Tatyana Lazareva and Mikhail Schatz no longer live together. Mikhail Shats and Tatyana Lazareva: the path to success and leaving TV This whole story did not deter you from the struggle

Published on 28.09.18 16:57

The TV presenter frankly answered the questions of the director general of the Dozhd TV channel.

The famous TV presenter and showman Mikhail Shats visited the shooting of an interview with Natalia Sindeeva on the Dozhd channel and spoke about his relationship with his wife, Tatyana Lazareva, about leaving TV and his plans for the future.

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In a conversation with the general director of the TV channel, he emphasized that he did not part with Tatyana, although their family life really changed a lot - the wife and her youngest daughter now live in Spain, and Mikhail remained in Moscow.

"Tanya wants intcbatch live there... I want to live here because I'm more comfortable with the dynamism of this city. Some of the opportunities it provides. I'm bored there," Schatz said.

According to the celebrity, serious changes in their lives with Tatyana began after they lost their jobs.

"It was both business and creativity. All together. It held us together. And then it all collapsed. And we were left each with the feeling that something needed to be changed, and something new had to be done. In this sense, each of us decided to do something different," he explained.

Schatz explained that after a hard dismissal from channel STS there was a "emptiness" in his life, which he first partially closed with work on the NTV + channel. Then he went to the Olympics, and upon his return, "Ukraine began", after which he "got deafened on the head" for a post on Facebook.

For all the time after his dismissal, he received only two job offers - from the now serving ex-governor Kirov region Nikita Belykh and editor-in-chief of the radio station "Echo of Moscow" Alexei Venediktov. According to Michael, he is immensely grateful to them for this. However, Schatz rejected both proposals, since both options were "from the category not for us."

Mikhail also recalled his recent meeting with Sergei Svetlakov, because of which he had a "last burnout" of his "painful passion" associated with returning to television. According to him, not so long ago, the STS channel decided to return to its air the show "Thank God you have come!", The host of which Shatz was 4 years old. According to him, his last name is not mentioned anywhere in the updated release, which, of course, greatly offended the TV presenter.

“I’m flying out of Sheremetyevo and suddenly I meet Svetlakov at the door (one of the producers of the show“ Thank God you came! ”- ed.). We greeted and even hugged. He says: “Mish, I have long wanted to call you - I didn’t have a phone.” I answered him: “Well, what are you talking about!” I dictate the phone. He dials me, and “Mikhail Schatz” is displayed,” he recalls.

TV presenter Mikhail Shats left the STS channel. He himself said this on your Facebook page by attaching a photo work book and signed: "Free with a clear conscience." Following her husband, Tatyana Lazareva also left the TV channel.

Schatz's wife, who hosted the Good Jokes program with him, wrote on her social media page: "Two middle-aged unemployed TV presenters, economic, but with bad habits, half Russian, half Jewish, with a Moscow residence permit, burdened with three children, will think about their later life. federal channels Do not offer. We guarantee integrity and cleanliness.

Schatz has been working on the STS channel since 2004. He not only hosted the humorous programs "Good Jokes", "Thank God You Came" and "Random Connections", but was also a producer of special projects.

IN Lately TV presenter took an active part in public life. Together with his wife, Mikhail Shats became a member of the Coordinating Council of the opposition on the general civil list.

The official reason for the dismissal of the TV presenter was the end labor contract. Schatz told the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper: "The TV channel could have extended the contract in a different format, but did not want to. There was no clear and precise understanding of further work. Therefore, I agreed to the proposal not to renew the contract." According to the TV presenter, the dismissal happened, rather, by mutual agreement.

He also stated that he would not link his dismissal with his social activities. "You saw the page of my work book. There is no such wording" dismissed in connection with opposition activities. "And I will not link it," Schatz said in an interview.

Tatyana Lazareva, in turn, told Interfax: “There will be no more my program on STS in the new year. It’s hard to say where I can appear. New Year. Well, what I wrote on Facebook is, of course, largely a joke."

Meanwhile, TV presenter Olga Bakushinskaya, who herself was fired from the TV Center channel not so long ago, writes in her blog that she is not surprised by Schatz's dismissal. According to the TV presenter, it is connected precisely with the social activity of her colleague: "On the one hand, the wording is the same even in our work. On the other hand, all this is sad ... It's a no brainer that Mikhail was fired for opposition activities."

