The weight stays in one place what to do. The Plateau Effect: How to Get Your Weight Off the Block

What to do if you gain weight while losing weight? This question torments more than one representative of the fair sex who has strived to get rid of extra pounds. Let's look at the most popular types of weight loss, the reasons for weight stagnation and solutions to this problem.

Weight Loss Strategies

At the weight loss stage, it is necessary to resort to one or another strategy. Often strategies are combined, alternated, complemented. Let's look at three main weight loss strategies.

It is generally accepted that switching to proper nutrition is safe for health and psyche, and is also successful for losing weight. Proper, conscious nutrition came to the general public from the offices of nutritionists and psychotherapists involved in the correction of eating disorders.

Eating with this diet is carried out for at least 20 minutes, slowly and with concentration. Avoid snacking on the run and at the computer, evening meals in front of the TV, eating popcorn while watching a movie and many other habits that lead to figure problems. There is a realization that the cause of excess weight is not a slow metabolism or poor heredity, but acquired bad eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle, which force us to consume huge amounts of unhealthy food.

Using fast diets

For “quick weight loss” there are many mono-diets or strict diets. Perhaps the most popular diet is the kefir-based diet. A one-time diet involves a week-long duration, during which only kefir (1% or low-fat) is consumed every day, and if you believe the reviews, the result after such a diet is positive.

The buckwheat diet is no less popular. One glass of buckwheat is soaked in 2 glasses of water overnight, and consumed in varying quantities over the next day. There will be no result if dinner is later than 4 hours before bedtime. You can also drink kefir, but low-fat and no more than 1 liter.

By resorting to such diets, losing a couple of kilograms is quite possible. But after some time, the lost kilograms either quickly return, or the weight loss process stops.

Using long-term diets

Such diets primarily include the Dukan diet. It is divided into 4 stages. The first stage is rapid weight loss. Lasts 4-7 days, depending on desired results. Then comes the second stage. Weight loss also occurs here, but not at the same pace as in the first stage. The duration of the second stage is determined by the number of kilograms that need to be lost, that is, for each kilogram lost - 1 week. The third phase is calculated according to a similar scheme - for each lost kilogram - 10 days, during which time you can gradually add pasta and sweets. Stage 4 is the longest, which is recommended to be used for at least six months.

Separate nutrition is also a long-term event. It involves a separate diet of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and acidic foods. It is believed that such a diet prevents the formation of protein putrefaction in the stomach, preventing wear and tear of blood vessels and gradually losing weight.

In addition to what was written above, many people who lose weight go in for sports. For the first two to three weeks, seeing a progressive result, motivation is kept afloat, but as soon as the weight stops, the desire to attend training decreases, and the mood worsens.

So why does weight gain when losing weight and what to do about it? Let's figure it out!

Reasons for weight loss

  • Unbalanced diet. Wrong way out of the diet, regular violations of the diet and diet, excessive food intake, the result of which most often is bulimia, incorrect ratio of calories and their consumption - all these points can cause weight loss. By identifying the cause, it is possible to solve the problem of weight stagnation.
  • Excessive or insufficient water intake. Due to lack of fluid, metabolic failure occurs, as well as dehydration of the body. Excess fluid, on the contrary, adds extra pounds. If you drink enough water, the reason lies in the foods that are present in your diet every day; perhaps the food is too salty, because salt retains water. Let's look at an example: a woman, 30 years old, sedentary lifestyle, weight 60 kg. The average water consumption will be 2.2 liters per day. If, with the same parameters, the physical activity per week is intense, then this figure increases to 2.5 liters.
  • Increased calorie intake. When visiting the gym and actively playing sports, you mistakenly believe that extra calories will not affect your body. This is far from true. The consumption of high-calorie foods must be reduced, otherwise the weight loss process will remain stagnant.
  • Wrong choice of physical activity. Coming to the gym and, having pumped up a couple of exercise machines and lifting dumbbells, those losing weight are sure that excess fat is burned. Misconception. Only a qualified trainer will be able to competently create a training program, taking into account personal data. If there is no money for individual training, it is better to resort to cardio exercises. They help burn excess fat and strengthen the cardiovascular system.
Having analyzed your lifestyle in the process of losing weight, you can independently identify the reasons for losing weight.
  • Using the transition to fractional meals - two breakfasts, lunch, snack, dinner. Thus, the body will not need a “reserve”.
  • Alternate the amount of calories consumed to prevent your metabolism from falling asleep.
  • Organizing not only fasting days, but also “loading” days at least once every two weeks.
  • Revision of the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. For example, replacing a dairy breakfast with a cereal one and vice versa. If there were more vegetables in the diet, it is necessary to increase meat consumption.
  • Alternation of physical activity. For example, including strength exercises in your cardio training system. If the main loads were running or walking, then alternate them with group exercises, for example, aerobic exercises. At least once a week, it is recommended to attend low-intensity activities, such as

