What is guar gum and where is it used. All about what guar gum is - is it harmful or safe and is it worth eating Guar gum how to breed

The food additive E412 is a part of many products. Under this code, guar gum is encrypted. Food additives are substances that are used to improve various properties. Guar gum has several names that hint at its origin: guar, guarana, guar flour, guarana gum, guar gum. According to its chemical composition, it is a polymeric compound containing a certain amount of galactose.

The food additive E412 is a part of many products. Guar gum is encrypted under this code

Guara has the following properties:

  1. Sufficient rigidity.
  2. High elasticity.
  3. Good solubility in water.
  4. Freeze and thaw resistant.
  5. Slowing down the transformation of water into ice with the formation of a structured gel.

Guar is used as a thickener, stabilizer, emulsifier, encapsulation agent.

Getting a Guar Supplement

Guar flour is obtained from the seeds of a legume called guar. This plant has several names: pea tree, Indian acacia. It grows on the Hindustan Peninsula: in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

The production of guarana is also established in the USA and Canada, the pea tree is grown in the Australian and African continents.

The production of the E412 additive is based on the mechanical action on the seeds of the plant. To do this, the pods are opened, the released seeds are ground to the consistency of flour. Flour is sifted, getting the finished product of different grinding.


Guar gum, or guar gum, is a food additive related to stabilizers, emulsifiers, thickeners. It is used in industry as a thickener to increase viscosity. In the article, you will learn about the benefits, harms and uses of guar gum.

What it is

Guar gum is an extract from the seeds of the pea tree or guar.. This grain legume grown in Pakistan, Australia, USA, Africa. The largest producer of guar gum is India: it accounts for more than 80% of the world production.

As a thickener, guar gum is used in the production of textiles, paper, and cosmetics., in pharmaceuticals and food production.

However, more than 70% of the resin produced in the world is used in the oil and gas industry.

The demand for it is so high that in many Indian states the peasants are supplied with free seeds, everywhere they are campaigning to grow instead of cotton.

This is due to a sharp increase in shale oil and gas production. Guar gum is not only the main ingredient in hydraulic fracturing fluids, but also the cheapest.

IN Food Industry guar extract is used as a fixative, stabilizer and thickener and is designated by index E412. Knowing about the unequal attitude of buyers to additives with the E index, many manufacturers write guar or guarana on product packaging.

It is part of:

  • chilled products (cocktails, cold desserts, ice cream), slowing down the formation crystal ice, stabilizing the consistency;
  • ketchups, sauces, giving them a denser consistency;
  • dairy and meat products, jams, cheese products, jelly as a stabilizer;
  • canned fish and meat, canned soups, juice concentrates, improving the structure of the product;
  • bakery products as a replacement for expensive baking powder.

How to choose a good product

You can buy guar gum in stores selling products for healthy eating, components for home cosmetics, or wholesalers supplying it to the food industry. Some may sell the product through their own retail outlets.

When buying a thickener from a wholesaler, study the circle of its regular customers. If this famous brands, then the probability of buying a low-quality product is small.

In online stores, you should rely on reviews, and in retail outlets- find out from which wholesaler raw materials are purchased, where they are packaged.

Composition and chemical properties

Guar gum is a plant-based polysaccharide.

This light powder is tasteless and odorless. Dissolving in water, it turns it into a viscous gel.

100 grams of the product contains:

  • proteins - 4.6 g;
  • fat - 0.5 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0 g.

Calorie content of 100 g of the product is only 0.2 kcal.

The glycemic index is low.

Health impact

Once in the body, the supplement behaves like fiber, having a similar effect.. It practically does not dissolve in the intestines, but all the useful substances from it are successfully absorbed through the intestinal walls into the blood. Like fiber, it successfully removes harmful toxic substances from the body, fights slagging of the body.

On the basis of guar gum, drugs have been created, remedies for constipation. Many dietary supplements designed to prevent atherosclerosis.

