Thick calves: how to solve this problem. How to make your calves thinner

Hello, my dear girls and, especially, fit girls! Friday is women's day, on which we go to the bathhouse and devote our notes to “narrow” issues of figure correction. And today on the agenda is a topic that is relevant for many young ladies, namely: how to lose weight in your calves? After reading, each of you will know exactly how to make her legs slimmer and her calves less prominent. We will look at the causes of large shins, get acquainted with issues of anatomy and, most importantly, analyze a specific training program aimed directly at solving the problem that concerns us so much.

So, ladies, take your seats and put your ears on top :).

How to lose weight in calves? FAQ questions and answers

Well, first I would like to remind you that this is the second note in which we analyze “narrow” women’s curvy issues and bring our loved ones into delicious shape. The first creation under the title is waiting for you to give it the grace to be read, so we don’t hesitate and, if the topic is relevant, we study and apply the knowledge in practice. We are going further and today we will deal with the female bottom, and not the buttocks (how to pump them up and so all the sites are mucking about), and a more specific muscle group - the calf or, in common parlance, the shins.

In general, it’s worth saying that the question “how to lose weight in calves?” is one of the most popular, at least among female readers, because it (the question) quite often came from young ladies who very persistently demanded recommendations regarding its solution. In general, the problem of large calves is relevant mainly for the fair sex. Moreover, the problem does not necessarily occur only in women’s bodies; no, thin and sonorous ones are also susceptible to this “misfortune”.

For example, in the past you were involved in dancing or another sport in which you actively worked your legs, and now, when the hobby has passed and the general forms have deflated, the infectious calves remain in their place - large and voluminous. And it turns out that you are all so thin and airy, and your legs are like those of the male sex. Many young ladies have a complex about this and cannot afford to open their legs - wear short shorts or dresses. In general, it’s sad and sad :) and in this note we will try to clearly and clearly outline the plan for dealing with large calves.

So, let's go.

For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Why do I have big calves? Main reasons.

Everyone knows that girls are inferior to men in terms of bones and muscles, but there is one muscle group in which they often “do” our brother, and these are the calf muscles and ankle girth. It is the lower legs of women that often have the same, or even larger, girths as those of men. Therefore, it is no wonder that ladies want to make their calves thinner.

In this note, by large calves we will understand the following:

Of course, each case is individual, but in general we will get rid of large calves. So take another look at yourself from behind. (and not only independently) and decide for sure whether your shins fit into the category: large, dense, bottle-shaped.

As for the main causes of thick calf muscles, these include:

No. 1. Genetics

One of the biggest reasons for having big calves is your parents. Look at their legs/shins. (especially on the female side) and rate yours. If your loved ones have massive shins, then most likely you will have the same ones over time. And the question of how to lose weight in calves may also be relevant for you. The good news is that you can fight genetics by making adjustments to your original anatomy. For example, if you have a short Achilles tendon, your calf muscles will appear larger (the muscle is longer). If you have a long Achilles tendon (muscle is shorter), This allows the calf muscles to “sit high,” which makes the lower leg look smaller and thinner. Compare two different types of shins (with different types of Achilles tendon).

It is impossible to lengthen tendons (this is determined by genetics), however, you can avoid certain movements/exercises that make your calves bigger.

No. 2. Sports/Exercise

Certain sports/physical activities (for example, football, ballet, stepper exercises, running on an incline) in which there is a constant load, incl. on the forefoot, can lead to a build-up of the calf muscles.

No. 3. Adipose tissue

Calves are problem areas. This means that a girl can have a chiseled figure, but her lower leg muscles are her “Achilles’ heel”, i.e. a place where fat accumulates, which is the last place to leave. Few people know, but the habitat of fat is not only the subcutaneous space, but also the intramuscular space. However, the fat does not go away locally, and the general strategy for losing weight in the calves is total weight loss. Moreover, it is possible that you can significantly lose weight everywhere, but your calves will lose a minimal percentage of fatty tissue.


Muscle resection – removal of the intramuscular (deep) layer of fat. Liposuction is the removal of subcutaneous fat.

No. 4. Run

Sprinting – running at speed, contributes to increasing the volume of the calf muscles. Therefore, if you decide to lose weight, and you were told that sprinting is the ideal way to do this, then do not be surprised that at the end you will get extremely dubious results in losing weight, but quite obvious results in increasing your calves.