Weight plateau. Plateau effect. Why am I not losing weight? I'm losing weight, but the weight has gained.

Most weight loss diets involve reducing the volume and caloric content of your diet. While those losing weight try their best to eat as little as possible, the body reduces energy costs, but not weight. To do this, metabolism slows down. In fact, there is a so-called plateau effect, when weight loss, despite all efforts, stops.

In order to continue losing weight when the weight has returned (and this is possible), everyone who is losing weight should know what processes are occurring in the body and why, in fact, the weight has risen. To function, the body constantly needs energy. Absolutely all body functions (cell division, respiration, muscle contraction, etc.) require fuel. The body can obtain the necessary fuel from two sources: external - food, and internal - fat depot and glycogen (carbohydrate fat in the liver).

As soon as we reduce the amount of food consumed (energy value and fuel volumes), the body switches to internal reserves. If, for some reason, and there are many of them, the body cannot or does not want to extract the required amount of energy from the “strategic reserves”, and those losing weight persist and continue to starve for energy, then the body has only one way out - to reduce energy costs. The weight loss effect stops and the so-called plateau effect occurs. Our body is designed wisely, so before switching to an economical mode of operation, it gives signals. Hunger, weakness and chilliness are the first signs of a slowdown in metabolism.

A signal that the body has exhausted the ability to obtain the necessary energy from internal sources and signals the need for food from the outside.


When energy reserves are depleted, muscle tone decreases. The tone of blood vessels also changes, headaches, numbness and sweetness in the extremities, dizziness, clouding of reason and reason appear.


The body goes into an economical mode, vascular tone decreases, metabolic processes slow down, and the person cannot warm up. Even in warm weather, those losing weight wear socks and sweaters and sleep under a thick blanket.

The slowdown of metabolic processes is bad not only because the weight has stopped, but the body does not want to part with its internal sources of fuel, since there are no external ones. This process poses two more problems:

1. Subsequent weight gain due to fat depot. After returning to a normal diet with normal caloric content, metabolism will remain slow for a long time. The consequences are the return of lost kilograms with your friends.
2. The so-called experience of hungry periods. Each weight loss event activates the body’s mechanisms for accumulating reserves for the “hungry year.” Next time, the body will try to accumulate even more fuel in the fat depot and turn on a much more effective energy-saving mode. This means that the plateau effect will become the norm for the body.

Let's figure out why metabolism slows down.

Reducing daily caloric intake.

The scheme is simple - the less energy is supplied, the greater the likelihood of slowing down metabolic processes in order to preserve the vitality of the body. And here there is one point: with a decrease in caloric intake within the daily energy consumption corridor, the rate of metabolic processes not only remains the same, but also increases. The mechanism of this phenomenon is simple. Since there is no overeating, there is no state of relaxation and drowsiness after eating. After a dinner with less calories, a person sleeps better. Thus, those losing weight feel rested and full of energy, and spend energy on various activities. The release of hormones that break down fat is regulated.

Violation of the ratio of fats and carbohydrates in food.

Fats and carbohydrates are the most energy-dense nutrients. It's easier and more efficient to get energy from carbohydrates. If there are few carbohydrates ingested, the body, of course, breaks up with fat accumulations, but quickly gains back everything it has expended. And next time you’ll have to rack your brains about how to shift the weight.

Not enough essential substances in food.

