The best RPGs for co-op. Online games with friends on PC

17. Strange Brigade

A dynamic shooter, the plot of which tells about the awakening of the ancient Egyptian witch-queen Seteki. Only the “Strange Brigade” - four brave adventurers who are ready to fight any danger for the sake of hard cash - can stop the ominous ruler and her minions.

Playing Strange Brigade alone is too boring, but in co-op the project reveals itself to its full potential. At various levels, bloodthirsty monsters, deadly traps and, of course, cunningly hidden treasures will await you, and an extensive arsenal of weapons and devastating spells, unique to each character, will help you deal with the creatures of evil.

16. A Way Out

A game completely aimed at playing cooperatively with a friend: you can’t go through it alone, you can’t go through it with a random player (not from the list of friends in Origin), and there’s no reason to - this project gives the most vivid emotions only when you play with someone you know well person, and preferably at one computer, in splitscreen. We won’t go into detail about the merits of A Way Out - we’ve already said everything in our review. If you have someone to play with, be sure to pay attention to this wonderful game.

15. Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide

The game in the Warhammer fantasy universe (which is not 40,000) invites players to team up and recapture the city of Ubersreik from the ratmen - mainly in close combat. Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide captivates with its dynamic and intense gameplay, impresses with the beauty of its locations and delights with its high complexity. In general, an excellent option for evening team fights.

14. Portal 2

Without exaggeration, the ingenious puzzle game from Valve could have been placed higher on our list, but due to its age it has given way to newcomers. The main feature of the Portal 2 cooperative is a very convenient, intuitive gesture system, thanks to which communication in the game does not require voice communication, and even residents of different countries can find a common language with each other. Interesting puzzles and signature humor remain in place, so the project will help you relieve boredom and have fun.

13. Gears of War

Only two games from the Gears of War series are presented on the PC - the first and fourth parts (the rest were released on consoles of the Xbox family), but they are enough for vivid emotions. Gears of War has a gloomy atmosphere, charisma of the main characters and fierce battles with undisguised, even ostentatious, cruelty.

12. Broforce

11. Killing Floor

10. Ghost Recon Wildlands

A shooter from Ubisoft, specially designed for cooperative play. Of course, you can play Ghost Recon Wildlands alone, but then you won't get even a fraction of the experience that this project provides when completing tasks together. It's all about the gameplay: the game belongs to the genre of tactical shooters and, obviously, AI-controlled characters cannot compare with real people who, with proper coordination of actions, will turn the passage of missions into a beautifully choreographed Hollywood action movie.

9. Dying Light


7. Civilization

The sixth part of the strategic Civilization series is the newest at the moment, but co-op is also present in previous editions. Here, co-play is implemented within the framework of diplomacy: players can declare friendship, form an alliance and develop their civilizations together. Civilization VI is perfect for playing both over the Internet and on one computer - for the second case, there is a hot-sit mode in which participants take turns making their moves.


A long-term platformer released in 2017, with a stunningly beautiful visual style that references the cartoons of the 30s and 40s. Players will take control of funny characters and fight two dozen bosses. Cuphead has incredibly complex gameplay, so some friendly support comes in handy.

5. Path of Exile

4. Call of Duty

Starting with World at War, each part of the Call of Duty series contains, in addition to a single player campaign and competitive multiplayer, a co-op mode. In some installments of the franchise, players will have to fight zombies, in others – with aliens, but each time these missions delight with excellent presentation and exciting gameplay.

3. Destiny 2

Both parts of Destiny are designed for cooperative play, but only the second part is available on PC. Destiny 2 is about cooperative battles against alien invaders, accompanied by a mystery-filled plot and a carefully crafted futuristic setting. The game boasts not only exciting gameplay, but also beautiful graphics that demonstrate stunning landscapes.


Diablo 2 turned 17 this year, Diablo 3 is 5 years old, but both projects still occupy places in all the top cooperative games. The reasons for its success are high replayability, well-balanced gameplay, and exciting gameplay. Any fan of good action-RPGs periodically feels the urge to download one of the games in the Diablo series, call your friends and go to Sanctuary to deal with the presumptuous demons.

1. Divinity: Original Sin

Both parts of the Divinity: Original Sin series share honorable first place in our ranking of the best cooperative games on PC. And completely deservedly so, because every joint passage here turns into an exciting adventure, where players can argue with each other, intrigue each other, explore the world together or separately and, of course, fight numerous enemies. You simply won’t find a better project for having fun with friends.

Co-op games for weak PCs

Almost all of the above games require fairly powerful video cards and processors. But what to do if your computer’s configuration can’t handle modern projects, but you still want to play co-op? Don't rush to break your piggy bank for an upgrade - we have a selection of co-op games for weaker PCs.

Dead Island is a series of zombie action games with parkour, close combat and a system of zonal dismemberment of the living dead.

Resident Evil– the fifth and sixth parts of the franchise, as well as the Resident Evil Revelations duology, contain a cooperative mode in which players will have to clean up the consequences of the sinister experiments of the Umbrella corporation.

The Lord of the Rings: War in the North– action-RPG in the “Lord of the Rings” universe with co-op for three.

Magicka- a series of adventure games dedicated to four unlucky wizards who, by the will of fate, will have to fight a demon who intends to destroy the entire world. It is interesting because of its original combat system, in which players independently create magic spells by combining various elements.

Don't Starve Together– a survival simulator with the possibility of cooperative play. Players need to survive in a hostile world for as long as possible, and working together significantly increases the chances of survival.

Torchlight is a cooperative action-RPG in the Diablo style with vast locations, addictive gameplay and pets that relieve players of the need to constantly return to the city to sell loot.

