Kate Winslet DiCaprio joint films. Love or friendship: Kate Winslet spoke about her “romance” with Leonardo DiCaprio! I haven't stepped on the scale for years

Kate Winslet on friendship with Leonardo DiCaprio: "You can't even imagine what we're talking about"

The film "Titanic" gave Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio not only worldwide popularity and recognition in the cinematic community, but also strong friendship. At the end of July, the actors attended DiCaprio's charity evening in Saint-Tropez, after which they stayed there for a few more days to relax. According to rumors, it was Leo who walked Kate down the aisle at her wedding to Ned Rocknroll in December 2013, and Kate most actively supported the actor at various prestigious awards ceremonies last year. In a new interview with American Glamor, the actress spoke in more detail about her friendship with DiCaprio.

You wouldn't really want to know what my last conversation with Leo was about. He was very funny, I laughed until I cried. Recently I even said to him: “Can you imagine what would happen if the world knew what stupid topics we are discussing?” I won't tell you what our conversation was about, but yes, we are very, very close friends. Sometimes we even start talking with quotes from the Titanic, and it really amuses us.

In a recent interview on the Today show, Kate and Leo discussed what they think has changed in each of them since Titanic:

Well, I think I can answer for both - we have a lot more wrinkles. What do you think, dear? I'm proud of him. I can’t say that he grew up, he was always tall. He just became a man. Look at him, he's clearly gotten bigger. “I stopped being so thin,” Kate noted.

And Kate remained as beautiful as she was when I first met her. She is an amazing professional in her field, in her work she truly experiences all the emotions of her heroines, so I consider her the best,” Leonardo added.

In an interview with Glamor, Kate also admitted that acting is the only possible profession for her.

I had to have a backup plan, some kind of plan B, if acting didn’t work out. But I didn't have one, and if something really went wrong, my situation would be pretty dire. Somehow many years ago I had the idea that I could be a good hairdresser. As a result, I injured my friend’s earlobe while trying to give him a signature haircut... I recently met him by chance and once again apologized, but he replied: “Yes, I even have a scar, but now I’m proud of it, Kate! ".

It will be released in Russian cinemas in early October. New film with Kate Winslet - "The Mountain Between Us" directed by Hani Abu-Assad. Home male role performed by Idris Elba. The filming took place in quite extreme conditions, and for one of the scenes Kate even had to “drown” in an icy lake. Kate spoke in more detail about that moment in an interview:

One of the most difficult moments was when Idris dragged me, completely wet, through the snow. But my biggest fear was not even pneumonia, but that Idris would leave me without hair. I didn't want to ruin the take and scream, "He's stepping on my hair!" But, of course, it was much more difficult for Idris - he tried to stay on the ice. It was very cold at that moment, and Idris was also wet. Plus, he had to drag me, who weighed a ton, - my suit was soaked through, and I became even heavier.

Kate Winslet and Idris Elba in The Mountain Between Us

Photo: Legion-Media

As you know, the friendship between Kate and Leo began almost 20 years ago, during their filming in the film “Titanic” in 1997

Interest in this duet as a couple does not fade. They are filming together, their explicit scenes don't give any one chance to doubt that there is anything more than just friendship between the actors. Everyone (even the couple’s close friends) blames Leo for Kate’s divorces, saying that the actress is frank and close with him like no one else. In addition, Leo’s gift (a ring) after the end of filming “Revolutionary Road” (2008) also caused a lot of noise. It's hard to say whether the actors are acting or just flirting with the public and the press.

Or maybe this is really an example of friendship between a man and a woman. Perhaps the lack of official status of the couple is the key to their relationship. In any case, it is a great happiness to find someone close to you in spirit.

Winslet told Vogue magazine: “He knows me better than anyone else in the world. Most friendships between people begin with cheeky jokes/kisses or hidden flirting. But Leo and me? No. He is my “emotional” rock. I don't know what the hell I would do without him. We literally grew up together. And during every big event in life, we were each other’s support.”

Kate also said that Leo helped her mentally during her divorce from her husband, Sam Mendes. The actress insists that her relationship with this charismatic Hollywood guy is proof that not everyone friendly relations between a man and a woman are based on sexual attraction.

Leonardo "returned" Kate's praise by saying that "their closeness comes from growing up together in the violent/dangerous film industry."