For optimal metabolism, the body needs a constant supply of certain amino acids, vitamins, minerals and trace elements, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. If any of them is deficient, the subtle mechanism of metabolic processes malfunctions, which leads to a general slowdown in the breakdown of energy-intensive nutrients into energy.

A woman who is losing weight begins to train for slaughter in order to gain muscle mass. It is the muscles that consume the most energy; they burn up to 80% of fat. However, during intense sports, the body consumes energy from carbohydrates; it is not able to break down fats so quickly. Carbohydrates quickly run out, and then the body gives a hunger signal. If carbohydrates are not supplied on time, the body simply slows down the metabolism. And here lies another, already mortal danger. When a person losing weight consumes protein after an intense workout, the body cannot absorb it. The body does not completely break down the protein; as a result, intermediate breakdown products are formed that poison the body. This leads to general intoxication and impaired renal function. Therefore, in order for protein to be absorbed, there must be an increased intake of carbohydrates. Otherwise, you will have to complain not only that your weight loss has stopped, but also that your kidneys are acting up, you are suffering from constipation, and your complexion has not changed for the better.

Psychological moments.
Among the most common psychological reasons, we note the following demotivators - lack of a significant motive, distrust in the chosen method of losing weight and incorrect assessment of the result.

Motive. Thoughts are material. If a person losing weight knows exactly why he needs to lose weight, then this very need will stimulate muscle tone and activate the hormonal system.

Confidence in the method. Faith in the chosen method works in a similar way. If we are sure that the weight loss method is effective, then the mood will be good and the tone will be high.

Evaluation of the result. The end result itself can stimulate metabolism, but only if the result satisfies us. Let’s say someone who is losing weight loses 500 grams of weight every week, and he is happy about it. Your mood improves, endorphins are released, and energy consumption increases. For another person losing weight, losing 500 grams of weight per week seems an unsatisfactory result. Doubts arise about the correctness of the chosen method, mood, tone and energy consumption decrease. A plateau effect sets in.

To avoid a situation where the weight has risen, decide what result you will consider optimal. From a medical point of view, 500 grams per week is more than good. We remember that the body under normal conditions, without disturbances in metabolic processes, can utilize up to 90 grams of fat into general metabolic processes. It is physiological weight loss that gives the maximum healing effect for the whole body and lasting results.

Losing weight has stopped, what to do?

To prevent the plateau effect from overtaking you, it is enough to follow simple and easily followed rules for physiological weight loss:
1. First, find a motive. What happens if I lose weight? To effectively fight extra pounds, you need to know why you need it.
2. Give up restrictive diets, mono diets, fasting in order to lose weight. Reducing weight loss to a diet is strictly prohibited, as is starting the process of getting rid of extra pounds. Otherwise, a plateau effect is guaranteed.
3. Get enough sleep. If you do not regularly satisfy the body's need for sleep, metabolic processes slow down, which leads to weight gain.
4. It sounds trivial - eat right. Correctly means more often, increasing the amount of proteins and complex carbohydrates in the diet and limiting fatty and sweet foods. You can’t refuse dinner, just prepare delicious, varied and low-calorie dishes.

When losing weight, exhausting yourself with intense physical activity is prohibited. Moderate intensity exercise, such as walking, is optimal for you now. It’s easy to dose your workouts – you shouldn’t feel hungry or tired after a workout.

By following these comfortable rules, you will avoid a situation where the weight has risen.

If weight loss has stopped due to failure to comply with these rules, if a slowdown in metabolism has already occurred, your actions are as follows:
- Do not try to overcome the plateau effect by tightening your diet. This measure can only give temporary results. In a couple of weeks, weight loss will slow down again and you will have to further reduce the calorie content of your diet to keep the weight from going up. And then again and again. The right path to anorexia and bulimia. If you return to your normal diet after a couple of such events, your weight will begin to increase.
- Realize that the weight has become due to natural reasons, the body needs to adapt to new conditions. To successfully overcome the stoppage in losing extra pounds and to get a lasting weight loss effect, you need to increase the number of foods allowed. Move more, get enough sleep. After 1-2 weeks, when your strength is restored, you can continue to lose weight, but in no case reduce the caloric content of your daily diet below the caloric content corridor.