It is in the composition of products that cleanse the body, for and fat deposits.

For men and women

The supplement can be used as a cleanser to combat constipation. Thanks to high content soluble fiber can lower serum cholesterol levels and be used as a means of preventing the development of early heart attacks and strokes.

For pregnant and lactating

Pregnant and lactating women, like everyone else, consume daily products containing the supplement.

If it is possible to use natural products in the diet, then this will positively affect the health of the mother and baby.

But there are no contraindications to the use of products and medicines containing guar gum.

For children

IN childhood consumption of products containing guarana is higher. After all, children love various jellies, yogurts, ice cream.

Although no cases of poisoning have been identified, but should beware of allergic reactions, limit consumption.

The product can be used as a mild laxative, body cleanser.

For the elderly

The use of dietary supplements for the prevention of atherosclerosis, containing the addition of guarana, may be useful in old age.

It is possible to use guarana to cleanse the body of toxins as a mild laxative.

For special categories

Studies have shown that guar gum helps diabetic patients by slowing down the absorption of sugars in the small intestine.

It also finds application in sports nutrition, programs to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.


There are no special restrictions, but it should be used with caution in allergic reactions, which can manifest themselves in the form of wounds, sores, itching and diarrhea.

Do not combine products containing a thickener with medications and vitamins. Otherwise, the absorption of drugs will be significantly hampered.

There are no restrictions or daily allowance eating foods that contain guar gum.

It has not been proven that its presence in food can harm health, have a harmful effect on the body.

This does not mean that guarana can be eaten in unlimited quantities. With excessive use, diarrhea, flatulence is possible. Vomiting, stomach pain, nausea are not excluded.

The additive included as a thickener in medicinal preparations is strictly dosed. Taking medicines in strict accordance with the doctor's recommendations is easy to avoid trouble.

How to use in cooking

Product contained in hundreds of finished products and semi-finished products presented on store shelves. But you can try to cook dishes with it yourself.

Many simple recipes are easily reproduced in the home kitchen.

Ice cream

Thickened ice cream is easy to make at home. Here is the easiest ice cream recipe:

  • two tablespoons of sugar and a teaspoon of guar gum are added to 1 liter of milk;
  • whip;
  • after the appearance of bubbles, pour into molds;
  • put in the freezer until completely frozen.

Here's another one simple recipe ice cream using this substance:


Every owner of a blender will easily prepare this light mayonnaise. The cooking algorithm is as follows:

  • mix in a blender bowl 1, 50 g of sunflower oil, pour 3 g of guar gum into the mixture;
  • beat with a blender until thick;
  • add 150 ml of low-fat, 2 tablespoons of wine vinegar, 30 g of finished, salt;
  • you can add a little sugar, but you can not add;
  • beat again to get a homogeneous mass.

For weight control

Guar gum is included in weight loss products, but in many countries, primarily the United States, the use of dietary supplements with guar gum is prohibited due to repeated reports of cases of intestinal and esophageal edema.

Numerous studies and meta-analyses have shown that guar gum supplements are not effective for weight loss.

Application in medicine

Guar gum is used as a filler in many medicines.

As an independent drug, it has not found much use, although official medicine does not deny its effectiveness in relieving constipation, treating Crohn's disease.

In US hospitals and nursing homes, the supplement is used to thicken fluids and foods when feeding patients with dysphagia (a symptom of difficulty swallowing).

A guar-based compound is found in artificial tears to treat dry eyes.

In cosmetology

The product is not very popular among manufacturers of elite cosmetics, but it has no equal in the budget segment. As a thickener, emulsifier, stabilizer, it is included in gels, creams, facial serums, body and hair care products.

The use of gum contributes to:

  • effective moisturizing of the face;
  • gentle cleaning of the epidermis;
  • protection of the skin from wind, temperature extremes, ultraviolet radiation;
  • restoration of the structure of damaged hair, giving it shine.

