Nutrition for Gemini according to the horoscope. What is good and bad for twins

Bright, sociable and secular to the roots of their hair, Geminis are always in the thick of things, in the center of attention. They definitely need an audience to demonstrate their wit, taste, and flexibility of mind. It is not surprising that with such a rhythm of life there is no need to talk about nutrition rules. They eat from time to time, not denying themselves anything, and especially leaning on exotic and unusual foods for them. Moreover, they can eat a lot quickly and at once. So much that even with their active lifestyle, not all calories are consumed. Then you have to go on a diet, but it is not always possible to adhere to their strict rules.

Setting strict nutritional rules for Geminis is simply pointless. Therefore, they need to make adjustments to their usual regimen, exclude some foods, introduce others, and more closely monitor the time and regularity of meals. Food should be light and varied, portions small, and meals frequent. It is important that the diet includes foods rich in calcium and potassium: green peas, asparagus, cauliflower, bananas, cottage cheese, feta cheese, cheese.

Geminis are advised to increase their vitamin C intake. You can find it in kiwi, citrus fruits, sweet peppers, and currants. From time to time it is necessary to eat fresh vegetables, nuts, peaches, oranges, and grapes. When it comes to meat, it’s better to pay attention to game. But the amount of coffee should be reduced to the maximum.

The Gemini diet should allow for the possibility of changes in the recipe and menu. Monotony simply destroys them.


Geminis are extremely social people who need constant variety in their lives. Therefore, any fitness area and type of active activity will suit them, where they will work in the company of like-minded people.

Another important point is that classes should also be varied. They cannot work on one program for a long time; every time they need something new. A universal subscription to a fitness club with the right to attend different classes is an ideal solution for a Gemini.


Gemini's problem is not only a chaotic life for show. In an effort to be the center of attention, he sets strict demands on himself and is very disappointed when he fails to achieve them. He traditionally finds consolation from such disappointments in a fatty piece of pie or a rich and sweet dessert.

Geminis should be more lenient with themselves. Recognize that no one can achieve perfection, not even you. Therefore, sometimes allow yourself to relax, but within reasonable limits.

It is difficult for Geminis to adhere to a strict diet due to their chaotic lifestyle. First of all, they need to learn to go to bed on time and get enough sleep. Good rest and healthy sleep are the basis for losing weight.

Geminis are distinguished by unpretentiousness and carelessness in nutrition, due to their hyperactivity and restlessness. The main thing for them is to move forward, to be present always and everywhere, and they don’t care how to gain energy for such activity. This sometimes leads to excess weight, which is strange for such a rhythm of life. Since it is difficult to find a more unhealthy diet:

- snacks - interceptions,

- dry food,

- meals once a day,

- eating on the go, or rather running,

- night meals or large meals before bedtime

- absence of any minimum regime.

Naturally, such nutrition involves semi-finished products, fast food, and not always fresh and healthy dishes in public catering chains. And this is all a minimum of benefits, but a maximum of empty calories. Moreover, such unsystematicity and indifference to the products consumed causes an uneven and insufficient or, on the contrary, excessive intake of certain vitamins, microelements and other necessary substances into the body.

Proper nutrition for Geminis

In other words, a diet for twins consists of a regimen and meal planning in order to ensure that the body is fully filled with all the necessary substances. It is not recommended for Geminis, as well as all other zodiac personalities, to indulge in sweets, alcohol, fats, coffee, and strong tea. The preferred products for them are: protein - nuts (hazelnuts), cheese and fermented milk products, eggs. Fish and, of course, seafood, beans and peas, cereals, honey and olives are needed. Vegetables: eggplants, zucchini. It is advisable to eat grapes and oranges, pears, and peaches. It is better to eat lean meat, preferably poultry.

