Bunin message. The role of Bunin in world literature

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin is a very extraordinary person and in many ways turned the course of development of everything literary world. Of course, many critics, with their characteristic skepticism, refer to the achievements of the great author, but to deny his significance in all Russian literature just impossible. Like any poet or writer, the secrets of creating great and memorable works are closely connected with the biography of Ivan Alekseevich himself, and his rich and multifaceted life largely influenced both his immortal lines and all Russian literature as a whole.

Brief Biography of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin

The future poet and writer, but for now just a young Vanya Bunin, was lucky to be born into a fairly decent and wealthy family of a noble noble family, who had the honor of living in a chic noble estate, which fully corresponded to the status of the noble family of his family. Also in early childhood the family decided to move from Voronezh to the Orel province, where Ivan spent his early years, without attending any educational institutions until the age of eleven - the boy successfully studied at home, read books and improved his knowledge, delving into good, high-quality and informative literature.

In 1881, at the request of his parents, Ivan nevertheless entered a decent gymnasium, however, studying at an educational institution did not bring the boy any pleasure at all - already in the fourth grade on vacation, he announced that he did not want to return to school, and it was much more pleasant for him to study at home and more productive. He nevertheless returned to the gymnasium - perhaps the reason for this was the desire of his father, an officer, perhaps a simple desire to gain knowledge and be brought up in a team, but already in 1886 Ivan nevertheless returned home, but did not quit his education - now his teacher, mentor and leader in the educational process was the elder brother Julius, who followed the success of the future famous Nobel laureate.

Ivan began to write poetry at a completely early age However, then he himself, being well-read and educated, understood that such creativity was not serious. At the age of seventeen, his work moved to a new level, and that's when the poet realized that he needed to break out into people, and not put his works of art on the table.

Already in 1887, Ivan Alekseevich published his works for the first time, and, pleased with himself, the poet moved to Orel, where he successfully got a job as a proofreader in a local newspaper, gaining access to interesting and sometimes classified information and ample opportunities for development. It is here that he meets Varvara Pashchenko, whom he falls in love with unconsciously, with her throws everything that was acquired by overwork, contradicts the opinion of his parents and others and moves to Poltava.

The poet meets and communicates with many famous personalities- for example, for quite a long time he was with Anton Chekhov, already famous at that time, with whom, in the end, in 1895, Ivan Alekseevich was lucky to meet personally. In addition to a personal acquaintance with an old pen pal, Ivan Bunin makes acquaintance and finds common interests and points of contact with Balmont, Bryusov and many other talented minds of his time.

Ivan Alekseevich was married for a rather short time to Anna Tsakni, with whom, unfortunately, his life did not work out at all - the only child did not live even a few years, therefore the couple quickly broke up on the basis of the grief experienced and the difference in views on the surrounding reality, however, already in 1906 in the life of Bunin appeared his great and pure love- Vera Muromtseva, and it was this romance that lasted long years- at first, the couple simply cohabited, without thinking about the official marriage, but already in 1922 the marriage was still legalized.

A happy and measured family life did not at all prevent the poet and writer from traveling a lot, getting to know new cities and countries, writing down his impressions on paper and sharing his emotions with his surroundings. The trips that took place during these years of the writer's life were largely reflected in his creative way- Bunin often created his works either on the road, or at the time of arrival at a new place - in any case, creativity and travel were inextricably and tightly connected.

Bunin. Confession

Bunin was presented to a surprising variety of awards in the field of literature, due to which at a certain period he was even subjected to direct condemnation and harsh criticism from others - many began to notice arrogance and inflated self-esteem behind the writer, however, in fact, Bunin's creativity and talent are quite consistent with his self-image. Bunin was even awarded Nobel Prize in the field of literature, but he spent the money far from himself - already living abroad in exile or getting rid of the culture of the Bolsheviks, the writer helped the same creative people, poets and writers, as well as people, just like he fled the country.

Bunin and his wife were distinguished by their kindness and open heart - it is known that during the war years they even hid on their personal plot fugitive Jews, protecting them from repression and destruction. Today, there are even opinions that Bunin should be given high awards and titles for many of his actions related to humanity, kindness and humanism.

