Sabina ramp psychologist personal life. How many years? Ramp is her real name, where was she born? “Actually”: background of creation

Sabina Pantus is great and despite the fact that she is 36 years old, she looks perky and young, thereby attracting others. But her appearance is absolutely incompatible with her professional qualities, where she is quite a serious young lady. The woman wore different hairstyles and changed her hair color from brunette to blonde, that is, the exact opposite. She is not afraid of experiments, and her hairstyles testify to this: sometimes she’ll get a boy’s haircut, sometimes a pixie. Now she just has a pixie. This is an asymmetry, where there is a lot of hair on one side in the styling, and the temples are shaved and the back of the head is cut short. Actress Audrey Hepburn introduced the pixie fashion. There are many varieties of this hairstyle.

Sabina Pantus - became famous thanks to the program “Actually”, where she acts as a profiler of a psychologist and simply by observing the facial expressions and gestures of the program participants can tell the truth whether they said it or not.

Sabina is a very bright and impressive woman, her hairstyle is also very stylish.

Her haircut is ultra-short, on one side the temple is shaved very short, and on the other the hair is elongated, it looks good, especially if you style your hair correctly. This hairstyle is called a pixie.

Every day, TV viewers see Sabina in the Channel One studio, where she is an expert on the show Actually. And with her bright image, she always attracts the attention of spectators and guests in the hall.

She has a bright appearance and a beautiful haircut, which is very fashionable now and is called a pixie.

Now she is blonde, she used to be a brunette and wore short haircuts called boyish.

Now she has a stylish haircut, she has one temple shaved, and on the other side the strands are elongated.

At this time, her image is better than it was before, probably the stylists worked that way and offered her a brighter image. Sabina is an excellent specialist in her field.

What is the name of Sabina Pantus' hairstyle? What hairstyle does Sabina Pantus wear?

Sabina Pantus became famous after the release of the program “Actually” on Channel One, where she appears as an expert.

Her age is 35 years old. The girl hides her nationality, but you can find information online that she is from Baku. For some time Sabina lived in Novosibirsk, but then moved to the capital.

Pantus graduated from the International Academy for the Study of Lies and the Center for Applied Psychophysiology.

Sabina is a highly qualified specialist; she can easily create a psychological portrait of a person based on gestures, facial expressions, and conversation, and easily separates truth from lies.

In addition to the expert’s professional skills, viewers are very interested in Pantus’s haircut called “pixie” and her bright image.

The woman does not talk about her personal life. It is known that she has two sons, Danila and Nikita. Whether Pantus has a lover remains a mystery.

Sabina Pantus has recently become a real star. This happened when she appeared on Channel One in Dmitry Shepelev’s program. Sabina's hairstyle is one of the most fashionable in 2018, not only in Russia, but also in the world. This is a variety of "pixie". But the basis of such a haircut is the short-cropped (shaved) back of the head and temple.

In reality, not every woman would risk changing her haircut so much.

Here is her Facebook page.

Sabina Pantus was born in Azerbaijan, but lived in Russia all her life. Since 2004 he has lived in Moscow. By the way, her last name is real, not a pseudonym. She is a psychologist, coach. Married. But Sabina Pantus doesn’t want to talk about her life at all, and I respect that, her right.

Abina Pantus belongs to that category of women who like to experiment with their appearance and are not afraid to make mistakes. She is very confident in herself, so she boldly changes not only clothing styles, but also makeup and hairstyles.

Currently, Sabina Pantus is blonde. And this hair color suits her very well. However, she was not always like this - she was also a brunette. Here is a small selection of her hairstyles -

She boldly grows side-swept bangs, shaved her temple or the back of her head, curled her hair or wore it straight. The name of the real haircut is pixie. This is the trend of 2018, the hairstyle is daring, bold, and immediately characterizes its owner as very self-confident.

Sabina is often considered a representative of the Baltic states, but she was born in Baku, lived in Novosibirsk from early childhood, and then came to Moscow (2004). She is 35 years old and her zodiac sign is Leo. She is married and has two sons. Sabina is building a successful career - she is a psychologist, polygraph examiner, and coach. Now he collaborates with Channel One. Instagram page is here.

This bright woman cannot be ignored. After the release of the program “Actually” on Channel One of Russian TV, she amazed with her extraordinary style and attractiveness. Her hairstyle plays a significant role in her appearance. The pixie haircut suits almost all women, but its version is an asymmetrical bob with a very short nape and shaved temple. I like it a lot. I watch the show every day just to see her new look.

I like her conviction and professionalism, a kind of “authenticity” both in her appearance and in her work.

It is in vain that men like plump-lipped blondes. She completely crosses out this established stereotype with her image.

Sabina Pantus my biography doesn’t want to reveal it and keeps it secret. They write a lot about her on the Internet. Some write that she was born in Baku and has Baltic or Scandinavian roots, others write that she was born in Moscow and **by nationality* * she is Russian, but Sabina herself never confirmed this, so I will not retell what they write on the Internet, but I’ll just give you what she wrote about herself on Instagram - this is a short post about her studies and work - read below. As for her hairstyle, this haircut (photo below) is called an asymmetrical Pixie Bob for short hair. It is called an asymmetrical haircut because on one side the temple is shaved much more than on the other side. The Bob hairstyle has the back of the head shaved to raise the hair at the top of the head, and the long bangs on the side and the wave of hair at the top are Pixie - basically, three in one.

What is the name of Sabina's ramp haircut? What happens behind the scenes between Sabina Pantus and Dmitry Shepelev

Sabina Ramp: about drilling

Sabina Pantus's education, biography and personal life, which are under the spotlight of public interest, are fully consistent with her special skills and knowledge. So, she underwent professional retraining and improved her skills in the following areas:

  • profiling;


Television fame

Sabina Pantus, whose biography and personal life began to attract interest after the appearance on the air of the notorious program “Actually” with Dmitry Shepelev, where she acted as a polygraph examiner, is known as a certified specialist in the field of personnel selection, a successful coach and profiler. A woman is able to detect a respondent’s lie by such indirect non-verbal signs as gestures and facial expressions, which allows her to be a brilliant expert on human souls in the field of recruiting.

Polygraphology, as well as profiling, that is, drawing up a psychological portrait of the subject, is the activity of a professional psychologist using special equipment to determine, based on psychophysical indicators, various personality characteristics of the subject under study. A polygraph examiner, taking into account various parameters of the emotional state of the person being tested, is able to say with 99% accuracy whether the person is telling the truth or lying. Sabina is engaged in similar activities in the field of personnel selection as a certified specialist.

What is known about her biography and personal life? Sabina Pantus was born in Baku, the year of her birth was 1982. For some time she lived in Novosibirsk, and since 2004 she moved to the capital. The girl is 35 years old, she has a bright appearance, her height is 175 cm. Initially, she was a blonde with an asymmetrical haircut, but now the woman has chosen to radically change her image, turning into a brunette. Zodiac sign: Pisces.

Given the increased public interest in the profiler’s biography, the personal life of Sabina Pantus, despite numerous photos on the Internet, remains under a veil of secrecy. It is only known that she has sons Nikita and Daniel, twelve and seven years old. As the profiler admits, it is always easy for her to guess whether children are lying or telling the truth. This professional habit, as the celebrity said, often brings her many problems in her personal life.

From the biography of Sabina Pantus it is clear that her husband is also present in her life, but this topic, as the woman notes, is not for public discussion. She does not like to talk about her family relationships.

As for the celebrity’s past, it is known that before she became a public figure in the program “Actually,” she managed to carry out about three thousand polygraph checks. As part of her activities, Sabina was involved in screening in the field of primary recruiting, that is, when hiring personnel. She was also an expert in conducting internal investigations.

Sabina Pantus: photo

Private inspections also served as part of her activities. In 2012, the woman became a lie detection teacher at the same School where she herself was trained. She is a member of the Eurasian Polygraph Association and is its member.


She studied at various certified educational institutions, from the Academy of Business Security and the Center for Applied Psychophysiology, to the Moscow University for the Humanities and the International Academy of Lies.

It is also worth noting her achievements in the capital’s Center for Neuro-Linguistic Programming, as well as a much more status education at the American International Institute of Polygraphology.

All these regalia allow Sabina to be a successful leader in the Central Psychotechnological Research Bureau.

Among other things, the woman is the developer of a proprietary computer polygraph under the Energy brand.

At the School of Lie Detection named after V.V. Korovina, a celebrity, received a certificate in 2011 confirming her professional qualities and skills. Anyone can get acquainted with it.

In this light, Sabina found herself as a polygraph profiler, as well as a business trainer and personal coach. She helps management select and evaluate personnel according to the necessary professional skills, takes part in building harmonious relationships between subordinates and managers, and contributes to the formation of a healthy environment and atmosphere in the work team.

The girl is a polygraph profiler in the program “Actually”

By drawing up a psychological portrait of the respondent, the profiler helps recruiters decide on the right candidate. It is on her that the burden of determining the correspondence between the profile of the position and the person applying for it lies.

Sabina conducts master classes and webinars regularly, including through the World Wide Web. As a personal coach, a woman helps couples determine psychological compatibility, and as a psychologist, she directs and corrects the vector of family relationships. Increasing self-esteem in everyday and professional life is another topic of popular consultant training.

The biography of Sabina Pantus is not yet reflected on Wikipedia, however, with the release of the notorious program “Actually”, this unfortunate oversight should be redeemed, because it was thanks to the appearance of a polygraph examiner on central television that her scale as a specialist increased many times over and gained universal recognition.

In the TV show, Sabina acted as a psychological profiler who had all the necessary skills and knowledge to recognize lies and imaginary pretense not only in speech, that is, in verbal communication, but also in the gestures and facial expressions of the participants present.

Despite the fact that such an idea is far from new on TV, the program received a lot of negative feedback from angry and indignant TV viewers, since the profiler very skillfully exposed, based on the emotional and verbal reactions of the participants, beloved by the public, who were invited by the management of the show.

It cannot be denied that such a stir around the profiler’s figure only benefited her, greatly increasing Sabina’s popularity.

So, in one of the episodes, Chaliapin and Kalashnikova were present as participants. During a conversation with a polygraph examiner and answers to the questions she posed, it turned out that the public’s favorites are not only prone to insincerity, but can also lie. These data are based solely on polygraph studies, which excludes their unreliability.

On the set of the program “Double Standards”

Indignant subscribers expressed their indignation to Sabina, recommending that she moderate her ardor and be a little simpler, to which the polygraph examiner objected with her inherent confidence that she accepts any criticism and that any opinion has the right to exist.

However, the public reaction was not one-sided: the profiler was supported by numerous fans. Many of them liked the psychologist’s professionalism, restraint, criticality and straightforwardness. To the same opponents who spoke unflatteringly about the program, the woman answered very categorically: you should not publish comments on her account that denigrate both the management of the TV show and its characters.

Although Wikipedia is silent about the personal life of Sabina Pantus, one must assume that soon the polygraph examiner will have her own page in this world encyclopedia, since, judging by the ratings of Dmitry Shepelev’s show, the woman has significantly increased the popularity of the program on central television. Based on the same Wikipedia, the show’s share of airtime increased from 13.1 to 16.5%. Most likely, it was the participation in the program of the “scandalous” profiler that spurred the audience’s interest in the “Actually” program.

Sabina Pantus’s activities are connected with such new directions in psychology as coaching, profiling and polygraphology.

She has proven herself to be an excellent expert in analyzing human behavior. Sabina Pantus is a psychologist from God, many viewers of popular television shows were convinced of this.

Let's get to know this interesting and original person better.


It is known that the girl is married, although there is a lot of speculation around this fact. Sabina is credited with favoring Dmitry Shepelev, in fact, this is simply a friendly relationship between the co-hosts of a popular television program. Supporters of this version talk about the behavior of both stars at Dmitry Dibrov’s game.

