Gorgon Medusa pencil drawing in full. All the most interesting things about Deuce

From this lesson you will learn how to draw Deuce correctly. According to legend, Deuce Gorgon from the School of Monsters doll series is the son of the Gorgon Medusa, who turns all living things into stone with just his gaze. The doll's hairstyle is neon green snakes, the style is certainly complemented by sunglasses and roller skates.

How to draw Deuce Gorgon step by step

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All the most interesting things about Deuce

Although Deuce is the son of a jellyfish, his abilities are not as scary as those of his sinister mother. A guy's gaze turns him into stone for just a day, but even this can prevent him from finding good friends. That is why sunglasses have become an integral attribute of the character's image.

Deuce's girlfriend, Cleo de Nile, sometimes does unthinkable things, but the guy is always patient. They love him at Monster School, because he is also the captain of the basketball team.

The scales on Deuce's left shoulder are the same bright green as his eyes, so it's not surprising that shades of green are most often found in his clothing. When drawing Deuce Gorgon and choosing colors for coloring, do not forget about this feature of the guy.

How to draw a jellyfish (and “jellyfish” coloring book).

This is another lesson from the series “Drawing the underwater world”. Who have we not already settled in our underwater kingdom? And there are... but... let me! - where are the jellyfish? Let's make up for this omission urgently!

It immediately becomes clear that since I have never been to the sea, have never seen living jellyfish, I have the vaguest idea about them... something like that they are some kind of vague creatures.

And to be more specific? Let's look at Wikipedia. It turns out that jellyfish are actually polyps and live on the bottom. But for the purpose of reproduction, they bud small larvae (strobili), and it is they who grow into those translucent umbrellas that sway in the waves.

What else it turned out is that jellyfish are structured somewhat similar to an octopus: the mouth is at the bottom in the middle, it is surrounded by tentacles.

On top is a dome, inside which is the digestive system, nerves and other organs. Jellyfish feed on plankton. And they themselves are part of plankton, so planktivorous fish even eat jellyfish. Or rather, not really - jellyfish have stinging cells on their tentacles, and they can sting sensitively. Jellyfish are composed almost entirely of water. Their body is jelly-like, but still not so much that it leaks through your fingers. They can swim by drawing water into the dome and squeezing it - well, I say: recognizable octopus style. However, among the inhabitants of the underwater world, such a reactive method of transportation is widespread.

We got acquainted with the idea of ​​a jellyfish, and now we will draw. There are many different photos on the Internet, I chose two.

Here is a jellyfish with a wide dome, under it there are many perioral lobes and long tentacles. Very similar to an umbrella and a mushroom.

Let's draw - lesson 1

In general, the difficulty will be in building a symmetrical dome. First, let's draw the axis of symmetry with a pencil and dance from it. We have already told you how to build a symmetrical figure -

Now let's draw long thin tentacles - and here is your first jellyfish coloring page:

I’ll color the drawn jellyfish a little for beauty.

Drawing Medusa - 2

And here’s another one - absolutely the spitting image of a champignon. This one is easier to draw, but let’s not relax – we’ll be vigilant about the symmetry of the resulting jellyfish!

So, we got the second coloring picture “Medusa”.

I learned to draw a jellyfish (and you along with me). Perhaps, in terms of complexity, this step-by-step lesson is suitable for first-graders - it’s more difficult, and for the preparatory group - it’s a second jellyfish for them.

And for five-year-olds, so be it, I’ll try my best - I’ll draw a simple jellyfish coloring page :

Among the simple and bright models for beginners to draw, we can highlight the jellyfish. An unforgettable sea creature, consisting of almost 100% water, will not leave anyone indifferent. The body is like an umbrella, a mushroom cap or a bell, long dangerous tentacles - you really want to transfer its outlines to paper. And if you add eyes and a smile, you get the cutest fairy-tale creature. So, how to draw a jellyfish in different ways?

Jellyfish in the sea

Whatever type of jellyfish is chosen for drawing, a centimeter-sized crumb or a meter-long giant, the way to draw a jellyfish step by step will be the same - a fleshy body, then a skirt and scorching tentacles. The mouth, which is located between the tentacles, will not be visible, as well as the eyes, of which some species have more than 20!

We start with the mushroom-shaped body - soft edges, like the hat of a forest dweller. No special corrections are needed - the watery top does not have clear contours, so the body is drawn with a slight movement, starting from the top line. Then the bottom line is added, the same wavy, natural one. The first sketches are made for the skirt separating the hunting tentacles from the main mass of the sting.

As if drawing the folds of a lady's skirt, we draw waves of folds on the body of the jellyfish. No sharp corners or strict lines - a soft foundation for the next step. Don’t forget that this part of the body, like the piece of clothing of the same name, will be circular, so you can draw a couple of folds that seem to be peeking out from the back of the sea animal.

Let's move on to the tentacles stage. There can be from several pieces to dozens, depending on the type of sea creature. Somewhat reminiscent of fingers or thick pasta, they need to be drawn, observing the basic principle - softness, wateriness and tenderness. We draw tentacles after tentacles, starting to draw lines from the skirt, returning there. The thicker each tentacle finger is, the fewer of them will fit under the frills of the jellyfish.

We move on to the final stage - making the finishing touches. Of course, a couple of air bubbles of different sizes, like a trace from a slimy beauty floating through the sea, although a real jellyfish breathes with its whole body. You can draw a speck of reflection on her hat, as if the sun was reflected in her translucent body.

