Entrance to Streshnevo station. Moscow Central Circle

In the Riga direction of commuter trains, construction has begun on a new Leningradskaya platform, shifted to the Moscow Central Circle. Upon completion of construction, it will be possible to get to the MCC via a convenient covered walkway in a few minutes. But at the same time, "Leningradskaya" moves away from the "Voikovskaya" metro station, where passengers from the Riga direction transfer to go to the center. RG investigated why the city is building a transfer from the railway to the MCC to the detriment of a transfer to the metro.

Let me remind you that in Moscow a program is currently being implemented to integrate MCC stations with suburban railway lines. After its completion, traveling by train to the city will become much more convenient. Transfers will appear in almost all radii. Stations everywhere are being “pulled up” to each other, making convenient transport hubs, or new stations are being built where possible.

A unique situation has developed with Leningradskaya. From the Riga direction there is already a relatively convenient transfer - a little more than 400 meters - to the Voikovskaya metro station. Fifteen minutes - and passengers of the Riga direction are at "Belorusskaya", another five - at "Teatralnaya" near the Kremlin. After moving the platform, it will be about 300 meters farther to the metro, but it will be only 90 meters to the MCC via a warm passage. But not everyone needs a ring. “Why do I need the MCC, from which I can only go to the periphery?” Anastasia Mashkova from Krasnogorsk is perplexed. - “All my roads go to the center.”

“Think about retired summer residents,” echoes Alexey Mayorov, who has a summer house in Istra. “For them, an additional 300 meters with heavy bags is not an idle stroll.” The difficulty of Leningradskaya is that between it and the next station in the Riga direction, Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo, there are only a couple of kilometers. “If you add another station between them, the train will not have enough space to accelerate and slow down between the two platforms; it will have to go slowly, and this will greatly affect the throughput of the section. It will not be a huge electric train more than 200 meters long that will have to run here, but a tram,” they explain in Russian Railways.

As a result, until the last moment, transport workers could not decide how exactly to integrate the Riga direction with the MCC. And passengers learned about the upcoming plans after the fact - when workers went to the construction site this winter.

Now the first platform is almost ready. "Railroad workers, together with colleagues from specialized structures in Moscow, were looking for the most best option. And we came to the decision to move the Leningradskaya stopping point on the Riga direction 200 meters towards the MCC with the construction of two coastal passenger platforms,” commented the Moscow Railway. “This design solution allows us to maintain the existing connection of the Leningradskaya platform with the Voikovskaya metro station.” , slightly increasing the distance to the metro, and will also provide a convenient transfer to the Streshnevo MCC station. In addition, the transport situation for local residents will improve. Residents of Svetly Proezd will have a direct route to Voikovskaya, and residents of Radiatornye Streets and Voikovskie Proezd will have access to the Streshnevo station. Now, in fact, the Voikovsky district is cut by railway rails and fences, and after construction a convenient bridge will appear over them.”

Now you can get to Streshnevo from Leningradskaya only through Leningradsky Prospekt - it’s about 1.5 km on foot.

According to forecasts of the capital's Department of Transport, passenger traffic on Streshnevo will double after the transfer - now there are 4.3 thousand passengers per day, after completion of construction 7.9 thousand are expected.

The increase is expected due to passengers from Leningradskaya and local residents - now, according to the Central Suburban Passenger Company, about 8 thousand people pass through the station every day. The remaining 4 thousand will have to walk a little longer to the metro or take buses. The Department of Transport promises to review the bus route in the area after the transfer is completed.

How is the construction of interchanges on the MCC progressing July 7th, 2017

It has been almost 10 months since passenger service on the Moscow Central Circle was launched. During this time, the ring has transported more than 65 million passengers, and the monthly passenger flow exceeds 360 thousand passengers per day. Meanwhile, the launch of passenger service as such is only the first stage in the development of the project. It is followed by two more: integration of the MCC with the radial directions of the Moscow Railway (stage 2) and development of adjacent territories (stage 3). It is precisely the second stage that we will talk about today. Let's see how the construction of interchange hubs is being carried out at the intersections of the MCC with other railway directions.

Let's start with the Paveletsky direction
Here, in order to integrate with the MCC and organize a transfer to the Verkhnie Kotly station (I still want to complain about the complete topological illiteracy of the person who came up with such a name), a new stopping point is being built.

The project provides for the construction of two island passenger platforms, which will allow trains traveling along all main tracks to stop. It will be possible to schedule a stop here for Aeroexpress trains heading to Domodedovo Airport and for suburban express trains.

The object is very large-scale; some of the platforms will be placed on overpasses, which requires their complete reconstruction. The axes of the main paths will also shift. The construction of retaining walls is currently being completed.

Next direction - Riga
Initially, the project for integrating the Riga direction with the MCC provided for the relocation of the Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo platform to organize an interchange hub. But later, under pressure from the Moskomarkhitektura, another decision was made: to leave the Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo in place, and to transfer the Leningradskaya platform to the MCC.

It's too late to say now, but this decision is a worsening condition for tens of thousands of passengers who use this platform every day (our opinion only). Existing location platform allows you to use it to transfer to the Voikovskaya metro station (although this is not the most convenient transfer, but still), plus, in addition, stops for ground urban passenger transport are located nearby. Moving the platform will lengthen the route from the platform to the metro by 140 meters (from 400m to 530m). In addition, if previously the transfer route was obvious and passed along the sidewalks of the main Leningradsky Prospekt, then after the platform is moved, the route to the metro will pass through 2nd Voykovsky Proezd, which is more of a courtyard passage than part of the transfer hub.

However, construction is already underway full swing. It is planned to build two side platforms with two vestibules. The western vestibule of the platform will be directly adjacent to both the northern end of the MCC Streshnevo station, thereby forming an interchange connection. The eastern vestibule of the platform will provide access in the direction of the metro and Leningradskoye Shosse.

The next direction for our inspection is Savelovskoe
Despite the fact that the existing Okruzhnaya platform is already quite conveniently located for transferring to the MCC, a decision was made to build new platforms, also on overpasses. This decision was dictated by the need to bring the railway tracks onto the overpass, because below it is planned to pass the North-Western and North-East Expressway.

After completion of construction, all transplants will be carried out entirely in a warm circuit.