Sabina Pantus herself, this is her real name, does not like to talk about her loved ones. The only thing she voices is the statement that it is not always pleasant to see through people, especially members.

A spectacular modern girl recently decided to change her image. She changed her asymmetrical hairstyle, from blonde to brunette.

Sabina's current activities

Today Sabina is doing:

  • profiling and polygraphology;
  • conducting various trainings and webinars, including those on improving professional and personal self-esteem;
  • recruiting, using special knowledge to determine whether a person is lying or not; determining this using indirect non-verbal signs - gestures and facial expressions; assistance in personnel selection based on professional skills;
  • business training, creating a comfortable atmosphere and healthy environment in teams;
  • conducting master classes to teach the intricacies of her specialty;
  • conducting psychological checks for private companies and law enforcement agencies.

A polygraph examiner is a specialist who determines the presence of lies based on the socially acceptable reactions of the subject.
A profiler is an expert who determines whether a person is lying based on an analysis of his actions, facial expressions, gestures and the way he speaks. A psychologist can not only evaluate, but also predict the further actions of the subject.

In 2012, the Register of Polygraph Examiners was introduced, which can be viewed on the website of the Expert Center. It includes persons with certificates issued by the Expert Center for Technologies in the Field of Psychophysiology. Specialists who received certificates voluntarily confirmed their compliance with the level of qualifications in their profession. They are also marked with the Seal of a Polygraph Examiner.

Sabina Nikolaevna is included in the “Register of certified specialists in the field of special psychophysiological studies using a polygraph” under number 28, ROSS RU.D.XII.0028.

One of her works relates to personal upgrade, in which a psychologist teaches people not to get caught in deception.

Master classes are also presented on Sabina’s Instagram page. And videos of her seminars can be viewed on the YouTube channel.

Sabina and television

Viewers first saw Pantus in 2017 in July. The psychologist recognized deception and pretense by the speech, gestures and facial expressions of the participants. She not only observed and analyzed what was happening on the TV show. Pantus herself asked questions, which sometimes seemed tricky and not always tactful.

For example, in a program with the participation of Fyodor Chaliapin and his wife, the psychologist found out that the public’s favorites are not alien to the desire to lie. Their tendency towards insincerity was proven not only by Sabine's analysis of their behavior. The lies of the participants were determined using special equipment - a polygraph.

In a short period of time, Pantus analyzed the behavior of the following famous people:

  • Dana Borisova,
  • heirs of Leonid Brezhnev,
  • Anfisa Chekhova,
  • Alexandra Serova,
  • Diana Shurygina,
  • Pierre Narcisse,
  • Joseph Prigogine.

Many had to confess their secrets and they did not always do it sincerely.

Among the viewers there are those who criticize the specialist’s behavior and advise him to moderate his ardor and be simpler. Others consider Pantus’ actions to be professional and note her restraint and straightforwardness. Sabina herself calmly accepts criticism and says that any opinion has the right to exist.

Among the statements are the following:

  • “You cannot be the highest court and determine where the truth is and where the lies are”;
  • “I think Pantus is a confident, smart and simply beautiful girl”;
  • “Sabina’s straightforwardness is directed straight to the forehead”;
  • “I advise you to remove the bright lipstick, leave the brains and keep the blonde.”

Sabina also participates in the television program on NTV “Double Standards”. There are rumors about the appearance of a new project on television in the near future, where Sabina will participate as an expert.

Sabina Pantus as a psychologist, expert, profiler, coach is now becoming a popular personality. Many would like to communicate with her, get advice, find their place in life with her help. The popularity of the specialist did not affect her professional qualities.

The scandalous reputation of the television programs in which Sabina participated did not affect the positive attitude of the audience toward her. The number of admirers of her talent is growing. She brings more and more benefits to others.

Outbursts of negative criticism towards the psychologist are caused by the girl’s excessive emotionality and bias. But it is clear to everyone that she is a good professional. At the same time, Sabina is an honest and straightforward person.

Do you think Sabina Pantus is a good psychologist?

The fashion for losing weight and improving oneself seems to be at its peak. In all health programs, doctors urge the population to get rid of extra pounds in order to be slim, beautiful and live long and happily. Show business stars are most concerned about their appearance, because for them, appearance is monetized to a certain extent: the better an actress looks, for example, the more job offers she has.

Celebrities lose weight, and they always tell the public about the results of working on themselves, like this, who boasted of losing 18 kilograms in a year.

So 36-year-old master of lie detection Sabina Pantus admitted to subscribers of her Instagram account that she decided to lose no less than 10 kilograms before the New Year holidays. Sabina said that she had never been skinny, and with age, the woman notices that it becomes more and more difficult for her to maintain weight, and the kilograms are added faster. Sabina calls her usual lifestyle the “sponsors” of her excess weight: lack of sleep, lack of diet, poor nutrition, consumption of food waste, physical inactivity in life, supplemented by the absence of any sports for almost the last 2 years. In principle, almost anyone can voice such a set.

“By the way, despite the existing excesses, I love myself and am quite pleased with myself, but at the same time, I treat my weight and size very adequately and understand what this can lead to later.”

Sabina told subscribers about her dispute with her friend. They decided to lose weight together: Sabina is losing 10 kilograms, and her friend has even more difficult work to do - to lose as much as 15. And all this before the onset of 2019.

“This post is not to hear: “Where should you lose weight?” etc. Take my word for it: “There’s room for 10 kg!”

For all those curious: my current size is 46 M (sometimes tends to 48 L), 5 kg have quietly stuck on over the past 2 months.”

Let's wish the famous blonde success in such a difficult task, perhaps to her. We will be following Sabina's results with great interest.

Sabina Randus: biography and personal life

4.7 (93.33%) 3 votes

A girl with such an exotic name and surname appeared in the information space of Russian television viewers not so long ago. Her last name is correct, by the way, it is spelled Pantus. Her first popularity came after the broadcast of the program “Actually”. What interesting things do we know about Sabina, and what facts and gossip might be of interest to you? Add in the comments.

Biography of Sabina Pantus

Sabina was born in the Russian capital on July 26, 1982. Some sources claim that she was born in Azerbaijan, in Baku. After which she lived in Novosibirsk and only then came to Moscow. If you have verified information on this matter, write in the comments, we will add it.

It is known that our heroine has more than one higher education. So, she was a student at Moscow State University, the International Academy for the Study of Lies and the Center for Applied Psychophysiology.

Sabina is constantly developing and improving her skills. She received amazing results at the NLP Center and the Polygraph Institute in the USA.

Her specialty is profiler and polygraph examiner. In simple terms, she is a specialist who develops psychological portraits of people. In addition, Sabina selects employees and evaluates candidates, and teaches other people to do this - at her speeches in a training format. Recruiting is an area that is in dire need of specialists like Sabina. Her vast practical experience and high level of training make it possible to identify an honest person and a liar, without even using additional technical support. It is estimated that at the time of writing this biography (2018), our heroine has conducted more than 3,000 psychological examinations for private businesses and law enforcement agencies.

But these are not all the areas of activity that Sabina Pantus was able to cover in her biography. An important area of ​​her work is helping women with low self-esteem and problematic relationships.

Sabina Pantus on TV

Next, Sabina’s biography brings us to the moment of the invitation to film the program “Actually”, with the famous presenter Dmitry Shepelev. In this program, our heroine plays the role of an expert who determines the sincerity of the stories and behavior of the show participants.

This project has attracted the attention of the audience in a short period of time, and has already attracted a couple of high-profile scandals. Both the presenter and Sabina withstand enormous pressure from television viewers. In particular, our heroine is reproached for her excessive temperament and subjectivity.

Personal life of Sabina Pantus

But Sabina Pantus does not like to dedicate the public to her personal life. To the point that it is difficult to say unequivocally whether she currently has a partner. If you know something, write in the comments!

From 100% of the facts, it can be noted that Sabina already has two wonderful sons - Nikita and Danila.

At the same time, there are countless rumors about her personal affairs. Quite predictably, the yellow press more than once filled with headlines about our heroine’s alleged affair with Dmitry Shepelev.

As Sabina herself states, her profession leaves a certain imprint on her personal life, complicating any relationship. Just imagine how difficult it is to live, instantly recognizing even the smallest deception... This ability leads to various troubles.

Sabine's hairstyle is from actually. How many years? Ramp is her real name, where she was born

Not everyone will like Sabina Ramp's haircut, but it suits her, and the mirror reflects a joyful smile from her wonderful sense of style. This girl is a psychologist, so for her, other people’s opinions and criticism are perceived indirectly and are not put at the forefront. Everyone has the right to choose what will be displayed on their head. But Sabina Ramp's hairstyle is stylish and very impressive.

Features of Sabina Ramp's hairstyle

Many people admire Sabina Randus' hairstyle and want to know its name. There are also those who criticize, but it should be understood that a real woman can have not only long hair, but also short hair, although length contains feminine strength.

The haircut at the back looks like a man's haircut, but this makes Sabina Ramp look even more extravagant. Blonde hair can have darkened roots; this is quite fashionable; this color does not suit everyone. Sabina made her choice, thus feeling beauty and feeling comfortable.

A short haircut is enough to be styled every day, but with long hair you have to tinker, wash it more often and put it in a bun or ponytail if you don’t have time to style your hair.

Punk hairstyle Ramp Sabina makes a girl feminine and gives her sexuality; as her hair grows, she also needs to be looked after and for those who love themselves this is not a problem.

Sabina Ramp's haircut - what is it called?

The biography of Sabina Randus, like her haircut, is very unusual; her psychological education allows her to be an excellent specialist in choosing professionals, leading coaches, and her skills as a polygraph examiner further expand the possibilities of her professional activities.

In life, a girl also easily separates truth and lies. The television show “Actually” made Sabina very popular; you can learn a lot of interesting things from the program.

Almost nothing is known about her childhood years; Sabina was born in Baku, after which she moved to Novosibirsk and in 2004 set off to conquer the capital. Her nationality is a subject of debate among fans; Sabina Pandus herself prefers not to comment on this issue.

An asymmetrical haircut like Sabina Ramp's will allow a woman to look young and attract the attention of others. The girl's appearance and professional qualities do not combine in any way. Over the years, there have been many photos where Sabina Randus’ haircuts are presented in different versions, they have certain colors from blonde to brunette, the changes are sometimes simply dramatic. I must admit, the girl’s experiments are clearly a success.

The haircut makes Ramp look spectacular; it is ultra-short and looks great on the head. If you style your hair correctly, the haircut is absolutely incomparable. Pixie is one of the fashionable hairstyles all over the world in 2018.

The bright blonde Sabina Pantus became famous after she began to take part in the filming of the popular Channel One project “Actually”, where she acts as a co-host of Dmitry Shepelev and a psychologist, although her main activity is as a polygraph examiner, profiler and author of trainings and master classes for improving self-esteem and other psychological components.

Sabina Nikolaevna Pantus was born in 1982 in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. When she was a child, her parents moved to Novosibirsk, where she lived until moving to Moscow in 2004.

The 35-year-old polygraph examiner has her own, non-fictitious surname, inherited from her husband, but she is not Latvian, but Russian, as she herself stated. She has devoted and continues to devote a lot of time to education; she currently has certificates and diplomas from the following educational institutions:

  • business security academy
  • center for applied psychophysiology
  • Moscow Humanitarian University
  • international academy of lies
  • center for linguistic neuroprogramming
  • American International Printing Institute

Sabina is married, but tries to hide all information about her husband with all her might, she has two children: 13-year-old Nikita and 8-year-old Danila, she occasionally posts photos of her children on her Instagram page or mentions them.

