The story of Olga Buzova. Olga Buzova receives a second higher education in psychology

She is an informal blonde. Clever, well-educated, fluent in several foreign languages, she does not go into her pocket for a word. She began her career in show business with the television project Dom-2. The girl was not only able to stay in the "House" for a record time, but also confidently went further, mastering new creative frontiers.

Olga Buzova - biography

She was born in January 1986 in St. Petersburg. Her parents were neither rich nor famous personalities but by ordinary employees. Olya and her younger sister Anya were brought up in strictness. From the age of three they studied English language, we did a lot, there was no time left for children's pranks. Sometimes mom was even too demanding of her girls.

All photos 16

Olya studied at the city gymnasium, which she graduated with silver medal. The girl's grades were always good, but her classmates and teachers did not like her for her overly pronounced personality. Always and in everything, Olga tried to stand out, whether it was a report or the height of her heels. The desire to be in the spotlight and led her to success.

When the casting for the famous TV show Dom-2 was announced in 2004, Anya recorded older sister to the contest participants without her knowledge. However, Olya gladly went to the audition, although she was very worried. But she was still chosen among thousands of other participants! This TV project was the first step in the bright career of Olga Buzova. Although at that time she had a lucrative invitation from a leading international modeling agency, she chose "TV". And I was not mistaken.

On the Buzova project, she lasted a record long time - 4.5 years. All this time she was under the guns of television cameras, her everyday life passed before the eyes of millions of viewers, and the Russians fell in love with this blonde. Despite the fact that the inhabitants of "House-2" did not like Olga Buzova and persistently tried to kick her out of the project, the girl stayed afloat thanks to the love of viewers. She became the best heroine in the entire epic project.

During the period from 2004 to 2008, she managed a lot. She graduated with honors from St. Petersburg State University and makeup courses. She has published three books - two of them she co-authored, one herself. "History of the beautiful love"named the best revelation of the star. Olga Buzova lit up at many studios - “The Battle of Psychics”, “Cosmopolitan. Video version”, “Robot Child”. She was the host of such a popular program as Romance with Buzova, the bloody show Black Label, the rating review Caution, Stylists!, the Miss Russian Radio beauty contest.

The last day of spring 2007 turned out to be very pleasant for the girl. She was awarded the Golden Person award as the country's most stunning and charming blonde. Olya says about herself that she successfully exploits the image of a real blonde.

She tried herself in the acting field. Her debut was the role of Kuzi's friend in the TV series Univer. But the blonde did not stop there. In November 2008, she expanded her role and became a singer. Having no special vocal abilities, she gathered full stadiums and concert halls not only in Russia, but also in neighboring countries. She released an album of her songs called "Stars" Doma-2 ". Law of love.

The end of 2008 was a turning point in her life. A month before this date, Olga Buzova informed her producer that she was leaving Dom-2, and on December 25 she was called to the carpet and offered to become the host of a reality show along with Ksenia Borodina and Ksenia Sobchak. Not immediately, but she nevertheless accepted this offer and at the same time became the chief editor of the Dom-2 magazine. Her fame continues to skyrocket. Fans admire, and spiteful critics predict a quick fall from the pedestal. But Olga is not embarrassed. She is very a positive person. Everyone who knows her - friends, acquaintances, colleagues, unanimously confirm that the girl is very sincere and spontaneous. She is always real, possessing crazy energy and ability to work. 2009 brought her a place in the top three most rated TV presenters in Russia.

In the fall of 2010, she made her debut on theater stage in a comedic role in the play " Honeymoon", The second work was the role in the play" Gorgeous Wedding ". Buzova is a very versatile person. She dances with the stars, sings, plays on stage, acts in films, hosts many TV shows. She is a volunteer, stands up for healthy lifestyle life, with the propaganda team "Train of Youth" from the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, held a number of campaign campaigns throughout the country. And in 2011 she proved herself as a fashion designer, releasing a line youth clothing in collaboration with the C&C brand. At the show of the collection, Olga once again surprised everyone by taking on the duties of a DJ. Currently, Olga Buzova's stores operate throughout Russia. Together with her sister, she is engaged in jewelry.

From 2011 to 2016, she starred in films and TV shows, wrote a book about herself, The Price of Happiness, and released a branded perfume. She continues to be invited to rating programs: “Let's get married”, “Don't roll bags”, “Improvisation”.

But, perhaps, 2017 was a special year in Buzova's career. She began to sing professionally and go on stage not with the participants of "House-2", but with the stars Russian show business. Moreover, her song “Under the Sounds of Kisses” in the first two days after the presentation hit the first place on the iTunes chart in Russia, and the video for the song “I Get Used to” became one of the highest rated on the network. For Olya's success in show business, she was nominated for the Muz-TV Award in the Breakthrough of the Year category.

Many say that Olga is at the peak of popularity today, but she categorically denies this. The girl is sure real success still ahead, and claims that soon the whole world will talk about it.

Olga Buzova - personal life

The girl's first love happened in her youth. The guy did not smoke, did not drink, but was an avid player. This was the reason for the breakup. The second novel arose under the guns of television cameras in "House-2". Roma Tretyakov and Buzova were the most popular couple. Their relationship lasted three years, it went to the wedding, and then - a sudden break. Fans were very worried about the blonde, who had a hard time breaking up with her loved one. As the most popular couple in the history of the project, Roma and Olya were honored - their copies appeared in the Moscow Wax Museum. For some time, Buzova was free, but did not stop actively looking for a man. She frankly said that she wanted to get married, have a family and children, which was long overdue for a serious relationship.

Only in 2012 Olga found her happiness. She met footballer Dmitry Tarasov, who left his wife three months ago. Through a short time young people played a magnificent wedding and began to live in country house. From the outside it seemed that everything was perfect in the family of Buzova and Tarasov. Almost every day they posted joint photos on Instagram under the hashtags #gibberish and #moyama and looked very happy. But alas. At one point it was all over.

At the end of 2016, news broke that the Tarabuziki no longer lived together. Celebrities got divorced with scandal. Buzova accused Tarasov of treason with model Anastasia Kostenko. And Tarasov assured that Buzova was fixated on work and did not want to have children. Where is the truth and where is the lie is still unknown. But on December 30, the once exemplary couple officially divorced. At the same time, Tarasov immediately began dating the previously mentioned Kostenko, and Buzova took up the career of a singer.