Sacred 2– a large-scale RPG with interesting classes, a fun plot and funny humor.

Titan Quest is a cooperative action-RPG based on the mythology of Ancient Greece, Egypt and the East, and invites players to fight the powerful Titans, reaching the top of Olympus. The game recently received new life in the form of the Anniversary Edition.

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3– RTS in the popular Command & Conquer universe with the possibility of a cooperative campaign.

LEGO– All LEGO series releases include a co-op mode. The choice of projects is huge: gamers can go to the worlds of Marvel and DC comics, take part in the adventures of the Fellowship of the Ring and the Hobbit, study at Hogwarts, visit a galaxy far, far away, and so on.

Contra, Metal Slug and other classic games - there are free emulators of various consoles of previous generations that can run old games, including co-op. They provide an opportunity to immerse yourself in worlds familiar from childhood and relive the exciting adventures of your favorite characters.

Good day, dear readers!
Now the time has come to draw a line under the next material from the “TOP 10: Your Choice” series, the topic of which was games with the best cooperative. If anyone missed the beginning, let us remind you that the selection of the dozen was done exclusively by our users, who first proposed their options on the forum and then voted on the best one. Our task now is to talk about the results in this material and, in fact, show them in the video attached to the article. That's what we'll do.
So, let’s meet ten games with the best co-op according to our users!

Cheerful slogan "play, create, share"(play, create, share) originated in the minds of the founding fathers Media Molecule more than five years ago and did not change until the launch of the pioneer of the design genre - LittleBigPlanet. People from Lionhead Studios from the very beginning they wanted to create a large playground for people of all ages and views, where they could create their own “small” worlds, open to all adventurers. Worlds that bring the gaming community together and encourage people to create truly monumental things.

First LittleBigPlanet made a real splash in the industry. Who would have thought that such an unusual project could not only crush the press, which squealed with joy and gave a stable 10/10 points, but also become a great commercial success. So much so that the number of levels created by ordinary people will very quickly exceed the one million mark. This is something on the verge of fantasy, no less.

An important element of this success and breakthrough in stereotypical thinking is the opportunity not only to share maps carved with love, but also to go through them with friends. Both offline and online. Jumping on platforms, using a grappling hook and helping each other crack puzzles, enjoying walking together through cardboard worlds in the guise of little plush dolls...

What can you add here? LittleBigPlanet 2 didn’t lose face and only increased the degree of pleasure from joint trips through the levels created by ordinary people. Media Molecule deserves applause and a mandatory mention in the top.

Croteam began its long and thorny path to fame as a tiny “garage” development team consisting of only six people and a dog. The Croats did not have any luxury cars or forks on the islands. There was only enthusiasm and the desire to make an old-school shooter, without false gloss and dust flying towards the eyes, but with an insane number of enemies on the screen and giant guns that turn monsters into pieces of meat flying into pieces.

The public's sudden love for Serious Sam and sprinkled on the heads of the modest Croteam The awards turned out to be unexpected, to put it mildly. And after all Serious Sam touched the soul not only with adrenaline battles “one against fifty” in spacious Egyptian halls. The game also stood out due to its “cooperative” mode, which was rare for those times.

Nowadays, the chance to run through a single player campaign with a couple of friends is seen as something for granted, but ten years ago Serious Sam was a representative of a very rare gaming tribe that allowed several players to jointly wipe out tens of thousands of subordinates from the face of the Earth Mentala. It should be noted that this largely determined the bright future of the game - to this day there are people who are not averse to picking up a shotgun, inviting a friend to an online feast, and going to shoot headless kamikazes.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Serious Sam has survived many franchises and this year will again occupy the minds of true fans of the “old school”. Get ready, feast of the name Serious Sam 3: BFE starts this summer!

"Rainbow" guys in special forces costumes from couturier Tom Clancy From infancy we are accustomed to working in a team. In the Universe Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six there is no such physical unit as “I” - there is only a native detachment, coherently carrying out the task of the staff generals and systematically clearing room by room, freeing hostages and eliminating the damned terrorists.

With every new part Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six went deep and immersed in details, trying to perfect the cooperative cleansing of the world from radical citizens. Each fighter could always rely on friends during very difficult operations and trust them with his back.

Vegas 2 thoroughly shook up all the ideas of the early games in the series Rainbow Six and decided to focus on the combat adventures of just two players, thereby trying to achieve cinematic heights and tighter team play. To be honest, it didn’t turn out that bad - even if it’s not a race with eight warriors in a squad, it still has charm and charm Vegas 2 still outweighed the sour expression on the faces of the devoted fan club.

Tom Clancy's Rainbow: Six Vegas 2- one of the best tactical shooters, what can I say. It will be interesting to see what Ubisoft will do with the series Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six in future.

Epic Games aimed at a tit, but hit a crane. Gears of War in the blink of an eye, it practically became the personification of the Xbox 360 brand, on a par with titanium like Halo. People applauded as they saw Locust carcasses being cut in half on the screen and using sophisticated game mechanics with cover for tactical shooting of aliens. gloomy universe Gears of War subjugated millions of players, and Cliff Bleszinski scored another hit on an intergalactic scale.

Break it down into its component parts Gears of War 2 it won't work - a game is only great when it is a single whole. With an explosive story campaign, sophisticated multiplayer and, of course, co-op for two brothers in arms - Marcus And Dominica. Not to say that Gears of War 2 loved largely for the regime of joint destruction of locusts, but still there is a certain amount of truth in this statement. Going through the game’s campaign together with a friend is much more fun, interesting and sometimes more difficult due to the artificial intelligence that adapts to the two fighters. Words cannot express the pleasure you get from running around the Nexus.