As for jogging, an increase in the volume of the lower leg can only be achieved in the long term with frequent (4-5 once a week) jogging (up to 60 minutes). Therefore, by moderating our running, we can influence the lower volumes.

No. 5. heels

What girl doesn't love wearing heels? However, few young ladies know that constantly wearing them (at least 5 days a week) leads to excessive stress/overload on the calves and a slight increase in their volume. Another, more obvious negative factor in relation to heels is the shortening of the Achilles tendon, and the more excess weight a lady has, the more stress her tendon experiences.

Now let's delve into the theories and talk about...

Calves: questions of anatomy

To start deflating your calves, we first need to understand what they are in terms of structure. Many people believe that the lower leg = calf, in fact the muscles of the lower leg consist of 2 large muscles:

  • soleus - originates from the fibula and tibia and lies under the gastrocnemius, pushing the latter to the surface;
  • gastrocnemius (gastrocnemius) - originates from the femur and has 2 heads – medial head and lateral head.

These two muscles work together to bend the leg.

When assembled, the anatomical atlas of the lower leg muscles looks like this (clickable).


The ideal size (girth) of the calf should correspond to the girth of the biceps of the arm.

As for muscle fibers, in the majority of people, slow-twitch fibers predominate in the gastrocnemius and soleus (55 And 70% respectively). However, there is a certain percentage of people whose calf muscles consist of 60% from fast-twitch fibers.

In the note key, we are also interested in questions of “internal” anatomy, i.e. what happens inside the lower leg muscles when performing a particular movement/exercise.

And the following happens.

In other words, when performing exercises on the muscles of the leg, there is an increase in pressure in the veins of the leg (before 300 mmHg) and blood pumping/pumping (and) calves. As a result, after a high-quality load, the athlete feels the filling of the target region with blood, as well as swelling and breaking (burning) of the calf muscles.

Actually, we have figured out the theory and now we move directly to...

How to lose weight in calves: the practical side of the issue

One of the most difficult cases of calf correction in terms of reducing their volume is the situation when we have developed (all 3 ) the heads of the calf muscles and excess fat (subcutaneous/intramuscular).

In cross-section, this “disgrace” presents such a picture.

It is quite obvious that losing weight in the calves is the process of reducing the percentage of fatty tissue in the entire body and focusing on training the muscles of the lower leg - the gastrocnemius and soleus.

I think many young ladies have a question on their lips: won’t I make them even bigger by training my calves? Maybe we should just not touch them? In fact, your calves will not shrink on their own, even if you neglect them and don’t train for six months/year, the result in reducing their volume will not satisfy you. Those. The only way to make your calves smaller is to give them the right load/exercise and mix it up with a certain type of cardio.

We will explore the last two questions further and start with...

No. 1. Cardio

The main rule for aerobic activity to reduce calves is to use resistance-free and high ( 35-45 minutes) duration of one session. Translated into plain language this means that you should not use:

  • treadmill with incline;
  • running uphill;
  • sprint;
  • stepper;
  • walking on a changing staircase simulator;
  • resistance exercise bike.

It is this kind of cardio that will have a voluminous effect on your calves, i.e. using it, you will reduce the percentage of fatty tissue in the entire body, but your calves will become denser/muscular.


If you want to shrink your shins, you should avoid (or minimize) sitting in a cross-legged position, because this position leads to pinching of the large popliteal artery and disruption of blood circulation, ultimately leading to the formation of mesh/stars and varicose veins. Standing in one position for long periods of time also reduces blood circulation to your calves, which can cause toxins to build up in the muscles of your lower legs.

The main types of cardio that can be used to lose weight on calves include:

  • walking at a constant pace on a flat treadmill;
  • long distance running (before 50 minutes, 3 once a week);
  • low jumping rope;
  • elliptical trainer;
  • exercise bike without resistance;
  • burpees;
  • climbing with feet to hands;
  • swimming.

A visual version of what was voiced represents the following picture.

No. 2. Training program

Well, for dessert we have two highlights of the program :), i.e. special PT, which are aimed at reducing calves and shaping the lower legs.

