Survive without money and housing. How to survive without a permanent job and money

With money we can buy whatever we wantbut because of them we do not see that we need much less.

The people we will tell you about today, the financial crisis is not a hindrance. They are not interested in raising food prices, depreciating the ruble, and even paying utility bills. All because they live completely without money.

How did they do it? They do not lead an immoral lifestyle, but are ordinary people who were once born in one of the world's major cities. They write books and make films about them. Each of them is sure that after giving up money, a new unexpected view of the world appears.

So, here are the heroes who were not afraid to “go against the system”:

Mark Boyle, 34, Ireland

Mark concluded that "money keeps us away from action." He was greatly influenced by the documentary about Mahatma Gandhi and his judgment that "a person must himself become the change that he wants to see in the world."

In 2001, together with a friend, he created his own project - the Freeconomy community. Today this community has more than 25 thousand people from all over the world who share their experience within the framework of the project “Man without money. Live a year without money.

Mark moved to live in a van, which is parked near the farm. There he works three times a week for free, growing vegetables.

Mark provides services in exchange for things, which provides funds for the Internet and incidental expenses. He maintains his own blog and a column in a popular newspaper, where he talks about how to build houses and travel with virtually no money. He wrote a book about his experience.

Daniel "Suelo" James Shellabarger, 52, America

Daniel began to look for new values ​​after spiritual crisis. Quit his job, hitchhiked, wandered around India, converted to Buddhism. In the fall of 2000, he left all the cash in phone booth and has not spent or earned a single dollar since.

It mainly lives in a cave near the city of Moab, Utah, but often wanders, sleeping in fields, gardens, parks, abandoned houses, barns or farms. It feeds on what it finds: pasture, fish caught, animals knocked down on the road, leftovers in restaurants, waste from garbage containers. Its diet includes beetles, grasshoppers, ants, termites, snakes, lizards, pigeons, squirrels.

Daniel does not have a wife and children, but he has parents, relatives and friends, he often travels in company by hitchhiking or on a bicycle, looks after the empty houses of acquaintances in their absence. Adheres to the philosophy of freegans: take what people freely give or environment. Daniel does not encourage everyone to live like him, but actively promotes Moneyless World (A world without money) on his personal blog and website, thanks to which he has a large following. In 2012, a book about the life and philosophy of Daniel Suelo, The Man Who Threw Money, was published.

Heidemarie Schwermer, 71, Germany

Heidemarie has been living without money for almost 20 years. She used to work school teacher, then trained as a psychotherapist, raised two daughters. In 1994, while working as a psychotherapist in Dortmund, Schwermer noticed that many of her patients' problems were related to money.

She came up with the "Give and Take" exchange network, encouraging people to mutually help each other and exchange things. In 1996, she gave away all her property, left rented apartment and set off to roam with a small suitcase on wheels.

Since then, she has been living off the kindness of the people around her: passers-by give her glasses, mobile phones, socks, the doctor gives her medicines for free, friends or people who need to look after the empty house provide accommodation for the night. In response, he gives consultations in the field of psychiatry, washes windows, and helps with the housework. Her model of life without money gained particular popularity during the financial crisis: people from all over Europe listened to her lectures, read books. The German became a heroine documentary film and wrote an autobiography, The Experiment of Money from the Sky. My life without money”, which was also translated into Russian.

Sergei Balovin, 30 years old, Voronezh

As part of an experiment, at the end of 2012, Sergey started the Natural Exchange project, and since then he has very rarely received money. The artist paints portraits of the most different people, and in return they give him everything they can: one - breakfast in a cafe, the other - mobile phone, the third is a plane ticket.

Sergei was born in Voronezh, but soon moved from there to China, where he lives for six months, and the rest of the time he travels the world without a penny in his pocket. For 1.5 years, the artist traveled to 36 countries, visited Europe, Asia and South America. Food, housing, transport, tickets to museums and even clothes - all this Sergey received in exchange for portraits from strangers. He claims that he not only has enough to live on, but even has to re-gift things.

