Anton Shastun - biography, personal life, photos, programs, rumors and latest news. Anton Shastun: photo from Instagram Shastun personal life

The name of- Anton Shastun
When he was born-April 19, 1989
Where he was born- Voronezh
What does he do?- comedian, show star "Improvisation"

Biography of Anton Shastun

Anton's homeland is the city of Voronezh. Since his school days, this guy has amazed me with his jokes, talent and positive attitude. After school, he entered VSAU (Faculty of Economics and Management), but Anton did not work in his specialty, he preferred creative path. But thanks to the university, Anton fully revealed his talents as a comedian, performing in the university KVN team. And then, he was chosen as the captain of the “BV” team, which participated in the “Start” league. As a result, Anton led his team to victory.

Path to glory

One day Anton Shastun decides to try his luck in the capital, where he repeatedly tried to get into « Comedy Club» , but Anton could not reach the final. After an unsuccessful attempt in Moscow, Shastun returns to Voronezh, where he continues to perform in the stand-up genre. He also continued to participate in the improvisation project - “ Controversial issue", which he created together with other guys. At first this show had no big success, but later, the number of fans grew significantly and then the young people moved to the Actor’s House.

On that moment Anton Shastun and his team did not even suspect that they had actually come up with a grandiose project that was not like the others humorous programs, moreover, the producers of the TNT channel became interested in them, who were inspired to create a completely new, large-scale humorous television project "Improvisation". Right from the ground up "Improvisations" started real career Anton.

In addition to his main work, the comedian also performs in a humorous television project on TNT in the “18+” category called "Don't sleep", where all participants compete with their jokes, with their money on the line.

Personal life of Anton Shastun

Anton's first love was the girl Nastya. At that time, he was in elementary school and, like many children, he believed that these feelings would be the first and last in his life. While in a pioneer camp, he met Nastya, but feelings of embarrassment kept them at a distance. Although, when it was time to leave the camp, Anton still plucked up courage and took her phone number.

Afterwards, attempts to reach Nastya were not very successful, each time an unknown voice answered him, and he did not have the courage to call Nastya to the phone. After a while, the feelings cooled down. Being a comedian, Anton Shastun meets his first love on the street, but decided that she should not know about the feelings of that little boy.

Nowadays on Anton’s pages you can only find photos from his travels and work; Anton doesn’t like to show off his personal relationships. Therefore, the exciting question of many girls, whether the young improviser has love, remains a mystery. All we can say for sure is that Shastun is not married and has no children.

Anton loves to travel exclusively to hot countries; he prefers to lie in the sun and learn as much as possible about his destination.

Anton Shastun today

In mid-2017, the comedian was invited to visit a musical and comedy project "Studio Union". Also, in August of this year, improvisers Anton and Dmitry Pozov took part in the broadcast of the show “Couple for Rent”.

site was able to communicate with the actor of the show “Improvisation”, as well as the hero of dreams and the cause of girlish tears, Anton Shastun on film set hard comedy “Money or Shame” on the TNT4 channel.. A skilled improviser told why he couldn’t hold a single rose ceremony on the show “The Bachelor,” how he feels about 18+ humor and whether girls can get into his Instagram stories.

“Apparently few people are interested”

– Tell me honestly, were you preparing to somehow fend off Uncle Vitya’s attacks?

- No, that didn’t happen. Within the framework of the program, there is generally no such goal as to “kill” or make fun of Uncle Vitya. This is impossible on his field.

– Is a million a lot or a little to disgrace yourself?

It depends on how you disgrace yourself and how a person feels about it. I believe that all comedians should ideally have a developed sense of self-irony. It is very stupid to be offended by humor. A million is at stake, what difference does it make that Uncle Vitya is joking?

– Anton, you are so popular and give so few interviews. Why? Are you embarrassed or hiding something?

– I always give interviews when people come to me for an interview! Apparently, few people are interested.

- We'll fix it! When you were very young and not famous, could you imagine that you would work on one of the most popular channels in the country?

- Of course I couldn’t. I played KVN for many years. There is no point in hiding it - in our country, most people involved in humor played this wonderful game. At first it was just a thrill, I liked spending time like that. More and more often I saw people who, thanks to KVN, made their way somewhere higher, so I also had such thoughts.

– What did you want to become as a child?

– When I was asked the same question in English lessons, I answered: driver! Driver. But since I started playing in KVN in the 10th grade, from then on I wanted to be on stage.

“Send intimate photos, otherwise there’s nothing to tell in an interview”

– We announced on social networks that we would be interviewing you, and I think you can predict which question was the most popular from them. So: does Anton Shastun have a girlfriend or not?

– I always answer this question the same way: everything is fine in my personal life!

– Why aren’t you married yet?

– I don’t know, I don’t attach any importance to it. Not married or married, I don’t need it yet.