Training parameters for the gym:

  • quantity per week - 2 ;
  • intensity - moderate/normal;
  • rest time for m/b approaches - 60 seconds;
  • cardio - walking with a constant change of pace on a flat treadmill immediately after training before 40 minutes;

Home workout options:

  • quantity per week - 3 ;
  • intensity - high;
  • rest time for m/b approaches - 30-40 seconds;
  • number of approaches/repetitions - specified;
  • cardio - long-distance jogging immediately after training before 40 minutes;
  • stretching the calf muscles after each approach.

The program itself and the atlas of exercises present the following picture.

These are two different programs with the help of which you will solve the question of how to lose weight in your calves. We're done with the substantive part, let's move on to...


Today we answered the question - how to lose weight in calves. I am sure that after assimilating and applying the information in practice, you will have one less problem area. Don't believe me? Try it, and the results will not take long to arrive!

Good luck, my beauties:) and see you again!

PS: How are things going with your calves?

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Full, round calves are not in trend now, so girls strive for graceful, toned ankles. If voluminous calves have become a real problem, do not wait until the complex grows out of it, look for options to reduce them. First, you need to objectively look at the condition of your ankles and understand the reasons for their volume.

How to make your calves smaller: why are your calves full?

The cause of voluminous calves may be a genetic predisposition, a hypersthenic physique, with a dense, stocky figure. If this is the case, losing weight on your calves will require more time and persistence. Enlarged calf muscles may be associated with leg swelling caused by fluid retention or varicose veins. In this case, the legs get tired, and in the evening they feel heaviness and burning. The muscle mass of the legs in such cases is loose and not expressed. Excessively thick calves are a result of excess weight and uneven weight loss. The body both loses weight and gains weight disproportionately. When losing weight, volumes primarily disappear from the neck, arms and chest. And problem areas retain their roundness, despite diets. Long-term, persistent strength training can also give your calves volume and definition.

How to reduce calf size

If the fullness of the calves is associated with fluid retention, it is necessary to limit the consumption of salt, pickled and smoked foods. All this can lead to swelling of the legs and provoke vascular diseases. You can get rid of excess weight and fat legs by reviewing your diet. It is best to turn to a balanced diet, so you can achieve excellent results and maintain health. To do this, you need to include fresh vegetables and fruits and low-fat dairy products in your diet. You shouldn’t worry that the weight will come off slowly, the main thing is that it doesn’t come back quickly. At the same time, you need to adjust your drinking regime and move more.

To reduce calves on the legs after losing weight, it is recommended to perform special sets of exercises. At the same time, it is good to do several exercises to stretch the muscles, then they will become elastic and toned. Calves are very strong and resilient muscles; they help us move around all day, almost without getting tired. That is why they are difficult to correct. To change their form, training must be systematic, 2-3 times a week. Calf muscles that have become bulky as a result of exercise can be tightened by regularly stretching this area.

Stretching exercises to reduce calves

  1. Sit on the floor. Bend forward, touching your fingers to your toes. Pull your heels away from you and your toes toward you. It will seem difficult at first, but gradually your flexibility will increase and you will be able to perform the exercise with ease. Stretching is carried out at a smooth pace. Hold the pose of maximum tension for a few seconds. Repeat the stretch 3 times. This exercise must be performed on each leg separately. The starting position is the same, spread your legs in different directions.
  2. Standing straight, lunge forward with your left foot. Bend it at the knee. The foot of the right leg is pressed tightly to the floor, stretching occurs due to its muscles. Hold the position for a few seconds. Using the same technique, perform the exercise with a lunge of the right leg. Repeat 3-5 times with each leg.
  3. Stand facing the wall at arm's length. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, do not raise your heels. Bend your body towards the wall, leaning on it first with your palms, then with your forearms, and finally with your shoulders. Feel the stretch in the muscles above the heel. Perform 3-5 times.
  4. Basic yoga pose: Downward Facing Dog. Starting position: stand on all fours. Slowly straighten your knees, lifting your torso. Leave your legs slightly bent at the knees, feet resting on your toes, face directed towards the floor. Do not lift your heels high from the floor, this is when the calf muscles are stretched. Stay in this pose for several seconds. Repeat 3-5 times.
  5. There are other exercises in the yoga system for stretching the calf muscles, so include them in your morning exercises and make your legs graceful. If you inherited fat calves, you can combat this by doing yoga. It is better to master yoga techniques from a professional instructor; if this is not possible, use video lessons.
  6. Pilates helps you stretch your muscles and lose weight at the same time. This is a muscle stretching technique based on static exercises.