Yaroslavl direction
Here, as part of integration with the MCC, work is underway to move the Severyanin stop closer to the Rostokino station. It must be said that the platform transfer project repeatedly moved from one title of work to another, as a result of which it did not fit well with neighboring projects. Although work on the construction of the platform began in the fall, in the spring part of the constructed platform had to be dismantled, because its location turned out to be within the clearance of one of the main tracks, the relocation of which is planned in connection with the laying of the V main track.

Another difficulty of this transport hub is the passage of the North-Eastern Expressway and the interchange with the Yaroslavl Highway near it. Thus, in one of the latest proposals for routing, the road designers threw out the groundwork for the western vestibule of the Rostokino station (designed with access to Prospekt Mira). Of course, this is an unacceptable solution: the western vestibule is absolutely necessary to organize convenient interchange connections with transport running along Prospekt Mira, especially in light of the fact that the new location of the Severyanin platform will somewhat distance it from the existing interchange connections with ground transport stops.

Gorky direction
The construction of the Karacharovo transport hub continues here, which in the future should become one of the largest in Moscow. It is planned to include: the Nizhegorodskaya MCC station, two metro stations and the Karacharovo platform of the Gorky direction, which will be moved closer to the Moscow Ring Railway. In the future, in the Gorky direction it is planned to organize the so-called. “zone station”, when part of the train routes will not go to the center to the station, but will end here. This is at least very controversial decision, which goes against global trends in the development of intracity rail transport, when commuter trains, on the contrary, are made as transit as possible in order to create, in fact, a second circuit of off-street transport.

And finally, transfer to the Kursk direction. Near the Novokhokhlovskaya MCC station, work has already begun on the construction of a new stopping point in the radial direction. It is planned that the new platform will have an island platform connected in a warm circuit to the lobby of the MCC station.

Of course, integration with radial railway lines is only part of the 2nd stage of the MCC development. In addition, a decision has now been made to build additional vestibules at the following stations: “Lokomotiv”, “ZIL” and “Botanical Garden”. The issue of building second vestibules at the Vladykino and Baltiyskaya stops is being considered. Practice shows that it is the lobbies that are the bottleneck that limits throughput Moscow Central Circle: most lobbies use escalators of reduced width (80 cm versus the standard 100 cm in the metro), this does not allow two passengers to fully stand on a step, or use left side for passage, which significantly reduces throughput.

Have you already tried the MCC in a year? Will new transplants make the ring more comfortable for you?

Near the building of the Russian Geological Fund there is a small exhibition of stones

Near the railway tracks there is a small open section of the Tarakanovka River, which in the old days was not yet polluted with industrial waste. In the 18th century, five dams were built along the river, and in the resulting ponds local residents were fishing. Behind residential buildings Large-scale construction of the Third Interchange Circuit of the metro has begun.

At the intersection of Khoroshevskoye Highway and Sorge Street, a monument to the Soviet intelligence officer was erected. In 1929, Richard Sorge began collaborating with the Intelligence Directorate of the Red Army and was soon sent to Japan. Most often, the name of the intelligence officer, who worked under the pseudonym Ramsay, is mentioned in connection with the preparation of the invasion of Nazi Germany in the USSR. Japan was an ally of Germany and valuable information about preparations for war came here. Thanks to Sorge’s professionalism, secret information was transmitted in code to Moscow. In particular, Ramsay reported Japan's reluctance to participate in the war against Soviet Union, which allowed Headquarters in the fall of 1941 to transfer fresh and well-trained Siberian divisions to the defense of Moscow.

In October 1941, Sorge was arrested by the Japanese police and sentenced by the court to death penalty. At the end of the war, documents from the Japanese intelligence services about the activities of Sorge and his station fell into the hands of the Americans and became public. In the USSR, the first publications about the feat of Richard Sorge appeared in 1964 and he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously).

The name of Richard Sorge is immortalized in the name of the next MCC station (the original version was “Novopeschanaya”), which was somewhat late in opening. During the first month of operation of the ring, trains pass by without stopping.

One of the branches of the Moscow District, laid along Berzarina Street, and on the People's Militia there seems to still be a railway crossing.

Sorge Street can be roughly divided in two: the even side consists of residential areas of panel and brick houses, and the odd side, along the railway, is occupied by garages, car repair shops, car washes, and dealership centers. A pedestrian bridge will be built for passengers from Sorge Street to the MCC station.

Among the Stalin buildings, decorated with “architectural excesses,” we came across the unkempt facade of the Research Institute “Medstatistics”

On the odd side of Sorge Street along the railway there is a lot of space that is slowly being developed for residential and office development. Graffiti will tell you what goods and services are available.

The industrial zone’s focus on vehicle maintenance developed back in the Soviet years. 1986: https://pastvu.com/p/26341 In the background are the mighty buildings of CHPP-16, the foundation of which was ready in 1941, and construction was completed in the late 1950s.

Passenger building at the Voyennoye Pole stop. 1907-1908: https://pastvu.com/p/85357

The same building, which can only be identified by the inscription on the facade. 1987: https://pastvu.com/p/27622 (not preserved)

These places are directly related to the history of the Moscow Circular Railway - historian Yuri Egorov talks about this on the Archnadzor website http://www.archnadzor.ru/2016/09/05/voennoe-pole/: the Sorge station “is located exactly on the site of the Military Field stopping point that existed here, built together with the Okrug Railway in 1905–1907. The name Military Field is an old Moscow toponym that existed in this place for many decades. Part of the vast Khodynka field along the current Circular Railway since mid-19th For centuries, military camps were occupied here - infantry, artillery, cadet schools, several Cossacks and others. In addition to the camps themselves, that is, the barracks, there were training grounds and even shooting ranges, including a “rifle shaft” for training artillerymen.

To service military camps and conveniently transport soldiers to them, a stopping point was built, which was called the Military Field. If necessary, access roads from the camps could easily be connected to it - all the buildings and structures needed for this were built in advance, along with the rest of the road. Military camps were located here until the end of the 1950s; now this place is occupied by residential areas.

The author of the buildings on the Military Field was the chief architect of the District Railway, the famous Alexander Pomerantsev: it is his signature that appears on the surviving historical drawings. The building of the Voyennoye Pole station was outstanding not only among the Okruzhnaya buildings - it was one of the most interesting Moscow stations with a bright and unusual architectural design. The building was a complex multi-volume composition of variable height and number of storeys, with rich and varied decor and was associated primarily with a fairy-tale tower. The entrance to the building from the city side was made in the form of a porch with a hipped roof and a spire crowning it, with elegant pilasters. Unfortunately, Military Field is one of the few places on the Ring Road where historical buildings have been completely lost.”