Gum can also be used in home cosmetology. However, experts do not recommend doing this without special need.

High requirements for the quality of raw materials, the risk of side effects, the cost of purchasing ingredients make it more preferable to go to the nearest pharmacy for ready-made products.

But if there is a desire and a lot of free time, then you can take a chance and prepare a couple of useful tools.

Universal cream

It is suitable for all skin types. Eliminates irritation, cleanses, brightens, regenerates.

You can cook like this:

  1. Combine 1 g of guar gum with 120 ml of lavender hydrolate, infuse until all solid particles have dissolved.
  2. In a fireproof bowl, mix 60 ml of peach kernel oil, 4 g of stearic acid, 16 g of emulsion wax. Heat the mixture in a water bath.
  3. The combined mixtures are whipped with a mixer. The mixture of gum and hydrolate should be warm before combining.
  4. You can add essential oil.


An affordable rosemary gel recipe for oily skin. A small number of its components, provides a simple but effective care. It is prepared like this:

  1. Dissolve 0.2 g of guar gum in 15 ml of water. Whisk. Leave the emulsifier to swell for 5-7 minutes. Whisk again.
  2. Add 1 drop of rosemary oil to 5 ml of hazelnut oil, stir.
  3. Pour the mixture of oils into the gum solution and beat with a mixer.
  4. Pour into a clean jar. The gel can be stored in the refrigerator, but not more than a week.

We consume guar gum almost daily.

The food industry will never let go of this cheap supplement, and the amount of it in our diets will only grow.

I would like to believe that there is still a little more benefit from it, but there is no harm at all.

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Guar gum is a food additive E412 related to stabilizers, thickeners and emulsifiers. Chemical composition guar gum resin is similar to the substances found in the sticky juice of the carob tree. In the food industry, guar (guar gum) is used as a thickener, the component increases the viscosity of the final product.

The considered polymeric compound guar gum contains a certain proportion of galactose. Main characteristics of guar gum:

  • rigidity;
  • increased elasticity;
  • ability to dissolve in water.

In the process of freezing and thawing, guar gum does not lose its basic properties. In the food industry, guar gum is a white powder.

Chemical composition of guar gum

Guar gum is a hydrocarbon polymer. The composition of guar gum used in cooking includes:

  • polysaccharide;
  • protein;
  • crude fiber;
  • ash;
  • moisture.

Guara has no taste and smell, does not affect the corresponding quality of the finished product. Among the disadvantages of guar gum can be noted its sensitivity to high temperature and acidity.

Guar gum production technology

In nature, guar gum is found in the grains of an annual leguminous plant that grows in India. To obtain resin, the seeds of Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L. are ground. The endosperm of the grains is separated by crushing, sifting and bringing the component to a powder state. Multi-stage purification results in an ingredient that is characterized by fine grinding and higher viscosity. This is determined by the increase in galactomannan in gual gum.

Uses of guar gum in molecular cuisine

A restaurant seeking to surprise guests with original dishes of molecular cuisine cannot do without guar gum. In molecular cuisine dishes, guar gum is added in small quantities to create the necessary consistency and original appearance.

The use of guar gum is associated with the creation of structured gels. Components such as agar-agar, carrageenans, pectins, methylcellulose, etc. can interact with the powder.

Guar gum is actively used in molecular cuisine. With its help, the necessary viscosity of dishes is achieved, various jellies are created. To get the desired result, it is necessary to take into account the temperature, correctly calculate the time, find the desired concentration and determine the mixing speed. The thickener guar gum is able to impart viscosity to the product even when dissolved in cold water. But in this case, the waiting time for the effect can be up to four hours.

Where else is guar gum used?

Guar gum is used both in factories Catering as well as at home. Housewives who want to please their family and guests with an unusual dinner should also purchase guar gum, without which it will not be possible to obtain the necessary viscosity of the product. The ingredient guar gum is used in the preparation of cold and hot appetizers, first and main courses, sauces, desserts and even drinks.