Exercises to reduce fat calves

If you are concerned about the problem: how to reduce fat calves, do squats, this is a very simple and effective remedy. Squats performed systematically will significantly reduce the size of your calves if done correctly:

  • do not use additional weight, this can lead to enlargement of the calf muscles;
  • perform one half of the squats while standing on your entire foot, and the second half on your toes;
  • do not do very deep squats, a half squat is quite enough.
  1. Stand up straight, straighten your shoulders. Perform 30-40 squats at a slow pace, fixing the position for a few seconds in a squat.
  2. The next version of squats: feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointing inward. Perform shallow squats 20-30 times.
  3. You can reduce your calf size by walking on tiptoes. Try to walk on your toes more at home, at the same time you can improve your posture and feel like a princess.
  4. Rising on tiptoes. Place a chair with a back in front of you, put your hands on the back. Rise onto your tiptoes slowly, holding in the highest position for 2-3 seconds. Gradually lower your entire foot. Perform 30-40 times.
  5. Walking up the stairs will help burn fat deposits in the calf area by activating metabolic processes in this area. To do this, walk up the stairs every day for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Jumping rope will help make your legs slender. This is a great activity for both the legs and the cardiovascular system. Intense exercises with a skipping rope for 10 minutes will correct your silhouette and reduce the size of the calf muscles. When starting this simple exercise, be careful not to overdo it. Start with a few minutes, this will help avoid pain. Then you can increase the training time. In subsequent workouts, add jumps on each leg in turn.

How to quickly reduce calves

If you urgently need to reduce your calves, you can resort to the help of clothes and shoes. Some rules should be followed so that the calves visually appear less voluminous:

  1. You cannot wear short trousers or breeches. When choosing trousers, give preference to models with flares from the knee.
  2. Black and brown rough-shaped boots and sandals with ankle straps visually weigh down the foot. A high heel of medium thickness will suit you.
  3. Create an emphasis on the waist. Choose fitted shirts, jackets and blouses. Wear pants and skirts with a belt or belt.
  4. Choose elegant, catchy items and accessories: scarves, hats, jewelry. All this will create your uniqueness and make a minor flaw known only to you invisible.

How to reduce calves at home

Massage for calf muscles

A foot massage will help relieve congestion in the ankles, which will visually shrink your calves. It is not the only solution to fatty legs; it is best used in combination with stretching and exercise. To achieve rapid reduction in calves, you need to contact a massage specialist; after 6-10 sessions you are guaranteed to feel lightness in your gait. But you can also perform a light lymphatic drainage massage yourself at home. To do this, you will need 2 chairs, you need to sit on one, and put your foot on the second. The direction of the massage is from the feet to the knee, movements should be leisurely and smooth. Before the procedure, apply massage oil to the skin.

  1. The massage begins with stroking the calf muscles for 2-3 minutes in the direction from the foot to the knee.
  2. Then move on to kneading the muscles, grasping them with your hands one at a time, stretching and relieving tension.
  3. Perform a drainage movement; to do this, grab your leg with both hands by the ankle and move it with tension towards the knee. Do this movement 3-4 times.
  4. Finish the massage by stroking for 2-3 minutes.

Wraps for slimming calves

Wraps are used to reduce calves. It is better to carry out these procedures in the evening, before bedtime, in order to calmly relax and lie down. Before doing this, it is recommended to take a shower or bath to clean and warm the skin. Then apply the pre-prepared mixture to the calves, wrap the problem areas with cling film, trying to do this as thoroughly as possible. The procedure time is 40-60 minutes. Afterwards, rinse off the composition with warm water and apply nourishing cream to the skin.

Wraps improve metabolic processes in muscles and skin, increase blood circulation, accelerating the burning of fat reserves.