Military field. House. 1907: https://pastvu.com/p/26415

Immediately behind the Sandy overpass is the Panfilovskaya MCC station (the original version was Khodynka), named after Panfilov Street, which runs parallel. Ivan Panfilov was a veteran of the First World War, during the Civil War he fought in the Chapaev division, and in the fall of 1941, already with the rank of major general, he held the defense on the outskirts of Moscow. His 316th rifle division, staffed mainly by soldiers drafted from the Kazakh and Kyrgyz SSR, turned out to be one of the most combat-ready thanks to good training in exercises and Panfilov’s tactics. He used a system of deeply layered artillery anti-tank defense and mobile barrage detachments. Defeated German general Erich Gepner called Panfilov's men "a savage division, fighting in violation of all regulations and rules of combat, whose soldiers do not surrender, are extremely fanatical and are not afraid of death." Ivan Panfilov died under mortar fire near Volokolamsk in November 1941.

Panfilovskaya is one of the five MCC stations that opened late

Hidden behind the brick houses of Panfilov Street is Sokol, Moscow’s first cooperative residential community, founded in 1923. The Sokol partnership included employees of the People's Commissariats, economists, artists, teachers, agronomists, and technical intelligentsia. The share payments were quite high; it’s nice to have a house in a village on the outskirts of the capital, but it’s expensive.

The houses on an area of ​​21 hectares were built according to individual designs by architects Nikolai Markovnikov, brothers Alexander, Victor and Leonid Vesnin, Ivan Kondakov, Alexey Shchusev. Each plot accounted for approximately nine acres. By the beginning of the 1930s, 114 residential buildings, two grocery stores, a kindergarten, a canteen and a library had been built. The village streets were named after Russian painters, which gave rise to the unofficial name - Village of Artists.

Since 1936, as part of the concept of building workers’ towns, apartment buildings, diluting the colorful rustic nature. Now the village is completely losing its uniqueness: the owners are actively demolishing old wooden buildings, erecting modern haciendas to their taste.

Fence of the MSUPP dormitory

One of the exits of the Panfilovskaya station is oriented towards Marshal Rybalko Street, where a large cream “cake” with icing and a tower candle appeared on the site of the former armored repair plant of the Ministry of Defense - the Marshal residential complex, designed by architect Mikhail Filippov. What remained from the enterprise were the rich gates and the T-34-85 tank, installed on the factory territory on May 9, 1985 and moved to the park near the Yunost cinema (the cinema operates on the first floor of a residential building built in 1955).

The decoration of these places is the ensemble of the junction railway station of the Serebryany Bor Moscow Railway: a passenger building (architect Alexander Pomerantsev), a luggage compartment, a track barracks, a guardhouse and two switch posts. The station contained passenger halls of classes I, II and III, the station master's office, and a telegraph office. Residential buildings of the 2nd and 3rd types for employees and small buildings have not survived. The station was named after the centuries-old pine forest, which in the old days bore the name Serebryany Bor, and later the Great All Saints Grove. It was from here that on July 19, 1908, a festive train with an official delegation departed, opening regular traffic on the Moscow Railway.

A list of all station objects is known: passenger platforms, passenger building, baggage room, latrine, kerosene cellar, garbage pit, fire shed, central control booths, water-lifting building, reservoir building, residential building type No. 2, residential building type No. 3 , a barracks, three guard houses, freight platforms and a warehouse, a goods office and a weighing platform, wells, switch boxes. Station diagram: http://mozd.livejournal.com/13940.html

Serebryany Bor. 1907-1908: https://pastvu.com/p/85708

The building with columns was built later, either next to a small warehouse or on its foundation.

House. 1907: https://pastvu.com/p/53677

Pointer centralization post. 1907: https://pastvu.com/p/85710

The same place, but in 1963-1964: https://pastvu.com/p/21586

One more post

On the opposite side of the Serebryany Bor station there was a food point for feeding soldiers from military trains, designed for 1,200 people. The point included: a dining room, a kitchen, an icehouse, a pantry with a cellar, a shed for firewood, a latrine, a cesspool, a house for the team, and a commandant's house with services.

Next year, the Karacharovo stop on the Gorky direction of the Moscow Railway (MZD) will be moved half a kilometer to the Moscow Central Circle (MCC). There will be a convenient transfer from the railway to the Nizhegorodskaya MCC station. The press service of the Ministry of Railways reported this.

The new Karacharovo station will replace the existing railway stop of the same name. Transferring from commuter trains to Lastochki will take only a few minutes. At the same time, passengers will not need to go outside; the crossing will be built according to the “dry feet” principle. Currently, railway workers are building an underground pedestrian crossing and platform. In total, three passenger platforms, six through tracks and two dead-end tracks will be built at the station.

Every day, 187 thousand people use electric trains in the Gorky direction. The busiest station on the route is Moscow-Kurskaya. 50 thousand people pass through the turnstiles of the Gorky dead-end streets at the Kursky railway station every day. The second largest passenger traffic is Zheleznodorozhnaya station. It is used by 35 thousand people per day. The remaining stations handle an average of 11 thousand people.

Photo: portal Moscow 24/Alexander Avilov

A quick transfer from the train to the MCC will relieve congestion at the central metro stations - Kurskaya on the Circle Line, Kurskaya on the Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya Line and Chkalovskaya on the Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya Line. Passengers will not have to go to Kursky Station to change to the metro.

In addition, JSC Russian Railways plans to make the Karacharovo station the initial and final destination for some commuter trains. This measure will reduce the passenger flow of the Kursk station, as well as increase the railway capacity on the section from the Moscow-Kurskaya station to the Karacharovo station. It is this section that is now the busiest, since the Kursky station also receives passengers from the Kursk direction of the Moscow Railway and through commuter trains from the Riga and Belorussian directions.

Photo: portal Moscow 24/Alexander Avilov

From the Karacharovo platform it will be possible to transfer not only to the MCC, but also to a new radial line - Kozhukhovskaya, which the capital authorities promise to build next year. From the railway it will be possible to go underground to the Nizhegorodskaya Street station, from which the metro train will take you to the Nekrasovka station on the outskirts of Moscow in the Nekrasovka district.

By the way, passengers will be able to transfer to one more station - Nizhegorodskaya Street, located on the Third Interchange Circuit. It should also be built in 2018.