Remember, if weight loss has stopped, the body needs to rebuild its processes in a new way. For some people, the plateau effect is absolutely natural; you should not panic, but continue your weight loss campaign as usual.

Correct and good article. That's what I need! My weight has just stopped and I don’t know what to do. Now I know! Thanks again!

A very correct article, and most importantly - on time, in my opinion, I am exactly in the trap, I tried to reduce calories to a minimum, I sat on milk tea, but I was shivering, I was lethargic, I got tired quickly, and most importantly - there was no weight loss effect, the weight was standing. I attributed everything to age, and you just need to eat everything correctly, but when I was young, I lost weight after giving birth with the help of a hunger strike, according to Bragg, I limited myself in harmful foods, and the weight stayed at around 59-60 kilograms for almost 20 years. And now, after 40 years, she has swum. And those methods no longer help me, so I’m looking for them with your help, I think that I can also lose weight. Thanks for the advice!

Write nonsense. If you gain weight, you need to, on the contrary, reduce your caloric intake and increase the intensity of your exercise. An article for lazy people.

Thank you. For me this article is very timely. I've had a plateau effect for over a week now. I thought about having a fasting day, but now I won’t. Thanks for warning!

It turns out that protein diets only hit the kidneys and it’s impossible to lose weight forever?

Yes, that's right. You will lose weight, but this is temporary. I myself steamed at the Kremlin for almost 10 years until I lost up to 90 kg. Now I'm losing weight by eating right. I already weigh 70 kg. 15 kg left.

I'll keep that in mind, thanks!

Thanks for the advice! I also noticed that if I exercise a lot while dieting, the weight quickly comes back. Thanks for telling me why this happens!

Everyone understands that such articles are correct, that weight loss should be gradual and slow, that the correct “diet” is one that you can stay on for the rest of your life. But in reality, not everyone follows these rules! I myself cannot accept this truth with my mind.

Sure thing! This is exactly how I lost weight after giving birth!

Rave! It’s all nonsense if you can’t work out in the gym while losing weight!

Well, no nonsense. They write that there must be a load of strong intensity. But you really can’t kill yourself in the gym when you’re reducing the caloric content of your food.

Thanks for the advice! I tried in vain to lose weight for years, now I know how!

Did you experience a plateau effect? How did you overcome it?

Prepared specifically for the site

Finding out that a “plateau effect” has occurred when losing weight is the nightmare of every person who is struggling to stay slim. This effect means the weight stops - body weight does not change, although we do all the same exercises and eat on the same schedule as at the beginning of the diet. The worst thing is if those losing weight are not yet satisfied with the results obtained and they need to correct their figure further. We will look at why weight stays the same when losing weight, and how to overcome this trouble.

Often girls leave virtual cries for help on forums for losing weight: “They can’t lose weight, what should I do?” Most of these users face a problem when the weight has stopped while losing weight and stubbornly refuses to decrease further. You should be mentally prepared for a dietary plateau before you start a body contouring program, as this is a completely normal occurrence. Let's look at why the process stops in full swing.

What to do with the plateau?

Some people give up as soon as they discover that their weight loss process has stopped. However, this is a fundamentally wrong approach; under no circumstances should you quit what you have started, even if the result does not completely satisfy you.

First of all, continue to eat right and exercise as if nothing happened. Next, carefully study all the causes of the plateau, find out which one you are facing, and eliminate it.

Fighting methods

Zigzag nutrition

This is a nutrition system that will not allow your metabolism to “hibernate.” After all, a too clear order of calorie distribution can simply put him to sleep. To prevent this from happening, distribute the number of calories in such a way that the first four days you eat fully, the next two days you reduce the energy value of your meals as much as possible, and on the last day of the week you compensate for what you did not eat in the previous two days. This scheme will help keep your metabolism in good shape, but not overeat.

Including aerobic exercise

Strength training is often ignored by those losing weight, believing that only cardiological exercise is enough to achieve results. However, if your weight loss process has stopped, aerobic exercise will be the most rational solution to speed up your metabolism.

