The best joke for April 1st. The best April Fools' pranks in history - πάπυρος

April Fools' Day has been celebrated in the world for 446 years - ever since the French king Charles IX decided that New Year should start on January 1, and not April 1, as it used to be. Loyal French people congratulated each other on January 1, 1565 on the new year, but they did not forget about the old new year either: on April 1, they exchanged gifts for fun. The custom took root. Over time, the tradition of celebrating April 1st with jokes and pranks spread first to all of continental Europe, and then to Britain. It was here that the French holiday of the "April fish" (the favorite entertainment of the French on this day is to hang a small fish on each other's backs) began to be called April Fool's Day (April Fool's Day) and even indicated on calendars along with Christmas, Easter and other holidays. Now many quite serious citizens, organizations and mass media consider this holiday to be their duty to celebrate.
People are very trusting creatures and are ready to believe anything, even if it sounds like outright nonsense. Many of us take advantage of this and play fun pranks on each other. But it's much more interesting to draw on a scale whole country! I bring to your attention the most successful and interesting april fools who misled gullible citizens into different countries peace.

No one has yet managed to surpass the joke of the French soldiers during the First World War. It happened on April Fool's Day 1915. A French plane flew over the camp of German soldiers and dropped a bomb. The Germans rushed into the loose, but the bomb did not explode. When the frightened soldiers approached her, it was written: "From April 1!".

2. Heated discussions are explosive!

In 1933, the Madison Capital-Times solemnly announced that the Wisconsin government building had been destroyed in a series of mysterious explosions. Their cause seems to have been " a large number of gases generated by long heated discussions in the State Senate. "The accompanying photograph depicted the collapsing Capitol. Many readers were misled, but after it turned out that this was just a joke, their outrage knew no bounds. One reader even wrote that the hoax “was not only tactless and humorless, but also disgusting.” Nevertheless, in 1985, Science Digest magazine named this hoax among the best in history.

Back in 1949, a DJ from one of the New Zealand radio stations announced to fellow citizens that a swarm of vicious wasps was moving towards the city of Auckland. The length of this swarm seemed to be a whole mile. To avoid being bitten, the joker advised people leaving the premises to tuck their trousers into their socks. Interestingly, many employees followed the good advice and violated the office dress code for their own safety. However, the head of the radio prankster reacted to the jokes of his subordinate without understanding: he condemned the hoax on the grounds that it was unsuitable for the media to inform citizens of deliberate lies. Therefore, since then, special propaganda messages have been sent to New Zealand radio stations on April 1, reminding employees that they are obliged to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

4Switzerland Spaghetti Harvest

On April 1, 1957, the BBC broadcast "Panorama" showed a story about a bumper spaghetti harvest in Switzerland. “Switzerland is experiencing an unprecedented spaghetti harvest this year,” said the news anchor, “of course, in this country, spaghetti harvesting does not reach such an industrial scale as in Italy. Many of you have probably seen pictures of the grandiose plantations in the Po Valley. In Switzerland, it's more of a family affair…” The story was accompanied by documentary footage: a family of Swiss farmers unanimously plucks pasta from trees and puts it in baskets. This was followed by many phone calls to the BBC studios in which people were interested in where such trees could be purchased and how to grow them. Thousands of people asked to send pasta seedlings. Particularly inquisitive people expressed surprise that pasta grows vertically, and not horizontally. But most were interested in the question: "How to grow spaghetti trees on your site?". The editors of the TV channel tactfully answered them: “Plant a spaghetti sprout in a jar of tomato sauce and hope for the best.”

5. Swedish color television

In 1962, there was only one TV channel in Sweden and it broadcast exclusively in black and white. On April 1, the channel's technical engineer, Kjell Stensson, appeared on the news and announced new technology, thanks to which viewers will be able to receive a color signal on their old black and white TVs. All they had to do was pull a nylon stocking over the TV screens, which Stensson did on air as an example. Like thousands of people at their screens with him. But in order for the image to appear accurately in color, the head must be held at a certain angle ... As a result, even today you can find Swedes who remember how their grandparents rushed around the shops in search of nylon stockings. The most interesting thing is that real regular color broadcasting appeared in Sweden in 1970, on April 1st.

6. "Son of Nessie"

In 1972, the Loch Ness monster was "found". Moreover, not just found, but pulled ashore and even explored. The fault was an employee of the Yorkshire Zoo, who decided to have some fun. Knowing that his colleagues were going on an expedition to Loch Ness, he had previously thrown into the water the carcass of an elephant seal (a type of seal), which had died at the zoo a few days ago. It should be noted that elephant seals are not found in these places and the people almost never saw them at all, which played an important role in the “joke”. The carcass then surfaced 300 meters from the shore and immediately made a splash among the local population. While the zoo staff was catching her, the news of this spread throughout Britain. The fact that the creature did not look at all like the classic image of the Loch Ness monster did not frighten anyone, on the contrary, he was immediately dubbed the “Son of Nessie.” Scientists took him out, loaded him into a truck and headed to his zoo to “explore”. But, as soon as they left, the locals realized that no one could just pick up their landmark and began to ring the bells. I had to involve the police, who eventually stopped the car and demanded that local experts immediately examine the find. Even prominent scientists had to be called in, who immediately opened their eyes to everyone - this is not a monster at all. A day later, the merry fellow confessed everything.