Gears of War 3, in turn, will continue to expand the cooperative boundaries - in the final part of the trilogy, people will finally be able to complete the game from beginning to end in the company of three friends. Now there is no doubt that the third part will put an epic end to the long history of the Delta squad and Marcus Phoenix.

Analysts predicted Borderlands quick death. Like, just another game Gearbox Software will turn out to be such a commercial failure that mom don't worry. About three months after release Borderlands wise analysts had to take back their words.

Borderlands turned out to be a large-caliber game, which not only did not save against venerable competitors, but even took away part of their potential revenue. The desert planet Pandora quickly became home to two million bounty hunters. Let's check the formula for success - obligatory loot, gazillions of weapons with different performance characteristics and range of application, a large open world and side quests. That's right, all the elements of success are in place. But there is one more, more important detail.

Cooperative. Nobody argues - you can enjoy a walk through the wasteland, filled with gangs, animals and treasures for connoisseurs, alone, slowly making circles around the rare islands of civilization. Yes, only real potential Borderlands opens only in co-op - when four warriors sit down in a battered buggy and set off to travel around the surrounding area, jointly completing tasks, collecting goods that have fallen from the pockets of defeated enemies and... If a dispute arises over who owns the loot - sorting things out with the help of guns and unique skills specific to each of the four classes.

To the cooperative needle Borderlands a lot of people got hooked. Even now, after a year and a half, it won’t be too difficult to find three partners and hit the road rally on the off-road roads of Pandora. And then maybe a sequel will appear to pamper tired travelers...

Fourth part RE deservedly considered one of the best games of the decade - Shinji Mikami created a game that influenced the further development of the third-person shooter genre, and at the same time survival horror. An unexpected mixture of different ideas stolen from adventure games and TPS, a camera suspended over the hero’s shoulder, leisurely shooting of zombies and a rather interesting use of QTE mechanics - all this instantly elevated Resident Evil 4 to the rank of an undeniable classic.

Resident Evil 5 Even with all the fans' desire, it will not be able to reach such heights. Sunny Africa, a change from a gloomy European village to bright and not at all scary shacks and a slight shift in priorities towards a system of shelters, which are neither a village nor a city... Controversial decisions by employees Capcom a lot were accepted, it’s impossible to list them all. And today there are people who are ready to talk about how the Japanese miscalculated RE5.

Perhaps only one element of the game brightened up the overall disappointment. Against the backdrop of fat minuses, the cooperative at least looked like a small and stunted plus. Complete the story campaign RE5 together or playing in the “Mercenaries” mode with the support of a friend turned out to be quite fun. Yes, the light genre feel of survival horror in the co-op completely disappeared, but, in the end, it was completely uncritical. Everyone has long since stopped being afraid of creeping creatures with tentacles during daylight hours.

Bottom line - Resident Evil 5 turned into a more lightweight shooter. There is no trace left of the atmospheric, slow and drawn-out “horror” film. Is this bad? Someone will nod affirmatively. And someone will go through the game in co-op, not really caring what three and a half veterans of the squad think STARS. Everyone wins.

You won't envy fate Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction. The game was announced in 2007, underwent a mountain of plastic surgery, a complete change in gender concepts and, ultimately, appeared before the public in a completely different guise, noticeably different from what Ubisoft showed four years ago. Shaved Sam Fisher, no “social” stealth and a black and white palette of “invisibility” with brutal interrogations, knocked out teeth and shooting in the head – the surgeons did their best.

Of course, you can always look for flaws and find them anywhere and everywhere. Splinter Cell: Conviction In terms of mechanics, it has moved very far away from the first games about the secret agent of the Third Echelon. Can't argue with that. Some people liked the changes, while others defiantly spat at their feet and said meaningfully: "This is no longer Splinter Cell. Opinions are divided, but supporters of the two camps still agree on one thing - the multiplayer part Splinter Cell: Conviction was a success. And it’s not just about the cooperative, for which Ubisoft I concocted a separate storyline to make playing the game with a friend more interesting. The game also deserves good words for its diversity in multiplayer modes, where several special agents need to sneak behind enemies, monitor patrols wandering through the halls, work together in the shadows and in no case expose their partner to attack. The perfect combination for those who understand.

Uncle Tom Clancy enjoys clear authority among fans of cooperative fun - two games in this top with his holy prefix. Ubisoft She can be proud of herself - she came very close to the top three.

Seeing a child in a prize place Blizzard Entertainment– this is already a tradition of our tops. And who is to blame? "Blizzard"- one of the few studios whose games feel great and do not complain about the lack of attention from fans even after eleven years.

Diablo 2- a clear example of this. Despite the passing of a decade, she still has many fans around the world. Tens of thousands of people devote at least a couple of hours a week to the old woman, wandering through dungeons and killing mystical living creatures. Ask the inhabitants of our servers - they won’t let you lie! U Blizzard Entertainment it was possible not only to create a luxurious fantasy universe, equipped with a practical role-playing system and an indispensable hunt for loot, but also to rally the gaming community around Diablo 2, which with its enthusiasm keeps such an “ancient” game afloat.

However, a change is already on the way! Soon the second part will be able to finally retire, and a new star will sparkle in the sky under the name Diablo 3. Maybe Blizzard Entertainment and it takes a long time to harness, but it definitely goes very fast - the wait is always worth it. With the exit Diablo 3 this postulate is unlikely to change.

Who, who, huh Left 4 Dead 2 receives his silver deservedly and without any questions. In fact, this is the only game in the top that, from the very first days of its life, was created around a cooperative mode and the ability to shoot zombies as part of a squad of four survivors. And if in other games co-op is a big and pleasant addition that allows you to brighten up your evenings while playing with friends, then in Left 4 Dead this is an unbreakable foundation.