His project “Around the World Without a Wallet” became a continuation of the “In-Kind Exchange”, which the artist has been running for three years already: during this time, he painted about 5,000 faces and received even more various gifts. Sergey maintains his own blog “Property without money”.

Tomi Astikainen, 52, Finland

He has provided training in the field of organization and management and led seminars in different countries. He first tried to go without money in 2009 at the age of 28. He liked the experiment and grew into a lifestyle: since July 2010, Tommy has been traveling penniless in Europe, Central and South America with his girlfriend, talking about adventures in a blog and books.

His lifestyle is hitchhiking, freeganism and universal love: the more you give to people, the more universe cares for you. Tommy distributes his books for free, urging people to break the system and create an ideal society based on cooperation and selflessness.

“We were born in a moneyless world. Money did not exist anywhere in nature. It's just an agreement between people. It is unnatural and ceases to exist without us. You need to start building relationships anew: do not expect anything in return when you help others. It is a utopia to assume that we can exploit this planet and each other, as we do now, without serious consequences.” published

I ended up on the street against my will. I don’t drink, I have an aversion to alcoholic drinks on a physiological level, it’s just that someone there, in Kamchatka, registered me as dead and seized my right to an apartment as soon as I left the city for a while.

I also lost my documents. When, during my detention in 2004, the police took away my passport, recognizing it as allegedly invalid or expired (I no longer remember the exact wording), I still had a military ID in my hands. Once, while waiting for the train, I ran into tipsy guest workers, who for some reason thought that I had money. Their instincts deceived them, but after the skirmish I didn't even have a military ID. Together with the documents, I lost the opportunity to work and live normally: without papers in our country it is impossible to find even temporary work, and a trip to the store for bread may turn into another detention (well, if for an hour or two, until they establish that I am not on the wanted list).

In the summer of 2010, photographs of Viktor's home and his story appeared on Russian blogs. Photo: torpedonov

I ended up in Moscow without documents, without a job, without a roof over my head, and most importantly - without any hope. Lived where necessary. It happened for several weeks to spend the night with watchmen, in construction cabins. With the onset of cold weather, I began to apply for help to various organizations - state, municipal, public, purely charitable - I did not want to stay outside in winter at all. But government officials best case they said that they could not help me in any way, that I had to go to my place in Kamchatka and achieve everything there. At worst, they offered the option of imprisonment for a short period (from a month) in the receiver, where they would give me some insignificant piece of paper. Or up to a couple of years in prison, where, according to them, they will certainly restore my documents. Municipal organizations, in order to attach me at least to a rooming house for the homeless, documentary evidence was required that I had ever been registered in Moscow. Charity organisations could help with food - for example, cereals, which I had nowhere to cook. But more often, they also shrugged their shoulders or told them a place where a couple of times a week you can accept a hot dinner from them as a gift. These meals are separate story: if you stand for a minute next to the homeless who have not washed for a long time, all the clothes will have to be washed and boiled, and if there is no way to wash, then throw them away, because lice are guaranteed to start in the clothes. Thus, I was not in a position to accept this hot lunch as a gift: I could not throw away my clothes after each dinner.

The last place I visited was the regular committee social protection. There I received the same answer: “We can’t do anything: you are not a Muscovite.” From that moment on, in order to feed myself, I began to beg. What I was served was only enough for food and hygiene, nothing else. Time after time I stayed outside for the night. I spent the night in the entrances, where you can sleep for 3-4 hours at best. It got to the point that, waking up, I thought for a long time where exactly I woke up today. It was still possible to collect food, but without sleep, the body began to give up rapidly. There was only one way I could ensure myself the opportunity to sleep - to go to a place where there were no people at all. In the spring of 2008, near death from exhaustion, I went into the woods. It was dangerous for my health to return to society, and I was determined to become a hermit. Built in the forest, a cozy, but fragile hut that required enhanced heating, became my first home. She allowed me to hide as far as possible from the settlements and save my life. So I lived for almost two years, all this time I made contact with people only occasionally - in order to find food.