We invite you to look at a few wonderful videos about the actors' relationship, which their fans made:

Leonardo DiCaprio, despite his numerous affairs, remains one of the most attractive and eligible bachelors in Hollywood. Kate Winslet recently got married for the third time. Since their work together in Titanic, this couple has been repeatedly credited with love affair. They deny these rumors, declaring that they are connected only by great friendship.

Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio - romance only on screen

He introduced Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet to “Titanic” - the film after which both actors woke up truly famous. In this film, Leonardo and Kate played young people in love. Beautiful story, high relations and the tragic ending was forced to freeze near the screens great amount TV viewers. Many perceived them as a couple; indeed, in the early days there was a connection between them, but only of a friendly nature. Those who were with them on film set, remember that Kate and Leo very quickly found mutual language, constantly discussed something, teased each other, shared emotions. They agreed so much on life that they spent time together after filming. Kate and Leonardo brought the filming of Titanic together a lot, because it was not easy for them - they spent a lot of time in the water, in the cold, in addition, complex nature the director did not allow him to relax. During the 7 months of filming, the characters of “Titanic” became so close that they knew almost everything about each other.

Does Leonardo DiCaprio love Kate Winslet?

Leonardo DiCaprio repeatedly approaches Kate Winslett. It seems that he really is not lying when he says that she is the best and most sincere person in the world. Kate reciprocates Leo's feelings and also does not skimp on declarations of sympathy.

Di Ciprio considers Winslet his best friend; he is confident that he can rely on her in any situation. In addition, the actor admires Kate's ability to start from scratch in. Actors often call up and meet, discuss completely different problems, cry into each other’s vests if someone has problems in their lives.

Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio are not married, but he once walked her down the aisle, albeit as a bridesmaid. Kate was getting married for the third time and could not do without the support of her best friend.

Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio - 20 years together

In addition to constant communication, Kate and Leonardo attract attention to their personalities by filming together. In 2008, the film “Roads of Revolution” was released, where famous friends also played major roles. There were several explicit scenes in the film, after which rumors began to spread again that Leonardo DiCaprio was in love with Kate Winslet and she had feelings for him. But the girl again denied them, telling fans that it was hers who was behind the camera. ex-husband, and, in principle, nothing could happen between her and Di Capri - they have no romantic interest in each other. The actors recall that it was difficult for them to play explicit scenes in front of Kate’s husband, but the professionalism of all three participants in this action helped to make a truly beautiful and strong picture. As a token of gratitude for working together, Leonardo DiCaprio gave his partner a ring. Shortly after the film's release, Kate Winslet divorced her husband, but this happened not because of DiCaprio, but for the reason that family life It didn’t work out and the girl met her new love.

Currently, Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio are combining filming in several films:

  • "Titanic";
  • "Road of Change".
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But not only. This union is a wonderful example of friendship between actors, between a man and a woman.


October 5 Hollywood actress Kate Winslet turned 42 years old. The day before, she answered reporters to one of the most troubling questions from her fans: did she and DiCaprio have romantic relationship? The actors have said more than once that they have been friends for 20 years, but no one believes that they are beautiful people had no sympathy for each other.

I remember very well how we celebrated my 21st birthday - perhaps due to the fact that I then ate too much cake. At the time, Leo was about to turn 22. I'll be 42 soon and he'll be 43, and it's just crazy. On the set of Titanic in 1997, Leo and I worked side by side for seven months, and we were very young at the time. And, fortunately, we were very lucky in this: we never attracted each other in romantically. I know it's disappointing. But there really was nothing between us. Although we still tease each other.

The actress also said that she often sees DiCaprio and even spends weekends together, and her children are crazy about “Uncle Leo.”


It's spicy that friends played married couple in the film Revolutionary Road, directed by Winslet's then-husband Sam Mendes. The actress admitted that she felt awkward playing bed scenes with DiCaprio in front of his own husband.


By the way, in one of his early interviews Winslet did spill the beans about how DiCaprio flirted with her on the set of Titanic. According to her, the actor was a little in love with her then:

Leo and I spent every day in cold water for 6-7 hours, so after filming we took the habit of warming up together in hot bath. One of these days Leo said to me: “It’s so strange, we’re playing love scenes, so many takes, and after filming we have nothing.” I didn’t let him finish: “No, don’t even think about it, we won’t be able to take this seriously!” Then he sniffled, stood up, looked at the floor, there were my high-heeled shoes. “I’ll borrow it,” Leo said matter-of-factly. I was speechless. Without waiting for an answer, he put on his shoes and asked: “Well, should I leave?”