– Are there any offers for something hotter on social networks?

– People often ask me about this, but intimate photos Nobody sends it to me. Send it, otherwise I have nothing to tell in an interview!

– By the way, in April a video appeared on the Internet where you say that you will become a new bachelor. And all the girls said: “Yes, finally, this suits us.” Why not go on The Bachelor?

First of all, I'm not invited there. But even if they called me, it seems to me that the “Bachelor” program would not work with me. In my life it is very difficult for me to say “no” to people. Very! How can I imagine: I’m standing with roses, around a girl, and I have to say to someone: “Not you.” I'll sweat nine times! The show “The Bachelor” will not benefit from this. When Yegor Creed participates, there are no questions. He's not a comedian. When Timur Batrutdinov, for example, participates there, you expect jokes and laughter from him, because he always perceived a person differently. When he stands with a straight face and seriously selects girls, it seems that this is the beginning of some act and now Kharlamov will jump out of the bushes. In no case do I want to throw a stone at Timur, he coped with the task. But I think it’s much better when the show involves non-comedians.

“We all sometimes do things against the rules”

– Another question from our subscribers: where do so many rings and bracelets come from? Do they mean anything or is it for beauty?

– They don’t mean anything! Once at school they gave me a ring, and away we go. I picked up all sorts of different ones, changed them, combined them. Same with bracelets. I already feel uncomfortable without them.

- Okay, let's talk about humor. How to learn to improvise? Did you succeed right away?

If we mean improvisation as a genre, then it takes a very long time to learn. For example, I have been here for eight years. This is a genre of comedy where experience is more important than others. If you want to learn to improvise, improvise! If we draw a parallel with stand-up, then everyone can, sitting at home, write jokes, perform them and even be successful. In improvisation there is also a chance to perform successfully the first time, but it is minimal. There is no point in delving into theoretical knowledge now; you just need to play improvisational games and memorize the moves and techniques in them. The most important thing is to have a broad outlook. Go to the cinema, to the theater, to be aware of everything. This is not necessary for inspiration, but to know different characters. If I'm at a concert from auditorium If they say that in the next scene I need to become Daenerys Targaryen, then I need to understand who she is.

– Many people say that in “Improvisation” everything is according to the script, but you have rehearsals. What are you doing there? And what is written in the script?

There is no script! A creative group is working on the show, coming up with themes for improvisations, characters, locations, initial conflicts - everything that Pavel Volya then asks us. We call the meeting before the performance a rehearsal. But for us this is essentially training. We play improv games to keep ourselves in shape. There are more than 150 such games! In the show we show them in portions. This season there are new ones for the audience, but for us they are all very familiar. We also have tech parties before filming, where we perform to very small audiences and remember how to do everything after the summer break. But on filming or concerts, we never know the topics and situations in which we will be put.

– Have you ever been ashamed of your improvisation? In the spirit of: “Oh, what did I blurt out”?

What I like most about the genre of improvisation is that it great amount rules There are a lot of them, you tell them and tell them, but at the very end of any training they will tell you: “Now forget all these rules.” Let's say we're improvising, and suddenly I did something against the rules. For example, you cannot block offers. This is when they say to me: “Let’s go fishing,” and I answer: “No, we won’t go.” This situation does not mean that Shastun has improvised and that’s enough! No, the most important thing is that you can’t stop. The viewer sees everything. If at some point we change our faces and glare at each other for violations, then everything will collapse! Of course, we all sometimes do something not according to the rules, but we have never been ashamed of it. Some failures even turn out to be a plus, and new humor is born from them.

"Cruel humor is good"

– You came to the new season of “Money or Shame.” Aren't you afraid of Uncle Vitya?

I'm not afraid of Uncle Vitya, he's a funny grandfather! He managed to make me laugh back in " Comedy Battle"When I was sitting there on the jury. I have an excellent sense of humor, so he won’t be able to offend me.

– You have a reputation as a very kind comedian. How do you feel about harsh humor?

– Hard humor is good! I like the shows “Money or Shame”, “Roasting”, I’m calm about 18+ jokes. There can be any kind of humor, there’s just a time and a place for everything.

– Before filming, you were noticeably nervous. Is this feeling still there now?

“I was worried whether I was doing something right.” Always, when I am invited to filming, I think that it depends on me how it will go. I try to be as open as possible, to expose myself like a comedian. I’m nervous before every time I go on stage; I’ve been doing this since school. When I went to the board, I could erase the board with my palm, I started sweating. And when I left, all the worries disappeared.

– Are there things you wouldn’t joke about?

I repeat: everything should have its time and its place. Now we joke about the death of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, but I think when he died, no one joked about it the next day. Or, for example, somewhere jokes about disabled people are completely off topic, out of touch and offensive, but on “ Open mic“and in “Prozharka” Sergei Detkov performs, who himself laughs at his disability and allows others to do it. And it looks absolutely normal.