In the forest, I learned to use 100% of the functions of a mobile phone: I downloaded books, programs, reference materials. I gradually mastered the HTML language used to create pages on the Internet, and I had the idea to make my own website. It is impossible to get through to the press, or to television, or to any authorities, as I learned the hard way, even if you have to die on their doorstep. The Internet cannot be limited. This is the only chance for a person who needs help to express himself.

To charge a mobile phone, Victor invented his own power plant from a motor and bicycle parts. Photo: torpedonov

In June 2010, I created a WAP site and started keeping a diary. After a month and a half, traffic to the practically toy site grew in a way that I could not even expect. Many people began to help me: someone put small funds on the balance of my mobile phone, some met with me and handed over help personally. There were also those who wished to take possession of the crumbs that people gave me. My hut was looted by marauders, all the property was gone. However, this time I did not have to wander around the porches: now they knew about me a large number of people, among whom were those who sheltered me.

Shelter and food are the main things a person needs from a physical point of view. Confidence in tomorrow, safety - support its psychological essence.

Modern market realities gave a lot to someone, literally everything was taken away from others. How to make it so that lack of money turns from a burning problem into an incentive to get everything you need in a different legal way? How to live without money?

The time after the crisis shook the financial situation of many citizens, some of them were forced to borrow money, and so they were mired in debt pits. It is easy for a person without a job to become depressed. If there is no fortitude, you can lie on the couch for years, turning into an eternally complaining creature on the “neck” of elderly parents or more successful relatives.

Lazy people, confident that everyone around them owe them, are not uncommon. But there are enough positive-minded citizens as well. In fact, there are many ways to ensure an acceptable existence.

Life in the city

You can get clothes, earn money for food with the help of the church. Most parishioners who regularly attend church bring there unwanted clothes and shoes. Turning to the ministers, ask about the possibility of obtaining such things. Often these are, without exaggeration, mountains of children's knitwear, a full adult assortment, even an upper wardrobe. There are cases when ministers asked parishioners to suspend such donations due to problems with storage.

In religious organizations there are days of free distribution of food to those in need. For a while, you can become a novice and, for your daily bread, carry out assignments for landscaping and cleaning.

Housing and communal services of large cities often invite everyone who wants to work temporarily. We have to clean parks, beaches, clean yards. It is convenient that labor is paid daily, and almost no documents are required for employment.

Volunteering is also interesting. Volunteers are not paid money, but they are fed and even paid for travel to the place of activity. Volunteers are needed in reserves, national parks, archaeological expeditions.

Barter exchange is very popular. There are entire social networks within one locality, whose main activity is aimed at exchanging the necessary things for some users for those that have become unnecessary for others. Through the Internet, people communicate, find out the needs of each other and offer something in return. So, you can exchange your husband’s old shoes for washing powder and personal hygiene items, a coat - for a stroller, books - for food for a baby. On such sites, a heading is often created: "I will accept as a gift." Asking for tickets for a trip to the sea, of course, is not worth it. But you can definitely get a bedside table or a set of old pots.

People do not realize how many people who need a little daily help live next to them. If you put up a sign in your driveway: “In exchange for 2 servings of soup, I will look after your child,” most likely, by the evening you will receive several offers.

Village life

It's even easier here. Our ancestors lived at the expense of a natural product. From attachments: heavy physical work. Whoever works hard on the land is able to feed not only himself, but also numerous offspring. It is worth recalling the stories of elderly relatives about the difficult, but happy life in their childhood. Getting up early, caring for plantings and livestock, harvesting and processing it into preparations for the winter did not leave free time, but there was more than enough health. Instead of sweets, they ate dried berries and fruits, prepared juices and tinctures, and drank nutritious and healthy herbal teas all year round.

The same barter in the village is very possible. City dwellers are not averse to getting environmentally friendly pure product(vegetables, berries, mushrooms, meat and dairy products) in exchange for anything.

How do people live with a bunch of debts with no money at all?

Again, let us recall the experience of our ancestors. One person from the family stood out (sometimes it was the eldest child), who was sent to a neighboring village (village, town) to work. People worked as nannies, servants, housekeepers. They were supported by the employer, in addition, he paid a small amount of money for the work, which was immediately forwarded to the family.