At the same time, there are rumors that the lover of finding out the truth and exposing the most stubborn liars is having an affair with Dmitry Shepelev, but this is most likely not true.

Despite her successful career on television and her busy schedule, the stylish and smart blonde continues to work as a trainer at the International Academy for the Study of Lies, conducting various trainings for those who are about to take the Energy polygraph, which, by the way, she helped develop and optimize.

Sabina Pantus, in addition, is the head of the Central Research Bureau of Psychotechnologies, a member of the European Association of Polygraph Examiners, teaches at the Korovin School of Printing, conducts all kinds of courses, master classes, webinars to normalize relationships in the family, the business environment, improve self-esteem, and develop confidence in oneself. strengths and capabilities.

When does she manage to do everything?!

Sabina Pantus teaches not to fall for lies:

Psychologist Sabina Pantus and TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev met on the set of a new scandalous project on Channel One, “Actually.” The show has already been criticized by the audience, and the participating stars accused the creators of a setup.

Let us remind you that the singer Danko, the singer Aziza, the son of the late Igor Talkov and the married acting couple Natalya and Ivan Krasko have already complained about the creators of the show “Actually”, where they are tested on a lie detector. They say that the questions are not asked correctly, they are all aimed at shocking and scandalous.

Viewers have already expressed their dissatisfaction with the show's psychologist Sabina Pantus, who, unlike her colleagues, does not need technology to recognize lies from the hero's gestures, phrases and even silence.

The host of the “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” program, Dmitry Dibrov, was convinced of this by inviting Sabina and Dmitry Shepelev to the studio. He admitted that he had never met such people. And I tried to find out something myself about the origin of Pantus.

According to Dibrov, she comes from the Baltic states or Norway. However, Sabina did not indicate her nationality, but noted that she was born and lived part of her life in Baku. Dmitry Shepelev noted that he had been to the capital of Azerbaijan several times and really liked it.

Viewers of this show noted that there is some kind of relationship between Sabina Pantus and Dmitry Shepelev outside the “Actually” studio. During the broadcast of “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire,” he deliberately called the girl “you,” and from time to time she tried to touch him with her hand or shoulder.

Sabina Pantus, among other things, posted a post in defense of Dmitry Shepelev in his scandalous case with Rusfond and Zhanna Friske’s money:

“My opinion regarding Dmitry Shepelev and the accusations against him. I am not a supporter of giving such comments, but I am asked about this too often (to be honest, I get tired of it), and too much has been poured on Dmitry undeservedly. I consider the accusations against Dmitry to be absolutely unfounded. Regarding Rusfond’s money, he is honest. He is an adequate and normal person. He is a wonderful father and loves his son very much. That's all I wanted to say! This post is intended for those who want to understand how it really was, and not just pour it out indiscriminately. ".

#answer to a popular question My opinion regarding Dmitry Shepelev and the accusations against him. I’m not a fan of making such comments, but I’m asked about this too often (to be quite honest), and too much. poured on Dmitry undeservedly. I consider the accusations against Dmitry to be absolutely unfounded. Regarding Rusfond’s money, he is honest. He is an adequate and normal person. He is a wonderful father and loves his son very much. That's all I wanted to say! This post is intended for those who want to understand how it really was, and not just pour it out indiscriminately. #opinion #Dmitry Shepelev #SabinaPantus #enough for today

Name: Sabina Pantus

Date of Birth: 26.07.1982

Place of Birth: Moscow city, Russia

Activity: polygraph examiner, profiler, coach

Family status: Single

Polygraph examiner, coach and business trainer Sabina Pantus became famous after filming the program “Actually”. There, together with Dmitry Shepelev, she lifts the veil of secrecy over the secrets of domestic celebrities. What is known about the biography and personal life of Sabina Pantus, read our article.

Curriculum Vitae

The biographical information about Sabina Pantus, available to Internet users, raises some doubts about its veracity. The sources available for viewing indicate different ages of the girl. Only a few resources agree that Sabina Pantus was born in 1982 in Baku. Some sources indicate that she was born in the Baltic states. Sabina has a rather unusual first and last name. Pantus is an atypical surname for Russia, most likely foreign.

The girl does not look like an Azerbaijani. Many people find something Estonian in her appearance. According to some sources, Sabina Pantus is still Russian by nationality, but perhaps not purebred.

Recently, the girl radically changed her image - she dyed her hair a different color. TV viewers are sure that this is how Sabina began to look much younger.

Sabina Pantus gained popularity from her participation in the program “Actually”. It is known that before the girl received an invitation to take part as a co-host of Dmitry Shepelev, she conducted more than three thousand printing checks.

In addition, she has experience as a recruiter. The girl helped various companies find employees based on the requirements they described. Sabina Pantus has helped various organizations conduct internal investigations against their employees.


Her education deserves special attention in the biography of Sabina Pantus (find information about the girl’s personal life below). It is unknown in what year Sabina received her first diploma. If she was born in 1982, then most likely she graduated from university in the early 2000s.

Sabina Pantus improved her qualifications in the following areas:

  • in neuro-linguistic programming;
  • profiling;
  • psychodiagnostics and polygraphology.

Sabina Pantus professional polygraph examiner

Among the educational institutions where Pantus received certificates confirming her qualification level, it is worth noting the following:

  1. Business Security Academy.
  2. Center for Applied Psychophysiology.
  3. Moscow Humanitarian University.
  4. International Academy of Lies.
  5. Center for Linguistic Neuroprogramming.
  6. American International Printing Institute.

Certificates issued by well-known institutes and universities helped Sabina find herself as a polygraph profiler, as well as a business trainer and personal coach.

Sabina at her workplace

Personal life of a famous polygraph examiner

The personal life of polygraph examiner Sabina Pantus is kept in the strictest confidence by the girl herself, as is her biography.

It is known that she has two sons. The eldest is 12 years old, the youngest is 7 years old (some sources indicate that Sabina’s youngest child is 8 years old). The guys' names are Nikita and Daniel.

Sabina claims that her ability to “read” a person has a detrimental effect on her relationships with children. She always guesses when boys are lying and when they are telling the truth. The sons never manage to hide anything from her. Sabina always brings them to clean water. Of course, she does not use a polygraph at home. It is enough for her to observe the verbal and non-verbal communication of the guys to make sure that they are honest or, conversely, that they are lying.

Sabina hides her personal life from everyone

As for the presence of a husband or boyfriend in the life of Sabina Pantus, the girl is silent about it. It is unknown if she is currently dating someone. Perhaps, once upon a time in Sabina’s personal life there was a loved one, the result of the relationship with whom was the birth of children. It is possible that the boys have different fathers. The press was unable to find out even hints about those men who could be the fathers of Sabina Pantus’ sons.

Having become a recognizable person, Sabina does not want to be at the center of a scandal and therefore prefers not to disclose facts from her personal life. Having seen how the public reacts to the secrets of the stars in the show “Actually”, a well-known polygraph examiner on Russian television is in no hurry to reveal himself to the public.

Viewers of the TV show “Actually” are sure that a romantic relationship is developing between Sabina Pantus and Dmitry Shepelev. Well-known TV presenter and polygraph examiner have not yet confirmed these speculations.

What is known about the professional activities of Sabina Pantus?

Much more is known about the professional activities of Sabina Pantus in her biography than about the personal life of the girl and her husband. Sabina is the head of the Central Research Bureau of Psychotechnologies. In addition, she works as a teacher at the Korovin School of Printing.

It is also known about the professional activities of Sabina Pantus that she is a member of the European Association of Polygraph Examiners. They haven’t forgotten about Pantus in Russia either. Here Sabina's surname is included in the Unified Register of Polygraph Examiners.

With other experts on the set of the program “Actually”

The girl also offers consultation services at the International Academy for Lie Research, where she also works as a trainer. Sabina invested her knowledge in the field of printing into the development and optimization of a polygraph released under the name “Energy”. For those who have to undergo an interview using a polygraph, Pantus has released effective training.

For those who want to normalize relationships with their significant other and find out whether their loved one is right for them, Sabina Pantus conducts courses and master classes. She also conducts webinars, specializing in bringing self-esteem to the desired level.

Starting in July 2017, Sabina Pantus became co-host of Dmitry Shepelev in the show “Actually”. The girl analyzes the behavior of the participants and gives them professional comments. Thanks to Sabina's participation in the program, TV viewers have the opportunity to find out whether their idol is telling the truth. The polygraph examiner often criticizes those stars who try to hide any facts from their personal lives, for which they, in turn, are extremely negative towards her.

Sabina Pantus famous personality

Some TV viewers support their favorites who came to the show and criticize the hosts of the “Actually” program. Some believe that media personalities are under pressure to talk about intimate details from their biography and personal life. Naturally, the pressure on them is primarily exerted by Sabina Pantus, who skillfully reveals the secrets of celebrities.

Another part of the TV viewers, on the contrary, are very impressed with Sabina’s work. They believe that she is truly a qualified specialist who helps restore the truth about the lives of popular Russian stars. Some people are pleased to realize that media personalities on Russian television are not as ideal as they are portrayed in the press. After all, only on the show “Actually” they truly open up.

The scandal surrounding the program “Actually”

During the existence of the show “Actually”, viewers managed to criticize it more than once. The participants also remain dissatisfied. The heroes of the program believe that Dmitry Shepelev provokes them with his incorrect questions in order to obtain new facts about their lives. The latter subsequently become scandalous to the public.

Naturally, in discussing the show “Actually” one cannot do without negative comments about Sabina Pantus, including about her biography and personal life.

TV viewers consider it unjustified that Sabina is a secretive person who is not ready to openly tell reporters about her life. At the same time, she herself demands answers to intimate questions from the heroes of the “Actually” program.

It is worth recalling that famous people have already commented on their participation in the filming of “Actually” in a negative way. Media personalities are convinced that the questions are being asked incorrectly. The task of Dmitry Shepelev and Sabina Pantus is to bring them “to clean water” by extracting dirty details from the stars of their personal lives and biography.

What is the relationship between Pantus and Shepelev?

Sabina Pantus and Dmitry Shepelev are colleagues and co-hosts of the “Actually” show. TV viewers believe that the relationship between celebrities is something more than just cooperation within the framework of one program. Sabina Pantus (see photo) benefits from a discussion of her biography and personal life with a mention of Dmitry Shepelev. The girl is becoming more and more famous in the world of Russian television. It is possible that she will soon begin to be invited to other popular programs.

Viewers noted that during the filming of the show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire,” Dmitry specifically called his colleague “You.” The girl decided to reciprocate. During filming, she tried to touch Dmitry with her shoulder or hands as often as possible.

Sabina Pantus and Dmitry Shepelev have a romantic relationship

In addition, Sabina Pantus responded to Shepelev’s scandalous case related to Rusfond and Zhanna Friske’s money. The girl managed to write and publish an entire post addressed to her colleague. So, Sabina says that the accusations are undeserved. She believes that Dmitry is an extremely honest person who has nothing to do with Rusfond’s money. He is a wonderful and loving father. She is sure that all the accusations are unfounded. This means that Dmitry is not to blame for anything.

Viewers of the show “Actually” are sure that their colleagues on the set – Sabina Pantus and Dmitry Shepelev – are connected by something more than just work. Perhaps the young people managed to make friends and began to communicate closely.

Shepelev’s fans do not rule out the fact that romantic feelings are arising between colleagues. No one blames Dmitry. After the death of Zhanna Friske, enough time passed for the man to start thinking about a new relationship.

"In fact"

Sabina Pantus's height: 165 centimeters.

Personal life of Sabina Pantus:

Sabina ramp psychologist biography year of birth. Fame on television. Sabina Ramp's haircut - what is it called?