Almost all his conscious life after the Revolution, Ivan Alekseevich spoke rather sharply against new government, thanks to which he ended up abroad - he could not endure everything that was happening in the country. Of course, after the war, his ardor cooled down a bit, but, nevertheless, to the very last days the poet was worried about his country and knew that something was wrong in it.

The poet died calmly and quietly in his sleep in his own bed. They say that at the time of his death there was a volume of Leo Tolstoy's book next to him.

The memory of the great literary figure, poet and writer is immortalized not only in his famous works who pass on school textbooks and a variety of literary publications from generation to generation. The memory of Bunin lives on in the names of streets, intersections, alleys and in every monument erected in memory of great personality that created real change throughout domestic literature and pushed it to a completely new, progressive and modern level.

Creativity of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin

The work of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin is that necessary component, without which today it is simply impossible to imagine not only domestic, but the whole world literature. It was he who made his invariable contribution to the creation of works, a new, fresh look at the world and endless horizons, from which poets and writers around the world still take an example.

Oddly enough, today the work of Ivan Bunin is much more revered abroad, for some reason he did not receive such wide recognition in his homeland, even though his works are quite actively studied in schools from the very youngest grades. In his works there is absolutely everything that a lover of an exquisite, beautiful style, an unusual play on words, bright and clean images and new, fresh and still is looking for. actual ideas.

Bunin, with his inherent skill, describes his own feelings - here even the most sophisticated reader understands exactly what the author felt at the time of creating this or that work - the experiences are described so vividly and openly. For example, one of Bunin's poems tells about a difficult and painful parting with his beloved, after which all that remains is to make a true friend - a dog that will never betray, and succumb to reckless drunkenness, ruining himself without stopping.

Women's images in Bunin's works they are described especially vividly - each heroine of his works is drawn in the mind of the reader in such detail that it seems like a personal acquaintance with this or that woman.

home distinguishing feature of all the work of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin is the universality of his works. Representatives of the most diverse classes and interests can find something close and dear, and his works will capture both experienced readers and those who, for the first time in their lives, have taken up the study of Russian literature.

Bunin wrote about absolutely everything that surrounded him, and in most cases the themes of his works coincided with different periods his life. Early works often described the village simple life, native spaces and the surrounding nature. During the Revolution, the writer, of course, described everything that was happening in his beloved country - this is what became the real legacy of not only Russian classical literature, but also all national history.

Ivan Alekseevich wrote about himself and his life, passionately and in detail described his own feelings, often plunged into the past and recalled pleasant and negative moments, trying to understand himself and at the same time convey to the reader a deep and truly great thought. There is a lot of tragedy in his lines, especially in love works - here the writer saw tragedy in love and death in it.

The main themes in Bunin's works were:

Revolution and life before and after it

Love and all its tragedy

The world around the writer

Of course, Ivan Alekseevich Bunin left a contribution of unimaginable proportions to Russian literature, which is why his legacy is alive today, and the number of his admirers never decreases, but, on the contrary, is actively progressing.

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(1870 - 1953)

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin - Russian prose writer, poet, translator, honorary academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Born in Voronezh in the family of an impoverished nobleman. I couldn't finish high school because of poverty. At the age of 16, the first publication of Bunin's poems appeared in print. Since 1889 he began to work. in the paper" Orlovsky messenger", with whom Bunin collaborated, he met the proofreader Varvara Pashchenko, married her in 1891. They moved to Poltava and became statisticians in the provincial government. In 1891, Bunin's first collection of poems was published. The family soon broke up. Bunin moved to Moscow, where he made literary acquaintances with Tolstoy, Chekhov, and Gorky.

In 1900, Bunin's story " Antonov apples", later - the poetry collection" Falling Leaves "(1901). For the translation of G. Longfellow's poem "The Song of Hiawatha" (1896), Bunin was awarded the Pushkin Prize. Bunin's second marriage, with Anna Tsakni, was also unsuccessful, in 1905 they died son Kolya In 1906, Bunin met Vera Muromtseva, married, he lived with her until his death.