Today, there are also prosperous areas in terms of getting a job. People with construction specialties and cooks are often in demand. It is easier for employers to take a person from the periphery and pay him small, by his standards, money. But to the workers who came to work, they may seem like real wealth.

How to live without housing and the ability to buy it?

Left homeless, you can turn to the same church for help. It is permissible to become a novice in a monastery for a certain period of time, not forever. However, you will have to strictly observe the charter and work hard.

Often large country farms do not have enough workers. Drivers, machine operators, builders, agricultural workers, teachers are required. Administrations are considering admission new family provide her with housing from the funds of the settlement.

How can a woman live with a small child without money?

There are benefits, subsidies, social support. Go to the center of social protection, find out all your options and do not delay with registration. different regions pay small monthly amounts, or provide a one-time assistance.

How to be a mother with two children without financial support?

  1. Take advantage of benefits and compensation. For example, compensation from maternity capital is used once a year. This is about 20,000 rubles.
  2. Feel free to ask your friends for help. People are merciful. Use every opportunity to earn extra money while a neighbor, for example, looks after the children.
  3. In a hopeless situation, go to the "people's representatives". There are cases when deputies really helped mothers in obtaining social guarantees (jobs, even housing), covering this event.

Since our country entered the phase of a market economy, money has become literally everything for many people. Indeed, in our everyday reality it is not very clear how to live without money. Is it possible? Is it necessary to live like this?

Why is money needed?

The first thing that comes to mind is the need for food and shelter. Providing physiological needs and security needs is, according to the famous American psychologist Maslow, the main thing for any person. So, first of all, money is needed to pay for food, clothes, rent (or pay utility bills).

The importance of finance in our life is not limited to this. After all, we are used to using a certain kind of goods and services that make life more convenient, interesting and richer. You have to pay for everything, because the people who worked for us want to receive adequate compensation for their efforts.

Forced lack of money

Poverty in Russia is still one of the most pressing problems. Many people, for various reasons, left without shelter and livelihood, every day have to look for an answer to the question "how to live without money and housing." Sometimes they have to spend the night under open sky and live on alms. Because of this, in the winter, many die from frostbite. There are shelters for the homeless and social hotels, but they are not able to accept all those in need. However, if a person who finds himself in a difficult life situation, has not yet lost its human appearance and does not experience problems with socialization, there are worthy ways out.

Religious organizations

Many religious organizations provide assistance to people deprived of food and shelter. In addition to regular actions, in which church ministers feed the homeless and give them clothes collected by parishioners, there is also the opportunity to become a novice of a monastery. The abode can be found in almost any area. You will have to strictly observe its charter and work with other monks, but the monastery will take care of daily bread and lodging for the night. At the same time, a novice is often not obliged to take on any long-term obligations and has the right to stop serving at any time of his own free will. Devoting oneself to religion is one of the active ways to live without money.


There are a number of areas in which it is traditional to accept the help of volunteers. Such employees do not receive payment for their work, but they are not required to pay for food and stay. It is worth choosing such a job not only because it is a good option for how to live without money, but also because it is an opportunity to go where you have not been before and see what you have never seen. Volunteers are often required by various nature reserves and national parks for cleaning areas, observing animals or caring for them.

Sometimes volunteers are required for expeditions or archaeological research. Before deciding to participate in a volunteer project, you should familiarize yourself with the conditions: not all organizations are ready to feed volunteers or pay for their transportation.


You can pay for your immediate needs, not using money, but offering your own labor or the finished results of your activities. This technology is called barter and also allows you to live without money. The principle of barter is very simple: "you - to me, I - to you." There are several conditions that allow you to arrange your life with the help of natural exchange. For example, things will go faster if the result of the activity is some finished product.

For a woodcarver, this is a finished product, for a cook, a dish, for a lumberjack, firewood, but if we are talking about such an occupation as testing software, then it seems almost impossible to get a reward for it by barter. It is also desirable that the consumer of services and their performer are not separated by long distances. Among the neighbors, this is easier to solve - you brought me some water, I have three liters of milk for this. But if we live in neighboring villages, then the situation becomes more complicated, and if in different cities, the transaction becomes impossible.