To the success of the first part Left 4 Dead few believed. On paper the game looked great, but there was still a shadow of doubt cast over a significant part of it. Co-op, artificial intelligence taking the place of the “director” and managing a crowd of zombies, unique “infected”... All this sounded very sweet, and therefore Valve Software I couldn’t resist and was the first to pounce on this cake. The seers bought it wholeheartedly Turtle Rock Studios, gave her money, provided the game with great marketing support and began to watch how, before their eyes, the first sprouts of a future hit emerged from the fertile soil.

Left 4 Dead did not disappoint and became the favorite of millions of players who spend their time every day shooting the dead and paving the way to the saving evacuation point. Just like any Hollywood zombie movie!

Left 4 Dead 2 many at first received hostility, exposing Valve Software in deception. After all, the company promised to supply L4D new content, and here it is! True, over time, the resentment gave way to sincere love - the “crane operators” delivered all the promised content and are now actively supporting the life of the community Left 4 Dead 2. There is not a single cloud on the horizon, only mountains of new campaigns for the four survivors, ready to slay a hundred or two zombies.

About the same situation has developed as with the creations Blizzard Entertainment. A game Infinity Ward regularly visits the top's bedchamber. And it’s hard to argue with the fact that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is a high-flying bird that deserves special attention.

Frankly speaking, only she managed to perfectly combine Hollywood action films with a hail of special effects from Michael Bay and standard game mechanics, which made it possible to bring games as part of the media space to a completely new level. Launch Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 was in no way inferior in scale to the premiere in cinemas of some November blockbuster. And all thanks to magic Infinity Ward, who knows how to create excellent and very cinematic projects.

Against the general background and under the main musical theme from Hans Zimmer cooperative missions in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Not that they stand out much. They only complement the already epic canvas. Teaming up with a friend to complete tasks stolen from the single-player campaign may not sound interesting, but snowmobile chases and the opportunity to fire at an enemy base with large-caliber AC-130 guns - all these memorable moments perfectly compensate for the weak preamble.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 once again awarded an honorary gold medal. Infinity Ward has already written its name into the history of the gaming industry many times. And, most likely, he will write it several more times in the foreseeable future. Our congratulations!

Well, that’s all for today regarding texts, but there is still excellent video material ahead, which you will find just below. All we can do is say thank you for your participation and say goodbye until April 1st. I was with you today Evgeniy “Mumby” Molodov.

In addition, we remind you that right at this moment the first stage of preparation of the next material from the series “TOP-10: Your choice” began, in which you can take part. The topic was the best racing games.

  • Vikings - Wolves of Midgard – RPG for two. Having reincarnated as a brave Viking, you have to exterminate evil spirits. The hero's class depends on leveling up. You can arm yourself with a staff and spells, or trust your life to steel. Before you unleash your wrath on the monsters, invite a friend, playing together is more fun, and most importantly, not a single creature will be able to get close to you from behind;
  • Mass Effect: Andromeda is the best RPG about space travel, intense battles and walks across colorful planets. Trying on the role of the messiah, go on quests, explore the galaxy, discover skills, destroy enemies, etc. On top of that, it’s worth noting the amazing storyline;
  • Zombie Playground is an exciting slasher game for two. Are you ready to travel back to your childhood and find yourself back in school? This time there will be bad-smelling zombies instead of teachers. , improve your weapons, discover new techniques and team up with other gamers;
  • Tempest: Having reincarnated as a pirate, you must assemble a crew and devote your life to robbery, murder and adventure. To succeed, make a fortune and install cool guns on your ship. Not all of the best RPG games online can please you with such realism, scale and epic naval battles;
  • We Are The Dwarves: events take place deep underground. You have to exterminate monsters, avoid traps, explore dark territories, etc. Before you start playing through the game, decide on the dwarf: a melee master, an engineer with a grenade launcher, or an assassin.

Advantages of an RPG

On our platform you will find a variety of online RPG games to play. And after registration you will try on the role of an adventurer, a hero, a bandit, a demon or even a dragon. The task of every gamer is to get to the top, become famous and earn a lot of money. Unfortunately, not all of the best online RPGs for two can offer this. To avoid wasting time searching, take a closer look at the Dragon Ring project. Are you ready for epic battles, varied zones, merciless allies and loyal pets? Achieving public recognition is not easy, so upgrade, improve your weapons, learn devastating techniques and never give up.

Game modes:

Released: 2017

Nine Parchments is a cooperative isometric arcade game that was presented to all gamers on the planet on December 5, 2017. The plot of the game revolves around the wanderings of graduates of a magical university. An explosion occurs in their educational building just in time for the final exams, resulting in the loss of 9 scrolls with incredibly powerful spells. It is precisely in search of the precious loss that you will have to go in the person of a university graduate or graduates, since the game provides co-op co-op for up to 4 people.

Platforms: PC

Game modes: Via network/internet (4 players)

Released: 2015

Those who like to control a whole team of specialist heroes will love the cyberpunk action game Satellite Reign. Your task is to bring down the powerful monopoly of evil and give hope to the world for free prosperity. A living open world of the distant future awaits you, character upgrades, heaps of loot and a cannon.

Platforms: PC

Game modes: On one screen (3 players) | Via network/internet (3 players)

Released: 2017

Once again the world is in danger and on the verge of collapse. Naturally, you act as the savior and in this case of the kingdom of Fahrul. This is the plot basis of the turn-based strategy For The King, made in a cartoon style. Canadian developers from IronOak worked on the project.