Olya experienced a divorce very hard. She tried to fill her heartache with work and worked seven days a week. This, of course, affected her health. Several times the TV personality had to call an ambulance. And once she fainted while performing on stage at the Big Love Show in St. Petersburg. Fortunately, then Buzova nevertheless listened to the doctors and, turning off all the phones, spent about three days in the hospital. The treatment helped her. Now her health is not in danger.

There is no time to deal with Buzova’s personal life yet, but she still continues to believe in true love and hope that in her life there will still be a man whom she can love. From time to time, Olga stirs up interest in her personal life. Either “accidentally” appears in the same frame with Timur Batrutdinov far away in Thailand, then her team tells reporters that a rich secret admirer has appeared in Buzovaya, who fills her apartment scarlet roses. Ato and the singer at all reports that after the divorce, not a single man touched her, and she generally refused sex for two years for the sake of work.

These reasons or Buzova's perseverance and hard work bear fruit, but her success by 2018 is admirable. Buzova became the queen of Instagram and, in terms of views of her stories, overtook even Kim Kardashian herself. She was the only Russian woman in the ranking and took third place. And this is with 12.6 million subscribers against 109 million Kardashians! Olga tours endlessly in Russia and abroad, and her concerts are sold out in nightclubs and large venues.

Each release of her single becomes a sensation. On this moment the most impressive result was shown by the release of the single “She is not afraid”. A new song by Olga Buzova topped the Russian iTunes rating a minute after the release and broke the world record.

Olga Buzova is an incredibly versatile media person. The celebrity has successfully proved herself on television, radio, in the fashion industry, cinema, music and even in publishing.

She became known to the general public in 2004, becoming a member of the Dom-2 television project. And in 2008, she "retrained" as its presenter.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Olga Buzova originates in the city on the Neva. The future TV star was born in January 1986. By nationality - Russian. Her parents are far from show business. Igor Dmitrievich and Irina Alexandrovna were military personnel at that moment.

Little Olga Buzova developed very rapidly: her reading and writing skills appeared by the age of three. At the same age, the girl began to learn English. Olga's abilities prompted parents to send their child to school at the age of 5. The little girl brilliantly coped with all the difficulties of her studies, brought home fives and quickly found mutual language with classmates.

Already at the age of 13, Olya worked as a counselor in a children's camp, and at the age of 15 she got a job in a modeling agency.

In 2002, the girl graduated from the gymnasium with a silver medal. She dreamed of becoming an actress, but strict parents asked her to put this "frivolous profession" out of her mind. Soon she entered St. Petersburg University, where she chose the faculty of geoecology and geography. During these years, the blonde plunged headlong into the world of show business.

"House 2"

On the television project "Dom-2" Buzova appeared in 2004 as a participant. Here she was engaged in "building her love" for 4 years. At the same time, the parents insisted that their daughter receive higher education. And Olya managed to do it with honors.

At Dom-2, Buzova began dating a showman. Charming girl received from young man nickname Buzyonysh and an army of fans. The affair with Tretyakov lasted two years. In 2005, Olga, together with Roma, began hosting the talk show Romance with Buzova on TNT.

In 2006, Roman Tretyakov said that he was tired of the "aquarium" life and left the project. The young man settled in Moscow, rented an apartment and waited for his Buzyonysh to join him. But Olga was in no hurry to leave the show, where she was still comfortable. Relations Buzova and Tretyakov soon came to naught. And the girl decided to pursue a career in television.

In 2007 in metropolitan museum wax figures appeared two wax copies of Olga Buzova and Roman Tretyakov. Such an honor was given to them as the most popular couple of the project.

The girl remained in Dom-2 until 2008. At this time, she had short romances with Stas Karimov and Alessandro Materazzo. But in December, she announced that she wanted to leave the show. The producers highly appreciated the last star from the "golden composition" of the show, so they offered Olga Buzova to become the co-host of "House-2". At that time they were and. Olga accepted the offer.

Olga Buzova in the show "Dom-2"

Thus, in December 2008, Olga Buzova not only changed the status of a project participant to the host of this reality show, but also acquired an additional position as editor-in-chief of Dom-2 magazine.


On this wave, the celebrity became interested in writing and released two author's books: “It's about the hairpin. Tips for a stylish blonde "and" Romance with Buzova ". The pages of the latter were saturated with the beauty's favorite fragrances.

In addition to literary talent, the blonde discovered her love for singing: since 2011, Olga Buzova began to actively develop as a singer, and her songs were included in the collection “Stars of the House-2. Laws of love. Her first work as a singer was the single "Don't Forget", released together with a popular rapper. There was a video for the song.

With the growth of popularity, Buzova began to be regularly invited to various television shows. In 2011, Olga appeared as a bride on the Let's Get Married show on Channel One. And in 2012, the girl competed in flexibility and plasticity at the Dancing with the Stars project. Her partner was a professional dancer. But for a long time the contestant in the show did not last. She left the project with a scandal, saying that the jury members were too biased towards her and put underestimated marks.

On the popular TV shows "Dancing on TNT" and "Comedy Battle" Buzova was repeatedly present as a member of the jury, becoming a kind of "voice of the people."

Olga Buzova on the TV show "Dancing with the Stars"

The charismatic Petersburger also took place as an actress. In 2008, she made her film debut in episodic roles. Appeared in the projects "Zaitsev +1", "Bartender", "Elena from polypropylene" and "Univer".

The acting biography of Olga Buzova continues on the stage. On stage, the artist made her debut in 2010 in the play "Honeymoon" with the participation of Tamara Tsatsanashvili and.

In 2016, Olga Buzova starred in the TNT series Poor People as herself. In the same year, the star played along with and in Ara Hovhannisyan's comedy "Take the hit, baby!".

In the same period, Olga Buzova's fans were able to read her new book titled "The Price of Happiness".

As befits a socialite, a celebrity is keenly interested in the fashion industry. Therefore, the girl tried her hand as fashion designer. Olga Buzova's clothing collection was shown at the Estet fashion week, where the telediva demonstrated not only her design, but also DJ talent - she played a DJ set for the show on her own.

It is known that Buzova worked on this clothing line together with the Italian company C&C.

Since 2013, Olga Buzova and her sister have been the owners of the Bijoux jewelry brand and the Bijoux Room chain of stores.