How Guar Gum Affects the Human Body

Many are in no hurry to add new ingredients to the diet, worrying about their health. People who doubt the characteristics of guar gum should know that its neutral effect on the body has been scientifically proven. In addition, the resin is able to reduce appetite and cholesterol levels in the blood. With the help of guar, you can get rid of excess saturated fats.

In many European countries, the food additive is even used to prepare foods for children. Guar gum powder is added to products used for preventive measures of atherosclerosis. It is believed that guar gum helps cleanse the body of toxic substances.

The effect of guar gum on weight loss

Eating E412 supplements leads to weight loss. Products with guar gum make you feel full faster. In addition, the supplement reduces appetite, removes excess fluid from the body, and starts the metabolism. A mild laxative effect that gum has, solves the problem of constipation.

Is guar gum harmful or not?

And yet, guar gum is more beneficial or harmful? The main secret in proportions. It is not recommended to take guar gum in large quantities, as this can cause an allergic reaction and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Is guar gum harmful when proportioned? No. Several grams of guar gum are added to molecular cuisine dishes, so you don’t have to worry about an overdose.

Recipe with guar gum. Flatbread Rosmarino Vegan

Guar gum is an additive found in Rosmarino Vegan Oregano and Rosemary Flatbread. Here is the recipe.

Cooking time: 25 minutes

Total time: 37 minutes

Exit: diameter 9 inches


flour mixture

  • 1/2 cup tapioca starch/flour
  • 1/2 cup arrowroot
  • 1/2 cup white rice flour (maybe a little more)
  • 1/4 cup sorghum flour (or brown rice flour)
  • 1/4 cup potato starch
  • 4 teaspoons guar gum
  • 1 tablespoon plus 2 teaspoons almond flour

Other ingredients

  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon (finely ground) sea salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon granulated garlic
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1 glass of water
  • 1/4 cup olive oil (divided)
  • 2 large sprigs fresh rosemary (for topping)
  • sea ​​salt (coarse)

Cooking process:

  1. Preheat the oven to 190 or 215 degrees Celsius and brush a baking sheet with olive oil. Mix the flour mixture in a bowl. Add remaining dry ingredients: baking powder, salt, granulated garlic, and dried oregano herb. Mix all the ingredients to evenly distribute the baking powder.
  2. In a small bowl, mix water and 2 tablespoons olive oil. Add dry ingredients and mix well wooden spoon. The resulting mixture should not contain dry powder. If it remains, add 1 tablespoon of water and mix until the mass is completely homogeneous. The dough should be formed into a ball, but should not be wet.
  3. Place the dough on a handful of white rice flour and start kneading. Knead to a ball and place on a greased baking sheet. Butter the dough and lay it in a circle or rectangle about half an inch thick. Make small circles with your fingertips all over the dough.
  4. Chop 1 tablespoon of fresh rosemary and sprinkle over the dough.

Baking Options

To obtain a crispy crust, bake at 190 degrees for 20 minutes, then increase the temperature to 215 degrees and leave in the oven for another 5 minutes. For a crispy golden brown crust, bake at 215 degrees for 35 minutes or until golden brown.

What is a substitute for guar gum?

Guar gum is a healthy alternative to gluten. If the substance is not at hand, you can replace it with the following textures with similar properties.

  • Chia seeds are a binder used in baking and confectionery.
  • Psyllium husk is a cholesterol-lowering soluble dietary fiber that is added to bread.
  • Agar-agar is a seaweed product with gelling properties.

Where to Buy Guar Gum

Guar gum excellent quality can be bought in our for molecular cuisine. There is a delivery across Moscow and to regions.

How to store guar gum?

The product is stored in sealed bags and containers in dry and cool places. It is undesirable to get on the packaging of a direct sunlight. Subject to the conditions, the supplement retains its beneficial properties for 12-18 months.