Also, the barter scheme stalls where unequal exchanges are required. For example, one participant in a transaction produces an expensive product in limited quantities and receives not so much of it, moreover, once or twice a year, while he himself needs small portions of products and services regularly, and from different specialists. Now the matter has moved dead center- barter clubs appear, where whole chains of barter exchange are created. The object of barter can be not only the result of one's own labor, but also simply unnecessary in this moment things much needed by someone else. The development of barter exchanges in many major cities also says that every day everything more people find ways to live without money at all.

How do people live without money

To date, the general public knows people who can be taken as the standard of how to live without money.

Heidemarie Schwermer lives in Germany, she has existed outside the exchange of monetary units for more than 17 years. You should not think that while doing this she begs or sleeps at bus stops, because the refusal of money was her own conscious choice. Starting with some kind of social network for the exchange of goods and services, she came to the conclusion that she can get everything necessary for life for free. Providing her services in exchange for food and housing, a woman not only lives in clover, but can also afford to travel. By promoting his concept and world view, Heidemarie Schwermer finds more and more supporters who want to choose a life without money, both in Germany and abroad. Inspired by her positive experience, in 2003 she wrote a book in currently translated into many languages.

Away from civilization

Another world-famous person who knows from his own experience how to live without money is the American Daniel Suelo. True, he not only refused to exchange coins and banknotes, but also said “no” to the entire consumer society, so actively promoted by his homeland. At 53, he went to live in a cave, located near the city of Moab in Utah. In addition to money, Suelo decided to refuse barter, any handouts from the state or charitable organizations, leaving for himself only what is given for free or thrown away. The roots of his choice turned out to be more religious than social. Following the Sermon on the Mount of Jesus, he made a vow for himself to live only by his grace and what nature gives. In addition, living according to the laws of the civilized world, he experienced unbearable suffering, which ceased immediately in his new life. The fate of Daniel Suelo also excites the minds and has already inspired the writer Marc Sandin to dedicate his book The Man Who Threw Money to him.

Is poverty stylish?

All those who are not obsessed with the idea of ​​“how to live without money”, but at the same time would like to save significantly without lowering their standard of living, and maybe even raising it, will certainly be interested in the book “The Art of Stylish Poverty. How to become rich without money, written by Alexander von Schonburg. The author, in essence, calls to be content with little and reconsider their needs in the interests of the budget. If for a moment you leave the usual cycle of affairs, sit down and calmly think, then many expenses and expenses will seem unnecessary, and things that require significant investment will not be worth it.

In fact, there are many cheaper ways to prove to yourself and others that you are worth something than to decorate yourself with newfangled gadgets or dress in latest fashion. And visiting expensive and prestigious establishments can be replaced by a walk in the park or a picnic in the bosom of nature.

Moneyless wanderings

Our needs are not limited to "bread alone". As soon as life is more or less arranged, there is a need for new impressions and sensations. It turns out that they are sometimes available to everyone absolutely free. There is a stereotype that when it comes to travel, especially to distant and exotic countries, then you cannot do without hitting the budget. Indeed, the issuance of visas, insurance, transport services, hotels, excursions and entertainment - how to approach this without an impressive amount of money? The well-known traveler Anton Krotov has been telling and writing about this for many years directly and indirectly. From 1995 to this day, his books about travels in Russia and abroad have been published. Distinctive feature his travels is what they require minimum amount money. The fact is that he makes extensive use of "hitchhiking", that is, a voluntary desire to give him a ride that arises in people following in the same direction. This spontaneous movement arose, apparently, with the advent of roads and Vehicle.

If a person stands on the side of the road and raises his hand, then, regardless of the language adopted in a given country, it becomes more or less clear to the driver that the wanderer needs to move in this direction, and he asks for help with this.