7. "Metric time"

In 1975, the Australian news program This Day Tonight reported on a planned change to "metric time". Under the new system, there will be 100 seconds (renamed to millidays) in a minute, 100 minutes (centidays) in an hour, and 20 hours (decidneys) in a day. The broadcast included an interview with Deputy Prime Minister De Corcoran, who praised new system. One of the many viewers who believed the hoax called the television to find out how to reset their clocks to the new time. But still, the authors of the best pranks, oddly enough, are employees of the British television and radio company BBC.

8. A grand "event" in the history of astronomy

At the end of March 1976, British astronomer Patrick Moore announced on BBC Radio 2 a "grand event in the history of astronomy." It was reported that on April 1 at 9:47 am, the planet Pluto will pass behind Jupiter, which will lead to a temporary decrease in the strength of the earth's gravity, resulting in the opportunity to experience a feeling of weightlessness for some time. Moore told listeners that if they jumped into the air, just as the alignment was taking place, they might experience a strange floating sensation. Literally a few minutes after the appointed time, the radio station began to receive calls from people who own experience felt the amazing effect of the flight, and one woman even claimed that she soared for several minutes in her room, along with a table and chairs.

9. Republic of San Seriff

In 1977, the British newspaper The Guardian published a special seven-page supplement dedicated to San Serriffe, a small republic consisting of several semi-inhabited islands in the Indian Ocean. A series of articles romantically described beautiful landscapes and unique culture countries. The two main islands were named Upper Caisse and Lower Caisse. One of them was in the form of a dot, the other was a comma. The name of the capital was Bodoni and the leader of the country was General Pica. The newspaper's phones did not stop ringing all day, as readers searched for more information about a great place to stay: how to get to a previously unknown state, how much does a holiday on the islands cost? Few realized that such a country does not really exist, and everything related to this country was named after printed terminology.

10. Iceberg for sale. Retail.

In 1978 (what date is clear) in the harbor of the city of Sydney, Australia, a barge appeared that dragged an iceberg in tow of a medium size. This event was known in advance: Dick Smith, a millionaire and adventurer, had long trumpeted his intention to bring an ice miracle from Antarctica in order to cut cubes from it and sell it to the Australian people for 10 cents apiece. Still the purest product- you can, for example, put it in drinks, as the passengers of the Titanic did immediately after the collision, but before it began to sink. In addition to ordinary lovers of the northern exotic, representatives of the mass media were present at the pier, ready to cover the cut and the subsequent sale. However, a sudden rain revealed the true nature of the iceberg - it was made of Styrofoam and covered with foam, which is usually used for fire extinguishing. Also shaving foam.

11. Electronic clock Big Ben

In 1980, the BBC announced the replacement of the mechanical clocks of the famous Big Ben with electronic ones. Journalists associated this decision of the authorities with the desire to keep up with the times. The British public was horrified. The editorial office received calls with protests. Such an action was regarded as an encroachment on the shrine. However, among the callers were those who would not mind buying parts of the legendary Big Ben. The BBC Japan Service said the clock hands would be sold to the first four listeners who called.

12. Buckingham Palace Guards Helmet Haircut

Soldier magazine reported in 1980 that the bearskin helmets worn by the Irish Guards guarding Buckingham Palace needed regular trimming. As reported in the article, bear skin, even after the death of the animal, retains the original hormone responsible for hair growth. Scientists suggest that the discovery can be used in medical research - especially in solving the problem of baldness. The article cites the words of Major Ursa (Latin for "bear"), who noted that wool begins to grow in the spring, after ordinary bears wake up from hibernation. The photograph showed helmeted guards sitting in an army barbershop. It is noteworthy that the London Daily Express newspaper “fell for the trick”, reprinting the article as a real story.

13. Jaws. Now in Michigan.

In 1981, the Herald-News of the American city of Roscommon, Michigan informed the population that the home state had been chosen by biologists for a strange experiment. The experiment was as follows: freshwater sharks were launched into 3 lakes in northern Michigan in order to be able to study their habits in a limited space (apparently, this was not easy to do in the endless ocean). There were not many, not a few, 2 thousand sharks, and some species are quite dangerous and voracious. The main goal of the experiment was to determine whether sharks could survive in harsh climate State of Michigan, and the federal government allegedly allocated $1,300,000 to satisfy scientific curiosity. The newspaper quoted a spokesman for the National Biological Association as suggesting that sharks would significantly reduce the number of fish in the lakes, since each of them can freely eat 20 pounds of fish a day, and this is far from the limit. State officials protested the impact on fisheries and the environment, but the government, as you might guess, ignored the complaint. Moreover, the newspaper wrote, the fishermen were banned from catching sharks and generally infringing on their rights. After the publication, the Herald-News editors received a huge number of letters from angry residents of Michigan on the topic “sharks no pasaran!”.