Thus, in 2018, in the area of ​​Ryazanskaya Prospekt in the south-east of Moscow, the largest transport hub will appear, connecting commuter trains, the MCC and metro stations.

Yaroslavl direction

Photo: portal Moscow 24/Alexander Avilov

The Severyanin station of the Yaroslavl direction of the Moscow Railway will be closer to the MCC in the new year. The suburban platform will be moved 600 m to Rostokino station. The distance will be reduced from 620 to 20 m. An underground pedestrian crossing will connect the two stations. Three passenger platforms will be built at the station.

The new comfortable transfer will reduce the load on the Yaroslavsky railway station and the Komsomolskaya metro station. More than 97 thousand people come to Yaroslavsky Station on commuter trains every day. Passenger traffic on the Yaroslavl route is almost 450 thousand. person per day.

The launch of traffic along the MCC in 2016 reduced the load on the Komsomolskaya metro station by a quarter. The approach of the railway platform to the MCC will make the most popular metro station even freer. According to Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Urban Development Policy and Construction Marat Khusnullin, passenger traffic at the Rostokino MCC station during rush hour could reach 37 thousand people.

Riga direction

Photo: portal Moscow 24/Alexander Avilov

To transfer passengers on the Riga direction of the Moscow Railway, a new station is being built - Leningradskaya. The integration of the Streshnevo MCC station and the railway will take place next year. The stations will be united by a covered walkway, and in order for residents of nearby areas to use the ring road, a pedestrian bridges on each side of the stopping point.

Now, in order to get from Leningradskaya to the second ring of the metro, you have to cover a 1.5 km path on foot and enter the station only through Leningradsky Prospekt. Passenger traffic after moving the platform will increase approximately 2 times - from 4.3 thousand people to 7.9 thousand.

Savelovskoe direction

Photo: portal Moscow 24/Alexander Avilov

The Okruzhnaya station of the Savelovsky direction of the Moscow Railway will be built on a railway overpass. The distance between the Okruzhnaya MCC station and the commuter train stop will be reduced from 260 to 50 m. The transfer will be quick and warm.

Those who need to go to the center will be able to take the elevator underground to the Okruzhnaya station on the Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya line. The new station will open for traffic at the end of this year. It will be a continuation of the light green line from the Petrovsko-Razumovskaya metro station. All three "Districts" will be connected by elevators and escalators.

Paveletskaya direction

Photo: portal Moscow 24/Alexander Avilov

The Paveletskaya direction of the Moscow Railway and the Verkhnie Kotly station of the MCC will be connected by the new Varshavskaya platform at the end of 2018. According to Marat Khusnullin, to integrate the railway and metro, it is planned to build a platform with a turnstile and cash register terminal, build tracks, and modernize the railway infrastructure.

The passenger transfer will reduce the load on the Paveletskaya and Nagatinskaya metro stations. The predicted passenger flow of the new hub will be about 18 thousand people during rush hour. Now, in order to transfer to the MCC, passengers in the Paveletsky direction walk approximately 1.2 km from the Nizhnie Kotly station. Their path passes along the Warsaw highway.

Kursk direction

Photo: portal Moscow 24/Alexander Avilov

Finally next year It is planned to combine the Novokhokhlovskaya MCC station and the Kursk direction station of the Moscow Railway with a covered walkway. The railway station is to be built within a year. After this, when transferring from one station to another, passengers will have “dry feet.” In the meantime, those who decide to transfer from the Kalitniki station of the Kursk direction of the Moscow Railway to the Novokhokhlovskaya MCC station have to travel one and a half kilometers along an unimproved road.

NATI station of the Oktyabrskaya railway

Photo: portal Moscow 24/Alexander Avilov

The NATI station of the Oktyabrskaya Railway will not be moved closer to the MCC. Passengers walk from the commuter train to the Likhobory station on the MCC for about six minutes. True, construction is currently underway here, the roadbed of the northern section of the North-Eastern Expressway is being built. And in a year, an above-ground covered pedestrian crossing will be built to transfer pedestrians.

We built it for you
Extra time

The Moscow Central Circle is part of the transport system of the future capital.
It gives the city an alternative to choosing new routes, reduces the load on the metro and train stations in the city center and makes a trip around Moscow an average 20 minutes Briefly speaking.

About the MCC project

The city train is a new type of public transport that appeared in the capital on September 10, 2016 with the opening of the Moscow Central Circle (MCC).

New generation Lastochka trains run along the railway ring during metro operation. You won’t have to wait more than 6 minutes for an electric train during rush hours, and you can change to the metro for free - the MCC has the same pass as the metro.

Marat Khusnullin, Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Urban Development Policy and Construction:

The launch of traffic on the Moscow Central Circle is a breakthrough project for the capital. MCC will be built in the city new system transport logistics. There will be a redistribution of transit flows from the center to the middle part of the city, adjacent territories will become more accessible, passenger traffic in the metro will decrease and roads will be partially cleared.
The load on the main metro lines, primarily the Circle Line and central interchange stations, will be reduced by more than 15%.

Interactive map

We have developed especially for you
interactive map

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and find out more details

3 2 1 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5



The intersection of Station Street and Lokomotivny Proezd

Passenger traffic during peak hours

2017 - 4600 people

2025 - 11,600 people


  • Art. District Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya line (2017)

  • 154, 238, 24, 24k, 282, 692, 82, 85, 114, 149, 170, 179, 191, 206, 215, 215k, 63, 656

  • 36, 47, 56, 78

  • pl. Okruzhnaya (Savelovskoe direction of the Moscow Railway)

By the time traffic on the MCC was launched in September 2016, the Okruzhnaya transport hub provided only a transfer to the Savyolovskaya Railway. A metro transfer will appear in 2017, when construction of the Okruzhnaya station on the Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya line is completed.



The intersection of Cherepanov passage and the Oktyabrskaya railway

Passenger traffic during peak hours

2017 - 5900 people

2025 - 8900 people


  • 114, 123, 179, 204, 87

  • Pl. NATI (Leningrad direction of Railways)

Car parking

From the Likhobory station there is a transfer to the NATI platform of the Leningrad direction of the Oktyabrskaya railway, as well as to ground urban passenger transport from new stopping points along Cherepanov Passage.