Wanting to become a little slimmer, we resort to numerous diets, sleep ourselves huge amount articles and recipes, we study products and drugs that promote weight loss. But how often do we think about the fact that there are natural and effective means, not only helping to get rid of hated kilograms, but also useful to the whole body? One of these is guar gum. . This tool can help not only everyone who is It is also effective in the fight against diabetes and atherosclerosis.

What is guar gum?

Before proceeding directly to the properties of this plant, it is necessary to understand what it is. Guar gum / guar / Indian acacia - is an Indian plant (although it is now grown in other countries: Pakistan, Sudan, USA, Afghanistan), which is grown for cosmetic and food purposes. After processing the seeds of the plant, they receive which is included in the group of stabilizers E400 - E499. It has a laxative effect, inhibits the development of obesity and atherosclerosis.

plant properties

The unique properties of gum are suitable for use in various areas:

Highly soluble in water;

Compatible with many types of hydrocolloids;

Increases viscosity;


Has absorbent properties;

Not absorbed by the intestines, which means it reduces appetite;

Reduces the amount of cholesterol, as well as lipoproteins, triglycerides and fats;

Normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, intestines and their microflora;

Clears toxins;

Increases the absorption of calcium by the body;

Increases products.

Where is guar gum used?

There are many areas where the substance is used:

It is used as a thickener in the manufacture of cosmetics: shampoos, masks, various gels and creams;

Used as a laxative;

It is used in the fight against atherosclerosis and diabetes;

Used to cleanse the body in weight loss programs;

It is used for food purposes in the manufacture of bread, cheeses, ice cream, sauces, jams, sausages, puddings, yoghurts and other products;

It is applied in paper, textile, coal, oil and gas industries;

In the future, it may be used in the manufacture of hypoglycemic agents.

Guar gum - harm to the body

Like many other herbs and preparations, this gum can cause unwanted side effects. Side effects are possible only with an overdose of drugs containing this plant. Among them there are: - nausea; - pain in the stomach; - diarrhea; - vomit; - allergic reactions. There have been cases when dangerous toxic substances were found instead of the E412 code (guar gum). In the 1990s, in the United States, a case of gastric obstruction was recorded in ten people and the death of one person due to the use of guar gum.

Weight loss supplements containing guar gum

Means "Guarem" - reduces the feeling of hunger, displays harmful substances from the body, normalizes bowel function;

Dietary supplement "Fat Grabbers" - normalizes weight and metabolism, absorbs toxins, removes toxins and fats, improves bowel function .

Other products containing guar gum

Means "Loklo BAD" - normalizes the work of the intestines, absorbs toxins, reduces sugar and cholesterol in the blood, strengthens the immune system, protects against radiation therapy;

Means "Stomak Comfort" - normalizes the acidity of the stomach, improves digestion;

Means "TNT" - strengthens the immune system, improves the performance of the body;

Lozenges with zinc - improves immunity, normalizes the work of an important endocrine system, and also improves the reproductive abilities of men, promotes wound healing.

Surely many of you have heard or seen on product packaging, and even in the composition recipes unusual name- guar gum!

You can find this substance everywhere, from cosmetic products to ice cream and yogurt. You will even find it in jars as a dietary supplement.

It's time to figure out what guar gum is and how this mysterious ingredient can be good or bad for our health.

What is guar gum and what is it made from?

Guar gum is a common food additive that belongs to the group of emulsifiers, stabilizers and thickeners. According to the international classification, it is designated as E412. Its other name is guar or also guar gum. It is used as a thickener in order to significantly increase the viscosity of the main product.

Guar gum is a white fine powder that dissolves well in water and is able to slow down the process of ice crystallization.

Guar gum is a completely natural product that is made from the pods of the Indian acacia (pea acacia or pea tree), it is also called guar, and its fruits are guar fruits. The pea tree is very similar to a bush, but has more powerful stems. This legume is grown in Pakistan, India, Africa, Australia, Canada and the USA.