14. Bra as a source of interference

In 1982, the Daily Mail reported that 10,000 bras were on sale, which could cause numerous problems for the nation. Allegedly, the “bones” of such bras were made not from ordinary wire, but from copper, and it was originally developed for use in the design of a fire alarm. Such a wire, heated by bodily heat, generated static electricity. This, in turn, greatly interfered with the operation of radio and television, interfering with broadcasting. It is said that British Telecom's chief engineer insisted on checking the underwear of the company's employees to make sure there was no copper wire.

In 1983, the Associated Press named the scientist who uncovered the historical mystery of the origin of the funniest date of the year. Boston University history professor Joseph Boskin claimed that April Fool's Day was initiated by Emperor Constantine after his court jester said he could rule the empire as well as he did. Constantine liked the idea so much that he allowed the jester to reign, but only once a year - on April 1. The news was reprinted by almost all US publications. Only later did the professor admit that there was not a word of truth in his interview.

16. Tasmanian walrus

In 1984, an article was posted in the Orlando Sentinel about a creature called the Tasmanian Mock Walrus, which many Florida residents keep as a pet. The basic data of the animal were given: the length is about 4 inches, it looks like a walrus, purrs like a cat, and is very similar in temperament to a hamster. The author of the article reported that the "walrus" does not need to be bathed, it is easy to train him to use the cat litter box and (attention!) he eats COCKROACHES. One such animal, the prankster assured, is able to easily and in a short time rid the house of vile insects. The miracle animal was smuggled in from Tasmania, and attempts were made to breed it in America, despite the opposition of organizations involved in the elimination of cockroaches. Which, of course, were afraid to be left without a piece. After the publication of the article, many Americans called the editorial office and said that they were ready to take the “false walrus” cub for education. Tortured, they say, cockroaches. The photograph gave credibility to the article: something dwarf and walrus-like really lay on the human palm (it is interesting that this was not a montage, but a snapshot of a real creature - the Naked Mole Rat).

17. Hotheaded Ice Worms

In 1985, the April issue of Discover magazine announced the discovery by highly respected biologist Aprile Pazzo of a new species of worm in Antarctica, which they called "hot-headed shellless ice worms". The new species was notable for the fact that these worms could move in the centuries-old thickness of ice at high speed, literally melting the ice in front of them due to the high temperature of the bone plates on the head, which were heated by numerous blood vessels. The worms used this feature to hunt penguins by melting the ice underneath them and attacking them after they fell into the hole. But the most shocking thing in this article was the hypothesis presented, according to which hothead worms could be involved in the mysterious disappearance of Antarctic explorer Philippe Poisson in 1837. "For ice worms, we are perhaps no different from penguins," the researcher was quoted as saying. This article received as many letters of feedback as never came to any article in the entire existence of the journal. Knowing Italian language readers should have been alerted only by the name of the "respected specialist" - Aprile Pazzo in translation means "a person fooled on the first of April."

18. Super baseball player

On the same day in 1985, the well-known American sports publication Sports Illustrated published an article about a certain young man Sidd Finch, who can throw a baseball at a fantastic speed of 168 miles per hour (that's more than 270 km / h), and the best baseball players at that time could throw at a speed of "only" 103 miles per hour. Moreover, as noted by the publication, he learned his skills in one of the Tibetan monasteries. The joy of the fans knew no bounds. And they added that the guy is on trial for the New York Mets. A flurry of letters and calls about the guy hit the editorial office, and on April 15, the editorial office had to admit that this whole story was fiction.

19. Dismantling the Eiffel Tower

In 1986, Paris was shocked by the news. The newspaper Le Parisien talked about the dismantling of the tower, which will be transported to the Disneyland under construction and reassembled. The government explained this decision by the convenience of the location for the construction of a new stadium for the upcoming 1992 Olympics. The reaction was immediate. The Parisians breathed a sigh of relief when they learned that this was just a hoax.

20. Wine - to the people!

In 1987, the Norwegian newspaper Bergens Tidend informed readers that a huge consignment (10 thousand liters) of confiscated contraband wine would be given to the "people", every resident of the city could receive their share in the central store. The gullible Norwegians gathered near the appointed place in the morning, not forgetting to take canisters, bottles and other containers with them.

21. Maradona with Spartak Moscow

In 1988, the Izvestia newspaper published an article stating that Diego Maradona himself could go to the Moscow football Spartak. And that the amount of his "purchase" is equal to 6 million dollars. Surprisingly, it was not our people who fell for this most of all, but foreigners. Some Western media even wrote news about this, with reference to Izvestia. The publication then had to make excuses that this was an April Fool's joke.

22. Pseudo-UFO over London

On March 31, 1989, Londoners saw a real UFO. Moreover, it did not try to hide at all, moreover, it landed on the outskirts of the city. When the police arrived, they saw that this was not an alien ship at all, but a balloon made under a UFO, and it was controlled by none other than Richard Branson, a well-known prankster and head of the record company Virgin Records. True, the weather prevented the millionaire from completing his plan - landing on April 1 in Hyde Park.