This way of moving seems hopelessly outdated or completely fantastic to the modern resident of the metropolis. Nevertheless, the fact remains - "hitchhikers" travel to this day, sometimes overcoming more than a thousand kilometers in a day. Often, a good-natured driver is ready not only to give a lift to the sufferer, but also to feed him, and sometimes even provide accommodation in a spacious truck cab. You can travel in this way not only in Russia, but also abroad. All you need is a basic knowledge of the language Required documents and a foreign passport. In the design of all kinds of papers, penniless travelers have become adept over the years and generously share their advice in thematic communities.

Getting money

It happens that life without money is not a voluntary choice, but only a forced state. A person would be happy to earn extra money, but does not know how to do it. In this case, there are also options:

  • register with the labor exchange;
  • go to a seasonal/temporary job;
  • find an occupation that does not require education, experience or skills;
  • run your own business.

Let's take a closer look at each of them. The labor exchange accepts applicants with documents. You will need a passport with a permanent residence permit and education documents, if any. The benefit of the employment service is not only in finding a job, but also in registering as unemployed, which entails the assignment of benefits paid monthly. Also, if you cannot find a suitable vacancy, there is a chance to take retraining courses for free and master a new specialty. Sometimes businesses hire temporary workers to replace long-term employees on long-term leave. It could be in a good way replenish your budget, as well as establish yourself in a new team - it is possible that at the end of the contract there will be a place for a valuable shot.

There are also professions that do not require experience or any specific skills. These are posters of announcements, promoters, loaders / packers, security guards and so on. God knows what kind of work, but in a difficult life situation, you can agree to it.

Own business? This is the way out!

If you managed to register as unemployed, then there is one more interesting opportunity: get busy entrepreneurial activity. In other words, start your own business. The employment service will be able to provide significant assistance in this: teach the basics of running your own business, help you deal with paperwork, and even provide financial assistance if the applicant draws up a competent business plan. This is far from complete list options where to get money, perhaps, after thinking, you yourself can supplement it.

Summing up

In conclusion, a very simple conclusion suggests itself: no matter what situation you have to get into, the main thing is not to lose optimism and the mood to overcome all obstacles. Then the lack of money can not only survive, but also turn in your favor.

The consequences of the next economic crisis make us think about saving finances. How to live without money when the salary is low, how to live without a job - in fact, there is more than one way out: for example, you can use free services or resort to barter exchange, there are always ways. Such options, which are actively developing today, allow predicament organize a life without money for a while.

What to do if you don't have enough money to live

It is clear and known that anyone can live with finances, and learning how to live without money is a real art. Many constantly find themselves in a situation: they just received a salary, and a week later it is gone. The reason is often the inability to save, regardless of education: a person is not able to improve his financial situation and continues to be large sums debts.

First of all, you need to learn how to manage your own finances, treat your money responsibly, start spending less than you earn. Each major purchase should be thought out for the need to purchase and, moreover, at the expense of credit resources. It is important for an unforeseen life event to create a financial safety cushion for a rainy day.

For solutions problem situation There are key approaches:

  • find an opportunity and ways to live on a small salary, organizing life within your means;
  • find additional income;
  • enjoy free assistance and services.

Budget planning

Lack of money for Everyday life has become the scourge of modernity. What to do if there are not enough funds, and there is a shortage all the time? It is necessary to change the manner of behavior and, above all, the way of consumption. To get out of a situation of lack of finances and permanent debts, the basic rule should be the understanding that it is forbidden to spend more than you receive.

To organize the management of expenses within the limits of income, it is necessary to take into account all financial items. All income and expenses must be recorded. This helps to be disciplined in matters of expenses, understand the cost structure, find ways to save money, plan not only regular cost items, but also large acquisitions, taking into account financial forecast for the future.

Living on income should become a life paradigm: do not buy things beyond your means, even if your savings allow you to do so. It is necessary to adequately evaluate the ratio of own income and consumption, on the basis of which it is possible to reasonably plan the costs incurred. For example, for significant material purchases, the cost should be approximately:

  • mobile phone– up to 40% of monthly income;
  • automobile- price new car be within the annual income;
  • housing– the cost is limited to six annual salaries.


housing expenses, public utilities constitute a significant part of the total spending. In the case of renting an apartment, such a fee can be reduced by refusing to rent individual housing, start looking for accommodation, combining it with caring for people in need of third-party care, or with security, looking after the housing itself. Services of this kind are often required. In addition, there are options for finding work with the provision of housing.