Platforms: PC | Xbox 360

Game modes:

Released: 2017

The eternal confrontation between representatives of two musical movements: punk rock and heavy metal formed the basis of the storyline of the game Charlie Murder. The imagination of the developers is truly immense: what kind of monsters you will not have to destroy on your way. The plot of the campaign seemed interesting to me, for a game of this level.

Platforms: PC | PS4

Game modes: On one screen (2 players) | Via network/internet (4 players)

Released: 2017

Once again, the fantasy universe of Divinity has opened its arms to gamers. The first part created a sensation. Nothing extra, the developers invested a minimum of money and got a real masterpiece in the RPG genre. Divinity: Original Sin 2 is designed to continue the triumph of Larian Studios and immerse gamers in yet another adventurous adventure.

Platforms: PC

Game modes: Via network/internet (4 players)

Released: 2015

Victor Vran is an isometric Action RPG in a fantasy style from the independent Bulgarian studio Haemimont Games. The game instantly captivates with its dynamism and colorfulness. You don’t have to run around and be bored for half an hour, you are constantly in anticipation and anticipation of the next battle against a crowd of monsters.

Platforms: PC | PS4 | Xbox One

Game modes: On one screen (2 players) | Via network/internet (2 players)

Released: 2014

The RPG game Divinity: Original Sin is a prequel to the famous and already loved by gamers saga Divine Divinity and Dragon Knight Saga. Players will have to meet already known heroes, however, the gameplay will take place in a different era and the heroes will have to solve completely different problems. The world of Divinity: Original Sin is interactive and allows you to build your own unique story.

Platforms: PC

Game modes: On one screen (4 players) | Via network/internet (4 players)

Released: 2014

The recent annual world's largest exhibition-show E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) was remembered by most participants for the small number of games appearing on the new generation of consoles, restarts of one-year-old games, an enormous number of sports games and defects from EA. At this exhibition, Sony stood out with two sophisticated announcements - Magicka 2 and a re-release of the acclaimed famous Grim Fandango from the unrivaled Tim Shafer. Let's try to remember what Magicka was for co-op fans - the best of games, or one continuous endless glitchy bug?

Platforms: PC

Game modes: On one screen (4) | Via network/internet (4)

Released: 2014

The tiny video game studio Arrowhead Studios gave the world an excellent cooperative project (and is now working tirelessly on the creation of the second part) with the cheerful fantasy name Magicka. And now suddenly it suddenly becomes known that the company is developing a joint project (also for co-playing) with Warner Brothers themselves. Judging by the studio's previous creation, we are already familiar with the full power of the developers' flight of fancy. This means that expectations from the new project increase, and an ideal cooperative appears. However, fantasies do not survive for long when, finally, harsh reality presents us with the long-awaited remake. Now there is no store in the world that does not have at least one remake of some degree of antiquity. And this is a reality not only in the world of video games; the lack of fresh ideas does its dirty work. This time the developers have outdone themselves, because this time a game that is more than thirty years old has been rethought! A game that not only is unlikely to be remembered by even a single video game fan, but which is older than most of them. The old lady's name is Gauntlet.

Games have their own indescribable magic. They give you the opportunity to be transported to another era, to completely different worlds and to imagine yourself as much as possible in the role of a different person, or even a completely different creature. These are absolutely incredible emotions, don’t you agree?

However, you can get even more pleasure from the game by playing with friends. You can save worlds together, escape from zombies, participate in races... There are an incredible number of options, and today we will tell you about games that you can play together with a friend or online with players from all over the world.

Playerunknown's Battlegrounds

Platforms:, PS Vita, PlayStation 2, Xbox, iOS, Android, Windows Phone

A multiplayer shooter with a jaw-dropping title Playerunknown's Battlegrounds has long been in the top of the most popular projects, despite the fact that it is in Early Access and still has rough edges and bugs. The essence of the game is quite simple and lies in the fact that you must remain the last survivor on the map, a kind of “ King of the mountain."

At the very beginning of the fight you have absolutely nothing, but gradually you need to find weapons, vehicles and other useful things. The area of ​​the map decreases over time and you need to hurry, but also be careful, because other players want to win no less than you. Be cunning and insidious, shoot when the enemy does not expect it, hide so that no one finds you. The game has very positive reviews and is definitely worth checking out.

Destiny 2

Multiplayer: co-op for 6 players, online multiplayer for 8

The multiplayer component has brought many changes and, in general, we can say that the game has become even more difficult. Although, on the other hand, now you can count not only on yourself, but also on your friends. Some creatures have received a higher health indicator, but players, in turn, become hungry faster. You can play together online, set up a local network, or survive using one computer.

The mechanics of death also became interesting. Now, after one of the players passes into another world, he becomes a ghost and can continue to travel with the group in the form of incorporeal matter until he is resurrected. Considering also the fact that they appear in the game, there is simply no time to be bored there.

League of Legends

Platforms: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Windows PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Macintosh, Linux
Multiplayer: online co-op for up to 5 people, online multiplayer for 10 players

The multiplayer part can also boast of difficulties and interesting things, but solving it all with a friend is much more interesting, wouldn’t you agree? Joint shootouts and destruction of enemies will no longer surprise anyone, but puzzles are a completely different cuisine. You can play through the game using Split Screen, playing on one computer, use online co-op or a local network.

To put it simply, grab a friend and buy Portal 2 without thinking, especially since it can now be purchased on Steam for absolutely ridiculous money! If you are completely unfamiliar with the game, although it’s hard to even imagine, then you can read ours.