With a beautiful attractive appearance, Sabina Pantus is a psychologist and polygraph examiner. She talks about herself with restraint and that is her right. She was born in the capital of sunny Azerbaijan, but did not live there; she moved to Russia with her parents. She has relatives left in Baku, and she very rarely visits them.

She studied at the International Academy for the Study of Lies and became a professional specialist in this field. Due to her abilities, Sabina Pantus helps people solve questions about getting a job and personal problems. Easily recognizes lies and truth in communication with a person.

Sabina Pantus is a psychologist, polygraph examiner and profiler. Beautiful, young, confident, she takes part in the new project “Actually” (host Dmitry Shepelev). Based on facial expressions, gestures and other methods, it analyzes the behavior of the program’s hero and determines how truthful he is.

Sabina was born in sunny Baku, but practically never lived there. After her birth, the family moved to Russia.

There is no personal information about Sabina Pantus, how old she is, where she currently lives, or who her husband is. She is married and has two sons Danila and Nikita, the eldest is 12 years old, the youngest will turn 8 in November.

The surname Pantus is real, it is not a pseudonym. Most likely the spouse's last name.

Sabina Pantus is quite a bright person; recently she often appears in various talk shows as an expert. If you believe the presenters, then it is simply impossible to deceive a woman; she understands whether a person is lying or not by facial expressions, gestures and other signs that are invisible to an ordinary person. Sabina comes from the city of Baku, where she was born in 1982. If she is married, the woman prefers not to talk about her husband’s personality. The couple has two sons. Sabina is asked about her biography so often that the woman even published this photo on her profile:

I first saw Sabina Pantus on the “Actually” program. This beautiful, confident woman struck my imagination, she looked so organically within the framework of this program. She is only 35 years old, but she seems to be a very wise woman with life experience.

Sabina is from Baku. She works as a psychologist. She is married and has two sons. The article below has detailed information about her biography.

Sabina has an interesting surname - Pantus, many people believe that she is Latvian, although she herself denies this information. She was born 35 years ago in Baku, then moved to Novosibirsk and Moscow. Sabina studied at no institution. She even has a business education, but her main focus is psychodiagnostics, psychology, profiling, neuroprogramming. This woman became famous due to the fact that she began working as an expert polygraph examiner in the studio of Shepelev’s program “Actually.” Sabina is successful, young, married and raising two boys. There are rumors that there is an affair between Sabina Pantus and Dmitry Shepelev, but this has not yet been confirmed.

Sabina Pantus is known for her participation in the TV show “Actually”. She acts there as an expert. Sabina was born in 1982 in the city of Baku. Soon the family moved to Novosibirsk. Sabina is silent about her parents, ancestors, origin and nationality. Due to her surname - Pantus is her real surname, as well as the appearance of a northerner, it is assumed that her roots are from the Baltic states.

The girl completed her education at the Moscow Humanitarian University with a major in psychology. She does not have a lot of experience in the field of personnel selection for different companies. Naturally, the TV viewer will not be impressed by this - we all work in the fields, and on TV it’s a solid fairy tale. That’s why Sabina shocks people with the terrible word “EN EL Pi”, they say, she owns her. Actually, this is a technology to stimulate product sales, but thanks to some illiterate citizens, many believe that this is the latest version of hypnosis with elements of voodoo magic.

For the first time, viewers saw this spectacular blonde in 2017 in the program “Actually” as a co-host of Dmitry Shepelev.

Sabina Pantus Born in 1982, according to her horoscope she is Pisces, in 2017 she turned 35 years old. Most sources claim that she was born in Baku.

Sabina is a coach and polygraph examiner. She is a professional psychologist who understands by a person’s behavior whether he is telling the truth or lying, and without using additional means, such as a polygraph.

Sabina conducted several thousand psychological tests, and law enforcement agencies and organizations involved in personnel selection turned to her for help.

She currently lives in Moscow.

Dmitry Dibrov (during the program “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”) suggested that Pantus has Baltic or Norwegian roots.

The girl's height is 165 centimeters. The name Pantus is real.

Sabina Pantus or Ramp, 1982 - is now a fairly well-known young woman, a polygraph examiner and profiler, a coach (in simple words, a psychologist), and the girl was born on July 26, many sources indicate that Sabina spent her childhood in Baku, her nationality is not exactly known, how and many other facts about Sabina’s biography, some suggest that she has Norwegian or Baltic roots. Sabina herself does not deny this information, but she does not confirm it yet.

Whether this is a real surname or not is not yet indicated anywhere.

Sabina's zodiac sign is Leo.

In 2018, Sabina will be 36 years old.

She became known after the release of the famous program with Dmitry Shepelev, many people immediately became interested in her.

Sabina Pantus is on Instagram, here.

This beautiful young woman Sabina Pantus attracts with her energy and independence. Russian TV viewers are familiar with it from Channel One’s “Actually” program. Unusually attractive in appearance, she inspires respect with her assertiveness and inner correctness. She is only 35 years old, but she has a fundamental education and practice in the field of interpersonal relationships.

The facts of her personal biography are little known. Originally from Azerbaijan. Lived in Novosibirsk, now in Moscow. Raises two sons. She claims that her last name is real and she is not Latvian.

She looks beautiful and stylish. Her interesting hairstyle and makeup set her apart from modern fashionistas.

July 24, 2017 on Channel One show project started "In fact". The issue was dedicated to the actor Alexey Panin and his difficult family relationships. Presenter - Dmitry Shepelev

She took part in this scandalous program as a permanent expert Sabina Pantus(polygraph profiler, psychologist), where he gives professional comments in assessing the credibility of the behavior of its participants according to verbal and non-verbal signs of lying .

Little is known about Sabina’s personal life and biography, and these facts-snippets from Internet sources may well not correspond to the truth.

Sabina was born in 1982 Baku(Azerbaijan). Zodiac sign - Pisces. She lived in Novosibirsk for some time. In 2004 she moved to Moscow. Sabina has two children (sons - Nikita, Daniil).

  • Education, career, professional activity

Sabina Pantus is a certified expert polygraph examiner, profiler, member of the European Association of Polygraph Examiners, included in the Unified Register of Polygraph Examiners of Russia (?).

Sabina Pantus studied at: the Academy of Business Security, the Korovin Center for Applied Psychophysiology, and the Moscow Humanitarian University. M.A. Sholokhov, at the International Academy for the Study of Lies, Moscow Center for Neuro-Lingistic Programming, American International Institute of Polygraf

Currently, Sabina is active in teaching (International Center for Lie Detection and Profiling - video, Korovin School of Lie Detection) and professional activities (CIBP, computer polygraph developer "Energy" and hardware and software complex "Master", screening for hiring and working personnel, private and official investigations).

Sabina Ramp- a media person and she is invited as a permanent expert on various channels ( “Channel One”, “NTV”, TV center) central television for participation in television programs and projects.

More information about Sabina’s life can be found on her Instagram page and You-Tube channel

  • The information was published based on materials from various Internet sources. If there are inaccuracies and they are far from the truth, I apologize

Sabina Pantus, whose biography and personal life began to attract interest after the appearance on the air of the notorious program “Actually” with Dmitry Shepelev, where she acted as a polygraph examiner, is known as a certified specialist in the field of personnel selection, a successful coach and profiler. A woman is able to detect a respondent’s lie by such indirect non-verbal signs as gestures and facial expressions, which allows her to be a brilliant expert on human souls in the field of recruiting.

Polygraphology, as well as profiling, that is, drawing up a psychological portrait of the subject, is the activity of a professional psychologist using special equipment to determine, based on psychophysical indicators, various personality characteristics of the subject under study. A polygraph examiner, taking into account various parameters of the emotional state of the person being tested, is able to say with 99% accuracy whether the person is telling the truth or lying. Sabina is engaged in similar activities in the field of personnel selection as a certified specialist.

What is known about her biography and personal life? Sabina Pantus was born in Baku, the year of her birth was 1982. For some time she lived in Novosibirsk, and since 2004 she moved to the capital. The girl is 35 years old, she has a bright appearance, her height is 175 cm. Initially, she was a blonde with an asymmetrical haircut, but now the woman has chosen to radically change her image, turning into a brunette. Zodiac sign: Pisces.

Given the increased public interest in the profiler’s biography, the personal life of Sabina Pantus, despite numerous photos on the Internet, remains under a veil of secrecy. It is only known that she has sons Nikita and Daniel, twelve and seven years old. As the profiler admits, it is always easy for her to guess whether children are lying or telling the truth. This professional habit, as the celebrity said, often brings her many problems in her personal life.

Famous profiler Sabina Pantus with dark hair color

From the biography of Sabina Pantus it is clear that her husband is also present in her life, but this topic, as the woman notes, is not for public discussion. She does not like to talk about her family relationships.

As for the celebrity’s past, it is known that before she became a public figure in the program “Actually,” she managed to carry out about three thousand polygraph checks. As part of her activities, Sabina was involved in screening in the field of primary recruiting, that is, when hiring personnel. She was also an expert in conducting internal investigations.

Sabina Pantus: photo

Private inspections also served as part of her activities. In 2012, the woman became a lie detection teacher at the same School where she herself was trained. She is a member of the Eurasian Polygraph Association and is its member.

Sabina Pantus’s education, biography and personal life, which are under the spotlight of public interest, are fully consistent with her special skills and knowledge, Rosregistr reports. So, she underwent professional retraining and improved her skills in the following areas:

      in neuro-linguistic programming;
    psychodiagnostics and polygraphology.

She studied at various certified educational institutions, from the Academy of Business Security and the Center for Applied Psychophysiology, to the Moscow University for the Humanities and the International Academy of Lies.

Sabina has several higher education degrees

It is also worth noting her achievements in the capital’s Center for Neuro-Linguistic Programming, as well as a much more status education at the American International Institute of Polygraphology.

All these regalia allow Sabina to be a successful leader in the Central Psychotechnological Research Bureau.

Among other things, the woman is the developer of a proprietary computer polygraph under the Energy brand.

Sabina conducts training master classes

At the School of Lie Detection named after V.V. Korovina, a celebrity, received a certificate in 2011 confirming her professional qualities and skills. Anyone can get acquainted with it.

In this light, Sabina found herself as a polygraph profiler, as well as a business trainer and personal coach. She helps management select and evaluate personnel according to the necessary professional skills, takes part in building harmonious relationships between subordinates and managers, and contributes to the formation of a healthy environment and atmosphere in the work team.

The girl is a polygraph profiler in the program “Actually”

By drawing up a psychological portrait of the respondent, the profiler helps recruiters decide on the right candidate. It is on her that the burden of determining the correspondence between the profile of the position and the person applying for it lies.

Dmitry Shepelev and Sabina Pantus on the set

Sabina conducts master classes and webinars regularly, including through the World Wide Web. As a personal coach, a woman helps couples determine psychological compatibility, and as a psychologist, she directs and corrects the vector of family relationships. Increasing self-esteem in everyday and professional life is another topic of popular consultant training.

The biography of Sabina Pantus is not yet reflected on Wikipedia, however, with the release of the notorious program “Actually”, this unfortunate oversight should be redeemed, because it was thanks to the appearance of a polygraph examiner on central television that her scale as a specialist increased many times over and gained universal recognition.

In the TV show, Sabina acted as a psychological profiler who had all the necessary skills and knowledge to recognize lies and imaginary pretense not only in speech, that is, in verbal communication, but also in the gestures and facial expressions of the participants present.

With Fyodor Chaliapin and Larisa Kopenkina

Despite the fact that such an idea is far from new on TV, the program received a lot of negative feedback from angry and indignant TV viewers, since the profiler very skillfully exposed, based on the emotional and verbal reactions of the participants, beloved by the public, who were invited by the management of the show.