It is realistic and affordable to achieve a reduction in the cost of housing and communal services. Save on electricity will help:

  • replacement of old incandescent lamps with energy-saving ones with a longer service life and significantly lower energy consumption;
  • the use of local lighting (lamps) without the need to use general lighting;
  • switching devices (computers) to standby mode.

Reduce water consumption costs it is possible not only by installing a meter, but also by household ways:

  • replace rotary taps with lever switches;
  • do not open the tap at full power;
  • take a shower instead of a bath;
  • promptly eliminate the leakage of water from the toilet bowl.

Speaking of savings on gas bills, for their reduction it is necessary:

  • put counters;
  • make sure that when cooking, the height of the flame does not exceed the bottom of the pan;
  • note that when the bottom of the dish is deformed, the gas consumption increases by half.


Saving on food does not mean infringing on your diet. In order to save money on this expense item, you must abandon catering services and cook on your own. When purchasing products, give priority to natural, healthy, necessary products, without frills, excluding semi-finished products, expensive and unhealthy. Try to buy seasonal products at cheap prices, preserve fruits and vegetables for the winter. Significant savings are provided by purchases at a discount in wholesale warehouses and sales, during shopping special promotions.

Search for additional sources of income

good option to replenish your budget for both the employed and the unemployed will be the search for ways to earn extra money. There are many options to choose from:

  • Earnings on the Internet(participation in paid surveys, typing and writing texts, training foreign language and translations, work as a coordinator-dispatcher, website development).
  • Taxi driver services(if you have a car).
  • Domestic services (cleaning, repairs, services of a nurse, cook, courier, nanny, janitor, gardener).
  • Using a hobby as a profitable occupation(sewing, knitting, manicure, make-up, haircut-styling).
  • Posting newspapers, posting ads.
  • Network marketing(seller of cosmetics).
  • Collection of medicinal herbs for sale.
  • Applying to the labor exchange, there are always vacancies for seasonal work.

How to survive without money and work

There are many people who, having found themselves in a difficult situation, found themselves without a source of income, proved that it is possible to live without money, that well-being does not depend on money, but on human relations. These are not natives of African tribes, but ordinary civilized people who find themselves without finances. Freegans, hippies, wild travelers, members of religious communities, and others who were left without money or deliberately forfeited it, have found their own ways to live without money.

Downshifting in Russia

To live for oneself, to give up other people's desires - such an ideology is becoming popular not only in the world, but also in our country. Downshifting manifests itself in different ways, but all options are united by a common desire to abandon the generally accepted wealth. For all life circumstances (change of outlook, personal problems, professional or financial crisis) people who for a while, and who for life go on a trip to other countries or the Russian hinterland. There they often join religious groups, live in communes, find like-minded people.

Subsistence farming

In all periods of crisis, a vegetable garden at their summer cottage, their own farm in the village helped to survive. For many, especially retirees, growing own vegetables serves as the main source of food. Being engaged in gardening seriously, and not for fun, you can fully supply your family with vegetables, herbs, berries, fruits for the summer and preparations for the whole winter and earn more money from it by selling the fruits of your own labor.

Charity organisations

Religious help

Seek help from the parish effective way get help for a long time. In addition to doing simple physical work, you can also get support from parishioners with things there. It is possible to appeal to representatives of other faiths. For example, Hare Krishnas are ready, without any documents, to accept and feed homeless people who find themselves in a difficult situation and are looking for options on how to live without money.


It is hard to do without finance, but the number of ways to survive with the development of communications is increasing, offering many new outlets. One of the simplest and most affordable is natural exchange. Gaining popularity in in social networks barter will help you exchange for food, food, things that are not used but in good condition, or your ability to perform some kind of service, work. In addition, this is a good way to rid yourself of unnecessary items.