Trine 2

Platforms: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Macintosh, Windows PC, PS Vita, PlayStation 4
Multiplayer: 3-player co-op, HotSeat

As you may know, there are only three parts of Trine at the moment, but the second one is perhaps the best of them all.

The game is designed for four, and you will have to fight against rat people. Don't think it will be easy, because these creatures are smarter than many people! You will have to think quite a lot in the game, because your enemies are cunning and insidious. It will be very difficult for you, because the rat people know how to take you by surprise, how to instill in you a feeling of hopelessness. They will pull you away one by one, crush you in a crowd, not even allowing you to move to a safe distance. Even experienced players choke on their own blood and have no way to fight back. A large addition has brought even greater variety and hordes of rats to the game. Co-op is possible both online and through a local network.

Are you scared yet? Then grab axes, rapiers, pistols, crossbows and everything else! The battles await you are simply crazy!

Orcs Must Die! 2

Platforms: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Macintosh, Windows PC, PS Vita, PlayStation 4, Linux, Xbox One
Multiplayer: 2 player co-op

Murders in Orcs Must Die! 2 is the very reason to buy this game. Here you have to not only repel waves of orcs, but also set traps, invent new ways and tactics of destroying these insidious creatures. There's definitely room for fantasy here! In general, the game is a mixture of Tower Defense and Action genres. There will be plenty of hot moments!

A partner is extremely important here, because you can divide responsibilities and spheres of influence between you. You will have a little time before each new wave of orcs, but you need to use it extremely wisely. Set traps, determine your positions, and prepare properly to welcome guests. Don't let it get captured!

PayDay 2

Platforms: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Windows PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Macintosh, Linux, PS Vita, PlayStation 2, Xbox, iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Nintendo Switch
Multiplayer: online co-op for 4 people

Rob caravans in You won't need PayDay 2, but banks, ports and rich people's houses are no problem. This is precisely the highlight of this project.

PayDay 2 is designed for four people and you won’t be able to go it alone. The cooperative is built to the highest possible quality and requires close teamwork. You need to act quickly, because if you delay, then heavy juggernauts will come to eliminate you, which are extremely difficult to kill. If you don’t protect your comrade, you’ll lose him or even fail the mission. If you play one at a time, everyone will be removed and there will be no chance of winning. In general, the game is distinguished by its complexity and even aggressiveness. It's less about fun and more about planning, tactics and teamwork. In general, everything is as close as possible to real robberies.

You will have to get used to the role of seasoned robbers. Costumes, uniforms, top weapons, the atmosphere of crime and masks - each of these details creates a wonderful game that is worth trying.

Team Fortress 2

Platforms: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Windows PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Macintosh, Linux, PS Vita
Multiplayer: co-op for 6 players, online multiplayer for up to 32 players

A multiplayer shooter from Valve called Team Fortress 2 was released over ten years ago, but is still quite popular among gamers around the world.

It’s worth playing this Valve creation, if only because it’s very well suited for simply relaxing after work or school. Battles are fun and relaxed. The graphics in the game are angular and colorful, even the characters themselves are made with some ease, like the weapons.

The game is comical and ironic, so even if you lose you will get positive emotions, simply because everything that happens on the monitor makes you smile and laugh. There's not a ton of variety in weapons, maps or characters, but it's a great way to relax and while away an evening with friends.

Starcraft 2

Platforms: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Windows PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Macintosh, Linux
Multiplayer: online multiplayer for 12 people

Giant from Blizzard. In general, this studio does not have many projects, but each of them is consistently good, attracts a huge audience and is supported for a very long time. Starcraft 2 is no exception, and even though it came out quite a long time ago, it has not lost its popularity.

A definite advantage of this game is that it is not very demanding on hardware, which means even those with weak systems will be able to play without any significant losses. The graphics here are quite simple, but still beautiful. The narration does not happen all at once, but happens as new chapters are released, although the plot is far from the main thing here.

Multiplayer component of the game. That's what's worth paying attention to. Starcraft 2 is practically a classic of the RTS genre. Here you will have to focus on tactics, construction and resource extraction. Blizzard has done everything possible to make the game interesting to both newcomers and veterans of this world. It's worth trying the game if only to touch the old classics and find out what it is. Be careful, because the world of Starcraft is addictive. Just recently, which should give her a new life.

Arma 3

Platforms: Xbox 360, Macintosh, Windows PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PS Vita, Wii U, Nintendo Switch, Linux
Multiplayer: online co-op for up to 16 people, online multiplayer for 64 players

Arma 3 is an excellent solution for those players who want to try on the guise of a military man, as well as get used to role-playing. If you find yourself in the right company, then you will experience all the delights and hardships of this type of game.

You will work, sit in prison, act according to the charter and adhere to the rules. This is not for everyone, but for players who like maximum transformation, this game will be a real treasure.

In addition to all this, you have the opportunity to explore vast territories, go on joint missions, or even engage in extensive battles!

The Elder Scrolls Online

Multiplayer: online co-op for 5 players, online multiplayer for up to 1000 people

TESO is the dream come true for all scroll fans. The beloved universe appeared before players in the form of an MMORPG, and its release was a long-awaited event for many.

However, The Elder Scrolls Online cannot be called a typical representative of the genre, because many of the classic games are preserved here. At the same time, you can do what you want and go where you are interested.

The online component has some simplifications, but you have a great chance to see your favorite world in a completely different time and under different circumstances, as well as explore places you couldn’t get to before.


Multiplayer: online co-op for 2 players, online multiplayer for up to 18 people

The extensive Call of Duty series has not only maintained momentum over the years of its existence, but continues to attract more and more people. IN COD: WWII you will find yourself in Western Europe during wartime, more precisely in 1944-1945. Not only beautiful graphics await you, but also military landscapes, the gloom and sadness of which can now be felt even more realistically.