Personal life

The personal life of Olga Buzova for many years was built publicly, under the guns of television cameras. But after the girl changed the status of a participant to a TV presenter, she began to decide for herself what to talk about and what it is better to keep silent about. True, in more she still spoke.

In 2011, rumors spread that the blonde beauty was having an affair with a Lokomotiv footballer. The piquancy of the situation was given by the fact that at the time of his acquaintance with Buzova he was married. A daughter grew up in the marriage.

Soon the lovers stopped hiding their relationship. It is noteworthy that the football player tried to protect the girl from attacks and accusations that Olga Buzova allegedly “took” Tarasov from the family. The young man stated that no one “took him away”, allegedly the prerequisites for a divorce arose long before meeting with Olga.

Two months after they met, Dmitry took his beloved to rest in Dubai, where he proposed to her. Buzova agreed. The wedding took place in June 2012. The ceremony was held in the circle of relatives and best friends of the couple. Olya took her husband's surname, but left it as creative pseudonym- your maiden name.

Olga Buzova repeatedly said in an interview that she dreams of becoming perfect wife so she spends a lot of time with her husband. The girl abandoned some of her projects and became less likely to appear in TV shows, films and entertainment TV shows.

For a while, their couple was compared with the Beckham spouses. And they were also called the funny nickname Tarabuziki. But after 4 years the fairy tale came to an end. The subscribers of the couple's pages on Instagram were the first to guess about the sad ending of the novel. They noticed that spouses no longer expose cute joint photo. When the fans asked the athlete to comment on this, he advised everyone to contact Olga, who allegedly "likes to comment on everything."

Family life couples at the end of 2016 ended . Soon Dmitry Tarasov had new sweetheart, which is called . She is the second vice-miss of Russia in 2014. In January 2018, young people. In addition to the traditional marriage ceremony, the couple went through a wedding ceremony. And in July 2018, Anastasia had a daughter with her ex-husband Buzova.

Of course, the web has been actively discussed possible reasons divorce of Dmitry and Olga. Versions were different. First, they started talking about Tarasov's betrayals, then about the fact that in 4 years of marriage the girl never gave birth to the child that the man asked her about.

Later it turned out that a marriage contract was signed between the spouses. According to its terms, during a divorce, everyone remains "in his own way." This was stated by a lawyer knowledgeable in legal matters.

Yes, and Tarasov himself did not deny the existence of an agreement, but it is written in it that half of their property goes to Olga. According to him, it was especially hard to share the house with Buzova, in which he invested so much of his own money and effort.

And soon burst new scandal: someone leaked Olga Buzova to the Network with. Some skeptics claim that the angry beauty herself allegedly published it in order to “annoy” her husband. The screenshots of the correspondence date back to the time when Buzova and Tarasov were married. But most likely, the photos and correspondence were stolen by hackers by hacking the TV star's phone, since conversations not only with Nagiyev, but also with her, got on the Web.

One way or another, but Buzova had a hard time going through a divorce from Tarasov. In interviews, for the most part, she cried and blamed her already ex-spouse in betrayal. And then, as if to spite him, she became strong and even more popular. The blonde dyed her hair brunette. In addition, some suspect that Olya resorted to plastic surgery.

Sofa "experts" are sure that the TV presenter enlarged her lips, but admit that she did it carefully, without a "duck" effect. They also suspect her of rhinoplasty. But comparing before and after photos rather refutes the arguments about rhinoplasty than confirms them. The maximum that Buzova did was to correct his form. Many noticed that after the divorce, the girl lost weight. Now, with a height of 179 cm, her weight is 54 kg. There is no need to argue, Olga has clearly become prettier.

Be that as it may, Olga plunged headlong into work. She shot a video for her new hit "To the Sound of Kisses" and traveled with concerts to almost all the country's provincial cities. And in 2017, she presented her debut self-titled album, which included the songs “Few Half”, “I Get Used to”, etc. From now on, touring and armies of fans are an integral part of her life.

Olga Buzova - "To the sound of kisses"

She also has haters. Perhaps she is criticized as often as she is praised. For example, in the summer of 2017, a scandal erupted on the Web when, in an interview, she spoke unflatteringly about the audience that was listening to Olga Buzova. The TV presenter did not remain silent and dedicated a post to the artist in "Instagram". She said that she was devoted to her fans, as they were to her. And she asked Loboda to continue to refuse such loud, unfounded and untruthful statements.

Olga Buzova now

In February 2018, news was published on the Web that Buzova was suing the Comedy Club resident for insults. This surprised many, since the artist is a frequent guest of a humorous show and has never been offended even by the sharpest jokes from its participants. It turned out that her offender was in the form of his alter ego rapper Glebati.

Olga Buzova - "Not enough halves"

Soon he stood up for Olya, who promised to resolve the issue with a colleague on his own. By the way, by a happy coincidence, Olga celebrated New Year 2018 with Timur. The guys accidentally ended up on vacation in one place. Subscribers immediately "married" them. But despite the desire of the fans, their joint vacation did not lead to anything serious.

Buzova continues to storm all new areas of activity. In April 2018, the TV presenter announced the release of her own cryptocurrency, which was called Buzcoin. In June 2018, the celebrity opened a restaurant in the center of Moscow - Buz FOOD.

Of course, such an attractive and self-sufficient business woman has enough fans. But after breaking up with Tarasov, she never started a relationship with anyone. On the Dom-2 project, Olga also has a boyfriend among the participants -. The young man tried to win the favor of the TV presenter for more than a year. Buzova either flirted with Roma or staged scenes of jealousy, but it was clearly evident that she was pleased with his advances. But on the other hand, she did not give the guy any hope.

Olga Buzova - "Accept Me" (Premier 2018)

In August 2018, it became known that Roman began romantic relationship with a member of "House-2". Olga was shocked by this news, with tears in her eyes she left the set.

The singer pays great attention to Instagram, over 13.5 million subscribers have subscribed to her microblog (as of August 2018). Olga regularly publishes new photos and stories, often uploads pictures in a swimsuit from various photo shoots for gloss. She appears in her account and without makeup. On vacation, Buzova prefers not to overload the skin with excessive cosmetics.

And many of her fans are also interested in what her hand gesture with which she so often appears in the frame means. Buzova holds her palm up, raising her index and ring fingers. “L is love. Love rules the world! ”, The girl proclaimed on her Instagram page, thus dispelling all speculation and deciphering secret meaning gesture.