What to do if there is no money for food

The concept of "money is over" is different for everyone. Someone does not have enough for utility bills, someone for gasoline, and for some the phrase sounds like a sentence, especially if the woman is alone with the child: there is no money even for food, that is, for basic needs. You can resort to urgent help by applying for a loan from a bank, a microfinance organization or friends, but if they were refused everywhere, you need to look for other options.

Work for food

In an affordable way You can earn food in shops, cafes, providing the services of a loader, a cleaner, or negotiate with the administration so that they give you expired products that are simply being prepared for disposal. You can go to a monastery, work at jobs that do not require special skills, work there at weeding the garden, cleaning the premises, on the farm, working out your modest food and housing - become a laborer.

Participation in the volunteer movement

Volunteer programs are generally open to everyone, but specific projects may have their own restrictive requirements and it is desirable to have certain professional experience to participate. However, in Russia the volunteer movement is gaining more and more activity, and there will always be suggestions about the need for unskilled and voluntary assistance to people and animals, natural landscapes and cultural property where you can choose a program that suits you. At the same time, one must understand what harshness of life awaits a volunteer.

How to live up to a paycheck without money

Do without new acquisitions, give up entertainment and transfer from the car to public transport this is easily solved, but food purchases are indispensable. In order to stretch a week or two before the salary, you need to have several safety options, how and where to get money until the next salary - if one does not work, you must have in reserve to turn to another method, use it wisely.


This is the easiest way to get cash. It is wiser and more profitable to turn to relatives, close friends, from whom you can borrow money without interest and without strict repayment terms. The standard, but more costly way is to get a loan at interest from a bank or a loan from a microfinance organization using the “quick money” option with a simplified loan procedure.

Use the services of a pawnshop

The pawnshop network is commonplace, and going to a pawn shop is not uncommon. The delivery of jewelry, equipment to receive money can help many with finances before the salary, but before using the service and signing the contract, you must carefully read all the terms of the service so as not to say goodbye to your value later.

Ask for an advance at work

Among all the options, this method the most profitable and economical in terms of additional costs for paying interest. If it is not abused, then the manager, as a rule, goes to meet the employee, especially if the employee is in good standing, does not violate labor discipline, and the boss is interested in him as a qualified specialist.

Become a donor

If you do not suffer from anemia, you have a healthy body, there are no jumps blood pressure, then donation will be a good option for you to replenish the budget. Donating blood is practiced in our time, as before. At one time, donors were given compensation payments with a food package, but the system caused a lot of discontent and an outflow of participants, and modern donors were returned to their previous monetary reward.

How to live a month without money

Left without funds, all thoughts and actions should be directed to how to make money and where to get money. Possible ways:

  • sell any of the things Appliances, books, collectibles, jewelry). Perhaps second-hand stores will accept your items for a small fee;
  • apply to social organizations for help;
  • rent a corner, a room or the whole apartment for a while;
  • find additional work.

Find a job online

If the Internet is available to you, then the path to earning is open. There are many different interesting views activities:

  • sell the works of their creativity;
  • write custom articles, stories;
  • engage in website design;
  • translate texts;
  • work as a telephone line operator, etc.

Make a hobby a source of income

While pursuing your favorite hobby, you can think about how the hobby can start to generate income. You cook deliciously - become a cook at home, know how to make beautiful hairstyles - expand the circle of clients on the recommendations of your friends, write short stories - try your hand as a copywriter. If you think about it, everyone has an occupation that can also bring a successful financial result, monetary gain.

Take advantage of free services

When looking for ways to live without money, there is the option of legally using services that you don't have to pay for. For example, models are often required in training centers for hairdressers and makeup artists. You can upgrade without spending a dime household chemicals and cosmetics, taking advantage of offers to participate in product testing, and the manufacturer pays for the transfer of the tested person.

Retail chains often hold presentations of products that can be tasted in sufficient quantities. Payment for the Internet can be replaced by the use of free communication in public places. The use of accumulative cards when shopping is beneficial by accumulating bonuses for subsequent payment for goods. You can find a way out and really, the main thing is not to panic and not get used to this situation.