  1. Mustard-honey wrap. 2 tbsp. l. dilute mustard powder with 2-3 tbsp. l. warm water, stir. Add 3 tbsp. l. honey If you are afraid of a strong burning sensation, soften the effect by adding 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. The action time of the composition is 30-40 minutes, then remove the mixture with warm water.
  2. Honey and sea salt wrap. Heat 3 tbsp in a water bath. l. honey, add 1 tbsp. l. finely ground sea salt. Sea salt can be replaced with regular table salt. This composition perfectly draws out toxins and excess moisture, significantly reducing the volume of the calf muscles. It is recommended to use no more than once a week.
  3. Honey-oil wrap. To 3 tbsp. l. honey add 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, stir. Then everything is done in the usual way. Such wraps perfectly tighten the skin, make it well-groomed and smooth.

The most radical way to reduce fat calves is liposuction. Here only the woman herself can decide how much surgical intervention she needs. If your legs are not losing weight after all the measures taken, turn your energy in a different direction. Emphasize the advantages of your figure; you probably have a stunning waist or luxurious breasts. So make it your dignity!

Exercises for losing weight of the calf muscles. Video

Too voluminous calves disappoint many girls - this includes an inharmonious silhouette of the legs, difficulties in buying boots, and uncertainty in choosing the length of a skirt. A thin ankle is unattractive, but muscular or swollen, thick legs make their owners feel complex about their appearance and dream of how to shrink their calves faster.

Find out the nature of the problem

Women's figures differ from each other, but their shortcomings and problems can be reduced to several types. This will help you correctly determine how to reduce your calves.

Excessively voluminous calves can be due to:

  1. congenital body constitution - hypersthenic structure (predominance of muscle mass, stocky figure, wide bones);
  2. fat deposits on the legs, and losing weight in the hips and waist can emphasize it;
  3. swelling of the extremities with varicose veins - with loose tissue, pale skin, protruding veins, pain and burning sensation;
  4. pumped up muscles - with a relatively thin ankle and a small knee joint (this happens in ballerinas, athletes, with an excessive passion for fitness, running).

To regain confidence in your attractiveness, choose one of the options that most accurately describes your data. This will point you in the right direction and help you figure out how to make your calves smaller, at least visually.

How to save a pumped-up shin

A similar problem occurs in women whose body responds too actively to physical activity, building up excess muscle mass.

This happens with prolonged physical activity and the abundant presence in the diet of proteins necessary for building muscles, which continue to develop rapidly. How to stop the unwanted process and make your legs more feminine?

The first thing to do is to review your diet for proteins and temporarily reduce the amount of meat dishes, milk, cottage cheese, cheese and legumes. This will force the body to some extent “calm down” the excessive growth of muscle fibers.

The next important step is to reduce the stress on your calf muscles. For those who work out in the gym, it will not be difficult to choose exercises that train the body bypassing the lower leg muscles.

For those who cannot do without straining their calves, you need to try not to put strain on them in everyday life: stop riding a bike, use elevators, and replace hiking with another type of recreation.

How to reduce fat shin

Sometimes, having lost weight at the waist and having difficulty removing fat from the hips, women notice that their legs are not going to give up so easily. Indeed, if adipose tissue has somehow accumulated in large quantities below the knee, then getting rid of it becomes difficult, but by no means impossible.

Almost the same actions as for losing weight in the waist and hips will help you:

  1. continue a low-fat, low-carbohydrate diet;
  2. “break” fat deposits with a massage using a rough applicator (wooden or plastic massager with “fingers”);
  3. Perform daily exercises that improve blood circulation in the subcutaneous layer - with long repetitions, as well as stretching;
  4. use wraps with cling film, the warming effect of which will help transform fatty tissue and remove toxins from the problem area.

Exercises for losing weight of the lower leg

Single leg calf raise. Bend the other leg and hold it, hooking your foot just below your standing leg. Do 2x12 reps on each leg.

“Swallow” with dumbbells. Starting position - standing, arms hanging freely along the body, a dumbbell weighing 3-4 kg in each hand. Transfer your body weight to your left leg, take your right leg back and lift it, while leaning your body forward. Hands with dumbbells serve as a counterweight, which must be held not by the lower back, but by tension in the muscles of the left leg. Do 3x8 reps on each leg.

Stretching against the wall. Stand facing the wall, stepping back 50 cm from it. Take a step with your right foot, placing your foot against the wall, without lifting your left heel from the floor. Do not bend your lower back, left knee, or hip joint; do not bend your leg muscles. Do a stretch on your right leg. Perform 3x1 min.