(opened October 2016)


In the area of ​​Cherepanov passage 24

Passenger traffic during peak hours

2017 - 7600 people

2025 - 9200 people


  • 123, 621, 90, 22, 72, 801, 87

  • 23, 30

From the Koptevo station, via an overpass you can go to the tram ring of routes running from the Voykovskaya and Timiryazevskaya metro stations, as well as to the bus stops on Mikhalkovskaya Street.



In the area of ​​Leningradskoe highway, no. 16A. 7

Passenger traffic during peak hours

2017 - 3100 people

2025 - 7600 people


  • Art. "Voikovskaya" Zamoskvoretskaya line (pedestrian gallery through the Metropolis shopping center)

  • 780, 905, N1, 114, 179, 204, 621, 90

  • 57, 43, 43k, 6

Car parking
1000 parking spaces 2025

From the Baltiyskaya MCC station you can transfer to city passenger transport (bus, trolleybuses and minibuses). For this purpose, new stops have been installed along Admiral Makarov Street and Novopetrovsky Proezd. A pedestrian crossing from the street was also built over the railway tracks. Admiral Makarov to Novopetrovsky Proezd, it is connected to the Metropolis shopping center, from where you can go to the Voykovskaya metro station.

Adjacent to the northwestern part of the station is the Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo natural and historical park, created on the basis of the park former estate Pokrovskoe-Streshnevo.



In the area of ​​Svetly proezd no. 4

Passenger traffic during peak hours

2017 - 4700 people

2025 - 5700 people


  • 12, 70, 82

  • Pl. Streshnevo (Riga direction of the Moscow Railway, promising, 2017)

Car parking
43 parking spaces 2017

In 2017, a transfer will be organized from the Streshnevo MCC station to the new Streshnevo platform of the Riga direction of the railway. Now from here you can transfer to ground urban passenger transport. New stops have been installed along 1st Krasnogorsky Proezd and Volokolamsk Highway.

On the northern side, the Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo natural and historical park adjoins the Streshnevo station.


(opened October 2016)


The intersection of Panfilov and Alabyan streets

Passenger traffic during peak hours

2017 - 4100 people

2025 - 5300 people


  • 100, 105, 26, 691, 88, 800

  • 19, 59, 61

For a convenient transfer from the Panfilovskaya station to ground public transport, new stops with drive-in pockets have been installed on Panfilov Street. Three overpasses were also built.

Within walking distance from Panfilovskaya there is the Oktyabrskoye Pole station on the Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya metro line.

To the northeast of the station there is a monument cultural heritage"Architectural and planning complex of the village of Sokol." Nearby is the Fraternal Cemetery for soldiers who died in the war of 1914 and the sisters of mercy of Moscow communities, as well as the Birch Grove park.


(opened October 2016)


In the area of ​​st. Sorge d.21

Passenger traffic during peak hours

2017 - 1900 people

2025 - 3500 people


  • 48, 64, 39, 39k

  • 43, 86, 65

Car parking

Not far from the planned territory is the Oktyabrskoye Pole station of the Moscow Metro.

From the Sorge MCC station you can transfer to ground urban passenger transport. For this purpose, new stops with drive-in pockets are planned to be built on Sorge and Marshal Biryuzov streets.



In the area of ​​Khoroshevskoe highway no. 43

Passenger traffic during peak hours

2017 - 3000 people

2025 - 3400 people


  • Art. "Polezhaevskaya" Tagansko-Krasnopresneskaya line (pedestrian connection)

    Art. "Khoroshevskaya" of the Third Interchange Circuit (prospective, pedestrian connection)

  • 39, 39k, 155, 155k, 271, 294, 48, 800

  • 20, 20k, 21, 35, 35k, 43, 85, 86

To transfer from the Khoroshevo MCC station to ground urban passenger transport, new stops with drive-in pockets have been installed on 3rd Khoroshevskaya Street and Marshal Zhukov Avenue. Within walking distance from Khoroshevo there is the Polezhaevskaya metro station on the Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya line.

Partially, the platforms of the Khoroshevo station are located on the overpass above the Khoroshevskoe highway and form a single whole with it.



The intersection of Shmitovsky Proezd and 3rd Magistralnaya Street

Passenger traffic during peak hours

2025 - 31,200 people


  • Art. “Shelepikha” Third transfer circuit (warm circuit)

Car parking
(by 2025)
Multi-level parking 680 parking spaces
Multi-level parking 800 parking spaces
Multi-level parking 500 parking spaces

From the Shelepikha station you can transfer to the Testovskaya platform of the Smolensk direction of the railway, and at the end of 2016 to new station metro station "Shelepikha" of the Third interchange circuit.

Business center


Near the Mezhdunarodnaya metro station on the Filevskaya line

Passenger traffic during peak hours

2017 - 10,400 people

2025 - 13900 people


  • Art. "International" Filevskaya line

  • Pl. Testovskaya (Smolensk direction of the Moscow Railway)

Car parking

A terminal with ticket offices and turnstiles of the Delovoy Tsentr MCC station was built under the overpass of the Third Transport Ring, which is connected to the northern pavilion of the Mezhdunarodnaya metro station. Thus, from the Delovoy Tsentr MCC station you can immediately go down to the metro lobby, as well as exit onto Testovskaya Street to stops of ground public transport or through an underground pedestrian crossing to Moscow City. There will also be access to the opposite side to the Botanical Garden.

The Delovoi Tsentr transport hub will be one of the largest on the MCC. Walking communication is provided to the Testovskaya platform in the Smolensk direction. It is also planned to build a parking lot, an underground passage from the Business Center transport hub to Moscow City, and an above-ground pedestrian gallery from the Business Center transport hub directly to the Moscow City building (above Testovskaya Street). The elevated pedestrian crossing will be built in the second stage.

The transport hub includes the construction of an office center and parking areas (second stage). The total building area is 151 thousand square meters. m.



Near the Kutuzovskaya metro station on the Filevskaya line

Passenger traffic during peak hours

2017 - 5800 people

2025 - 10,000 people


  • Art. "Kutuzovskaya" Filevskaya line (pedestrian connection)

  • 116, 157, 205, 477, 840, 91, N2

  • 2, 39, 44, 7

From the Kutuzovskaya MCC station you can transfer to the Kutuzovskaya station of the Filevskaya metro line, as well as to ground urban passenger transport.



In the area of ​​st. Khamovnichesky Val, 37

Passenger traffic during peak hours

2017 - 6500 people

2025 - 9800 people


  • "Sportivnaya" Sokolnicheskaya line
    (pedestrian connection)

  • 15, 5, 132, 64

Luzhniki station consists of two shore-type landing platforms and a ground-based vestibule with access to the street. Khamovnichesky Val.