Changing the training program

Our body is a complex and very smart mechanism. It can adapt to any conditions that do not destroy it. The same thing happens with training - if you use the same programs and exercises, the body simply gets used to them and no longer reacts properly to the load.

To continue the weight loss process, you need to change your exercise program every 2-3 weeks. This will allow the muscles to always be in good shape.


This procedure will be useful for those who want to overcome a plateau or do not know how to maintain weight after losing weight. There are special techniques aimed at starting metabolism.

In addition to accelerating metabolic processes, you will get tightened, elastic skin and be able to get rid of cellulite.


Despite the fact that the “plateau effect” most often occurs due to banal mistakes when losing weight, it can also be caused by other, more serious reasons. There are a number of diseases and disorders that can lead to a slowdown in metabolic processes and, as a result, to a stop in weight loss or even weight gain.

If you encounter a plateau and are unable to resolve its causes on your own, make sure that you do not have:

In conclusion

In most cases, to eliminate the “plateau effect” you only need to slightly adjust your weight loss program. Never return to bad eating habits if you encounter obstacles on the way to achieving your goals.

All problems can be eliminated, the main thing is not to give up and be confident in getting good results.

Every healthy person monitors his weight. A lot of effort is put into getting in shape. And after some time, the plumb lines disappear. For weeks at a time the needle on the scale does not move one iota, as if someone had magnetized it. And instead of euphoria from losing excess fat deposits comes disappointment.

So: don’t despair! You are simply one of those who have experienced the “plateau” effect. A common phenomenon in which a person follows a diet, actively engages in sports, but the weight no longer decreases.

The human body is a complex structure that works like a well-oiled mechanism, but often has malfunctions and individual characteristics. In order to understand all the possible reasons for stopping losing extra pounds, you need to exclude the most obvious factors. It would seem that this is already understandable, but one should be on the safe side.

  1. Serviceability of scales. Simple mechanisms tend to break down or distort data. Therefore, it is necessary to choose one scale that stands on level ground. And measure the parameters at the same time, preferably in the morning on an empty stomach. This way you can avoid common errors in obtaining data.
  2. Nutrition. A diet does not mean that you will lose weight all the time. Not everyone is suitable for a diet prescribed by someone, with a fixed calorie content. The menu should be based on your individual needs for microelements and vitamins. To do this, you need to build on your weight and height, physical activity. You can keep a diary in which you record all the foods you eat. This way you can understand on which days volumes increase and what was the reason. Total control allows you to see all the nuances that are invisible at first glance.
    People often tend to underestimate the amount of food they consume. And if at first giving up a bun for dinner is enough for a little weight loss, then in the long term you will have to reconsider your diet.
  3. Premenstrual cycle. Of course, this applies to weight stagnation lasting 1-2 weeks. The female body tends to swell these days: the chest and legs swell, and one also feels slight nervousness and an increased feeling of hunger. If during this period you follow the established diet and physical activity, then at the end of the cycle the weight will return to normal, and the scale arrows will creep down.

Causes and Effects

It is known that the numbers that are shown on the scales include not only fat, but also bones, muscles, the weight of our organs, food and liquid eaten. Humans generally consist of 80% water. This means that even a loss of 1-3 kg per day does not have the proper significance. A maximum of 200g of fat can be removed from them. Accordingly, when gaining such a number of kilograms, the situation is similar. The proportion of actual fat gain is minimal. But if this has been happening for a week or more, it’s worth looking into it.

If you have ruled out the possibility of incorrect weighing, excess calories consumed and cyclical changes in the body, the reason lies deeper.

To figure it out, below is a list of possible reasons for your unpleasant weight stagnation:

Video “Why aren’t you losing weight? What slows down weight loss?

How can you help your body get rid of those hated pounds faster?

This section is suitable for those who have reconsidered their behavior and eliminated possible causes of weight stagnation. You can wake up your body, give it a shake-up and ensure that all systems are rebooted! This will speed up the dormant metabolism.