It cannot be denied that such a stir around the profiler’s figure only benefited her, greatly increasing Sabina’s popularity.

So, in one of the episodes, Chaliapin and Kalashnikova were present as participants. During a conversation with a polygraph examiner and answers to the questions she posed, it turned out that the public’s favorites are not only prone to insincerity, but can also lie. These data are based solely on polygraph studies, which excludes their unreliability.

On the set of the program “Double Standards”

Indignant subscribers expressed their indignation to Sabina, recommending that she moderate her ardor and be a little simpler, to which the polygraph examiner objected with her inherent confidence that she accepts any criticism and that any opinion has the right to exist.

However, the public reaction was not one-sided: the profiler was supported by numerous fans. Many of them liked the psychologist’s professionalism, restraint, criticality and straightforwardness. To the same opponents who spoke unflatteringly about the program, the woman answered very categorically: you should not publish comments on her account that denigrate both the management of the TV show and its characters.

Although Wikipedia is silent about the personal life of Sabina Pantus, one must assume that soon the polygraph examiner will have her own page in this world encyclopedia, since, judging by the ratings of Dmitry Shepelev’s show, the woman has significantly increased the popularity of the program on central television. Based on the same Wikipedia, the show’s share of airtime increased from 13.1 to 16.5%. Most likely, it was the participation in the program of the “scandalous” profiler that spurred the audience’s interest in the “Actually” program.

Sabina Pantus is a woman with a very unusual professional biography. A psychologist by training, Sabina easily performs the duties of a coach, recruiter, and even a profiler and polygraph examiner, that is, a person who professionally separates truth from lies. Sabina Pantus became famous thanks to the popular TV show “Actually”.

Childhood and youth

Little is known about the bright beauty’s childhood years. Sabina was born on March 4, 1982 in Baku, and then lived for some time in Novosibirsk. In 2004, Pantus moved to Moscow. The girl’s nationality, as well as her date of birth, became a subject of dispute between viewers and fans. Some suggest that Sabina Pantus has Baltic roots, while others are sure that the popular psychologist is Russian. Sabina herself does not comment on her own origins.

Sabina also does not advertise information about her education; it is only known that Pantus studied profiling, psychodiagnostics and polygraphology, and neuro-linguistic programming. In addition, Sabina’s professional piggy bank at various times was replenished with certificates and diplomas from the Center for Applied Psychophysiology, the American International Printing Institute, the Academy of Business Security, as well as the International Academy for the Study of Lies and the Moscow Humanitarian University.


Such an impressive list of specializations did not remain only in theory: Sabina Pantus practices as a personal business coach, helping people achieve success and make the right decisions. In addition, the woman helps large companies select employees and resolve internal problems within the team.

Pantus also heads the Central Research Bureau of Psychotechnologies, teaches students at Valery Korovin’s lie detection school, and also conducts personal consultations.

Sabina Pantus embodied the talent of a polygraph examiner in her own development - a polygraph called “Energy”. Sabina claims that this device shows very accurate results and can help not only personnel officers and recruiters, but also criminologists.

Sabina Pantus does not ignore the psychology of relationships between people. The girl professionally advises those who want to find a common language with their lovers or parents, improve the “weather in the house,” raise self-esteem and simply understand their own feelings.

Show "Actually"

Television brought real fame to Sabina Pantus: since June 2017, the woman began hosting the “Actually” program on Channel One together with. This non-standard show quickly fell in love with the audience. The project helps people between whom this or that conflict has occurred to make peace and forgive each other.

Sabina Pantus argues that the main thing to solve such problems is to learn to speak and hear the truth. It is lies that most often become the cause of disagreements and even tragedies in people’s relationships. Telling the truth, as well as accepting it from the lips of another, is not an easy task, which Sabina and Dmitry help the program participants cope with.

The heroes of the show are people who were once close, who had a fight or even broke up. The presenters proudly emphasize in interviews that it is impossible to lie in the “Actually” studio, and the secret becomes clear before the eyes of millions of viewers. Sabina Pantus’s task is to figure out whether the hero is speaking sincerely and, if necessary, to bring the participants to clean water.

The hero of the first episode of the show was the actor. The man is going through a difficult period in his life: he is in court with his ex-wife, Yulia Yudintseva, for custody of his daughter Anya. This episode “Actually” turned out to be scandalous - the girl insulted her former lover and was not in the mood for reconciliation. This time, the presenters, despite their efforts, failed to restore peace between the participants.

But the second episode of the program touched even persistent viewers. The singer and his common-law wife Natalya Ustyumenko became heroes. A tragedy occurred in the couple's life. Daughter Agata is seriously ill, the girl does not walk, and is also deprived of hearing and vision. It turned out that the singer is not sure that Agatha is his daughter. Danko accused Natalya of treason, but a DNA test and a polygraph helped find out that the woman was honest with her lover. The spouses left the broadcast studio together.

During the broadcast, the heroes of the show became heirs, and even... Each time, eminent personalities had to confess their secrets, which attracted more and more viewers to the screens.

The opinions of fans of the program were divided. Some believe that the presenters professionally bring the heroes to clean water. Others believe that the methods of Sabina Pantus and Dmitry Shepelev are too harsh and straightforward. However, the program's ratings are steadily increasing.

Personal life

Sabina Pantus prefers not to talk about her own personal life. It is known that the woman has two sons, Danila and Nikita. But whether Sabina has a husband or lover remains a mystery to journalists and fans.

Some time ago, rumors began to spread on the Internet that the relationship between Sabina Pantus and Dmitry Shepelev went beyond the professional. Viewers are sure that the colleagues are also connected by personal sympathy.

Fans’ suspicions are confirmed by the fact that Sabina Pantus posted a text defending Dmitry on one of the social networks. The fact is that Shepelev is accused of embezzling finances from his deceased wife. Sabina Pantus emphasized that such speculation is groundless, and Dmitry is an honest person.

Sabina’s professional skills, by her own admission, often interfere in life. The girl emphasizes that she instantly recognizes the lies of her sons and loved ones, which sometimes becomes the cause of quarrels.

In addition to matters of the heart, fans discuss Sabina Pantus’ haircut and image. Some time ago, Instagram and other social networks exploded from Sabina’s photos and user comments - the girl changed her hairstyle and hair color, causing a flurry of discussions.

Sabina Pantus now

Now Sabina Pantus continues to build a television career.

Also, according to rumors, viewers will soon learn about a new project with the participation of their favorite presenter and psychologist.

The name of Sabina Pantus became known when the program “Actually” appeared on the screens, where she is present as an expert. Pantus is a professional in her field, so it is not difficult for her to evaluate the program participants and state some facts from their lives.

It’s not surprising that TV viewers are interested in the biography and personal life of the show’s expert.

Biographical information

Sabina does not indicate her nationality, but notes that her homeland is Baku, where she was born and spent several childhood years. The polygraph examiner is silent about who her parents are and what they do. For some time the family lived in Novosibirsk, and then moved to Moscow. After graduating from school, the girl entered the university, and then received several more diplomas, having completed training at the International Academy for the Study of Lies, as well as at the ANO DPO Center for Applied Psychophysiology. During her work, Pantus also improved her qualifications, thanks to which she received certificates from such institutions as the Moscow NLP Center and the American International Institute of Polygraphology.

By specialty, Sabina is a certified polygraph profiler, that is, she is a highly qualified specialist who can easily create a psychological portrait of a person based on non-verbal signs: gestures, facial expressions, postures and conversation. She currently works in the field of lie detection, and also teaches students at the International Center for Lie Detection and Profiling, as well as the Korovin School of Lie Detection. Pantus’s activities are not limited to this: as a psychologist, she organizes various trainings and webinars, helping those who want to increase their self-esteem and establish harmonious relationships in the family. Having become a media personality, she is often invited to various programs and projects on various TV channels.

Participation in the show “Actually”

In 2017, the polygraph examiner took part in the show project “Actually” on Channel One, where Dmitry Shepelev became its host. Sabina acted as a permanent expert in it. Many famous people took part in this project: the star of the show “Let Them Talk” - Diana Shurygina, Prokhor Chaliapin, Danko, Alexey Panin, Pierre Narcissus and many others. During the program, viewers learned many family secrets of the participants.

In the photo is Sabina Pantus.

Thus, a lie detector confirmed that Panin walked around in front of his daughter without clothes, and also took drugs. But Danko, who doubted the fidelity of his common-law wife, made sure that she did not cheat on him, and a daughter was born from him. But the participants are not always satisfied with the actions of Pantus and Shepelev: many of them have already complained that some questions are incorrect and provocative.

Personal life

Sabina carefully hides her personal life, however, TV viewers want to know about the mysterious blonde, whether she has a husband and children. According to some information on the network, she is raising two sons - Nikita and Daniel, who are 12 and 7 years old. According to an expert from the show “Let Them Talk,” her abilities do not always have a good effect on relationships with children, since she immediately sees whether they are telling the truth or lying.

In the photo Sabina Pantus with her son

Pantus does not talk about her romantic relationships, so whether she has a lover is anyone’s guess. The psychologist admits that her unusual profession also causes inconvenience on a personal level, since “seeing through a person” sometimes brings unpleasant surprises. She has a page on Instagram, where she already has 13.4 thousand subscribers. Sabina posts her positive pictures there, in addition, she has her own channel where you can watch interesting videos.

Sabina Pantus. Born on July 26, 1982 in Baku. Russian polygraph examiner, psychologist, TV presenter, expert of the “Actually” program.

According to some reports, he has Russian and Baltic roots.

Soon after her birth, the family moved to Novosibirsk.

Since 2004, Sabina Pantus has lived in Moscow.

Has higher education. Studied at Moscow Humanitarian University. Having become interested in profiling, psychodiagnostics, polygraphology and neuro-linguistic programming, she constantly improved her professional level: she studied at the Center for Applied Psychophysiology, the American International Institute of Printing Arts, the Academy of Business Security, and the International Academy for the Study of Lies.

She is a recognized specialist in the analysis of human behavior, a profiler - she is able to assess and predict human behavior based on the analysis of the most informative particular signs, characteristics of appearance, non-verbal and verbal behavior.

Pantus is a specialist in the field of lie detection and polygraph testing. Sabina is able to find out about a person even what he himself sometimes does not know about himself. Often people study themselves thanks to Sabina and her methods.

She conducts trainings, helping people understand themselves and then achieve success by changing their behavior and making the right decisions in any life situations.

Pantus helps large companies select employees and resolve internal problems within the team.

Sabina Pantus heads the Central Research Bureau of Psychotechnologies, teaches students at Valery Korovin’s school of lie detection, and also conducts personal consultations.

According to the profiler, the main thing to solve such problems is to learn to speak and hear the truth, both about others and, most importantly, about ourselves. After all, it is lies, according to her, that most often become the cause of disagreements and even tragedies in people’s relationships.

Sabina Pantus embodied her talent and extensive experience as a polygraph examiner in her own development - a polygraph called “Energy”. Sabina claims that this device shows very accurate results and can help not only personnel officers and recruiters, but also criminologists.

In her practice, Sabina Pantus analyzes the psychology of relationships between people. She professionally advises those who want to find a common language with lovers or parents, increase self-esteem and simply understand their own feelings.

She became widely known in 2017, when she became an expert on a popular show. "In fact" on Channel One. He is the host, and Sabina Pantus and Roman Ustyuzhanin help him understand the situations in which the studio guests find themselves. Pantus and Ustyuzhanin professionally bring guests to clean water, determining whether they are telling the truth.

Sabina Pantus, Roman Ustyuzhanin, Dmitry Shepelev

In the program, profiler Sabina Pantus determines how sincere they are from the characters’ gestures and intonations.