Element: air Planet: Mercury
To lose weight, Geminis will have to choose a nutrition system that is different from the one to which they have been accustomed since childhood.
Lean by nature, Geminis are more likely than other air signs to suffer from eating disorders and metabolic disorders.
In addition, representatives of this sign do not have enough willpower to give up bad eating habits. The hardest thing is for those Geminis whose natal chart contains planets located in the signs of Cancer and Taurus: they do not consider gluttony a sin and are ready to eat delicacies from morning to night.
The peculiarity of the sign is frivolity, inconstancy and susceptibility to other people's influence. The last quality should be used for the benefit of your figure - say, find a friend with whom you can go on a diet and go to fitness. It’s worse if there are too many friends and Gemini tries to take into account the opinions of many. While one friend supports you in your quest to get rid of extra pounds, another convinces you that everything is fine with your figure. It is not surprising that in the end, most Geminis either begin to lose weight or gain weight again.
Representatives of this sign often believe in miracle pills that reduce appetite and cleanse the body. Having succumbed to advertising, Geminis are ready to swallow pills without even trying to understand their composition and mechanism of action, which can ultimately harm their health.
If your parents fed you meat, you need to try vegetarianism - a direction that allows you to include eggs and milk in the menu. Have you gotten used to eating pasta, buns and cereals from an early age? Now you will have to focus on vegetables: salads, vegetable stews.
Introduce more juicy and sweet fruits into your diet. Among drinks, give preference to fermented milk ones. And to improve metabolism, add tarragon and cumin to your food.
Fitness. What types of exercise are beneficial for Geminis?
A group of like-minded people helps Geminis fight excess weight, which means that representatives of the sign need to choose collective sports games - volleyball, basketball, football. Group training is also suitable, especially if the coach is preparing students for competitions or performances at any holiday. In pursuit of precision and correct movements, you won’t even notice how much you lose.
Successful days to start a diet:
11.03, 8.06, 5.09, 3.12.
Effective fasting days:
4.01, 5.01,
1.02, 2.02,
27.03, 28.03,
24.04, 25.04,
21.05, 22.05,
17.06, 18.06,
15.07, 16.07,
11.08, 12.08,
7.09, 8.09,
5.10, 6.10,
1.11, 2.11,
26.12, 27.12.
Bad days to start losing weight:
27.03, 23.06. 19.09, 17.12.

Forecast for 2013

Be strong: in the coming year, those around you will stop being tactful. You will often hear phrases like “isn’t it time for you to lose weight?” Try to take such statements as a reason for change. Since you will be very susceptible to other people's influence, enlist the support of your friends and choose a balanced diet together. Start the fight against kilograms in February and April - then the changes will be taken for granted and will not cause rejection.

Some dishes for Geminis
Waldorf salad
Celery - 2 stalks
apple - 1 pc.
walnuts - 50 g
hard cheese - 20 g
mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. l.
yogurt - 2 tbsp. l.
lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.
salt pepper.
1) Peel the celery and cut into slices. Chop the nuts coarsely.
2) Core the apple and cut the pulp into cubes. Sprinkle with lemon juice to prevent the apple from browning.
3) Whisk yogurt with mayonnaise and lemon juice, add salt and pepper.
4) Combine celery, nuts, apples and pieces of cheese, season with chilled sauce.

Roasted Cauliflower
cauliflower - 1 head (500 g)
yogurt - 1 glass
grated hard cheese - 50 g
garlic - 1 clove |
1) Divide the head of cabbage into florets and cook in salted water for 10 minutes. Then place on a sieve.
2) Place the cabbage in a greased form. Pour over the sauce - whipped yogurt combined with chopped garlic and salt, then sprinkle with cheese.
3) Bake the cabbage in the oven until the cheese turns golden brown.

Pea soup with mint
Frozen green peas - 250 g
chicken broth - 3 cups
potatoes - 1 pc.
cream 10% - 150 ml
garlic - 1 clove
mint - bunch
green onion - bunch
lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.
1) Chop the onion, garlic, cut the potatoes into cubes. Cook in broth for 20 minutes. Add the washed peas and cook for another 7 minutes.
2) Cool the soup, add mint and lemon juice and puree in a blender.
3) Pour in the cream and, stirring, bring to a boil.
("Lose Weight" No. 2 special issue 2012)

The saying about deceptive appearances suits Geminis best. And in relation to eating behavior too. From the outside, they seem like frivolous “recipients of pleasure,” but in fact they know how to set goals and achieve them. The only problem is that maintaining such duality leads to a waste of strength and energy. Geminis are prone to a whole range of problems with nerves and eating behavior. They most often “eat up” stress, which is where weight problems occur among representatives of this sign.

Harmful diet foods for Geminis

In fact, unhealthy foods for this sign are anything that can stimulate the nervous system. You should avoid:

  • any foods with a high glycemic index, such as white buns, pasta, white rice, various pies, etc.;
  • food concentrates, including diet chocolate bars with a high content of corn syrup, and other high-glycemic sugar substitutes. Fried sweet muesli, breakfast cereals, and “store-bought” fried and sweet granola are harmful to representatives of this sign;
  • traditional confectionery products, except those baked from wholemeal flour or bran with the addition of cottage cheese, and do not contain sugar and molasses;
  • various pseudo-healthy low-fat dairy products with sugar, stabilizers and flavor enhancers. Curds, sweet puddings and “yogurts”, by the way, are often stressful foods for Geminis;
  • coffee and strong tea, as well as healthy drinks such as mate, kudin and ginger tea. You should be especially careful when consuming things like coffee with milk and sugar; the product not only stimulates the nervous system due to caffeine, but also increases blood sugar levels, which leads to a “spike” of energy, and therefore a sharp “decline.”
  • Healthy Diet Foods for Geminis

    During periods of stress, crunchy vegetables and foods rich in B vitamins are useful:

    • replace cookies and crackers with whole grain breads with buckwheat and oatmeal;
    • instead of various crunchy snacks, snack on chopped sweet bell peppers, stem celery, and cucumbers;
    • ordinary apples and pears are very useful, as well as simple carrots, zucchini, cabbage of all kinds, and eggplants;
    • Well, healthy dishes such as green smoothies, citrus fruits, and simple green salads with vegetable oil will help maintain your energy level.