The main theme of Bunin is the drama of Russian historical fate - the stories "The Village" (1910), "Dry Valley" (1912).

In 1910, the Bunins traveled around Europe, visited Egypt and Ceylon. Echoes of this journey - in the story "Brothers" (1914).

In 1915 - 1916. collections of short stories "The Cup of Life", "The Gentleman from San Francisco" are published. Bunin perceived the February Revolution with pain, the October Revolution was accepted as the approach of a catastrophe. The reflection of the events was his book of journalism " cursed days"(1918). The Bunins leave for Odessa, and then, in 1920, for France. Mitina's Love" (1925), " Sunstroke" (1927), "Dark alleys"(1943), the autobiographical novel "The Life of Arseniev" (1927 - 1929, 1933). In 1933, Bunin became the first Russian writer to be awarded the Nobel Prize.

In 1939, the Bunins settled in the south of France, in Grasse. In 1927 - 1942 Galina Kuznetsova lived with the Bunin family, late love writer. Possessing literary abilities, she created the memoirs "Grasse Diary", the article "In Memory of Bunin". In recent years, Bunin was ill and lived in poverty, worked on the book "About Chekhov", published after Bunin's death (1955) in New York.

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Bunin Ivan Alekseevich (1870-1953) - Russian poet and writer, his work belongs to Silver Age Russian art, in 1933 he received the Nobel Prize in Literature.


Ivan Alekseevich was born on October 23, 1870 in the city of Voronezh, where along the street Noble family rented a house in the German estate. The Bunin family belonged to a noble landowner family, among their ancestors were the poets Vasily Zhukovsky and Anna Bunina. By the time Ivan was born, the family was impoverished.

Father, Alexey Nikolayevich Bunin, served as an officer in his youth, then became a landowner, but for a short time squandered the estate. Mother, Bunina Lyudmila Alexandrovna, nee belonged to the Chubarov family. The family already had two older boys: Julius (13 years old) and Evgeny (12 years old).

The Bunins moved to Voronezh three cities before Ivan's birth to educate their eldest sons. Julius had an unusually amazing ability in languages ​​and mathematics, he studied very well. Eugene was not at all interested in studying, due to his boyish age he liked to chase pigeons through the streets, he left the gymnasium, but in the future he became a gifted artist.

But about the younger Ivan, mother Lyudmila Alexandrovna said that he was special, from birth he was different from older children, “no one has such a soul as Vanechka.”

In 1874 the family moved from the city to the countryside. It was the Oryol province, and on the Butyrka farm of the Yelets district, the Bunins rented an estate. By this time, the eldest son Julius graduated from the gymnasium with a gold medal and in the fall he was going to go to Moscow to enter the university at the mathematical faculty.

According to the writer Ivan Alekseevich, all his childhood memories are peasant huts, their inhabitants and endless fields. Mother and servants often sang to him folk songs and told stories. Vanya spent whole days from morning to evening with peasant children in the nearest villages, he was friends with many, grazed cattle with them, and traveled at night. He liked to eat with them radish and black bread, bumpy rough cucumbers. As he later wrote in his work “The Life of Arseniev”, “without realizing it, at such a meal the soul was attached to the earth.”

Already at an early age, it became noticeable that Vanya perceives life and the world artistically. He liked to show people and animals with facial expressions and gestures, and was also known in the village as a good storyteller. At the age of eight, Bunin wrote his first poem.


Until the age of 11, Vanya was brought up at home, and then he was sent to the Yelets gymnasium. Immediately the boy began to study well, the subjects were given to him easily, especially literature. If he liked a poem (even a very large one - a whole page), he could remember it from the first reading. He was very fond of books, as he himself said, “read anything at that time” and continued to write poetry, imitating his favorite poets ─ Pushkin and Lermontov.

But then the training began to decline, and already in the third grade the boy was left for the second year. As a result, he did not graduate from the gymnasium, after the winter holidays in 1886 he announced to his parents that in educational institution does not want to return. further education Julius, at that time a candidate of Moscow University, took up his brother. As before, Vanya's main hobby was literature, he re-read all the domestic and foreign classics, even then it became clear that he would devote his future life to creativity.