On August 27, the singer announced the release of the new album "Accept Me", as well as her new concert show, with which she will perform on November 18 at the Crocus City Hall.

Today Buzova is one of the most influential representatives of Russian show business. In 2017, according to Forbes magazine, Olga earned $3.9 million. The publication notes that 90% of her income comes from advertising on Instagram.

"Marry Buzova"

In August, TNT launched new project with the participation of the TV personality - "Marry Buzova". In fact, this is the female analogue of the popular show "The Bachelor". Olya had to choose her dream man from 15 submitted candidates, and Buzova’s “suitors” were selected “for every taste and color.” The girl herself repeated more than once that for her this is not a show, but real life.

Filming has already been completed. Olga frankly admitted that the project literally turned her life upside down, and the TV presenter nevertheless found her man.

Of course, after the first shown series, they started talking about the favorites of the project. Most of the singer's fans believed that this was the owner of a cheese factory. The paparazzi have already caught Olga several times in the company of her alleged chosen one.

In October 2018, Buzova wrote on Instagram the whole truth about her relationship with the cheese maker. According to the girl, she did not believe the rumors for a long time, but the facts began to emerge one after another.

“At the moment, Denis and I are not together, and in the future we won’t be able to be together either! Because I can’t be with a person who deceives me, cheats, uses, betrays and sells! Unfortunately, everything that the media has been exaggerating for so long, It turned out to be a bitter truth!” Olga said.

Lebedev commented on the situation. He acknowledged that the share in the business is not so large, everything is at the stage of development. He really borrowed money from courting Buzova from partners so as not to disappoint his beloved. All these points do not affect his attitude towards Olga. He is still in love and hopes for the continuation of their story.


  • 2017 - "To the sound of kisses"
  • 2018 - Accept me

For the first time, the name of Olga Buzova was heard on the big TV screen in 2004, and even then, at the very beginning of her career in show business, the eighteen-year-old participant in House 2 was remembered for her extraordinary antics and high-profile relationship with Roman Tretyakov.

The biography and personal life of Olga Buzova, the most successful participant, are among the most scandalous on Russian TV, and photos of the star in online publications and social networks monthly cause public outcry.

Olga Buzova (photo 2018)


The TV presenter was born in Leningrad in 1986 in Leningrad. Father and mother are military personnel. The girl also has a younger sister, Anya, whom Buzova often mentions on Instagram. From childhood, Olga showed incredible learning abilities. At the age of 3, the girl could already read and write and began to learn English.

Such opportunities allowed parents to send their daughter to a gymnasium as early as 5 years old. Throughout her studies, Olya brilliantly coped with a large academic load and always studied with excellent marks.

Olga Buzova in childhood

At the age of 13, she managed to work as a counselor for her peers in the camp, and at 15 she signed up for a fashion agency. By 2002, Buzova had a certificate with a silver medal in her hands. Great opportunities opened up to go anywhere and master any profession. But the future star dreamed of becoming an actress, despite the persuasion of her parents to choose a more "serious" craft.

The same summer, Olga Buzova entered the head university of St. Petersburg at the Faculty of Ecology and Geography.

The beginning of a dizzying career

Almost immediately after the start of student life in the biography of Olga Buzova, sharp turn. Future star passed the casting in the show "House 2" and went to the Moscow region, where she won the love of the whole country, which was eagerly waiting for the next photo with Olya and the daily appearance of the charismatic eighteen-year-old participant on the screen. Native girls were very worried about her studies, they were afraid that Buzova would be expelled or that she herself would leave the university.

However, Olga perfectly combined career and study. She not only completed her studies at her alma mater on time, but also received a red diploma with honors.

Olga Buzova was recognized at "House 2" as the best participant in the entire history of the project. There she was affectionately called "Buzenysh" and lovingly watched her tender and rapidly developing relationship with Roman Tretyakov. The couple won the love of the public so much that exhibits with their images appeared in the Wax Museum in Moscow.

The star was not limited to participation in the project. During her life in "House 2" Olga Buzova wrote 2 books, placing her photos there and writing her biography and personal life on glossy pages.

Book by Olga Buzova

At the same time, the participant became the host of her own talk show on radio and TV, led columns in other projects, and even organized a show in computer game called "Black Mark".

Then began the career of a TV presenter. Relations with Roman Tretyakov went wrong, and Olga left the project "House 2" as a participant, reseeding from the bench " frontal place» to the central place of the presenter. At the same time, the girl tried herself as the editor-in-chief of a monthly magazine about the project.

Olga Buzova and Roman Tretyakov

Musical creativity of pop diva Olga Buzova

In 2011, Olga discovered new facets of her talents and recorded a song for the first time. The first hit was the composition "Don't Forget" in a duet with hip-hop artist T-killah. And in 2016, Buzova’s debut solo song “To the Sound of Kisses” took the top lines of the most popular charts.

The popularity of the newly minted singer allowed her to shoot a video in North America. Popularity in the pop career brought Olga a lot of experiences.

Along with new fans, the pop star also gained ill-wishers. Many social media users to this day leave comments under the clips in the style: "it is best to watch this video without sound and with your eyes closed."

Many criticize the musical creativity of the presenter for the fact that the emphasis is not on voice, text and music, but on flashy and sometimes defiant outfits that attract the public to watch.

Olga Buzova during a speech

From television to film and theater

The TV presenter tirelessly tries herself in the theater. The debut of the theatrical career of Olga Buzova was the play "Honeymoon", and later in the "Chic Wedding" on the stage, the actress replaced Maria Kozhevnikova. The girl even played herself in the television series "Poor People". Behind last years she could be seen on the screens of cinemas mainly in episodic roles in domestic comedies. But it cannot be said that all her roles are not serious.

Stills from the movie “Burn”

Personal life continues

In 2012, the country learned about the wedding between Olya Buzova and football player Dima Tarasov. They got married in the summer, but left their honeymoon for the winter. In December, they landed in the Maldives, where they decided to re-marry without guests, but with various local beauty treatments from local residents and an unusual love affair.

All this was beautifully played on the ocean coast. Olga officially took her husband's surname, but left her media surname for fans and the whole country.

Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov wedding photo

A beautiful marriage, which was accompanied by high-profile holidays throughout the country, chic multimillion-dollar gifts and a daily demonstration of their relationship on social networks, was cloudless for exactly 4 years. Already in 2016, it became known about the scandals between the spouses. Abruptly, the couple stopped posting news about each other on Instagram, and fans began to sound the alarm. Tarasov remained silent, but nevertheless later confirmed that he was breaking up with Buzova.

Buzova and Tarasov divorced after 4 years life together

The couple divorced, and there were rumors that the whole thing was in Dmitry - allegedly he was too rude and even engaged in assault. The division of property began.

Olga's relatives actively gave interviews after the couple's divorce. Olga's father wanted to talk to Tarasov like a man to a man, and only Olga's unwillingness to involve her relatives in the conflict stopped him from talking. And the star's grandmother even advised her granddaughter to give up all joint property and leave everything to Tarasov.

Tamara Buzova believed that Olga worked more in marriage. But, she said, since Dmitry reached the section of his own gifts, then you should leave everything as it is and just leave. “She’s smart with us, she earned everything herself, and she’ll earn even more.”

Olga Buzova with her mother

After the divorce, Olga Buzova immediately flew to Spain. Paparazzi and local vacationers noticed that she was constantly sitting in bars, talking to someone on the phone and crying.

At present, little is known about current life TV presenter. Someone read the recently divorced Abramovich to her husband, and someone says that the girl has long been having an affair with Philip Kirkorov. She can be seen in the company of a singer on social events, the couple comments on each other's posts on social networks, and most recently in 2018, Olga Buzova starred in Kirkorov's new video.

Buzova and Kirkorov

Phenomenon Buzova

Olga Buzova for almost 15 years in show business tirelessly arouses interest. No matter how critics, fans or opponents of her work evaluate the talents of the TV presenter, no matter how they criticize her biography, discuss photos and videos with the most popular presenter in the country, Olga continues to work very hard on her own career, television image and personal life.

Reading this article:

Olga Buzova has become a real popular brand, famous TV presenter, business woman, writer, actress, performer of popular songs.

She is also the mistress of several popular boutiques, the author of her own models both in clothes and accessories, and, finally, probably the only lady of our vast country who now has her own currency (Buzcoin), Olga Buzova comes from the most ordinary and not at all media family.

So, Olga Buzova was born in an ordinary intelligent St. Petersburg family on January 20, 1986. In the family, she was the first girl whom her parents loved madly.

From the early childhood Olga was kept in strictness and instilled, almost with her mother's milk, that in order to achieve something in this life, you need to work hard and honestly.

Soon a second daughter appeared in the Buzov family. The sister became for Olga Buzova the most important person in her life. Moreover, she madly loves and appreciates her parents: both dad and mom ...

Inexplicable power - aspirations up!

From childhood, Olechka was kept strictly by her parents. She had practically no free time. All the time she was doing something: drawing, learning English, training. Olya became interested in gymnastics.

The father of the sisters Anya and Olya Buzovyh was a military man. Parents taught their girls to military discipline. They always had everything according to plan, according to the regime.

So, having passed the real one, in good sense, drilling, having received good upbringing and an excellent education, Olga Buzova did not miss her chance and caught, as they say in such cases, her wave of luck. Able to reach incredible heights in many areas of activity.

Thanks to her tireless hard work, she succeeds in everything. It was thanks to this quality of character that Olga Buzova was able to achieve an annual income of $ 22 million! Not everyone gets this...

A true defender is always there!

Olga Buzova's father is Igor Dmitrievich Buzov. He devoted his whole life to military affairs. However, he managed to work both as a builder and as a manager. Igor Dmitrievich, contrary to all the stories on the Internet, is not a public person at all. He doesn't like attention at all.

A hardworking and calm person in all respects, he never sponsored his daughter, Olga Buzova, which, again, is literally trumpeted by unverified information on the World Wide Web.

Thanks to Igor Dmitrievich always worked hard and conscientiously His family didn't really need anything. But he clearly could not find funds for surpluses in the form of surcharges for clips or for the development of any business of his daughter. Moreover, he was always against his Olenka coming to the Dom-2 project at all.

For a long time he tried to dissuade her from participating in a reality show. However, the stubbornness and perseverance of his eldest daughter also adopted from him. The girl insisted. And she was able to achieve the heights that we can now see.

Her father always came to her aid. She was especially needed when Olenka Buzova, madly in love with her husband Dmitry Tarasov, a famous football player, found out about the divorce ...

That's when a calm and balanced man was ready to deal with the offender almost on his fists! Barely kept his native people. Igor Dmitrievich did not leave his daughter until she herself had been ill with this betrayal of a loved one.

The father remains a real protector for all his beloved girls. Although she and Irina Alexandrovna are divorced, he continues to communicate and support all his girls, and he has three of them: two daughters (Olga and Anya) and a wife.

"Irina the Wise" Buzova!

If in this intelligent, but with such correct concepts, the Buzov family, dad is the “brain”, then mother of Olga Buzova and her sister Anya is a real “soul” - kind, bright, forgiving. Irina Aleksandrovna Buzova raised her daughters in this way: up to the age of 18, you can still somehow influence the child. After 18 - everything! Adult personality!

She always aspired to be an adviser, assistant, friend to her daughters. By the way, it was she who was able to support Olga at her 18 years old, when she decided to accept her on the reality show "Dom-2"!

That's when she, a completely non-conflict woman, tried to convince her categorically minded husband, who was against it. Irina Alexandrovna found those words that could soften her military father's heart. In addition, the mother was always there for her daughter. Olga Buzova repeatedly said that her mother - real friend for her and her sister.

Irina Alexandrovna was also very upset by the divorce of her eldest daughter from Dmitry Tarasov. And more than once she sobbed with Olga in an embrace ... It was too hard to see how her daughter was suffering!

There was a time when Olga Buzova's mom and dad lived in an ordinary apartment in their beloved city of St. Petersburg and never boasted that their daughter was a star. For them, she always remains just a favorite child. After the divorce, Buzova's parents parted ways.

Unfortunately, due to the TV personality's busy schedule, there is very little time left to visit her parents. But the bond will never break in this family. Because they all love and support each other very much.

"The best person in the world" is my sister!

It is rare that such a close bond is maintained, not only between parents and children, but also between sisters. Olga Buzova literally loves her younger sister Anna Buzova. The girls had common interests since childhood, and when they grew up, even now there is a lot in common between them.