With long tentacles

Everyone really likes to draw cartoon sea slimes, a couple of imaginary eyes, plus a grimace - and there you have it, a funny face with tentacles is ready. It seems that everyone knows how to draw a jellyfish with a pencil, but you can refine this algorithm in order to make such drawings automatically in the future - quickly, with pleasure.

We start the picture with the head - a slightly shapeless body with a blank for the location of the eyes. Although you can first draw circled eyes, and then a fleshy mushroom-like cap around them. A smiling mouth will immediately add emotional coloring to the future drawing.

Let's move on to the same type of work - stroke by stroke we draw long tentacles, some of them have stinging cells that serve to protect against a potential enemy and help obtain food. Length, thickness and quantity - at the request of the artist.

When all the tentacle arms are ready, the jellyfish’s face is decorated - the drawing is ready. A translucent, mysterious substance that fills entire seas on hot days is ready to float away into its painted sea, without which it will simply die and dry up.

Three jellyfish

If you don’t have confidence in your pencil, but want to draw a whole crowd of sea wasps, a hint on how to draw a jellyfish for beginners will come in handy, in which, in the simplest words, using elementary elements, a colorful picture is created. You will need a simple pencil, colored pencils, paints or other tools.

First of all, we draw three ovals of different sizes - these will be blanks for three jellyfish friends. It is optimal if the central model is larger. We begin to outline successful ovals with a colored pencil; for realism, we can make the lower edge of the oval with a bulge, as if it were the bottom of a hat or sides.

At this stage we outline all the heads and bodies. The softness of the lines and relative carelessness make the drawing look like real jellyfish - watery, blurry and shapeless, they seem to be part of a wave or the depths of the sea.

Next, move on to drawing tentacles - there can be from four to twenty. But for a simple drawing, a minimal amount is enough. It's easier to start with a larger representative. The tentacles with the baking substance should be fleshy and wavy.

When everything worked out for the largest individual, we bring the picture to readiness, completing the missing details for each of the small jellyfish. It’s amazing how such simple creatures float reactively - like underwater missiles, conquering kilometers of salt water.

You need to go through each of the jellyfish - not forgetting to draw such formidable tentacle threads on each one that leave baking marks even on thick human skin.

We give the contours of the burns the desired color - the workpiece is almost ready. A couple of air bubbles along the edges of the picture, reflections on the body of sea beauties and it’s time to move on to the last step.

The best part left is to decorate the finished drawing. Various shades of blue will convey the beauty of sea water - the darker the colors, the deeper the depicted character swims. Use lighter colors to paint the gas bubbles. And the jellyfish themselves can be filled with any color - even in real life they come in all possible shades and tints. Now the bright picture is ready, you can’t even say that every step was as easy as shelling pears.

Example for a child

To make an illustration for a children's fairy tale, it is better to give the animal a more friendly appearance, which means it must have a face and smile. Let's figure out how to draw a jellyfish for children so that they like it.

The very first thing is to make the outline of the gelatinous body of the bell. The double bottom line in the form of waves shows that our being is three-dimensional.

Let's move on to the stage of drawing the face. Although a real jellyfish has a mouth on the inside of its cap, it absorbs food through it and removes the remains of undigested particles; it will not be visible in the picture. In general, you need kind eyes plus a simple smile.

Draw the legs-tentacles. Simple stripes with which our jellyfish can float in the sea and defend itself from enemies. The quantity largely depends on the size of the pattern, on the thickness of each leg - they should be similar.

The final touch is to make our cutie colored, leaving only the whites of her eyes colorless.

It turned out wonderful, didn't it?

The daughter of the sea gods Phorcys and Keto, the granddaughter of the Earth goddess Gaia and the sea deity Pontus, the sea beauty Medusa captivated Poseidon with her beauty. Their romantic meeting took place in the temple of Athena. This outraged the goddess of war and, in revenge, Athena turned the young beauty into a monster, from whose gaze all living things turn into stone. The disfigured Medusa, hiding, moved to the lost island.

Years passed, but Athena did not forgive Medusa. When Perseus, the son of Danae and Zeus, promised to get the head of Medusa, Athena gave him a shield shining like a mirror so that the young man would look not at Medusa, but at her reflection. In turn, Hermes provided Perseus with a sickle to behead Medusa. Perseus acquired everything necessary to cope with Medusa and went to the Hyperboreans. Here, among petrified people and animals, Perseus found the sleeping Gorgon and beheaded her. From the streams of blood, Pegasus and Chriasor suddenly appeared - the children of Medusa and Poseidon.

Two photos of sculptures of Perseus with the severed head of the Gorgon.

Perseus hid his head in his bag, put on his invisibility cap and went south. At the place where Perseus flew, corals - gorgonians - were formed from drops of the Gorgon's blood in the sea, and on earth, snakes were born from drops of the Gorgon's blood.

Athena collected the destructive drops of Medusa’s blood in one vessel and the life-giving drops of Medusa’s blood in another and presented them to the healer Asclepius, who revived or killed people with the blood of Gorogon. Therefore, Asclepius is depicted with a staff entwined with a snake born from the blood of Medusa.

Even after death, the Gorgon's head did not lose its ability to turn everything into stone. When Atlas did not show Perseus proper hospitality, he turned him into a mountain, showing Atlas his severed head. Later, Athena attached Gorogona's head to her shield and terrified her enemies, turning them into stone with the help of her head.

Battle of the Gods - Medusa