First creative steps

At the age of seventeen, the poet's poems were no longer youthful, but serious, and Bunin made his debut in print.

In 1889, he moved to the city of Oryol, where he got a job in the local publication "Orlovsky Vestnik" to work as a proofreader. Ivan Alekseevich was in great need at that time, since literary works did not yet bring good earnings, but he had nowhere to wait for help. The father completely went bankrupt, sold the estate, lost his estate and moved to live with his own sister in Kamenka. Mother of Ivan Alekseevich with his younger sister Masha went to stay with relatives in Vasilyevskoye.

In 1891 the first poetry collection Ivan Alekseevich called "Poems".

In 1892 Bunin civil wife Varvara Pashchenko moved to live in Poltava, where his older brother Julius worked as a statistician in the provincial zemstvo council. He helped Ivan Alekseevich and his civil wife get a job. In 1894, Bunin began to publish his works in the newspaper Poltavskiye Provincial Gazette. And also the zemstvo ordered him essays on grain and grass harvests, on the fight against pests.

literary path

While in Poltava, the poet began to collaborate with the Kievlyanin newspaper. In addition to poetry, Bunin began to write a lot of prose, which was increasingly published in quite popular publications:

luminaries literary criticism drew attention to the work of a young poet and prose writer. One of them spoke very well about the story "Tanka" (at first it was called "The Village Sketch") and said that "the author will make a great writer."

In 1893-1894, there was a period of special love for Bunin in Tolstoy, he traveled to the Sumy district, where he communicated with sectarians who, in their views, were close to the Tolstoyans, visited the Tolstoy colonies near Poltava, and even went to Moscow to meet the writer himself, which produced on Ivan Alekseevich made an indelible impression.

In the spring and summer of 1894, Bunin took a long trip around Ukraine, he sailed on the steamer "Chaika" along the Dnieper. Poet in literally words was in love with the steppes and villages of Little Russia, longed to communicate with the people, listened to their melodic songs. He visited the grave of the poet Taras Shevchenko, whose work he loved very much. Subsequently, Bunin did a lot of translations of Kobzar's works.

In 1895, after breaking up with Varvara Pashchenko, Bunin left Poltava for Moscow, then for St. Petersburg. There he soon entered literary environment, where the first public speaking writer. On literary evening with great success he read the story "To the End of the World."

In 1898, Bunin moved to Odessa, where he married Anna Tsakni. In the same year saw the release of his second poetry collection "Under open sky».

In 1899, Ivan Alekseevich traveled to Yalta, where he met Chekhov and Gorky. Subsequently, Bunin visited Chekhov in the Crimea more than once, stayed for a long time and became "their own person" for them. Anton Pavlovich praised Bunin's works and was able to discern in him the future great writer.

In Moscow, Bunin became a regular member of literary circles, where he read his works.

In 1907, Ivan Alekseevich made a trip to the eastern countries, visited Egypt, Syria, Palestine. Returning to Russia, he published a collection of short stories "The Shadow of a Bird", where he shared his impressions of a long journey.

In 1909, Bunin received the second Pushkin Prize for his work and he was elected to the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences in the category belles-lettres.

Revolution and emigration

Bunin did not accept the revolution. When the Bolsheviks occupied Moscow, he left with his wife for Odessa and lived there for two years, until the Red Army came there too.

In early 1920, the couple emigrated on the ship "Sparta" from Odessa, first to Constantinople, and from there to France. In this country, the whole future life writer, the Bunins settled in the south of France near Nice.

Bunin passionately hated the Bolsheviks, all this was reflected in his diary called "Cursed Days", which he kept for many years. He called "Bolshevism the basest, despotic, evil and deceitful activity in the history of mankind."

He suffered greatly for Russia, he wanted to go home, he called his entire life in exile an existence at the junction station.

In 1933, Ivan Alekseevich Bunin was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature. He spent 120,000 francs from the money he received to help emigrants and writers.

During World War II, Bunin and his wife hid Jews in their rented villa, for which in 2015 the writer was posthumously nominated for a prize and the title Righteous Among the Nations.