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For example, sisters Buzova several years ago jointly created a common collection of clothes and actively develop their business in all corners of our country.

In addition, the girls have created another line of business that is flourishing. At first, Anyuta became interested in jewelry, and then Olga joined her. Today, their accessories are very much in demand. They are sold with pleasure, despite the fact that the cost is quite high.

Anna Buzova, together with her famous and popular sister, conducts motivating marathons, such as "You and I are of the same blood!". Anna Buzova is two years younger than her sister. But she is as purposeful and active as Olga. She also once took part in the scandalous reality show "Dom-2", though she stayed there for a very short time.

Buzova's younger sister, almost like her sister, Olga Buzova, is developing her own microblog. She also has a lot of followers.

By the way, Anna also moved to Moscow. He lives separately from both his parents and his famous sister. Girls meet as often as possible, as far as Olga Buzova’s busy and always busy schedule allows them, scheduled literally by the hour and minute. When they succeed, the sisters are not childish!

Often people ask the question: what is the secret of the popularity of the seemingly not very talented Olga Buzova? Everyone can answer it. But it is important that in almost all her endeavors she will always be supported by a strong, friendly and loving family! Perhaps this is her main achievement!

Olga Igorevna Buzova- a popular Russian TV presenter, singer, participant in the reality show project "Dom-2" on the TNT channel. Soon Buzova became the host of this project. Since 2008, he has been the editor-in-chief of the World of Reality Show. House 2". He is active in acting. Famous radio presenter and model. Olga Buzova is a popular socialite, whose life every second talks about. Previously, Olga starred in the series "Poor People" and in other popular films. Behind Lately she visited the shooting of various popular programs Cosmopolitan. Video version”, “Attack of the Clowns”, “Robot Child”, “Taxi”, “Battle of Psychics”. The girl showed herself as a model, writer, fashion designer and business woman. Instagram Olga Buzova is considered one of the most popular today. Note that Olga Igorevna showed herself as a DJ. We can conclude that Buzova Olga Igorevna is a comprehensively developed personality who has shown herself in show business, in cinema, in the modeling business and in other areas. Also very often Olga Buzova is invited to various events as a host. In 2009, the girl entered the top three TV presenters Russian Federation.

Childhood and youth of Olga Buzova

Olga Igorevna Buzova was born January 20, 1986 in Leningrad in a military family. By nationality, the popular Russian TV presenter is Russian. Olga Buzova's parents, Igor Dmitrievich and Irina Aleksandrovna, were servicemen. Since childhood, Olga has been creative, high level development. The future TV presenter and secular diva learned to walk and talk very early. Note that already at the age of three, little Olya already knew how to read, write and studied English, while all her peers were playing.

Due to the fact that Olga was a child prodigy, her parents decided to send her to school at the age of five. Initially, it was difficult for the girl to get used to, since her classmates were two years older, and the school curriculum was quite difficult for a five-year-old child. However, things soon stabilized. Buzova made friends with all her classmates, they began to respect her and consider her the soul of the company. Olga also pulled up her studies and soon became an excellent student. The teachers admired the perseverance and efforts of little Olya, who was younger than everyone else.

The intelligent parents of the future TV star tried to invest all their savings in the education of their daughter. Thus, they spent a lot of money on Olga's education, on books and on trips, which developed their daughter. Soon they gave Olga Buzova a piano, which at that time cost big money. From an early age, Olga tried to earn a living and be independent, not sit on her parents' neck.

Already at the age of thirteen, the girl began working in a children's camp. At that time she was already a counselor. Two years later, at the age of fifteen, Olga Igorevna Buzova got a job in a modeling agency, so it was her dream. Her first salary was the amount of two thousand rubles. For this money, Olga bought red velvet jeans and went to school in them so that her classmates would admire such a fashionable outfit. Another dream of Olga was actor career. She dreamed about it since childhood, but her parents categorically forbade it. Soon Olga Buzova graduated from school No. 631 with a silver medal. Further future Russian star entered the Faculty of Geography at St. Petersburg State University. The girl independently chose the faculty of geography and geoecology.

It was during that period that Olga Igorevna Buzova plunged headlong into the world of show business and began her activities in a new direction.

Project Dom-2: presenter Olga Buzova

IN student years Olga Igorevna Buzova learned about the casting for a completely unusual show "Dom-2". She immediately decided to become one of the participants, but her parents reacted negatively to this. They insisted that their daughter graduate from university and receive a higher education. The girl decided to take academic leave at the university and go to a TV project. However, Olga Buzova was not involved in the filming immediately, but a week and a half after the start of the Dom-2 project. Television career Olga Igorevna Buzova began on May 22, 2004. She immediately joined the company of participants and became the soul of the company on the project.

At that time, the blonde was only eighteen years old. During the filming of the television project "Dom-2", Olga Buzova began an affair with Roman Tretyakov, which lasted quite a long time. They dated for three years. A couple of Olga Buzova and Roman Tretyakov became one of the most popular at that time. They were constantly talked about, this tandem was at its best at that time. Tretyakov affectionately called his beloved Buzenysh. Already a few months after the start of the project, Olga Buzova had thousands of fans and admirers.

In 2005, Olga Igorevna Buzova, together with her lover Roman Tretyakov, began to host a talk show on TNT "Romance with Buzova". It immediately won the hearts of the audience and received millions of views. In December 2006 began new season TV project "Dom-2", but Roman Tretyakov said that he was tired of such a life. As part of the project, he feels himself behind bars and does not feel free. Therefore, the man decided to leave this television project. Olga Buzova, in turn, was at the peak of popularity and was not going to leave the legendary show. Tretyakov moved to Moscow, thinking about his immediate plans after the project. He was waiting for his beloved, but she was absolutely not going to finish shooting and continued her career as a reality show star. Thus, their relationship came to an end, and Olga Buzova and Roman Tretyakov broke up. In 2007, wax copies of the most popular pair of the Dom-2 project were installed at the Moscow Wax Museum. It's about about Olga Buzova and Roman Tretyakov. In 2007, Olga Igorevna was the host of the 7th international beauty contest "Miss Russian Radio 2007". Besides, famous blonde accepted the tempting offer of Popsy radio. Radio representatives offered Olga Buzova and Roman Tretyakov to host their own talk show on the radio every Saturday with the same name - “Romance with Buzova”. Note that in the fall of 2007, Olga became the leading heading "Beware, stylists!" in the program "Morning on TNT".