The program “Actually” immediately gained popularity among viewers. The project helps people between whom this or that conflict has occurred to make peace and forgive each other. However, it often happens the other way around - when the exposure of Pantus and Ustyuzhanin leads to divorces and conflicts.

Sabina Pantus in the program “Actually”

The heroes of the show “Actually” included many stars of domestic show business, entrepreneurs, politicians, and simply media personalities.

Since 2018, Sabina has also become an expert for Evgeniy Spiritsa, who is involved in predicting human behavior in complex and extreme situations. She became a participant in the weekly live broadcast “Saturday Evening with Evgeniy Spiritsa” on his YouTube channel.

Sabina Pantus's height: 165 centimeters.

Personal life of Sabina Pantus:

Raises two sons - the eldest Nikita and the youngest Danila. Sabina devotes all her free time to children.

Sabina is very close to her mother, with whom she is real friends. She said about her mother: “My heart, my wisdom, my support, my friend, my MOM! It is very important to be close to mothers, difficult, but very important! I’m glad that mine and I are close!”

As Pantus admitted, she constantly struggles with excess weight and in this matter she, a professional psychologist, often needs psychological support herself.

“Girls will understand. I went to bed normal and woke up fat. There are no visible reasons, those around me did not see my fullness, but I felt like an elephant. A large and extremely dissatisfied elephant. A nasty little voice insistently sounded in my head: “You’ve gained weight.” Libra and those around him argued the opposite. But no arguments or beliefs of others work at such moments, clothes fit poorly, photos don’t come out, the mood is terrible. Yesterday was a day that didn’t exist and half a day was irrevocably wasted, it’s good that at least it went away in the evening, and I’m glad that the elephant comes less and less often, I’m slowly but surely losing weight. The main thing is to understand where the temporary clouding is, code-named “elephant,” which should be waited out in a room with “soft walls” so as not to harm yourself or others. My causeless “elephant” comes on its own and quickly leaves. Where is the reality, when it’s time to admit that it’s time to lose weight, pull yourself together and start changing,” said Sabina.

The name of Sabina Pantus became known when the program “Actually” appeared on the screens, where she is present as an expert. Pantus is a professional in her field, so it is not difficult for her to evaluate the program participants and state some facts from their lives.

It’s not surprising that TV viewers are interested in the biography and personal life of the show’s expert.

Biographical information

Sabina does not indicate her nationality, but notes that her homeland is Baku, where she was born and spent several childhood years. The polygraph examiner is silent about who her parents are and what they do. For some time the family lived in Novosibirsk, and then moved to Moscow. After graduating from school, the girl entered the university, and then received several more diplomas, having completed training at the International Academy for the Study of Lies, as well as at the ANO DPO Center for Applied Psychophysiology. During her work, Pantus also improved her qualifications, thanks to which she received certificates from such institutions as the Moscow NLP Center and the American International Institute of Polygraphology.

By specialty, Sabina is a certified polygraph profiler, that is, she is a highly qualified specialist who can easily create a psychological portrait of a person based on non-verbal signs: gestures, facial expressions, postures and conversation. She currently works in the field of lie detection, and also teaches students at the International Center for Lie Detection and Profiling, as well as the Korovin School of Lie Detection. Pantus’s activities are not limited to this: as a psychologist, she organizes various trainings and webinars, helping those who want to increase their self-esteem and establish harmonious relationships in the family. Having become a media personality, she is often invited to various programs and projects on various TV channels.

Participation in the show “Actually”

In 2017, the polygraph examiner took part in the show project “Actually” on Channel One, where Dmitry Shepelev became its host. Sabina acted as a permanent expert in it. Many famous people took part in this project: the star of the show “Let Them Talk” - Diana Shurygina, Prokhor Chaliapin, Danko, Alexey Panin, Pierre Narcissus and many others. During the program, viewers learned many family secrets of the participants.

In the photo is Sabina Pantus.

Thus, a lie detector confirmed that Panin walked around in front of his daughter without clothes, and also took drugs. But Danko, who doubted the fidelity of his common-law wife, made sure that she did not cheat on him, and a daughter was born from him. But the participants are not always satisfied with the actions of Pantus and Shepelev: many of them have already complained that some questions are incorrect and provocative.

Personal life

Sabina carefully hides her personal life, however, TV viewers want to know about the mysterious blonde, whether she has a husband and children. According to some information on the network, she is raising two sons - Nikita and Daniel, who are 12 and 7 years old. According to an expert from the show “Let Them Talk,” her abilities do not always have a good effect on relationships with children, since she immediately sees whether they are telling the truth or lying.

In the photo Sabina Pantus with her son

Pantus does not talk about her romantic relationships, so whether she has a lover is anyone’s guess. The psychologist admits that her unusual profession also causes inconvenience on a personal level, since “seeing through a person” sometimes brings unpleasant surprises. She has a page on Instagram, where she already has 13.4 thousand subscribers. Sabina posts her positive pictures there, in addition, she has her own channel where you can watch interesting videos.

Spielrein-Sheftel Sabina Nikolaevna is known to the world as a Soviet psychoanalyst and student of Carl Gustave Jung, a member of three psychoanalytic societies and the author of the theory of destructive attraction. But no less interesting than the results of her professional activities are her biography and path to science.

Intriguing facts are contained in her diaries and correspondence between Jung and Freud, published in the early 80s, which created a sensation in the world of psychoanalysis. The secrets of this woman's life still raise more questions than answers.

Sabina's parents

Spielrein Sabina Nikolaevna, whose real name is Sheive, was the eldest of the children. She was born on October 25 (November 7, old style) in 1885 into a fairly wealthy Jewish family. At that time they lived in Rostov-on-Don. The father insisted that his daughter be able to attend a prestigious school in Warsaw, her parents’ homeland. Therefore, in the period from 1890 to 1894, the family was there.

The father and head of the family - Nikolai Arkadyevich Shpilrein (Naftael, or Naftuliy Movshevich, or Moshkovich) - was an entomologist by training, but did not work by profession and succeeded in trade. He was a manufacturer and seller of cattle feed. Later Nikolai Arkadyevich became a merchant of the first, and then the second, guild.

Mother, Evva Markovna Lyublinskaya (after Spielrein’s marriage), was a dentist by training. She had her own apartment building on three floors in the city center, where apartments were rented. She practiced dentistry until 1903, after which she devoted herself to family and raising children. There were many respected rabbis in her family, including Evva Markovna’s father.

Despite the strictness of orders and traditions, the family led a secular lifestyle.

In 1917, the property of the Spielrein couple was confiscated.

The fate of brothers and sisters

The eldest of the brothers, Jan, was born in 1887. Subsequently, he became a famous Soviet mathematician and engineer, a specialist in theoretical mechanics and electrical engineering. By 1921 he was already a professor, and in 1933 he became a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1934 he defended his doctorate in technical sciences. He was married to Silvia Borisovna Ryss.

The second brother, Isaac, was born in 1891. He chose psychology as a profession and studied at Heidelberg and achieved noticeable success in this field of knowledge, since he was remembered by the domestic and world scientific community as the author of psychotechnics. He studied the psychology of work, methods of its rationalization, etc., and took an active part in the work of its scientific organization in the Soviet Union. In addition, he headed the All-Russian Society of Psychotechnics and Applied Psychophysiology and the International Psychotechnical Association.

Third brother, Emil, born in 1899. After graduating from Don University, he became an associate professor and dean of Rostov University at the Faculty of Biology. Emil is better known to the scientific world under the name Spielrein.

All three, despite their position in the scientific world, were shot as a result of political repression: Isaac in 1937, and Jan and Emil in 1938. All three were later exonerated posthumously.

More than anyone else in the world, Spielrein Sabina Nikolaevna loved her younger sister Emilia. But in 1901, a six-year-old girl fell ill with typhoid fever and soon died.

Sabina's tragedy and other causes of mental disorders

The main cause of Sabina's neuroses is considered to be the death of her beloved sister. However, some experts, in particular Renate Höfer, PhD, who works in psychotherapy and supervision, have a different opinion. In Renata’s book “Psychoanalyst Sabina Spielrein,” the heroine’s biography is studied in detail and framed into a psychological portrait, taking into account all the joyful love experiences and severe mental anguish. According to the author, the death of her sister was far from the only and not the most important cause of this woman’s illness.

Renata writes that from a very early age, Sabina Spielrein experienced physical punishment from her father and, very likely, sexual abuse from adults. By the age of three, she already had serious mental disorders that did not leave her at a young age. The sight of her father's right hand regularly punishing her caused her to experience arousal, which led to excessively frequent acts of self-gratification.

From time to time she fantasized about having unlimited power, and this helped her calm down for a while. Nevertheless, from the age of sixteen she began to be overcome by night terrors and hallucinations, and by the age of eighteen, mental attacks began to occur more and more often, after which she fell into depression.

Psychiatric clinic for Sabina

Sabina Spielrein was a capable student, and nervous disorders did not prevent her from graduating from high school in 1903 with a gold medal. Her passion was medicine, but due to her unstable mental state, her studies at the University of Zurich had to be postponed.

First, Evva Markovna made an unsuccessful attempt to improve her daughter’s well-being in the Swiss sanatorium of Dr. Geller in the spring of 1904. After this, Sabina was sent to the Burghölzli Clinic, which at that time was headed by Professor Eugen Bleuler (Eugen Bleuler).

It was there that Carl Jung and Sabine Spielrein first met. At first, the head himself was involved in treating the girl’s hysteria, and then Jung was the senior physician of the clinic and subsequently the deputy chief physician. Therapy at the clinic lasted about 10 months, from August 1904 to June 1905, after which treatment became outpatient and continued until 1909.

Sabina was the first patient whom Jung tried to cure using psychoanalytic techniques based on And although there were certain clashes between the patient and the staff, accompanied by suicidal manifestations, the treatment turned out to be very successful, which allowed Sabina to realize her plans to study at the university and enter it already in April 1905.

Professional activity

During treatment at the clinic, Sabina Spielrein took part in various experiments, including associative ones. There she became acquainted with the topic of Jung's dissertation, which deals with the stratification of the conscious and unconscious - schizophrenia. Therefore, it is absolutely natural that during her studies Sabina became interested in psychiatry, psychoanalysis and pedology.

In the spring of 1909, Sabina passed her final exams and began working at the Burghölzli Clinic as an intern. All this time, she continued to work on her doctoral dissertation, whose supervisor was Jung. Despite the ups and downs in her personal life, in the spring of 1911 she successfully defended it and published it in a magazine edited by her mentor.

From the autumn of 1911 to the spring of 1912, Sabina was in Austria, where she was able to personally get to know Sigmund Freud (Freud) and was accepted into the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society. At the same time, she visited Russia with lectures and there she met her future husband, Pavel Naumovich (Fievel Notovich) Sheftel.

In 1913, Sabina Nikolaevna left for Europe. There she was involved in publications and speaking engagements; worked in various medical institutions, including Eugen Bleuler, Karl Bonhoeffer, Eduard Claparede; studied psychoanalysis with Freud and Jung, became a psychoanalyst for Jean Piaget.

In 1923, she returned to Russia and entered the Russian Psychoanalytic Society. She was engaged in professional activities in this field, created and managed a psychotherapeutic orphanage, and gave lectures.

In 1925, she spoke for the last time at a congress of psychoanalysts. Then she continued to work in her chosen field, publishing articles.

Since 1936, psychoanalysis was banned in the USSR.

It is worth noting that Sabina Spielrein had high hopes for working in Russia. Quotes regarding this are quite well known; she returned “to work with pleasure” - doing science gave her true pleasure. However, in these last 20 years of her life, the Soviet regime left her without her life's work.

Scientific work

Sabina Spielrein's theory talks about the duality of sexual desire. On the one hand, sexual intercourse should carry positive emotions, especially since this process is associated with procreation. On the other hand, it has a destructive effect on a person’s inner world.