23. Nixon for President!!!

On April 1, 1992, the Voice of the Nation US national radio broadcast announced that ex-president Richard Nixon, much to his surprise, was about to become president again. His new campaign slogan read: "I've done nothing wrong and I won't do it again." As evidence, the announcement was accompanied by a recording of Nixon's campaign speech. Listeners reacted immediately, filling the show with calls expressing shock and outrage. It wasn't until the second half of the show that host John Hockenberry announced that the statement was a joke. And Nixon's voice was parodied by comedian Rich Little.

24. "Moscow lies"

On April 1, 1992, the Moskovskaya Pravda newspaper amused everyone. Not only did it come out with the date of March 32, it also changed its name for one day - “Moscow Lies”. And she devoted the main material to the new Moscow metro. They say that in the capital of our country they plan to launch an alternative metro in order to understand which is better - the old or the new. Well, what do you want, competition is the engine of capitalism that was just advancing at that time. Naturally, no one “fell for it,” but the people laughed heartily.

25. Partition of Belgium

In 1992, the London Times printed an article about ongoing negotiations that discussed the partition of Belgium. Flanders, whose inhabitants speak Flemish Dutch, will join the Netherlands, and the southern French-speaking region of Wallonia will join France. The article deceived even British Minister Tristan Garel-Jones, who was about to discuss this important historical question in a TV interview. The Belgian embassy phones were ringing with numerous calls from journalists and Belgians living in the United Kingdom seeking confirmation of this report.

26. Pepsi Tattoo

In April 1994, American radio station National Public Radio announced that Pepsi was announcing a promotion. Anyone who has the company logo tattooed on their ear will be able to receive a 10% discount for the rest of their lives. Throughout the month, those who met the conditions of the promotion called the editorial office to collect their honestly earned prizes.

27. Mausoleum in Eurodisneyland

In 1995, the Irish Times reported that the Disney Corporation was negotiating with the Russian government to buy the embalmed body of communist leader Vladimir Lenin. Disney has offered to place the mausoleum along with Lenin's body in Eurodisneyland. As reported, "the body of the Soviet leader will be illuminated with strobe lights to emphasize the deathly pallor of his face, and excerpts from Reagan's speech about the evil empire will be broadcast through a quadraphonic system at this time." In addition, a sale of T-shirts with Lenin symbols will be organized. The Russians, the article stated, had no objection to the sale of Lenin's body, but the sale of the mausoleum stalled. Liberal organizations demanded that the empty mausoleum remain in place, symbolizing the emptiness of communist ideology, while nationalists demanded that it be converted into a memorial dedicated to Tsar Nicholas II.

28. Sale of The Liberty Bell

In 1996, The Taco Bell Corporation announced that they had purchased The Liberty Bell and renamed it The Taco Liberty Bell. The Liberty Bell - a bell located in the city of Philadelphia, USA, is the main symbol of American history struggle for independence from Great Britain. It was cast in London, England in 1752. The inscription on the Liberty Bell The inscription on the bell reads: “And proclaim freedom in the land to all its inhabitants” (Bible, Leviticus 25.10, English Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof) . Officially, the bell has been called the "Liberty Bell" since 1837. Hundreds of outraged residents called Philadelphia's National Historical Park, where the bell was located, to express their anger. The unrest calmed down only when Taco Bell announced that the statement was a simple joke. The main topic of the day was the answer of the White House press secretary Mike McCurry to the question about the sale of the bell. Somewhat bewildered, he announced that the Lincoln Memorial had also been sold. According to him, now the name of the memorial will sound like Ford Lincoln Mercury Memorial.

29. General cleaning of the Internet

In 1997, many users of the World Wide Web received notifications to their email addresses about the upcoming general cleaning in all corners of the Internet, which will last from March 31 to April 2. This difficult task was to be performed by 5 most powerful Japanese robots.

30. Changing the value of the number π

On April 1, 1998, the New Mexicans for Science and Reason published an article stating that Alabama lawmakers had decided to change the value of pi from 3.14159 to 3. The argument was that the number 3 is more like " biblical meaning"pi" number than its well-established version. For, as it says in 1 Kings (chapter 7, verse 23): "And he made a cast [of copper] sea, - from its edge to its edge ten cubits, - completely round, five cubits high, and a string of thirty cubits hugged it around". At first, the article did not receive much publicity, but when it was first published on the Internet, it instantly spread through well-known news sites, after which paper and gigabytes of paper and gigabytes of emails began to arrive in the reception of the state leadership demanding to cancel this decision. Over time, it turned out that this article was a joke protesting against attempts to vote for the abolition of the study of the theory of evolution in school. The author of the joke was the scientist Mark Boslow.

31. Left Handed Hamburger

In 1998, Burger King ran an ad in USA Today announcing the addition of a new dish to their menu, the "Left-Handed Burger," specially created for the 32 million left-handed Americans. As advertised, the new burger included the same ingredients as the original (lettuce, tomato, bun, etc.), but all ingredients were flipped 180 degrees for left-handed enjoyment. In the following days, Burger King announced that despite the fact that the news of the new burger was a joke, thousands of people came to their restaurants and asked for "left-handed burgers". At the same time, according to the news, many right-handers were asking for a "right-handed burger."