Ask a specialist for help

A voluminous “swollen” shin and ankle causes a lot of trouble: the boot tops are difficult to fasten, the legs “hum” from tight tights in the evening, the contours of the ankle become blurred and disappear into the swelling of the ankle bone.

Overweight women are sometimes helped by thin ankles, which can be safely shown from under a skirt or put on flirty shoes, but swollen legs, on the contrary, can visually make the figure obese and add several extra years to their owner.

The reason for this condition of the legs is, of course, varicose veins. Reduce the load on your legs, give up stimulating massage, hot baths, smoking, and alcohol. Use medicinal ointments based on horse chestnut extract. Make sure your shoes are comfortable and your bag is light.

But the most important thing in the fight against such a problem is to consult a doctor who will conduct a competent examination of the vessels of the legs and prescribe the necessary treatment. An examination of internal organs, in particular the kidneys, may be required.

Varicose veins are not a terrible disease at all, and qualified medical care will certainly improve the condition of the legs and return them to an attractive appearance.

If you are unhappy with the structure of your legs

How to correct the figure given by nature, the shape of the legs, inherited and, perhaps, a family “trait” on the maternal side? Wide, fleshy calves are not uncommon among women of various professions and inclinations, but none of them wants to look like a hardy peasant woman with a working figure.

Then all sorts of corrective means are used that can completely transform the silhouette and divert attention to more spectacular parts of the body.

For example, in 10–12 months of training in the gym, you can very noticeably change small body proportions (the ratio of muscle volumes and large joints, for example, shins, knees and hips).

An experienced trainer will help you develop certain muscles of the legs, back, chest, and the awkwardness of the wide shin will disappear without a trace. This requires good nutrition, determination and endurance.

Amazing results can be achieved by choosing clothes, playing with styles, lengths and colors.

Large calves - reasons

Why do many women have too large calves? Unfortunately, large calf volume gives a disproportionate appearance not only to the legs, but also to the figure as a whole. And the root of this problem is not always fat. Therefore, in order to eliminate this problem forever, you need to determine its main cause.

Large calf volume is often due to:

  • Excess body weight.
  • Uneven distribution of physical activity on the legs.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Serious diseases (for example, diabetes).

If the cause of large calves is not fat, but swelling, most likely the large volume is associated with blockage of blood vessels in the area due to high levels of bad cholesterol. This problem can only be solved by following a balanced diet or using special therapy prescribed by a doctor (if the swelling is caused by serious health problems). But if leg swelling is caused by heavy physical activity, it can be eliminated with massage.

Diet for slender legs and calves

White bread, cakes, chocolate, ice cream and coffee with cream can ruin your slim figure. And this is just a small list of foods that can quickly form fat in your body. If you don’t know how to lose weight in your calves, start with proper nutrition. It is because of unhealthy eating habits that many girls develop problem areas: a double chin, large arms, a large belly, curvy hips, full legs and calves.

Following a healthy diet will eliminate the problem of excess weight forever.

Unfortunately, fat tends to be deposited in any area of ​​your body. And it is impossible to predict in which part of your figure it will be located after eating dessert at night. To prevent this, you need to eliminate all types of harmful foods and drinks from your diet:

  • Alcohol.
  • Instant coffee with milk powder.
  • Pasteurized juices.
  • Refined sugar.
  • Jams and jams.
  • Baking.
  • Candies.
  • Sausages.
  • Smoked meats.
  • Canned food.
  • Dairy desserts (glazed cheese curds, yoghurts, curd mass).
  • Sauces (especially mayonnaise and ketchup).

Why are most of the products we buy in the store considered harmful? If you carefully study their composition on the packaging, it often contains food additives such as emulsifiers, preservatives, flavors, dyes and flavor enhancers. All these components do not contain any health benefits. On the contrary, such food often increases appetite and is high in calories, which subsequently leads to excess body weight.

Less dangerous, but also undesirable foods on your table are:

  • Potato.
  • Winter preparations (from cucumbers, tomatoes).
  • Cheeses (over 30% fat content).

If you cannot completely avoid the listed products, you need to limit them as much as possible in your diet.

What should be the proper diet to reduce the size of your calves?