Personal life

Ivan Alekseevich's first love happened at a fairly early age. He was 19 years old when at work he met Varvara Pashchenko, an employee of the Orlovsky Vestnik newspaper, where the poet himself worked at that time. Varvara Vladimirovna was more experienced and older than Bunin, from an intelligent family (she is the daughter of a famous Yelets doctor), she also worked as a proofreader, like Ivan.

Her parents were categorically against such a passion for their daughter, they did not want her to marry a poor poet. Varvara was afraid to disobey them, so when Bunin suggested that she get married, she refused to get married, but they began to live together in a civil marriage. Their relationship could be called "from one extreme to the other" - sometimes passionate love, sometimes painful quarrels.

Later it turned out that Varvara was unfaithful to Ivan Alekseevich. Living with him, she secretly met with the wealthy landowner Arseny Bibikov, whom she later married. And this despite the fact that Varvara's father, in the end, gave his blessing to the marriage of his daughter with Bunin. The poet suffered and was disappointed, his youthful tragic love was later reflected in the novel "The Life of Arseniev". But all the same, relations with Varvara Pashchenko remained pleasant memories in the soul of the poet: "First love is a great happiness, even if it is unrequited".

In 1896, Bunin met with Anna Tsakni. Stunningly beautiful, artistic and rich woman Greek origin, men spoiled her with their attention and admired her. Her father, Nikolai Petrovich Tsakni, a rich Odessan, was a populist revolutionary.

In the autumn of 1898, Bunin and Tsakni got married, a year later they had a son, but in 1905 the baby died. The couple lived together very little, in 1900 they parted, ceased to understand each other, their outlook on life was different, alienation occurred. And again Bunin experienced this painfully, in a letter to his brother he said that he did not know if he could continue to live.

Calmness came to the writer only in 1906 in the person of Vera Nikolaevna Muromtseva, whom he met in Moscow.

Her father was a member of the Moscow City Council, and her uncle presided over the First State Duma. Vera was of noble origin and grew up in an intelligent family of professors. At first glance, she seemed a little cold and always calm, but it was this woman who was able to become Bunin patient and caring wife and be with him until the end of his days.

In 1953, in Paris, Ivan Alekseevich died in his sleep on the night of November 7-8, next to the body on the bed lay Leo Tolstoy's novel "Sunday". Bunin was buried in the French cemetery of Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois.

(474 words) Ivan Alekseevich Bunin was outstanding writer, as well as a poet, translator, member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences and the first Nobel Prize winner in Russia. He was born on October 22, 1870 in Voronezh. His talented works have found a response in the hearts of more than one generation, and that is why he deserves our attention.

The Bunins belonged to an ancient noble family. Although Ivan's family was not rich, he was proud of his origin.

  • Father - Alexei Bunin - a military man with an energetic character;
  • Mother - Lyudmila Chubarova - a gentle and meek woman.

Among his famous ancestors are the poet Vasily Zhukovsky and the poetess Anna Bunina.

Education and creative path

First, little Ivan was educated at home, learning languages ​​and drawing, then he entered the gymnasium, from where he was expelled a few years later for non-payment. The boy really liked the humanities, and at the age of fifteen he wrote his first work - the unpublished novel "Passion".

Having moved to St. Petersburg, Ivan Bunin made many acquaintances, among them Leo Tolstoy, whose aesthetic principles were especially close to him, as well as Maxim Gorky, I. Kuprin, A. Chekhov and other writers.


In 1901 Bunin's collection of poems Falling Leaves was published, for which, along with the translation of the Song of Hiawatha, he was awarded the Pushkin Prize.

In the 1910s, Ivan Bunin visited Eastern countries, where, under the influence of Buddhist philosophy, he wrote works imbued with the spirit of the tragedy of being: “The Gentleman from San Francisco”, “Light Breath”, “Chang's Son”, “Grammar of Love”. We can say with confidence that most of Bunin's stories are filled with hopelessness and longing.

Bunin was concerned about the psychological side of Russian life. So, in 1910-1911, he wrote the stories "The Village" and "Dry Land", revealing the essence of the Russian soul, its strengths and weaknesses.