32. Guinness Time

In 1998, the Guinnes brewing company joked loudly. She issued a press release that she had entered into a cooperation agreement with the Royal Observatory in Greenwich. And according to the condition for the whole year, Greenwich Mean Time is renamed Guinness Time. Few believed in this joke, but not the well-known newspaper the Financial Times. Representatives of the brewery had to explain that it was an April Fool's joke.

33. Parade of Fools in New York

Not so long ago, in 2000, a message was sent to the media that the April Fools Parade would take place tomorrow (April 1), starting in the morning from 59th Street and proceeding to Fifth Avenue. According to a news release, allegorical platforms on wheels, like those seen at carnivals, were to take part in the procession. One of the allegories was dedicated to the activities of the police departments of New York, Los Angeles and Seattle (their "cruelty, venality and incompetence"), the other - unsuccessful missions to Mars, etc. Many broadcasters, among them CNN, believed in the duck and sent a team of television people to the scene of the alleged incident. The fact that they were played, the messengers guessed only when they saw the street without any trace of preparations for the parade. The author of the joke turned out to be the famous prankster Joey Skaggs, on whose conscience there are already many such tricks.

34. Millennium Pass Effect

In 2001, one of the Cypriot radio stations assured its listeners that April 1 simply does not exist. Thousands of radio listeners believed the real radio play, played in the early morning of April 1 by ten actors who portrayed politicians, scientists and journalists. They are quite serious - with references to mathematical calculations and mentioning as an example the date line in the Pacific Ocean - they talked about the “millennial skip effect”, as a result of which once in a thousand years, in the first year of the millennium after March 31, April 1, but immediately April 2 occurs. The phenomenal success of the production became known when everyone large quantity people, buying tickets and receiving invoices in stores, began to draw the attention of cashiers to the wrong, in their opinion, date.

35. Carrot whistles

In 2002, the British supermarket chain Tesko published information in the Sun newspaper that breeders had recently managed to breed the new kind carrots. The advertisement said that in each carrot of this variety there will be a special hole that turns the root crop into a kind of whistle. Such a carrot, fully cooked, allegedly made a whistle. And another Waitrose chain announced the sale of a new fruit - pinan - a hybrid of pineapple (pineapple) and banana. Many believed and asked for new items in stores.

36. "Flying" penguins

In 2008, the BBC announced that a film crew working near Antarctica on the TV series Miracles of Evolution had filmed Adélie penguins taking to the air. The video has become one of the most viewed videos on the internet. Host Terry Jones explained that instead of huddling together to keep warm during the cold Antarctic winter, these penguins fly thousands of miles into the rainforests of South America.

All materials are found on the Internet.

Popular April Fool's jokes that you can pull off with your friends.

Stitched socks

Getting up in the morning and reaching for your socks, your victim will be discouraged. Take several pairs of socks and sew down the middle of one of them. From that moment the game began.

Rise of plastic cups

Your household members will have to try hard to at least just get out of the room to begin with.

Tinted water

You need to either tint the faucet divider with liquid dye, or go the difficult but effective way: unscrew the faucet divider and put a food coloring tablet there. The effect will be longer. For an intimidating effect, you can choose a red dye.

Shampoo broke!

“Why is my shampoo not pouring?” There's a cellophane plug, that's why.

And the soap broke too!

Classic, but such a necessary reception for April 1st. Coat the soap with clear nail polish to keep it from foaming.

The fridge is making eyes at you

To get started, lull the vigilance of the household by amusing them with cute big-eyed products that can be provided in advance with Google eyes. And after that, serve an April Fool's breakfast.

A glass of juice

That's just to drink such juice will not work. I will sharpen that it is made of jelly.

Fried eggs

Which, of course, also has its own secret. Instead of protein - yogurt, and instead of yolk - half a canned apricot.

"Decorate" the fridge

A printed face, a jar of water - and the prank is not for the faint of heart.

Would you like a cola with ice?

A classic of the genre, without which April 1 cannot be dispensed with. Mentos frozen in water.

Oil deodorant

Take care in advance to replace deodorant in the evening butter or thick, sticky cream.

Dead batteries?

Tape the remote control sensor on the remote control. Those who want to watch TV will face a huge problem.

Mouse not working

Pre-glue the mouse sensor with a piece of paper and tape.

Relax at work

After all, with napkins and toilet paper always calmer.

For cat lovers

True cat fans will definitely appreciate this joke.
Ready! Your April 1 succeeded!

Dima Ivanets was slow-witted, dull-witted, but diligent. And then he was lucky, I don’t know, maybe for the first time in his life, maybe not, but he was lucky. At that moment, he became a star for an hour, seeing THIS on the table of our captain.