Last December. The reason for this decision was the scandal that erupted around the post of Mikhail Shats on Facebook. The TV presenter accused his colleague of provocation. According to him, Kandelaki discussed with the leadership of the TV channel the participation of Schatz himself and his wife in the filming of "dubious videos" calling on all citizens to join the protests. Then Kandelaki said that a colleague deliberately slandered her.

Well, New Year's and Christmas fireworks have died down, champagne corks and bottles in the trash. I go skiing here with my family, and in France it is customary to sort glass separately from the rest of the garbage, so throwing bottles was an impressive attraction in terms of sound. And now you can try to describe what I am entering 2013 with.

Before the New Year, they asked me what to write about me in the credits for the video about the elections to the PECs, and I last time said I was a TV presenter. Now I don’t even know how to recommend myself - the family program “This Is My Child”, which I hosted on STS, will not be resumed. A little of my opinion about this story.

I’ve been on television for a very long time, God, it’s scary to think, and before my eyes such giants were born and died with my participation, such as “Once a week”, “To spite the records”, “OSP-Studio”, the series “33 square meters”,“ Good jokes ”, not counting the small splashes. And we, the creators of these programs, had a definite opinion on this matter: the program is alive as long as its creators have eyes on fire, as long as we ourselves like to make it. As soon as the inner fire disappeared, the audience's interest was immediately lost, and, accordingly, the numbers fell, as it is now called.

We started when there were no figures yet, and still somehow understood how interesting and loved the show was by the viewer.

By the way, we started when there were no figures yet, and still somehow understood how interesting and loved the show was by the viewer. I remember exactly how we discussed the fading of the OSB Studio and said that it was better to leave beautifully and brightly, on takeoff, so that later there would be something to remember than to drag a project with all our might, from which everyone is already sick, including the creators. The same thing happened with good jokes and our attempt to revive them. It was already boring and uninteresting, I wanted to do something new. And we tried. There was a project "Song of the Day", not fully implemented, which was closed at STS. And even now he would be very personal. Of course, I evaluate it from a subjective point of view, but nevertheless, when you see that the program is still alive and breathing, and you want to do it, there is a chance to pick something else inside, invent it and finish it.

The program [“This is my child”] entered its peak, the team that made it was full of energy and desire, and there were so many who wanted to participate in it.

I will return to the Child. I am absolutely sure that the program reached its peak, the team that made it was full of energy and desire, and how many people wanted to participate in it, I myself know - a lot strangers people still approach me personally, thank me and ask how I can participate. Well, in general, this is what I'm talking about.

It seems completely spontaneous to me that this decision of the channel to no longer buy it from the manufacturer, despite the interest of viewers, sponsors and creators, without even finding something else to replace it - and the place is already promoted, in our TV language this means, that no matter what you put in place of this program, people will automatically turn on and watch TV at this time. What is going to be there? Let's look together.

The same spontaneity happened with the dismissal of Mikhail [Schatz]. Starting in the autumn, he was carefully pushed away from all projects, not letting what had already been filmed on the air and not allowing him to start a new one.

The same spontaneity occurred with the dismissal of Mikhail. He was the producer of the STS channel, that is, he brought some entertainment projects, presented them, and if they were interested in the channel, he helped to produce, supervised and brought to the air. Starting in the autumn, he was carefully pushed away from all projects, not letting what had already been filmed on the air and not allowing him to start a new one. It turned out such a producer without projects. No, one could, of course, stubbornly continue to go to work, receiving a salary and portraying vigorous activity, but he is still a worthy person.

It got ridiculous - the program “Thank God you came”, where he was, as you remember, the host, was closed three days before the start of filming. I can imagine how much money the channel lost on this. Well, so you understand: a studio was rented for three days, scenery was made, texts were written, actors were invited. Can you imagine how much money?

I can't write down the reasons why this is done, not because it's somehow scary and undisclosed, but because it was never clearly voiced. Like, the channel suddenly thought and changed its mind. Nonsense. At the same time, I can’t help but kick my colleague Tina K., whose already completely dead program, with some amazingly low figure, still stretched out for a year and a half extra. Somehow she cunningly divorced everyone there, I also don’t really go into details, how - I’m not interested. Well, in general, some doubts creep in.