Returning to Russia, Bunin found there October revolution, to which he reacted negatively. Longing for the old times was embodied in the famous sketch "Antonov apples", written far before the revolutionary events, in 1901. However, even then Bunin felt a change in public life Russia, and these changes saddened him. This work also reveals to readers the great talent of the writer in a vivid and figurative description of the colors, sounds and smells of Russian nature.

Unable to observe what was happening in his homeland, Bunin left Russia and settled in France. There he wrote extensively, and in 1930 completed his the only novel"The Life of Arseniev", for which he was awarded (the first of the Russian writers) the Nobel Prize.

Personal life

Ivan Bunin had close relationships with three women. His first love was Varvara Pashchenko, whose family opposed their relationship. Family life lovers quickly broke up, then their little son Nikolai also died. The second woman in the writer's life, Anna Tsakni, was the daughter of the publisher of the Southern Review newspaper, where Bunin worked.

But real girlfriend Bunin's life was Vera Muromtseva, with whom he traveled and lived in exile. She was educated and, as contemporaries noted, a very beautiful woman.

last years of life

Unable to return to their homeland, last years Ivan Bunin spent his life in a foreign land, where he was seriously ill. It is curious that the writer felt lonely all his life, even though his faithful wife was always next to him. He died in November 1953.

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Ivan Bunin is the first Russian writer, poet and prose writer who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. This is a writer who had to spend most of his life outside the Motherland, in exile. But, let's go through the life of Bunin Ivan Alekseevich, getting a little acquainted with his short biography for children.

Childhood and education

Brief Bunin begins with the birth of the future writer. It happened in the distant past in 1870 in the family of a poor nobleman in Voronezh. However, the writer's childhood passed in the Oryol province (now the Lipetsk region), because immediately after the birth of the boy, the parents moved to the family estate.

Ivan received his initial knowledge at home, and at the age of eight he began to write his first poems.

At the age of 11, Bunin was sent to a gymnasium in Yelets, where the boy completed four classes. The gymnasium itself cannot be completed, because there was not enough money to study, so Bunin returns home. He is educating himself. In this he is helped by his older brother, who went through the entire course of the gymnasium with Ivan, studying science and languages ​​​​with him.

Creativity and literary activity

At the age of 17, Bunin not only writes, but also publishes his first collection of Poems, where the poems became more serious. Already the first works bring fame. Next will be collections Under the open sky, Leaf fall, no less famous. For the collection Listopad Bunin receives the Pushkin Prize.

Since 1889, the writer travels to Orel, where he works as a correspondent. Then Bunin moved to Poltava, where he worked as an extra. After Ivan Alekseevich divorced his common-law wife Varvara Pashchenko, he leaves for Moscow. There he meets Chekhov and Tolstoy. These acquaintances played big role V future fate writer, leaving a significant imprint in his work. The writer prints his famous Antonov apples, Pines that come out in the full assembly essays.

Revolutionary events are not supported by the writer, who criticized the Bolsheviks and their government until his death. The revolution was the reason for the emigration.

Writer's emigration

In 1920, the writer leaves for France, where he lives until his last days. It was his second home. While in France, the writer continues to create his works. In 1893, the same autobiographical novel Life of Arseniev was published, for which he received the Nobel Prize.

During the Second World War, the writer is in a rented villa in Grasse, where he writes many anti-war works, where he supports Soviet army. After the war, despite thoughts of returning to Russia, he never returned to his native land.

Bunin died in Paris in 1953, leaving us many wonderful works. In France, he was buried.

Studying the life of Bunin and his biography, it is worth mentioning Interesting Facts from his personal life. Bunin's first love is Varvara Pashchenko. They lived with her in a civil marriage, but the family did not work out and they separated. The marriage was also unsuccessful with Anna Tsakni, with whom they got married. They had common child who died at the age of five. After the death of the child, the marriage did not last long. The couple broke up.

Only with his second legal wife did Bunin live until the end of his days. It was Vera Muromtseva, whom Bunin cheated on, but returned. Faith forgave him and lived with him until his last breath.