In fact, we were not particularly loaded with studies in training, and the phenomenon when our cap dumped poking around with his "swallow" - a green and shabby VAZ-2102 was constant and repetitive. Captain Shubenkov generally had two weaknesses, at least we only calculate them, this is his "swallow" and shooting from a slingshot at rats and crows behind the utility block. And if we observed the second passion occasionally and only in outfits walking around with a machine gun at the post, then we used the passion for the "swallow" very skillfully. As soon as we got tired of studying, when after dinner the young organism simply fell asleep in the classroom for the study of regulations or an antediluvian telegraph apparatus, as any moderately dexterous fighter from our platoon used it. Any question on the automotive topic, such as "what is the pressure in your tires and how does this affect the gas mileage of the car" or "how to adjust the distributor", was guaranteed to knock the teacher out of the educational process and the especially dexterous could take advantage of this and sleep bending over a powerful telegraph machine .

On that day, the cap, as usual, was absent from classes, either grinding some kind of crap in the RMO, or begging for gasoline from the ensign from the fuel depot. Having given the task to study the regulations of the SA, he disappeared from the training room, leaving the sergeant of the training platoon to control us. Who periodically came into the classroom between a glass of tea in the supply room and a cigarette in the toilet. We didn’t particularly fight because it’s more expensive for ourselves, sit for yourself and sit and either kemar or quietly chat with friends. From time to time someone got up and walked around the classroom. So Dima got bored and walked around the office and decided to pretend to be the captain and sit on his chair. But the playful little hands did not lie quietly and, having nothing to do, began to shift the few papers. Dima's cry woke up everyone who was sleeping.
They shushed him, "quietly, blah." But the surprise and joy on his face, as well as the whisper "guys come here" made me get up and come closer. In the hands of Dima's brake was simply a stunning thing, a sheet of distribution of the second platoon of the training company of the communications regiment. By that time, we had served a little more than 3 months, and distribution to combat units was just around the corner. Finding out where fate will throw you was just a pipe dream, almost like eating from the belly and getting enough sleep. Well, I'm talking about a pipe dream.
The platoon buzzed, everyone tried to snatch the sheet from Ivanets's hands, or at least look into it. The lucky ones who saw the place of the future service hurried to the map to find the village of Mirny or Tiksi. Someone was glad that he was staying in Moscow, someone scolded the cap and platoon leader in advance for a place on the shores of the Arctic Ocean. Mexican passions boiled...

The only person who remained completely calm was me. And not at all because we flew with Afghan to our liking, because. Back in May last year, the withdrawal of troops began. Just as I expected, I stayed in Moscow.
There was nothing unusual in this, especially considering that I wrote the distribution sheet myself yesterday, March 31, inscribing good guys in good places, and idiots in Svalbard.
And on April 1, 1989, all I had to do was figure out how to make this document public. I did not think for a long time and, taking advantage of the absence of the cap, left a corner sticking out with the names from under the papers on the table. Then it was only necessary to wait for a moderately curious comrade
(names and surnames in history changed)

Happy holiday to you guys, on the first of April. DMB-90
M. Maksimov - Chelyabinsk, G. Kizhas - Siauliai, A. Batov - Perm, I. Salimgaraev - Osh, A. Ageev - Osa

On April 1, it breaks all records in terms of the number of draws. Children play pranks on their parents and vice versa, subordinates play tricks on their boss, schoolchildren on teachers and classmates. And even sharp humor is perceived without offense, because that's what April Fool's Day is for. You can joke with friends and strangers, at home, at work, in a minibus, and not only is it possible, but you must definitely charge everyone with positive! The main thing is not to forget: the sense of humor of your "victim" should be adequate to your pranks, because everyone should be funny (including the victim of the joke). What pranks can you come up with on April 1 for colleagues, friends and relatives, so that the mood is at the level, and the holiday is remembered for a long time?

World famous pranks on April 1

  • the fall of the Leaning Tower of Pisa;
  • the appearance of a UFO in London;
  • Photo essay "Flying Penguins"
  • transition to a new decimal system time measurements;
  • changing the mathematical constant Pi from 3.14 to 3.0.

Pranks at work and beyond

At work, we spend a significant part of the time, and surely colleagues will not miss the opportunity to play you. So be the first.

box without a bottom

It's best to set the stage for the inquisitive, poking nose anytime, anywhere. At a height (for example, on a cabinet), a box without a bottom is installed, but the top must be opened. The box may have a bright sticker that arouses interest, and an inscription like “Do not touch with your hands!”. We fill the box with confetti or similar stuffing. When the chosen one for fun appears in the room, it is better to go out to give him the opportunity to satisfy his curiosity. Come back with a broom for the especially inquisitive.

secretary prank

Calling from another office trusting colleague or to the secretary and in all seriousness inform that they are calling from the telephone exchange, where hot steam will be supplied under pressure through the cable to clean the telephone network. In this connection, you need to wrap the tubes in polyethylene or simply lower them to the floor. It is important not to show yourself until the naive victim brings the office to a safe state.

A joke on the user

An option for a colleague with strong nerves and a sense of humor.

Action plan

  • You occupy a colleague's computer while he is not in place.
  • Take a screenshot with the PrintSrceen key.
  • Go to Paint (graphic editor).
  • Press the ShiftInsert key and paste the photo.
  • Now you need to save it (windows address FUN. bmp) and close the editor.
  • Go to the "display properties" section.
  • Install FUN. bmpbackground.
  • Select all the labels on the monitor and drag them off the screen.
  • You can also remove the "Taskbar" for the full effect.