Resin is obtained from pea acacia beans by extraction in these mills, for this the seeds are preliminarily dried, ground into powder and already, then this raw material enters production. The main suppliers of raw materials for the production of E412 additives are India and Pakistan.

Physical properties of the additive

This substance has increased rigidity, however, it is perfectly soluble in ordinary water and other liquids, regardless of their temperature.

If the product, which contains guar gum, is frozen, then a kind of gel is obtained, ice crystals do not appear in it.

Where is guar gum added?

You can find this additive in various confectionery products, jellies, yogurts, jams. Everyone's favorite ice cream, almost always, contains the E412 stabilizer in its composition.

Guara can not only change the consistency of the product, but also has a positive effect on appearance already finished products.

Therefore, it is often used in the preparation of canned food, ketchups, juices.

Sometimes it is added to ready meals in restaurants to make them much more beautiful, appetizing and attract the attention of customers.

People who carefully study the information on the packages can see the food additive E412, which is part of a variety of dry soups, oils, fats, and even animal feed.

Guar gum has found its use in:

  • paper;
  • textile;
  • gas and oil;
  • space;
  • coal industries;
  • used in the manufacture of explosives.

Chemical composition

Gum contains residual parts of galactose and belongs to polysaccharides. Guar contains a lot of fatty acids, which are considered especially valuable for the human body.

Its composition is very similar to another food additive E410 is locust bean gum.

What is useful guar gum - E412?

There is a lot of talk and talk about the harm or benefit of food additives.

They begin to study them more carefully, on the basis of this they open Interesting Facts, the existence of which, a couple of years ago, no one could suspect. This happened with the addition of E412.

Let's get acquainted with the main useful properties:

  1. Guar gum has been scientifically proven to have positive influence on the body and is indispensable for its cleansing. It effectively removes toxins, reduces the harmful effects of heavy metals, prevents the growth of bad and harmful bacteria, and helps regulate blood cholesterol levels.
  2. A gel with this substance is a kind of absorbent, which, like a sponge, is able to absorb all the garbage and dirt in the human body and gently remove it all.
  3. positive trait additives in that it is almost not absorbed in the intestines, which means that it is absolutely harmless to humans.
  4. If you use this natural substance in food on a regular basis, then it will be very effective prevention diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  5. Also, taking the supplement with food normalizes blood pressure, thins the blood and cleanses the vessels of plaques, purifies the blood, and prevents hearing and vision loss.
  6. It promotes better absorption of nutrients that come with foods, especially potassium.
  7. Very often, the E412 supplement is used to control blood sugar levels. To do this, it is added to the diet for diabetics. However, these procedures must be carried out under medical supervision.
  8. Another proven property of gum is a noticeable decrease in appetite.

Therefore, this dietary supplement is often used for weight loss and weight loss, at this point we will dwell in more detail.

As it turned out, the use of the stabilizing additive E412 helps to reduce weight.

This action is explained by the fact that there is a rapid saturation, even if you use small portions.

There is also a gradual decrease in appetite, combined with a cleansing of the whole body and an improvement in metabolism.

Gum has a slight laxative effect, and this circumstance also has a positive effect on normalizing weight and improving the figure.

However, not everything is so rosy. There is information that it was this supplement that caused poisoning and even death.

These cases occurred with people who were losing weight and who used dietary supplements based on guar gum.

The fact is that people, in their desire to lose weight faster and in pursuit of perfect figure, bought an untested and uncertified product that was used uncontrollably, without consulting a doctor and in dosages exceeding all conceivable and possible limits.

Therefore, these accidents occurred, as well as they could be from any overdose of drugs, if they are used without knowing the measure.


If you use dietary supplements with guar gum for weight loss, then it is important to remember about it. side effects and avoid overdose. You can purchase such goods only from trusted suppliers with the appropriate certificates. Before use, a consultation with a doctor is required!