How to get things moving? Use swings in nutrition. This does not mean uncontrollably eating everything. But alternating days with high caloric content and low ones. Let's say 1 day - 1000 kcal, 2 - 1200 kcal, 3 - 800 kcal, 4 - 1500 kcal and so on. This will not allow your metabolism to relax and adapt, and your tone will remain constant. And try new dishes, change your usual taste preferences!

Changing your workouts also helps. If you do strength training or exclusively cardio, this is preferable for you. It's easier that way. But it’s easy – it’s not about losing weight! That’s not how the volumes go. Change the type of activity for a while or radically change your training program. Give your muscles a blast!

Massage can affect the activation of metabolism. It not only relaxes the body, but also improves blood circulation in the tissues. What has a positive effect on weight loss?

Change your daily routine. Why not? Get up at 6 in the morning instead of the usual 10 and vice versa. Shift your active activities to another time of day.

Visit a bathhouse or sauna. Unclogging the pores helps release oil. This also restarts many systems.

Good plumb lines and a harmonious figure to you!

Losing weight is a complex, unpredictable process, with many nuances that require attention and create obstacles on the way to your cherished goal. One of these problems is weight stagnation, when kilograms do not go away for several days or even weeks. And this despite the fact that the diet is strictly followed and not a single workout is missed.

Not many people in such a situation are able to be patient and cut this Gordian knot. Most people give up, cancel their gym membership and “out of grief” order pizza with bacon for the evening. But everything can be solved, and this is not a reason to give up your dream - you just need to find out why the weight is and eliminate the cause of this phenomenon.

Plateau effect

Weight stagnation in dietetics is called the plateau effect (phase). For someone losing weight, this process is incomprehensible and unfounded. Experts explain it by adaptive thermogenesis and know that in most cases it is quite natural. To avoid it, you need to know the formation mechanism.

At the beginning of losing weight, against the background of a sharp reduction in daily caloric intake, significant changes in diet and the introduction of intense physical activity into life, the body is plunged into a state of shock. He has no time to adapt, since energy needs to be generated every minute, and there is a catastrophic lack of fuel for this. In such conditions, he actively begins to break down everything that is in his reserves, and first of all, fat depots are used up. That is why in the first 1-1.5 weeks the extra pounds literally melt away before our eyes.

And then this pleasing weight loss slows down and may at some point stop completely. It’s even worse when the kilograms lost so heavily come back. The person continues to consume only 1,200 kcal per day, mercilessly limiting himself in food, and still spends it on training. But this gives nothing. Sometimes there may still be a situation where volumes go away, but weight stays the same. The circumference of the waist, chest and hips decreases, but not a single gram decreases from the ill-fated 84 kg (for example).

The onset of the plateau effect indicates that the body has successfully emerged from the state of stress and is beginning to select adaptation mechanisms to the diet and selected physical activity. If body volume decreases, it means that it replaces fat tissue with muscle tissue. If the sagging tummy has not gone away, you are still getting used to the new diet and lifestyle.

Why is it called that? Losing weight is the process of losing weight, as if you are climbing a mountain (unbearably difficult, but really want to). A plateau is a flat area in the middle of the hills where you can rest. If this pass is delayed, weight stagnation is observed when it freezes at one point.

When does this happen

Usually - 1.5-3 weeks after a person changes his lifestyle to combat extra pounds.

Since everyone’s body is different, weight can arise at the very beginning of the journey. This happens rarely, but you need to be prepared for it. In exactly the same way, the opposite situation arises: the process of losing weight took 3-4 months, a person is already at the finish line, the last 5 kg remains to be lost - and then the scales seem to freeze at one mark.

That is, weight can rise at any time during weight loss. The main thing is to understand that this is not your personal grief and an exceptional, out-of-the-ordinary case. More than 60% of those losing weight experience this. And experts have prepared programs to successfully overcome the plateau effect.

How much can the weight stand?

The duration of the plateau effect depends on many factors:

  1. Health conditions: in the absence of disease, adaptation occurs faster.
  2. Age: the younger the person losing weight, the lower the risk of encountering this phenomenon.
  3. Amounts of extra kilos: sometimes it takes the same amount of time to lose 30 kg and 10 kg, because in the first case the weight does not stay in one place and is constantly decreasing, and in the second it can hang for several weeks.
  4. Individual characteristics of the body: for some, it gets used to new living conditions more slowly, for others - faster.
  5. Selected weight loss methods: if the diet and training program are chosen incorrectly, the weight is guaranteed to rise at a certain point.
  6. Measures taken to eliminate the plateau effect: if you do nothing, then there will be no results.