When the teapot user starts rebooting the computer and running around the office screaming, the main thing is to clarify the situation before calling the IT service or complaining to the boss. Help him "arrange icons by" and restore the screen background.

The mouse ran away

To submit you will need:

  • the same mouse as on a colleague's computer, but not a working one: its fate is difficult to predict;
  • mouse tail (cord) - long and reliable;
  • mobile chair on wheels;
  • ideally, the processor should be under the table;
  • the ingenious distraction of a colleague is welcome!

Preparation (in the absence of the main character, of course) takes a couple of minutes. Replace the mouse and tie a rope to the tail. Stretch the cord with a rope at the table, fix the other end on a chair so that in the extended version of the chair the mouse is in its usual place, but with a stretched “tail”. Pushing the chair back, the victim pulls on the rope and the mouse runs away. Trying to catch, a colleague grabs a running mouse, the chair drives off with a blow under the knees. The view of the unfortunate colleague in these races is very funny.

fatal call

Call your secretary or other employee and pretend to be a telephone company technician fixing a line fault. Ask ten minutes not to use the phone, as this can provoke an electric shock to the fitter. After due date you call back to the same number and, when the receiver is picked up, you let out a heart-rending scream.


Cruel though fun prank for a company with multiple clients. Attach a sign (or just a piece of paper) with the text “Toilet” on the door of the selected office. That's basically the whole point. But can you imagine the faces of employees and visitors constantly bursting in with the same question: “Toilet? And where…?"

April fool's day and friends

April 1 pranks for friends are the most fun, because you know exactly who and how to prank, and you can anticipate the reaction to your jokes. Of course, we don’t stand on ceremony with friends, but still know when to stop.

phone joke

Calling a friend late in the evening, in a serious voice you ask if he has hot water. After an affirmative answer, you give advice: “Quickly wash and sleep!”


You drink tea with a friend and chat, then you suddenly fall silent, change your face and scream: “Cockroach, Lucy (Masha, Sveta ...) you have a cockroach on your head!” .Do not use for the faint of heart.

winter diesel fuel

If you accidentally met a friend (or a beautiful stranger) at the gas station, you can play them by glancing at the gas station with the question: “I hope you fill up with WINTER diesel fuel?” Before a friend sees through the joke, he will have time to get scared. And for the girl there will be an occasion for acquaintance.


You can play the most gloomy member of the company, the main condition is that he be a smoker. Invite him to try a new brand of cigarettes, supposedly a present from a distant mutual friend. After smoking a cigarette, having agreed with friends, quietly turn on the music, quietly apply paint on yourself, let the chickens in - the main thing is that everyone should behave as usual, and only the smoker should notice the changes.

Secret admirer

You give your friend a bouquet with a note indicating the place and time of the date, and a request to take the bouquet with you. When meeting, an unfamiliar guy takes the bouquet, thanks and immediately gives it to his girlfriend. So that the victim is not too upset, a familiar company immediately appears and hands her their own bouquet.

Divination with matches

Invite a friend or friend to tell fortunes about their future fate. Give a box of matches with a request to carefully break off the heads. Meticulously examine the result of the work, ask to redo it. Then you insert matches with the victim into the nose, ears, hair, teeth, meticulously examine the result and, finally, show the victim your reflection in the mirror with the question: “Well, who needs you so terrible?”

How to joke at home

April 1 pranks for parents bring a lot of fun, no matter who is joking with whom.

Hello bums!

If you have been planning to change the lock in your apartment for a long time, do it on April 1, when your parents will not be at home. When you try to open the door, they should be met by an unfamiliar man in shorts with a replica: "What do you want?". To the question: “What are you doing in my apartment?” explains that he bought it in some real estate office. The duration of the negotiations is proportional to the strength of the nervous system of the parents, but do not overdo it.


If the door in the kitchen opens from the outside, you can tie a strong thread to it and fasten as many unbreakable objects on it as possible: spoons, towels ... The end of the thread must be fastened from the inside very carefully so as not to move the bundle. When you open the doors, all the objects scatter, and mom will instantly arrange a real rout. True, they can arrange a brainwash for you.

Good morning!

In the evening, when everyone is asleep, move all the clocks in the house forward by an hour. In the morning, when the sleepy household gathers for school and work, congratulate them on April 1 or silently follow how they, when they get to work, will rejoice at the surprise.

One size up

In the evening, put cotton or paper in boots and boots for everyone, stuffing socks and making shoes a size smaller. When homework is tormented with shoes, do not forget to congratulate them on April 1st.

Young hairdresser

A prank for a blonde mom or a dad with gray hair. Instead of shampoo, pour a solution of potassium permanganate into an opaque bottle. Don't forget to take a picture of the pink hair of your dreams.

Focus on the kitchen

Pour water into a saucepan or glass three-liter jar. Cover it with a sheet of paper, turn it over and place it on a flat tabletop. The paper can be safely pulled out - the water will remain in place until someone tries to remove the vessel.

school jokes

In any country and at all times, pranks on April 1 at school were a test for teachers and a pleasure for young pranksters: at every step, some kind of catch awaited everyone. But even if the teacher himself is a joker, he is unlikely to be happy with your attempt to disrupt the lesson. Will there be peace at school this time?