You can transfer to the Sportivnaya station on the Sokolnicheskaya metro line, as well as to ground city passenger transport.

Luzhniki station will become the main transport hub for the main arena of the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

Gagarin Square


Near the Leninsky Prospekt metro station on the Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya line

Passenger traffic during peak hours

2017 - 9200 people

2025 - 14,500 people


  • Art. "Leninsky Prospekt" Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya line

  • 111, 144, N1, 196

  • 14, 39

  • 33, 33k, 4, 62, 7, 84

From the Gagarin Square MCC station, you can use an underground pedestrian crossing to transfer to the Leninsky Prospekt station of the Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya line of the Moscow Metro, as well as to ground urban passenger transport. "Gagarin Square" is the only MCC station located underground.



In the area of ​​Sevastopolsky Prospekt 12

Passenger traffic during peak hours

2017 - 5700 people

2025 - 7000 people


  • 121, 41, 826

  • 26, 38

An overground pedestrian crossing with exits to the Krymskaya station was built between 4th Zagorodny Proezd and Sevastopolsky Prospekt. Ground urban transport stops along 4th Zagorodny Proezd have been reconstructed with the installation of drive-in pockets.

Adjacent to the station’s borders from the north-west is the security zone of the cultural heritage site “Kanatchikova Dacha” (Psychiatric Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after N.A. Alekseev).

Verkhniye Kotly


At the intersection of Warsaw Highway and Nagorny Proezd

Passenger traffic during peak hours

2017 - 3000 people

2025 - 5400 people


  • 25, 44, 142, 147, 275, 700

  • 16, 3, 35, 47

  • 1, 1k, 40, 71, 8

  • Paveletsky direction of the Moscow Railway (promising, 2017)

Car parking

The Verkhnie Kotly MCC station will provide a transfer to ground urban passenger transport. In 2017, a transfer to the Paveletskaya direction of the Moscow Railway will be organized from here, for which a new platform will be built.



In the area of ​​2nd Kozhukhovsky proezd, no. 23

Passenger traffic during peak hours

2017 - 7200 people

2025 - 11,800 people


As part of the ZIL MCC station, two terminals with ticket offices and turnstiles were built - southern and northern, on the outer and inner sides of the railway tracks. In the future, an administrative and business building with retail facilities will be erected here, a parking lot, and above-ground and underground parking will be equipped. For public transport, a turning area will be organized on the western side of the MCC and a road network will be developed.

From the ZIL station you can go towards the Ice Palace "Park of Legends" and to the stops of ground urban transport (from outside from MCC).



In the area of ​​2nd Kozhukhovsky proezd, no. 15

Passenger traffic during peak hours

2017 - 6100 people

2025 - 7600 people


  • Art. "Avtozavodskaya" Zamoskvoretskaya line (pedestrian connection)

  • 186, 216, 263, 8, 142, 193, 291, 44, 142, 193, 291, 44

From the Avtozavodskaya MCC station you can transfer to the Avtozavodskaya station of the Zamoskvoretskaya metro line, as well as to ground urban passenger transport.



In the area of ​​2nd Mashinostroeniya Street, 40

Passenger traffic during peak hours

2017 - 9200 people

2025 - 15,100 people


  • Art. "Dubrovka" (pedestrian connection)

  • 161, 193, 9, 670, 186, 633

  • 20, 40, 43, 12

Near the Dubrovka MCC station there is the Dubrovka metro station of the Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya line. You can also transfer to ground urban passenger transport.



In the area of ​​2nd Ugreshsky passage

Passenger traffic during peak hours

2017 - 3700 people

2025 - 7300 people


  • 20,40,43

At the Ugreshskaya station, two passenger terminals and an elevated pedestrian crossing were built. In the future, it is planned to build a technological link from the northern passenger terminal of the Ugreshskaya transport hub to Volgogradsky Prospekt.



In the area of ​​Novokhokhlovskaya street vl. 89

Passenger traffic during peak hours

2017 - 6800 people

2025 - 18,300 people


  • 106, new routes

  • Pl. Novokhokhlovskaya (Kursk direction of the Moscow Railway, promising, 2017)

Now from the Novokhokhlovskaya station you can only transfer to ground urban passenger transport. And in 2017, a transfer to the Kursk direction of the railway will be organized here, for which a new platform will be built.

Nizhny Novgorod


In the area of ​​Nizhegorodskaya street no. 105

Passenger traffic during peak hours

2017 - 15,500 people

2025 - 22200 people


  • Art. “Nizhegorodskaya street” (Kozhukhovskaya line, promising, 2018)

  • 143, 143k, 279, 29k, 51, 805, 59, 759, 859

  • Pl. Karacharovo (Gorky direction of the Moscow Railway)

From the Nizhegorodskaya MCC station you can transfer to the Karacharovo platform of the Gorky direction of the railway, as well as to ground urban passenger transport. In 2018, this transport hub will include the Nizhegorodskaya Street station of the Kozhukhovskaya metro line.



In the area of ​​the Freser platform of the Kazan direction of the railway

Passenger traffic during peak hours

2017 - 4800 people

2025 - 9100 people


  • Pl. Frezer (Kazan direction of Moscow Railways)

Car parking
60 parking spaces 2016

From the Andronovka MCC station you can transfer to the Freser railway platform and ground urban passenger transport, which goes to the Aviamotornaya station of the Kalininskaya metro line.

Near the Andronovka station there is historical territory“Behind the Kamer-College Val” (a cultural heritage site - a residential building), as well as a complex of buildings and structures of the Moscow Circular Railway (1903-1908, architect A.N. Pomerantsev, engineer A.D. Proskuryakov).

Highway Enthusiasts


Intersection of the North-East Expressway and Entuziastov Highway

Passenger traffic during peak hours

2017 - 9300 people

2025 - 12800 people


  • Art. "Highway Enthusiasts" Kalininskaya line (pedestrian connection)

  • 141, 36, 83, 125, 141, 254, 702, 214, 46, 659

  • 24, 34, 36, 37, 8

  • 30, 53, 68

Passengers exit from the MCC platform into an underground pedestrian crossing that connects the street. Utkina and Entuziastov highway.