On average, when losing weight, the weight stays the same for 5 days to 2 weeks. However, these are average figures. For some, the plateau effect lasted a couple of days, and there are others who suffer from it for 1.5-2 months.

How to react to this

If at this stage you become disillusioned with your diet and training and return to your previous lifestyle, the return of all lost kilograms is guaranteed in the shortest possible time.

If you leave everything as it is, the body can adapt further and look for a way out of the current situation for an indefinite amount of time - up to several months.

If you try to find out why the weight is in your case and eliminate the reasons, the duration of this period can be significantly reduced and you can move on. Your task is to follow this path and achieve the desired results.

Interesting fact. There are known cases when a person losing weight, tired of waiting for a change from a dead point, in desperation ate to the fullest, which brought the body into a new state of shock. Oddly enough, the next day there was a slight loss in weight. When returning to diet and exercise after such a breakdown, the plateau effect was overcome.


Weight loss may be influenced by the following factors.

Wrong diet

An unbalanced, strict, too long diet that does not provide the body with the necessary nutrients is the most common reason. Nutrient deficiency and an imbalanced BJU ratio leads to a slowdown in metabolism. And without lipolysis and carbohydrate metabolism, weight loss is impossible. This usually happens when you are on a monotonous diet and have a monotonous menu. If you eat mainly buckwheat, rice, apples or cabbage for 2-3 weeks, weight loss is guaranteed to stop.

Wrong workouts

Usually people take up weight loss with enthusiasm: they do exercises, they run in the morning, they go to the gym almost every day, and they take a membership to the pool. Such impact physical activities always end in failure (provided there is no basis for them, if you have not been involved in sports before). Most often, muscles are damaged, and soreness does not allow you to continue in the same spirit. Or after a week the weight refuses to come off and stays the same.

Wrong weight loss program

The most common mistake women make: I go on a diet, but don’t have time to go to the gym - I’ll lose weight anyway. For men, everything is exactly the opposite: I’ll start going to the gym, but I won’t give up meat, fried potatoes and beer - sport alone will cope with fat deposits. You need to understand that these two components come in one set. Weight is lost when fewer calories are expended than acquired, and this is exactly what happens in the situations described.

How to make a weight loss plan? Proper nutrition plus exercise - in our article.

Ineffective techniques

Perhaps you bought fat-burning capsules or a bracelet with a neodymium magnet. Or patiently attend cryotherapy sessions. Or they started a total cleansing of the body according to Neumyvakin. Or downloaded the “Bite Counter” mobile app to your phone. Today, the choice of ways to get rid of hated kilograms is unlimited. Unfortunately, some do not understand that all of them are only auxiliary and no one can predict their results, much less guarantee them. They can only go in combination with proper nutrition and exercise. Most often, in the first week of their implementation, a loss of 2-3 kg is possible, and then due to the removal of fluid and organic debris, and not the breakdown of fats, and then the weight rises firmly.

Reaching the limit

At the beginning of losing weight, you need to calculate three parameters for yourself using special formulas:

  1. Your current BMI.
  2. How many kilograms do you need to lose?
  3. What end result should you achieve?

What is important here is the fact of calculating the final result. If it turns out that with your height and age you should weigh 60 kg and no less, then you need to strive for this figure, and not for the 50 kg you dreamed of. The weight may be standing because you have already reached exactly the threshold that constitutes your ideal BMI (). This mistake is especially often made by young girls who strive for a model appearance or suffer from anorexia and bulimia.

Water scarcity

The basic principle of all diets is proper drinking regimen. It involves drinking a sufficient amount of water - at least 2 liters per day, and even more in the summer and during intense training. This amount does not include other liquids (teas, smoothies, decoctions, juices). Only clean drinking water can accelerate metabolism to the required speed for stable weight loss, but it stops as soon as this principle begins to be ignored by those losing weight.

