second intra-district street on the western side of the districts, connecting it with the faces of Kutuzovskaya and Chistyakova (number 5 on the diagram).

Obviously these the roads must be built by the developer SU-155, on his own and at his own expense. By the way, it was this company that recently received a scolding from Governor Vorobyov, who directly said,

On the edge of Trekhgorka. Construction equipment is being pulled up to the dead end on Chistyakova Street to begin construction in July 2016.

And it also became clear that this would not only be an exit from the microdistrict onto the M1 highway, but also an exit from it. The design of the interchange has already been completed, Grigory Altukhov said in an interview with the Business // Odintsovo newspaper, Commercial Director companies. New road will become an extension of Chistyakova Street. Its construction will begin in July. The connection of Trekhgorka to the Northern Bypass is planned to be completed in December 2016.

On the edge of Trekhgorki. Through the “window” cleared of trees you can see the Northern Bypass of Odintsovo.

To date, the design of this interchange has been completed, and an agreement is being concluded with the contractor. Work was also carried out to cut down and dispose of green spaces and reconstruct the gas pipeline.

On the edge of Trekhgorka. Construction equipment is being pulled up to the dead end on Chistyakova Street to begin construction in July 2016.

Initially, we planned to start construction work two months earlier, but due to more long period development of working documentation, the start of construction of the congress was shifted to the summer of this year, said Grigory Altukhov.

Beyond the horizon is Mozhaiskoye Highway and the beginning of Chistyakova Street. It will be possible to drive along this street to the Northern Bypass directly from Mozhaiskoye Highway in December 2016.
The Skolkovsky UP quarter, which is being built by FSK Leader, is, in particular, the reason for the construction of the long-awaited interchange.

The construction of the interchange was planned as part of the construction of the Skolkovsky residential complex. Contract between the Odintsovo administration municipal district and the company FSK Leader was concluded at the end of 2014.

The cost of apartments on Chistyakova Street will increase significantly after the commissioning of the interchange with the Northern Bypass of Odintsovo. Today these are the cheapest apartments in the Moscow region closest to the Moscow Ring Road. Today it is possible to rent out real estate on the edge of Trekhgorka for only 20 thousand per month. for a 1 room apartment.
Real estate on Chistyakova Street in Novaya Trekhgorka, which is profitable to invest in right now.
Chistyakova Street in the direction from Mozhaiskoye Highway towards the Northern Bypass of Odintsovo.
Continuation of Chistyakova Street, along which you can drive to the Northern Bypass.
On the other side of the future interchange is the village of Lokhino-Vills, which is no less attractive for investment.

At the beginning of 2014, the interchange project had not been agreed upon, and no money was planned for the design and construction of the interchange in the Odintsovo district budget for 2014-2016, despite the public order given in the spring of 2013 former head Odintsovo district to Alexander Gladyshev from the governor of the Moscow region Andrey Vorobyov.

Previously, the construction of the interchange-ramp was a guarantee obligation of the developer of the New Trekhgorka microdistrict - the SU-155 company, which was confirmed by the Main Directorate of Road Facilities of the Moscow Region. However, the developer at that time considered financing the interchange inappropriate.

For the first time, talk about the construction of a second exit from Novaya Trekhgorka came up in 2006, when the administration of the Odintsovo district and the Federal State Institution of Roads of Russia agreed on an amendment to the project for the future Northern Bypass of Odintsovo, which provides for an exit to the microdistrict. Subsequently, Avtodor Group of Companies transferred the financing of the construction of the road to Trekhgorka to extra-budgetary sources, and specifically to the developer “SU-155”.

Many people know about the road transport problem in Trekhgorka. But it is impossible to solve it in one fell swoop. Residents are outraged that during the construction of a toll bypass road bypassing the city of Odintsovo, there was no provision for entry and exit onto this highway. The northern bypass of Odintsovo runs literally 300 meters from the microdistrict, but residents cannot use this bypass even for a fee. People stand in huge traffic jams in the morning to get to Moscow, and in the evenings to return home. Isn’t this absurd, because Trekhgorka “stands” on the threshold of the capital.

Residents of the neighborhood decided to join the fight against blatant injustice. Activists came up with a real project to create a path to the Northern Bypass, which is called “Control of road construction for tens of thousands of people.” The project manager is Shamil Yusupov. He is also forced to endure inconvenience due to the current transport situation in Trekhgorka. The ideas and actions of his team were competently designed and published on the website http://our-moscow region.rf, where projects of citizens of the region applying for the award of the governor of the Moscow region are posted.

Shamil said that the goal of the project is “effective communication between the authorities, business and citizens, ensuring open dialogue between the authorities and citizens to maximize the speed of construction of the road.” The author of the project cited the following figures: “We know that according to urban planning standards in our region, there should be 420 parking spaces per 1000 residents. But in reality, in Odintsovo there are 943 cars for this number of citizens. The actual number of people living in Trekhgorka is more than 30 thousand people. Thus, regularly several thousand cars (not counting public transport, construction equipment, etc.) must somehow leave the microdistrict and return back.

Over the course of two years, a group of activists collected many documents that give hope for a positive solution to this problem. They initiated meetings with representatives local authorities, regional officials, construction organizations and deputies of the State Duma.

Shamil Yusupov thanked the head of the Odintsovo district Andrei Ivanov and the mayor of the city for understanding the essence of the problem and concrete actions in solving it. Odintsovo Alexander Gusev and expressed hope that their participation in this matter will help resolve the situation. “During the visit of Governor Andrei Vorobyov to Novaya Trekhgorka,” says Shamil, “residents reported to him that the solution to this issue was being delayed, after which in June 2014 a detailed road map was received, according to which they began to monitor the progress of the task (via letters, phone calls, receptions with officials)".

According to the head of the department of transport, communications and road facilities of the city administration. Odintsovo Nikolai Golubev, in July 2014, an investor was identified for the design and construction of the exit from Trekhgorka to the Northern Bypass of Odintsovo. FSK Leader, the developer of the Skolkovsky residential complex, borders Trekhgorka and the Northern Bypass of Odintsovo: “Currently, the administration has sent a letter to the Avtodor Group of Companies about considering the issue of concluding an agreement on the establishment of easements on land plots for the construction of ramps, as well as transfer to temporary use project documentation transport interchange of the 5th launch complex at the intersection of the main route highway“Northern bypass of the city of Odintsovo” from the village. Trekhgorka. On this moment The investment agreement between the city administration and the investor-developer has not been signed, negotiations are underway to ensure its correct legal registration.”

I will add that at the end of our conversation, Shamil Yusupov said: “The team of Trekhgorka residents intends to continue writing, calling and pushing for the construction of an exit ramp from the microdistrict to the Northern Bypass of Odintsovo.”

The project by Shamil Yusupov can be found on the website: http://our-moscow region.rf/projects/321385/

Interviewed by Margarita Bogdanova