In addition, Spielrein argued, during the act a certain disintegration of the main extracts occurs - the masculine principle takes on the features of the feminine, and vice versa. Moreover, pleasure and fear are destructive to sexual desire itself.

Epilogue. Jung - Sabina - Freud

In the late 70s, a suitcase with Sabina’s personal materials was found in the archives of Edouard Claparède. It turned out that before leaving for Russia, she left there her diaries, correspondence with Jung and Freud (which she maintained until 1923), some articles and research materials. These documents, in particular diaries and letters, produced the effect of a bomb exploding on the world scientific community.

It turned out that from the very beginning of Sabina’s treatment by Jung and the manifestation of her feelings for him, Freud knew about this. However, he did not condemn his colleague, because he did not consider it something immoral or wrong and even sympathized with him to some extent. Having assessed this position of Freud, analysts began to talk about a “conspiracy” between Jung and Freud, in which Sabina became the bargaining chip.

Jung then needed material to write a dissertation, and Sabina was not only a suitable option, including in terms of financial security, but also a very interesting person who pushed the scientist to new ideas. There is no doubt about this, since both Jung and Freud used the ideas voiced by Sabina in their further work. Therefore, continuing to work with her for Jung was much more necessary than observing morality, especially since, according to Freud himself, for the world of psychoanalysis, the connection between a doctor and a patient is not new.

On the other hand, in addition to the mental suffering from unrequited feelings, meeting these two men gave her the world of psychoanalysis and the work of her life.

Sabina Spielrein became the first woman in Europe to obtain a doctorate in psychology. She was among the “pioneers” of psychoanalysis, but was forgotten for half a century. And only the opening of the archive gave both her and her works a second life. Several films have been made and books have been written based on the documents. And in fact, this interest is quite justified.

Sabina Pantus is a woman with a very unusual professional biography. A psychologist by training, Sabina easily performs the duties of a coach, recruiter, and even a profiler and polygraph examiner, that is, a person who professionally separates truth from lies. Sabina Pantus became famous thanks to the popular TV show “Actually”.

Childhood and youth

Little is known about the bright beauty’s childhood years. Sabina was born on March 4, 1982 in Baku, and then lived for some time in Novosibirsk. In 2004, Pantus moved to Moscow. The girl’s nationality, as well as her date of birth, became a subject of dispute between viewers and fans. Some suggest that Sabina Pantus has Baltic roots, while others are sure that the popular psychologist is Russian. Sabina herself does not comment on her own origins.

Sabina also does not advertise information about her education; it is only known that Pantus studied profiling, psychodiagnostics and polygraphology, and neuro-linguistic programming. In addition, Sabina’s professional piggy bank at various times was replenished with certificates and diplomas from the Center for Applied Psychophysiology, the American International Printing Institute, the Academy of Business Security, as well as the International Academy for the Study of Lies and the Moscow Humanitarian University.


Such an impressive list of specializations did not remain only in theory: Sabina Pantus practices as a personal business coach, helping people achieve success and make the right decisions. In addition, the woman helps large companies select employees and resolve internal problems within the team.

Pantus also heads the Central Research Bureau of Psychotechnologies, teaches students at Valery Korovin’s lie detection school, and also conducts personal consultations.

Sabina Pantus embodied the talent of a polygraph examiner in her own development - a polygraph called “Energy”. Sabina claims that this device shows very accurate results and can help not only personnel officers and recruiters, but also criminologists.

Sabina Pantus does not ignore the psychology of relationships between people. The girl professionally advises those who want to find a common language with their lovers or parents, improve the “weather in the house,” raise self-esteem and simply understand their own feelings.

Show "Actually"

Television brought real fame to Sabina Pantus: since June 2017, the woman began hosting the “Actually” program on Channel One together with. This non-standard show quickly fell in love with the audience. The project helps people between whom this or that conflict has occurred to make peace and forgive each other.

Sabina Pantus argues that the main thing to solve such problems is to learn to speak and hear the truth. It is lies that most often become the cause of disagreements and even tragedies in people’s relationships. Telling the truth, as well as accepting it from the lips of another, is not an easy task, which Sabina and Dmitry help the program participants cope with.

The heroes of the show are people who were once close, who had a fight or even broke up. The presenters proudly emphasize in interviews that it is impossible to lie in the “Actually” studio, and the secret becomes clear before the eyes of millions of viewers. Sabina Pantus's task is to figure out whether the hero is speaking sincerely and, if necessary, to bring the participants to clean water.

The hero of the first episode of the show was the actor. The man is going through a difficult period in his life: he is in court with his ex-wife, Yulia Yudintseva, for custody of his daughter Anya. This episode “Actually” turned out to be scandalous - the girl insulted her former lover and was not in the mood for reconciliation. This time, the presenters, despite their efforts, failed to restore peace between the participants.

But the second episode of the program touched even persistent viewers. The singer and his common-law wife Natalya Ustyumenko became heroes. A tragedy occurred in the couple's life. Daughter Agata is seriously ill, the girl does not walk, and is also deprived of hearing and vision. It turned out that the singer is not sure that Agatha is his daughter. Danko accused Natalya of treason, but a DNA test and a polygraph helped find out that the woman was honest with her lover. The spouses left the broadcast studio together.

During the broadcast, the heroes of the show became heirs, and even... Each time, eminent personalities had to confess their secrets, which attracted more and more viewers to the screens.

The opinions of fans of the program were divided. Some believe that the presenters professionally bring the heroes to clean water. Others believe that the methods of Sabina Pantus and Dmitry Shepelev are too harsh and straightforward. However, the program's ratings are steadily increasing.

Personal life

Sabina Pantus prefers not to talk about her own personal life. It is known that the woman has two sons, Danila and Nikita. But whether Sabina has a husband or lover remains a mystery to journalists and fans.

Some time ago, rumors began to spread on the Internet that the relationship between Sabina Pantus and Dmitry Shepelev went beyond the professional. Viewers are sure that the colleagues are also connected by personal sympathy.

Fans’ suspicions are confirmed by the fact that Sabina Pantus posted a text defending Dmitry on one of the social networks. The fact is that Shepelev is accused of embezzling finances from his deceased wife. Sabina Pantus emphasized that such speculation is groundless, and Dmitry is an honest person.

Sabina’s professional skills, by her own admission, often interfere in life. The girl emphasizes that she instantly recognizes the lies of her sons and loved ones, which sometimes becomes the cause of quarrels.

In addition to matters of the heart, fans discuss Sabina Pantus’ haircut and image. Some time ago, Instagram and other social networks exploded from Sabina’s photos and user comments - the girl changed her hairstyle and hair color, causing a flurry of discussions.

Sabina Pantus now

Now Sabina Pantus continues to build a television career.

Also, according to rumors, viewers will soon learn about a new project with the participation of their favorite presenter and psychologist.

Recent revolutionary changes on Channel One continue to be a topic of heated discussions among specialists and the viewing audience. Shepelev’s program “Actually” is often cited as one of the most controversial new products of the 2017-2018 season. Reviews about this television project can be read both in the press and on social networks. Among them there are both positive and revealing ones, including those made by participants in episodes that have already been aired.

Return of Dmitry Shepelev

The tragedy that happened to Zhanna Friske made the people around her, especially her relatives, the object of public attention. The yellow press relentlessly followed her common-law husband, who, shortly before the singer’s death, went on vacation with their common son Plato. Moreover, interest in Shepelev and Zhanna’s parents became even more intense after rumors appeared about the disappearance of a large sum of money collected by fans for her treatment.

The end to this matter was reached in June 2017, when Dmitry agreed to take a lie detector test. If you believe the results of this study, announced during one of the latest episodes of Andrei Malakhov’s program “Let Them Talk,” the presenter did not appropriate Rusfond’s money and does not interfere with Plato’s meetings with his mother’s relatives.

“Actually”: background of creation

Perhaps it was the story of Shepelev’s polygraph test that gave Channel One producers the idea of ​​creating a separate project in which the heroes of scandalous stories could prove they were right using a lie detector. There is another version of the appearance on the air of the program “Actually” with Shepelev (see reviews below). Some viewers believe that the idea originated a long time ago, and Malakhov was simply offered to make a kind of scandalous announcement of it with the future presenter as the main character. For this purpose, an episode was invented with Dmitry’s invitation and his lie detector testing. By the way, during this program, Malakhov voiced information that Zhanna Friske’s father agreed to the same test, but it did not take place, since the man did not have time for this.


The program “Actually” with Shepelev, reviews of which vary widely, is a frank talk show. People whose problematic relationships are not a secret to the public come to see it as heroes. The facilitator, acting as a moderator, allows both parties to express their points of view. At the same time, the viewer has the opportunity to find out whether the characters are lying, since their answers are monitored by experts who comment on the polygraph results.

First edition

The debut program “Actually” with Shepelev, reviews of which were published by many Russian publications, was dedicated to the relationship with his former common-law wife. For 2 years they have been trying to share custody of their 9-year-old daughter Anna. In the spring of 2017, a court decision was made according to which the girl would live with her father and see her mother only from time to time. However, Panin’s former common-law wife did not give up trying to become the sole guardian of the child. The purpose of this episode of the program “Actually” with Shepelev, reviews of which were quite different, was an attempt to reconcile the warring parents for the benefit of their minor daughter.

Program about the Danko family

The release of the program “Actually” with Shepelev (reviews are presented below) with this singer was intended to help figure out whether his common-law wife Natalya was cheating on him. Moreover, Danko had previously spoken more than once in the press and on television about the health problems of his youngest daughter Agatha, and in the new Channel One program he expressed doubt about his paternity. In order to put an end to this issue once and for all, a DNA test was carried out. Its result left no doubt that the girl is Danko’s daughter.


Some time after the broadcast of Shepelev’s program “Actually” (see reviews below) with Danko, the singer made a statement in which he accused its authors of deception. He said that he agreed to take part in the project only because he was promised a fundraiser for Agatha’s treatment. For the same reason, Danko’s common-law wife also came to the program, because it was not easy for her to present herself as a woman cheating on her partner left and right with some unknown millionaire foreigner. True, according to the singer, Natalya was still paid a certain amount, which allowed her to take Agatha for rest and treatment in Anapa.

In such a difficult situation, the Danko family was supported by Yana Poplavskaya. She published a post on social networks in which she asked not to blame the singer and his wife, as the couple was in despair due to the child’s illness. In addition, the actress raised the issue of the inadmissibility of playing on the feelings of unfortunate parents and their outright deception on the part of television workers, calling these actions meanness.

Program with Diana Shurygina

The story of this very young girl showed once again how easy it is to become famous in the modern world. To do this, you don’t need to make scientific discoveries, win competitions or save people, just go to a party, get drunk and tell everyone on Channel One that you have been a victim of rape. It would seem that the “fame” that Malakhov provided her with was enough for Shurygina (if you remember, the TV star even visited her in the hospital). But no! Shepelev and the producers of the program decided to continue promoting the girl. Some viewers accused the program of misdirecting young people. Among Shurygina’s peers, the opinion may be strengthened that the easiest path to fame is a high-profile TV scandal.

Show “Actually” with Shepelev: reviews

The vast majority of those who leave comments about the program are unhappy with what they are presented with on the screen. Some of the most common complaints include:

  • choosing as heroes those whose problems have already been discussed dozens of times on talk shows on different TV channels;
  • there are great doubts that the experts are real and that they are not playing their roles according to a pre-determined script;
  • the absence of any meaning in “rinsing someone else’s laundry”, since the situations of the heroes, as a rule, are so different from those that ordinary Russians may find themselves in that it is impossible to learn anything from their experience.