– How do you think Uncle Vitya would show himself in “Improvisation”?

– I think he would have succeeded! Maybe we'll call him someday.

– Which colleagues do you communicate with the most in your life?

– We have been friends with Dima Pozov for a very long time, even before “Improvisation”. He is older than me, taught me how to play KVN and humor in general. I was still in school when he came as a humor guru to recruit a team, and over time we became colleagues with him. We all communicate with “Improvisation”, both with Arseny and Seryozha. We will soon go on a tour of 40 cities, it will be impossible not to communicate with each other (laughs).

– What usually happens behind the scenes?

– Everyone has their own little traditions. Arseny, for example, decided to charge everyone with oxygen. He approaches everyone, cups his palms, brings them to his body and hits them sharply. I don’t know why it’s called “charging” and what does oxygen have to do with it. But even at the beginning of filming, you can fool around, and when it's already underway the third engine on the third day of shooting, then you want to sit and drink tea with lemon. You can't get by with oxygen alone!

Anton Shastoon (on Instagram - anton.shastoon) is a Russian comedian. Born on April 19, 1989 in Voronezh. IN student years began performing in KVN in the BV team, at some point becoming captain. First they played in the city league, then in the Russian Center League, where they won.

The next step was the Comedy Club. He twice participated in the Comedy Battle program. In this show, participants perform their comedy sketches in front of judges and audiences, trying to earn their sympathy. The judges are Sergey Svetlakov, Garik Martirosyan and Semyon Slepakov. He came to this show twice, but was never able to reach the finals, although last time, in 2013, went through several tours.

One of the shows in which Anton Shastun also participated for six years is “Controversial Issue,” in which performers on stage act out skits based on plots proposed by the audience. Such conditions are very difficult for the actor, since he cannot prepare for the performance in advance.

Since 2016, the young comedian, together with his colleagues from the previous show, were invited to a similar program on the TNT channel - “Improvisation”. A photo of Anton Shastun from “Improvisation” is on his Instagram. There is also no prepared script here, but among the conditions, the participation of the viewer is not expected. What else can you see on his Instagram?


Anton Shastoon’s Instagram (official website) – anton.shastoon. He has a lot of subscribers - 418 thousand. Publications on this moment– 342. His Instagram contains many photographs and videos from all the programs in which he participated, as well as personal photographs with friends and colleagues. We can see where he traveled, what entertainment he took part in. As in life, on Instagram Anton - cheerful man, who can often be seen with friends or colleagues. His Instagram is not as exciting, but it allows fans to look into the young man's personal life.

Anton Shastun was born in the city of Voronezh on April 19, 1989. Since childhood, Anton has been closely connected with the stage. In the second grade, the boy studied at an acting school, and in high school he was always the host of various events.
After school, Anton entered the Voronezh State Agrarian University, Faculty of Economics. At the university, Shastun began playing in KVN, where he later became team captain. Even at that time, Anton realized that he would not work in his specialty. The young man preferred the stage.

Humorous career

For the first time on television, Anton Shastun appeared on the project “ Comedy battle" The young man, together with his friend, successfully passed the entire test, but he failed to become a winner.
The second project in which Anton participated was the television project “Don’t Sleep”. On stage, Anton improvised with ease and brought laughter to all participants, including the jury. Anton managed to win a decent amount on the program.

Anton proved himself well, after which he was accepted into the program “Improvisation” with Pavel Volya. Many fans of the program believe that Anton Shastun is the brightest and most charismatic participant in the television program.
Anton is a very successful comedian; he often appears in other teams on TNT. For example, such as “Studio Union”, “Karaoke Star” and of course “Comedy Club”. Videos featuring Anton are getting crazy views on YouTube.
Anton's fans are often interested in questions about his parameters. Despite the fact that Anton looks like a very tall guy on camera, in reality he turns out to be different. Anton Shastun's height is 180 centimeters, weight is 78 kilograms.

Personal life of Anton Shastun

Anton, like many celebrities, tries to keep his relationships secret. In one of his interviews, Shastun admitted that his personal life should always remain private, and he would never advertise his relationship.
On the guy's Instagram you can often see photos with big amount girls. It is impossible to draw conclusions from the photo. Anton also said that he is in a relationship, and a fairly strong one.

Anton Shastun and his girlfriend have been together for more than 2 years. As you know, the girl is not a public figure, the girl lives ordinary life. There is an assumption that the guy’s chosen one is several years older than him.

Popularity on Instagram

Like many stars, Anton Shastun actively maintains an Instagram profile. More than 700 thousand people follow the guy’s life. The guy regularly pleases his subscribers with photos from filming. Anton also has many photographs with the stars of the TNT channel.

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