Many fans of this acting couple believe that DiCaprio is still single for only one reason - he is still in love with Kate. The stars themselves make fun of these rumors. Kate is now in her third marriage - the actress is married to millionaire Ned Rocknroll.

The actors have been friends for more than twenty years and say that there is nothing between them but friendship, but is this true?

The film was released in 1997 James Cameron"Titanic" where DiCaprio And Kate Winslet played a short one, but bright story love. It looked so convincing that the audience immediately connected the actors into a real couple. And although both he and she always swear to each other exclusively tender friendship, the people have not calmed down yet. The 2001 film, which was called “Kate and Leo,” also gave its “trump cards” to the gossipers. And although the leading actors in “Titanic” do not play there, and the plot is comedic, how can they in Hollywood, where everything is calculated down to the smallest detail, call a film just like that, without pushing the viewer to certain conjectures? Let's try to figure it out.

Oscar-winning star

British actress Kate Winslet was born on October 5, forty-two years ago. She holds the Guinness Book of World Records as the only three-time Oscar-nominated actress in the Best Actress category and twice in the Best Supporting Actress category who was under thirty years of age. Kate received the coveted statuette in 2010 for the film “The Reader.”

In addition to nominations, Winslet can boast of not so much short list husbands. From 1998 to 2011 she was married to the director Jim Threapleton. A daughter was born in this marriage Mia. Then she walked down the aisle with his colleague Sam Mendes to whom she gave a boy Joe Alfie. Seven years later, the couple divorced.

In 2012, Kate again tied the knot with a millionaire Ned Rocknroll. A year later their first child was born Bear Blaze.

Today, the couple's relationship is bursting at the seams. They say Kate has filed for divorce. And in August she was spotted at the villa Leonardo DiCaprio in St. Tropez, who invited her to visit him to “unwind.” Or perhaps there is something more behind this.

Paparazzi recorded Kate and Leo gently communicating and smiling at each other. Insiders say: finally, those who were considered old friends are meeting secretly, and they are connected precisely love relationship. There is no smoke without fire. Either Leo or Kate constantly throw firewood into the fire of gossip, exciting all of Hollywood and their fans.

Meeting place can not be Changed

DiCaprio and Winslet met in 1996 on the set of the Oscar-winning Titanic, which was considered the highest-grossing film in cinema history for more than a decade.

Kate and Leo did not separate for seven months. He warmed her up in a hot jacuzzi - after filming ice water"ocean". When Winslet learned that they would have a scene in which she would have to be naked, she made a radical decision, despite the fact that she knew DiCaprio at all: she simply opened her cloak and revealed everything that was hidden. Thus, both avoided awkward situations.

They grew closer and closer, and there were no secrets left between them by the end of filming. And love arose? Kate denied everything. In the interview she said that there was no talk of any romantic feelings. They were supposed to fall in love with each other like their heroes, but that never happened.

According to the actress, her partner perceived her as a “boy.” And she “was never a girl for him in the full sense of the word.” However, later she sadly joked that her heroine could have saved Jack Dawson from dying in the cold ocean: “I think he could fit on that piece of door.”

Feelings undercover

Years passed: Kate changed husbands. By the way, her beloved friend accompanied her down the aisle with her third husband. And Leo charmed and abandoned numerous blonde models. But the actors themselves did not betray their friendship, and who knows what happened behind closed doors.

11 years after Titanic, the friends met again on the set of the film Revolutionary Road. The actors played married couple who is experiencing a crisis in her relationship. Kate immediately admitted in an interview that she didn’t even realize how much the mutual “chemistry” had remained since their first film.

Still from the film "Revolutionary Road". cinema-kingdom.com

She was shy about sex scenes, and perhaps not only because her husband Sam Mendes was behind the camera at that time, and she repeated to herself that Leo was hers. best friend, and there’s a husband standing there.

The most interesting thing is that after filming DiCaprio gave Winslet Golden ring with engraving. Kate still keeps the inscription in her big secret. Gratitude for a long friendship or a declaration of love? And there were so many public confessions that not everyone regarded as a joke.

At the 2009 Golden Globe Awards, Kate publicly stated, “Leo is the love of my life.” Perhaps only now their friendship has grown into the most true love. And with such baggage, Kate and Leo are much easier to build a wonderful future together as husband and wife.