Mop on the ceiling

A simple and witty joke is arranged right in the lesson by writing a note with the text “mop on the ceiling” and asking them to pass it on to a neighbor after reading it. The next time you look at the ceiling of the student, the teacher will certainly look there too! And if you rub the board with soap or a candle, then no one will be able to write on it, you will have to switch to an oral survey. Whether this is good is up to you.

Algebra will not

Such a joke can upset the educational process. Come to the lesson first and tell everyone who comes in that the teacher is sick and there will be another lesson. Teachers to warn that the schedule has been moved. When everyone is completely confused, do not forget to remind about April 1st.

New diary

Drawings for April 1 for a classmate can be organized like this. Buy a new diary with a cover exactly like a friend's (we hope it's common enough) and change it discreetly. The surprise of both the teacher and the classmate when called to the board is guaranteed. I hope they appreciate the joke.


Attach an announcement to the school door with strong glue stating that there will be no lessons today due to a break in the water supply network. High school students should arrive by 11:00 in work clothes with buckets and rags.

Heavy bag

A heavy (preferably metal) object is placed in a classmate's bag, accidentally left unattended. Observing the efforts of a classmate, the main thing is to keep a serious straight face. It is important to stop in time so that the girl does not leave in tears.

Who - where, and I'm skiing

Ask a friend to stretch their hands forward and insert matches between the first and second fingers, slip two more under his shoes and innocently ask the question: “what month is it now?”. To the obvious answer that it's already April, specify: "Why is he on skis." The delight of classmates is guaranteed.


This prank is for a teapot classmate in computer technology. Tell him about e-mail and suddenly remember that you are waiting for a money transfer. And calmly take out a bill hidden somewhere in the drive.

By the way, April 1 is a holiday of humor and smiles, but not tantrums, so play nice with everyone. We also advise you to read What contests to hold on March 8, read in

Good game for school. Write a note during the lesson with the words “There is a mop on the ceiling” and pass it on to your desk mate. Tell him to pass the note on after reading it. The effect will be amazing when everyone who reads the note looks up, and the teacher with him!

You can also play a funny prank on your beloved guy by replacing his glove with your own (of course, a smaller one).

You need to ask a friend to stand in the middle of the room, stretching their arms forward. Next, put two matches in your hands (between the index and thumb), heads to the bottom. Place the next two matches under the shoes of the friend being played, barely putting them in. At the end, ask him a question about what month is in the yard. Of course, in response you will hear: "April." And then a trick: “Why are you skiing then?” Laughter in the room is guaranteed!

The draw is suitable for people who are not very well versed in astronomy. It consists in the fact that you tell a person that today on the news they transmitted information that a piece came off from the Sun, with another flash, and it flies towards the Earth. It will reach our planet by the end of this day. And they say that it is not yet known what damage it can cause, but most likely - colossal. So far, the details are unknown, in such a short time, scientists are unlikely to be able to do something.

For such a prank, you should find out when a person is absent and then return home. Throw a decorated box under the door with the inscription "Your surprise from the firm" with a note inside - "Your bonus for hard work." Plant inside the box to choose from - a turtle, a lizard, a snail or someone else, of course, you need to make sure that the beast has access to air. Also include a business card with the company's phone number. If you like the surprise, then it will also be a gift. If not, he will return to the "firm".

A call at 6 in the morning to a friend - dear, help, robbed at night, beaten, woke up in the morning outside the city - there’s not even anything to get to, no money, he asked the mushroom picker for a phone (it’s better in general for an outsider like a mushroom picker to start a conversation - here, here your friend supposedly - all battered, etc.). He says where to drive ... along such and such a highway, bring money. A friend is carrying money and ends up on a holiday, where the table and all his friends are set.

A wonderful prank to play in an institution with huge amount visitors. A sign indicating the toilet should be placed on the door of one of the offices. It would be better if his employees would leave the office infrequently. This will give time for a joke until the sign is removed. It is very hilarious to imagine office workers watching the following scene. “The door to the office opens rapidly, another visitor almost runs in and quickly leaves with a surprised look.”

On April 1, you can make such a prank at work to prank colleagues. Take a glass bottle with a capacity of 250 grams from vodka at home. Pour water into it. Put a bottle of water in your bag. At work, you can first start a conversation about a healthy lifestyle, while taking out this bottle and drinking water from it. You could also offer to drink from this bottle to one of your colleagues. It will be especially funny if a person drinks who has not drunk before.

The method is hopelessly outdated, but surprisingly effective. If you have a good group of friends and need to play "the most sullen" - then there is a good way to cheer up. At ordinary gatherings, you offer to smoke new cigarettes, donated by some distant common acquaintances, cigarettes. After a few minutes, you can do anything: run 10 chickens into the room, get dirty with paint, or even quietly turn on some kind of melody. The main thing is to pretend that no one notices anything. The expression of confusion on your friend's face will cheer you up for a long time.