Where is guar gum used?

Perhaps you will be interested to know about the main areas of application of the additive, here are some of them:

  1. Most known way the use of additive E412 is its use in the food industry.
  2. This substance is very often used in combination with pectin, agar-agar and other gelling agents that help improve useful properties gums. This supplement looks like a milky white powder. In this form, it is introduced into the products, and during the mixing process, desolation occurs.
  3. The E412 stabilizer is used for the preparation of dietary supplements and various medications that should be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor and under strict control. These drugs are used to treat patients with atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, people who are obese and have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and are also prone to the listed health problems.
  4. In the oil drilling industry, guar is used in large quantities, and it is very important there. Its use makes the clay used to prepare the drilling fluid itself better. Guar is introduced into the earth layer in order to make the contents of the well homogeneous and prevent a possible explosion.

An important role is played by the fact that the additive has an affordable cost and at the same time its quality is higher than that of other expensive thickeners.

Sometimes we may have a question: what can replace this stabilizer?

There are many ways to thicken, these are starch, flour, other food additives, but the result will still not be what you need. In terms of external taste and appearance, you may not notice obvious differences, but in chemical studies, it will become clear that there is a rather significant difference in which the E412 thickener wins.

Guar gum in home cooking

The additive has found its application in cooking and is widely used for baking various products from whole grain crops, without the addition of wheat flour.

Guar gum is needed so that the dough can rise in the usual way, as it happens when it is prepared from ordinary flour.

Guara raises the dough to the desired consistency, preventing the release of gases, as is the case with ordinary kneading.

It is essential as a binder in gluten-free flour baking.

Cooks use this food additive as a thickener for creams, soufflés, jams, various kinds ice cream and sweet desserts.

Guar gum can also be used to make delicious diet ice cream, which is very quick to prepare and does not require much culinary experience.

All more women begin to give their preference to natural skin and body care products, as well as make cosmetics at home. Therefore, we will dwell in more detail on the use of the E412 stabilizer for beauty.

Resin, which is obtained from guar beans, has found wide application in the production of cosmetic products.

Europeans were the first to appreciate the possibilities of using guar gum in cosmetics, but today, this substance is increasingly used in our country.

The use of cosmetic products with guar promotes intensive hydration of the skin. An invisible film forms on the skin, which protects it from negative impact environment: dust, wind, dirt, from UV radiation.

Scope of application in cosmetics

Guar gum is a very suitable component for creating:

  • moisturizing and nourishing and moisturizing emulsions;
  • gel deodorants;
  • styling gels;
  • gels for various purposes;
  • cosmetic jelly;
  • decorative cosmetics (liquid blush, lip gloss).

Mode of application

The component is not recommended for use with concentrated alkalis and strong acids, as this may lead to a loss of viscosity of the final product produced. If borax is added, a gelatinous mass is formed, which can be used in some cosmetic products.

Guar combines very well with xanthan gum, alginate, agar-agar and other resins and substances that act synergistically.

Guar gum is introduced into the finished gel or into the aqueous phase, while selecting the dosage, depending on the desired degree of viscosity, from 0.1 to 0.5%.

Finished cosmetics may contain no more than 0.1-5% guar. For those who like to use recipes for making cosmetics at home, it is important to remember that this dosage should not be exceeded! Large quantity, additives in cosmetics, can be dangerous.

To get the best effect, guar gum is recommended to be dissolved in a hydrolat prepared from flowers and medicinal plants. But for these purposes, ordinary water can also be suitable.

Thus, you can get a tonic that will provide reliable skin protection, moisturize and cleanse it. It is advisable to use a tonic with guar in the morning, wipe the skin with it after washing.

If it is used regularly, then soon it will be possible to completely abandon the use of decorative cosmetics used to hide the defects that are visible on the skin.