To reduce your calves, eat more foods high in potassium!

If you want to lose fat in your calves, consume foods that contain potassium. This element is excellent at absorbing sodium, which is often what causes the volume of your calves to grow. Consuming potassium not only eliminates fat, but also relieves swelling in the legs due to excess sodium in the body.

The daily sodium intake limit for an adult is no more than 8-10 grams. People who exceed this limit and consume about 12 grams of sodium per day often experience severe swelling in the legs and calf area.

What foods contain a lot of potassium and will help you lose weight in your calves?

A healthy diet depends on three important criteria:

  1. Amount and time of meals.
  2. The right combination of products.
  3. Drinking regime.

Every day you should have three main meals and a couple of snacks. You need to do or eat breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time. It’s good to start breakfast with carbohydrate foods, lunch with protein, and dinner with fiber. You need to drink 1.5-2 liters of purified water per day. Drinking regime will eliminate dehydration of the body.

Sports will help remove large calves

How to lose weight in your knees and calves through sports? The best solution is cardio training. The main goal of such exercises is to burn fat in problem areas and achieve “clean” muscle mass. However, cardio alone will not be enough to reduce the size of your calves. The training must be supplemented with strength and flexibility exercises.

Exercise plan:

  • Hypertension.
  • Any joint diseases.
  • Obesity.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Asthma.
  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Postoperative period.

Also, people who have had a heart attack or stroke should not do cardio training.

It's no secret that when losing weight, fat is not burned evenly, but from different zones, sometimes from the most unexpected ones, and in order to remove it exactly in the place where it is required, you need to make a lot of effort. But when it comes to areas of the body such as the calf muscles, completely different methods must be used. The fact is that problems with volume in the calf area can have different causes: both obesity and too much load during training. That is why the fight against calves must be deliberate and systematic.

To quickly remove calf volume, you will need not only regular physical activity, but also good quality nutrition. It is not for nothing that they constantly talk about it when it is necessary to burn fat in any part of the body, since it is thanks to poor nutrition (and this includes irregular nutrition too) that the body constantly stores fat, putting it aside “just in case.”

Video: exercises to reduce calves

To reduce your calves in one week, you will need regular cardio, which will include a lot of leg exercises. If you just work your calves without paying attention to burning fat throughout your body, then you won’t see much result, but will only pump up your calf muscles under a layer of fat.

1. Running, in this case, takes place on the toes, due to which the calves develop and function. Thick calves can be “burnt” well in aerobics, doing exercises, climbing stairs on your toes.

2. Jumping rope burns fat perfectly and reduces volume. Such jumps simultaneously make the legs slimmer and pump up the muscles, highlighting them with a beautiful line. It is recommended to jump for about 20 minutes on two legs and at least 5 minutes (to start) on each leg separately.

3. You can reduce very thick calves using squats and rolls. The difficulty with squats is that they need to be done on your toes. The legs are brought together, the toes are pointing in different directions; for confidence, you can hold on to the back of a chair or the wall with your hands. Rising on your toes and spreading your knees to the sides, squat as deeply as possible. This plie is a great workout for your calves.

4. Leg swings stretch the muscles, which is also necessary to obtain the desired result. Holding onto a chair or wall, lift your straight leg forward, pulling your toes away from you, keeping the muscle tense. Swings are made with sharp movements: back and forth. It is advisable to do 40-50 repetitions on each leg.

How to reduce pumped calves

Many athletes, as well as those who independently engage in sports “for themselves,” are faced with another problem – over-pumped calves. Pumped calves appear from regular loads on the legs and when spending minimal time on stretching. Despite the fact that “drying” the muscles has a great effect on the volume of the figure, its plasticity is best emphasized by stretching the muscles. This is why professional trainers and athletes spend some time stretching all muscles after each workout. In this case, we are interested in the calves - and the results can be seen in just a week.

1. Sitting on the floor, bring your legs together and lean toward your toes. You need to pull your toes first towards you, and then away from you. You should stay in each position for half a minute or a minute and breathe deeply, as oxygen allows muscle fibers to function and stretch better.

2. Standing straight, bend one leg and place the other straight slightly forward, with the toe pulled towards you. Bend toward your straight leg, grasping your pointed toe. You also need to stand in this position for at least 30 seconds and then change legs.