In addition, the purpose of the program was initially announced as a way to reconcile loved ones. However, it immediately became clear that with this talk show format the conflict could only deepen.

Some viewers even consider the transfer to be Shepelev’s revenge on his colleagues and media persons. In their opinion, he, who had been thoroughly dragged through the mud during the days of his personal tragedy, decided to show that others were also up to snuff.

Many viewers don’t like the idea of ​​making Shepelev the host. In their opinion, he lacks sparkle and in every sense, including professional, is inferior to the same Malakhov.

Positive reviews

Are there viewers who enjoy watching “Actually” with Dmitry Shepelev? Reviews show yes. However, as already mentioned, these are in the minority. First of all, these are Dima’s fans, which such a handsome and intelligent young man as Shepelev simply cannot help but have. In addition, many ladies are delighted with his attitude towards his son, although there are evil tongues that claim that the child would be of much less interest to the presenter if he, as the heir, did not own Jeanne’s money.

At first glance, it becomes noticeable that among the positive reviews about the show “Actually” (Shepelev is the presenter), there are many that are frankly custom-made, with the goal of supporting the new project. However, those who were engaged in this type of PR did not cope with their task, and their attempts have a rather negative effect.

Now you know what the “Actually” program with Shepelev is about. The viewer reviews presented above may be subjective, so everyone decides for themselves whether or not to watch the new Channel One talk show. Perhaps you will like it. To understand this, you need to watch the show.

Alexandra Rachel is perhaps the most famous television expert. She began her march on talk shows back in the “Big Laundry” program. 17 years have passed since then - the program has already changed its name, and the presenter has left for another channel. But Alexandra is still willingly invited to comment on this or that situation, story, problem. Unlike most guests in the studio, Rachel never took money for her comments. And even after leaving to live in Israel, she flew to Moscow for filming. But the next invitation ended in a huge scandal.


“The program “Actually” with Dmitry Shepelev was preparing an episode called “Ours in London,” Alexandra told the site. “The main character was supposed to be Marinika Smirnova, about whom I have dirty incriminating evidence. I was supposed to appear with him in Shepelev's studio."

“Editor Shamil took out my soul with calls, begged me to be on the recording, persuaded me strongly and for a long time,” noted Sasha. “They say, come, we will pay for everything.” I very reluctantly agreed to this - after plastic surgery, I didn’t really want to go from the warmth to the cold and snowdrifts. But I went, which I ended up regretting very much later. For 80 thousand I bought a business class ticket for the Tel Aviv-Moscow flight. And no one met me at the airport."

“I’m coming to the shoot,” continued Rachelle. “There they put me in a small dressing room, where they kept me for four hours without water or food. All this time, as I later found out, the editors were putting Marinika on hold. And she, thanks to the transfer, flew from England to Russia , having settled in a luxury hotel, but realizing that they wanted to make her a laughing stock throughout the country, she refused to film. For the first time in the history of the program, the heroine did not go on air. The scandal was wild! She simply cheated everyone! And she returned home, because her editors "They simply intimidated us - they worked very unprofessionally. Although Marinika was supposed to receive about 400 thousand rubles. And since the main character did not come to the studio, the shooting was canceled."

“But the most interesting thing began later,” said Rachel. “Marinika flew to England with the money of the producers of Channel One, and no one, it seems, is going to give me money for coming to Moscow. Editor Shamil simply stopped communicating. “The situation is extremely difficult, and I’m thinking about how to get out of it,” he wrote to me. Six days have passed. And this despite the fact that the program pays all participants, much less famous than me. I asked to pay only for my travel. I’m wildly angry about this situation is just a punch in the gut!”

“Shepelev at the end of the program says: “Enough lies for today!” And the creators of the program themselves showed themselves to be deceitful through and through! - Alexandra was indignant. only TV viewers, but also, as I have already said, guests and participants. I did not expect that the management of the program would behave so vilely, especially since I did all the work for the editors of the program myself. I called London at my own expense, even with a deputy, who filed a lawsuit against Marinika, communicated personally.”

Let us remind you that the premiere of the program “Actually” took place in July 2017. The studio confronts people who were once close, but lies broke their relationship. The heroes of the program were Diana Shurygina, Anna Kalashnikova, Elina Mazur and many other public figures.

In movies, we have seen hundreds of times how villains cheat the lie detector. They lie and don't blush. There are countless ways to trick the device on the Internet: from breathing exercises to recommendations to bite your tongue during the test or prick yourself with a button. Is it really that simple?

Dmitry Shepelev

Portrait in five minutes

Theater begins with a hanger, and “Actually” begins with a room where polygraph experts work Roman Ustyuzhanin And Igor Fedorov. This is where program participants are tested before it begins. That is, the questions that we hear during the broadcast are asked behind the scenes.

I can bet any amount that it only takes me five minutes to describe a person,” says Roman.

And I get a sheet with a simple test. We manage in a minute, and Roman asks me to write one sentence that I agree to talk with him for seven hours, and sign below. We spend a couple more minutes asking questions about what area I live in, the dog from my childhood, my classmates. And I get a portrait of myself, down to such details that I had a single-parent family (we did not touch on this topic), I was selective in my friends, I was fond of creativity as a child, and so on. In principle, almost everything coincided. The thought even crept in that Roman had a polygraph built into him.

Antenna correspondent in the room for preliminary interviews. Experts Igor Fedorov and Roman Ustyuzhanin at work (from left to right)

A lie detector looks like a small box with wires and sensors that connects to a laptop. The device captures readings such as breathing, hand trembling, changes in blood pressure, pulse, and sweating. That is, everything that a person can fluctuate as a result of excitement, he measures without missing anything.

Before testing begins, I, like all participants in the TV show, sign an agreement that I came to it of my own free will and have no complaints. Igor turns on the polygraph and we begin. I tell truthfully about the past - school studies, grades, I try to meditate, control my breathing and decide to lie. On a question about sports. The polygraph immediately catches my lie. But I was calm, like a boa constrictor: I didn’t steal a million, but I just denied that I was going to fitness. However, the machine figured out this harmless deception. It was like she looked into my bag and found a club membership.

I'll torture you and play

In order to understand in what state of a person I can ask him questions, I need to first study his reactions,” explains Roman. - For example, you have arrhythmia, that is, your heart rate differs from normal, this must be taken into account during the study and taken as a background indicator, and not a stressful one. As for attempts to cheat, there is a basic method of working on this device, when the specialist has questions already prepared, and the person needs to answer them “yes” or “no”. What is important here is not even the person being tested, but the polygraph examiner. During the program, we do not act according to the scheme from the textbook, but conduct a conversation. I can see which issue is insignificant for the show participant, and which one he is worried about. And I’ll deliberately cling to the second one and torture him to death. That is, I will also play.

In this article:

Sabina Randus: biography and personal life

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A girl with such an exotic name and surname appeared in the information space of Russian television viewers not so long ago. Her last name is correct, by the way, it is spelled Pantus. Her first popularity came after the broadcast of the program “Actually”. What interesting things do we know about Sabina, and what facts and gossip might be of interest to you? Add in the comments.

Biography of Sabina Pantus

Sabina was born in the Russian capital on July 26, 1982. Some sources claim that she was born in Azerbaijan, in Baku. After which she lived in Novosibirsk and only then came to Moscow. If you have verified information on this matter, write in the comments and we will add it.

It is known that our heroine has more than one higher education. So, she was a student at Moscow State University, the International Academy for the Study of Lies and the Center for Applied Psychophysiology.

Sabina is constantly developing and improving her skills. She received amazing results at the NLP Center and the Polygraph Institute in the USA.

Her specialty is profiler and polygraph examiner. In simple terms, she is a specialist who develops psychological portraits of people. In addition, Sabina selects employees and evaluates candidates, and teaches other people to do this - at her performances in a training format. Recruiting is an area that is in dire need of specialists like Sabina. Her vast practical experience and high level of training make it possible to identify an honest person and a liar, without even using additional technical support. It is estimated that at the time of writing this biography (2018), our heroine has conducted more than 3,000 psychological examinations for private businesses and law enforcement agencies.

But these are not all the areas of activity that Sabina Pantus was able to cover in her biography. An important area of ​​her work is helping women with low self-esteem and problematic relationships.

Sabina Pantus on TV

Next, Sabina’s biography brings us to the moment of the invitation to film the program “Actually”, with the famous presenter Dmitry Shepelev. In this program, our heroine plays the role of an expert who determines the sincerity of the stories and behavior of the show participants.

This project has attracted the attention of the audience in a short period of time, and has already attracted a couple of high-profile scandals. Both the presenter and Sabina withstand enormous pressure from television viewers. In particular, our heroine is reproached for her excessive temperament and subjectivity.

Personal life of Sabina Pantus

But Sabina Pantus does not like to dedicate the public to her personal life. To the point that it is difficult to say unequivocally whether she currently has a partner. If you know something, write in the comments!

From 100% of the facts, it can be noted that Sabina already has two wonderful sons - Nikita and Danila.

At the same time, there are countless rumors about her personal affairs. Quite predictably, the yellow press more than once filled with headlines about our heroine’s alleged affair with Dmitry Shepelev.

As Sabina herself states, her profession leaves a certain imprint on her personal life, complicating any relationship. Just imagine how difficult it is to live, instantly recognizing even the smallest deception... This ability leads to various troubles.

Psychologist Sabina Pantus and TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev met on the set of a new scandalous project on Channel One, “Actually.” The show has already been criticized by the audience, and the participating stars accused the creators of a setup.

Let us remind you that the singer Danko, the singer Aziza, the son of the late Igor Talkov and the married acting couple Natalya and Ivan Krasko have already complained about the creators of the show “Actually”, where they are tested on a lie detector. They say that the questions are not asked correctly, they are all aimed at shocking and scandalous.

Viewers have already expressed their dissatisfaction with the show's psychologist Sabina Pantus, who, unlike her colleagues, does not need technology to recognize lies from the hero's gestures, phrases and even silence.

The host of the “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” program, Dmitry Dibrov, was convinced of this by inviting Sabina and Dmitry Shepelev to the studio. He admitted that he had never met such people. And I tried to find out something myself about the origin of Pantus.

According to Dibrov, she comes from the Baltic states or Norway. However, Sabina did not indicate her nationality, but noted that she was born and lived part of her life in Baku. Dmitry Shepelev noted that he had been to the capital of Azerbaijan several times and really liked it.

Viewers of this show noted that there is some kind of relationship between Sabina Pantus and Dmitry Shepelev outside the “Actually” studio. During the broadcast of “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire,” he deliberately called the girl “you,” and from time to time she tried to touch him with her hand or shoulder.

Sabina Pantus, among other things, posted a post in defense of Dmitry Shepelev in his scandalous case with Rusfond and Zhanna Friske’s money:

“My opinion regarding Dmitry Shepelev and the accusations against him. I am not a supporter of making such comments, but I am asked about this too often (to be quite honest), and too much has been poured on Dmitry undeservedly. I think the accusations against Dmitry are absolutely groundless. Regarding Rusfond's money, he is honest. He is an adequate and normal person. He is a wonderful father and loves his son very much. I have everything! This post is intended for those who want to understand how it really was, and not just like that, without parsing pouring...".

#answer to a popular question My opinion regarding Dmitry Shepelev and the accusations against him. I’m not a supporter of making such comments, but I get asked about this too often (to be honest), and too much???? poured on Dmitry undeservedly. I consider the accusations against Dmitry to be absolutely unfounded. Regarding Rusfond's money, he is honest. He is an adequate and normal person. He is a wonderful father and loves his son very much. That's all I wanted to say! This post is intended for those who want to understand how it really was, and not just pour indiscriminately???? #opinion #Dmitry Shepelev #SabinaPantus #enough for today