After an affair with Tretyakov, Olga Buzova had a relationship with Stas Karimov and Alessandro Materazzo. However, both those relationships did not last long. Olga Igorevna Buzova remained on the project until 2008, but soon she got tired of being there. She informed the producers about this. They understood that with the departure of Buzova, the rating of the television project would immediately fall, so they could not allow this. As you know, at that time Olga was the most popular participant, since scandals, quarrels, intrigues, love triangles constantly occurred around her.

The editors invited Olga Igorevna Buzova to become the host of Doma-2. The popular participant of the project agreed. Her colleagues became and. Later, the popular blonde became the editor-in-chief of the World of Reality Show. House 2".

Acting career Buzova Olga

Olga Igorevna Buzova proved herself not only as a scandalous participant famous show but also how talented actress. She starred in various series and films. Thus, the acting career of Olga Buzova began in 2008. Initially, she managed to act only in episodic roles, but soon her career developed. She starred in projects such as Zaitsev +1, Bartender, Elena from Polypropylene and Univer. They were extremely popular at the time. In Univer, she played herself and starred on the same platform with popular actors and favorites of millions - with Andrey Gaidulyan and Vitaly Gogunsky.

In 2010, the popular Russian blonde continued her career as an actress and was involved in theatrical processes. Olga Buzova played the main role in the play "Honeymoon". Her colleagues in the performance were Tamara Tsatsanashvili. The theme of the performance was the relationship between a man and a woman. Also in 2010, the host of the reality show replaced Maria Kozhevnikova in the play "Elegant Wedding".

In 2016, Olga Igorevna Buzova returned to acting again. This time she starred in the film "Bartender". Yulia Parshuta, Vitaly Gogunsky and other popular actors became her colleagues. This year, the girl starred in a new series from the TNT channel "Poor People". There she again played herself. Olga Igorevna Buzova also starred in Ara Oganesyan's comedy "Take the hit, baby!" together with and, as well as in Kirill Pletnev's tape "Burn!".

In 2018, the popular TV presenter began filming a new comedy called Zomboyaschik.

Musical career of Buzova Olga Igorevna, filming in clips, dubbing

In 2011, Buzova Olga Igorevna began her musical career. She recorded a track with popular rapper T-killah called "Don't Forget". In 2016, the first solo song of the popular Russian TV presenter called "To the Sound of Kisses" was released. She became popular in a few hours and in two days hit the first place on the iTunes chart in the Russian Federation. We also note that Olga Igorevna Buzova tried herself as a DJ and she did great. The popular TV star began to develop herself in this aspect. Note that the songs of Olga Buzova were included in the collection “Stars of the House-2. Laws of love.

Olga Igorevna regularly releases new tracks that win the hearts of fans. However, the opinion about musical career Buzovoy is ambiguous. Someone admires her and believes that the girl has a real vocal talent. The rest, in turn, pour mud on the popular star and argue that it is better to turn on her songs with the sound turned off. Many believe that this is not her element and attempts to sing look ridiculous. In 2017, Buzova recorded a new video in the United States of America.

In addition, Olga Igorevna Buzova has repeatedly taken part in various entertainment programs on the TNT channel. For example, together with her ex-lover Romanov Tretyakov, the girl took part in the TV project "Robot Child". Olga Buzova was also seen in Attack of the Clowns and in the Taxi program.

In 2010, TV star Olga became a member of one of the episodes entertainment show"The fight of extrasensories". In 2011 Olga Igorevna Buzova visited popular show"Let's get married". She became a participant in the program of Larisa Guzeeva and came in search of her happiness. Three men fought for the heart of the famous blonde: a banker, an oligarch and a DJ.

In 2012, Olga Igorevna Buzova took part in the popular show "Dancing with the Stars". Her partner was Andrey Karpov. However, the famous blonde left this project with a scandal. According to her, the jury biased her performances and treated her too harshly.

Olga Buzova in "Dancing"

Olga Igorevna Buzova has repeatedly visited various television projects as a jury. Among them are "Dancing on TNT", "Comedy Battle" and other shows. Note that recently Russian TV presenter Olga Buzova voiced main character in the comedy "Fashionable Thing". Many did not accept this action of Olga and condemned the girl.

Buzova Olga Igorevna - writer

In 2006, Olga Igorevna Buzova showed herself in a completely new role. She started her career as a writer. The girl published a book called “An affair with Buzova. The most beautiful love story. This book was written jointly with her lover at the time. It was Roman Tretyakov. As you know, the relationship between Olga Buzova and Roman Tretyakov lasted for three years. Soon such a creation of the girl was appreciated. The well-known magazine "Book Business" recognized the book " best project- 2006".

IN next year Olga decided to release a sequel to the book and called it “Romance with Buzova. Love online. The works of the popular Russian TV presenter were really in demand. Soon the girl presented a new book called “It's about the hairpin. Tips for a stylish blonde. She shared her tips, secrets of success and talked about the life of a fashionable blonde, whom everyone admired. This book by Olga Igorevna Buzova was also at the peak of popularity.

In 2016, a novelty from Olga Buzova came out again. She presented the fans with a book called "The Price of Happiness", in which she spoke about family values, about love and friendship, about the most secret, shared her experiences and thoughts. Each page of this book is perfumed with Buzova's favorite fragrance. Each page featured a photograph of the writer herself.

Business Buzovoy Olga Igorevna

In 2013, the popular artist Olga Igorevna Buzova started doing business. Together with his younger sister Anna Buzova, she developed the Bijoux jewelry brand and the Bijoux Room chain of stores. According to the concept of their company, a girl should be able to do two things. It's about being fabulously beautiful and stylish.

In addition, Olga Buzova became a creative partner of the popular C&C brand. The Russian presenter released clothing collections under the label C&C by Olga Buzova. Unfortunately, a year later the girl had to sell the shops. This was due to the fact that the level of profit decreased significantly. Also, the St. Petersburg socialite is actively involved in the fashion industry. Olga Buzova. It is known about another role of the popular blonde. She tried herself as a designer and she did great. She showcased her designer clothing collection at Estet Fashion Week. Note that at this event, Olga surprised everyone as a DJ. She independently hosted a DJ set at a fashion show.

As you know, Olga developed a designer clothing collection together with the Italian company C&C.