There are no changes in the cooperative mode; there are still the same old and good (not at all) zombies, who have only become scarier and more ferocious. The people who fell after a failed experiment became embittered undead, with only one goal - to gnaw your throat out. Are you ready to fight back?

Multiplayer will give you the opportunity not only to stage a large-scale battle involving tanks, machine guns, machine guns and other delights, but also to try a mode with capturing points, which you will like.

Mortal Kombat X

Platforms: Xbox 360, Macintosh, Windows PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PS Vita, Wii U, Nintendo Switch, Linux, Amazon Fire TV, Android, Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation 2, Xbox, iOS, Windows Phone, Dreamcast
Multiplayer: HotSeat, online multiplayer for up to 4 people

Do you like cruelty and bloody mayhem? Then it's clearly time for you to look away Mortal Kombat X, where all this will be in abundance. Break your opponent's neck? Easily! Rip out the spine? With joy!

MKX is a great stress reliever and a way to let off some steam when you need it most. Where else will you have the opportunity to look in detail at the crumbling bones of your enemy?

In addition, you can play with a friend, which makes the gameplay even more fun. You can even settle a dispute by deciding who can break whose skull the fastest.


Platforms: Xbox 360, Macintosh, Windows PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PS Vita, Wii U, Nintendo Switch, Linux, Amazon Fire TV, Android, Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation 2, Xbox, iOS, Windows Phone, Dreamcast
Multiplayer: online multiplayer up to 64 players

If you like Terraria, then You will love Starbound just as much, and perhaps even more. Despite the fact that at first glance, these games are quite different and should not be confused.

Here you have to explore many planets that are created randomly, as well as create weapons and everything you need. There are several playable races, in addition, you will find story quests, various enemies and a wide variety of weapons.

Simply put, Starbound is a more diverse Terraria, which is worth turning your attention to and playing with friends.


Platforms: Xbox 360, Macintosh, Windows PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PS Vita, Wii U, Nintendo Switch
Multiplayer: online multiplayer up to 100 people

The storm of your PC and simply a legendary sandbox where you can be a king and a god, creating masterpieces of cubic architecture. However, not all so simple.

IN In Minecraft you will have to obtain materials for construction, as well as fight night monsters and dangers that lurk in the darkness. In addition, you will have access to ample opportunities for crafting various items, products and everything else that is necessary for life in this funny and diverse world.

You can play alone or in a company, and the company can be very, very large. If you haven't tried Minecraft and similar games yet, then you're missing out. It's time to catch up!

Heroes of Might and Magic III

Platforms: Xbox 360, Macintosh, Windows PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PS Vita, Wii U, Nintendo Switch, Linux, Amazon Fire TV, Android, Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation 2, Xbox, iOS, Windows Phone, Dreamcast
Multiplayer: HotSeat, online multiplayer for up to 8 people

This game got here not by accident, because in Heroes of Might and Magic III you have the opportunity to play on the same screen with your friend not only on PC, but also on mobile platforms.

A legendary turn-based strategy awaits you in a fresh re-release - an excellent opportunity to remember the past and plunge into a fantasy world where you will have to repel your enemies and bring peace and tranquility to your lands.

Rocket League

Platforms: Xbox 360, Macintosh, Windows PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PS Vita, Wii U, Nintendo Switch, Linux, Amazon Fire TV, Android, Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation 2, Xbox, iOS, Windows Phone, Dreamcast
Multiplayer: Split-Screen, online co-op for up to 4 people, online multiplayer for 8 people

Rocket League is an incredibly simple and fun game where you play soccer with cars!

Wide possibilities for improving your iron friend make the process even more interesting, especially since in addition to changing the technical characteristics of the machines, you can supplement the gameplay with various features and effects.

Brutal battles and the ability to chop your opponent into pieces add excitement and madness. By gathering a team of friends you can become the kings of the football field!

F1 2017

Platforms: Xbox 360, Macintosh, Windows PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PS Vita, Wii U, Nintendo Switch, Linux, Amazon Fire TV, Android, Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation 2, Xbox, iOS, Windows Phone, Dreamcast
Multiplayer: online multiplayer for up to 20 people

In co-op games, we don’t always have to run through the forests shooting zombies, right? It's time to get behind the wheel of a racing car and show who is the king of the roads!

IN In F1 2017, you can create your own character, as well as customize the iron horse to your liking, making it more powerful and better over and over again. Isn't this the happiness of true racing fans? There are a great variety of cars here and everyone will find exactly the one that will strike their heart.


Platforms: Xbox 360, Macintosh, Windows PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PS Vita, Wii U, Nintendo Switch, Linux, Amazon Fire TV, Android, Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation 2, Xbox, iOS, Windows Phone, Dreamcast
Multiplayer: online multiplayer up to 100 people

Rust is a good old-fashioned survival game that's notable for its difficulty. In addition to classic zombies, there is also an animal world, which is by no means always friendly to the player. If a small representative of the fauna can become food for you, then predators will not miss the opportunity to turn you into a prey.

Surviving alone in Rust is not an easy task, so it will be more effective to find like-minded people. Here lies another danger of the game, because there is no guarantee that your ally will not at one moment try to kill you in order to take everything that you have obtained and found with great difficulty.

The Forest

Platforms: Xbox 360, Macintosh, Windows PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PS Vita, Wii U, Nintendo Switch, Linux, Amazon Fire TV, Android, Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation 2, Xbox, iOS, Windows Phone, Dreamcast
Multiplayer: co-op for 2 players

The Forest is another representative of the Survival Horror genre. It is worth noting that the representative is of very high quality and interesting. Instead of classic zombies, mutants will kill you here, which already adds variety, right?