There are a number of other possible reasons why weight loss is worthwhile:

  • lack of protein;
  • exacerbation of some disease;
  • incorrect daily routine;
  • inadequate sleep;
  • depression, stressful situation, shock.

What to do

If you are losing weight while losing weight, explore all the possible causes of the plateau effect described above and try to apply them to your situation. Try to objectively find out what you are doing wrong, why the body has stopped responding to your call. As soon as the harmful factor is identified, take measures to eliminate it. Most often, it turns out that someone losing weight makes several mistakes at once, which leads to such an undesirable phenomenon.

Learning to restart the weight loss process again.

Dietary changes

If the weight remains on for more than 5 days, you need to start taking action by organizing a fasting day (see the basic rules for carrying it out). Just choose the main product for it that is not the one that played the main role in the diet that you followed. For example, if you were on a protein fast, cleanse your body with rice or buckwheat; if it’s carbohydrate, use kefir as a basis, etc. And from the next day you will need to shake the body again. Nutritionists offer several options on how to do this:

  1. Choose a different diet - more balanced, with optimal.
  2. Try separate meals.
  3. Change the number of meals (instead of 5, make 3 or vice versa).
  4. Switch to the correct one, but with a slightly reduced daily caloric intake.
  5. Include dietary foods and low-calorie foods in your diet that you have never eaten before.
  6. Reduce portion sizes.

To prevent weight from standing still and moving from place, try to radically change your diet if you are sure that mistakes were initially made in the previously selected diet.

Changes in training

  1. Choose a different set of exercises.
  2. If previously the basis of training was cardio exercises, change them to strength training and vice versa.
  3. Stop running if it doesn't bring results.
  4. Change your training schedule and hours.
  5. Consult a professional trainer.
  6. Change the type of exercise machine, type of dance (from Zumba to Ballydance, for example), studio or hall.
  7. Pay attention to yoga, qigong,...
  8. Sometimes it is enough to simply reduce the load.

Make your body experience new sensations. If you didn't know how to swim, learn. You've never ridden a bike - now is the time.

Review of the methods used

  1. Avoid fat burning, laxatives and diuretics or replace them with others, as recommended by a specialist.
  2. Take a break from wearing shapewear or buy new, more functional ones: if you wore a sauna suit, switch to a thermal belt.
  3. Try purchasing another piece of jewelry to influence other points on the body responsible for weight loss (for those who are interested in reflexology and magnetotherapy). You wore a ring - now try the earrings.
  4. Cryotherapy did not help - sign up for.
  5. If original and folk methods for losing weight and cleansing the body have led to weight stagnation, you should not continue such experiments.

Try to objectively judge which of the methods actually work, and which are just empty extortion of money by manufacturers. The former will allow the weight to move from a dead point, the latter will not change the situation.

A moment of enlightenment. If you want to study this phenomenon in more detail, read the book by B. Sullivan and H. Thompson “The Plateau Effect. How to overcome stagnation and move on."

What else can be done to keep the weight from staying in one place?

Make sure that the weight loss program necessarily includes a diet (or proper nutrition) and physical activity + you can use 2-3 auxiliary methods (massage, body wraps, salon procedures, etc.).

Pass a medical examination. It is rare, but it still happens that the cause of the plateau effect is some disease that has worsened as a result of a sharp change in lifestyle.

Establish a drinking regime, drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

Organize healthy, full sleep: go to bed before midnight, sleep at least 8 hours every day, do not sit in front of TV screens or gadgets before bed (read more about how you can lose weight at night, recommendations for organizing sleep).

Avoid stressful situations. If an emergency happened while losing weight (you were fired from your job, your husband quit), the kilograms stop coming off. For some period you need to put off the diet, survive the stress, take a course of antidepressants, if necessary, and only then return to achieving your goal.

Focus on spa treatments to increase thermogenesis.

And now a nice bonus: all the additional recommendations given above are at the same time a prevention of the plateau effect. If you do not want to encounter this unpleasant phenomenon during your weight loss, initially follow these tips, and then your weight will gradually but steadily decrease, and not stand in one place.