Other projects and participation of Olga Igorevna Buzova on TV

From the very beginning of his career, he has been active in television. She is invited to various programs and television shows. Often a socialite can be seen on the TNT channel. In 2010, TV star Olga became a member of one of the episodes of the entertainment show "The Battle of Psychics". In 2011, Olga Igorevna Buzova visited the popular show Let's Get Married. She became a participant in the program of Larisa Guzeeva and came in search of her happiness. Three men fought for the heart of the famous blonde: a banker, an oligarch and a DJ.

In 2012, the girl took part in the dance project "Dancing with the Stars". Andrey Karpov became her partner. However, the famous blonde left this project with a scandal. According to her, the jury biased their performances and gave extremely low scores.

House 2

Repeatedly Olga Igorevna Buzova was invited to shoot TV projects as a jury. Among such projects are "Dancing on TNT", "Comedy Battle" and others. Once Olga Buzova reported that she had a strange dream. In it, she stood on stage. That is why the girl decided to perform in " Comedy battle". Olga Buzova tried herself as a stand-up comedian. According to her, she was very worried, since such an experience happened for the first time in her life. The jury gave the blonde high scores and gave her the opportunity to go on to the show further. Thus, Olga had a chance However, the audience of this show reacted to the appearance of Buzova differently.They ridiculed her and claimed that the girl's performance was not funny and interesting.

Also this year, the girl shocked everyone with a new discovery. In April, TV presenter and singer Olga Buzova released a new cryptocurrency called buzcoin. Moreover, she launched the Buzar communication platform. However, people ridiculed this act of the Russian singer and considered it funny. Buzcoin did not become popular and crashed.

Personal life of Buzova Olga Igorevna

Many rumors constantly appeared about the personal life of Buzova Olga Igorevna. During the Dom-2 project, Olga Buzova began an affair with Roman Tretyakov, which lasted quite a long time. After an affair with Tretyakov, Olga Buzova had a relationship with Stas Karimov and Alessandro Materazzo. However, both those relationships did not last long.

In 2011 funds mass media started talking about the popular blonde dating married man. We are talking about Dmitry Tarasov, who at that time was married and raised his daughter. There were many rumors about Buzova’s romance with the famous Lokomotiv footballer, but neither Olga nor Tarasov commented on this situation.

Soon they nevertheless confirmed their relationship and talked about it publicly. Indignation immediately flew towards Olga Buzova, because Dmitry Tarasov was married and raised a child. Everyone believed that the Russian TV presenter took her husband and father away from the family. However, Dmitry Tarasov stood up for his beloved and denied this information. According to him, their marriage with his wife has long gone at the seams and thoughts of divorce appeared even before Olga appeared.

A few months after the start of the relationship, the lovers went to Dubai. There Tarasov made an offer to Olga Buzova. She agreed. The wedding took place in June 2012 in the circle of only close friends and relatives. Olga decided to take her husband's surname, but still left her own as a creative pseudonym. Olga tried to be an ideal wife, devoted all her time to her husband. Moreover, it became known that she refused to participate in many projects in order to achieve a family idyll. They were called one of the best couples and even compared with the Beckhams. However, four years later, their marriage collapsed. Such assumptions appeared among attentive subscribers who noticed that neither Olga nor Dmitry post joint photos in social media. They wrote about this to Tarasov under various posts and sought an answer. Soon, Dmitry nevertheless answered and advised Olga to find out, since she is the one who likes to comment on everything and put it on public display. Then the fans were convinced that their relationship had come to an end.

The couple divorced in 2016. There was a real scandal around this. However real reason no one knows the Tarasovs' divorce. Someone suggests that the footballer often cheated on Buzova. Others argue that the reason for the divorce was the absence of children, about which Tarasov really asked Olga. As it became known later, a marriage contract was signed between the TV presenter and the football player, according to which half of the common property after the divorce goes to Olga Buzova. This is what really angered the ex-spouse, since it was difficult for him to part with the house that he built on his own. Immediately after the breakup, Tarasov's neighbors often noticed him with the winner of the Miss Russia 2014 beauty contest Anastasia Kostenko. Therefore, the version about the betrayal of a football player still remains one of the main ones. Olga was very upset by the divorce, constantly crying on the set and breaking down on her colleagues. In order to somehow brighten up the gray everyday life, Olga radically changed her image and became a brunette, cut her hair under a bob.

Also, not so long ago, information about intimate correspondence Olga Buzova with Dmitry Nagiev. An unknown user posted a correspondence on the network in which Olga writes to Nagiyev about loneliness and that she wants male affection and warmth. In this regard, a scandal immediately broke out, and this topic was at the top of the news.

Soon, in November last year, information appeared that Roman Gritsenko, a member of Doma-2, confessed his love to Olga Buzova. Once they were caught kissing. This video has gone viral on social media. However, there is no official confirmation of their relationship to this day.

Many believe that Olga Buzova still loves Tarasov and suffers for him. Such conclusions are drawn because she often recalls sarcastically about ex-husband on your instagram. Thus, on the wedding day of Tarasov and Kostenko, Olga posted a photo with Dostoevsky's book "The Idiot". Under the photo, Buzova wrote an ominous sarcastic comment, which Kostenko meant - a work "about the unfortunate merchant Parfyon and the kept woman Nastasya."

Olga Igorevna Buzova now

To date, Olga Igorevna Buzova is actively engaged in self-development in various fields. After her divorce from Dmitry Tarasov, she began to develop herself as a singer. The legendary single “To the Sound of Kisses” was released, which became a favorite in a day Russian chart iTunes. Later, Olga Buzova released new hits, which immediately succumbed to criticism. Someone was inspired by her tracks, and someone thought that she should not sing at all. Audience opinions were always divided. Next came new song under the name "I'm getting used to", which everyone associated with the separation of Olga and Tarasov.

Buzova's popular tracks were Few Halves, People Didn't Believe. Soon, the Russian TV presenter sang a duet with Nastya Kudri, a song called “We will be hot.” In addition to the role of the singer, the girl again starred in the clip "Great, great" by the group "Degrees". Most recently, Buzova became one of the heroines of the series “Chernobyl. Exclusion Zone". In 2018, the popular Russian TV presenter devoted herself to participating in a new comedy show "Roasting".

In addition to creative activity, Olga Buzova actively travels, visits various countries and cities in free time. The account of the popular TV presenter and singer on Instagram is considered one of the most popular today.