The Forest boasts an excellent crafting system, as well as a lively and very rich game world, while having very good graphics.

A good plus is that it is not so difficult to get provisions and consumables necessary for life here. The game is at its best when played together, so don't forget to take a friend with you.

ARK: Survival Evolved

Platforms: Xbox 360, Macintosh, Windows PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PS Vita, Wii U, Nintendo Switch, Linux, Amazon Fire TV, Android, Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation 2, Xbox, iOS, Windows Phone, Dreamcast
Multiplayer: online multiplayer up to 70 people

It has long been no secret that a lot of survival games have appeared recently. ARK: Survival Evolved is no exception, but has major differences.

Here you will also have to survive, but among dinosaurs. Some you will have to learn to kill, and others to tame. In addition, you will need to obtain and grow your own food, as well as build homes.

However, do not forget that first of all you are playing with people, which means you should be wary of them. Some will decide to kill you for food, others just for fun. Be careful and careful and you will have a chance to survive in this dangerous but incredibly interesting world.

Life is Feudal: Your Own

Platforms: Xbox 360, Macintosh, Windows PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PS Vita, Wii U, Nintendo Switch, Linux, Amazon Fire TV, Android, Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation 2, Xbox, iOS, Windows Phone, Dreamcast
Multiplayer: online multiplayer for up to 64 people

Life is Feudal: Your Own is a medieval world, which already says a lot. Piercing enemies with a sword, building your own castle, leveling up your knight and doing much more in this game will definitely be interesting. Especially considering that the combat system here is very unpredictable and original.

In addition, if you do not want to fight, and in general are a pacifist, then you can take up farming, as well as other equally interesting and, at the same time, peaceful activities.


Platforms: Xbox 360, Macintosh, Windows PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PS Vita, Wii U, Nintendo Switch, Linux, Amazon Fire TV, Android, Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation 2, Xbox, iOS, Windows Phone
Multiplayer: cooperative up to 50 players, online

There are a lot of games in the Survival genre and here's another one that is very, very good. DayZ boasts extensive locations, quite high realism, as hunger, thirst, etc. await you... To survive, you will have to try.

DayZ has very vast locations, which include forests and cities and small towns. You have to look for weapons, medicine, food and other things necessary for survival. You have the opportunity to hunt animals to please yourself with a tasty piece of meat. In addition, of course, no one canceled the opportunity to attack a traveler in order to profit from his “treasures”. You'll have to hide at night if you don't want to become easy prey for the ferocious zombies, so it's better and safer to move around during the day. All in all, you won't have a hard time finding something to do in DayZ!


Platforms: Xbox 360, Macintosh, Windows PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PS Vita, Wii U, Nintendo Switch, Linux, Amazon Fire TV, Android, Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation 2, Xbox, iOS, Windows Phone, Dreamcast
Multiplayer: online, Split-Screen, HotSeat

Another vision of the zombie apocalypse, which occurred from the mass infection of people with a dangerous virus. The government has been overthrown, it is difficult to survive both alone and in a group, there is not enough food, weapons, water. One of the most terrible phenomena is darkness, since in it the chances of survival melt away like snow under the sun.

IN H1Z1, among other things, you will find trading, which you need to use wisely, as well as very extensive crafting. With the help of the latter, you can create almost anything your heart desires. The game also boasts a huge variety of locations. Here you will find forests and deserts and cities and much more. The most dangerous are, perhaps, cities, because most of the zombies live there.
Team up with friends, clear areas of zombies, making them safe to hide in, survive and always stay alert.

Conan Exiles

Platforms: Xbox 360, Macintosh, Windows PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PS Vita, Wii U, Nintendo Switch, Linux, Amazon Fire TV, Android, Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation 2, Xbox, iOS, Windows Phone, Dreamcast
Multiplayer: online multiplayer up to 100 people

Conan Exiles will greet you with the most unfriendly world possible, where you will have to die at every turn. Literally. Especially when you are just getting into the game, difficulties will await you behind every bush. You will appear in the game as helpless and naked as possible, and you will have to think very quickly, since you will have to find food, water, and also acquire at least the simplest clothes.

Players can unite into settlements, build their own homes, and also have slaves. The latter, first, still need to be properly tormented and tortured, but after that they will be diligent and obedient.

The interesting thing is that in the game you will even make sacrifices to please one or another god. The developers also pleased with the presence of various tombs, the exploration of which cannot be missed.

Now the project is in early access and remains quite crude, but there is great hope that the developers will do everything beautifully and wisely. In this case, we will get an excellent and original game of the Survival genre.

Super Mario Odyssey

Platforms: Xbox 360, Macintosh, Windows PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PS Vita, Wii U, Nintendo Switch, Linux, Amazon Fire TV, Android, Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation 2, Xbox, iOS, Windows Phone, Dreamcast
Multiplayer: co-op for 2 players

The legendary plumber Mario is back and ready to go on adventures again! This time he will be accompanied by... a cap. Yes, you didn't think so. In co-op mode In Super Mario Odyssey, the second player will play the important role of Cappy - Mario's cap, which will help him on his journey and free his beloved.

Keppy is involved in this story for a reason. With its help, you will have to inhabit the bodies of NPCs and various objects in order to be able to control them. This is such a partnership.

You can become a Christmas tree, a piece of meat, a dinosaur and much more. Yes, the author was in a completely adequate state at the time of writing the material and vouches for his words. Still in doubt? Then grab a friend and check it out!

***What games do you play with your friends? If any cool titles are not included in the list, be sure to share them in the comments below!