Of course, none of the channel's leaders will ever say directly - "THIS IS ALL BECAUSE YOU AND MIKHAIL ENTERED THE COORDINATION COUNCIL OF THE OPPOSITION, AND YOU CAN SUDDENLY JOKE ABOUT PUTIN." It is generally not accepted now - to speak directly. The time is like this, you know - it is not clear how it will all end. The internal weather vane of the authorities froze in anticipation of where to turn. Therefore, by and large, one cannot even say that we quit or were fired, blah blah blah, or even cooler - we are victims of the regime - no, there is no such wording. We just turned out to be unnecessary there with our uncensored jokes and with our inner weather vane. But I will tell you - it is much more important for me to have inner confidence that I am doing something right, or vice versa, I make a mistake, but do not deviate from my principles, than to be afraid of losing my job and the proud title of a TV presenter. After all, I do my dishes well. I won't be without a job.

13:12 29.11.2016

Four years ago when famous TV presenters Tatyana Lazareva and Mikhail Shats were fired from the STS TV channel, everyone understood why this happened, but only a select few knew exactly how the broadcaster got rid of politically unreliable people. In a recent interview with Snob, Tatyana shared the details of that story:

There is, for example, Ivan Urgant, a witty man of great talent. He works on Channel One, jokes permitted jokes. At the same time, he does a lot of real good deeds: he does charity work, tells a multi-million audience what Down syndrome is, and helps the Center for Curative Pedagogics. How do you like this way?

This is the path that, one way or another, everyone chooses. What choice did we have then? I am talking now about a specific time, about the protests of 2012, about the Coordinating Council of the opposition, about all that euphoria. Since we said A, we should have said B, but, unfortunately, B did not work out. It was a dictate of conscience and soul, but not that we had a choice, not that we were told: “Guys, don’t go there, and then you will work on Channel One.” We have never worked on Channel One, that's the point. Ksenia - yes, and she, of course, in this sense has lost even more than we have. Therefore, it is not necessary to say that we “could be like Ivan Urgant”. Well, on the STS channel, we could be like Ivan Urgant. But I say again that at that time no one imagined that it would all end like this. Moreover, Vyacheslav Murugov ( CEO media holding "STS Media". - Approx. ed.) assured us with an oath: “I will be the first to know about this. And you'll be the first person I'll tell if something happens."

- Something - what is it? A go-ahead to remove Schatz and Lazarev from the screen?

Yes. And then they just quietly closed the program “This is my child” under the pretext that it was not rated. And they told Mikhail: “Well, I'm sorry, everything is fine with you, you come to the shooting, only ... there will be no shooting. Also come to work." And he comes to work, and they say to him: “Sign here, please.” This is a termination of the contract. That is absolutely quiet and without excesses. Well, yes, Ivan Urgant is wonderful, he does a lot. But everyone forgets that, generally speaking, there should have been 25 such shows as Urgant. And there should have been five of these shows a week, approximately the same. Then there would be competition, and then no one would say: “Why is Ivan Urgant alone?” This is the same field cleaning, the same asphalt concreting. If not Urgant, then who? That's a cat.

// Photo: Anatoly Lomokhov / PhotoXPress.ru

Tatyana Lazareva and Mikhail Shats were one of the most popular couples Russian television. However, their inherent humor did not save the relationship of the spouses from a break. As it became known, the 51-year-old TV star has been living in Spain for two years, while her husband continues to work in Moscow. In the same place, in sunny Marbella, the common daughter of comedians, 11-year-old Antonina, went to school.

Lazareva thought about moving to the Mediterranean coast for a long time, and having arrived in Spain for a few weeks, she decided to stay forever. The comedian rented an apartment, and, as she herself admitted, housing prices turned out to be much lower than in the Russian capital.

In addition, in Moscow, the TV presenter had nothing left that could keep her from cardinal changes. Perspective job, new proposals for filming - everything turned out to be in the past.

“I make all decisions in the family, I don’t have a job, I won’t find a school that suits me. I'll be better here. All this decision was made, except for Mikhail. It so happened that we live with him for some new life separately,” admitted Lazareva.

The TV presenter is convinced that marriage for life is a relic of the past. Parting with Shatz, Lazareva calls them a new “project”, noting that they still remain close to each other.

“This is such a closeness that you just can’t leave, although you really want to. He has his own story that he likes, I have mine. But we want to be together, and this is a very interesting task, as new project, Tatyana admits. - Terribly interesting to understand what it is? Partner marriage?

In an interview with the YouTube project “What about talking? ..”, the artist also said that she values ​​honesty in her relationship with her husband, first of all. She does not understand why spouses should start relationships on the side if they are not divorced.

“For 20 years there were no novels on the side, I can’t. I believe that one has ended, another has begun. He is decent in this sense too. fair man. I can't lie, I don't see the point in it. If there was something like that, then I would have left both the children and the husband, ”admitted Lazareva.