If, however, additional vitamin supplements, natural oils, herbal decoctions are used in cosmetic procedures, you can get an excellent effect that will restore freshness and youth to the skin from the very first days of using these masks.

I bring to your attention a proven recipe for a good mask for skin rejuvenation.


  • We take Aloe Vera leaves, the leaves need to be taken large and previously aged in the refrigerator for two days.
  • Remove the skin from the scarlet leaves, and put the pulp in a clean container.
  • Add 3 drops of vitamin E to the aloe pulp, and a small pinch of guar.
  • Mix everything thoroughly, cover with cling film and put in a warm place for half an hour.
  • The mass during this time should increase slightly in volume.


  1. The prepared anti-aging mask is applied to the previously cleansed and steamed skin of the face, neck and décolleté.
  2. Keep it for 30 minutes and wash off with warm water.

Useful properties of guara can be used to strengthen and health hair. If you prepare a mixture with essential oils and, then we get a very good conditioner for healing hair, which will provide shine, make curls thick, silky, smooth and obedient.

Let's make a healthy hair mask.


  • Take kefir - 300 milliliters, one egg and a pinch of guar gum.
  • Let's heat the kefir so that it is slightly warm. Add egg and guar to it.
  • Mix everything thoroughly and heat in a water bath.


  1. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair under a regular plastic cap.
  2. The procedure time is from 30 to 60 minutes.
  3. After that, the mask should be washed off with warm water.

The mask can be used twice a week, this will provide good hydration of the scalp, prevent the appearance of split ends, strengthen the hair structure along the entire length.

Homemade Chamomile Shampoo

The thickener can even be used to make homemade chamomile shampoo.


  1. Pour two tablespoons of chamomile flowers with a glass of water and bring to a boil in a water bath. We filter and cool.
  2. In the finished chamomile broth, add one egg. All well and carefully knead.
  3. Add a pinch of E412 guar thickener.


  • Wash your hair like you would with regular shampoo.
  • Store homemade shampoo in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days.
  • Warm up before use.

Hair after applying this natural shampoo will become strong and beautiful.

Shaving agent

Guar gum can be used to make a shaving cream that is good for delicate and sensitive skin.

  1. Preparation and application:
  2. Grate baby soap and dissolve it completely in a small amount of water.
  3. Add a pinch of guar thickener, essential oils that suit you and flavorings. We mix everything.
  4. The resulting shaving agent should be slightly heated before use and applied with a shaving brush to the skin.

Bath or shower gel

A very good and high-quality bath or shower gel is obtained according to this recipe.

Preparation and application:

  • We take chamomile hydrosol - 120 grams;
  • lavender oil or any other - 20 drops;
  • olive oil - 1 tablespoon.

We mix everything and let it brew for one day. The mixture must be shaken before use.

After using the gel, the pores of the skin are well cleansed, narrowed, and the skin receives the necessary hydration and care.

Where can you buy a nutritional supplement?

You can buy natural guar gum in online stores that sell various nutritional supplements. When buying, you should pay attention to the reputation of the store and reviews of the products you are going to purchase.

Contraindications and possible harm

Guar gum is a nutritional supplement that is absolutely harmless to the human body, however, there is such a thing as individual intolerance and therefore, caution when using this supplement will not be superfluous.

You can use products containing E412 during pregnancy, as there is a lot of evidence that they only benefit the woman and the unborn baby.

Mommy must take care of herself and the health of her still born child on her own, for this you need to adhere to the basics proper nutrition and lead healthy lifestyle life.

Most often they can manifest themselves in violation of the digestive tract: vomiting, diarrhea, severe upset, gas formation.

Adverse reactions can occur not only if you use dietary supplements, but also when eating foods that have been added low-quality E412.


To avoid harm, follow a simple rule - everything is good in moderation!

All my life I've been learning something. Graduated from courses: Non-traditional medicine. Modern cosmetology. Secrets of modern cuisine. Fitness and health.