Falcon Hill


Crossing 8th St. Sokolinaya Gora with Okruzhny Proezd

Passenger traffic during peak hours

2017 - 5000 people

2025 - 5600 people


Car parking

The nearest metro stations are Partizanskaya and Shosse Entuziastov. On the eastern side of the transport hub there is a specially protected area of ​​the Izmailovo natural and historical park.



In the area of ​​Okruzhny proezd no. 16

Passenger traffic during peak hours

2017 - 5500 people

2025 - 7000 people


  • Art. "Partizanskaya" Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya line (pedestrian connection)

  • 20, 211

  • 11, 34 , 32

  • 22, 87

The Izmailovo station on the MCC and the Partizanskaya metro station will be connected by an elevated pedestrian crossing that will stretch from Okruzhny Passage over the roadway of the North-Eastern Expressway. The two passage lobbies contain ticket offices, sanitary rooms and elevators.



In the area of ​​the southern lobby of the Cherkizovskaya metro station on the Sokolnicheskaya line

Passenger traffic during peak hours

2017 - 5800 people

2025 - 10,100 people


  • Art. "Cherkizovskaya" (warm circuit)

  • 171, 230, 34, 34k, 52, 716, 716s

  • 32, 41, 83

Transfer to the Cherkizovskaya metro station on the Sokolnicheskaya line is carried out via the pedestrian gallery. To transfer to city passenger transport, new stops were built along Okruzhny Proezd near the pavilions of the Cherkizovskaya metro station.

Rokossovsky Boulevard


Near the metro station "Rokossovsky Boulevard" of the Sokolnicheskaya line

Passenger traffic during peak hours

2017 - 3500 people

2025 - 7400 people


  • Art. "Rokossovsky Boulevard" Sokolnicheskaya Line (pedestrian connection)

  • 265, 80, 86, 86k, 3, 75, 775, 822

  • 213, 36, 2, 29, 33, 46, 4l, 7

The metro station of the same name and the MCC "Rokossovsky Boulevard" are located within walking distance of each other. You can also transfer to ground urban passenger transport. For this purpose, new stops have been built along Otkrytoye Highway, 6th Podbelsky Passage and Ivanteevskaya Street.

White stone


Eastern administrative district of Moscow within the boundaries National Park"Elk Island"

Passenger traffic during peak hours

2017 - 2500 people

2025 - 3500 people


  • by ground transport to the station. "Rokossovsky Boulevard" Sokolnicheskaya Line

  • 75,822

The nearest metro station is the Rokossovsky Boulevard station on the Sokolnicheskaya metro line, which is located at the intersection of Ivanteevskaya Street and Otkrytoye Shosse.

From the Belokamennaya MCC station you can transfer to city buses. For public transport there is a turning area on Yauzskaya Alley street.



Projected passage No. 1214

Passenger traffic during peak hours

2017 - 15,100 people

2025 - 18,500 people


  • 136, 172, 244, 316, 317, 388, 392, 425, 451, 499, 551, 576, 789, 834, 93

  • 14, 76

  • Pl. Severyanin (Yaroslavl direction of the Moscow Railway)

Car parking

From the Rostokino MCC station you can transfer to the Severyanin platform of the Yaroslavl Railway, as well as to ground urban passenger transport: new stops, a parking lot and a turning area for buses have been built here.

Adjacent to the Rostokino station from the east is the State national park"Elk Island"

Botanical Garden


Serebryakova passage, vl. 2

Passenger traffic during peak hours

2017 - 7400 people

2025 - 9800 people


  • Art. "Botanical Garden" of the Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya Line

  • 154, 33, 603, 71, 195, 134, 185, 61, 628, 789

The MCC "Botanical Garden" station is located near the "Botanical Garden" metro station on the Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya line. The transfer is carried out via an underground pedestrian crossing under the railway, which connects Serebryakova passage and 1st street. Leonova.



Near the Vladykino metro station on the Serpukhovsko-Timiryazevskaya line

Passenger traffic during peak hours

2017 - 7700 people

2025 - 11,800 people


  • Art. "Vladykino" Serpukhovsko-Timiryazevskaya line

  • 259, 33, 53, 637, 154, 238, 33, 637, 24, 24k, 76, 85

An elevated pedestrian crossing leads from the MCC platform to the Vladykino metro station, which will connect the southern and northern metro lobbies. A parking lot and a turning area for ground urban passenger transport have also been built here.

54 km

Total ring length

31 stations

Moscow Central Circle (MCC)

Advantages of the MCC

Urban areas
got closer

became freer

Transport network created
with many transfers

More than 350 possible options routes around the city

The railway ring passes through 26 districts of Moscow, where about 2 million people live





Nizhny Novgorod

(430 thousand people)

Total area of ​​the zone of influence of the ring
estimated at 10.8 thousand hectares
or about 12% of the territory of Moscow inside the Moscow Ring Road.

Passenger traffic growth
up to 300 million people per year
from 2025 - 2030

Metro lines will become freer

34.5 million people per year will transfer from the metro to the MCC

Moscow stations will be short of passengers

With the opening of passenger traffic on the MCC, congestion will be significantly relieved
several metro lines, as well as capital train stations. Residents of the Moscow region, entering the capital on commuter trains, will more often get off the train before reaching the final station, that is, the train station.

It will be freer during peak hours

12.7 million passengers will transfer to the MCC from buses
7.5 million passengers will be residents of nearby houses


You can pay for travel with tickets “United”, “90 minutes”, “Troika” card

32 RUR

20 trips - 747 c 40 trips - 1494 c 60 trips - 1765 c

60 c

FREE transfer from MCC to metro
and back - within 90 minutes For a FREE transplant you need save your ticket and again attach
him on the turnstile. Without paying for travel again, you can also make a triple transplant:
metro - MCC - metro

By creating a unique transport system, Moscow integrated the MCC into the existing transport network of the city and, most importantly, into the Moscow Metro system. The MCC became the ground ring line of the capital's subway.
You can pay for your ticket at the ticket office at any MCC station by bank card.
In the future, it is planned to introduce modern fare payment technologies: NFC (fare payment using mobile phone), Pay Pass / Pay Wave ( contactless payment bank card).

"Without the sound of wheels"

Fast “Swallows” reach speeds of up to 160 km/h, but at the same time do not cause “noisy inconvenience” to citizens.

All electrified rolling stock is noticeably quieter than diesel locomotives and meets modern environmental requirements.