    Instead of drinking coffee, you should accustom yourself to tea made from rosehip, chamomile, or mint tea in the traditional format, that is, without adding black tea.

    It is recommended to include sources of tryptophan in your diet - cheese, cottage cheese, as well as complete proteins from lean meat, eggs, and fish. Geminis benefit greatly from moderate portions of nuts and a variety of unroasted seeds, such as sunflower, flax and pumpkin seeds.

    The “way of eating” itself should be reconsidered. Geminis are not recommended to snack on the go, eat in a hurry, as well as lunch and dinner in unpleasant company.

    Sample menu for Gemini

    • Breakfast: sandwiches with low-fat cheese from grain bread, apple.
    • Snack: celery and carrots with salsa and cottage cheese.
    • Lunch: baked potatoes with a little ricotta cheese, scrambled eggs or grilled poultry, vegetable salad.
    • Snack: any fruit or vegetables of your choice, you can have a small salad with vegetable oil, and periodically you can snack on a handful of nuts or unroasted seeds.
    • Dinner: stewed lean red meat with buckwheat or beans, periodically replace carbohydrate side dishes with vegetables, stewed or in the form of a fresh mixed salad.

    Important: before going on a diet for Gemini, consult your doctor.

    Especially for – fitness trainer Elena Selivanova

As a rule, Geminis are engaged in intellectual work rather than hard physical work, so the primary task when compiling their diet is to provide adequate nutrition to the nervous system working at increased speeds, increase vitality, and help maintain or increase hemoglobin levels. It is very good that dairy products in all their diversity become the cornerstone of Gemini’s diet. It is important for them to consume protein-containing foods, although an equally important principle in creating a diet is food variety. For Gemini, dishes made from legumes, grains, eggplants, and turnip tops will undoubtedly be useful. The nutrition horoscope recommends Gemini to actively consume alkaline foods, fruits with an astringent tart taste, such as lemons, persimmons, etc.

Heavy meat foods are not for Geminis. If they are allowed to eat meat, then only lean varieties and not for dinner. In general, the best meat for this zodiac sign is fish. Nuts are very good for them; they supply proteins and carbohydrates to the body. They are eaten as an independent product, and, if possible, added to a variety of dishes. It is especially recommended for Geminis to eat hazelnuts: they help strengthen the bronchi.

The stomach of these people is characterized by increased sensitivity, so it is undesirable for them to use seasonings and spices. The same prohibition applies to strong coffee and tea: even without their influence, these people are nervous and excitable. Drinks that are beneficial for Gemini are mineral water, in particular Borjomi, as well as various herbal teas. Plants that are good to add to the diet in one form or another are celery, valerian, thyme, and hops.

Minerals, trace elements, vitamins for Gemini

The main mineral salt of Gemini is potassium chloride. It can be obtained from celery, asparagus, green peas, carrots, beets, corn, cabbage, plums, peaches, and apricots.

People of this zodiac sign have a high need for potassium, for which it is necessary to include in the diet more raisins, olives, zucchini, potatoes, prunes, dried apricots, black currants, lemon, honey, fish, and red pepper. From time to time you need to take care of providing the body with silicon. It is most convenient to do this in the spring, when young nettles appear, extremely rich in this element.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of foods rich in calcium for Gemini. In addition to dairy products, you can eat raspberries, chicken eggs, honey, cabbage, and turnip leaves. If the diet does not allow you to gain the required amount of calcium, the diet is supplemented with special tablets or nutritional supplements.

Gemini can satisfy its need for phosphorus with fermented milk products, mushrooms, fish, chicken eggs, coarse bread, oatmeal, nuts, honey, garlic, liver, and meat.

Vitamins for Gemini - A, C, B12. In addition, vitamin D is important for them so that the body absorbs calcium well.

Nutrition for Gemini: important nuances

Geminis love to snack on the run, to take bites, but this principle of nutrition is absolutely not suitable for them. In the morning, these people should eat a hearty breakfast. Geminis can afford a luxury not available to many other signs - a late dinner, but they are also not recommended to overeat, especially after sunset. The most intense nutrition should be in the third lunar phase. For Geminis, the principle of fractional nutrition is relevant: they should eat in small portions, but often. Vegetarianism will benefit them.