Protective screens will protect citizens from unnecessary noise
and the creation of the so-called “velvet road” - without the sound of wheels.

This technology involves laying railway tracks using special technology in separate 800-meter sections.

Why will the city train become a popular mode of transport among Muscovites?

A trip along the MCC will be many times more comfortable than in the metro. 110 “swallows” ply along the railway ring, each designed for 1,200 people.

New generation city electric trains are equipped with

Security on the MCC

Rail transport traditionally remains one of the most dangerous in the world. However, emergency situations do not occur with trains, but with inattentive passengers who step onto the rails in prohibited places.
A fence has been installed along the entire perimeter of the MCC, which will prevent unauthorized access to the railway tracks.

The total length of the fence was 108 km

Part of the fence (16 km) are noise barriers that were installed within the boundaries of residential buildings.

Free pass
– does NOT mean uncontrolled

On the Moscow Central Circle, all transport security measures applied in the metro and railway are implemented. For example, profiling will also be carried out here.


This method evaluates and predicts human behavior based on the analysis of characteristics of appearance, non-verbal and verbal behavior.
There will also be a traditional search like in the subway. Increased passenger protection will be ensured by modern system turnstiles, detector frames and CCTV, as well as through the creation of a separate police unit.

Transport hubs

It will be possible to change from one type of transport to another in a matter of minutes using transport interchange hubs (TPU). They consist of terminals with ticket offices and turnstiles, as well as a system of covered pedestrian galleries - overhead and underground passages that protect passengers from bad weather.

  • 31

    MCC station

  • 17

    transfers to 11 metro lines

  • 10

    transfers to 9 radial railway directions

All stations provide a transfer to city public transport

buses, trams, trolleybuses and autolines

Passengers don’t even have to go outside, which is why this type of transfer is called the “principle” dry feet».

Now ground urban transport brings citizens directly to the ring stations

In the future, transport hubs will become multifunctional: they will include offices, shopping malls, shops and cafes. Investors will invest money in the construction of the commercial part; the city, using funds from the Moscow budget, is building only the technological part of the hub, which performs a transport function. This concept meets the interests of investors, for whom it is important to recoup their investments in construction, and the needs of citizens, who will be able to find work or receive necessary services close to home.

In the future, some long-distance trains will be able to disembark passengers before reaching the station. By using the MCC, people will be able to save their time, and train stations in the center of Moscow will become freer.

Parking and rides

There will also be an increase in passengers on the MCC due to some motorists who will choose “traffic-free” movement around the city on rail transport. This will relieve some of the load from overcrowded city highways.

You will be able to park your car in park-and-ride parking lots near 17 stations Moscow Central Circle. They are ready to accept 2 thousand cars.

These parking lots will operate in the same mode as intercept parking lots at metro stations, of which there are 31 (capacity - 6.6 thousand cars). The largest of them, for 1.48 thousand cars, is located at the Annino metro station.

The Moscow Central Circle will breathe life into abandoned areas around

For 90 years, the district railway was used for the delivery of goods.

During the USSR, the necessary load was provided to it by municipal and industrial enterprises located around. But gradually production declined, and these days these sites are best case scenario are used for warehouses, and more often they are simply idle.

MCC is a unique project not only from a development point of view transport infrastructure, but also from the point of view of creating new jobs.

After the introduction of new real estate in the area of ​​the MCC stations, about 40 thousand jobs will be created.

Investors have already expressed their readiness to invest in the development of areas around 11 MCC stations. Among them:

"Botanical Garden"



"Open Highway"



"Warsaw highway"

"Business center"




Attracting private investment will allow Moscow to save budget money and direct it to the development of social and transport infrastructure in other areas of the city.

Former industrial zones will turn into new urban areas

Around the ring, according to calculations by the General Plan Institute, the following can be built:

750 thousand sq. m of commercial real estate.
Of them 300 thousand “squares”- hotels,
250 thousand - trading platforms,
200 thousand - new offices and technology parks.

Moscow has the right to expect that developers will be interested in investing in real estate construction, because after the launch of the MCC, the cost of land around it will increase significantly. The former industrial zones around the MCC fell into disrepair: these territories required integrated approach. And putting the lands around the railway ring in order became the largest urban improvement project in 2016. Every day, 25.9 thousand people were involved in the improvement of the MCC in the summer of 2016. However, the work was not aimed only at improving appearance stations, the task was also to create convenient pedestrian connections between the MCC and ground urban transport stops.

  • 2,800 trees were planted on the MCC.
  • Renovated facades 111 56 historical buildings. Near 11 stations view zones are created.

    The historical Kanatchikovo station on the MCC will not open to passengers, but will become an interesting excursion site.

    Two residential buildings, a gatehouse, a centralization booth and a warehouse have also been preserved. The Kanatchikovo station has adorned the Moscow Central Circle, being of value to anyone interested in the history of Moscow railways and urban architecture.

    This decision is due to the low passenger traffic in this area. "Kanatchikovo" is located between the stops "Krymskaya" and "Ploshchad Gagarina" parallel to Kanatchikovsky Proezd. The two-story station building from the early 20th century is a cultural heritage site.

    1903 1908 50 versts

    Moscow Central Circle in its entirety
    integrated into the Moscow metro system.

  • Sergei Witte

    History of the creation of the MCC

    In 2018, the Moscow Central Circle will celebrate a unique anniversary: ​​Emperor Nicholas II made the decision to build the Circular Railway in Moscow in the fall of 1897.

    The initiator of the project was a great enthusiast of railway transport, the Minister of Finance Russian Empire Sergei Witte. District Railway was of great national importance, so the best Russian engineers and architects were involved in the project.

    For 110 years, the MCC’s mission has not changed: saving passengers’ time.

On 50 versts (54 km) was built
14 stations

stopping points


72 bridges
(of which 4 are through
Moscow River)

35 pairs of trains ran along the district per day. Passenger transportation on the MCC did not last long; they were stopped due to unprofitability. For more than a century, the railway ring was used only for the transport of goods and served the industrial areas around it.

The idea of ​​restoring passenger traffic never left Moscow city planners, but work began only in 2012.
It was necessary to completely update the infrastructure: electrify the road, reposition the rails and, most importantly, reconstruct eight overpasses at the intersection with highways in order to raise them to a height that would allow new trains to pass through.

The first passengers traveled along the district on September 10, 2016. On the eve of this event, the road was given a new name - the Moscow Central Circle (MCC).

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